"""Contains methods that generate documentation for Gradio functions and classes.""" |
from __future__ import annotations |
import inspect |
from typing import Callable |
classes_to_document = {} |
classes_inherit_documentation = {} |
documentation_group = None |
def set_documentation_group(m): |
global documentation_group |
documentation_group = m |
if m not in classes_to_document: |
classes_to_document[m] = [] |
def extract_instance_attr_doc(cls, attr): |
code = inspect.getsource(cls.__init__) |
lines = [line.strip() for line in code.split("\n")] |
i = None |
for i, line in enumerate(lines): |
if line.startswith("self." + attr + ":") or line.startswith( |
"self." + attr + " =" |
): |
break |
assert i is not None, f"Could not find {attr} in {cls.__name__}" |
start_line = lines.index('"""', i) |
end_line = lines.index('"""', start_line + 1) |
for j in range(i + 1, start_line): |
assert not lines[j].startswith("self."), ( |
f"Found another attribute before docstring for {attr} in {cls.__name__}: " |
+ lines[j] |
+ "\n start:" |
+ lines[i] |
) |
doc_string = " ".join(lines[start_line + 1 : end_line]) |
return doc_string |
def document(*fns, inherit=False): |
""" |
Defines the @document decorator which adds classes or functions to the Gradio |
documentation at www.gradio.app/docs. |
Usage examples: |
- Put @document() above a class to document the class and its constructor. |
- Put @document("fn1", "fn2") above a class to also document methods fn1 and fn2. |
- Put @document("*fn3") with an asterisk above a class to document the instance attribute methods f3. |
""" |
def inner_doc(cls): |
global documentation_group |
if inherit: |
classes_inherit_documentation[cls] = None |
classes_to_document[documentation_group].append((cls, fns)) |
return cls |
return inner_doc |
def document_fn(fn: Callable, cls) -> tuple[str, list[dict], dict, str | None]: |
""" |
Generates documentation for any function. |
Parameters: |
fn: Function to document |
Returns: |
description: General description of fn |
parameters: A list of dicts for each parameter, storing data for the parameter name, annotation and doc |
return: A dict storing data for the returned annotation and doc |
example: Code for an example use of the fn |
""" |
doc_str = inspect.getdoc(fn) or "" |
doc_lines = doc_str.split("\n") |
signature = inspect.signature(fn) |
description, parameters, returns, examples = [], {}, [], [] |
mode = "description" |
for line in doc_lines: |
line = line.rstrip() |
if line == "Parameters:": |
mode = "parameter" |
elif line.startswith("Example:"): |
mode = "example" |
if "(" in line and ")" in line: |
c = line.split("(")[1].split(")")[0] |
if c != cls.__name__: |
mode = "ignore" |
elif line == "Returns:": |
mode = "return" |
else: |
if mode == "description": |
description.append(line if line.strip() else "<br>") |
continue |
if not (line.startswith(" ") or line.strip() == ""): |
print(line) |
assert ( |
line.startswith(" ") or line.strip() == "" |
), f"Documentation format for {fn.__name__} has format error in line: {line}" |
line = line[4:] |
if mode == "parameter": |
colon_index = line.index(": ") |
assert ( |
colon_index > -1 |
), f"Documentation format for {fn.__name__} has format error in line: {line}" |
parameter = line[:colon_index] |
parameter_doc = line[colon_index + 2 :] |
parameters[parameter] = parameter_doc |
elif mode == "return": |
returns.append(line) |
elif mode == "example": |
examples.append(line) |
description_doc = " ".join(description) |
parameter_docs = [] |
for param_name, param in signature.parameters.items(): |
if param_name.startswith("_"): |
continue |
if param_name in ["kwargs", "args"] and param_name not in parameters: |
continue |
parameter_doc = { |
"name": param_name, |
"annotation": param.annotation, |
"doc": parameters.get(param_name), |
} |
if param_name in parameters: |
del parameters[param_name] |
if param.default != inspect.Parameter.empty: |
default = param.default |
if type(default) == str: |
default = '"' + default + '"' |
