from collections import defaultdict import json import random import requests import streamlit as st from datetime import datetime, timedelta from youtube_transcript_api import YouTubeTranscriptApi from utils.helpers import display_progress_bar, create_notification, format_datetime from file_upload_vectorize import upload_resource, extract_text_from_file, create_vector_store, resources_collection, model, assignment_submit from db import courses_collection2, chat_history_collection, students_collection, faculty_collection, vectors_collection from chatbot import give_chat_response from bson import ObjectId from live_polls import LivePollFeature import pandas as pd import as px from dotenv import load_dotenv import os from pymongo import MongoClient from gen_mcqs import ( generate_mcqs, save_pre_class_quiz, save_quiz, save_surprise_quiz, quizzes_collection, surprise_quizzes_collection, get_student_quiz_score, get_student_surprise_quiz_score, submit_quiz_answers, submit_surprise_quiz_answers ) from create_course import courses_collection # from pre_class_analytics import NovaScholarAnalytics from pre_class_analytics2 import NovaScholarAnalytics import openai from openai import OpenAI import google.generativeai as genai from google.generativeai import caching from goals2 import GoalAnalyzer from openai import OpenAI import asyncio import numpy as np import re from analytics import derive_analytics, create_embeddings, cosine_similarity from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import streamlit.components.v1 as components from live_chat_feature import display_live_chat_interface from code_playground import display_code_playground from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from rubrics import display_rubrics_tab from subjective_test_evaluation import evaluate_subjective_answers, display_evaluation_to_faculty # Load environment variables load_dotenv() MONGO_URI = os.getenv('MONGO_URI') PERPLEXITY_API_KEY = os.getenv('PERPLEXITY_KEY') OPENAI_API_KEY = os.getenv('OPENAI_KEY') client = MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = client["novascholar_db"] polls_collection = db["polls"] subjective_tests_collection = db["subjective_tests"] subjective_test_evaluation_collection = db["subjective_test_evaluation"] assignment_evaluation_collection = db["assignment_evaluation"] subjective_tests_collection = db["subjective_tests"] synoptic_store_collection = db["synoptic_store"] assignments_collection = db["assignments"] pre_subjective_test_evaluation_collection = db["pre_subjective_test_evaluation"] pre_subjective_tests_collection = db["pre_subjective_tests"] chat_time_collection = db["chat_time"] # for implementing Context Caching: # PROJECT_ID = "novascholar-446709" # vertexai.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location="us-west4") def get_current_user(): if 'current_user' not in st.session_state: return None return students_collection.find_one({"_id": st.session_state.user_id}) # def display_preclass_content(session, student_id, course_id): """Display pre-class materials for a session""" # Initialize 'messages' in session_state if it doesn't exist if 'messages' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.messages = [] # Display pre-class materials materials = list(resources_collection.find({"course_id": course_id, "session_id": session['session_id']})) st.subheader("Pre-class Materials") if materials: for material in materials: with st.expander(f"{material['file_name']} ({material['material_type'].upper()})"): file_type = material.get('file_type', 'unknown') if file_type == 'application/pdf': st.markdown(f"📑 [Open PDF Document]({material['file_name']})") if st.button("View PDF", key=f"view_pdf_{material['file_name']}"): st.text_area("PDF Content", material['text_content'], height=300) if st.button("Download PDF", key=f"download_pdf_{material['file_name']}"): st.download_button( label="Download PDF", data=material['file_content'], file_name=material['file_name'], mime='application/pdf' ) if st.button("Mark PDF as Read", key=f"pdf_{material['file_name']}"): create_notification("PDF marked as read!", "success") else:"No pre-class materials uploaded by the faculty.") st.subheader("Upload Pre-class Material") # File upload section for students uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Material", type=['txt', 'pdf', 'docx']) if uploaded_file is not None: with st.spinner("Processing document..."): file_name = file_content = extract_text_from_file(uploaded_file) if file_content: material_type = st.selectbox("Select Material Type", ["pdf", "docx", "txt"]) if st.button("Upload Material"): upload_resource(course_id, session['session_id'], file_name, uploaded_file, material_type) # Search for the newly uploaded resource's _id in resources_collection resource_id = resources_collection.find_one({"file_name": file_name})["_id"] create_vector_store(file_content, resource_id) st.success("Material uploaded successfully!") st.subheader("Learn the Topic Using Chatbot") st.write(f"**Session Title:** {session['title']}") st.write(f"**Description:** {session.get('description', 'No description available.')}") # Chatbot interface if prompt := st.chat_input("Ask a question about the session topic"): if len(st.session_state.messages) >= 20: st.warning("Message limit (20) reached for this session.") return st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt}) # Display User Message with st.chat_message("user"): st.markdown(prompt) # Get response from chatbot context = "" for material in materials: if 'text_content' in material: context += material['text_content'] + "\n" response = give_chat_response(student_id, session['session_id'], prompt, session['title'], session.get('description', ''), context) st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response}) # Display Assistant Response with st.chat_message("assistant"): st.markdown(response) # st.subheader("Your Chat History") # for message in st.session_state.messages: # content = message.get("content", "") # Default to an empty string if "content" is not present # role = message.get("role", "user") # Default to "user" if "role" is not present # with st.chat_message(role): # st.markdown(content) # user = get_current_user() def display_preclass_content(session, student_id, course_id): """Display pre-class materials for a session including external resources""" st.subheader("Pre-class Materials") print("Session ID is: ", session['session_id']) # Add session state variables for chat timing if "chat_session_start" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.chat_session_start = None if "chat_session_active" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.chat_session_active = False # Display uploaded materials materials = resources_collection.find({"session_id": session['session_id']}) for material in materials: file_type = material.get('file_type', 'unknown') # Handle external resources if file_type == 'external' or file_type == 'video': with st.expander(f"📌 {material['file_name']}"): st.markdown(f"Source: [{material['source_url']}]({material['source_url']})") if material['material_type'].lower() == 'video': # Embed YouTube video if it's a YouTube URL if '' in material['source_url'] or '' in material['source_url']: video_id = extract_youtube_id(material['source_url']) if video_id:"{video_id}") if st.button("View Content", key=f"view_external_{material['_id']}"): st.text_area("Extracted Content", material['text_content'], height=300) if st.button("Mark as Read", key=f"external_{material['_id']}"): create_notification(f"{material['material_type']} content marked as read!", "success") # Handle traditional file types else: with st.expander(f"{material['file_name']} ({material['material_type'].upper()})"): if file_type == 'application/pdf': st.markdown(f"📑 [Open PDF Document]({material['file_name']})") if st.button("View PDF", key=f"view_pdf_{material['_id']}"): st.text_area("PDF Content", material['text_content'], height=300) if st.button("Download PDF", key=f"download_pdf_{material['_id']}"): st.download_button( label="Download PDF", data=material['file_content'], file_name=material['file_name'], mime='application/pdf' ) if st.button("Mark PDF as Read", key=f"pdf_{material['_id']}"): create_notification("PDF marked as read!", "success") elif file_type == 'text/plain': st.markdown(f"📄 [Open Text Document]({material['file_name']})") if st.button("View Text", key=f"view_text_{material['_id']}"): st.text_area("Text Content", material['text_content'], height=300) if st.button("Download Text", key=f"download_text_{material['_id']}"): st.download_button( label="Download Text", data=material['file_content'], file_name=material['file_name'], mime='text/plain' ) if st.button("Mark Text as Read", key=f"text_{material['_id']}"): create_notification("Text marked as read!", "success") elif file_type == 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document': st.markdown(f"📄 [Open Word Document]({material['file_name']})") if st.button("View Word", key=f"view_word_{material['_id']}"): st.text_area("Word Content", material['text_content'], height=300) if st.button("Download Word", key=f"download_word_{material['_id']}"): st.download_button( label="Download Word", data=material['file_content'], file_name=material['file_name'], mime='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' ) if st.button("Mark Word as Read", key=f"word_{material['_id']}"): create_notification("Word document marked as read!", "success") elif file_type == 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation': st.markdown(f"📊 [Open PowerPoint Presentation]({material['file_name']})") if st.button("View PowerPoint", key=f"view_pptx_{material['_id']}"): st.text_area("PowerPoint Content", material['text_content'], height=300) if st.button("Download PowerPoint", key=f"download_pptx_{material['_id']}"): st.download_button( label="Download