""" Handy utility functions. """

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import copy
import functools
import importlib
import inspect
import json
import json.decoder
import os
import pkgutil
import pprint
import random
import re
import threading
import time
import traceback
import typing
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager
from io import BytesIO
from numbers import Number
from pathlib import Path
from types import GeneratorType
from typing import (

import anyio
import matplotlib
import requests
from gradio_client.serializing import Serializable
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

import gradio
from gradio.context import Context
from gradio.strings import en

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # Only import for type checking (is False at runtime).
    from gradio.blocks import Block, BlockContext, Blocks
    from gradio.components import Component
    from gradio.routes import App

JSON_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gradio.__file__), "launches.json")

P = ParamSpec("P")
T = TypeVar("T")

def get_package_version() -> str:
        package_json_data = (
            pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "package.json").decode("utf-8").strip()  # type: ignore
        package_data = json.loads(package_json_data)
        version = package_data.get("version", "")
        return version
    except Exception:
        return ""

def safe_get_lock() -> asyncio.Lock:
    """Get asyncio.Lock() without fear of getting an Exception.

    Needed because in reload mode we import the Blocks object outside
    the main thread.
        return asyncio.Lock()
    except RuntimeError:
        return None  # type: ignore

class BaseReloader(ABC):
    def running_app(self) -> App:

    def queue_changed(self, demo: Blocks):
        return (
            hasattr(self.running_app.blocks, "_queue") and not hasattr(demo, "_queue")
        ) or (
            not hasattr(self.running_app.blocks, "_queue") and hasattr(demo, "_queue")

    def swap_blocks(self, demo: Blocks):
        assert self.running_app.blocks
        # Copy over the blocks to get new components and events but
        # not a new queue
        if hasattr(self.running_app.blocks, "_queue"):
            self.running_app.blocks._queue.blocks_dependencies = demo.dependencies
            demo._queue = self.running_app.blocks._queue
        self.running_app.blocks = demo

class SourceFileReloader(BaseReloader):
    def __init__(
        app: App,
        watch_dirs: list[str],
        watch_file: str,
        stop_event: threading.Event,
        change_event: threading.Event,
        demo_name: str = "demo",
    ) -> None:
        self.app = app
        self.watch_dirs = watch_dirs
        self.watch_file = watch_file
        self.stop_event = stop_event
        self.change_event = change_event
        self.demo_name = demo_name

    def running_app(self) -> App:
        return self.app

    def should_watch(self) -> bool:
        return not self.stop_event.is_set()

    def stop(self) -> None:

    def alert_change(self):

    def swap_blocks(self, demo: Blocks):

def watchfn(reloader: SourceFileReloader):
    """Watch python files in a given module.

    get_changes is taken from uvicorn's default file watcher.

    # The thread running watchfn will be the thread reloading
    # the app. So we need to modify this thread_data attr here
    # so that subsequent calls to reload don't launch the app
    from gradio.reload import reload_thread

    reload_thread.running_reload = True

    def get_changes() -> Path | None:
        for file in iter_py_files():
                mtime = file.stat().st_mtime
            except OSError:  # pragma: nocover

            old_time = mtimes.get(file)
            if old_time is None:
                mtimes[file] = mtime
            elif mtime > old_time:
                return file
        return None

    def iter_py_files() -> Iterator[Path]:
        for reload_dir in reload_dirs:
            for path in list(reload_dir.rglob("*.py")):
                yield path.resolve()

    module = None
    reload_dirs = [Path(dir_) for dir_ in reloader.watch_dirs]
    mtimes = {}
    while reloader.should_watch():
        import sys