if default.__class__.__module__ != "builtins": |
default = f"{default.__class__.__name__}()" |
parameter_doc["default"] = default |
elif parameter_doc["doc"] is not None: |
if "kwargs" in parameter_doc["doc"]: |
parameter_doc["kwargs"] = True |
if "args" in parameter_doc["doc"]: |
parameter_doc["args"] = True |
parameter_docs.append(parameter_doc) |
assert ( |
len(parameters) == 0 |
), f"Documentation format for {fn.__name__} documents nonexistent parameters: {''.join(parameters.keys())}" |
if len(returns) == 0: |
return_docs = {} |
elif len(returns) == 1: |
return_docs = {"annotation": signature.return_annotation, "doc": returns[0]} |
else: |
return_docs = {} |
examples_doc = "\n".join(examples) if len(examples) > 0 else None |
return description_doc, parameter_docs, return_docs, examples_doc |
def document_cls(cls): |
doc_str = inspect.getdoc(cls) |
if doc_str is None: |
return "", {}, "" |
tags = {} |
description_lines = [] |
mode = "description" |
for line in doc_str.split("\n"): |
line = line.rstrip() |
if line.endswith(":") and " " not in line: |
mode = line[:-1].lower() |
tags[mode] = [] |
elif line.split(" ")[0].endswith(":") and not line.startswith(" "): |
tag = line[: line.index(":")].lower() |
value = line[line.index(":") + 2 :] |
tags[tag] = value |
else: |
if mode == "description": |
description_lines.append(line if line.strip() else "<br>") |
else: |
assert ( |
line.startswith(" ") or not line.strip() |
), f"Documentation format for {cls.__name__} has format error in line: {line}" |
tags[mode].append(line[4:]) |
if "example" in tags: |
example = "\n".join(tags["example"]) |
del tags["example"] |
else: |
example = None |
for key, val in tags.items(): |
if isinstance(val, list): |
tags[key] = "<br>".join(val) |
description = " ".join(description_lines).replace("\n", "<br>") |
return description, tags, example |
def generate_documentation(): |
documentation = {} |
for mode, class_list in classes_to_document.items(): |
documentation[mode] = [] |
for cls, fns in class_list: |
fn_to_document = cls if inspect.isfunction(cls) else cls.__init__ |
_, parameter_doc, return_doc, _ = document_fn(fn_to_document, cls) |
cls_description, cls_tags, cls_example = document_cls(cls) |
cls_documentation = { |
"class": cls, |
"name": cls.__name__, |
"description": cls_description, |
"tags": cls_tags, |
"parameters": parameter_doc, |
"returns": return_doc, |
"example": cls_example, |
"fns": [], |
} |
for fn_name in fns: |
instance_attribute_fn = fn_name.startswith("*") |
if instance_attribute_fn: |
fn_name = fn_name[1:] |
fn = getattr(cls(), fn_name).__call__ |
else: |
fn = getattr(cls, fn_name) |
if not callable(fn): |
description_doc = str(fn) |
parameter_docs = {} |
return_docs = {} |
examples_doc = "" |
override_signature = f"gr.{cls.__name__}.{fn_name}" |
else: |
( |
description_doc, |
parameter_docs, |
return_docs, |
examples_doc, |
) = document_fn(fn, cls) |
override_signature = None |
if instance_attribute_fn: |
description_doc = extract_instance_attr_doc(cls, fn_name) |
cls_documentation["fns"].append( |
{ |
"fn": fn, |
"name": fn_name, |
"description": description_doc, |
"tags": {}, |
"parameters": parameter_docs, |
"returns": return_docs, |
"example": examples_doc, |
"override_signature": override_signature, |
} |
) |
documentation[mode].append(cls_documentation) |
if cls in classes_inherit_documentation: |
classes_inherit_documentation[cls] = cls_documentation["fns"] |
for mode, class_list in classes_to_document.items(): |
for i, (cls, _) in enumerate(class_list): |
for super_class in classes_inherit_documentation: |
if ( |
inspect.isclass(cls) |
and issubclass(cls, super_class) |
and cls != super_class |
): |
for inherited_fn in classes_inherit_documentation[super_class]: |
inherited_fn = dict(inherited_fn) |
try: |
inherited_fn["description"] = extract_instance_attr_doc( |
cls, inherited_fn["name"] |
) |
except (ValueError, AssertionError): |
pass |
documentation[mode][i]["fns"].append(inherited_fn) |
return documentation |