PowerPoint", data=material['file_content'], file_name=material['file_name'], mime='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation' ) if st.button("Mark PowerPoint as Read", key=f"pptx_{material['_id']}"): create_notification("PowerPoint presentation marked as read!", "success") elif file_type == 'web_resource': # Display resource details st.markdown(f"**Type:** {material['material_type']}") if material.get('description'): st.markdown(f"**Description:** {material['description']}") # Display resource link st.markdown(f"**Resource Link:** [{material['file_name']}]({material['source_url']})") # Add "Open in New Tab" button if st.button("Open in New Tab", key=f"open_{material['_id']}"): # Use JavaScript to open in new tab st.markdown(f""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Add "Mark as Read" functionality if st.button("Mark as Read", key=f"read_{material['_id']}"): create_notification(f"{material['material_type']} marked as read!", "success") # Initialize 'messages' in session_state if it doesn't exist if 'messages' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.messages = [] if 'chat_session_active' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.chat_session_active = False if 'chat_session_start' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.chat_session_start = None # Chat input # Add a check, if materials are available, only then show the chat input if st.session_state.user_type == "student": if materials: # Start chat session button chat_time = chat_time_collection.find_one( {"session_id": session["session_id"], "user_id": student_id, "course_id": course_id} ) # Calculate session status and time remaining current_time = chat_active = False time_remaining = None if chat_time and "start_time" in chat_time: session_end_time = chat_time["start_time"] + timedelta(minutes=20) time_remaining = session_end_time - current_time chat_active = time_remaining.total_seconds() > 0 # Display appropriate interface based on session status if not chat_time or "start_time" not in chat_time: # New session case if st.button("Start Chat Session (20 minutes)"): st.session_state.chat_session_start = current_time st.session_state.chat_session_active = True # Update database chat_time_collection.update_one( { "session_id": session["session_id"], "user_id": student_id, "course_id": course_id }, { "$set": { "start_time": current_time, "end_time": current_time + timedelta(minutes=20) } }, upsert=True ) st.rerun() elif chat_active: # Active session case minutes = int(time_remaining.total_seconds() // 60) seconds = int(time_remaining.total_seconds() % 60)"⏱️ Time remaining: {minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}") # Show chat input if prompt := st.chat_input("Ask a question about Pre-class Materials"): st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt}) # Display User Message with st.chat_message("user"): st.markdown(prompt) try: context = get_chat_context(session['session_id']) try: context_prompt = f""" You are a highly intelligent and resourceful assistant capable of synthesizing information from the provided context and external sources. Context: {context} Instructions: 1. Base your answers on the provided context wherever possible. 2. If the answer to the user's question is not explicitly in the context: - Use external knowledge or web assistance to provide a clear and accurate response. 3. Do not respond negatively. If the answer is not in the context, use web assistance or your knowledge to generate a thoughtful response. 4. Clearly state if part of your response relies on web assistance. Question: {prompt} Please provide a clear and comprehensive answer based on the above instructions. """ response = model.generate_content(context_prompt) if not response or not response.text: st.error("No response received from the model") return assistant_response = response.text # Display Assistant Response with st.chat_message("assistant"): st.markdown(assistant_response) # Build the message new_message = { "prompt": prompt, "response": assistant_response, "timestamp": datetime.utcnow(), } st.session_state.messages.append(new_message) # Update database try: chat_history_collection.update_one( { "user_id": student_id, "session_id": session["session_id"], }, { "$push": {"messages": new_message}, "$setOnInsert": { "user_id": student_id, "session_id": session["session_id"], "timestamp": datetime.utcnow(), }, }, upsert=True, ) chat_time_collection.update_one( {"session_id": session["session_id"], "user_id": student_id, "course_id": course_id}, {"$set": {"end_time":}}, upsert=True ) except Exception as db_error: st.error(f"Error saving chat history: {str(db_error)}") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error generating response: {str(e)}") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing message: {str(e)}") else: # Expired session case"Chat session has ended. Time limit (20 minutes) reached.") # start_time = chat_time["start_time"] if chat_time and "start_time" in chat_time else None # print("Start Time is: ", start_time) # if start_time is None: # if st.button("Start Chat Session (20 minutes)"): # st.session_state.chat_session_start = # chat_time_collection.update_one( # {"session_id": session["session_id"], "user_id": student_id, "course_id": course_id}, # {"$set": {"start_time": st.session_state.chat_session_start}}, # upsert=True # ) # st.session_state.chat_session_active = True # st.rerun() # else: #"Chat session is now disabled.") # # Check if chat session is active and within time limit # chat_time = chat_time_collection.find_one( # {"session_id": session["session_id"], "user_id": student_id, "course_id": course_id} # ) # cond = False # if chat_time is None or "start_time" not in chat_time or (chat_time["start_time"] + timedelta(minutes=20)) <= # cond = True # if st.session_state.chat_session_active and st.session_state.chat_session_start and not cond: # current_time = # time_elapsed = current_time - chat_time["start_time"] # time_remaining = timedelta(minutes=20) - time_elapsed # if time_remaining.total_seconds() > 0: # # Display remaining time #"Time remaining: {int(time_remaining.total_seconds() // 60)} minutes and {int(time_remaining.total_seconds() % 60)} seconds") # # Show chat input # if prompt := st.chat_input("Ask a question about Pre-class Materials"): # st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt}) # # Display User Message # with st.chat_message("user"): # st.markdown(prompt) # # Get document context # context = "" # print("Session ID is: ", session["session_id"]) # materials = resources_collection.find( # {"session_id": session["session_id"]} # ) # print(materials) # context = "" # vector_data = None # # for material in materials: # # print(material) # context = "" # for material in materials: # resource_id = material["_id"] # print("Supposed Resource ID is: ", resource_id) # vector_data = vectors_collection.find_one( # {"resource_id": resource_id} # ) # # print(vector_data) # if vector_data and "text" in vector_data: # context += vector_data["text"] + "\n" # if not vector_data: # st.error("No Pre-class materials found for this session.") # return # try: # # Generate response using Gemini # # context_prompt = f""" # # Based on the following context, answer the user's question: # # Context: # # {context} # # Question: {prompt} # # Please provide a clear and concise answer based only on the information provided in the context. # # """ # # context_prompt = f""" # # You are a highly intelligent and resourceful assistant capable of synthesizing information from the provided context. # # Context: # # {context} # # Instructions: # # 1. Base your answers primarily on the given context. # # 2. If the answer to the user's question is not explicitly in the context but can be inferred or synthesized from the information provided, do so thoughtfully. # # 3. Only use external knowledge or web assistance when: # # - The context lacks sufficient information, and # # - The question requires knowledge beyond what can be reasonably inferred from the context. # # 4. Clearly state if you are relying on web assistance for any part of your answer. # # 5. Do not respond with a negative. If the answer is not in the context, provide a thoughtful response based on the information available on the web about it. # # Question: {prompt} # # Please provide a clear and comprehensive answer based on the above instructions. # # """ # context_prompt = f""" # You are a highly intelligent and resourceful assistant capable of synthesizing information from the provided context and external sources. # Context: # {context} # Instructions: # 1. Base your answers on the provided context wherever possible. # 2. If the answer to the user's question is not explicitly in the context: # - Use external knowledge or web assistance to provide a clear and accurate response. # 3. Do not respond negatively. If the answer is not in the context, use web assistance or your knowledge to generate a thoughtful response. # 4. Clearly state if part of your response relies on web assistance. # Question: {prompt} # Please provide a clear and comprehensive answer based on the above instructions. # """ # response = model.generate_content(context_prompt) # if not response or not response.text: # st.error("No response received from the model") # return # assistant_response = response.text # # Display Assistant Response # with st.chat_message("assistant"): # st.markdown(assistant_response) # # Build the message # new_message = { # "prompt": prompt, # "response": assistant_response, # "timestamp": datetime.utcnow(), # } # st.session_state.messages.append(new_message) # # Update database # try: # chat_history_collection.update_one( # { # "user_id": student_id, # "session_id": session["session_id"], # }, # { # "$push": {"messages": new_message}, # "$setOnInsert": { # "user_id": student_id, # "session_id": session["session_id"], # "timestamp": datetime.utcnow(), # }, # }, # upsert=True, # ) # chat_time_collection.update_one( # {"session_id": session["session_id"], "user_id": student_id, "course_id": course_id}, # {"$set": {"end_time":}}, # upsert=True # ) # except Exception as db_error: # st.error(f"Error saving chat history: {str(db_error)}") # except Exception as e: # st.error(f"Error generating response: {str(e)}") # else: # st.warning("Chat session has expired. The 20-minute time limit has been reached.") # st.session_state.chat_session_active = False # st.session_state.chat_session_start = None else: st.subheader("Upload Pre-class Material") # File upload section for students uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Material", type=['txt', 'pdf', 'docx']) if uploaded_file is not None: with st.spinner("Processing document..."): file_name = file_content = extract_text_from_file(uploaded_file) if file_content: material_type = st.selectbox("Select Material Type", ["pdf", "docx", "txt"]) if st.button("Upload Material"): upload_resource(course_id, session['session_id'], file_name, uploaded_file, material_type) # print("Resource ID is: ", resource_id) # Search for the newly uploaded resource's _id in resources_collection # resource_id = resources_collection.find_one({"file_name": file_name})["_id"] st.success("Material uploaded successfully!") # st.experimental_rerun() # st.subheader("Your Chat History") if st.button("View Chat History"): # Initialize chat messages from database if 'messages' not in st.session_state or not st.session_state.messages: existing_chat = chat_history_collection.find_one({ "user_id": student_id, "session_id": session['session_id'] }) if existing_chat and 'messages' in existing_chat: st.session_state.messages = existing_chat['messages'] else: st.session_state.messages = [] # Display existing chat history try: for message in st.session_state.messages: if 'prompt' in message and 'response' in message: with st.chat_message("user"): st.markdown(message["prompt"]) with st.chat_message("assistant"): st.markdown(message["response"]) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error displaying chat history: {str(e)}") st.session_state.messages = [] if st.session_state.user_type == 'student': display_pre_class_quiz_tab(student_id, course_id, session["session_id"]) display_pre_subjective_test_tab(student_id, course_id, session["session_id"]) st.subheader("Create a Practice Quiz") questions = [] quiz_id = "" with st.form("create_quiz_form"): num_questions = st.number_input("Number of Questions", min_value=1, max_value=20, value=2) submit_quiz = st.form_submit_button("Generate Quiz") if submit_quiz: # Get pre-class materials from resources_collection materials = resources_collection.find({"session_id": session['session_id']}) context = "" for material in materials: if 'text_content' in material: context += material['text_content'] + "\n" if not context: st.error("No pre-class materials found for this session.") return # Generate MCQs from context questions = generate_mcqs(context, num_questions, session['title'], session.get('description', '')) if questions: quiz_id = save_quiz(course_id, session['session_id'], "Practice Quiz", questions, student_id) if quiz_id: st.success("Quiz saved successfully!") st.session_state.show_quizzes = True else: st.error("Error saving quiz.") else: st.error("Error generating questions.") # if st.button("Attempt Practice Quizzes "): # quizzes = list(quizzes_collection.find({"course_id": course_id, "session_id": session['session_id'], "user_id": student_id})) if getattr(st.session_state, 'show_quizzes', False): # quiz = quizzes_collection.find_one({"course_id": course_id, "session_id": session['session_id'], "user_id": student_id}) quiz = quizzes_collection.find_one( {"course_id": course_id, "session_id": session['session_id'], "user_id": student_id}, sort=[("created_at", -1)] ) if not quiz:"No practice quizzes created.") else: with st.expander(f"📝 Practice Quiz", expanded=False): # Check if student has already taken this quiz existing_score = get_student_quiz_score(quiz['_id'], student_id) if existing_score is not None: st.success(f"Quiz completed! Your score: {existing_score:.1f}%") # Display correct answers after submission st.subheader("Quiz Review") for i, question in enumerate(quiz['questions']): st.markdown(f"**Question {i+1}:** {question['question']}") for opt in question['options']: if opt.startswith(question['correct_option']): st.markdown(f"✅ {opt}") else: st.markdown(f"- {opt}") else: # Initialize quiz state for this specific quiz quiz_key = f"quiz_{quiz['_id']}_student_{student_id}" if quiz_key not in st.session_state: st.session_state[quiz_key] = { 'submitted': False, 'score': None, 'answers': {} } # If quiz was just submitted, show the results if st.session_state[quiz_key]['submitted']: st.success(f"Quiz submitted successfully! Your score: {st.session_state[quiz_key]['score']:.1f}%") # Reset the quiz state st.session_state[quiz_key]['submitted'] = False # Display quiz questions st.write("Please select your answers:") # Create a form for quiz submission form_key = f"quiz_form_{quiz['_id']}_student_{student_id}" with st.form(key=form_key): student_answers = {} for i, question in enumerate(quiz['questions']): st.markdown(f"**Question {i+1}:** {question['question']}") options = [opt for opt in question['options']] # student_answers[str(i)] = # f"Select answer for question {i+1}:", # options=options, # key=f"q_{i}", # index=None # ) answer = f"Select answer for question {i+1}:", options=options, key=f"{quiz['_id']}_{i}", # Simplify the radio button key index=None ) if answer: # Only add to answers if a selection was made student_answers[str(i)] = answer # Submit button # submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit Quiz") print("Before the submit button") submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Submit Quiz") print("After the submit button") if submit_button and student_answers: print("Clicked the button") print(student_answers) correct_answers = 0 for i, question in enumerate(quiz['questions']): if student_answers[str(i)] == question['correct_option']: correct_answers += 1 score = (correct_answers / len(quiz['questions'])) * 100 if score is not None: st.success(f"Quiz submitted successfully! Your score: {score:.1f}%") st.session_state[quiz_key]['submitted'] = True st.session_state[quiz_key]['score'] = score st.session_state[quiz_key]['answers'] = student_answers # This will trigger a rerun, but now we'll handle it properly st.rerun() else: st.error("Error submitting quiz. Please try again.") # correct_answers = 0 # for i, question in enumerate(quiz['questions']): # if student_answers[str(i)] == question['correct_option']: # correct_answers += 1 # score = (correct_answers / len(quiz['questions'])) * 100 # print(score) # try: # quizzes_collection.update_one( # {"_id": quiz['_id']}, # {"$push": {"submissions": {"student_id": student_id, "score": score}}} # ) # st.success(f"Quiz submitted successfully! Your score: {score:.1f}%") # except Exception as db_error: # st.error(f"Error saving submission: {str(db_error)}") # if st.session_state.user_type == "student": # # display_pre_subjective_test_tab(session, course_id, session_id) # display_pre_subjective_test_tab(student_id, course_id, session["session_id"]) # Added this line # pass def get_chat_context(session_id): """Get context from session materials""" materials = resources_collection.find({"session_id": session_id}) context = "" for material in materials: if 'text_content' in material: context += f"{material['text_content']}\n" return context import requests def get_supported_url_formats(): """Return a list of supported URL formats for faculty reference""" return """ Supported YouTube URL formats: 1. Standard watch URL: 2. Short URL: 3. Embed URL: 4. Mobile URL: 5. YouTube Shorts: You can copy any of these formats from: - YouTube website (Share button) - YouTube mobile app (Share button) - Browser address bar while watching the video """ def display_url_guidance(): """Display guidance for faculty on how to get the correct URL"""""" 📝 How to get the correct YouTube URL: 1. Go to the YouTube video you want to share 2. Click the 'Share' button below the video 3. Copy the URL provided in the share dialog 4. Paste it here The URL should start with either '' or '' """) def fetch_youtube_video_title(video_url): """ Fetch the title of a YouTube video with detailed error handling """ api_key = os.getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY") if not api_key: st.error("⚠️ System Configuration Error: YouTube API key not configured.") st.write("Please contact technical support for assistance.") return None video_id = extract_youtube_id(video_url) if not video_id: return None url = f"{video_id}&key={api_key}&part=snippet" try: response = requests.get(url, timeout=10) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() if not data.get("items"): st.error("⚠️ Video not found or might be private.") st.write(""" Please check if: 1. The video is publicly available 2. The URL is correct 3. The video hasn't been deleted """) return None return data["items"][0]["snippet"]["title"] except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: if "quotaExceeded" in str(e): st.error("⚠️ YouTube API quota exceeded.") st.write(""" The system has reached its daily limit for video processing. Please try: 1. Waiting a few hours 2. Trying again tomorrow 3. Contact support if the issue persists """) else: st.error(f"Error fetching video title: {str(e)}") st.write("Please try again or choose a different video.") return None def upload_video_source(course_id, session_id, video_url): """ Upload video source and its transcript with comprehensive error handling """ if not video_url: st.error("Please provide a YouTube URL.") display_url_guidance() return None # Display processing message # with st.spinner("Processing your YouTube video..."): # Validate video URL video_id = extract_youtube_id(video_url) if not video_id: return None # Fetch video title video_title = fetch_youtube_video_title(video_url) if not video_title: return None # Extract transcript transcript = extract_youtube_transcript(video_url) if not transcript: return None # Create resource document resource_data = { "_id": ObjectId(), "course_id": course_id, "session_id": session_id, "file_name": video_title, "file_type": "video", "text_content": transcript, "material_type": "video", "source_url": video_url, "uploaded_at": datetime.utcnow(), "video_id": video_id } # Check if resource already exists existing_resource = resources_collection.find_one({ "session_id": session_id, "video_id": video_id }) if existing_resource: st.warning("⚠️ This video has already been added to this session.") st.write(""" Options: 1. Choose a different video 2. Use the existing video resource 3. Remove the existing video first if you want to re-add it """) return existing_resource["_id"] try: # Insert new resource result = resources_collection.insert_one(resource_data) resource_id = result.inserted_id # Update course document update_result = courses_collection.update_one( { "course_id": course_id, "sessions.session_id": session_id }, { "$push": {"sessions.