import logging import os import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import folium from streamlit_folium import st_folium from transformers import pipeline from transformers import AutoModelForImageClassification from maps.obs_map import add_header_text from datasets import disable_caching disable_caching() import whale_gallery as gallery import whale_viewer as viewer from input.input_handling import setup_input, check_inputs_are_set from maps.alps_map import present_alps_map from maps.obs_map import present_obs_map from utils.st_logs import setup_logging, parse_log_buffer from utils.workflow_state import WorkflowFSM, FSM_STATES from classifier.classifier_image import cetacean_classify from classifier.classifier_hotdog import hotdog_classify # setup for the ML model on huggingface (our wrapper) os.environ["PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION"] = "python" #classifier_revision = '0f9c15e2db4d64e7f622ade518854b488d8d35e6' classifier_revision = 'main' # default/latest version # and the dataset of observations (hf dataset in our space) dataset_id = "Saving-Willy/temp_dataset" data_files = "data/train-00000-of-00001.parquet" USE_BASIC_MAP = False DEV_SIDEBAR_LIB = True # get a global var for logger accessor in this module LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG g_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) g_logger.setLevel(LOG_LEVEL) st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # initialise various session state variables if "handler" not in st.session_state: st.session_state['handler'] = setup_logging() if "image_hashes" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.image_hashes = [] # TODO: ideally just use image_hashes, but need a unique key for the ui elements # to track the user input phase; and these are created before the hash is generated. if "image_filenames" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.image_filenames = [] if "observations" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.observations = {} if "images" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.images = {} if "files" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.files = {} if "public_observation" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.public_observation = {} if "classify_whale_done" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.classify_whale_done = False if "whale_prediction1" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.whale_prediction1 = None if "tab_log" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.tab_log = None if "workflow_fsm" not in st.session_state: # create and init the state machine st.session_state.workflow_fsm = WorkflowFSM(FSM_STATES) # add progress indicator to session_state if "progress" not in st.session_state: with st.sidebar: st.session_state.disp_progress = [st.empty(), st.empty()] def refresh_progress(): with st.sidebar: tot = st.session_state.workflow_fsm.num_states cur_i = st.session_state.workflow_fsm.current_state_index cur_t = st.session_state.workflow_fsm.current_state st.session_state.disp_progress[0].markdown(f"*Progress: {cur_i}/{tot}. Current: {cur_t}.*") st.session_state.disp_progress[1].progress(cur_i/tot) def main() -> None: """ Main entry point to set up the streamlit UI and run the application. The organisation is as follows: 1. observation input (a new observations) is handled in the sidebar 2. the rest of the interface is organised in tabs: - cetean classifier - hotdog classifier - map to present the obersvations - table of recent log entries - gallery of whale images The majority of the tabs are instantiated from modules. Currently the two classifiers are still in-line here. """"App started.") g_logger.warning(f"[D] Streamlit version: {st.__version__}. Python version: {os.sys.version}") #g_logger.debug("debug message")"info message") #g_logger.warning("warning message") # Streamlit app tab_inference, tab_hotdogs, tab_map, tab_coords, tab_log, tab_gallery = \ st.tabs(["Cetecean classifier", "Hotdog classifier", "Map", "*:gray[Dev:coordinates]*", "Log", "Beautiful cetaceans"]) st.session_state.tab_log = tab_log refresh_progress() # add button to sidebar, with the callback to refesh_progress st.sidebar.button("Refresh Progress", on_click=refresh_progress) # create a sidebar, and parse all the input (returned as `observations` object) setup_input(viewcontainer=st.sidebar) if 0:## WIP # goal of this code is to allow the user to override the ML prediction, before transmitting an observations predicted_class = st.sidebar.selectbox("Predicted Class", viewer.WHALE_CLASSES) override_prediction = st.sidebar.checkbox("Override