from __future__ import annotations import copy import inspect import json import os import random import secrets import sys import threading import time import warnings import webbrowser from abc import abstractmethod from collections import defaultdict from pathlib import Path from types import ModuleType from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AsyncIterator, Callable, Literal, cast import anyio import requests from anyio import CapacityLimiter from gradio_client import serializing from gradio_client import utils as client_utils from gradio_client.documentation import document, set_documentation_group from packaging import version from gradio import ( analytics, components, external, networking, queueing, routes, strings, themes, utils, wasm_utils, ) from gradio.context import Context from gradio.deprecation import check_deprecated_parameters, warn_deprecation from gradio.exceptions import ( DuplicateBlockError, InvalidApiNameError, InvalidBlockError, ) from gradio.helpers import EventData, create_tracker, skip, special_args from gradio.themes import Default as DefaultTheme from gradio.themes import ThemeClass as Theme from gradio.tunneling import ( BINARY_FILENAME, BINARY_FOLDER, BINARY_PATH, BINARY_URL, CURRENT_TUNNELS, ) from gradio.utils import ( TupleNoPrint, check_function_inputs_match, component_or_layout_class, concurrency_count_warning, delete_none, get_cancel_function, get_continuous_fn, get_package_version, ) try: import spaces # type: ignore except Exception: spaces = None set_documentation_group("blocks") if TYPE_CHECKING: # Only import for type checking (is False at runtime). from fastapi.applications import FastAPI from gradio.components import Component BUILT_IN_THEMES: dict[str, Theme] = { t for t in [ themes.Base(), themes.Default(), themes.Monochrome(), themes.Soft(), themes.Glass(), ] } class Block: def __init__( self, *, render: bool = True, elem_id: str | None = None, elem_classes: list[str] | str | None = None, visible: bool = True, root_url: str | None = None, # URL that is prepended to all file paths _skip_init_processing: bool = False, # Used for loading from Spaces **kwargs, ): self._id = += 1 self.visible = visible self.elem_id = elem_id self.elem_classes = ( [elem_classes] if isinstance(elem_classes, str) else elem_classes ) self.root_url = root_url self.share_token = secrets.token_urlsafe(32) self._skip_init_processing = _skip_init_processing self.parent: BlockContext | None = None self.is_rendered: bool = False if render: self.render() check_deprecated_parameters(self.__class__.__name__, kwargs=kwargs) def render(self): """ Adds self into appropriate BlockContext """ if Context.root_block is not None and self._id in Context.root_block.blocks: raise DuplicateBlockError( f"A block with id: {self._id} has already been rendered in the current Blocks." ) if Context.block is not None: Context.block.add(self) if Context.root_block is not None: Context.root_block.blocks[self._id] = self self.is_rendered = True if isinstance(self, components.IOComponent): Context.root_block.temp_file_sets.append(self.temp_files) return self def unrender(self): """ Removes self from BlockContext if it has been rendered (otherwise does nothing). Removes self from the layout and collection of blocks, but does not delete any event triggers. """ if Context.block is not None: try: Context.block.children.remove(self) except ValueError: pass if Context.root_block is not None: try: del Context.root_block.blocks[self._id] self.is_rendered = False except KeyError: pass return self def get_block_name(self) -> str: """ Gets block's class name. If it is template component it gets the parent's class name. @return: class name """ return ( self.__class__.__base__.__name__.lower() if hasattr(self, "is_template") else self.__class__.__name__.lower() ) def get_expected_parent(self) -> type[BlockContext] | None: return None def set_event_trigger( self, event_name: str, fn: Callable | None, inputs: Component | list[Component] | set[Component] | None, outputs: Component | list[Component] | None, preprocess: bool = True, postprocess: bool = True, scroll_to_output: bool = False, show_progress: str = "full", api_name: str | None | Literal[False] = None, js: str | None = None, no_target: bool = False, queue: bool | None = None, batch: bool = False, max_batch_size: int = 4, cancels: list[int] | None = None, every: float | None = None, collects_event_data: bool | None = None, trigger_after: int | None = None, trigger_only_on_success: bool = False, ) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], int]: """ Adds an event to the component's dependencies. Parameters: event_name: event name fn: Callable function inputs: input list outputs: output list preprocess: whether to run the preprocess methods of components postprocess: whether to run the postprocess methods of components scroll_to_output: whether to scroll to output of dependency on trigger show_progress: whether to show progress animation while running. api_name: defines how the endpoint appears in the API docs. Can be a string, None, or False. If False, the endpoint will not be exposed in the api docs. If set to None, the endpoint will be exposed in the api docs as an unnamed endpoint, although this behavior will be changed in Gradio 4.0. If set to a string, the endpoint will be exposed in the api docs with the given name. js: Experimental parameter (API may change): Optional frontend js method to run before running 'fn'. Input arguments for js method are values of 'inputs' and 'outputs', return should be a list of values for output components no_target: if True, sets "targets" to [], used for Blocks "load" event queue: If True, will place the request on the queue, if the queue has been enabled. If False, will not put this event on the queue, even if the queue has been enabled. If None, will use the queue setting of the gradio app. batch: whether this function takes in a batch of inputs max_batch_size: the maximum batch size to send to the function cancels: a list of other events to cancel when this event is triggered. For example, setting cancels=[click_event] will cancel the click_event, where click_event is the return value of another components .click method. every: Run this event 'every' number of seconds while the client connection is open. Interpreted in seconds. Queue must be enabled. collects_event_data: whether to collect event data for this event trigger_after: if set, this event will be triggered after 'trigger_after' function index trigger_only_on_success: if True, this event will only be triggered if the previous event was successful (only applies if `trigger_after` is set) Returns: dependency information, dependency index """ # Support for singular parameter if isinstance(inputs, set): inputs_as_dict = True inputs = sorted(inputs, key=lambda x: x._id) else: inputs_as_dict = False if inputs is None: inputs = [] elif not isinstance(inputs, list): inputs = [inputs] if isinstance(outputs, set): outputs = sorted(outputs, key=lambda x: x._id) else: if outputs is None: outputs = [] elif not isinstance(outputs, list): outputs = [outputs] if fn is not None and not cancels: check_function_inputs_match(fn, inputs, inputs_as_dict) if Context.root_block is None: raise AttributeError( f"{event_name}() and other events can only be called within a Blocks context." ) if every is not None and every <= 0: raise ValueError("Parameter every must be positive or None") if every and batch: raise ValueError( f"Cannot run {event_name} event in a batch and every {every} seconds. " "Either batch is True or every is non-zero but not both." ) if every and fn: fn = get_continuous_fn(fn, every) elif every: raise ValueError("Cannot set a value for `every` without a `fn`.") _, progress_index, event_data_index = ( special_args(fn) if fn else (None, None, None) ) Context.root_block.fns.append( BlockFunction( fn, inputs, outputs, preprocess, postprocess, inputs_as_dict, progress_index is not None, ) ) if api_name is not None and api_name is not False: api_name_ = utils.append_unique_suffix( api_name, [dep["api_name"] for dep in Context.root_block.dependencies] ) if api_name != api_name_: warnings.warn(f"api_name {api_name} already exists, using {api_name_}") api_name = api_name_ if collects_event_data is None: collects_event_data = event_data_index is not None dependency = { "targets": [self._id] if not no_target else [], "trigger": event_name, "inputs": [block._id for block in inputs], "outputs": [block._id for block in outputs], "backend_fn": fn is not None, "js": js, "queue": False if fn is None else queue, "api_name": api_name, "scroll_to_output": False if utils.get_space() else scroll_to_output, "show_progress": show_progress, "every": every, "batch": batch, "max_batch_size": max_batch_size, "cancels": cancels or [], "types": { "continuous": bool(every), "generator": inspect.isgeneratorfunction(fn) or bool(every), }, "collects_event_data": collects_event_data, "trigger_after": trigger_after, "trigger_only_on_success": trigger_only_on_success, } Context.root_block.dependencies.append(dependency) return dependency, len(Context.root_block.dependencies) - 1 def get_config(self): return { "visible": self.visible, "elem_id": self.elem_id, "elem_classes": self.elem_classes, "root_url": self.root_url, } @staticmethod @abstractmethod def update(**kwargs) -> dict: return {} @classmethod def get_specific_update(cls, generic_update: dict[str, Any]) -> dict: generic_update = generic_update.copy() del generic_update["__type__"] specific_update = cls.update(**generic_update) return specific_update class BlockContext(Block): def __init__( self, visible: bool = True, render: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters: visible: If False, this will be hidden but included in the Blocks config file (its visibility can later be updated). render: If False, this will not be included in the Blocks config file at all. """ self.children: list[Block] = [] Block.