from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function |
import io |
import logging |
import re |
import urllib.error |
import urllib.parse |
from copy import copy |
from json import dumps, loads |
from urllib.parse import urlparse |
try: |
import yarl |
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError, OSError): |
yarl = False |
from fsspec.callbacks import _DEFAULT_CALLBACK |
from fsspec.registry import register_implementation |
from fsspec.spec import AbstractBufferedFile, AbstractFileSystem |
from fsspec.utils import DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, isfilelike, nullcontext, tokenize |
from ..caching import AllBytes |
ex = re.compile(r"""<(a|A)\s+(?:[^>]*?\s+)?(href|HREF)=["'](?P<url>[^"']+)""") |
ex2 = re.compile(r"""(?P<url>http[s]?://[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&/=]+)""") |
logger = logging.getLogger("fsspec.http") |
class JsHttpException(urllib.error.HTTPError): |
... |
class StreamIO(io.BytesIO): |
... |
class ResponseProxy: |
"""Looks like a requests response""" |
def __init__(self, req, stream=False): |
self.request = req |
self.stream = stream |
self._data = None |
self._headers = None |
@property |
def raw(self): |
if self._data is None: |
b = self.request.response.to_bytes() |
if self.stream: |
self._data = StreamIO(b) |
else: |
self._data = b |
return self._data |
def close(self): |
if hasattr(self, "_data"): |
del self._data |
@property |
def headers(self): |
if self._headers is None: |
self._headers = dict( |
[ |
_.split(": ") |
for _ in self.request.getAllResponseHeaders().strip().split("\r\n") |
] |
) |
return self._headers |
@property |
def status_code(self): |
return int(self.request.status) |
def raise_for_status(self): |
if not self.ok: |
raise JsHttpException( |
self.url, self.status_code, self.reason, self.headers, None |
) |
@property |
def reason(self): |
return self.request.statusText |
@property |
def ok(self): |
return self.status_code < 400 |
@property |
def url(self): |
return self.request.response.responseURL |
@property |
def text(self): |
return self.content.decode() |
@property |
def content(self): |
self.stream = False |
return self.raw |
@property |
def json(self): |
return loads(self.text) |
class RequestsSessionShim: |
def __init__(self): |
self.headers = {} |
def request( |
self, |
method, |
url, |
params=None, |
data=None, |
headers=None, |
cookies=None, |
files=None, |
auth=None, |
timeout=None, |
allow_redirects=None, |
proxies=None, |
hooks=None, |
stream=None, |
verify=None, |
cert=None, |
json=None, |
): |
import js |
from js import Blob, XMLHttpRequest |
if hasattr(js, "document"): |
raise RuntimeError("Filesystem can only be run from a worker, not main") |
logger.debug("JS request: %s %s", method, url) |
if cert or verify or proxies or files or cookies or hooks: |
raise NotImplementedError |
if data and json: |
raise ValueError("Use json= or data=, not both") |
req = XMLHttpRequest.new() |
extra = auth if auth else () |
if params: |
url = f"{url}?{urllib.parse.urlencode(params)}" |
req.open(method, url, False, *extra) |
if timeout: |
req.timeout = timeout |
if headers: |
for k, v in headers.items(): |
req.setRequestHeader(k, v) |
req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/octet-stream") |
req.responseType = "arraybuffer" |
if json: |
blob = Blob.new([dumps(data)], {type: "application/json"}) |
req.send(blob) |
elif data: |
if isinstance(data, io.IOBase): |
data = data.read() |
blob = Blob.new([data], {type: "application/octet-stream"}) |
req.send(blob) |
else: |
req.send(None) |
return ResponseProxy(req, stream=stream) |
def get(self, url, **kwargs): |
return self.request("GET", url, **kwargs) |
def head(self, url, **kwargs): |
return self.request("HEAD", url, **kwargs) |
def post(self, url, **kwargs): |
return self.request("POST}", url, **kwargs) |
def put(self, url, **kwargs): |
return self.request("PUT", url, **kwargs) |