$.pre_class.resources": resource_id} } ) if update_result.modified_count == 0: st.error("⚠️ Failed to update course with new resource.") st.write(""" The video was processed but couldn't be added to the course. This might be because: 1. The course or session ID is invalid 2. You don't have permission to modify this course 3. There was a system error Please try again or contact support if the issue persists. """) # Rollback resource insertion resources_collection.delete_one({"_id": resource_id}) return None # Create vector store for the transcript # create_vector_store(transcript, resource_id) # Create vector store for the transcript vector_store_result = create_vector_store(transcript, resource_id) if not vector_store_result: st.error("⚠️ Failed to create vector store for the transcript.") # Rollback insertions resources_collection.delete_one({"_id": resource_id}) return None st.success("✅ Video successfully added to your course!") st.write(f""" Added: "{video_title}" You can now: 1. Add more videos 2. Preview the added video 3. Continue building your course """) return resource_id except Exception as e: st.error("⚠️ Error uploading video source.") st.write(f""" There was an error while saving the video: {str(e)} Please: 1. Try again 2. Choose a different video 3. Contact support if the issue persists """) return None def upload_preclass_materials(session_id, course_id, student_id): """Upload pre-class materials and manage external resources for a session""" st.subheader("Pre-class Materials Management") # Create tabs for different functionalities upload_tab, videos_tab, web_resources ,external_tab, pre_class_tab, pre_class_evaluate, pre_class_quiz = st.tabs(["Upload Materials","Upload Video Sources","Web Resources", "Resources by Perplexity", "Pre-class Questions", "Pre-class Evaluation", "Pre-class Quiz"]) with upload_tab: # Original file upload functionality uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Material", type=['txt', 'pdf', 'docx']) if uploaded_file is not None: with st.spinner("Processing document..."): file_name = file_content = extract_text_from_file(uploaded_file) if file_content: material_type = st.selectbox("Select Material Type", ["pdf", "docx", "txt"]) if st.button("Upload Material"): upload_resource(course_id, session_id, file_name, uploaded_file, material_type) st.success("Material uploaded successfully!") # Display pre-class materials # Group resources by their types grouped_resources = defaultdict(list) materials = resources_collection.find({"session_id": session_id}) for material in materials: grouped_resources[material['material_type']].append(material) # Display grouped resources for material_type, resources in grouped_resources.items(): st.markdown(f"##### {material_type.capitalize()} Resources") for material in resources: resource_info = f"- **{material['file_name']}** ({material['file_type']})" if 'source_url' in material: resource_info += f" - [URL]({material['source_url']})" st.markdown(resource_info) with videos_tab: # Upload video sources"Upload video sources for this session.") video_url = st.text_input("Enter a Youtube Video URL") if st.button("Upload Video"): with st.spinner("Processing video source..."): video_resource_id = upload_video_source(course_id, session_id, video_url) # if video_resource_id: # st.success("Video source uploaded successfully!") with web_resources: st.markdown("##### Upload Web Resource Links")""" Share online resources with your students. Supported links include: - Google Colab notebooks - Google Slides presentations - Online documentation - Educational websites - Any web-based learning resource """) # Form for adding web resource with st.form("web_resource_form"): resource_title = st.text_input("Resource Title", placeholder="e.g., Python Basics Notebook, Data Visualization Tutorial") resource_url = st.text_input("Resource URL", placeholder=" or other web resource") resource_type = st.selectbox("Resource Type", ["Jupyter Notebook", "Presentation", "Documentation", "Tutorial", "Other"]) resource_description = st.text_area("Description (Optional)", placeholder="Brief description of the resource") submit_resource = st.form_submit_button("Add Resource") if submit_resource: if not resource_title or not resource_url: st.error("Please provide both a title and URL.") else: try: # Create resource document resource_data = { "_id": ObjectId(), "course_id": course_id, "session_id": session_id, "file_name": resource_title, "file_type": "web_resource", "material_type": resource_type, "source_url": resource_url, "description": resource_description, "uploaded_at": datetime.utcnow() } # Check if resource already exists existing_resource = resources_collection.find_one({ "session_id": session_id, "source_url": resource_url }) if existing_resource: st.warning("This resource has already been added.") else: # Insert new resource resources_collection.insert_one(resource_data) resource_id = resource_data["_id"] # Update course document courses_collection.update_one( { "course_id": course_id, "sessions.session_id": session_id }, { "$push": {"sessions.$.pre_class.resources": resource_id} } ) st.success(f"✅ Resource '{resource_title}' added successfully!") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error adding resource: {str(e)}") with external_tab: # Fetch and display external resources session_data = courses_collection.find_one( {"course_id": course_id, "sessions.session_id": session_id}, {"sessions.$": 1} ) if session_data and session_data.get('sessions'): session = session_data['sessions'][0] external = session.get('external_resources', {}) # Display web articles if 'readings' in external: st.subheader("Web Articles and Videos") for reading in external['readings']: col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 1]) with col1: st.markdown(f"**{reading['title']}**") st.markdown(f"Type: {reading['type']} | Est. time: {reading['estimated_read_time']}") st.markdown(f"URL: [{reading['url']}]({reading['url']})") with col2: if st.button("Extract Content", key=f"extract_{reading['url']}"): with st.spinner("Extracting content..."): content = extract_external_content(reading['url'], reading['type']) if content: resource_id = upload_external_resource( course_id, session_id, reading['title'], content, reading['type'].lower(), reading['url'] ) st.success("Content extracted and stored successfully!") # Display books if 'books' in external: st.subheader("Recommended Books") for book in external['books']: st.markdown(f""" **{book['title']}** by {book['author']} - ISBN: {book['isbn']} - Chapters: {book['chapters']} """) # Display additional resources if 'additional_resources' in external: st.subheader("Additional Resources") for resource in external['additional_resources']: st.markdown(f""" **{resource['title']}** ({resource['type']}) - {resource['description']} - URL: [{resource['url']}]({resource['url']}) """) with pre_class_tab: if st.session_state.user_type == "faculty": faculty_id = st.session_state.user_id st.subheader("Create Pre class Subjective Test") # Create a form for test generation with st.form("pre_create_subjective_test_form"): test_title = st.text_input("Test Title") num_subjective_questions = st.number_input( "Number of Pre class Subjective Questions", min_value=1, value=5 ) generation_method = "Question Generation Method", ["Generate from Pre-class Materials"] ) generate_test_btn = st.form_submit_button("Generate Test for Pre Class") # Handle test generation outside the form if generate_test_btn: if not test_title: st.error("Please enter a test title.") return context = "" if generation_method == "Generate from Pre-class Materials": materials = resources_collection.find( {"session_id": session["session_id"]} ) for material in materials: if "text_content" in material: context += material["text_content"] + "\n" with st.spinner("Generating questions and synoptic..."): try: # Store generated content in session state to persist between rerenders questions = pre_generate_questions( context if context else None, num_subjective_questions, session["title"], session.get("description", ""), ) if questions: synoptic = generate_synoptic( questions, context if context else None, session["title"], num_subjective_questions, ) if synoptic: # Store in session state st.session_state.generated_questions = questions st.session_state.generated_synoptic = synoptic st.session_state.test_title = test_title # Display preview st.subheader( "Preview Subjective Questions and Synoptic" ) for i, (q, s) in enumerate(zip(questions, synoptic), 1): st.markdown(f"**Question {i}:** {q['question']}") with st.expander(f"View Synoptic {i}"): st.markdown(s) # Save button outside the form if st.button("Pre Save Test"): test_id = pre_save_subjective_test( course_id, session["session_id"], test_title, questions, ) if test_id: st.success( "Subjective test saved successfully!" ) else: st.error("Error saving subjective test.") else: st.error( "Error generating synoptic answers. Please try again." ) else: st.error("Error generating questions. Please try again.