# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
import os | |
import numpy as np | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
import cv2 | |
import argparse | |
import typing | |
import h5py | |
# 解析命令行参数 | |
def parse_opt(known=False): | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument("--content_img_path", type=str, default="./images/1.jpg", help="原图路径") | |
parser.add_argument("--style_img_path", type=str, default="./images/style.jpg", help="风格图片路径") | |
parser.add_argument("--output_path", type=str, default="./output/1", help="生成图片保存路径") | |
parser.add_argument("--epochs", type=int, default=20, help="总训练轮数") | |
parser.add_argument("--step_per_epoch", type=int, default=100, help="每轮训练次数") | |
parser.add_argument("--learning_rate", type=float, default=0.01, help="学习率") | |
parser.add_argument("--content_loss_factor", type=float, default=1.0, help="内容损失总加权系数") | |
parser.add_argument("--style_loss_factor", type=float, default=100.0, help="风格损失总加权系数") | |
parser.add_argument("--img_size", type=int, default=0, help="图片尺寸,0代表不设置使用默认尺寸(450*300),输入1代表使用图片尺寸,其他输入代表使用自定义尺寸") | |
parser.add_argument("--img_width", type=int, default=450, help="自定义图片宽度") | |
parser.add_argument("--img_height", type=int, default=300, help="自定义图片高度") | |
opt = parser.parse_known_args()[0] if known else parser.parse_args() | |
return opt | |
def load_images(image_path, width, height): | |
""" | |
加载并处理图片,返回一个张量 | |
""" | |
x = | |
x = tf.image.decode_jpeg(x, channels=3) | |
x = tf.image.resize(x, [height, width]) | |
x = x / 255.0 | |
x = normalization(x) | |
x = tf.reshape(x, [1, height, width, 3]) | |
return x | |
def load_images_from_list(image_array, width, height): | |
""" | |
从numpy数组加载并处理图片,返回一个张量 | |
""" | |
x = tf.convert_to_tensor(image_array, dtype=tf.float32) | |
x = tf.image.resize(x, [height, width]) | |
x = x / 255.0 | |
x = normalization(x) | |
x = tf.reshape(x, [1, height, width, 3]) | |
return x | |
def save_image(image, filename): | |
""" | |
保存图片 | |
""" | |
x = tf.reshape(image, image.shape[1:]) | |
x = x * image_std + image_mean | |
x = x * 255.0 | |
x = tf.cast(x, tf.int32) | |
x = tf.clip_by_value(x, 0, 255) | |
x = tf.cast(x, tf.uint8) | |
x = tf.image.encode_jpeg(x) | |, x) | |
def save_image_for_gradio(image): | |
""" | |
将图片保存为numpy数组 | |
""" | |
x = tf.reshape(image, image.shape[1:]) | |
x = x * image_std + image_mean | |
x = x * 255.0 | |
x = tf.cast(x, tf.int32) | |
x = tf.clip_by_value(x, 0, 255) | |
x = tf.cast(x, tf.uint8) | |
numpy_array = x.numpy() # 将TensorFlow张量转换为numpy数组 | |
return numpy_array | |
def get_vgg19_model(layers): | |
""" | |
创建并初始化vgg19模型 | |
""" | |
vgg = tf.keras.applications.VGG19(include_top=False, weights="imagenet") | |
outputs = [vgg.get_layer(layer).output for layer in layers] | |
model = tf.keras.Model(vgg.input, outputs) | |
model.trainable = False | |
return model | |
class NeuralStyleTransferModel(tf.keras.Model): | |
def __init__(self, content_layers: typing.Dict[str, float], style_layers: typing.Dict[str, float]): | |
super(NeuralStyleTransferModel, self).__init__() | |
self.content_layers = content_layers | |
self.style_layers = style_layers | |
layers = list(self.content_layers.keys()) + list(self.style_layers.keys()) | |
self.outputs_index_map = dict(zip(layers, range(len(layers)))) | |
self.vgg = get_vgg19_model(layers) | |
def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None): | |
outputs = self.vgg(inputs) | |
content_outputs = [] | |
for layer, factor in self.content_layers.items(): | |
content_outputs.append((outputs[self.outputs_index_map[layer]][0], factor)) | |
style_outputs = [] | |
for layer, factor in self.style_layers.items(): | |
style_outputs.append((outputs[self.outputs_index_map[layer]][0], factor)) | |
return {"content": content_outputs, "style": style_outputs} | |
def normalization(x): | |
""" | |
对输入图片进行归一化处理,返回归一化后的值 | |
""" | |
return (x - image_mean) / image_std | |
def _compute_content_loss(noise_features, target_features): | |
""" | |
计算指定层上两个特征之间的内容损失 | |
""" | |
content_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(noise_features - target_features)) | |
x = 2.0 * M * N | |
content_loss = content_loss / x | |
return content_loss | |
def compute_content_loss(noise_content_features, target_content_features): | |
""" | |
计算并返回当前图片的内容损失 | |
""" | |
content_losses = [] | |
