import logging from datetime import datetime import re from collections import deque import streamlit as st # some discussions with code snippets from: # # configure log parsing (seems to need some tweaking) _log_n_re = r'\[(\d+)\]' _log_date_re = r'(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d{3})' _log_mod_re = r'(\w+(?:\.\w+)*|__\w+__|<\w+>)' _log_func_re = r'(\w+|<\w+>)' _log_level_re = r'(\w+)' _log_msg_re = '(.*)' _sep = r' - ' log_pattern = re.compile(_log_n_re + _log_date_re + _sep + _log_mod_re + _sep + _log_func_re + _sep + _log_level_re + _sep + _log_msg_re) class StreamlitLogHandler(logging.Handler): """ Custom Streamlit log handler to display logs in a Streamlit container A custom logging handler for Streamlit applications that displays log messages in a Streamlit container. Attributes: container (streamlit.DeltaGenerator): The Streamlit container where log messages will be displayed. debug (bool): A flag to indicate whether to display debug messages. ansi_escape (re.Pattern): A compiled regular expression to remove ANSI escape sequences from log messages. log_area (streamlit.DeltaGenerator): An empty Streamlit container for log output. buffer (collections.deque): A deque buffer to store log messages with a maximum length. _n (int): A counter to keep track of the number of log messages seen. Methods: __init__(container, maxlen=15, debug=False): Initializes the StreamlitLogHandler with a Streamlit container, buffer length, and debug flag. n_elems(verb=False): Returns a string with the total number of elements seen and the number of elements in the buffer. If verb is True, returns a verbose string; otherwise, returns a concise string. emit(record): Processes a log record, formats it, appends it to the buffer, and displays it in the Streamlit container. Strips ANSI escape sequences from the log message if present. clear_logs(): Clears the log messages from the Streamlit container and the buffer. """ # Initialize a custom log handler with a Streamlit container for displaying logs def __init__(self, container, maxlen:int=15, debug:bool=False): #TODO: find the type for streamlit generic containers super().__init__() # Store the Streamlit container for log output self.container = container self.debug = debug self.ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])') # Regex to remove ANSI codes self.log_area = self.container.empty() # Prepare an empty conatiner for log output self.buffer = deque(maxlen=maxlen) self._n = 0 def n_elems(self, verb:bool=False) -> str: """ Return a string with the number of elements seen and the number of elements in the buffer. Args: verb (bool): If True, returns a verbose string. Defaults to False. Returns: str: A string representing the total number of elements seen and the number of elements in the buffer. """ ''' return a string with num elements seen and num elements in buffer ''' if verb: return f"total: {self._n}|| in buffer:{len(self.buffer)}" return f"{self._n}||{len(self.buffer)}" def emit(self, record): self._n += 1 msg = f"[{self._n}]" + self.format(record) self.buffer.append(msg) clean_msg = self.ansi_escape.sub('', msg) # Strip ANSI codes if self.debug: self.log_area.markdown(clean_msg) def clear_logs(self) -> None: """ Clears the log area and buffer. This method empties the log area to remove any previous logs and clears the buffer to reset the log storage. """ self.log_area.empty() # Clear previous logs self.buffer.clear() # Set up logging to capture all info level logs from the root logger @st.cache_resource def setup_logging(level:int=logging.INFO, buffer_len:int=15) -> StreamlitLogHandler: """ Set up logging for the application using Streamlit's container for log display. Args: level (int): The logging level (e.g., logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG). Default is logging.INFO. buffer_len (int): The maximum number of log messages to display in the Streamlit container. Default is 15. Returns: StreamlitLogHandler: The handler that has been added to the root logger. """ root_logger = logging.getLogger() # Get the root logger log_container = st.container() # Create a container within which we display logs handler = StreamlitLogHandler(log_container, maxlen=buffer_len) handler.setLevel(level) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(funcName)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) root_logger.addHandler(handler) #if 'handler' not in st.session_state: # st.session_state['handler'] = handler return handler def parse_log_buffer(log_contents: deque) -> list: """ Convert log buffer to a list of dictionaries. Args: log_contents (deque): A deque containing log lines as strings. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries, each representing a parsed log entry with the following keys: - 'timestamp' (datetime): The timestamp of the log entry. - 'n' (str): The log entry number. - 'level' (str): The log level (e.g., INFO, ERROR). - 'module' (str): The name of the module. - 'func' (str): The name of the function. - 'message' (str): The log message. """ j = 0 records = [] for line in log_contents: if line: # Skip empty lines j+=1 try: # regex to parsse log lines, with an example line: # '[1]2024-11-09 11:19:06,688 - task - run - INFO - 🏃 Running task ' match = log_pattern.match(line) if match: n, timestamp_str, name, func_name, level, message = match.groups() # Convert timestamp string to datetime timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f') records.append({ 'timestamp': timestamp, 'n': n, 'level': level, 'module': name, 'func': func_name, 'message': message }) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to parse line: {line}") print(f"Error: {e}") continue return records def demo_log_callback() -> None: '''function to demo adding log entries''' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.debug("debug message")"info message") logger.warning("warning message") logger.error("error message") logger.critical("critical message") if __name__ == "__main__": # create a logging handler for streamlit + regular python logging module handler = setup_logging() # get buffered log data and parse, ready for display as dataframe records = parse_log_buffer(handler.buffer) c1, c2 = st.columns([1, 3]) with c1: button = st.button("do something", on_click=demo_log_callback) with c2:"Length of records: {len(records)}") #tab = st.table(records) tab = st.dataframe(records[::-1], use_container_width=True) # scrollable, selectable.