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}") # Display previously generated test if it exists in session state elif hasattr(st.session_state, "generated_questions") and hasattr( st.session_state, "generated_synoptic" ): st.subheader("Preview Subjective Questions and Synoptic") for i, (q, s) in enumerate( zip( st.session_state.generated_questions, st.session_state.generated_synoptic, ), 1, ): st.markdown(f"**Question {i}:** {q['question']}") with st.expander(f"View Synoptic {i}"): st.markdown(s) if st.button("Pre Save Test"): test_id = pre_save_subjective_test( course_id, session["session_id"], st.session_state.test_title, st.session_state.generated_questions, ) if test_id: st.success("Subjective test saved successfully!") # Clear session state after successful save del st.session_state.generated_questions del st.session_state.generated_synoptic del st.session_state.test_title else: st.error("Error saving subjective test.") with pre_class_evaluate: from subjective_test_evaluation import pre_display_evaluation_to_faculty pre_display_evaluation_to_faculty(session["session_id"], student_id, course_id) with pre_class_quiz: if st.session_state.user_type == "faculty": st.subheader("Create Pre-class Quiz") with st.form("create_pre_class_quiz_form"): quiz_title = st.text_input("Quiz Title") num_questions = st.number_input( "Number of Questions", min_value=1, max_value=20, value=5 ) duration = st.number_input( "Quiz Duration (minutes)", min_value=5, max_value=60, value=15 ) # Generate quiz button if st.form_submit_button("Generate Pre-class Quiz"): if not quiz_title: st.error("Please enter a quiz title") return # Get pre-class materials materials = resources_collection.find({"session_id": session_id}) context = "" for material in materials: if 'text_content' in material: context += material['text_content'] + "\n" if not context: st.error("No pre-class materials found") return # Generate questions questions = generate_mcqs( context=context, num_questions=num_questions, session_title=session['title'], session_description=session.get('description', '') ) if questions: # Preview questions st.subheader("Preview Questions") for i, q in enumerate(questions, 1): st.markdown(f"**Q{i}:** {q['question']}") for opt in q['options']: st.markdown(f"- {opt}") st.markdown(f"*Correct: {q['correct_option']}*") # Save quiz quiz_id = save_pre_class_quiz( course_id=course_id, session_id=session_id, title=quiz_title, questions=questions, user_id=st.session_state.user_id, duration=duration ) if quiz_id: st.success("Pre-class quiz created successfully!") else: st.error("Error saving quiz") def display_pre_class_quiz_tab(student_id, course_id, session_id): """Display pre-class quizzes for students""" st.markdown("### Pre-class Quizzes") # Get available quizzes quizzes = quizzes_collection.find({ "course_id": course_id, "session_id": session_id, "status": "active" }) quizzes = list(quizzes) if not quizzes:"No pre-class quizzes available.") return for quiz in quizzes: with st.expander(f"📝 {quiz['title']}", expanded=True): # Check if already taken existing_score = get_student_quiz_score(quiz["_id"], student_id) if existing_score is not None: st.success(f"Quiz completed! Score: {existing_score:.1f}%") # Show review st.subheader("Quiz Review") for i, question in enumerate(quiz["questions"]): st.markdown(f"**Q{i+1}:** {question['question']}") for opt in question["options"]: if opt.startswith(question["correct_option"]): st.markdown(f"✅ {opt}") else: st.markdown(f"- {opt}") else: # Check time remaining start_time = quiz.get('start_time') if not start_time: if st.button("Start Quiz", key=f"start_{quiz['_id']}"): quizzes_collection.update_one( {"_id": quiz["_id"]}, {"$set": {"start_time":}} ) st.rerun() else: time_remaining = (start_time + timedelta(minutes=quiz['duration_minutes'])) - if time_remaining.total_seconds() > 0:"Time remaining: {int(time_remaining.total_seconds() // 60)}:{int(time_remaining.total_seconds() % 60):02d}") # Display quiz form with st.form(f"pre_class_quiz_{quiz['_id']}"): student_answers = {} for i, question in enumerate(quiz["questions"]): st.markdown(f"**Q{i+1}:** {question['question']}") options = [opt for opt in question["options"]] student_answers[str(i)] = f"Select answer:", options=options, key=f"q_{quiz['_id']}_{i}" ) if st.form_submit_button("Submit Quiz"): score = submit_quiz_answers( quiz["_id"], student_id, student_answers ) if score is not None: st.success(f"Quiz submitted! Score: {score:.1f}%") st.rerun() else: st.error("Error submitting quiz") else: st.error("Quiz time expired") def extract_external_content(url, content_type): """Extract content from external resources based on their type""" try: if content_type.lower() == 'video' and '' in url: return extract_youtube_transcript(url) else: return extract_web_article(url) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error extracting content: {str(e)}") return None def extract_youtube_transcript(url): """ Extract transcript from YouTube videos with detailed error handling """ try: video_id = extract_youtube_id(url) if not video_id: return None # Get transcript with retries max_retries = 3 for attempt in range(max_retries): try: transcript = YouTubeTranscriptApi.get_transcript(video_id) # Combine transcript text with proper spacing and punctuation full_text = '' for entry in transcript: text = entry['text'].strip() if text: if not full_text.endswith(('.', '!', '?', '..."')): full_text += '. ' full_text += text + ' ' return full_text.strip() except Exception as e: if attempt == max_retries - 1: raise e continue except Exception as e: error_message = str(e) if "Video unavailable" in error_message: st.error("⚠️ This video is unavailable or private. Please check if:") st.write(""" - The video is set to public or unlisted - The video hasn't been deleted - You have the correct URL """) elif "Subtitles are disabled" in error_message: st.error("⚠️ This video doesn't have subtitles/transcript available.") st.write(""" Unfortunately, this video cannot be used because: - It doesn't have closed captions or subtitles - The creator hasn't enabled transcript generation Please choose another video that has subtitles available. You can check if a video has subtitles by: 1. Playing the video on YouTube 2. Clicking the 'CC' button in the video player """) else: st.error(f"Could not extract YouTube transcript: {error_message}") st.write("Please try again or choose a different video.") return None def extract_web_article(url): """Extract text content from web articles""" try: headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36' } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') # Remove unwanted tags for tag in soup(['script', 'style', 'nav', 'footer', 'header']): tag.decompose() # Extract text from paragraphs paragraphs = soup.find_all('p') text_content = ' '.join([p.get_text().strip() for p in paragraphs]) return text_content except Exception as e: st.error(f"Could not extract web article content: {str(e)}") return None def upload_external_resource(course_id, session_id, title, content, content_type, source_url): """Upload extracted external resource content to the database""" resource_data = { "_id": ObjectId(), "course_id": course_id, "session_id": session_id, "file_name": f"{title} ({content_type})", "file_type": "external", "text_content": content, "material_type": content_type, "source_url": source_url, "uploaded_at": datetime.utcnow() } # Check if resource already exists existing_resource = resources_collection.find_one({ "session_id": session_id, "source_url": source_url }) if existing_resource: return existing_resource["_id"] # Insert new resource resources_collection.insert_one(resource_data) resource_id = resource_data["_id"] # Update course document courses_collection.update_one( { "course_id": course_id, "sessions.session_id": session_id }, { "$push": {"sessions.$.pre_class.resources": resource_id} } ) if content: create_vector_store(content, resource_id) return resource_id def extract_youtube_id(url): """ Extract YouTube video ID from various URL formats """ if not url: st.error("Please provide a YouTube URL.") display_url_guidance() return None # Clean the URL url = url.strip() # Basic URL validation if not ('' in url or '' in url): st.error("This doesn't appear to be a YouTube URL.") st.write(get_supported_url_formats()) return None # Try to extract using regex patterns patterns = [ r'(?:youtube\.com\/watch\?v=|youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\/embed\/|youtube\.com\/v\/|youtube\.com\/e\/|youtube\.com\/shorts\/)([^&\n?#]+)', r'(?:youtube\.com\/(?:[^\/]+\/.+\/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)\/|.*[?&]v=)|youtu\.be\/)([^"&?\/\s]{11})' ] for pattern in patterns: match =, url) if match: video_id = if len(video_id) != 11: # YouTube IDs are always 11 characters st.error("Invalid YouTube video ID length. Please check your URL.") display_url_guidance() return None return video_id # If regex fails, try parsing URL components try: parsed_url = urlparse(url) if '' in parsed_url.netloc: query_params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query) if 'v' in query_params: return query_params['v'][0] elif '' in parsed_url.netloc: return parsed_url.path.lstrip('/') except Exception: pass # If all extraction methods fail st.error("Could not extract video ID from the provided URL.") st.write(get_supported_url_formats()) return None def display_live_presentation(session, user_type, course_id): st.markdown("### Live Presentation") # Get active presentation session_data = courses_collection.find_one( {"course_id": course_id, "sessions.session_id": session['session_id']}, {"sessions.$": 1} ) active_presentation = session_data["sessions"][0].get("in_class", {}).get("active_presentation") # Faculty Interface if user_type == 'faculty': if not active_presentation: st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # URL input section with st.container(): ppt_url = st.text_input("🔗 Enter Google Slides Presentation URL", placeholder="") if ppt_url: if st.button("▶️ Activate Presentation", use_container_width=True): courses_collection.update_one( {"course_id": course_id, "sessions.session_id": session['session_id']}, {"$set": {"sessions.$.in_class.active_presentation": ppt_url}} ) st.success("✅ Presentation activated successfully!") st.rerun() else: # Display active presentation st.markdown("#### 🎯 Active Presentation") components.iframe(active_presentation, height=800) # Deactivate button st.markdown("