__init__(self, visible=visible, render=render, **kwargs) def add_child(self, child: Block): self.children.append(child) def __enter__(self): self.parent = Context.block Context.block = self return self def add(self, child: Block): child.parent = self self.children.append(child) def fill_expected_parents(self): children = [] pseudo_parent = None for child in self.children: expected_parent = child.get_expected_parent() if not expected_parent or isinstance(self, expected_parent): pseudo_parent = None children.append(child) else: if pseudo_parent is not None and isinstance( pseudo_parent, expected_parent ): pseudo_parent.add_child(child) else: pseudo_parent = expected_parent(render=False) pseudo_parent.parent = self children.append(pseudo_parent) pseudo_parent.add_child(child) if Context.root_block: Context.root_block.blocks[pseudo_parent._id] = pseudo_parent child.parent = pseudo_parent self.children = children def __exit__(self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None = None, *args): Context.block = self.parent if exc_type is not None: return if getattr(self, "allow_expected_parents", True): self.fill_expected_parents() def postprocess(self, y): """ Any postprocessing needed to be performed on a block context. """ return y class BlockFunction: def __init__( self, fn: Callable | None, inputs: list[Component], outputs: list[Component], preprocess: bool, postprocess: bool, inputs_as_dict: bool, tracks_progress: bool = False, ): self.fn = fn self.inputs = inputs self.outputs = outputs self.preprocess = preprocess self.postprocess = postprocess self.tracks_progress = tracks_progress self.total_runtime = 0 self.total_runs = 0 self.inputs_as_dict = inputs_as_dict = getattr(fn, "__name__", "fn") if fn is not None else None self.spaces_auto_wrap() def spaces_auto_wrap(self): if spaces is None: return if utils.get_space() is None: return self.fn = spaces.gradio_auto_wrap(self.fn) def __str__(self): return str( { "fn":, "preprocess": self.preprocess, "postprocess": self.postprocess, } ) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def postprocess_update_dict(block: Block, update_dict: dict, postprocess: bool = True): """ Converts a dictionary of updates into a format that can be sent to the frontend. E.g. {"__type__": "generic_update", "value": "2", "interactive": False} Into -> {"__type__": "update", "value": 2.0, "mode": "static"} Parameters: block: The Block that is being updated with this update dictionary. update_dict: The original update dictionary postprocess: Whether to postprocess the "value" key of the update dictionary. """ if update_dict.get("__type__", "") == "generic_update": update_dict = block.get_specific_update(update_dict) if update_dict.get("value") is components._Keywords.NO_VALUE: update_dict.pop("value") interactive = update_dict.pop("interactive", None) if interactive is not None: update_dict["mode"] = "dynamic" if interactive else "static" prediction_value = delete_none(update_dict, skip_value=True) if "value" in prediction_value and postprocess: assert isinstance( block, components.IOComponent ), f"Component {block.__class__} does not support value" prediction_value["value"] = block.postprocess(prediction_value["value"]) return prediction_value def convert_component_dict_to_list( outputs_ids: list[int], predictions: dict ) -> list | dict: """ Converts a dictionary of component updates into a list of updates in the order of the outputs_ids and including every output component. Leaves other types of dictionaries unchanged. E.g. {"textbox": "hello", "number": {"__type__": "generic_update", "value": "2"}} Into -> ["hello", {"__type__": "generic_update"}, {"__type__": "generic_update", "value": "2"}] """ keys_are_blocks = [isinstance(key, Block) for key in predictions] if all(keys_are_blocks): reordered_predictions = [skip() for _ in outputs_ids] for component, value in predictions.items(): if component._id not in outputs_ids: raise ValueError( f"Returned component {component} not specified as output of function." ) output_index = outputs_ids.index(component._id) reordered_predictions[output_index] = value predictions = utils.resolve_singleton(reordered_predictions) elif any(keys_are_blocks): raise ValueError( "Returned dictionary included some keys as Components. Either all keys must be Components to assign Component values, or return a List of values to assign output values in order." ) return predictions def get_api_info(config: dict, serialize: bool = True): """ Gets the information needed to generate the API docs from a Blocks config. Parameters: config: a Blocks config dictionary serialize: If True, returns the serialized version of the typed information. If False, returns the raw version. """ api_info = {"named_endpoints": {}, "unnamed_endpoints": {}} mode = config.get("mode", None) after_new_format = version.parse(config.get("version", "2.0")) > version.Version( "3.28.3" ) for d, dependency in enumerate(config["dependencies"]): dependency_info = {"parameters": [], "returns": []} skip_endpoint = False inputs = dependency["inputs"] for i in inputs: for component in config["components"]: if component["id"] == i: break else: skip_endpoint = True # if component not found, skip endpoint break type = component["type"] if type in client_utils.SKIP_COMPONENTS: continue if ( not component.get("serializer") and type not in serializing.COMPONENT_MAPPING ): skip_endpoint = True # if component not serializable, skip endpoint break if type in client_utils.SKIP_COMPONENTS: continue label = component["props"].get("label", f"parameter_{i}") # The config has the most specific API info (taking into account the parameters # of the component), so we use that if it exists. Otherwise, we fallback to the # Serializer's API info. serializer = serializing.COMPONENT_MAPPING[type]() if component.get("api_info") and after_new_format: info = component["api_info"] example = component["example_inputs"]["serialized"] else: assert isinstance(serializer, serializing.Serializable) info = serializer.api_info() example = serializer.example_inputs()["raw"] python_info = info["info"] if serialize and info["serialized_info"]: python_info = serializer.serialized_info() if ( isinstance(serializer, serializing.FileSerializable) and component["props"].get("file_count", "single") != "single" ): python_info = serializer._multiple_file_serialized_info() python_type = client_utils.json_schema_to_python_type(python_info) serializer_name = serializing.COMPONENT_MAPPING[type].__name__ dependency_info["parameters"].append( { "label": label, "type": info["info"], "python_type": { "type": python_type, "description": python_info.get("description", ""), }, "component": type.capitalize(), "example_input": example, "serializer": serializer_name, } ) outputs = dependency["outputs"] for o in outputs: for component in config["components"]: if component["id"] == o: break else: skip_endpoint = True # if component not found, skip endpoint break type = component["type"] if type in client_utils.SKIP_COMPONENTS: continue if ( not component.get("serializer") and type not in serializing.COMPONENT_MAPPING ): skip_endpoint = True # if component not serializable, skip endpoint break label = component["props"].get("label", f"value_{o}") serializer = serializing.COMPONENT_MAPPING[type]() if component.get("api_info") and after_new_format: info = component["api_info"] example = component["example_inputs"]["serialized"] else: assert isinstance(serializer, serializing.Serializable) info = serializer.api_info() example = serializer.example_inputs()["raw"] python_info = info["info"] if serialize and info["serialized_info"]: python_info = serializer.serialized_info() if ( isinstance(serializer, serializing.FileSerializable) and component["props"].get("file_count", "single") != "single" ): python_info = serializer._multiple_file_serialized_info() python_type = client_utils.json_schema_to_python_type(python_info) serializer_name = serializing.COMPONENT_MAPPING[type].