Build error
Build error
File size: 8,181 Bytes
222619b d9a4587 222619b d9a4587 222619b |
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from data_gen.tts.data_gen_utils import is_sil_phoneme
from resemblyzer import VoiceEncoder
from data_gen.tts.data_gen_utils import build_phone_encoder, build_word_encoder
from tasks.tts.dataset_utils import FastSpeechWordDataset
from tasks.tts.tts_utils import load_data_preprocessor
from vocoders.hifigan import HifiGanGenerator
from data_gen.tts.emotion import inference as EmotionEncoder
from data_gen.tts.emotion.inference import embed_utterance as Embed_utterance
from data_gen.tts.emotion.inference import preprocess_wav
import importlib
import os
import librosa
import soundfile as sf
from transformers import Wav2Vec2ForCTC, Wav2Vec2Processor
from string import punctuation
import torch
from utils import audio
from utils.ckpt_utils import load_ckpt
from utils.hparams import set_hparams
class BaseTTSInfer:
def __init__(self, hparams, device=None):
if device is None:
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
self.hparams = hparams
self.device = device
self.data_dir = hparams['binary_data_dir']
self.preprocessor, self.preprocess_args = load_data_preprocessor()
self.ph_encoder, self.word_encoder = self.preprocessor.load_dict(self.data_dir)
self.spk_map = self.preprocessor.load_spk_map(self.data_dir)
self.ds_cls = FastSpeechWordDataset
self.model = self.build_model()
self.vocoder = self.build_vocoder()
self.asr_processor, self.asr_model = self.build_asr()
def build_model(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def forward_model(self, inp):
raise NotImplementedError
def build_asr(self):
# load pretrained model
processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h") # facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h wav2vec2-large-960h-lv60-self
model = Wav2Vec2ForCTC.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h").to(self.device)
return processor, model
def build_vocoder(self):
base_dir = self.hparams['vocoder_ckpt']
config_path = f'{base_dir}/config.yaml'
config = set_hparams(config_path, global_hparams=False)
vocoder = HifiGanGenerator(config)
load_ckpt(vocoder, base_dir, 'model_gen')
return vocoder
def run_vocoder(self, c):
c = c.transpose(2, 1)
y = self.vocoder(c)[:, 0]
return y
def preprocess_input(self, inp):
:param inp: {'text': str, 'item_name': (str, optional), 'spk_name': (str, optional)}
# processed text
preprocessor, preprocess_args = self.preprocessor, self.preprocess_args
text_raw = inp['text']
item_name = inp.get('item_name', '<ITEM_NAME>')
ph, txt, word, ph2word, ph_gb_word = preprocessor.txt_to_ph(preprocessor.txt_processor, text_raw, preprocess_args)
ph_token = self.ph_encoder.encode(ph)
# processed ref audio
ref_audio = inp['ref_audio']
processed_ref_audio = 'example/temp.wav'
voice_encoder = VoiceEncoder().to(self.device)
encoder = [self.ph_encoder, self.word_encoder]
binarizer_cls = self.hparams.get("binarizer_cls", 'data_gen.tts.base_binarizerr.BaseBinarizer')
pkg = ".".join(binarizer_cls.split(".")[:-1])
cls_name = binarizer_cls.split(".")[-1]
binarizer_cls = getattr(importlib.import_module(pkg), cls_name)
ref_audio_raw, ref_text_raw = self.asr(ref_audio) # prepare text
ph_ref, txt_ref, word_ref, ph2word_ref, ph_gb_word_ref = preprocessor.txt_to_ph(preprocessor.txt_processor, ref_text_raw, preprocess_args)
ph_gb_word_nosil = ["_".join([p for p in w.split("_") if not is_sil_phoneme(p)]) for w in ph_gb_word_ref.split(" ") if not is_sil_phoneme(w)]
phs_for_align = ['SIL'] + ph_gb_word_nosil + ['SIL']
phs_for_align = " ".join(phs_for_align)
# prepare files for alignment
os.system('rm -r example/; mkdir example/')
audio.save_wav(ref_audio_raw, processed_ref_audio, self.hparams['audio_sample_rate'])
with open(f'example/temp.lab', 'w') as f_txt:
os.system(f'mfa align example/ {self.hparams["binary_data_dir"]}/mfa_dict.txt {self.hparams["binary_data_dir"]}/ example/textgrid/ --clean')
item2tgfn = 'example/textgrid/temp.TextGrid' # prepare textgrid alignment
item = binarizer_cls.process_item(item_name, ph_ref, txt_ref, item2tgfn, processed_ref_audio, 0, 0, encoder, self.hparams['binarization_args'])
item['emo_embed'] = Embed_utterance(preprocess_wav(item['wav_fn']))
item['spk_embed'] = voice_encoder.embed_utterance(item['wav'])
'ref_ph': item['ph'],
'ph': ph,
'ph_token': ph_token,
'text': txt
return item
def input_to_batch(self, item):
item_names = [item['item_name']]
text = [item['text']]
ph = [item['ph']]
txt_tokens = torch.LongTensor(item['ph_token'])[None, :].to(self.device)
txt_lengths = torch.LongTensor([txt_tokens.shape[1]]).to(self.device)
mels = torch.FloatTensor(item['mel'])[None, :].to(self.device)
f0 = torch.FloatTensor(item['f0'])[None, :].to(self.device)
# uv = torch.FloatTensor(item['uv']).to(self.device)
mel2ph = torch.LongTensor(item['mel2ph'])[None, :].to(self.device)
spk_embed = torch.FloatTensor(item['spk_embed'])[None, :].to(self.device)
emo_embed = torch.FloatTensor(item['emo_embed'])[None, :].to(self.device)
ph2word = torch.LongTensor(item['ph2word'])[None, :].to(self.device)
mel2word = torch.LongTensor(item['mel2word'])[None, :].to(self.device)
word_tokens = torch.LongTensor(item['word_tokens'])[None, :].to(self.device)
batch = {
'item_name': item_names,
'text': text,
'ph': ph,
'mels': mels,
'f0': f0,
'txt_tokens': txt_tokens,
'txt_lengths': txt_lengths,
'spk_embed': spk_embed,
'emo_embed': emo_embed,
'mel2ph': mel2ph,
'ph2word': ph2word,
'mel2word': mel2word,
'word_tokens': word_tokens,
return batch
def postprocess_output(self, output):
return output
def infer_once(self, inp):
inp = self.preprocess_input(inp)
output = self.forward_model(inp)
output = self.postprocess_output(output)
return output
def example_run(cls):
from utils.hparams import set_hparams
from utils.hparams import hparams as hp
from import save_wav
inp = {
'text': hp['text'],
'ref_audio': hp['ref_audio']
infer_ins = cls(hp)
out = infer_ins.infer_once(inp)
os.makedirs('infer_out', exist_ok=True)
save_wav(out, f'infer_out/{hp["text"]}.wav', hp['audio_sample_rate'])
print(f'Save at infer_out/{hp["text"]}.wav.')
def asr(self, file):
sample_rate = self.hparams['audio_sample_rate']
audio_input, source_sample_rate =
# Resample the wav if needed
if sample_rate is not None and source_sample_rate != sample_rate:
audio_input = librosa.resample(audio_input, source_sample_rate, sample_rate)
# pad input values and return pt tensor
input_values = self.asr_processor(audio_input, sampling_rate=sample_rate, return_tensors="pt").input_values
# retrieve logits & take argmax
logits = self.asr_model(
predicted_ids = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1)
# transcribe
transcription = self.asr_processor.decode(predicted_ids[0])
transcription = transcription.rstrip(punctuation)
return audio_input, transcription |