# Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # import time import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, writers from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from tqdm import tqdm from common.utils import read_video def ckpt_time(ckpt=None, display=0, desc=''): if not ckpt: return time.time() else: if display: print(desc + ' consume time {:0.4f}'.format(time.time() - float(ckpt))) return time.time() - float(ckpt), time.time() def set_equal_aspect(ax, data): """ Create white cubic bounding box to make sure that 3d axis is in equal aspect. :param ax: 3D axis :param data: shape of(frames, 3), generated from BVH using convert_bvh2dataset.py """ X, Y, Z = data[..., 0], data[..., 1], data[..., 2] # Create cubic bounding box to simulate equal aspect ratio max_range = np.array([X.max() - X.min(), Y.max() - Y.min(), Z.max() - Z.min()]).max() Xb = 0.5 * max_range * np.mgrid[-1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][0].flatten() + 0.5 * (X.max() + X.min()) Yb = 0.5 * max_range * np.mgrid[-1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][1].flatten() + 0.5 * (Y.max() + Y.min()) Zb = 0.5 * max_range * np.mgrid[-1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][2].flatten() + 0.5 * (Z.max() + Z.min()) for xb, yb, zb in zip(Xb, Yb, Zb): ax.plot([xb], [yb], [zb], 'w') def downsample_tensor(X, factor): length = X.shape[0] // factor * factor return np.mean(X[:length].reshape(-1, factor, *X.shape[1:]), axis=1) def render_animation(keypoints, poses, skeleton, fps, bitrate, azim, output, viewport, limit=-1, downsample=1, size=6, input_video_path=None, input_video_skip=0): """ TODO Render an animation. The supported output modes are: -- 'interactive': display an interactive figure (also works on notebooks if associated with %matplotlib inline) -- 'html': render the animation as HTML5 video. Can be displayed in a notebook using HTML(...). -- 'filename.mp4': render and export the animation as an h264 video (requires ffmpeg). -- 'filename.gif': render and export the animation a gif file (requires imagemagick). """ plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(size * (1 + len(poses)), size)) ax_in = fig.add_subplot(1, 1 + len(poses), 1) ax_in.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax_in.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax_in.set_axis_off() ax_in.set_title('Input') # prevent wired error _ = Axes3D.__class__.__name__ ax_3d = [] lines_3d = [] trajectories = [] radius = 1.7 for index, (title, data) in enumerate(poses.items()): ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1 + len(poses), index + 2, projection='3d') ax.view_init(elev=15., azim=azim) ax.set_xlim3d([-radius / 2, radius / 2]) ax.set_zlim3d([0, radius]) ax.set_ylim3d([-radius / 2, radius / 2]) # ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_zticklabels([]) ax.dist = 12.5 ax.set_title(title) # , pad=35 ax_3d.append(ax) lines_3d.append([]) trajectories.append(data[:, 0, [0, 1]]) poses = list(poses.values()) # Decode video if input_video_path is None: # Black background all_frames = np.zeros((keypoints.shape[0], viewport[1], viewport[0]), dtype='uint8') else: # Load video using ffmpeg all_frames = [] for f in read_video(input_video_path, fps=None, skip=input_video_skip): all_frames.append(f) effective_length = min(keypoints.shape[0], len(all_frames)) all_frames = all_frames[:effective_length] if downsample > 1: keypoints = downsample_tensor(keypoints, downsample) all_frames = downsample_tensor(np.array(all_frames), downsample).astype('uint8') for idx in range(len(poses)): poses[idx] = downsample_tensor(poses[idx], downsample) trajectories[idx] = downsample_tensor(trajectories[idx], downsample) fps /= downsample initialized = False image = None lines = [] points = None if limit < 1: limit = len(all_frames) else: limit = min(limit, len(all_frames)) parents = skeleton.parents() pbar = tqdm(total=limit) def update_video(i): nonlocal initialized, image, lines, points for n, ax in enumerate(ax_3d): ax.set_xlim3d([-radius / 2 + trajectories[n][i, 0], radius / 2 + trajectories[n][i, 0]]) ax.set_ylim3d([-radius / 2 + trajectories[n][i, 1], radius / 2 + trajectories[n][i, 1]]) # Update 2D poses if not initialized: image = ax_in.imshow(all_frames[i], aspect='equal') for j, j_parent in enumerate(parents): if j_parent == -1: continue # if len(parents) == keypoints.shape[1] and 1 == 2: # # Draw skeleton only if keypoints match (otherwise we don't have the parents definition) # lines.append(ax_in.plot([keypoints[i, j, 0], keypoints[i, j_parent, 0]], # [keypoints[i, j, 1], keypoints[i, j_parent, 1]], color='pink')) col = 'red' if j in skeleton.joints_right() else 'black' for n, ax in enumerate(ax_3d): pos = poses[n][i] lines_3d[n].append(ax.plot([pos[j, 0], pos[j_parent, 0]], [pos[j, 1], pos[j_parent, 1]], [pos[j, 2], pos[j_parent, 2]], zdir='z', c=col)) points = ax_in.scatter(*keypoints[i].T, 5, color='red', edgecolors='white', zorder=10) initialized = True else: image.set_data(all_frames[i]) for j, j_parent in enumerate(parents): if j_parent == -1: continue # if len(parents) == keypoints.shape[1] and 1 == 2: # lines[j - 1][0].set_data([keypoints[i, j, 0], keypoints[i, j_parent, 0]], # [keypoints[i, j, 1], keypoints[i, j_parent, 1]]) for n, ax in enumerate(ax_3d): pos = poses[n][i] lines_3d[n][j - 1][0].set_xdata(np.array([pos[j, 0], pos[j_parent, 0]])) # Hotfix matplotlib's bug. https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/20555 lines_3d[n][j - 1][0].set_ydata([pos[j, 1], pos[j_parent, 1]]) lines_3d[n][j - 1][0].set_3d_properties([pos[j, 2], pos[j_parent, 2]], zdir='z') points.set_offsets(keypoints[i]) pbar.update() fig.tight_layout() anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update_video, frames=limit, interval=1000.0 / fps, repeat=False) if output.endswith('.mp4'): Writer = writers['ffmpeg'] writer = Writer(fps=fps, metadata={}, bitrate=bitrate) anim.save(output, writer=writer) elif output.endswith('.gif'): anim.save(output, dpi=60, writer='imagemagick') else: raise ValueError('Unsupported output format (only .mp4 and .gif are supported)') pbar.close() plt.close() def render_animation_test(keypoints, poses, skeleton, fps, bitrate, azim, output, viewport, limit=-1, downsample=1, size=6, input_video_frame=None, input_video_skip=0, num=None): t0 = ckpt_time() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) fig.add_subplot(121) plt.imshow(input_video_frame) # 3D ax = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d') ax.view_init(elev=15., azim=azim) # set 长度范围 radius = 1.7 ax.set_xlim3d([-radius / 2, radius / 2]) ax.set_zlim3d([0, radius]) ax.set_ylim3d([-radius / 2, radius / 2]) ax.set_aspect('equal') # 坐标轴刻度 ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_zticklabels([]) ax.dist = 7.5 # lxy add ax.set_xlabel('X Label') ax.set_ylabel('Y Label') ax.set_zlabel('Z Label') # array([-1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 8, 11, 12, 8, 14, 15]) parents = skeleton.parents() pos = poses['Reconstruction'][-1] _, t1 = ckpt_time(t0, desc='1 ') for j, j_parent in enumerate(parents): if j_parent == -1: continue if len(parents) == keypoints.shape[1]: color_pink = 'pink' if j == 1 or j == 2: color_pink = 'black' col = 'red' if j in skeleton.joints_right() else 'black' # 画图3D ax.plot([pos[j, 0], pos[j_parent, 0]], [pos[j, 1], pos[j_parent, 1]], [pos[j, 2], pos[j_parent, 2]], zdir='z', c=col) # plt.savefig('test/3Dimage_{}.png'.format(1000+num)) width, height = fig.get_size_inches() * fig.get_dpi() _, t2 = ckpt_time(t1, desc='2 ') canvas.draw() # draw the canvas, cache the renderer image = np.fromstring(canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype='uint8').reshape(int(height), int(width), 3) cv2.imshow('im', image) cv2.waitKey(5) _, t3 = ckpt_time(t2, desc='3 ') return image