__name__ dependency_info["returns"].append( { "label": label, "type": info["info"], "python_type": { "type": python_type, "description": python_info.get("description", ""), }, "component": type.capitalize(), "serializer": serializer_name, } ) if not dependency["backend_fn"]: skip_endpoint = True if skip_endpoint: continue if dependency["api_name"] is not None and dependency["api_name"] is not False: api_info["named_endpoints"][f"/{dependency['api_name']}"] = dependency_info elif ( dependency["api_name"] is False or mode == "interface" or mode == "tabbed_interface" ): pass # Skip unnamed endpoints in interface mode else: api_info["unnamed_endpoints"][str(d)] = dependency_info return api_info @document("launch", "queue", "integrate", "load") class Blocks(BlockContext): """ Blocks is Gradio's low-level API that allows you to create more custom web applications and demos than Interfaces (yet still entirely in Python). Compared to the Interface class, Blocks offers more flexibility and control over: (1) the layout of components (2) the events that trigger the execution of functions (3) data flows (e.g. inputs can trigger outputs, which can trigger the next level of outputs). Blocks also offers ways to group together related demos such as with tabs. The basic usage of Blocks is as follows: create a Blocks object, then use it as a context (with the "with" statement), and then define layouts, components, or events within the Blocks context. Finally, call the launch() method to launch the demo. Example: import gradio as gr def update(name): return f"Welcome to Gradio, {name}!" with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("Start typing below and then click **Run** to see the output.") with gr.Row(): inp = gr.Textbox(placeholder="What is your name?") out = gr.Textbox() btn = gr.Button("Run"), inputs=inp, outputs=out) demo.launch() Demos: blocks_hello, blocks_flipper, blocks_speech_text_sentiment, generate_english_german, sound_alert Guides: blocks-and-event-listeners, controlling-layout, state-in-blocks, custom-CSS-and-JS, custom-interpretations-with-blocks, using-blocks-like-functions """ def __init__( self, theme: Theme | str | None = None, analytics_enabled: bool | None = None, mode: str = "blocks", title: str = "Gradio", css: str | None = None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters: theme: a Theme object or a string representing a theme. If a string, will look for a built-in theme with that name (e.g. "soft" or "default"), or will attempt to load a theme from the HF Hub (e.g. "gradio/monochrome"). If None, will use the Default theme. analytics_enabled: whether to allow basic telemetry. If None, will use GRADIO_ANALYTICS_ENABLED environment variable or default to True. mode: a human-friendly name for the kind of Blocks or Interface being created. title: The tab title to display when this is opened in a browser window. css: custom css or path to custom css file to apply to entire Blocks """ self.limiter = None if theme is None: theme = DefaultTheme() elif isinstance(theme, str): if theme.lower() in BUILT_IN_THEMES: theme = BUILT_IN_THEMES[theme.lower()] else: try: theme = Theme.from_hub(theme) except Exception as e: warnings.warn(f"Cannot load {theme}. Caught Exception: {str(e)}") theme = DefaultTheme() if not isinstance(theme, Theme): warnings.warn("Theme should be a class loaded from gradio.themes") theme = DefaultTheme() self.theme: Theme = theme self.theme_css = theme._get_theme_css() self.stylesheets = theme._stylesheets self.encrypt = False self.share = False self.enable_queue = None self.max_threads = 40 self.pending_streams = defaultdict(dict) self.show_error = True if css is not None and os.path.exists(css): with open(css) as css_file: self.css = else: self.css = css # For analytics_enabled and allow_flagging: (1) first check for # parameter, (2) check for env variable, (3) default to True/"manual" self.analytics_enabled = ( analytics_enabled if analytics_enabled is not None else analytics.analytics_enabled() ) if self.analytics_enabled: if not wasm_utils.IS_WASM: t = threading.Thread(target=analytics.version_check) t.start() else: os.environ["HF_HUB_DISABLE_TELEMETRY"] = "True" super().__init__(render=False, **kwargs) self.blocks: dict[int, Block] = {} self.fns: list[BlockFunction] = [] self.dependencies = [] self.mode = mode self.is_running = False self.local_url = None self.share_url = None self.width = None self.height = None self.api_open = True self.space_id = utils.get_space() self.favicon_path = None self.auth = None self.dev_mode = bool(os.getenv("GRADIO_WATCH_DIRS", False)) self.app_id = random.getrandbits(64) self.temp_file_sets = [] self.title = title self.show_api = True # Only used when an Interface is loaded from a config self.predict = None self.input_components = None self.output_components = None self.__name__ = None self.api_mode = None self.progress_tracking = None self.ssl_verify = True self.allowed_paths = [] self.blocked_paths = [] self.root_path = os.environ.get("GRADIO_ROOT_PATH", "") self.root_urls = set() if self.analytics_enabled: is_custom_theme = not any( self.theme.to_dict() == built_in_theme.to_dict() for built_in_theme in BUILT_IN_THEMES.values() ) data = { "mode": self.mode, "custom_css": self.css is not None, "theme":, "is_custom_theme": is_custom_theme, "version": get_package_version(), } analytics.initiated_analytics(data) @property def _is_running_in_reload_thread(self): from gradio.reload import reload_thread return getattr(reload_thread, "running_reload", False) @classmethod def from_config( cls, config: dict, fns: list[Callable], root_url: str, ) -> Blocks: """ Factory method that creates a Blocks from a config and list of functions. Used internally by the gradio.external.load() method. Parameters: config: a dictionary containing the configuration of the Blocks. fns: a list of functions that are used in the Blocks. Must be in the same order as the dependencies in the config. root_url: an external url to use as a root URL when serving files for components in the Blocks. """ config = copy.deepcopy(config) components_config = config["components"] for component_config in components_config: # for backwards compatibility, extract style into props if "style" in component_config["props"]: component_config["props"].update(component_config["props"]["style"]) del component_config["props"]["style"] theme = config.get("theme", "default") original_mapping: dict[int, Block] = {} root_urls = {root_url} def get_block_instance(id: int) -> Block: for block_config in components_config: if block_config["id"] == id: break else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot find block with id {id}") cls = component_or_layout_class(block_config["type"]) block_config["props"].pop("type", None) block_config["props"].pop("name", None) # If a Gradio app B is loaded into a Gradio app A, and B itself loads a # Gradio app C, then the root_urls of the components in A need to be the # URL of C, not B. The else clause below handles this case. if block_config["props"].get("root_url") is None: block_config["props"]["root_url"] = f"{root_url}/" else: root_urls.add(block_config["props"]["root_url"]) # Any component has already processed its initial value, so we skip that step here block = cls(**block_config["props"], _skip_init_processing=True) return block def iterate_over_children(children_list): for child_config in children_list: id = child_config["id"] block = get_block_instance(id) original_mapping[id] = block children = child_config.get("children") if children is not None: assert isinstance( block, BlockContext ), f"Invalid config, Block with id {id} has children but is not a BlockContext." with block: iterate_over_children(children) derived_fields = ["types"] with Blocks(theme=theme) as blocks: # ID 0 should be the root Blocks component original_mapping[0] = Context.root_block or blocks iterate_over_children(config["layout"]["children"]) first_dependency = None # add the event triggers for dependency, fn in zip(config["dependencies"], fns): # We used to add a "fake_event" to the config to cache examples # without removing it. This was causing bugs in calling gr.load # We fixed the issue by removing "fake_event" from the config in # but we still need to skip these events when loading the config to support # older demos if dependency["trigger"] == "fake_event": continue for field in derived_fields: dependency.pop(field, None) targets = dependency.pop("targets") trigger = dependency.pop("trigger") dependency.pop("backend_fn") dependency.pop("documentation", None) dependency["inputs"] = [ original_mapping[i] for i in dependency["inputs"] ] dependency["outputs"] = [ original_mapping[o] for o in dependency["outputs"] ] dependency.pop("status_tracker", None) dependency["preprocess"] = False dependency["postprocess"] = False for target in targets: dependency = original_mapping[target].set_event_trigger( event_name=trigger, fn=fn, **dependency )[0] if first_dependency is None: first_dependency = dependency # Allows some use of Interface-specific methods with loaded Spaces if first_dependency and Context.root_block: blocks.predict = [fns[0]] blocks.input_components = [ Context.root_block.blocks[i] for i in first_dependency["inputs"] ] blocks.output_components = [ Context.root_block.blocks[o] for o in first_dependency["outputs"] ] blocks.