", unsafe_allow_html=True) if st.button("⏹️ Deactivate Presentation", type="secondary", use_container_width=True): courses_collection.update_one( {"course_id": course_id, "sessions.session_id": session['session_id']}, {"$unset": {"sessions.$.in_class.active_presentation": ""}} ) st.success("✅ Presentation deactivated successfully!") st.rerun() # Student Interface else: if active_presentation: st.markdown("#### 🎯 Active Presentation") components.iframe(active_presentation, height=800) else:"📝 No active presentations at this time.") def display_in_class_content(session, user_type, course_id, user_id): # """Display in-class activities and interactions""" """Display in-class activities and interactions""" st.header("In-class Activities") # Initialize Live Polls feature live_polls = LivePollFeature() # Display appropriate interface based on user role if user_type == 'faculty': live_polls.display_faculty_interface(session['session_id']) else: live_polls.display_student_interface(session['session_id']) display_live_chat_interface(session, user_id, course_id=course_id) # Live Presentation Feature display_live_presentation(session, user_type, course_id) if user_type == "faculty": faculty_id = st.session_state.user_id st.markdown("#### Create Surprise Quiz") questions = [] with st.form("create_surprise_quiz_form"): quiz_title = st.text_input("Surprise Quiz Title") num_questions = st.number_input( "Number of Questions", min_value=1, max_value=20, value=5 ) no_minutes = st.number_input( "Duration of Quiz (in minutes)", min_value=1, max_value=60, value=5 ) # Option to choose quiz generation method generation_method = "Question Generation Method", ["Generate from Pre-class Materials"], ) submit_quiz = st.form_submit_button("Generate Surprise Quiz") if submit_quiz: if generation_method == "Generate from Pre-class Materials": # Get pre-class materials from resources_collection materials = resources_collection.find( {"session_id": session["session_id"]} ) context = "" for material in materials: if "text_content" in material: context += material["text_content"] + "\n" if not context: st.error("No pre-class materials found for this session.") return # Generate MCQs from context questions = generate_mcqs( context, num_questions, session["title"], session.get("description", ""), ) else: # Generate random MCQs based on session title and description questions = generate_mcqs( None, num_questions, session["title"], session.get("description", ""), ) print(questions) if questions: # Preview generated questions st.subheader("Preview Generated Questions") for i, q in enumerate(questions, 1): st.markdown(f"**Question {i}:** {q['question']}") for opt in q["options"]: st.markdown(f"- {opt}") st.markdown(f"*Correct Answer: {q['correct_option']}*") # Save quiz quiz_id = save_surprise_quiz( course_id, session["session_id"], quiz_title, questions, faculty_id, no_minutes ) if quiz_id: st.success("Quiz saved successfully!") else: st.error("Error saving quiz.") else: display_surprise_quiz_tab(st.session_state.user_id, course_id=course_id, session_id=session["session_id"]) def generate_random_assignment_id(): """Generate a random integer ID for assignments""" return random.randint(100000, 999999) def display_post_class_content(session, student_id, course_id): """Display post-class assignments and submissions""" st.header("Post-class Work") if st.session_state.user_type == 'faculty': faculty_id = st.session_state.user_id st.subheader("Create Subjective Test") # Create a form for test generation with st.form("create_subjective_test_form"): test_title = st.text_input("Test Title") num_subjective_questions = st.number_input("Number of Subjective Questions", min_value=1, value=5) generation_method = "Question Generation Method", ["Generate from Pre-class Materials", "Generate Random Questions"] ) generate_test_btn = st.form_submit_button("Generate Test") # Handle test generation outside the form if generate_test_btn: if not test_title: st.error("Please enter a test title.") return context = "" if generation_method == "Generate from Pre-class Materials": materials = resources_collection.find({"session_id": session['session_id']}) for material in materials: if 'text_content' in material: context += material['text_content'] + "\n" with st.spinner("Generating questions and synoptic..."): try: # Store generated content in session state to persist between rerenders questions = generate_questions( context if context else None, num_subjective_questions, session['title'], session.get('description', '') ) if questions: synoptic = generate_synoptic( questions, context if context else None, session['title'], num_subjective_questions ) if synoptic: # Store in session state st.session_state.generated_questions = questions st.session_state.generated_synoptic = synoptic st.session_state.test_title = test_title # Display preview st.subheader("Preview Subjective Questions and Synoptic") for i, (q, s) in enumerate(zip(questions, synoptic), 1): st.markdown(f"**Question {i}:** {q['question']}") with st.expander(f"View Synoptic {i}"): st.markdown(s) # Save button outside the form if st.button("Save Test"): test_id = save_subjective_test( course_id, session['session_id'], test_title, questions ) if test_id: st.success("Subjective test saved successfully!") else: st.error("Error saving subjective test.") else: st.error("Error generating synoptic answers. Please try again.") else: st.error("Error generating questions. Please try again.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}") # Display previously generated test if it exists in session state elif hasattr(st.session_state, 'generated_questions') and hasattr(st.session_state, 'generated_synoptic'): st.subheader("Preview Subjective Questions and Synoptic") for i, (q, s) in enumerate(zip(st.session_state.generated_questions, st.session_state.generated_synoptic), 1): st.markdown(f"**Question {i}:** {q['question']}") with st.expander(f"View Synoptic {i}"): st.markdown(s) if st.button("Save Test"): test_id = save_subjective_test( course_id, session['session_id'], st.session_state.test_title, st.session_state.generated_questions, ) if test_id: st.success("Subjective test saved successfully!") # Clear session state after successful save del st.session_state.generated_questions del st.session_state.generated_synoptic del st.session_state.test_title else: st.error("Error saving subjective test.") # st.subheader("Create quiz section UI for faculty") st.subheader("Create Quiz") questions = [] with st.form("create_quiz_form"): quiz_title = st.text_input("Quiz Title") num_questions = st.number_input("Number of Questions", min_value=1, max_value=20, value=5) # Option to choose quiz generation method generation_method = "Question Generation Method", ["Generate from Pre-class Materials", "Generate Random Questions"] ) submit_quiz = st.form_submit_button("Generate Quiz") if submit_quiz: if generation_method == "Generate from Pre-class Materials": # Get pre-class materials from resources_collection materials = resources_collection.find({"session_id": session['session_id']}) context = "" for material in materials: if 'text_content' in material: context += material['text_content'] + "\n" if not context: st.error("No pre-class materials found for this session.") return # Generate MCQs from context questions = generate_mcqs(context, num_questions, session['title'], session.get('description', '')) else: # Generate random MCQs based on session title and description questions = generate_mcqs(None, num_questions, session['title'], session.get('description', '')) print(questions) if questions: # Preview generated questions st.subheader("Preview Generated Questions") for i, q in enumerate(questions, 1): st.markdown(f"**Question {i}:** {q['question']}") for opt in q['options']: st.markdown(f"- {opt}") st.markdown(f"*Correct Answer: {q['correct_option']}*") # Save quiz quiz_id = save_quiz(course_id, session['session_id'], quiz_title, questions, faculty_id) if quiz_id: st.success("Quiz saved successfully!") else: st.error("Error saving quiz.") st.subheader("Add Assignment") with st.form("add_assignment_form"): title = st.text_input("Assignment Title") description = st.text_area("Assignment Description") due_date = st.date_input("Due Date") submit = st.form_submit_button("Add Assignment") if submit: if not title or not description: st.error("Please fill in all required fields.") return due_date = datetime.combine(due_date, datetime.min.time()) assignment = { "_id": ObjectId(), "title": title, "description": description, "due_date": due_date, "course_id": course_id, "session_id": session['session_id'], "faculty_id": faculty_id, "created_at": datetime.utcnow(), "status": "active", "submissions": [] } assignments_collection.insert_one(assignment) st.success("Assignment added successfully!") st.subheader("Existing Assignments") assignments = assignments_collection.find({ "session_id": session['session_id'], "course_id": course_id }) for