docs: added docstrings and return type hints
history blame
7.77 kB
import logging
from datetime import datetime
import re
from collections import deque
import streamlit as st
# some discussions with code snippets from:
# https://discuss.streamlit.io/t/capture-and-display-logger-in-ui/69136
# configure log parsing (seems to need some tweaking)
_log_n_re = r'\[(\d+)\]'
_log_date_re = r'(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d{3})'
_log_mod_re = r'(\w+(?:\.\w+)*|__\w+__|<\w+>)'
_log_func_re = r'(\w+|<\w+>)'
_log_level_re = r'(\w+)'
_log_msg_re = '(.*)'
_sep = r' - '
log_pattern = re.compile(_log_n_re + _log_date_re + _sep + _log_mod_re + _sep +
_log_func_re + _sep + _log_level_re + _sep + _log_msg_re)
class StreamlitLogHandler(logging.Handler):
Custom Streamlit log handler to display logs in a Streamlit container
A custom logging handler for Streamlit applications that displays log
messages in a Streamlit container.
container (streamlit.DeltaGenerator): The Streamlit container where log messages will be displayed.
debug (bool): A flag to indicate whether to display debug messages.
ansi_escape (re.Pattern): A compiled regular expression to remove ANSI escape sequences from log messages.
log_area (streamlit.DeltaGenerator): An empty Streamlit container for log output.
buffer (collections.deque): A deque buffer to store log messages with a maximum length.
_n (int): A counter to keep track of the number of log messages seen.
__init__(container, maxlen=15, debug=False):
Initializes the StreamlitLogHandler with a Streamlit container, buffer length, and debug flag.
Returns a string with the total number of elements seen and the number of elements in the buffer.
If verb is True, returns a verbose string; otherwise, returns a concise string.
Processes a log record, formats it, appends it to the buffer, and displays it in the Streamlit container.
Strips ANSI escape sequences from the log message if present.
Clears the log messages from the Streamlit container and the buffer.
# Initialize a custom log handler with a Streamlit container for displaying logs
def __init__(self, container, maxlen:int=15, debug:bool=False):
#TODO: find the type for streamlit generic containers
# Store the Streamlit container for log output
self.container = container
self.debug = debug
self.ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])') # Regex to remove ANSI codes
self.log_area = self.container.empty() # Prepare an empty conatiner for log output
self.buffer = deque(maxlen=maxlen)
self._n = 0
def n_elems(self, verb:bool=False) -> str:
Return a string with the number of elements seen and the number of elements in the buffer.
verb (bool): If True, returns a verbose string. Defaults to False.
str: A string representing the total number of elements seen and the number of elements in the buffer.
''' return a string with num elements seen and num elements in buffer '''
if verb:
return f"total: {self._n}|| in buffer:{len(self.buffer)}"
return f"{self._n}||{len(self.buffer)}"
def emit(self, record):
self._n += 1
msg = f"[{self._n}]" + self.format(record)
clean_msg = self.ansi_escape.sub('', msg) # Strip ANSI codes
if self.debug:
def clear_logs(self) -> None:
Clears the log area and buffer.
This method empties the log area to remove any previous logs and clears the buffer to reset the log storage.
self.log_area.empty() # Clear previous logs
# Set up logging to capture all info level logs from the root logger
def setup_logging(level:int=logging.INFO, buffer_len:int=15) -> StreamlitLogHandler:
Set up logging for the application using Streamlit's container for log display.
level (int): The logging level (e.g., logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG). Default is logging.INFO.
buffer_len (int): The maximum number of log messages to display in the Streamlit container. Default is 15.
StreamlitLogHandler: The handler that has been added to the root logger.
root_logger = logging.getLogger() # Get the root logger
log_container = st.container() # Create a container within which we display logs
handler = StreamlitLogHandler(log_container, maxlen=buffer_len)
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(funcName)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
#if 'handler' not in st.session_state:
# st.session_state['handler'] = handler
return handler
def parse_log_buffer(log_contents: deque) -> list:
Convert log buffer to a list of dictionaries.
log_contents (deque): A deque containing log lines as strings.
list: A list of dictionaries, each representing a parsed log entry with the following keys:
- 'timestamp' (datetime): The timestamp of the log entry.
- 'n' (str): The log entry number.
- 'level' (str): The log level (e.g., INFO, ERROR).
- 'module' (str): The name of the module.
- 'func' (str): The name of the function.
- 'message' (str): The log message.
j = 0
records = []
for line in log_contents:
if line: # Skip empty lines
# regex to parsse log lines, with an example line:
# '[1]2024-11-09 11:19:06,688 - task - run - INFO - πŸƒ Running task '
match = log_pattern.match(line)
if match:
n, timestamp_str, name, func_name, level, message = match.groups()
# Convert timestamp string to datetime
timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f')
'timestamp': timestamp,
'n': n,
'level': level,
'module': name,
'func': func_name,
'message': message
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to parse line: {line}")
print(f"Error: {e}")
return records
def demo_log_callback() -> None:
'''function to demo adding log entries'''
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.debug("debug message")
logger.info("info message")
logger.warning("warning message")
logger.error("error message")
logger.critical("critical message")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# create a logging handler for streamlit + regular python logging module
handler = setup_logging()
# get buffered log data and parse, ready for display as dataframe
records = parse_log_buffer(handler.buffer)
c1, c2 = st.columns([1, 3])
with c1:
button = st.button("do something", on_click=demo_log_callback)
with c2:
st.info(f"Length of records: {len(records)}")
#tab = st.table(records)
tab = st.dataframe(records[::-1], use_container_width=True) # scrollable, selectable.