__name__ = "Interface" blocks.api_mode = True blocks.root_urls = root_urls return blocks def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): num_backend_fns = len([d for d in self.dependencies if d["backend_fn"]]) repr = f"Gradio Blocks instance: {num_backend_fns} backend functions" repr += f"\n{'-' * len(repr)}" for d, dependency in enumerate(self.dependencies): if dependency["backend_fn"]: repr += f"\nfn_index={d}" repr += "\n inputs:" for input_id in dependency["inputs"]: block = self.blocks[input_id] repr += f"\n |-{block}" repr += "\n outputs:" for output_id in dependency["outputs"]: block = self.blocks[output_id] repr += f"\n |-{block}" return repr @property def expects_oauth(self): """Return whether the app expects user to authenticate via OAuth.""" return any( isinstance(block, (components.LoginButton, components.LogoutButton)) for block in self.blocks.values() ) def render(self): if Context.root_block is not None: if self._id in Context.root_block.blocks: raise DuplicateBlockError( f"A block with id: {self._id} has already been rendered in the current Blocks." ) overlapping_ids = set(Context.root_block.blocks).intersection(self.blocks) for id in overlapping_ids: # State components are allowed to be reused between Blocks if not isinstance(self.blocks[id], components.State): raise DuplicateBlockError( "At least one block in this Blocks has already been rendered." ) Context.root_block.blocks.update(self.blocks) Context.root_block.fns.extend(self.fns) dependency_offset = len(Context.root_block.dependencies) for i, dependency in enumerate(self.dependencies): api_name = dependency["api_name"] if api_name is not None and api_name is not False: api_name_ = utils.append_unique_suffix( api_name, [dep["api_name"] for dep in Context.root_block.dependencies], ) if api_name != api_name_: warnings.warn( f"api_name {api_name} already exists, using {api_name_}" ) dependency["api_name"] = api_name_ dependency["cancels"] = [ c + dependency_offset for c in dependency["cancels"] ] if dependency.get("trigger_after") is not None: dependency["trigger_after"] += dependency_offset # Recreate the cancel function so that it has the latest # dependency fn indices. This is necessary to properly cancel # events in the backend if dependency["cancels"]: updated_cancels = [ Context.root_block.dependencies[i] for i in dependency["cancels"] ] new_fn = BlockFunction( get_cancel_function(updated_cancels)[0], [], [], False, True, False, ) Context.root_block.fns[dependency_offset + i] = new_fn Context.root_block.dependencies.append(dependency) Context.root_block.temp_file_sets.extend(self.temp_file_sets) Context.root_block.root_urls.update(self.root_urls) if Context.block is not None: Context.block.children.extend(self.children) return self def is_callable(self, fn_index: int = 0) -> bool: """Checks if a particular Blocks function is callable (i.e. not stateful or a generator).""" block_fn = self.fns[fn_index] dependency = self.dependencies[fn_index] if inspect.isasyncgenfunction(block_fn.fn): return False if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(block_fn.fn): return False for input_id in dependency["inputs"]: block = self.blocks[input_id] if getattr(block, "stateful", False): return False for output_id in dependency["outputs"]: block = self.blocks[output_id] if getattr(block, "stateful", False): return False return True def __call__(self, *inputs, fn_index: int = 0, api_name: str | None = None): """ Allows Blocks objects to be called as functions. Supply the parameters to the function as positional arguments. To choose which function to call, use the fn_index parameter, which must be a keyword argument. Parameters: *inputs: the parameters to pass to the function fn_index: the index of the function to call (defaults to 0, which for Interfaces, is the default prediction function) api_name: The api_name of the dependency to call. Will take precedence over fn_index. """ if api_name is not None: inferred_fn_index = next( ( i for i, d in enumerate(self.dependencies) if d.get("api_name") == api_name ), None, ) if inferred_fn_index is None: raise InvalidApiNameError( f"Cannot find a function with api_name {api_name}" ) fn_index = inferred_fn_index if not (self.is_callable(fn_index)): raise ValueError( "This function is not callable because it is either stateful or is a generator. Please use the .launch() method instead to create an interactive user interface." ) inputs = list(inputs) processed_inputs = self.serialize_data(fn_index, inputs) batch = self.dependencies[fn_index]["batch"] if batch: processed_inputs = [[inp] for inp in processed_inputs] outputs = client_utils.synchronize_async( self.process_api, fn_index=fn_index, inputs=processed_inputs, request=None, state={}, ) outputs = outputs["data"] if batch: outputs = [out[0] for out in outputs] processed_outputs = self.deserialize_data(fn_index, outputs) processed_outputs = utils.resolve_singleton(processed_outputs) return processed_outputs async def call_function( self, fn_index: int, processed_input: list[Any], iterator: AsyncIterator[Any] | None = None, requests: routes.Request | list[routes.Request] | None = None, event_id: str | None = None, event_data: EventData | None = None, ): """ Calls function with given index and preprocessed input, and measures process time. Parameters: fn_index: index of function to call processed_input: preprocessed input to pass to function iterator: iterator to use if function is a generator requests: requests to pass to function event_id: id of event in queue event_data: data associated with event trigger """ block_fn = self.fns[fn_index] assert block_fn.fn, f"function with index {fn_index} not defined." is_generating = False request = requests[0] if isinstance(requests, list) else requests start = time.time() fn = utils.get_function_with_locals(block_fn.fn, self, event_id) if iterator is None: # If not a generator function that has already run if block_fn.inputs_as_dict: processed_input = [dict(zip(block_fn.inputs, processed_input))] processed_input, progress_index, _ = special_args( block_fn.fn, processed_input, request, event_data ) progress_tracker = ( processed_input[progress_index] if progress_index is not None else None ) if progress_tracker is not None and progress_index is not None: progress_tracker, fn = create_tracker( self, event_id, fn, progress_tracker.track_tqdm ) processed_input[progress_index] = progress_tracker if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn): prediction = await fn(*processed_input) else: prediction = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync( fn, *processed_input, limiter=self.limiter ) else: prediction = None if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(fn) or inspect.isasyncgenfunction(fn): if not self.enable_queue: raise ValueError("Need to enable queue to use generators.") try: if iterator is None: iterator = cast(AsyncIterator[Any], prediction) if inspect.isgenerator(iterator): iterator = utils.SyncToAsyncIterator(iterator, self.limiter) prediction = await utils.async_iteration(iterator) is_generating = True except StopAsyncIteration: n_outputs = len(self.dependencies[fn_index].get("outputs")) prediction = ( components._Keywords.FINISHED_ITERATING if n_outputs == 1 else (components._Keywords.FINISHED_ITERATING,) * n_outputs ) iterator = None duration = time.time() - start return { "prediction": prediction, "duration": duration, "is_generating": is_generating, "iterator": iterator, } def serialize_data(self, fn_index: int, inputs: list[Any]) -> list[Any]: dependency = self.dependencies[fn_index] processed_input = [] for i, input_id in enumerate(dependency["inputs"]): try: block = self.blocks[input_id] except KeyError as e: raise InvalidBlockError( f"Input component with id {input_id} used in {dependency['trigger']}() event is not defined in this gr.Blocks context. You are allowed to nest gr.Blocks contexts, but there must be a gr.Blocks context that contains all components and events." ) from e assert isinstance( block, components.IOComponent ), f"{block.__class__} Component with id {input_id} not a valid input component." serialized_input = block.serialize(inputs[i]) processed_input.append(serialized_input) return processed_input def deserialize_data(self, fn_index: int, outputs: list[Any]) -> list[Any]: dependency = self.dependencies[fn_index] predictions = [] for o, output_id in enumerate(dependency["outputs"]): try: block = self.blocks[output_id] except KeyError as e: raise InvalidBlockError( f"Output component with id {output_id} used in {dependency['trigger']}() event not found in this gr.Blocks context. You are allowed to nest gr.Blocks contexts, but there must be a gr.Blocks context that contains all components and events." ) from e assert isinstance( block, components.IOComponent ), f"{block.