for (noise_feature, factor), (target_feature, _) in zip(noise_content_features, target_content_features): | |
layer_content_loss = _compute_content_loss(noise_feature, target_feature) | |
content_losses.append(layer_content_loss * factor) | |
return tf.reduce_sum(content_losses) | |
def gram_matrix(feature): | |
""" | |
计算给定特征的格拉姆矩阵 | |
""" | |
x = tf.transpose(feature, perm=[2, 0, 1]) | |
x = tf.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], -1)) | |
return x @ tf.transpose(x) | |
def _compute_style_loss(noise_feature, target_feature): | |
""" | |
计算指定层上两个特征之间的风格损失 | |
""" | |
noise_gram_matrix = gram_matrix(noise_feature) | |
style_gram_matrix = gram_matrix(target_feature) | |
style_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(noise_gram_matrix - style_gram_matrix)) | |
x = 4.0 * (M**2) * (N**2) | |
return style_loss / x | |
def compute_style_loss(noise_style_features, target_style_features): | |
""" | |
计算并返回图片的风格损失 | |
""" | |
style_losses = [] | |
for (noise_feature, factor), (target_feature, _) in zip(noise_style_features, target_style_features): | |
layer_style_loss = _compute_style_loss(noise_feature, target_feature) | |
style_losses.append(layer_style_loss * factor) | |
return tf.reduce_sum(style_losses) | |
def total_loss(noise_features, target_content_features, target_style_features): | |
""" | |
计算总损失 | |
""" | |
content_loss = compute_content_loss(noise_features["content"], target_content_features) | |
style_loss = compute_style_loss(noise_features["style"], target_style_features) | |
return content_loss * CONTENT_LOSS_FACTOR + style_loss * STYLE_LOSS_FACTOR | |
def train_one_step(model, noise_image, optimizer, target_content_features, target_style_features): | |
""" | |
一次迭代过程 | |
""" | |
with tf.GradientTape() as tape: | |
noise_outputs = model(noise_image) | |
loss = total_loss(noise_outputs, target_content_features, target_style_features) | |
grad = tape.gradient(loss, noise_image) | |
optimizer.apply_gradients([(grad, noise_image)]) | |
return loss | |
def main(content_img, style_img, epochs, step_per_epoch, learning_rate, content_loss_factor, style_loss_factor, img_size, img_width, img_height): | |
CONTENT_LOSS_FACTOR = content_loss_factor | |
STYLE_LOSS_FACTOR = style_loss_factor | |
CONTENT_IMAGE_PATH = content_img | |
STYLE_IMAGE_PATH = style_img | |
EPOCHS = epochs | |
LEARNING_RATE = learning_rate | |
STEPS_PER_EPOCH = step_per_epoch | |
# 内容特征层及损失加权系数 | |
CONTENT_LAYERS = {"block4_conv2": 0.5, "block5_conv2": 0.5} | |
# 风格特征层及损失加权系数 | |
"block1_conv1": 0.2, | |
"block2_conv1": 0.2, | |
"block3_conv1": 0.2, | |
"block4_conv1": 0.2, | |
"block5_conv1": 0.2, | |
} | |
if img_size == "default size": | |
IMG_WIDTH = 450 | |
IMG_HEIGHT = 300 | |
else: | |
IMG_WIDTH = img_width | |
IMG_HEIGHT = img_height | |
print("IMG_WIDTH:", IMG_WIDTH) | |
print("IMG_HEIGHT:", IMG_HEIGHT) | |
# 我们准备使用经典网络在imagenet数据集上的预训练权重,所以归一化时也要使用imagenet的平均值和标准差 | |
image_mean = tf.constant([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) | |
image_std = tf.constant([0.299, 0.224, 0.225]) | |
model = NeuralStyleTransferModel(CONTENT_LAYERS, STYLE_LAYERS) | |
content_image = load_images_from_list(CONTENT_IMAGE_PATH, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT) | |
style_image = load_images_from_list(STYLE_IMAGE_PATH, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT) | |
target_content_features = model(content_image)["content"] | |
target_style_features = model(style_image)["style"] | |
N = 3 | |
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(LEARNING_RATE) | |
noise_image = tf.Variable((content_image[0] + np.random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2, (1, IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH, 3))) / 2) | |
for epoch in range(EPOCHS): | |
with tqdm(total=STEPS_PER_EPOCH, desc="Epoch {}/{}".format(epoch + 1, EPOCHS)) as pbar: | |
for step in range(STEPS_PER_EPOCH): | |
_loss = train_one_step(model, noise_image, optimizer, target_content_features, target_style_features) | |
pbar.set_postfix({"loss": "%.4f" % float(_loss)}) | |
pbar.update(1) | |
return save_image_for_gradio(noise_image) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
opt = parse_opt() | |
main(opt.content_img_path, opt.style_img_path, opt.epochs, opt.step_per_epoch, opt.learning_rate, opt.content_loss_factor, opt.style_loss_factor, opt.img_size, opt.img_width, opt.img_height) | |