        changed = get_changes()
        if changed:
            print(f"Changes detected in: {changed}")
            # To simulate a fresh reload, delete all module references from sys.modules
            # for the modules in the package the change came from.
            dir_ = next(d for d in reload_dirs if is_in_or_equal(changed, d))
            modules = list(sys.modules)
            for k in modules:
                v = sys.modules[k]
                sourcefile = getattr(v, "__file__", None)
                # Do not reload `reload.py` to keep thread data
                if (
                    and dir_ == Path(inspect.getfile(gradio)).parent
                    and sourcefile.endswith("reload.py")
                if sourcefile and is_in_or_equal(sourcefile, dir_):
                    del sys.modules[k]
                module = importlib.import_module(reloader.watch_file)
                module = importlib.reload(module)
            except Exception as e:
                    f"Reloading {reloader.watch_file} failed with the following exception: "
                traceback.print_exception(None, value=e, tb=None)
                mtimes = {}

            demo = getattr(module, reloader.demo_name)
            if reloader.queue_changed(demo):
                    "Reloading failed. The new demo has a queue and the old one doesn't (or vice versa). "
                    "Please launch your demo again"
            mtimes = {}

def colab_check() -> bool:
    Check if interface is launching from Google Colab
    :return is_colab (bool): True or False
    is_colab = False
    try:  # Check if running interactively using ipython.
        from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython

        from_ipynb = get_ipython()
        if "google.colab" in str(from_ipynb):
            is_colab = True
    except (ImportError, NameError):
    return is_colab

def kaggle_check() -> bool:
    return bool(
        os.environ.get("KAGGLE_KERNEL_RUN_TYPE") or os.environ.get("GFOOTBALL_DATA_DIR")

def sagemaker_check() -> bool:
        import boto3  # type: ignore

        client = boto3.client("sts")
        response = client.get_caller_identity()
        return "sagemaker" in response["Arn"].lower()
    except Exception:
        return False

def ipython_check() -> bool:
    Check if interface is launching from iPython (not colab)
    :return is_ipython (bool): True or False
    is_ipython = False
    try:  # Check if running interactively using ipython.
        from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython

        if get_ipython() is not None:
            is_ipython = True
    except (ImportError, NameError):
    return is_ipython

def get_space() -> str | None:
    if os.getenv("SYSTEM") == "spaces":
        return os.getenv("SPACE_ID")
    return None

def is_zero_gpu_space() -> bool:
    return os.getenv("SPACES_ZERO_GPU") == "true"

def readme_to_html(article: str) -> str:
        response = requests.get(article, timeout=3)
        if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            article = response.text
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
    return article

def show_tip(interface: gradio.Blocks) -> None:
    if interface.show_tips and random.random() < 1.5:
        tip: str = random.choice(en["TIPS"])
        print(f"Tip: {tip}")

def launch_counter() -> None:
        if not os.path.exists(JSON_PATH):
            launches = {"launches": 1}
            with open(JSON_PATH, "w+") as j:
                json.dump(launches, j)
            with open(JSON_PATH) as j:
                launches = json.load(j)
            launches["launches"] += 1
            if launches["launches"] in [25, 50, 150, 500, 1000]:
            with open(JSON_PATH, "w") as j:
    except Exception:

def get_default_args(func: Callable) -> list[Any]:
    signature = inspect.signature(func)
    return [
        v.default if v.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty else None
        for v in signature.parameters.values()

def assert_configs_are_equivalent_besides_ids(
    config1: dict, config2: dict, root_keys: tuple = ("mode",)
    """Allows you to test if two different Blocks configs produce the same demo.

    config1 (dict): nested dict with config from the first Blocks instance
    config2 (dict): nested dict with config from the second Blocks instance
    root_keys (Tuple): an interable consisting of which keys to test for equivalence at
        the root level of the config. By default, only "mode" is tested,
        so keys like "version" are ignored.
    config1 = copy.deepcopy(config1)
    config2 = copy.deepcopy(config2)
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)

    for key in root_keys:
        assert config1[key] == config2[key], f"Configs have different: {key}"

    assert len(config1["components"]) == len(
    ), "# of components are different"

    def assert_same_components(config1_id, config2_id):
        c1 = list(filter(lambda c: c["id"] == config1_id, config1["components"]))[0]
        c2 = list(filter(lambda c: c["id"] == config2_id, config2["components"]))[0]
        c1 = copy.deepcopy(c1)
        c2 = copy.deepcopy(c2)
        assert json.dumps(c1) == json.dumps(
        ), f"{pp.pprint(c1)} does not match {pp.pprint(c2)}"