assignment in assignments: with st.expander(f"📝 {assignment['title']}", expanded=True): st.markdown(f"**Due Date:** {assignment['due_date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}") st.markdown(f"**Description:** {assignment['description']}") total_submissions = len(assignment.get('submissions', [])) total_students = students_collection.count_documents({ "enrolled_courses": { "$elemMatch": {"course_id": course_id} } }) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.metric("Total Submissions", total_submissions) with col2: submission_rate = (total_submissions / total_students * 100) if total_students > 0 else 0 st.metric("Submission Rate", f"{submission_rate:.1f}%") with col3: st.metric("Pending Submissions", total_students - total_submissions) # Display evaluation button and status evaluation_status = st.empty() eval_button = st.button("View/Generate Evaluations", key=f"eval_{assignment['_id']}") if eval_button: st.session_state.show_evaluations = True st.session_state.current_assignment = assignment['_id'] # Show evaluation interface in a new container instead of an expander evaluation_container = st.container() with evaluation_container: from assignment_evaluation import display_evaluation_to_faculty display_evaluation_to_faculty(session['session_id'], student_id, course_id) else: # Student view assignments = assignments_collection.find({ "session_id": session['session_id'], "course_id": course_id, "status": "active" }) for assignment in assignments: with st.expander(f"📝 {assignment['title']}", expanded=True): st.markdown(f"**Due Date:** {assignment['due_date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}") st.markdown(f"**Description:** {assignment['description']}") existing_submission = next( (sub for sub in assignment.get('submissions', []) if sub['student_id'] == str(student_id)), None ) if existing_submission: st.success("Assignment submitted!") st.markdown(f"**Submitted on:** {existing_submission['submitted_at'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}") # Show evaluation status and feedback in the same container evaluation = assignment_evaluation_collection.find_one({ "assignment_id": assignment['_id'], "student_id": str(student_id) }) if evaluation: st.markdown("### Evaluation") st.markdown(evaluation['evaluation']) else:"Evaluation pending. Check back later.") else: uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( "Upload your work", type=['pdf', 'doc', 'docx', 'txt', 'py', 'ipynb', 'ppt', 'pptx'], key=f"upload_{assignment['_id']}" ) if uploaded_file is not None: if st.button("Submit Assignment", key=f"submit_{assignment['_id']}"): text_content = extract_text_from_file(uploaded_file) submission = { "student_id": str(student_id), "file_name":, "file_type": uploaded_file.type, "file_content": uploaded_file.getvalue(), "text_content": text_content, "submitted_at": datetime.utcnow() } assignments_collection.update_one( {"_id": assignment['_id']}, {"$push": {"submissions": submission}} ) st.success("Assignment submitted successfully!") st.rerun() def display_inclass_analytics(session, course_id): """Display in-class analytics for faculty""" st.subheader("In-class Analytics") # Get all enrolled students count for participation rate calculation total_students = students_collection.count_documents({ "enrolled_courses": { "$elemMatch": {"course_id": course_id} } }) if total_students == 0: st.warning("No students enrolled in this course.") return # Get all polls for this session polls = polls_collection.find({ "session_id": session['session_id'] }) polls_list = list(polls) if not polls_list: st.warning("No polls have been conducted in this session yet.") return # Overall Poll Participation Metrics st.markdown("### Overall Poll Participation") # Calculate overall participation metrics total_polls = len(polls_list) participating_students = set() poll_participation_data = [] for poll in polls_list: respondents = set(poll.get('respondents', [])) participating_students.update(respondents) poll_participation_data.append({ 'Poll Title': poll.get('question', 'Untitled Poll'), 'Respondents': len(respondents), 'Participation Rate': (len(respondents) / total_students * 100) }) # Display summary metrics col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.metric("Total Polls Conducted", total_polls) with col2: st.metric("Active Participants", len(participating_students)) with col3: avg_participation = sum(p['Participation Rate'] for p in poll_participation_data) / total_polls st.metric("Average Participation Rate", f"{avg_participation:.1f}%") # Participation Trend Graph # st.markdown("### Poll Participation Trends") # participation_df = pd.DataFrame(poll_participation_data) # # Create line chart for participation trends # fig = px.line(participation_df, # x='Poll Title', # y='Participation Rate', # title='Poll Participation Rates Over Time', # markers=True) # fig.update_layout( # xaxis_title="Polls", # yaxis_title="Participation Rate (%)", # yaxis_range=[0, 100] # ) # st.plotly_chart(fig) # Individual Poll Results st.markdown("### Individual Poll Results") for poll in polls_list: with st.expander(f"📊 {poll.get('question', 'Untitled Poll')}"): responses = poll.get('responses', {}) respondents = poll.get('respondents', []) # Calculate metrics for this poll response_count = len(respondents) participation_rate = (response_count / total_students) * 100 # Display poll metrics col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.metric("Total Responses", response_count) with col2: st.metric("Participation Rate", f"{participation_rate:.1f}%") if responses: # Create DataFrame for responses response_df = pd.DataFrame(list(responses.items()), columns=['Option', 'Votes']) response_df['Percentage'] = (response_df['Votes'] / response_df['Votes'].sum() * 100).round(1) # Display response distribution fig =, x='Option', y='Votes', title='Response Distribution', text='Percentage') fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{text:.1f}%', textposition='outside') st.plotly_chart(fig) # Display detailed response table st.markdown("#### Detailed Response Breakdown") response_df['Percentage'] = response_df['Percentage'].apply(lambda x: f"{x}%") st.table(response_df) # Non-participating students non_participants = list(students_collection.find({ "courses": course_id, "_id": {"$nin": respondents} })) if non_participants: st.markdown("#### Students Who Haven't Participated") non_participant_data = [{ 'Name': student.get('name', 'Unknown'), 'SID': student.get('sid', 'Unknown') } for student in non_participants] st.table(pd.DataFrame(non_participant_data)) # Export functionality for participation data st.markdown("### Export Analytics") if st.button("Download Poll Analytics Report"): # Create a more detailed DataFrame for export export_data = [] for poll in polls_list: poll_data = { 'Poll Question': poll.get('question', 'Untitled'), 'Total Responses': len(poll.get('respondents', [])), 'Participation Rate': f"{(len(poll.get('respondents', [])) / total_students * 100):.1f}%" } # Add response distribution for option, votes in poll.get('responses', {}).items(): poll_data[f"Option: {option}"] = votes export_data.append(poll_data) export_df = pd.DataFrame(export_data) csv = export_df.to_csv(index=False).encode('utf-8') st.download_button( "📥 Download Complete Report", csv, "poll_analytics.csv", "text/csv", key='download-csv' ) def display_postclass_analytics(session, course_id): """Display post-class analytics for faculty""" st.subheader("Post-class Analytics") # Get all assignments for this session session_data = courses_collection2.find_one( {"sessions.session_id": session['session_id']}, {"sessions.$": 1} ) if not session_data or 'sessions' not in session_data: st.warning("No assignments found for this session.") return assignments = session_data['sessions'][0].get('post_class', {}).get('assignments', []) for assignment in assignments: with st.expander(f"📝 Assignment: {assignment.get('title', 'Untitled')}"): # Get submission analytics submissions = assignment.get('submissions', []) # total_students = students_collection.count_documents({"courses": session['course_id']}) total_students = students_collection.count_documents({ "enrolled_courses": { "$elemMatch": {"course_id": course_id} } }) # Calculate submission metrics submitted_count = len(submissions) submission_rate = (submitted_count / total_students) * 100 if total_students > 0 else 0 # Display metrics col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.metric("Submissions Received", submitted_count) with col2: st.metric("Submission Rate", f"{submission_rate:.1f}%") with col3: st.metric("Pending Submissions", total_students - submitted_count) # Display submission timeline if submissions: submission_dates = [sub.get('submitted_at') for sub in submissions if 'submitted_at' in sub] if submission_dates: df = pd.DataFrame(submission_dates, columns=['Submission Date']) fig = px.histogram(df, x='Submission Date', title='Submission Timeline', labels={'Submission Date': 'Date', 'count': 'Number of Submissions'}) st.plotly_chart(fig) # Display submission status breakdown status_counts = { 'pending': total_students - submitted_count, 'submitted': submitted_count, 'late': len([sub for sub in submissions if sub.get('is_late', False)]) } st.markdown("### Submission Status Breakdown") status_df = pd.DataFrame(list(status_counts.items()), columns=['Status', 'Count']) st.bar_chart(status_df.set_index('Status')) # List of students who haven't submitted if status_counts['pending'] > 0: st.markdown("### Students with Pending Submissions") # submitted_ids = [sub.get('student_id') for sub in submissions] submitted_ids = [ObjectId(sub.get('student_id')) for sub in submissions] print(submitted_ids) pending_students = students_collection.find({ "enrolled_courses.course_id": course_id, "_id": {"$nin": submitted_ids} }) print(pending_students) for student in pending_students: st.markdown(f"- {student.get('full_name', 'Unknown Student')} (SID: {student.get('SID', 'Unknown SID')})") def get_chat_history(user_id, session_id): query = { "user_id": ObjectId(user_id), "session_id": session_id, "timestamp": {"$lte": datetime.utcnow()} } result = chat_history_collection.find(query) return list(result) def get_response_from_llm(raw_data): messages = [ { "role": "system", "content": "You are an AI that refines raw analytics data into actionable insights for faculty reports." }, { "role": "user", "content": f""" Based on the following analytics data, refine and summarize the insights: Raw Data: {raw_data} Instructions: 1. Group similar topics together under appropriate categories. 