__class__} Component with id {output_id} not a valid output component." deserialized = block.deserialize( outputs[o], save_dir=block.DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR, root_url=block.root_url, hf_token=Context.hf_token, ) predictions.append(deserialized) return predictions def validate_inputs(self, fn_index: int, inputs: list[Any]): block_fn = self.fns[fn_index] dependency = self.dependencies[fn_index] dep_inputs = dependency["inputs"] # This handles incorrect inputs when args are changed by a JS function # Only check not enough args case, ignore extra arguments (for now) # TODO: make this stricter? if len(inputs) < len(dep_inputs): name = ( f" ({})" if and != "" else "" ) wanted_args = [] received_args = [] for input_id in dep_inputs: block = self.blocks[input_id] wanted_args.append(str(block)) for inp in inputs: v = f'"{inp}"' if isinstance(inp, str) else str(inp) received_args.append(v) wanted = ", ".join(wanted_args) received = ", ".join(received_args) # JS func didn't pass enough arguments raise ValueError( f"""An event handler{name} didn't receive enough input values (needed: {len(dep_inputs)}, got: {len(inputs)}). Check if the event handler calls a Javascript function, and make sure its return value is correct. Wanted inputs: [{wanted}] Received inputs: [{received}]""" ) def preprocess_data(self, fn_index: int, inputs: list[Any], state: dict[int, Any]): block_fn = self.fns[fn_index] dependency = self.dependencies[fn_index] self.validate_inputs(fn_index, inputs) if block_fn.preprocess: processed_input = [] for i, input_id in enumerate(dependency["inputs"]): try: block = self.blocks[input_id] except KeyError as e: raise InvalidBlockError( f"Input component with id {input_id} used in {dependency['trigger']}() event not found in this gr.Blocks context. You are allowed to nest gr.Blocks contexts, but there must be a gr.Blocks context that contains all components and events." ) from e assert isinstance( block, components.Component ), f"{block.__class__} Component with id {input_id} not a valid input component." if getattr(block, "stateful", False): processed_input.append(state.get(input_id)) else: processed_input.append(block.preprocess(inputs[i])) else: processed_input = inputs return processed_input def validate_outputs(self, fn_index: int, predictions: Any | list[Any]): block_fn = self.fns[fn_index] dependency = self.dependencies[fn_index] dep_outputs = dependency["outputs"] if type(predictions) is not list and type(predictions) is not tuple: predictions = [predictions] if len(predictions) < len(dep_outputs): name = ( f" ({})" if and != "" else "" ) wanted_args = [] received_args = [] for output_id in dep_outputs: block = self.blocks[output_id] wanted_args.append(str(block)) for pred in predictions: v = f'"{pred}"' if isinstance(pred, str) else str(pred) received_args.append(v) wanted = ", ".join(wanted_args) received = ", ".join(received_args) raise ValueError( f"""An event handler{name} didn't receive enough output values (needed: {len(dep_outputs)}, received: {len(predictions)}). Wanted outputs: [{wanted}] Received outputs: [{received}]""" ) def postprocess_data( self, fn_index: int, predictions: list | dict, state: dict[int, Any] ): block_fn = self.fns[fn_index] dependency = self.dependencies[fn_index] batch = dependency["batch"] if type(predictions) is dict and len(predictions) > 0: predictions = convert_component_dict_to_list( dependency["outputs"], predictions ) if len(dependency["outputs"]) == 1 and not (batch): predictions = [ predictions, ] self.validate_outputs(fn_index, predictions) # type: ignore output = [] for i, output_id in enumerate(dependency["outputs"]): try: if predictions[i] is components._Keywords.FINISHED_ITERATING: output.append(None) continue except (IndexError, KeyError) as err: raise ValueError( "Number of output components does not match number " f"of values returned from from function {}" ) from err try: block = self.blocks[output_id] except KeyError as e: raise InvalidBlockError( f"Output component with id {output_id} used in {dependency['trigger']}() event not found in this gr.Blocks context. You are allowed to nest gr.Blocks contexts, but there must be a gr.Blocks context that contains all components and events." ) from e if getattr(block, "stateful", False): if not utils.is_update(predictions[i]): state[output_id] = predictions[i] output.append(None) else: prediction_value = predictions[i] if utils.is_update(prediction_value): assert isinstance(prediction_value, dict) prediction_value = postprocess_update_dict( block=block, update_dict=prediction_value, postprocess=block_fn.postprocess, ) elif block_fn.postprocess: assert isinstance( block, components.Component ), f"{block.__class__} Component with id {output_id} not a valid output component." prediction_value = block.postprocess(prediction_value) output.append(prediction_value) return output def handle_streaming_outputs( self, fn_index: int, data: list, session_hash: str | None, run: int | None, ) -> list: if session_hash is None or run is None: return data if run not in self.pending_streams[session_hash]: self.pending_streams[session_hash][run] = {} stream_run = self.pending_streams[session_hash][run] from import StreamableOutput for i, output_id in enumerate(self.dependencies[fn_index]["outputs"]): block = self.blocks[output_id] if isinstance(block, StreamableOutput) and block.streaming: first_chunk = output_id not in stream_run binary_data, output_data = block.stream_output( data[i], f"{session_hash}/{run}/{output_id}", first_chunk ) if first_chunk: stream_run[output_id] = [] self.pending_streams[session_hash][run][output_id].append(binary_data) data[i] = output_data return data async def process_api( self, fn_index: int, inputs: list[Any], state: dict[int, Any], request: routes.Request | list[routes.Request] | None = None, iterators: dict[int, Any] | None = None, session_hash: str | None = None, event_id: str | None = None, event_data: EventData | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Processes API calls from the frontend. First preprocesses the data, then runs the relevant function, then postprocesses the output. Parameters: fn_index: Index of function to run. inputs: input data received from the frontend state: data stored from stateful components for session (key is input block id) request: the gr.Request object containing information about the network request (e.g. IP address, headers, query parameters, username) iterators: the in-progress iterators for each generator function (key is function index) event_id: id of event that triggered this API call event_data: data associated with the event trigger itself Returns: None """ block_fn = self.fns[fn_index] batch = self.dependencies[fn_index]["batch"] if batch: max_batch_size = self.dependencies[fn_index]["max_batch_size"] batch_sizes = [len(inp) for inp in inputs] batch_size = batch_sizes[0] if inspect.isasyncgenfunction(block_fn.fn) or inspect.isgeneratorfunction( block_fn.fn ): raise ValueError("Gradio does not support generators in batch mode.") if not all(x == batch_size for x in batch_sizes): raise ValueError( f"All inputs to a batch function must have the same length but instead have sizes: {batch_sizes}." ) if batch_size > max_batch_size: raise ValueError( f"Batch size ({batch_size}) exceeds the max_batch_size for this function ({max_batch_size})" ) inputs = [ self.preprocess_data(fn_index, list(i), state) for i in zip(*inputs) ] result = await self.call_function( fn_index, list(zip(*inputs)), None, request, event_id, event_data ) preds = result["prediction"] data = [ self.postprocess_data(fn_index, list(o), state) for o in zip(*preds) ] data = list(zip(*data)) is_generating, iterator = None, None else: old_iterator = iterators.get(fn_index, None) if iterators else None if old_iterator: inputs = [] else: inputs = self.preprocess_data(fn_index, inputs, state) was_generating = old_iterator is not None result = await self.call_function( fn_index, inputs, old_iterator, request, event_id, event_data ) data = self.postprocess_data(fn_index, result["prediction"], state) is_generating, iterator = result["is_generating"], result["iterator"] if is_generating or was_generating: data = self.handle_streaming_outputs( fn_index, data, session_hash=session_hash, run=id(old_iterator) if was_generating else id(iterator), ) block_fn.total_runtime += result["duration"] block_fn.total_runs += 1 return { "data": data, "is_generating": is_generating, "iterator": iterator, "duration": result["duration"], "average_duration": block_fn.total_runtime / block_fn.total_runs, } async def create_limiter(self): self.limiter = ( None if self.max_threads == 40 else CapacityLimiter(total_tokens=self.max_threads) ) def get_config(self): return {"type": "column"} def get_config_file(self): config = { "version": routes.VERSION, "mode": self.mode, "app_id": self.app_id, "dev_mode": self.dev_mode, "analytics_enabled": self.analytics_enabled, "components": [], "css": self.css, "title": self.title or "Gradio", "space_id": self.space_id, "enable_queue": getattr(self, "enable_queue", False), # launch attributes "show_error": getattr(self, "show_error", False), "show_api": self.show_api, "is_colab": utils.colab_check(), "stylesheets": self.stylesheets, "theme":, } def get_layout(block): if not isinstance(block, BlockContext): return {"id": block._id} children_layout = [] for child in block.children: children_layout.append(get_layout(child)) return {"id": block._id, "children": children_layout} config["layout"] = get_layout(self) for _id, block in self.blocks.items(): props = block.get_config() if hasattr(block, "get_config") else {} block_config = { "id": _id, "type": block.get_block_name(), "props": utils.delete_none(props), } serializer = utils.get_serializer_name(block) if serializer: assert isinstance(block, serializing.Serializable) block_config["serializer"] = serializer block_config["api_info"] = block.api_info() # type: ignore block_config["example_inputs"] = block.example_inputs() # type: ignore config["components"].append(block_config) config["dependencies"] = self.dependencies return config def __enter__(self): if Context.block is None: Context.root_block = self self.parent = Context.block Context.block = self self.exited = False return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None = None, *args): if exc_type is not None: Context.block = None Context.root_block = None return super().fill_expected_parents() Context.block = self.parent # Configure the load events before root_block is reset self.attach_load_events() if self.parent is None: Context.root_block = None else: self.parent.children.extend(self.children) self.config = self.get_config_file() = routes.App.create_app(self) self.progress_tracking = any(block_fn.tracks_progress for block_fn in self.fns) self.exited = True def load( self: Blocks | None = None, fn: Callable | None = None, inputs: list[Component] | None = None, outputs: list[Component] | None = None, api_name: str | None | Literal[False] = None, scroll_to_output: bool = False, show_progress: str = "full", queue=None, batch: bool = False, max_batch_size: int = 4, preprocess: bool = True, postprocess: bool = True, every: float | None = None, _js: str | None = None, *, name: str | None = None, src: str | None = None, api_key: str | None = None, alias: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Blocks | dict[str, Any] | None: """ For reverse compatibility reasons, this is both a class method and an instance method, the two of which, confusingly, do two completely different things. Class method: loads a demo from a Hugging Face Spaces repo and creates it locally and returns a block instance. Warning: this method will be deprecated. Use the equivalent `gradio.load()` instead. Instance method: adds event that runs as soon as the demo loads in the browser. Example usage below. Parameters: name: Class Method - the name of the model (e.g. "gpt2" or "facebook/bart-base") or space (e.g. "flax-community/spanish-gpt2"), can include the `src` as prefix (e.g. "models/facebook/bart-base") src: Class Method - the source of the model: `models` or `spaces` (or leave empty if source is provided as a prefix in `name`) api_key: Class Method - optional access token for loading private Hugging Face Hub models or spaces. Find your token here: Warning: only provide this if you are loading a trusted private Space as it can be read by the Space you are loading. alias: Class Method - optional string used as the name of the loaded model instead of the default name (only applies if loading a Space running Gradio 2.x) fn: Instance Method - the function to wrap an interface around. Often a machine learning model's prediction function. Each parameter of the function corresponds to one input component, and the function should return a single value or a tuple of values, with each element in the tuple corresponding to one output component. inputs: Instance Method - List of gradio.components to use as inputs. If the function takes no inputs, this should be an empty list. outputs: Instance Method - List of gradio.components to use as inputs. If the function returns no outputs, this should be an empty list. api_name: Instance Method - Defines how the endpoint appears in the API docs. Can be a string, None, or False. If False, the endpoint will not be exposed in the api docs. If set to None, the endpoint will be exposed in the api docs as an unnamed endpoint, although this behavior will be changed in Gradio 4.0. If set to a string, the endpoint will be exposed in the api docs with the given name. scroll_to_output: Instance Method - If True, will scroll to output component on completion show_progress: Instance Method - If True, will show progress animation while pending queue: Instance Method - If True, will place the request on the queue, if the queue exists batch: Instance Method - If True, then the function should process a batch of inputs, meaning that it should accept a list of input values for each parameter. The lists should be of equal length (and be up to length `max_batch_size`). The function is then *required* to return a tuple of lists (even if there is only 1 output component), with each list in the tuple corresponding to one output component. max_batch_size: Instance Method - Maximum number of inputs to batch together if this is called from the queue (only relevant if batch=True) preprocess: Instance Method - If False, will not run preprocessing of component data before running 'fn' (e.g. leaving it as a base64 string if this method is called with the `Image` component). postprocess: Instance Method - If False, will not run postprocessing of component data before returning 'fn' output to the browser. every: Instance Method - Run this event 'every' number of seconds. Interpreted in seconds. Queue must be enabled. Example: import gradio as gr import datetime with gr.Blocks() as demo: def get_time(): return dt = gr.Textbox(label="Current time") demo.load(get_time, inputs=None, outputs=dt) demo.launch() """ if self is None: warn_deprecation( "gr.Blocks.load() will be deprecated. Use gr.load() instead." ) if name is None: raise ValueError( "Blocks.load() requires passing parameters as keyword arguments" ) return external.load( name=name, src=src, hf_token=api_key, alias=alias, **kwargs ) else: from import Dependency dep, dep_index = self.set_event_trigger( event_name="load", fn=fn, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, api_name=api_name, preprocess=preprocess, postprocess=postprocess, scroll_to_output=scroll_to_output, show_progress=show_progress, js=_js, queue=queue, batch=batch, max_batch_size=max_batch_size, every=every, no_target=True, ) return Dependency(self, dep, dep_index, fn) def clear(self): """Resets the layout of the Blocks object.""" self.blocks = {} self.fns = [] self.dependencies = [] self.children = [] return self @concurrency_count_warning @document() def queue( self, concurrency_count: int = 1, status_update_rate: float | Literal["auto"] = "auto", client_position_to_load_data: int | None = None, default_enabled: bool | None = None, api_open: bool = True, max_size: int | None = None, ): """ By enabling the queue you can control the rate of processed requests, let users know their position in the queue, and set a limit on maximum number of events allowed. Parameters: concurrency_count: Number of worker threads that will be processing requests from the queue concurrently. Increasing this number will increase the rate at which requests are processed, but will also increase the memory usage of the queue. status_update_rate: If "auto", Queue will send status estimations to all clients whenever a job is finished. Otherwise Queue will send status at regular intervals set by this parameter as the number of seconds. client_position_to_load_data: DEPRECATED. This parameter is deprecated and has no effect. default_enabled: Deprecated and has no effect. api_open: If True, the REST routes of the backend will be open, allowing requests made directly to those endpoints to skip the queue. max_size: The maximum number of events the queue will store at any given moment. If the queue is full, new events will not be added and a user will receive a message saying that the queue is full. If None, the queue size will be unlimited. Example: (Blocks) with gr.Blocks() as demo: button = gr.Button(label="Generate Image"), inputs=gr.Textbox(), outputs=gr.Image()) demo.queue(max_size=10) demo.launch() Example: (Interface) demo = gr.Interface(image_generator, gr.Textbox(), gr.Image()) demo.queue(max_size=20) demo.launch() """ if default_enabled is not None: warn_deprecation( "The default_enabled parameter of queue has no effect and will be removed " "in a future version of gradio." ) self.enable_queue = True self.api_open = api_open if client_position_to_load_data is not None: warn_deprecation( "The client_position_to_load_data parameter is deprecated." ) if utils.is_zero_gpu_space(): concurrency_count = self.max_threads max_size = 1 if max_size is None else max_size self._queue = queueing.Queue( live_updates=status_update_rate == "auto", concurrency_count=concurrency_count, update_intervals=status_update_rate if status_update_rate != "auto" else 1, max_size=max_size, blocks_dependencies=self.dependencies, ) self.config = self.get_config_file() = routes.App.create_app(self) return self def validate_queue_settings(self): if not self.enable_queue and self.progress_tracking: raise ValueError("Progress tracking requires queuing to be enabled.") for fn_index, dep in enumerate(self.dependencies): if not self.enable_queue and self.queue_enabled_for_fn(fn_index): raise ValueError( f"The queue is enabled for event {dep['api_name'] if dep['api_name'] else fn_index} " "but the queue has not been enabled for the app. Please call .queue() " "on your app. Consult for information on how " "to configure the queue." ) for i in dep["cancels"]: if not self.queue_enabled_for_fn(i): raise ValueError( "Queue needs to be enabled! " "You may get this error by either 1) passing a function that uses the yield keyword " "into an interface without enabling the queue or 2) defining an event that cancels " "another event without enabling the queue. Both can be solved by calling .queue() " "before .launch()" ) if dep["batch"] and ( dep["queue"] is False or (dep["queue"] is None and not self.enable_queue) ): raise ValueError("In order to use batching, the queue must be enabled.") def launch( self, inline: bool | None = None, inbrowser: bool = False, share: bool | None = None, debug: bool = False, enable_queue: bool | None = None, max_threads: int = 40, auth: Callable | tuple[str, str] | list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, auth_message: str | None = None, prevent_thread_lock: bool = False, show_error: bool = False, server_name: str | None = None, server_port: int | None = None, show_tips: bool = False, height: int = 500, width: int | str = "100%", encrypt: bool | None = None, favicon_path: str | None = None, ssl_keyfile: str | None = None, ssl_certfile: str | None = None, ssl_keyfile_password: str | None = None, ssl_verify: bool = True, quiet: bool = False, show_api: bool = True, file_directories: list[str] | None = None, allowed_paths: list[str] | None = None, blocked_paths: list[str] | None = None, root_path: str | None = None, _frontend: bool = True, app_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> tuple[FastAPI, str, str]: """ Launches a simple web server that serves the demo. Can also be used to create a public link used by anyone to access the demo from their browser by setting share=True. Parameters: inline: whether to display in the interface inline in an iframe. Defaults to True in python notebooks; False otherwise. inbrowser: whether to automatically launch the interface in a new tab on the default browser. share: whether to create a publicly shareable link for the interface. Creates an SSH tunnel to make your UI accessible from anywhere. If not provided, it is set to False by default every time, except when running in Google Colab. When localhost is not accessible (e.g. Google Colab), setting share=False is not supported. debug: if True, blocks the main thread from running. If running in Google Colab, this is needed to print the errors in the cell output. auth: If provided, username and password (or list of username-password tuples) required to access interface. Can also provide function that takes username and password and returns True if valid login. auth_message: If provided, HTML message provided on login page. prevent_thread_lock: If True, the interface will block the main thread while the server is running. show_error: If True, any errors in the interface will be displayed in an alert modal and printed in the browser console log server_port: will start gradio app on this port (if available). Can be set by environment variable GRADIO_SERVER_PORT. If None, will search for an available port starting at 7860. server_name: to make app accessible on local network, set this to "". Can be set by environment variable GRADIO_SERVER_NAME. If None, will use "". show_tips: if True, will occasionally show tips about new Gradio features enable_queue: DEPRECATED (use .queue() method instead.) if True, inference requests will be served through a queue instead of with parallel threads. Required for longer inference times (> 1min) to prevent timeout. The default option in HuggingFace Spaces is True. The default option elsewhere is False. max_threads: the maximum number of total threads that the Gradio app can generate in parallel. The default is inherited from the starlette library (currently 40). Applies whether the queue is enabled or not. But if queuing is enabled, this parameter is increaseed to be at least the concurrency_count of the queue. width: The width in pixels of the iframe element containing the interface (used if inline=True) height: The height in pixels of the iframe element containing the interface (used if inline=True) encrypt: DEPRECATED. Has no effect. favicon_path: If a path to a file (.png, .gif, or .ico) is provided, it will be used as the favicon for the web page. ssl_keyfile: If a path to a file is provided, will use this as the private key file to create a local server running on https. ssl_certfile: If a path to a file is provided, will use this as the signed certificate for https. Needs to be provided if ssl_keyfile is provided. ssl_keyfile_password: If a password is provided, will use this with the ssl certificate for https. ssl_verify: If False, skips certificate validation which allows self-signed certificates to be used. quiet: If True, suppresses most print statements. show_api: If True, shows the api docs in the footer of the app. Default True. file_directories: This parameter has been renamed to `allowed_paths`. It will be removed in a future version. allowed_paths: List of complete filepaths or parent directories that gradio is allowed to serve (in addition to the directory containing the gradio python file). Must be absolute paths. Warning: if you provide directories, any files in these directories or their subdirectories are accessible to all users of your app. blocked_paths: List of complete filepaths or parent directories that gradio is not allowed to serve (i.e. users of your app are not allowed to access). Must be absolute paths. Warning: takes precedence over `allowed_paths` and all other directories exposed by Gradio by default. root_path: The root path (or "mount point") of the application, if it's not served from the root ("/") of the domain. Often used when the application is behind a reverse proxy that forwards requests to the application. For example, if the application is served at "", the `root_path` should be set to "/myapp". Can be set by environment variable GRADIO_ROOT_PATH. Defaults to "". app_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the underlying FastAPI app as a dictionary of parameter keys and argument values. For example, `{"docs_url": "/docs"}` Returns: app: FastAPI app object that is running the demo local_url: Locally accessible link to the demo share_url: Publicly accessible link to the demo (if share=True, otherwise None) Example: (Blocks) import gradio as gr def reverse(text): return text[::-1] with gr.Blocks() as demo: button = gr.Button(value="Reverse"), gr.Textbox(), gr.Textbox()) demo.launch(share=True, auth=("username", "password")) Example: (Interface) import gradio as gr def reverse(text): return text[::-1] demo = gr.Interface(reverse, "text", "text") demo.launch(share=True, auth=("username", "password")) """ if self._is_running_in_reload_thread: # We have already launched the demo return None, None, None # type: ignore if not self.exited: self.__exit__() if ( auth and not callable(auth) and not isinstance(auth[0], tuple) and not isinstance(auth[0], list) ): self.auth = [auth] else: self.auth = auth self.auth_message = auth_message self.show_tips = show_tips self.show_error = show_error self.height = height self.width = width self.favicon_path = favicon_path self.ssl_verify = ssl_verify if root_path is None: self.root_path = os.environ.get("GRADIO_ROOT_PATH", "") else: self.root_path = root_path if enable_queue is not None: self.enable_queue = enable_queue warn_deprecation( "The `enable_queue` parameter has been deprecated. " "Please use the `.queue()` method instead.", ) if encrypt is not None: warn_deprecation( "The `encrypt` parameter has been deprecated and has no effect.", ) if self.space_id: self.enable_queue = self.enable_queue is not False else: self.enable_queue = self.enable_queue is True if self.enable_queue and not hasattr(self, "_queue"): self.queue() self.show_api = show_api if file_directories is not None: warn_deprecation( "The `file_directories` parameter has been renamed to `allowed_paths`. " "Please use that instead.", ) if allowed_paths is None: allowed_paths = file_directories self.allowed_paths = allowed_paths or [] self.blocked_paths = blocked_paths or [] if not isinstance(self.allowed_paths, list): raise ValueError("`allowed_paths` must be a list of directories.") if not isinstance(self.blocked_paths, list): raise ValueError("`blocked_paths` must be a list of directories.") self.validate_queue_settings() self.config = self.get_config_file() self.max_threads = max( self._queue.max_thread_count if self.enable_queue else 0, max_threads ) if self.is_running: assert isinstance( self.local_url, str ), f"Invalid local_url: {self.local_url}" if not (quiet): print( "Rerunning server... use `close()` to stop if you need to change `launch()` parameters.\n----" ) else: if wasm_utils.IS_WASM: server_name = "xxx" server_port = 99999 local_url = "" server = None # In the Wasm environment, we only need the app object # which the frontend app will directly communicate with through the Worker API, # and we don't need to start a server. # So we just create the app object and register it here, # and avoid using `networking.start_server` that would start a server that don't work in the Wasm env. from gradio.routes import App app = App.create_app(self, app_kwargs=app_kwargs) wasm_utils.register_app(app) else: ( server_name, server_port, local_url, app, server, ) = networking.start_server( self, server_name, server_port, ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile, ssl_keyfile_password, app_kwargs=app_kwargs, ) self.server_name = server_name self.local_url = local_url self.server_port = server_port self.server_app = ( ) = app # server_app is included for backwards compatibility self.server = server self.is_running = True self.is_colab = utils.colab_check() self.is_kaggle = utils.kaggle_check() self.protocol = ( "https" if self.local_url.startswith("https") or self.is_colab else "http" ) if not wasm_utils.IS_WASM and not self.is_colab: print( strings.en["RUNNING_LOCALLY_SEPARATED"].format( self.protocol, self.server_name, self.server_port ) ) if self.enable_queue: self._queue.set_server_app(self.server_app) if not wasm_utils.IS_WASM: # Cannot run async functions in background other than app's scope. # Workaround by triggering the app endpoint requests.get(f"{self.local_url}startup-events", verify=ssl_verify) else: pass # TODO: Call the startup endpoint in the Wasm env too. utils.launch_counter() self.is_sagemaker = utils.sagemaker_check() if share is None: if self.is_colab and self.enable_queue: if not quiet: print( "Setting queue=True in a Colab notebook requires sharing enabled. Setting `share=True` (you can turn this off by setting `share=False` in `launch()` explicitly).