    def same_children_recursive(children1, chidren2):
        for child1, child2 in zip(children1, chidren2):
            assert_same_components(child1["id"], child2["id"])
            if "children" in child1 or "children" in child2:
                same_children_recursive(child1["children"], child2["children"])

    children1 = config1["layout"]["children"]
    children2 = config2["layout"]["children"]
    same_children_recursive(children1, children2)

    for d1, d2 in zip(config1["dependencies"], config2["dependencies"]):
        for t1, t2 in zip(d1.pop("targets"), d2.pop("targets")):
            assert_same_components(t1, t2)
        for i1, i2 in zip(d1.pop("inputs"), d2.pop("inputs")):
            assert_same_components(i1, i2)
        for o1, o2 in zip(d1.pop("outputs"), d2.pop("outputs")):
            assert_same_components(o1, o2)

        assert d1 == d2, f"{d1} does not match {d2}"

    return True

def format_ner_list(input_string: str, ner_groups: list[dict[str, str | int]]):
    if len(ner_groups) == 0:
        return [(input_string, None)]

    output = []
    end = 0
    prev_end = 0

    for group in ner_groups:
        entity, start, end = group["entity_group"], group["start"], group["end"]
        output.append((input_string[prev_end:start], None))
        output.append((input_string[start:end], entity))
        prev_end = end

    output.append((input_string[end:], None))
    return output

def delete_none(_dict: dict, skip_value: bool = False) -> dict:
    Delete keys whose values are None from a dictionary
    for key, value in list(_dict.items()):
        if skip_value and key == "value":
        elif value is None:
            del _dict[key]
    return _dict

def resolve_singleton(_list: list[Any] | Any) -> Any:
    if len(_list) == 1:
        return _list[0]
        return _list

def component_or_layout_class(cls_name: str) -> type[Component] | type[BlockContext]:
    Returns the component, template, or layout class with the given class name, or
    raises a ValueError if not found.

    cls_name (str): lower-case string class name of a component
    cls: the component class
    import gradio.blocks
    import gradio.components
    import gradio.layouts
    import gradio.templates

    components = [
        (name, cls)
        for name, cls in gradio.components.__dict__.items()
        if isinstance(cls, type)
    templates = [
        (name, cls)
        for name, cls in gradio.templates.__dict__.items()
        if isinstance(cls, type)
    layouts = [
        (name, cls)
        for name, cls in gradio.layouts.__dict__.items()
        if isinstance(cls, type)
    for name, cls in components + templates + layouts:
        if name.lower() == cls_name.replace("_", "") and (
            issubclass(cls, gradio.components.Component)
            or issubclass(cls, gradio.blocks.BlockContext)
            return cls
    raise ValueError(f"No such component or layout: {cls_name}")

def run_coro_in_background(func: Callable, *args, **kwargs):
    Runs coroutines in background.

    Warning, be careful to not use this function in other than FastAPI scope, because the event_loop has not started yet.
    You can use it in any scope reached by FastAPI app.

    correct scope examples: endpoints in routes, Blocks.process_api
    incorrect scope examples: Blocks.launch

    Use startup_events in routes.py if you need to run a coro in background in Blocks.launch().

        utils.run_coro_in_background(fn, *args, **kwargs)



    event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    return event_loop.create_task(func(*args, **kwargs))

def run_sync_iterator_async(iterator):
    """Helper for yielding StopAsyncIteration from sync iterators."""
        return next(iterator)
    except StopIteration:
        # raise a ValueError here because co-routines can't raise StopIteration themselves
        raise StopAsyncIteration() from None

class SyncToAsyncIterator:
    """Treat a synchronous iterator as async one."""

