## [0.0.12](https://gitlab.com/tangibleai/community/mathtext-fastapi/-/tags/0.0.12)

Improve NLU capabilities
- Improved handling for integers (1), floats (1.0), and text numbers (one)
- Integrates fuzzy keyword matching for 'easier', 'exit', 'harder', 'hint', 'next', 'stop'
- Integrates intent classification for user messages
- Improved conversation management system
- Created a data-driven quiz prototype

## [0.0.0](https://gitlab.com/tangibleai/community/mathtext-fastapi/-/tags/0.0.0)

Initial release
- Basic text to integer NLU evaluation of user responses
- Basic sentiment analysis evaluation of user responses
- Prototype conversation manager using finite state machines
- Support for logging of user message data