import numpy as np | |
from scipy.special import gammaln | |
def lambda_time(lam, t, time): | |
# This function computes the value of lambda. | |
# INPUT: | |
# - lam, t: arrays defining the (piecewise constant) function lambda(t); | |
# - time: time instants at which we want to evaluate lambda. | |
# OUTPUT: | |
# - lambda_time: value of lambda. | |
# NOTES: The function is vectorized in the array time. Indeed, | |
# it allows to compute kappa for all the time instants in the array time. | |
lambda_time = lam[np.searchsorted(t, time, side="right")] | |
return lambda_time | |
def compute_kappa_time(s_t, i_t, lam, t, time, phi, P): | |
# This function computes the value of kappa. | |
# INPUT: | |
# - s_t: number of susceptible individuals; | |
# - i_t: number of infected individuals; | |
# - lam, t: arrays defining the (piecewise constant) function lambda(t); | |
# - time: time instants at which we want to evaluate kappa; | |
# - phi: parameter phi of the model; | |
# - P: total number of individuals. | |
# OUTPUT: | |
# - kappa_time: value of kappa. | |
# NOTES: The function is vectorized in the arrays time, s_t and i_t. | |
# Indeed, it allows to compute kappa for all the time instants in | |
# the array time. It is required that time, s_t and i_t | |
# have the same dimension. | |
p_si_t = 1 - np.exp(-np.multiply(lambda_time(lam, t, time), i_t) / P) | |
kappa_time = (1/phi - 1) * np.multiply(s_t, p_si_t) | |
return kappa_time | |
def log_pi_lambda(lam, t, s, i, P, alpha, beta, phi): | |
# This function computes the (log-) full-conditional | |
# of the parameter vector lambda. | |
# INPUT: | |
# - lam: array of the values of lambda; | |
# - t: array of the breakpoints; | |
# - s: array of susceptible individuals during time; | |
# - i: array of infected individuals during time; | |
# - P: total number of individuals; | |
# - alpha, beta: hyperparameters of the prior of lambda; | |
# - phi: parameter phi of the model. | |
# OUTPUT: | |
# - result: (log-) full-conditional of lambda evaluated at lam. | |
T = s.shape[0] - 1 # Index of the final time instant. | |
time = np.arange(T + 1) # Array of all time instants. | |
# First, we initialize the result to -inf. If all the components of the | |
# vector lam are positive (i.e., the vector is admissible) we compute the | |
# (log-) full-conditional of lambda evaluated at lam and return the result. | |
result = np.NINF | |
if all(lam > 0): | |
kappa_vec = compute_kappa_time(s[:-1], i[:-1], lam, | |
t, time[:-1], phi, P) | |
result = (np.sum(gammaln(-np.diff(s) + kappa_vec) | |
+ kappa_vec * np.log(1 - phi) | |
- gammaln(kappa_vec)) | |
+ np.sum(np.log(np.power(lam, alpha-1)) | |
- np.multiply(beta, lam))) | |
return result | |
def log_pi_t(lam, t, s, i, P, phi): | |
# This function computes the (log-) full-conditional | |
# of the parameter vector t. | |
# INPUT: | |
# - lam: array of the values of lambda; | |
# - t: array of the breakpoints; | |
# - s: array of susceptible individuals during time; | |
# - i: array of infected individuals during time; | |
# - P: total number of individuals; | |
# - phi parameter phi of the model. | |
# OUTPUT: | |
# - result: (log-) full-conditional of t evaluated at t. | |
T = s.shape[0] - 1 # Index of the final time instant. | |
time = np.arange(T + 1) # Array of all time instants. | |
# First, we initialize the result to -inf. If we have that | |
# 0 < t_1 < t_2 < ... < t_(d-1) < T (i.e., the vector is admissible) | |
# we compute the (log-) full-conditional of t evaluated at t | |
# and return the result. | |
result = np.NINF | |
if np.all(np.diff(t) > 0) and t[0] > 0 and t[-1] < T: | |
kappa_vec = compute_kappa_time(s[:-1], i[:-1], lam, | |
t, time[:-1], phi, P) | |
result = np.sum(gammaln(-np.diff(s) + kappa_vec) | |
+ kappa_vec * np.log(1 - phi) | |
- gammaln(kappa_vec)) | |
return result | |
def simulate_data(T, lam, t, s_0, i_0, p_r, phi): | |
# This function simulates data according to the process described above. | |
# INPUT: | |
# - T: index of the final time instant; | |
# - lam, t: (true) arrays defining the function lambda(t); | |
# - s_0: initial number of susceptible individuals; | |
# - i_0: initial number of infected individuals; | |
# - p_r: (true) probability of removal from infected population; | |
# - phi: parameter phi of the model. | |
# OUTPUT: | |
# - s: array of susceptible individuals during time; | |
# - i: array of infected individuals during time. | |
# Compute the total number of individuals. | |
P = s_0 + i_0 | |
# Initialize the arrays s and t. | |
s = np.array([s_0]) | |
i = np.array([i_0]) | |
time = np.arange(T + 1) | |
for t_i in time: | |
# Draw a realization of delta_r. | |
delta_r = np.random.binomial(i[-1], p_r) | |
# Compute the kappa parameter at time t_i. | |
kappa = compute_kappa_time(s[-1], i[-1], lam, t, t_i, phi, P) | |
# Draw a realization of delta_i. | |
delta_i = np.random.negative_binomial(kappa, 1 - phi) | |
# Update s and i according to the model. | |
s = np.append(s, s[-1] - delta_i) | |
i = np.append(i, i[-1] + delta_i - delta_r) | |
return s, i | |