def patch(self, url, **kwargs): |
return self.request("PATCH", url, **kwargs) |
def delete(self, url, **kwargs): |
return self.request("DELETE", url, **kwargs) |
class HTTPFileSystem(AbstractFileSystem): |
""" |
Simple File-System for fetching data via HTTP(S) |
``ls()`` is implemented by loading the parent page and doing a regex |
match on the result. If simple_link=True, anything of the form |
"http(s)://server.com/stuff?thing=other"; otherwise only links within |
HTML href tags will be used. |
""" |
sep = "/" |
def __init__( |
self, |
simple_links=True, |
block_size=None, |
same_scheme=True, |
cache_type="readahead", |
cache_options=None, |
client_kwargs=None, |
encoded=False, |
**storage_options, |
): |
""" |
Parameters |
---------- |
block_size: int |
Blocks to read bytes; if 0, will default to raw requests file-like |
objects instead of HTTPFile instances |
simple_links: bool |
If True, will consider both HTML <a> tags and anything that looks |
like a URL; if False, will consider only the former. |
same_scheme: True |
When doing ls/glob, if this is True, only consider paths that have |
http/https matching the input URLs. |
size_policy: this argument is deprecated |
client_kwargs: dict |
Passed to aiohttp.ClientSession, see |
https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/client_reference.html |
For example, ``{'auth': aiohttp.BasicAuth('user', 'pass')}`` |
storage_options: key-value |
Any other parameters passed on to requests |
cache_type, cache_options: defaults used in open |
""" |
super().__init__(self, **storage_options) |
self.block_size = block_size if block_size is not None else DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE |
self.simple_links = simple_links |
self.same_schema = same_scheme |
self.cache_type = cache_type |
self.cache_options = cache_options |
self.client_kwargs = client_kwargs or {} |
self.encoded = encoded |
self.kwargs = storage_options |
try: |
import js |
logger.debug("Starting JS session") |
self.session = RequestsSessionShim() |
self.js = True |
except Exception as e: |
import requests |
logger.debug("Starting cpython session because of: %s", e) |
self.session = requests.Session(**(client_kwargs or {})) |
self.js = False |
request_options = copy(storage_options) |
self.use_listings_cache = request_options.pop("use_listings_cache", False) |
request_options.pop("listings_expiry_time", None) |
request_options.pop("max_paths", None) |
request_options.pop("skip_instance_cache", None) |
self.kwargs = request_options |
@property |
def fsid(self): |
return "http" |
def encode_url(self, url): |
if yarl: |
return yarl.URL(url, encoded=self.encoded) |
return url |
@classmethod |
def _strip_protocol(cls, path): |
"""For HTTP, we always want to keep the full URL""" |
return path |
@classmethod |
def _parent(cls, path): |
par = super()._parent(path) |
if len(par) > 7: |
return par |
return "" |
def _ls_real(self, url, detail=True, **kwargs): |
kw = self.kwargs.copy() |
kw.update(kwargs) |
logger.debug(url) |
r = self.session.get(self.encode_url(url), **self.kwargs) |
self._raise_not_found_for_status(r, url) |
text = r.text |
if self.simple_links: |
links = ex2.findall(text) + [u[2] for u in ex.findall(text)] |
else: |
links = [u[2] for u in ex.findall(text)] |
out = set() |
parts = urlparse(url) |
for l in links: |
if isinstance(l, tuple): |
l = l[1] |
if l.startswith("/") and len(l) > 1: |
l = parts.scheme + "://" + parts.netloc + l |
if l.startswith("http"): |
if self.same_schema and l.startswith(url.rstrip("/") + "/"): |
out.add(l) |
elif l.replace("https", "http").startswith( |
url.replace("https", "http").rstrip("/") + "/" |
): |
out.add(l) |
else: |
if l not in ["..", "../"]: |
out.add("/".join([url.rstrip("/"), l.lstrip("/")])) |
if not out and url.endswith("/"): |
out = self._ls_real(url.rstrip("/"), detail=False) |
if detail: |
return [ |
{ |
"name": u, |
"size": None, |
"type": "directory" if u.endswith("/") else "file", |
