vancauwe's picture
feat: sync github with huggingface
history blame
5.5 kB
from typing import Tuple
import logging
import pandas as pd
from datasets import load_dataset
import streamlit as st
import folium
from streamlit_folium import st_folium
import whale_viewer as sw_wv
from fix_tabrender import js_show_zeroheight_iframe
m_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# we can set the log level locally for funcs in this module
# TODO: refactor so we have richer data: a tuple or dict combining
# the dropdown label, the tileset name, the attribution - everything
# needed to make the map logic simplified
tile_sets = [
'Open Street Map',
#'Stamen Terrain',
#'Stamen Toner',
'Esri Ocean',
'Esri Images',
'Stamen Watercolor',
'CartoDB Positron',
#'CartoDB Dark_Matter'
# a list of unique colours for each whale class (for the map)
_colors = [
"#FFD700", # Gold
"#FF5733", # Red
"#33FF57", # Green
"#3357FF", # Blue
"#FFFF33", # Yellow
"#FF33FF", # Magenta
"#33FFFF", # Cyan
"#FF8C00", # Dark Orange
"#8A2BE2", # Blue Violet
"#DEB887", # Burlywood
"#5F9EA0", # Cadet Blue
"#D2691E", # Chocolate
"#FF4500", # Orange Red
"#2E8B57", # Sea Green
"#DA70D6", # Orchid
"#FF6347", # Tomato
"#7FFF00", # Chartreuse
"#DDA0DD", # Plum
"#A0522D", # Sienna
"#4682B4", # Steel Blue
"#7B68EE", # Medium Slate Blue
"#F0E68C", # Khaki
"#B22222", # Firebrick
"#FF1493", # Deep Pink
"#FFFACD", # Lemon Chiffon
"#20B2AA", # Light Sea Green
"#778899" # Light Slate Gray
whale2color = {k: v for k, v in zip(sw_wv.WHALE_CLASSES, _colors)}
def create_map(tile_name:str, location:Tuple, zoom_start: int = 7):
# get teh attribtuions from here once we pick the 2-3-4 options
# make esri ocean the default
m = folium.Map(location=location, zoom_start=zoom_start,
tiles='Esri.OceanBasemap', attr="Esri")
#m = folium.Map(location=location, zoom_start=zoom_start)
attr = ""
if tile_name == 'Open Street Map':
elif tile_name == 'Esri Ocean':
pass # made this one default ()
#attr = "Esri"
#folium.TileLayer('Esri.OceanBasemap', attr=attr).add_to(m)
elif tile_name == 'Esri Images':
attr = "Esri — Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA"
#folium.TileLayer('stamenterrain', attr=attr).add_to(m)
folium.TileLayer('Esri.WorldImagery', attr=attr).add_to(m)
elif tile_name == 'Stamen Toner':
attr = "Stamen"
folium.TileLayer('stamentoner', attr=attr).add_to(m)
elif tile_name == 'Stamen Watercolor':
attr = "Stamen"
folium.TileLayer('Stadia.StamenWatercolor', attr=attr).add_to(m)
elif tile_name == 'CartoDB Positron':
folium.TileLayer('cartodb positron').add_to(m)
elif tile_name == 'CartoDB Dark_Matter':
folium.TileLayer('cartodb dark_matter').add_to(m)
return m
def present_obs_map(dataset_id:str = "Saving-Willy/Happywhale-kaggle",
data_files:str = "data/train-00000-of-00001.parquet",
dbg_show_extra:bool = False):
render a map, with a selectable tileset, and show markers for each of the whale
# load/download data from huggingface dataset
metadata = load_dataset(dataset_id, data_files=data_files)
# make a pandas df that is compliant with folium/streamlit maps
_df = pd.DataFrame({
'lat': metadata["train"]["latitude"],
'lon': metadata["train"]["longitude"],
'species': metadata["train"]["predicted_class"],}
if dbg_show_extra:
# add a few samples to visualise colours
_df.loc[len(_df)] = {'lat': 0, 'lon': 0, 'species': 'rough_toothed_dolphin'}
_df.loc[len(_df)] = {'lat': -3, 'lon': 0, 'species': 'pygmy_killer_whale'}
_df.loc[len(_df)] = {'lat': 45.7, 'lon': -2.6, 'species': 'humpback_whale'}
ocean_loc = 0, 10
selected_tile = st.selectbox("Choose a tile set", tile_sets, index=None, placeholder="Choose a tile set...", disabled=False)
map_ = create_map(selected_tile, ocean_loc, zoom_start=2)
icon=folium.Icon(color='blue', icon='info-sign')
for _, row in _df.iterrows():
c = whale2color.get(row['species'], 'red')
msg = f"[D] color for {row['species']} is {c}"
m_logger.debug(msg) # depends on m_logger logging level (*not* the main st app's logger)
kw = {"prefix": "fa", "color": 'gray', "icon_color": c, "icon": "binoculars" }
location=[row['lat'], row['lon']],
popup=f"{row['species']} ",
).add_to(map_)"Added marker for {row['name']} {row['lat']} {row['lon']}")
st_data = st_folium(map_, width=725)
# workaround for correctly showing js components in tabs
# this is just debug info --"[D]" + str(metadata.column_names))
return st_data