\n" ) self.share = True elif self.is_kaggle: if not quiet: print( "Kaggle notebooks require sharing enabled. Setting `share=True` (you can turn this off by setting `share=False` in `launch()` explicitly).\n" ) self.share = True elif self.is_sagemaker: if not quiet: print( "Sagemaker notebooks may require sharing enabled. Setting `share=True` (you can turn this off by setting `share=False` in `launch()` explicitly).\n" ) self.share = True else: self.share = False else: self.share = share # If running in a colab or not able to access localhost, # a shareable link must be created. if ( _frontend and not wasm_utils.IS_WASM and not networking.url_ok(self.local_url) and not self.share ): raise ValueError( "When localhost is not accessible, a shareable link must be created. Please set share=True or check your proxy settings to allow access to localhost." ) if self.is_colab: if not quiet: if debug: print(strings.en["COLAB_DEBUG_TRUE"]) else: print(strings.en["COLAB_DEBUG_FALSE"]) if not self.share: print(strings.en["COLAB_WARNING"].format(self.server_port)) if self.enable_queue and not self.share: raise ValueError( "When using queueing in Colab, a shareable link must be created. Please set share=True." ) if self.share: if self.space_id: raise RuntimeError("Share is not supported when you are in Spaces") if wasm_utils.IS_WASM: raise RuntimeError("Share is not supported in the Wasm environment") try: if self.share_url is None: self.share_url = networking.setup_tunnel( self.server_name, self.server_port, self.share_token ) print(strings.en["SHARE_LINK_DISPLAY"].format(self.share_url)) if not (quiet): print(strings.en["SHARE_LINK_MESSAGE"]) except (RuntimeError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): if self.analytics_enabled: analytics.error_analytics("Not able to set up tunnel") self.share_url = None self.share = False if Path(BINARY_PATH).exists(): print(strings.en["COULD_NOT_GET_SHARE_LINK"]) else: print( strings.en["COULD_NOT_GET_SHARE_LINK_MISSING_FILE"].format( BINARY_PATH, BINARY_URL, BINARY_FILENAME, BINARY_FOLDER, ) ) else: if not quiet and not wasm_utils.IS_WASM: print(strings.en["PUBLIC_SHARE_TRUE"]) self.share_url = None if inbrowser and not wasm_utils.IS_WASM: link = self.share_url if self.share and self.share_url else self.local_url # Check if running in a Python notebook in which case, display inline if inline is None: inline = utils.ipython_check() if inline: try: from IPython.display import HTML, Javascript, display # type: ignore if self.share and self.share_url: while not networking.url_ok(self.share_url): time.sleep(0.25) artifact = HTML( f'
' ) elif self.is_colab: # modified from /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/google/colab/output/ within Colab environment code = """(async (port, path, width, height, cache, element) => { if (!google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed && !cache) { return; } element.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')); const url = await google.colab.kernel.proxyPort(port, {cache}); const external_link = document.createElement('div'); external_link.innerHTML = `
Running on https://localhost:${port}${path}
`; element.appendChild(external_link); const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.src = new URL(path, url).toString(); iframe.height = height; iframe.allow = "autoplay; camera; microphone; clipboard-read; clipboard-write;" iframe.width = width; = 0; element.appendChild(iframe); })""" + "({port}, {path}, {width}, {height}, {cache}, window.element)".format( port=json.dumps(self.server_port), path=json.dumps("/"), width=json.dumps(self.width), height=json.dumps(self.height), cache=json.dumps(False), ) artifact = Javascript(code) else: artifact = HTML( f'
' ) self.artifact = artifact display(artifact) except ImportError: pass if getattr(self, "analytics_enabled", False): data = { "launch_method": "browser" if inbrowser else "inline", "is_google_colab": self.is_colab, "is_sharing_on": self.share, "share_url": self.share_url, "enable_queue": self.enable_queue, "show_tips": self.show_tips, "server_name": server_name, "server_port": server_port, "is_space": self.space_id is not None, "mode": self.mode, } analytics.launched_analytics(self, data) utils.show_tip(self) # Block main thread if debug==True if debug or int(os.getenv("GRADIO_DEBUG", 0)) == 1 and not wasm_utils.IS_WASM: self.block_thread() # Block main thread if running in a script to stop script from exiting is_in_interactive_mode = bool(getattr(sys, "ps1", sys.flags.interactive)) if ( not prevent_thread_lock and not is_in_interactive_mode # In the Wasm env, we don't have to block the main thread because the server won't be shut down after the execution finishes. # Moreover, we MUST NOT do it because there is only one thread in the Wasm env and blocking it will stop the subsequent code from running. and not wasm_utils.IS_WASM ): self.block_thread() return TupleNoPrint((self.server_app, self.local_url, self.share_url)) def integrate( self, comet_ml=None, wandb: ModuleType | None = None, mlflow: ModuleType | None = None, ) -> None: """ A catch-all method for integrating with other libraries. This method should be run after launch() Parameters: comet_ml: If a comet_ml Experiment object is provided, will integrate with the experiment and appear on Comet dashboard wandb: If the wandb module is provided, will integrate with it and appear on WandB dashboard mlflow: If the mlflow module is provided, will integrate with the experiment and appear on ML Flow dashboard """ analytics_integration = "" if comet_ml is not None: analytics_integration = "CometML" comet_ml.log_other("Created from", "Gradio") if self.share_url is not None: comet_ml.log_text(f"gradio: {self.share_url}") comet_ml.end() elif self.local_url: comet_ml.log_text(f"gradio: {self.local_url}") comet_ml.end() else: raise ValueError("Please run `launch()` first.") if wandb is not None: analytics_integration = "WandB" if self.share_url is not None: wandb.log( { "Gradio panel": wandb.Html( '' ) } ) else: print( "The WandB integration requires you to " "`launch(share=True)` first." ) if mlflow is not None: analytics_integration = "MLFlow" if self.share_url is not None: mlflow.log_param("Gradio Interface Share Link", self.share_url) else: mlflow.log_param("Gradio Interface Local Link", self.local_url) if self.analytics_enabled and analytics_integration: data = {"integration": analytics_integration} analytics.integration_analytics(data) def close(self, verbose: bool = True) -> None: """ Closes the Interface that was launched and frees the port. """ try: if self.enable_queue: self._queue.close() if self.server: self.server.close() self.is_running = False # So that the startup events (starting the queue) # happen the next time the app is launched = False if verbose: print(f"Closing server running on port: {self.server_port}") except (AttributeError, OSError): # can't close if not running pass def block_thread( self, ) -> None: """Block main thread until interrupted by user.""" try: while True: time.sleep(0.1) except (KeyboardInterrupt, OSError): print("Keyboard interruption in main thread... closing server.") if self.server: self.server.close() for tunnel in CURRENT_TUNNELS: tunnel.kill() def attach_load_events(self): """Add a load event for every component whose initial value should be randomized.""" if Context.root_block: for component in Context.root_block.blocks.values(): if ( isinstance(component, components.IOComponent) and component.load_event_to_attach ): load_fn, every = component.load_event_to_attach # Use set_event_trigger to avoid ambiguity between load class/instance method dep = self.set_event_trigger( "load", load_fn, None, component, no_target=True, # If every is None, for sure skip the queue # else, let the enable_queue parameter take precedence # this will raise a nice error message is every is used # without queue queue=False if every is None else None, every=every, )[0] component.load_event = dep def startup_events(self): """Events that should be run when the app containing this block starts up.""" if self.enable_queue: utils.run_coro_in_background(self._queue.start, self.ssl_verify) # So that processing can resume in case the queue was stopped self._queue.stopped = False utils.run_coro_in_background(self.create_limiter) def queue_enabled_for_fn(self, fn_index: int): if self.dependencies[fn_index]["queue"] is None: return self.enable_queue return self.dependencies[fn_index]["queue"]