    def __init__(self, iterator, limiter) -> None:
        self.iterator = iterator
        self.limiter = limiter

    def __aiter__(self):
        return self

    async def __anext__(self):
        return await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(
            run_sync_iterator_async, self.iterator, limiter=self.limiter

async def async_iteration(iterator):
    # anext not introduced until 3.10 :(
    return await iterator.__anext__()

def set_directory(path: Path | str):
    """Context manager that sets the working directory to the given path."""
    origin = Path().absolute()

def sanitize_value_for_csv(value: str | Number) -> str | Number:
    Sanitizes a value that is being written to a CSV file to prevent CSV injection attacks.
    Reference: https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/CSV_Injection
    if isinstance(value, Number):
        return value
    unsafe_prefixes = ["=", "+", "-", "@", "\t", "\n"]
    unsafe_sequences = [",=", ",+", ",-", ",@", ",\t", ",\n"]
    if any(value.startswith(prefix) for prefix in unsafe_prefixes) or any(
        sequence in value for sequence in unsafe_sequences
        value = f"'{value}"
    return value

def sanitize_list_for_csv(values: list[Any]) -> list[Any]:
    Sanitizes a list of values (or a list of list of values) that is being written to a
    CSV file to prevent CSV injection attacks.
    sanitized_values = []
    for value in values:
        if isinstance(value, list):
            sanitized_value = [sanitize_value_for_csv(v) for v in value]
            sanitized_value = sanitize_value_for_csv(value)
    return sanitized_values

def append_unique_suffix(name: str, list_of_names: list[str]):
    """Appends a numerical suffix to `name` so that it does not appear in `list_of_names`."""
    set_of_names: set[str] = set(list_of_names)  # for O(1) lookup
    if name not in set_of_names:
        return name
        suffix_counter = 1
        new_name = f"{name}_{suffix_counter}"
        while new_name in set_of_names:
            suffix_counter += 1
            new_name = f"{name}_{suffix_counter}"
        return new_name

def validate_url(possible_url: str) -> bool:
    headers = {"User-Agent": "gradio (https://gradio.app/; team@gradio.app)"}
        head_request = requests.head(possible_url, headers=headers)
        # some URLs, such as AWS S3 presigned URLs, return a 405 or a 403 for HEAD requests
        if head_request.status_code == 405 or head_request.status_code == 403:
            return requests.get(possible_url, headers=headers).ok
        return head_request.ok
    except Exception:
        return False

def is_update(val):
    return isinstance(val, dict) and "update" in val.get("__type__", "")

def get_continuous_fn(fn: Callable, every: float) -> Callable:
    def continuous_fn(*args):
        while True:
            output = fn(*args)
            if isinstance(output, GeneratorType):
                yield from output
                yield output

    return continuous_fn

def function_wrapper(
    f, before_fn=None, before_args=None, after_fn=None, after_args=None
    before_args = [] if before_args is None else before_args
    after_args = [] if after_args is None else after_args
    if inspect.isasyncgenfunction(f):

        async def asyncgen_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if before_fn:
            async for response in f(*args, **kwargs):
                yield response
            if after_fn:

        return asyncgen_wrapper

    elif asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(f):

        async def async_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if before_fn:
            response = await f(*args, **kwargs)
            if after_fn:
            return response

        return async_wrapper

    elif inspect.isgeneratorfunction(f):

        def gen_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if before_fn:
            yield from f(*args, **kwargs)
            if after_fn:

        return gen_wrapper


        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if before_fn:
            response = f(*args, **kwargs)
            if after_fn:
            return response

        return wrapper

def get_function_with_locals(fn: Callable, blocks: Blocks, event_id: str | None):
    def before_fn(blocks, event_id):
        from gradio.context import thread_data

        thread_data.blocks = blocks
        thread_data.event_id = event_id

    return function_wrapper(fn, before_fn=before_fn, before_args=(blocks, event_id))

async def cancel_tasks(task_ids: set[str]):
    matching_tasks = [
        task for task in asyncio.all_tasks() if task.get_name() in task_ids
    for task in matching_tasks:
    await asyncio.gather(*matching_tasks, return_exceptions=True)

def set_task_name(task, session_hash: str, fn_index: int, batch: bool):
    if not batch:

