# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division

import glob
import json
import uuid
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import numpy as np

from torchmoji.filter_utils import is_special_token
from torchmoji.word_generator import WordGenerator
from torchmoji.global_variables import SPECIAL_TOKENS, VOCAB_PATH

class VocabBuilder():
    """ Create vocabulary with words extracted from sentences as fed from a
        word generator.
    def __init__(self, word_gen):
        # initialize any new key with value of 0
        self.word_counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0, {})

        for token in SPECIAL_TOKENS:
            assert len(token) < self.word_length_limit
            self.word_counts[token] = 0
        self.word_gen = word_gen

    def count_words_in_sentence(self, words):
        """ Generates word counts for all tokens in the given sentence.

        # Arguments:
            words: Tokenized sentence whose words should be counted.
        for word in words:
            if 0 < len(word) and len(word) <= self.word_length_limit:
                    self.word_counts[word] += 1
                except KeyError:
                    self.word_counts[word] = 1

    def save_vocab(self, path=None):
        """ Saves the vocabulary into a file.

        # Arguments:
            path: Where the vocabulary should be saved. If not specified, a
                  randomly generated filename is used instead.
        dtype = ([('word','|S{}'.format(self.word_length_limit)),('count','int')])
        np_dict = np.array(self.word_counts.items(), dtype=dtype)

        # sort from highest to lowest frequency
        data = np_dict

        if path is None:
            path = str(uuid.uuid4())

        np.savez_compressed(path, data=data)
        print("Saved dict to {}".format(path))

    def get_next_word(self):
        """ Returns next tokenized sentence from the word geneerator.

        # Returns:
            List of strings, representing the next tokenized sentence.
        return self.word_gen.__iter__().next()

    def count_all_words(self):
        """ Generates word counts for all words in all sentences of the word
        for words, _ in self.word_gen:

class MasterVocab():
    """ Combines vocabularies.
    def __init__(self):

        # initialize custom tokens
        self.master_vocab = {}

    def populate_master_vocab(self, vocab_path, min_words=1, force_appearance=None):
        """ Populates the master vocabulary using all vocabularies found in the
            given path. Vocabularies should be named *.npz. Expects the
            vocabularies to be numpy arrays with counts. Normalizes the counts
            and combines them.

        # Arguments:
            vocab_path: Path containing vocabularies to be combined.
            min_words: Minimum amount of occurences a word must have in order
                to be included in the master vocabulary.
            force_appearance: Optional vocabulary filename that will be added
                to the master vocabulary no matter what. This vocabulary must
                be present in vocab_path.

        paths = glob.glob(vocab_path + '*.npz')
        sizes = {path: 0 for path in paths}
        dicts = {path: {} for path in paths}

        # set up and get sizes of individual dictionaries
        for path in paths:
            np_data = np.load(path)['data']

            for entry in np_data:
                word, count = entry
                if count < min_words:
                if is_special_token(word):
                dicts[path][word] = count

            sizes[path] = sum(dicts[path].values())
            print('Overall word count for {} -> {}'.format(path, sizes[path]))
            print('Overall word number for {} -> {}'.format(path, len(dicts[path])))

        vocab_of_max_size = max(sizes, key=sizes.get)
        max_size = sizes[vocab_of_max_size]
        print('Min: {}, {}, {}'.format(sizes, vocab_of_max_size, max_size))

        # can force one vocabulary to always be present
        if force_appearance is not None:
            force_appearance_path = [p for p in paths if force_appearance in p][0]
            force_appearance_vocab = deepcopy(dicts[force_appearance_path])
            force_appearance_path, force_appearance_vocab = None, None

        # normalize word counts before inserting into master dict
        for path in paths:
            normalization_factor = max_size / sizes[path]
            print('Norm factor for path {} -> {}'.format(path, normalization_factor))

            for word in dicts[path]:
                if is_special_token(word):
                    print("SPECIAL - ", word)
                normalized_count = dicts[path][word] * normalization_factor

                # can force one vocabulary to always be present
                if force_appearance_vocab is not None:
                        force_word_count = force_appearance_vocab[word]
                    except KeyError:
                    #if force_word_count < 5:

                if word in self.master_vocab:
                    self.master_vocab[word] += normalized_count
                    self.master_vocab[word] = normalized_count

        print('Size of master_dict {}'.format(len(self.master_vocab)))
        print("Hashes for master dict: {}".format(
            len([w for w in self.master_vocab if '#' in w[0]])))

    def save_vocab(self, path_count, path_vocab, word_limit=100000):
        """ Saves the master vocabulary into a file.

        # reserve space for 10 special tokens
        words = OrderedDict()
        for token in SPECIAL_TOKENS:
            # store -1 instead of np.inf, which can overflow
            words[token] = -1

        # sort words by frequency
        desc_order = OrderedDict(sorted(self.master_vocab.items(),
                                 key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True))

        # use encoding of up to 30 characters (no token conversions)
        # use float to store large numbers (we don't care about precision loss)
        np_vocab = np.array(words.items(),

        # output count for debugging
        counts = np_vocab[:word_limit]
        np.savez_compressed(path_count, counts=counts)

        # output the index of each word for easy lookup
        final_words = OrderedDict()
        for i, w in enumerate(words.keys()[:word_limit]):
        with open(path_vocab, 'w') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(final_words, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))

def all_words_in_sentences(sentences):
    """ Extracts all unique words from a given list of sentences.

    # Arguments:
        sentences: List or word generator of sentences to be processed.

    # Returns:
        List of all unique words contained in the given sentences.
    vocab = []
    if isinstance(sentences, WordGenerator):
        sentences = [s for s, _ in sentences]

    for sentence in sentences:
        for word in sentence:
            if word not in vocab:

    return vocab

def extend_vocab_in_file(vocab, max_tokens=10000, vocab_path=VOCAB_PATH):
    """ Extends JSON-formatted vocabulary with words from vocab that are not
        present in the current vocabulary. Adds up to max_tokens words.
        Overwrites file in vocab_path.

    # Arguments:
        new_vocab: Vocabulary to be added. MUST have word_counts populated, i.e.
            must have run count_all_words() previously.
        max_tokens: Maximum number of words to be added.
        vocab_path: Path to the vocabulary json which is to be extended.
        with open(vocab_path, 'r') as f:
            current_vocab = json.load(f)
    except IOError:
        print('Vocabulary file not found, expected at ' + vocab_path)

    extend_vocab(current_vocab, vocab, max_tokens)

    # Save back to file
    with open(vocab_path, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(current_vocab, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',',': '))

def extend_vocab(current_vocab, new_vocab, max_tokens=10000):
    """ Extends current vocabulary with words from vocab that are not
        present in the current vocabulary. Adds up to max_tokens words.

    # Arguments:
        current_vocab: Current dictionary of tokens.
        new_vocab: Vocabulary to be added. MUST have word_counts populated, i.e.
            must have run count_all_words() previously.
        max_tokens: Maximum number of words to be added.

    # Returns:
        How many new tokens have been added.
    if max_tokens < 0:
        max_tokens = 10000

    words = OrderedDict()

    # sort words by frequency
    desc_order = OrderedDict(sorted(new_vocab.word_counts.items(),
                                key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True))

    base_index = len(current_vocab.keys())
    added = 0
    for word in words:
        if added >= max_tokens:
        if word not in current_vocab.keys():
            current_vocab[word] = base_index + added
            added += 1

    return added