import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react"; |
import { Button, TextInput, Grid, Col } from "@tremor/react"; |
import { Select, SelectItem, MultiSelect, MultiSelectItem, Card, Metric, Text, Title, Subtitle, Accordion, AccordionHeader, AccordionBody, } from "@tremor/react"; |
import { CopyToClipboard } from 'react-copy-to-clipboard'; |
import { setCallbacksCall } from "./networking"; |
import { |
Button as Button2, |
Modal, |
Form, |
Input, |
InputNumber, |
Select as Select2, |
message, |
} from "antd"; |
import { keyCreateCall, slackBudgetAlertsHealthCheck, modelAvailableCall } from "./networking"; |
import { list } from "postcss"; |
const { Option } = Select2; |
interface AddFallbacksProps { |
models: string[] | undefined; |
accessToken: string; |
routerSettings: { [key: string]: any; } |
setRouterSettings: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<{ [key: string]: any }>>; |
} |
const AddFallbacks: React.FC<AddFallbacksProps> = ({ |
models, |
accessToken, |
routerSettings, |
setRouterSettings |
}) => { |
const [form] = Form.useForm(); |
const [isModalVisible, setIsModalVisible] = useState(false); |
const [selectedModel, setSelectedModel] = useState(""); |
const handleOk = () => { |
setIsModalVisible(false); |
form.resetFields(); |
}; |
const handleCancel = () => { |
setIsModalVisible(false); |
form.resetFields(); |
}; |
const updateFallbacks = (formValues: Record<string, any>) => { |
console.log(formValues); |
const { model_name, models } = formValues; |
const newFallback = { [model_name]: models }; |
const currentFallbacks = routerSettings.fallbacks || []; |
const updatedFallbacks = [...currentFallbacks, newFallback]; |
const updatedRouterSettings = { ...routerSettings, fallbacks: updatedFallbacks }; |
console.log(updatedRouterSettings); |
const payload = { |
router_settings: updatedRouterSettings |
}; |
try { |
setCallbacksCall(accessToken, payload); |
setRouterSettings(updatedRouterSettings); |
} catch (error) { |
message.error("Failed to update router settings: " + error, 20); |
} |
message.success("router settings updated successfully"); |
setIsModalVisible(false) |
form.resetFields(); |
}; |
return ( |
<div> |
<Button className="mx-auto" onClick={() => setIsModalVisible(true)}> |
+ Add Fallbacks |
</Button> |
<Modal |
title="Add Fallbacks" |
visible={isModalVisible} |
width={800} |
footer={null} |
onOk={handleOk} |
onCancel={handleCancel} |
> |
<Form |
form={form} |
onFinish={updateFallbacks} |
labelCol={{ span: 8 }} |
wrapperCol={{ span: 16 }} |
labelAlign="left" |
> |
<> |
<Form.Item |
label="Public Model Name" |
name="model_name" |
rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Set the model to fallback for' }]} |
help="required" |
> |
<Select defaultValue={selectedModel}> |
{models && models.map((model: string, index) => ( |
<SelectItem |
key={index} |
value={model} |
onClick={() => setSelectedModel(model)} |
> |
{model} |
</SelectItem> |
)) |
} |
</Select> |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item |
label="Fallback Models" |
name="models" |
rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Please select a model' }]} |
help="required" |
> |
<MultiSelect value={models}> |
{models && |
models.filter(data => data != selectedModel).map((model: string) => ( |
( |
<MultiSelectItem key={model} value={model}> |
{model} |
</MultiSelectItem> |
) |
))} |
</MultiSelect> |
</Form.Item> |
</> |
<div style={{ textAlign: "right", marginTop: "10px" }}> |
<Button2 htmlType="submit">Add Fallbacks</Button2> |
</div> |
</Form> |
</Modal> |
</div> |
); |
}; |
export default AddFallbacks; |