def get_cancel_function(
    dependencies: list[dict[str, Any]]
) -> tuple[Callable, list[int]]:
    fn_to_comp = {}
    for dep in dependencies:
        if Context.root_block:
            fn_index = next(
                i for i, d in enumerate(Context.root_block.dependencies) if d == dep
            fn_to_comp[fn_index] = [
                Context.root_block.blocks[o] for o in dep["outputs"]

    async def cancel(session_hash: str) -> None:
        task_ids = {f"{session_hash}_{fn}" for fn in fn_to_comp}
        await cancel_tasks(task_ids)

    return (

def get_type_hints(fn):
    # Importing gradio with the canonical abbreviation. Used in typing._eval_type.
    import gradio as gr  # noqa: F401
    from gradio import OAuthProfile, Request  # noqa: F401

    if inspect.isfunction(fn) or inspect.ismethod(fn):
    elif callable(fn):
        fn = fn.__call__
        return {}

        return typing.get_type_hints(fn)
    except TypeError:
        # On Python 3.9 or earlier, get_type_hints throws a TypeError if the function
        # has a type annotation that include "|". We resort to parsing the signature
        # manually using inspect.signature.
        type_hints = {}
        sig = inspect.signature(fn)
        for name, param in sig.parameters.items():
            if param.annotation is inspect.Parameter.empty:
            if param.annotation == "gr.OAuthProfile | None":
                # Special case: we want to inject the OAuthProfile value even on Python 3.9
                type_hints[name] = Optional[OAuthProfile]
            if "|" in str(param.annotation):
            # To convert the string annotation to a class, we use the
            # internal typing._eval_type function. This is not ideal, but
            # it's the only way to do it without eval-ing the string.
            # Since the API is internal, it may change in the future.
                type_hints[name] = typing._eval_type(  # type: ignore
                    typing.ForwardRef(param.annotation), globals(), locals()
            except (NameError, TypeError):
        return type_hints

def is_special_typed_parameter(name, parameter_types):
    from gradio.helpers import EventData
    from gradio.oauth import OAuthProfile
    from gradio.routes import Request

    """Checks if parameter has a type hint designating it as a gr.Request, gr.EventData or gr.OAuthProfile."""
    hint = parameter_types.get(name)
    if not hint:
        return False
    is_request = hint == Request
    is_oauth_arg = hint in (OAuthProfile, Optional[OAuthProfile])
    is_event_data = inspect.isclass(hint) and issubclass(hint, EventData)
    return is_request or is_event_data or is_oauth_arg

def check_function_inputs_match(fn: Callable, inputs: list, inputs_as_dict: bool):
    Checks if the input component set matches the function
    Returns: None if valid, a string error message if mismatch

    signature = inspect.signature(fn)
    parameter_types = get_type_hints(fn)
    min_args = 0
    max_args = 0
    infinity = -1
    for name, param in signature.parameters.items():
        has_default = param.default != param.empty
        if param.kind in [param.POSITIONAL_ONLY, param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD]:
            if not is_special_typed_parameter(name, parameter_types):
                if not has_default:
                    min_args += 1
                max_args += 1
        elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
            max_args = infinity
        elif param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY and not has_default:
            return f"Keyword-only args must have default values for function {fn}"
    arg_count = 1 if inputs_as_dict else len(inputs)
    if min_args == max_args and max_args != arg_count:
            f"Expected {max_args} arguments for function {fn}, received {arg_count}."
    if arg_count < min_args:
            f"Expected at least {min_args} arguments for function {fn}, received {arg_count}."
    if max_args != infinity and arg_count > max_args:
            f"Expected maximum {max_args} arguments for function {fn}, received {arg_count}."