} |
for u in out |
] |
else: |
return list(sorted(out)) |
def ls(self, url, detail=True, **kwargs): |
if self.use_listings_cache and url in self.dircache: |
out = self.dircache[url] |
else: |
out = self._ls_real(url, detail=detail, **kwargs) |
self.dircache[url] = out |
return out |
def _raise_not_found_for_status(self, response, url): |
""" |
Raises FileNotFoundError for 404s, otherwise uses raise_for_status. |
""" |
if response.status_code == 404: |
raise FileNotFoundError(url) |
response.raise_for_status() |
def cat_file(self, url, start=None, end=None, **kwargs): |
kw = self.kwargs.copy() |
kw.update(kwargs) |
logger.debug(url) |
if start is not None or end is not None: |
if start == end: |
return b"" |
headers = kw.pop("headers", {}).copy() |
headers["Range"] = self._process_limits(url, start, end) |
kw["headers"] = headers |
r = self.session.get(self.encode_url(url), **kw) |
self._raise_not_found_for_status(r, url) |
return r.content |
def get_file( |
self, rpath, lpath, chunk_size=5 * 2**20, callback=_DEFAULT_CALLBACK, **kwargs |
): |
kw = self.kwargs.copy() |
kw.update(kwargs) |
logger.debug(rpath) |
r = self.session.get(self.encode_url(rpath), **kw) |
try: |
size = int(r.headers["content-length"]) |
except (ValueError, KeyError): |
size = None |
callback.set_size(size) |
self._raise_not_found_for_status(r, rpath) |
if not isfilelike(lpath): |
lpath = open(lpath, "wb") |
chunk = True |
while chunk: |
r.raw.decode_content = True |
chunk = r.raw.read(chunk_size) |
lpath.write(chunk) |
callback.relative_update(len(chunk)) |
def put_file( |
self, |
lpath, |
rpath, |
chunk_size=5 * 2**20, |
method="post", |
**kwargs, |
): |
def gen_chunks(): |
if isinstance(lpath, io.IOBase): |
context = nullcontext(lpath) |
use_seek = False |
else: |
context = open(lpath, "rb") |
use_seek = True |
with context as f: |
if use_seek: |
callback.set_size(f.seek(0, 2)) |
f.seek(0) |
else: |
callback.set_size(getattr(f, "size", None)) |
chunk = f.read(chunk_size) |
while chunk: |
yield chunk |
callback.relative_update(len(chunk)) |
chunk = f.read(chunk_size) |
kw = self.kwargs.copy() |
kw.update(kwargs) |
method = method.lower() |
if method not in ("post", "put"): |
raise ValueError( |
f"method has to be either 'post' or 'put', not: {method!r}" |
) |
meth = getattr(self.session, method) |
resp = meth(rpath, data=gen_chunks(), **kw) |
self._raise_not_found_for_status(resp, rpath) |
def exists(self, path, **kwargs): |
kw = self.kwargs.copy() |
kw.update(kwargs) |
try: |
logger.debug(path) |
r = self.session.get(self.encode_url(path), **kw) |
return r.status_code < 400 |
except Exception: |
return False |
def isfile(self, path, **kwargs): |
return self.exists(path, **kwargs) |
def _open( |
self, |
path, |
mode="rb", |
block_size=None, |
autocommit=None, |
cache_type=None, |
cache_options=None, |
size=None, |
**kwargs, |
): |
"""Make a file-like object |
Parameters |
---------- |
path: str |
Full URL with protocol |
mode: string |
must be "rb" |
block_size: int or None |
Bytes to download in one request; use instance value if None. If |
zero, will return a streaming Requests file-like instance. |
kwargs: key-value |
Any other parameters, passed to requests calls |
""" |
if mode != "rb": |
raise NotImplementedError |
block_size = block_size if block_size is not None else self.block_size |
kw = self.kwargs.copy() |
kw.update(kwargs) |
size = size or self.info(path, **kwargs)["size"] |
if block_size and size: |
return HTTPFile( |
self, |
path, |
session=self.session, |
block_size=block_size, |
mode=mode, |
size=size, |
cache_type=cache_type or self.cache_type, |
cache_options=cache_options or self.cache_options, |
**kw, |
) |
else: |
return HTTPStreamFile( |
self, |
path, |
mode=mode, |
session=self.session, |
**kw, |
) |
def ukey(self, url): |
"""Unique identifier; assume HTTP files are static, unchanging""" |
return tokenize(url, self.kwargs, self.protocol) |