Prediction") if override_prediction: overridden_class = st.sidebar.selectbox("Override Class", viewer.WHALE_CLASSES) st.session_state.observations['class_overriden'] = overridden_class else: st.session_state.observations['class_overriden'] = None with tab_map: # visual structure: a couple of toggles at the top, then the map inlcuding a # dropdown for tileset selection. add_header_text() tab_map_ui_cols = st.columns(2) with tab_map_ui_cols[0]: show_db_points = st.toggle("Show Points from DB", True) with tab_map_ui_cols[1]: dbg_show_extra = st.toggle("Show Extra points (test)", False) if show_db_points: # show a nicer map, observations marked, tileset selectable. st_observation = present_obs_map( dataset_id=dataset_id, data_files=data_files, dbg_show_extra=dbg_show_extra) else: # development map. st_observation = present_alps_map() with tab_log: handler = st.session_state['handler'] if handler is not None: records = parse_log_buffer(handler.buffer) st.dataframe(records[::-1], use_container_width=True,)"Length of records: {len(records)}") else: st.error("⚠️ No log handler found!") with tab_coords: # the goal of this tab is to allow selection of the new obsvation's location by map click/adjust. st.markdown("Coming later! :construction:") st.markdown( f"""*The goal is to allow interactive definition for the coordinates of a new observation, by click/drag points on the map.*""") st.write("Click on the map to capture a location.") #m = folium.Map(location=visp_loc, zoom_start=7) mm = folium.Map(location=[39.949610, -75.150282], zoom_start=16) folium.Marker( [39.949610, -75.150282], popup="Liberty Bell", tooltip="Liberty Bell" ).add_to(mm) st_data2 = st_folium(mm, width=725) st.write("below the map...") if st_data2['last_clicked'] is not None: print(st_data2)['last_clicked']) with tab_gallery: # here we make a container to allow filtering css properties # specific to the gallery (otherwise we get side effects) tg_cont = st.container(key="swgallery") with tg_cont: gallery.render_whale_gallery(n_cols=4) # Display submitted observation all_inputs_set = check_inputs_are_set(debug=True) if not all_inputs_set: st.sidebar.button(":gray[*Validate*]", disabled=True, help="Please fill in all fields.") else: if st.session_state.workflow_fsm.is_in_state('init'): st.session_state.workflow_fsm.complete_current_state() if st.sidebar.button("**Validate**"): if st.session_state.workflow_fsm.is_in_state('data_entry_complete'): st.session_state.workflow_fsm.complete_current_state() # create a dictionary with the submitted observation"{st.session_state.observations}") df = pd.DataFrame(st.session_state.observations, index=[0]) with tab_coords: st.table(df) # inside the inference tab, on button press we call the model (on huggingface hub) # which will be run locally. # - the model predicts the top 3 most likely species from the input image # - these species are shown # - the user can override the species prediction using the dropdown # - an observation is uploaded if the user chooses. tab_inference.markdown(""" *Run classifer to identify the species of cetean on the uploaded image. Once inference is complete, the top three predictions are shown. You can override the prediction by selecting a species from the dropdown.*""") if tab_inference.button("Identify with cetacean classifier"): #pipe = pipeline("image-classification", model="Saving-Willy/cetacean-classifier", trust_remote_code=True) cetacean_classifier = AutoModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained("Saving-Willy/cetacean-classifier", revision=classifier_revision, trust_remote_code=True) if st.session_state.images is None: # TODO: cleaner design to disable the button until data input done?"Please upload an image first.") else: cetacean_classify(cetacean_classifier) # inside the hotdog tab, on button press we call a 2nd model (totally unrelated at present, just for demo # purposes, an hotdog image classifier) which will be run locally. # - this model predicts if the image is a hotdog or not, and returns probabilities # - the input image is the same as for the ceteacean classifier - defined in the sidebar tab_hotdogs.title("Hot Dog? Or Not?") tab_hotdogs.write(""" *Run alternative classifer on input images. Here we are using a binary classifier - hotdog or not - from*""") if tab_hotdogs.button("Get Hotdog Prediction"): pipeline_hot_dog = pipeline(task="image-classification", model="julien-c/hotdog-not-hotdog") if st.session_state.image is None:"Please upload an image first.") else: hotdog_classify(pipeline_hot_dog, tab_hotdogs) # after all other processing, we can show the stage/state refresh_progress() if __name__ == "__main__": main()