def concurrency_count_warning(queue: Callable[P, T]) -> Callable[P, T]:
    def wrapper(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:
        _self, *positional = args
        if is_zero_gpu_space() and (
            len(positional) >= 1 or "concurrency_count" in kwargs
                "Queue concurrency_count on ZeroGPU Spaces cannot be overridden "
                "and is always equal to Block's max_threads. "
                "Consider setting max_threads value on the Block instead"
        return queue(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

class TupleNoPrint(tuple):
    # To remove printing function return in notebook
    def __repr__(self):
        return ""

    def __str__(self):
        return ""

class MatplotlibBackendMananger:
    def __enter__(self):
        self._original_backend = matplotlib.get_backend()

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

def tex2svg(formula, *args):
    with MatplotlibBackendMananger():
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        fontsize = 20
        dpi = 300
        plt.rc("mathtext", fontset="cm")
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(0.01, 0.01))
        fig.text(0, 0, rf"${formula}$", fontsize=fontsize)
        output = BytesIO()
        xml_code = output.read().decode("utf-8")
        svg_start = xml_code.index("<svg ")
        svg_code = xml_code[svg_start:]
        svg_code = re.sub(r"<metadata>.*<\/metadata>", "", svg_code, flags=re.DOTALL)
        svg_code = re.sub(r' width="[^"]+"', "", svg_code)
        height_match = re.search(r'height="([\d.]+)pt"', svg_code)
        if height_match:
            height = float(height_match.group(1))
            new_height = height / fontsize  # conversion from pt to em
            svg_code = re.sub(
                r'height="[\d.]+pt"', f'height="{new_height}em"', svg_code
        copy_code = f"<span style='font-size: 0px'>{formula}</span>"
    return f"{copy_code}{svg_code}"

def abspath(path: str | Path) -> Path:
    """Returns absolute path of a str or Path path, but does not resolve symlinks."""
    path = Path(path)

    if path.is_absolute():
        return path

    # recursively check if there is a symlink within the path
    is_symlink = path.is_symlink() or any(
        parent.is_symlink() for parent in path.parents

    if is_symlink or path == path.resolve():  # in case path couldn't be resolved
        return Path.cwd() / path
        return path.resolve()

def is_in_or_equal(path_1: str | Path, path_2: str | Path):
    True if path_1 is a descendant (i.e. located within) path_2 or if the paths are the
    same, returns False otherwise.
        path_1: str or Path (should be a file)
        path_2: str or Path (can be a file or directory)
    path_1, path_2 = abspath(path_1), abspath(path_2)
        if str(path_1.relative_to(path_2)).startswith(".."):  # prevent path traversal
            return False
    except ValueError:
        return False
    return True

def get_serializer_name(block: Block) -> str | None:
    if not hasattr(block, "serialize"):
        return None

    def get_class_that_defined_method(meth: Callable):
        # Adapted from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25959545/5209347
        if isinstance(meth, functools.partial):
            return get_class_that_defined_method(meth.func)
        if inspect.ismethod(meth) or (
            and getattr(meth, "__self__", None) is not None
            and getattr(meth.__self__, "__class__", None)
            for cls in inspect.getmro(meth.__self__.__class__):
                # Find the first serializer defined in gradio_client that
                if issubclass(cls, Serializable) and "gradio_client" in cls.__module__:
                    return cls
                if meth.__name__ in cls.__dict__:
                    return cls
            meth = getattr(meth, "__func__", meth)  # fallback to __qualname__ parsing
        if inspect.isfunction(meth):
            cls = getattr(
                meth.__qualname__.split(".<locals>", 1)[0].rsplit(".", 1)[0],
            if isinstance(cls, type):
                return cls
        return getattr(meth, "__objclass__", None)

    cls = get_class_that_defined_method(block.serialize)  # type: ignore
    if cls:
        return cls.__name__

HTML_TAG_RE = re.compile("<.*?>")

def remove_html_tags(raw_html: str | None) -> str:
    return re.sub(HTML_TAG_RE, "", raw_html or "")

def find_user_stack_level() -> int:
    Find the first stack frame not inside Gradio.
    frame = inspect.currentframe()
    n = 0
    while frame:
        fname = inspect.getfile(frame)
        if "/gradio/" not in fname.replace(os.sep, "/"):
        frame = frame.f_back
        n += 1
    return n