def info(self, url, **kwargs): |
"""Get info of URL |
Tries to access location via HEAD, and then GET methods, but does |
not fetch the data. |
It is possible that the server does not supply any size information, in |
which case size will be given as None (and certain operations on the |
corresponding file will not work). |
""" |
info = {} |
for policy in ["head", "get"]: |
try: |
info.update( |
_file_info( |
self.encode_url(url), |
size_policy=policy, |
session=self.session, |
**self.kwargs, |
**kwargs, |
) |
) |
if info.get("size") is not None: |
break |
except Exception as exc: |
if policy == "get": |
raise FileNotFoundError(url) from exc |
logger.debug(str(exc)) |
return {"name": url, "size": None, **info, "type": "file"} |
def glob(self, path, **kwargs): |
""" |
Find files by glob-matching. |
This implementation is idntical to the one in AbstractFileSystem, |
but "?" is not considered as a character for globbing, because it is |
so common in URLs, often identifying the "query" part. |
""" |
import re |
ends = path.endswith("/") |
path = self._strip_protocol(path) |
indstar = path.find("*") if path.find("*") >= 0 else len(path) |
indbrace = path.find("[") if path.find("[") >= 0 else len(path) |
ind = min(indstar, indbrace) |
detail = kwargs.pop("detail", False) |
if not has_magic(path): |
root = path |
depth = 1 |
if ends: |
path += "/*" |
elif self.exists(path): |
if not detail: |
return [path] |
else: |
return {path: self.info(path)} |
else: |
if not detail: |
return [] |
else: |
return {} |
elif "/" in path[:ind]: |
ind2 = path[:ind].rindex("/") |
root = path[: ind2 + 1] |
depth = None if "**" in path else path[ind2 + 1 :].count("/") + 1 |
else: |
root = "" |
depth = None if "**" in path else path[ind + 1 :].count("/") + 1 |
allpaths = self.find(root, maxdepth=depth, withdirs=True, detail=True, **kwargs) |
pattern = ( |
"^" |
+ ( |
path.replace("\\", r"\\") |
.replace(".", r"\.") |
.replace("+", r"\+") |
.replace("//", "/") |
.replace("(", r"\(") |
.replace(")", r"\)") |
.replace("|", r"\|") |
.replace("^", r"\^") |
.replace("$", r"\$") |
.replace("{", r"\{") |
.replace("}", r"\}") |
.rstrip("/") |
) |
+ "$" |
) |
pattern = re.sub("[*]{2}", "=PLACEHOLDER=", pattern) |
pattern = re.sub("[*]", "[^/]*", pattern) |
pattern = re.compile(pattern.replace("=PLACEHOLDER=", ".*")) |
out = { |
p: allpaths[p] |
for p in sorted(allpaths) |
if pattern.match(p.replace("//", "/").rstrip("/")) |
} |
if detail: |
return out |
else: |
return list(out) |
def isdir(self, path): |
try: |
return bool(self._ls(path)) |
except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): |
return False |
class HTTPFile(AbstractBufferedFile): |
""" |
A file-like object pointing to a remove HTTP(S) resource |
Supports only reading, with read-ahead of a predermined block-size. |
In the case that the server does not supply the filesize, only reading of |
the complete file in one go is supported. |
Parameters |
---------- |
url: str |
Full URL of the remote resource, including the protocol |
session: requests.Session or None |
All calls will be made within this session, to avoid restarting |
connections where the server allows this |
block_size: int or None |
The amount of read-ahead to do, in bytes. Default is 5MB, or the value |
configured for the FileSystem creating this file |
size: None or int |
If given, this is the size of the file in bytes, and we don't attempt |
to call the server to find the value. |
kwargs: all other key-values are passed to requests calls. |
""" |
def __init__( |
self, |
fs, |
url, |
session=None, |
block_size=None, |
mode="rb", |
cache_type="bytes", |
cache_options=None, |
size=None, |
**kwargs, |
): |
if mode != "rb": |
raise NotImplementedError("File mode not supported") |
self.url = url |
self.session = session |
self.details = {"name": url, "size": size, "type": "file"} |
super().__init__( |
fs=fs, |
path=url, |
mode=mode, |
block_size=block_size, |
cache_type=cache_type, |
