import streamlit as st import numpy as np from PIL import Image import tensorflow as tf import pickle import json st.title("AI-based Crop Disease Detection and Recommendation System") uploaded_image = st.file_uploader(label="Upload an Image") # Function to Load and Preprocess the Image using Pillow def load_and_preprocess_image(image_path, target_size=(224, 224)): # Load the image img = # Resize the image img = img.resize(target_size) # Convert the image to a numpy array img_array = np.array(img) # Add batch dimension img_array = np.expand_dims(img_array, axis=0) # Scale the image values to [0, 1] img_array = img_array.astype('float32') / 255. return img_array # load the trained model try: model = tf.keras.models.load_model('plant_disease_prediction_model.h5') except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error Loading Model.", e) # Load class indices try: with open('class_indices.json', 'r') as f: class_indices = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: st.error("class_indices.json file not found") recommendations = { 'Apple___Apple_scab': 'Apply a fungicide that contains captan, copper, or sulfur. Remove infected leaves and fruit.', 'Apple___Black_rot': 'Prune and destroy affected branches. Use a copper-based fungicide spray.', 'Apple___Cedar_apple_rust': 'Remove nearby cedar trees if possible. Apply a fungicide during spring.', 'Apple___healthy': 'Keep monitoring the crop and ensure optimal conditions for growth.', 'Blueberry___healthy': 'Maintain good irrigation and nutrient levels.', 'Cherry_(including_sour)___Powdery_mildew': 'Prune affected parts and apply a sulfur-based fungicide. Ensure proper air circulation around the plants.', 'Cherry_(including_sour)___healthy': 'Regularly inspect for any early signs of disease and maintain optimal conditions.', 'Corn_(maize)___Cercospora_leaf_spot Gray_leaf_spot': 'Apply fungicides with active ingredients like azoxystrobin or pyraclostrobin. Ensure crop rotation.', 'Corn_(maize)___Common_rust_': 'Plant resistant varieties and apply fungicides containing mancozeb or chlorothalonil.', 'Corn_(maize)___Northern_Leaf_Blight': 'Use resistant seed varieties and apply a triazole or strobilurin fungicide.', 'Corn_(maize)___healthy': 'Maintain good agricultural practices, including adequate spacing and nutrient management.', 'Grape___Black_rot': 'Remove and destroy infected leaves and fruit. Apply fungicides like mancozeb or myclobutanil.', 'Grape___Esca_(Black_Measles)': 'Prune affected vines and use appropriate fungicides. Consider improving drainage and limiting stress on the plants.', 'Grape___Leaf_blight_(Isariopsis_Leaf_Spot)': 'Prune infected areas and ensure proper airflow. Apply copper-based fungicides as needed.', 'Grape___healthy': 'Ensure proper care, including balanced nutrition and regular monitoring.', 'Orange___Haunglongbing_(Citrus_greening)': 'There is no cure; remove affected trees to prevent spreading. Implement vector control for psyllids.', 'Peach___Bacterial_spot': 'Remove infected leaves and fruit. Apply copper-based bactericides and avoid overhead irrigation.', 'Peach___healthy': 'Continue monitoring and maintain proper nutrition and watering practices.', 'Pepper,_bell___Bacterial_spot': 'Remove and destroy infected leaves. Use copper-based bactericides and avoid overhead watering.', 'Pepper,_bell___healthy': 'Maintain proper spacing and ensure good air circulation around plants.', 'Potato___Early_blight': 'Apply fungicides like chlorothalonil or mancozeb. Practice crop rotation and use resistant varieties.', 'Potato___Late_blight': 'Remove affected plants immediately and apply fungicides containing chlorothalonil or mancozeb.', 'Potato___healthy': 'Keep monitoring and ensure proper soil management and nutrient levels.', 'Raspberry___healthy': 'Ensure good practices such as regular weeding, proper spacing, and balanced fertilization.', 'Soybean___healthy': 'Maintain proper soil health and use crop rotation practices to avoid diseases.', 'Squash___Powdery_mildew': 'Apply sulfur-based fungicides and ensure good air circulation by pruning overcrowded areas.', 'Strawberry___Leaf_scorch': 'Remove and destroy affected leaves. Apply a copper-based fungicide if necessary.', 'Strawberry___healthy': 'Maintain proper irrigation practices and inspect regularly for early disease signs.', 'Tomato___Bacterial_spot': 'Use copper-based sprays and avoid working in the garden when plants are wet to prevent spreading.', 'Tomato___Early_blight': 'Use a fungicide with mancozeb or chlorothalonil. Remove and destroy affected foliage.', 'Tomato___Late_blight': 'Remove and destroy affected plants to stop spreading. Apply chlorothalonil-based fungicides.', 'Tomato___Leaf_Mold': 'Improve airflow around plants and apply fungicides with chlorothalonil or copper.', 'Tomato___Septoria_leaf_spot': 'Remove affected leaves and use fungicides containing chlorothalonil or copper.', 'Tomato___Spider_mites Two-spotted_spider_mite': 'Spray with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Ensure plants are well-hydrated.', 'Tomato___Target_Spot': 'Apply a fungicide containing azoxystrobin and remove affected leaves.', 'Tomato___Tomato_Yellow_Leaf_Curl_Virus': 'Control whitefly populations as they spread the virus. Remove infected plants promptly.', 'Tomato___Tomato_mosaic_virus': 'Remove infected plants and disinfect tools. Plant virus-resistant varieties.', 'Tomato___healthy': 'Ensure proper plant spacing and optimal watering practices to prevent diseases.' } # Predict the class of the uploaded image if uploaded_image: image_path = uploaded_image preprocessed_image = load_and_preprocess_image(image_path) predictions = model.predict(preprocessed_image) predicted_class_index = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1)[0] # Get the class name predicted_class_name = class_indices.get(str(predicted_class_index), "Unknown") recommended = recommendations.get(predicted_class_name, "No Recommendation Available!!") st.write("The Predicted Class is:", predicted_class_name) st.title("Recommendation") else: st.text("Please upload an image.")