TTS-Spaces-Arena / app /
Pendrokar's picture
win_rate as a link to rejections
history blame
6.86 kB
import gradio as gr
import itertools
import random
import json
from .config import sents
from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Dict
from hashlib import md5, sha1
import spaces
# from .synth import clear_stuff
class User:
def __init__(self, user_id: str):
self.user_id = user_id
self.voted_pairs: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set()
class Sample:
def __init__(self, filename: str, transcript: str, modelName: str):
self.filename = filename
self.transcript = transcript
self.modelName = modelName
def to_dict(self):
return {
'filename': self.filename,
'transcript': self.transcript,
'modelName': self.modelName,
# cache audio samples for quick voting
cached_samples: List[Sample] = []
# cached_samples.append(Sample("audio1.mp3", "Hello, how are you?", "model1"))
# cached_samples.append(Sample("audio2.mp3", "Hello, how are you?", "model2"))
# load temporary samples
json_data = ''
with open("_cached_samples.json", "r") as read:
loaded_samples = json.load(read)
cached_samples = [Sample(**json_data) for json_data in loaded_samples]
def asr_cached_for_dataset():
for caudio in cached_samples:
return True
voting_users = {
# userid as the key and USER() as the value
# List[Tuple[Sample, Sample]]
all_pairs = []
def get_userid(session_hash: str, request):
# JS cookie
if (session_hash != ''):
# print('auth by session cookie')
return sha1(bytes(session_hash.encode('ascii')), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
if request.username:
# print('auth by username')
# by HuggingFace username - requires `auth` to be enabled therefore denying access to anonymous users
return sha1(bytes(request.username.encode('ascii')), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
# print('auth by ip')
# by IP address - unreliable when gradio within HTML iframe
# return sha1(bytes('ascii')), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
# by browser session cookie - Gradio on HF is run in an HTML iframe, access to parent session required to reach session token
# return sha1(bytes(request.headers.encode('ascii'))).hexdigest()
# by browser session hash - Not a cookie, session hash changes on page reload
return sha1(bytes(request.session_hash.encode('ascii')), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
def cache_sample(path, text, model):
# skip caching if not a hardcoded sentence
if (text not in sents):
return False
already_cached = False
# check if already cached
for cached_sample in cached_samples:
# TODO: replace cached sample with a newer version?
if (cached_sample.transcript == text and cached_sample.modelName == model):
already_cached = True
return True
if (already_cached):
return False
cached_samples.append(Sample(path, text, model))
print('Error when trying to cache sample')
return False
# save list to JSON file
cached_sample_dict = [cached_sample.to_dict() for cached_sample in cached_samples]
with open("_cached_samples.json", "w") as write:
json.dump( cached_sample_dict , write )
# Give user a cached audio sample pair they have yet to vote on
def give_cached_sample(session_hash: str, autoplay: bool, request: gr.Request):
# add new userid to voting_users from Browser session hash
# stored only in RAM
userid = get_userid(session_hash, request)
if userid not in voting_users:
voting_users[userid] = User(userid)
def get_next_pair(user: User):
# FIXME: all_pairs var out of scope
# all_pairs = generate_matching_pairs(cached_samples)
# for pair in all_pairs:
for pair in generate_matching_pairs(cached_samples):
hash1 = md5(bytes((pair[0].modelName + pair[0].transcript).encode('ascii'))).hexdigest()
hash2 = md5(bytes((pair[1].modelName + pair[1].transcript).encode('ascii'))).hexdigest()
pair_key = (hash1, hash2)
if (
pair_key not in user.voted_pairs
# or in reversed order
and (pair_key[1], pair_key[0]) not in user.voted_pairs
return pair
return None
pair = get_next_pair(voting_users[userid])
if pair is None:
comp_defaults = []
for i in range(0, 14):
return [
# *clear_stuff(),
# disable get cached sample button
return (
gr.update(visible=True, value=pair[0].transcript, elem_classes=['blurred-text']),
"Synthesize 🐢",
gr.update(visible=True), # r2
pair[0].modelName, # model1
pair[1].modelName, # model2
gr.update(visible=True, value=pair[0].filename, interactive=False, autoplay=autoplay), # aud1
gr.update(visible=True, value=pair[1].filename, interactive=False, autoplay=False), # aud2
gr.update(visible=True, interactive=False), #abetter
gr.update(visible=True, interactive=False), #bbetter
gr.update(visible=False), #prevmodel1
gr.update(visible=False), #prevmodel2
gr.update(visible=True, value="⚡ Skip Round"), #nxt round btn
# reset aplayed, bplayed audio playback events
False, #aplayed
False, #bplayed
# fetch cached btn
def generate_matching_pairs(samples: List[Sample]) -> List[Tuple[Sample, Sample]]:
transcript_groups: Dict[str, List[Sample]] = {}
samples = random.sample(samples, k=len(samples))
for sample in samples:
if sample.transcript not in transcript_groups:
transcript_groups[sample.transcript] = []
matching_pairs: List[Tuple[Sample, Sample]] = []
for group in transcript_groups.values():
matching_pairs.extend(list(itertools.combinations(group, 2)))
return matching_pairs
# note the vote on cached sample pair
def voted_on_cached(modelName1: str, modelName2: str, transcript: str, session_hash: str, request: gr.Request):
userid = get_userid(session_hash, request)
# print(f'userid voted on cached: {userid}')
if userid not in voting_users:
voting_users[userid] = User(userid)
hash1 = md5(bytes((modelName1 + transcript).encode('ascii'))).hexdigest()
hash2 = md5(bytes((modelName2 + transcript).encode('ascii'))).hexdigest()
voting_users[userid].voted_pairs.add((hash1, hash2))
return []