import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import { Card, Title, BarChart, Subtitle, Grid, Col, Select, SelectItem, DateRangePicker, DateRangePickerValue, MultiSelect, MultiSelectItem, } from "@tremor/react"; import { adminGlobalCacheActivity, } from "./networking"; const formatDateWithoutTZ = (date: Date | undefined) => { if (!date) return undefined; return date.toISOString().split('T')[0]; }; function valueFormatterNumbers(number: number) { const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { maximumFractionDigits: 0, notation: 'compact', compactDisplay: 'short', }); return formatter.format(number); } interface CachePageProps { accessToken: string | null; token: string | null; userRole: string | null; userID: string | null; premiumUser: boolean; } interface cacheDataItem { api_key: string; model: string; cache_hit_true_rows: number; cached_completion_tokens: number; total_rows: number; generated_completion_tokens: number; call_type: string; // Add other properties as needed } interface uiData { "name": string; "LLM API requests": number; "Cache hit": number; "Cached Completion Tokens": number; "Generated Completion Tokens": number; } const CacheDashboard: React.FC = ({ accessToken, token, userRole, userID, premiumUser, }) => { const [filteredData, setFilteredData] = useState([]); const [selectedApiKeys, setSelectedApiKeys] = useState([]); const [selectedModels, setSelectedModels] = useState([]); const [data, setData] = useState([]); const [cachedResponses, setCachedResponses] = useState("0"); const [cachedTokens, setCachedTokens] = useState("0"); const [cacheHitRatio, setCacheHitRatio] = useState("0"); const [dateValue, setDateValue] = useState({ from: new Date( - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), to: new Date(), }); useEffect(() => { if (!accessToken || !dateValue) { return; } const fetchData = async () => { const response = await adminGlobalCacheActivity(accessToken, formatDateWithoutTZ(dateValue.from), formatDateWithoutTZ(; setData(response); }; fetchData(); }, [accessToken]); const uniqueApiKeys = Array.from(new Set( => item?.api_key ?? ""))); const uniqueModels = Array.from(new Set( => item?.model ?? ""))); const uniqueCallTypes = Array.from(new Set( => item?.call_type ?? ""))); const updateCachingData = async (startTime: Date | undefined, endTime: Date | undefined) => { if (!startTime || !endTime || !accessToken) { return; } // the endTime put it to the last hour of the selected date endTime.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); // startTime put it to the first hour of the selected date startTime.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); let new_cache_data = await adminGlobalCacheActivity( accessToken, formatDateWithoutTZ(startTime), formatDateWithoutTZ(endTime) ) setData(new_cache_data); } useEffect(() => { console.log("DATA IN CACHE DASHBOARD", data); let newData: cacheDataItem[] = data; if (selectedApiKeys.length > 0) { newData = newData.filter((item) => selectedApiKeys.includes(item.api_key)); } if (selectedModels.length > 0) { newData = newData.filter((item) => selectedModels.includes(item.model)); } /* Data looks like this [{"api_key":"147dba2181f28914eea90eb484926c293cdcf7f5b5c9c3dd6a004d9e0f9fdb21","call_type":"acompletion","model":"llama3-8b-8192","total_rows":13,"cache_hit_true_rows":0}, {"api_key":"8c23f021d0535c2e59abb7d83d0e03ccfb8db1b90e231ff082949d95df419e86","call_type":"None","model":"chatgpt-v-2","total_rows":1,"cache_hit_true_rows":0}, {"api_key":"88dc28d0f030c55ed4ab77ed8faf098196cb1c05df778539800c9f1243fe6b4b","call_type":"acompletion","model":"gpt-3.5-turbo","total_rows":19,"cache_hit_true_rows":0}, {"api_key":"88dc28d0f030c55ed4ab77ed8faf098196cb1c05df778539800c9f1243fe6b4b","call_type":"aimage_generation","model":"","total_rows":3,"cache_hit_true_rows":0}, {"api_key":"0ad4b3c03dcb6de0b5b8f761db798c6a8ae80be3fd1e2ea30c07ce6d5e3bf870","call_type":"None","model":"chatgpt-v-2","total_rows":1,"cache_hit_true_rows":0}, {"api_key":"034224b36e9769bc50e2190634abc3f97cad789b17ca80ac43b82f46cd5579b3","call_type":"","model":"chatgpt-v-2","total_rows":1,"cache_hit_true_rows":0}, {"api_key":"4f9c71cce0a2bb9a0b62ce6f0ebb3245b682702a8851d26932fa7e3b8ebfc755","call_type":"","model":"chatgpt-v-2","total_rows":1,"cache_hit_true_rows":0}, */ // What data we need for bar chat // ui_data = [ // { // name: "Call Type", // Cache hit: 20, // LLM API requests: 10, // } // ] console.log("before processed data in cache dashboard", newData); let llm_api_requests = 0; let cache_hits = 0; let cached_tokens = 0; const processedData = newData.reduce((acc: uiData[], item) => { console.log("Processing item:", item); if (!item.call_type) { console.log("Item has no call_type:", item); item.call_type = "Unknown"; } llm_api_requests += (item.total_rows || 0) - (item.cache_hit_true_rows || 0); cache_hits += item.cache_hit_true_rows || 0; cached_tokens += item.cached_completion_tokens || 0; const existingItem = acc.find(i => === item.call_type); if (existingItem) { existingItem["LLM API requests"] += (item.total_rows || 0) - (item.cache_hit_true_rows || 0); existingItem["Cache hit"] += item.cache_hit_true_rows || 0; existingItem["Cached Completion Tokens"] += item.cached_completion_tokens || 0; existingItem["Generated Completion Tokens"] += item.generated_completion_tokens || 0; } else { acc.push({ name: item.call_type, "LLM API requests": (item.total_rows || 0) - (item.cache_hit_true_rows || 0), "Cache hit": item.cache_hit_true_rows || 0, "Cached Completion Tokens": item.cached_completion_tokens || 0, "Generated Completion Tokens": item.generated_completion_tokens || 0 }); } return acc; }, []); // set header cache statistics setCachedResponses(valueFormatterNumbers(cache_hits)); setCachedTokens(valueFormatterNumbers(cached_tokens)); let allRequests = cache_hits + llm_api_requests if (allRequests > 0) { let cache_hit_ratio = ((cache_hits / allRequests) * 100).toFixed(2); setCacheHitRatio(cache_hit_ratio); } else { setCacheHitRatio("0"); } setFilteredData(processedData); console.log("PROCESSED DATA IN CACHE DASHBOARD", processedData); }, [selectedApiKeys, selectedModels, dateValue, data]); return ( { => ( {key} ))} { => ( {model} ))} { setDateValue(value); updateCachingData(value.from,; }} selectPlaceholder="Select date range" />

Cache Hit Ratio


Cache Hits


Cached Tokens


Cache Hits vs API Requests Cached Completion Tokens vs Generated Completion Tokens
); }; export default CacheDashboard;