2. Remove irrelevant or repetitive entries. 3. Summarize the findings into actionable insights. 4. Provide concise recommendations for improvement based on the findings. Output: Provide a structured response with the following format: {{ "Low Engagement Topics": ["List of Topics"], "Frustration Areas": ["List of areas"], "Recommendations": ["Actionable recommendations"], }} """ } ] try: client = OpenAI(api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY) response = model="gpt-4o-mini", messages=messages, temperature=0.2 ) content = response.choices[0].message.content return json.loads(content) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error generating response: {str(e)}") return None import typing_extensions as typing from typing import Union, List, Dict # class Topics(typing.TypedDict): # overarching_theme: List[Dict[str, Union[str, List[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]]]]] # indirect_topics: List[Dict[str, str]] def extract_topics_from_materials(session): """Extract topics from pre-class materials""" materials = resources_collection.find({"session_id": session['session_id']}) texts = "" if materials: for material in materials: if 'text_content' in material: text = material['text_content'] texts += text + "\n" else: st.warning("No text content found in the material.") return else: st.error("No pre-class materials found for this session.") return if texts: context_prompt = f""" Task: Extract Comprehensive Topics in a List Format You are tasked with analyzing the provided text content and extracting a detailed, flat list of topics. Instructions: Identify All Topics: Extract a comprehensive list of all topics, subtopics, and indirect topics present in the provided text content. This list should include: Overarching themes Main topics Subtopics and their sub-subtopics Indirectly related topics Flat List Format: Provide a flat list where each item is a topic. Ensure topics at all levels (overarching, main, sub, sub-sub, indirect) are represented as individual entries in the list. Be Exhaustive: Ensure the response captures every topic, subtopic, and indirectly related concept comprehensively. Output Requirements: Use this structure: {{ "topics": [ "Topic 1", "Topic 2", "Topic 3", ... ] }} Do Not Include: Do not include backticks, hierarchical structures, or the word 'json' in your response. Content to Analyze: {texts} """ try: # response = model.generate_content(context_prompt, generation_config=genai.GenerationConfig(response_mime_type="application/json", response_schema=list[Topics])) response = model.generate_content(context_prompt, generation_config=genai.GenerationConfig(temperature=0.3)) if not response or not response.text: st.error("Error extracting topics from materials.") return topics = response.text return topics except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error extracting topics: {str(e)}") return None else: st.error("No text content found in the pre-class materials.") return None def convert_json_to_dict(json_str): try: return json.loads(json_str) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error converting JSON to dictionary. {str(e)}") return None # Load topics from a JSON file # topics = [] # with open(r'topics.json', 'r') as file: # topics = json.load(file) def get_preclass_analytics(session, course_id): # Earlier Code: # """Get all user_ids from chat_history collection where session_id matches""" # user_ids = chat_history_collection.distinct("user_id", {"session_id": session['session_id']}) # print(user_ids) # session_id = session['session_id'] # all_chat_histories = [] # for user_id in user_ids: # result = get_chat_history(user_id, session_id) # if result: # for record in result: # chat_history = { # "user_id": record["user_id"], # "session_id": record["session_id"], # "messages": record["messages"] # } # all_chat_histories.append(chat_history) # else: # st.warning("No chat history found for this session.") # # Pass the pre-class materials content to the analytics engine # topics = extract_topics_from_materials(session) # # dict_topics = convert_json_to_dict(topics) # print(topics) # # # Use the 1st analytics engine # # analytics_engine = NovaScholarAnalytics(all_topics_list=topics) # # # extracted_topics = analytics_engine._extract_topics(None, topics) # # # print(extracted_topics) # # results = analytics_engine.process_chat_history(all_chat_histories) # # faculty_report = analytics_engine.generate_faculty_report(results) # # print(faculty_report) # # # Pass this Faculty Report to an LLM model for refinements and clarity # # refined_report = get_response_from_llm(faculty_report) # # return refined_report # # Use the 2nd analytice engine (using LLM): fallback_analytics = { "topic_insights": [], "student_insights": [], "recommended_actions": [ { "action": "Review analytics generation process", "priority": "high", "target_group": "system_administrators", "reasoning": "Analytics generation failed", "expected_impact": "Restore analytics functionality" } ], "course_health": { "overall_engagement": 0, "critical_topics": [], "class_distribution": { "high_performers": 0, "average_performers": 0, "at_risk": 0 } }, "intervention_metrics": { "immediate_attention_needed": [], "monitoring_required": [] } } # analytics_generator = NovaScholarAnalytics() # analytics2 = analytics_generator.generate_analytics(all_chat_histories, topics) # # enriched_analytics = analytics_generator._enrich_analytics(analytics2) # print("Analytics is: ", analytics2) # if analytics2 == fallback_analytics: # return None # else: # return analytics2 # # print(json.dumps(analytics, indent=2)) # New Code: # Debug print 1: Check session print("Starting get_preclass_analytics with session:", session['session_id']) user_ids = chat_history_collection.distinct("user_id", {"session_id": session['session_id']}) # Debug print 2: Check user_ids print("Found user_ids:", user_ids) all_chat_histories = [] for user_id in user_ids: result = get_chat_history(user_id, session['session_id']) # Debug print 3: Check each chat history result print(f"Chat history for user {user_id}:", "Found" if result else "Not found") if result: for record in result: chat_history = { "user_id": record["user_id"], "session_id": record["session_id"], "messages": record["messages"] } all_chat_histories.append(chat_history) # Debug print 4: Check chat histories print("Total chat histories collected:", len(all_chat_histories)) # Extract topics with debug print topics = extract_topics_from_materials(session) # Debug print 5: Check topics print("Extracted topics:", topics) if not topics: print("Topics extraction failed") # Debug print 6 return None analytics_generator = NovaScholarAnalytics() analytics2 = analytics_generator.generate_analytics(all_chat_histories, topics) # Debug print 7: Check analytics print("Generated analytics:", analytics2) if analytics2 == fallback_analytics: print("Fallback analytics returned") # Debug print 8 return None else: try: courses_collection.update_one( {"course_id": course_id, "sessions.session_id": session['session_id']}, {"$set": {"sessions.$": analytics2}} ) except Exception as e: print("Error storing analytics:", str(e)) return analytics2 # Load Analytics from a JSON file # analytics = [] # with open(r'new_analytics2.json', 'r') as file: # analytics = json.load(file) def display_preclass_analytics2(session, course_id): # Earlier Code: # Initialize or get analytics data from session state # if 'analytics_data' not in st.session_state: # st.session_state.analytics_data = get_preclass_analytics(session) # analytics = st.session_state.analytics_data # print(analytics) # New Code: # Initialize or get analytics data from session state if 'analytics_data' not in st.session_state: # Add debug prints analytics_data = get_preclass_analytics(session, course_id) if analytics_data is None:"Fetching new analytics data...") if analytics_data is None: st.error("Failed to generate analytics. Please check the following:") st.write("1. Ensure pre-class materials contain text content") st.write("2. Verify chat history exists for this session") st.write("3. Check if topic extraction was successful") return st.session_state.analytics_data = analytics_data analytics = st.session_state.analytics_data # Validate analytics data structure if not isinstance(analytics, dict): st.error(f"Invalid analytics data type: {type(analytics)}") return required_keys = ["topic_wise_insights", "ai_recommended_actions", "student_analytics"] missing_keys = [key for key in required_keys if key not in analytics] if missing_keys: st.error(f"Missing required keys in analytics data: {missing_keys}") return # Initialize topic indices only if we have valid data if 'topic_indices' not in st.session_state: try: st.session_state.topic_indices = list(range(len(analytics["topic_wise_insights"]))) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error creating topic indices: {str(e)}") st.write("Analytics data structure:", analytics) return # Enhanced CSS for better styling and interactivity st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Topic-wise Analytics Section st.markdown('{rec["action"]}
Reason: {rec["reasoning"]}
Expected Outcome: {rec["expected_outcome"]}