"""Contains classes and methods related to interpretation for components in Gradio.""" from __future__ import annotations import copy import math from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import numpy as np from gradio_client import utils as client_utils from gradio import components if TYPE_CHECKING: # Only import for type checking (is False at runtime). from gradio import Interface class Interpretable(ABC): # noqa: B024 def __init__(self) -> None: self.set_interpret_parameters() def set_interpret_parameters(self): # noqa: B027 """ Set any parameters for interpretation. Properties can be set here to be used in get_interpretation_neighbors and get_interpretation_scores. """ pass def get_interpretation_scores( self, x: Any, neighbors: list[Any] | None, scores: list[float], **kwargs ) -> list: """ Arrange the output values from the neighbors into interpretation scores for the interface to render. Parameters: x: Input to interface neighbors: Neighboring values to input x used for interpretation. scores: Output value corresponding to each neighbor in neighbors Returns: Arrangement of interpretation scores for interfaces to render. """ return scores class TokenInterpretable(Interpretable, ABC): @abstractmethod def tokenize(self, x: Any) -> tuple[list, list, None]: """ Interprets an input data point x by splitting it into a list of tokens (e.g a string into words or an image into super-pixels). """ return [], [], None @abstractmethod def get_masked_inputs(self, tokens: list, binary_mask_matrix: list[list]) -> list: return [] class NeighborInterpretable(Interpretable, ABC): @abstractmethod def get_interpretation_neighbors(self, x: Any) -> tuple[list, dict]: """ Generates values similar to input to be used to interpret the significance of the input in the final output. Parameters: x: Input to interface Returns: (neighbor_values, interpret_kwargs, interpret_by_removal) neighbor_values: Neighboring values to input x to compute for interpretation interpret_kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to get_interpretation_scores """ return [], {} async def run_interpret(interface: Interface, raw_input: list): """ Runs the interpretation command for the machine learning model. Handles both the "default" out-of-the-box interpretation for a certain set of UI component types, as well as the custom interpretation case. Parameters: raw_input: a list of raw inputs to apply the interpretation(s) on. """ if isinstance(interface.interpretation, list): # Either "default" or "shap" processed_input = [ input_component.preprocess(raw_input[i]) for i, input_component in enumerate(interface.input_components) ] original_output = await interface.call_function(0, processed_input) original_output = original_output["prediction"] if len(interface.output_components) == 1: original_output = [original_output] scores, alternative_outputs = [], [] for i, (x, interp) in enumerate(zip(raw_input, interface.interpretation)): if interp == "default": input_component = interface.input_components[i] neighbor_raw_input = list(raw_input) if isinstance(input_component, TokenInterpretable): tokens, neighbor_values, masks = input_component.tokenize(x) interface_scores = [] alternative_output = [] for neighbor_input in neighbor_values: neighbor_raw_input[i] = neighbor_input processed_neighbor_input = [ input_component.preprocess(neighbor_raw_input[i]) for i, input_component in enumerate( interface.input_components ) ] neighbor_output = await interface.call_function( 0, processed_neighbor_input ) neighbor_output = neighbor_output["prediction"] if len(interface.output_components) == 1: neighbor_output = [neighbor_output] processed_neighbor_output = [ output_component.postprocess(neighbor_output[i]) for i, output_component in enumerate( interface.output_components ) ] alternative_output.append(processed_neighbor_output) interface_scores.append( quantify_difference_in_label( interface, original_output, neighbor_output ) ) alternative_outputs.append(alternative_output) scores.append( input_component.get_interpretation_scores( raw_input[i], neighbor_values, interface_scores, masks=masks, tokens=tokens, ) ) elif isinstance(input_component, NeighborInterpretable): ( neighbor_values, interpret_kwargs, ) = input_component.get_interpretation_neighbors( x ) # type: ignore interface_scores = [] alternative_output = [] for neighbor_input in neighbor_values: neighbor_raw_input[i] = neighbor_input processed_neighbor_input = [ input_component.preprocess(neighbor_raw_input[i]) for i, input_component in enumerate( interface.input_components ) ] neighbor_output = await interface.call_function( 0, processed_neighbor_input ) neighbor_output = neighbor_output["prediction"] if len(interface.output_components) == 1: neighbor_output = [neighbor_output] processed_neighbor_output = [ output_component.postprocess(neighbor_output[i]) for i, output_component in enumerate( interface.output_components ) ] alternative_output.append(processed_neighbor_output) interface_scores.append( quantify_difference_in_label( interface, original_output, neighbor_output ) ) alternative_outputs.append(alternative_output) interface_scores = [-score for score in interface_scores] scores.append( input_component.get_interpretation_scores( raw_input[i], neighbor_values, interface_scores, **interpret_kwargs, ) ) else: raise ValueError( f"Component {input_component} does not support interpretation" ) elif interp == "shap" or interp == "shapley": try: import shap # type: ignore except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError) as err: raise ValueError( "The package `shap` is required for this interpretation method. Try: `pip install shap`" ) from err input_component = interface.input_components[i] if not isinstance(input_component, TokenInterpretable): raise ValueError( f"Input component {input_component} does not support `shap` interpretation" ) tokens, _, masks = input_component.tokenize(x) # construct a masked version of the input def get_masked_prediction(binary_mask): assert isinstance(input_component, TokenInterpretable) masked_xs = input_component.get_masked_inputs(tokens, binary_mask) preds = [] for masked_x in masked_xs: processed_masked_input = copy.deepcopy(processed_input) processed_masked_input[i] = input_component.preprocess(masked_x) new_output = client_utils.synchronize_async( interface.call_function, 0, processed_masked_input ) new_output = new_output["prediction"] if len(interface.output_components) == 1: new_output = [new_output] pred = get_regression_or_classification_value( interface, original_output, new_output ) preds.append(pred) return np.array(preds) num_total_segments = len(tokens) explainer = shap.KernelExplainer( get_masked_prediction, np.zeros((1, num_total_segments)) ) shap_values = explainer.shap_values( np.ones((1, num_total_segments)), nsamples=int(interface.num_shap * num_total_segments), silent=True, ) assert shap_values is not None, "SHAP values could not be calculated" scores.append( input_component.get_interpretation_scores( raw_input[i], None, shap_values[0].tolist(), masks=masks, tokens=tokens, ) ) alternative_outputs.append([]) elif interp is None: scores.append(None) alternative_outputs.append([]) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown interpretation method: {interp}") return scores, alternative_outputs elif interface.interpretation: # custom interpretation function processed_input = [ input_component.preprocess(raw_input[i]) for i, input_component in enumerate(interface.input_components) ] interpreter = interface.interpretation interpretation = interpreter(*processed_input) if len(raw_input) == 1: interpretation = [interpretation] return interpretation, [] else: raise ValueError("No interpretation method specified.") def diff(original: Any, perturbed: Any) -> int | float: try: # try computing numerical difference score = float(original) - float(perturbed) except ValueError: # otherwise, look at strict difference in label score = int(original != perturbed) return score def quantify_difference_in_label( interface: Interface, original_output: list, perturbed_output: list ) -> int | float: output_component = interface.output_components[0] post_original_output = output_component.postprocess(original_output[0]) post_perturbed_output = output_component.postprocess(perturbed_output[0]) if isinstance(output_component, components.Label): original_label = post_original_output["label"] perturbed_label = post_perturbed_output["label"] # Handle different return types of Label interface if "confidences" in post_original_output: original_confidence = original_output[0][original_label] perturbed_confidence = perturbed_output[0][original_label] score = original_confidence - perturbed_confidence else: score = diff(original_label, perturbed_label) return score elif isinstance(output_component, components.Number): score = diff(post_original_output, post_perturbed_output) return score else: raise ValueError( f"This interpretation method doesn't support the Output component: {output_component}" ) def get_regression_or_classification_value( interface: Interface, original_output: list, perturbed_output: list ) -> int | float: """Used to combine regression/classification for Shap interpretation method.""" output_component = interface.output_components[0] post_original_output = output_component.postprocess(original_output[0]) post_perturbed_output = output_component.postprocess(perturbed_output[0]) if isinstance(output_component, components.Label): original_label = post_original_output["label"] perturbed_label = post_perturbed_output["label"] # Handle different return types of Label interface if "confidences" in post_original_output: if math.isnan(perturbed_output[0][original_label]): return 0 return perturbed_output[0][original_label] else: score = diff( perturbed_label, original_label ) # Intentionally inverted order of arguments. return score else: raise ValueError( f"This interpretation method doesn't support the Output component: {output_component}" )