from typing import List import streamlit as st from streamlit.delta_generator import DeltaGenerator from PIL import Image import pandas as pd import os WHALE_CLASSES = [ "beluga", "blue_whale", "bottlenose_dolphin", "brydes_whale", "commersons_dolphin", "common_dolphin", "cuviers_beaked_whale", "dusky_dolphin", "false_killer_whale", "fin_whale", "frasiers_dolphin", "gray_whale", "humpback_whale", "killer_whale", "long_finned_pilot_whale", "melon_headed_whale", "minke_whale", "pantropic_spotted_dolphin", "pygmy_killer_whale", "rough_toothed_dolphin", "sei_whale", "short_finned_pilot_whale", "southern_right_whale", "spinner_dolphin", "spotted_dolphin", "white_sided_dolphin", ] WHALE_IMAGES = [ "beluga.webp", "blue-whale.webp", "bottlenose_dolphin.webp", "brydes.webp", "common_dolphin.webp", "common_dolphin.webp", "cuviers_beaked_whale.webp", "common_dolphin.webp", "false-killer-whale.webp", "fin-whale.webp", "fin-whale.webp", "gray-whale.webp", "Humpback.webp", "killer_whale.webp", "640x427-long-finned-pilot-whale.webp", "melon.webp", "minke-whale.webp", "pantropical-spotted-dolphin.webp", "pygmy-killer-whale.webp", "rough-toothed-dolphin.webp", "sei.webp", "Whale_Short-Finned_Pilot-markedDW.png", ## Background "640x427-southern-right-whale.jpg", ## background "spinner.webp", "pantropical-spotted-dolphin.webp", ## duplicate also used for "640x427-atlantic-white-sided-dolphin.jpg", ##background ] WHALE_REFERENCES = [ "", "", "", "", "'s_dolphin", #"commersons_dolphin - reference missing - classification to be verified", ## class matching to be verified "", "", "", #"dusky_dolphin - reference missing - classification to be verified", ## class matching to be verified "", "", "", #"frasiers_dolphin - reference missing - classification to be verified", ## class matching to be verified "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ] # Create a dataframe df_whale_img_ref = pd.DataFrame( { "WHALE_CLASSES": WHALE_CLASSES, "WHALE_IMAGES": WHALE_IMAGES, "WHALE_REFERENCES": WHALE_REFERENCES, } ).set_index("WHALE_CLASSES") def format_whale_name(whale_class:str) -> str: """ Formats a whale class name for display Args: whale_class (str): The class name of the whale, with words separated by underscores. Returns: str: The formatted whale name with spaces instead of underscores and each word capitalized. """ whale_name = whale_class.replace("_", " ").title() return whale_name def display_whale(whale_classes:List[str], i:int, viewcontainer:DeltaGenerator=None) -> None: """ Display whale image and reference to the provided viewcontainer. Args: whale_classes (List[str]): A list of whale class names. i (int): The index of the whale class to display. viewcontainer (streamlit.delta_generator.DeltaGenerator): The container to display the whale information. If not provided, use the current streamlit context (works via 'with `container`' syntax) Returns: None """ if viewcontainer is None: viewcontainer = st # validate the input i should be within the range of the whale_classes if i >= len(whale_classes): raise ValueError(f"Index {i} is out of range. The whale_classes list has only {len(whale_classes)} elements.") # validate the existence of the whale class in the dataframe as a row key if whale_classes[i] not in df_whale_img_ref.index: raise ValueError(f"Whale class {whale_classes[i]} not found in the dataframe.") viewcontainer.markdown( ":whale: #" + str(i + 1) + ": " + format_whale_name(whale_classes[i]) ) current_dir = os.getcwd() image_path = os.path.join(current_dir, "src/images/references/") image = + df_whale_img_ref.loc[whale_classes[i], "WHALE_IMAGES"]) viewcontainer.image(image, caption=df_whale_img_ref.loc[whale_classes[i], "WHALE_REFERENCES"], use_column_width=True)