cache_options=cache_options, |
**kwargs, |
) |
def read(self, length=-1): |
"""Read bytes from file |
Parameters |
---------- |
length: int |
Read up to this many bytes. If negative, read all content to end of |
file. If the server has not supplied the filesize, attempting to |
read only part of the data will raise a ValueError. |
""" |
if ( |
(length < 0 and self.loc == 0) |
and not (self.size is not None and self.size <= self.blocksize) |
): |
self._fetch_all() |
if self.size is None: |
if length < 0: |
self._fetch_all() |
else: |
length = min(self.size - self.loc, length) |
return super().read(length) |
def _fetch_all(self): |
"""Read whole file in one shot, without caching |
This is only called when position is still at zero, |
and read() is called without a byte-count. |
""" |
logger.debug(f"Fetch all for {self}") |
if not isinstance(self.cache, AllBytes): |
r = self.session.get(self.fs.encode_url(self.url), **self.kwargs) |
r.raise_for_status() |
out = r.content |
self.cache = AllBytes(size=len(out), fetcher=None, blocksize=None, data=out) |
self.size = len(out) |
def _parse_content_range(self, headers): |
"""Parse the Content-Range header""" |
s = headers.get("Content-Range", "") |
m = re.match(r"bytes (\d+-\d+|\*)/(\d+|\*)", s) |
if not m: |
return None, None, None |
if m[1] == "*": |
start = end = None |
else: |
start, end = [int(x) for x in m[1].split("-")] |
total = None if m[2] == "*" else int(m[2]) |
return start, end, total |
def _fetch_range(self, start, end): |
"""Download a block of data |
The expectation is that the server returns only the requested bytes, |
with HTTP code 206. If this is not the case, we first check the headers, |
and then stream the output - if the data size is bigger than we |
requested, an exception is raised. |
""" |
logger.debug(f"Fetch range for {self}: {start}-{end}") |
kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() |
headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {}).copy() |
headers["Range"] = "bytes=%i-%i" % (start, end - 1) |
logger.debug(str(self.url) + " : " + headers["Range"]) |
r = self.session.get(self.fs.encode_url(self.url), headers=headers, **kwargs) |
if r.status_code == 416: |
return b"" |
r.raise_for_status() |
cl = r.headers.get("Content-Length", r.headers.get("content-length", end + 1)) |
response_is_range = ( |
r.status_code == 206 |
or self._parse_content_range(r.headers)[0] == start |
or int(cl) <= end - start |
) |
if response_is_range: |
out = r.content |
elif start > 0: |
raise ValueError( |
"The HTTP server doesn't appear to support range requests. " |
"Only reading this file from the beginning is supported. " |
"Open with block_size=0 for a streaming file interface." |
) |
else: |
cl = 0 |
out = [] |
while True: |
r.raw.decode_content = True |
chunk = r.raw.read(2**20) |
if chunk: |
out.append(chunk) |
cl += len(chunk) |
if cl > end - start: |
break |
else: |
break |
r.raw.close() |
out = b"".join(out)[: end - start] |
return out |
magic_check = re.compile("([*[])") |
def has_magic(s): |
match = magic_check.search(s) |
return match is not None |
class HTTPStreamFile(AbstractBufferedFile): |
def __init__(self, fs, url, mode="rb", session=None, **kwargs): |
self.url = url |
self.session = session |
if mode != "rb": |
raise ValueError |
self.details = {"name": url, "size": None} |
super().__init__(fs=fs, path=url, mode=mode, cache_type="readahead", **kwargs) |
r = self.session.get(self.fs.encode_url(url), stream=True, **kwargs) |
r.raw.decode_content = True |
self.fs._raise_not_found_for_status(r, url) |
self.r = r |
def seek(self, *args, **kwargs): |
raise ValueError("Cannot seek streaming HTTP file") |
def read(self, num=-1): |
bufs = [] |
leng = 0 |
while not self.r.raw.closed and (leng < num or num < 0): |
out = self.r.raw.read(num) |
if out: |
bufs.append(out) |
else: |
break |
leng += len(out) |
self.loc += leng |
return b"".join(bufs) |
def close(self): |
self.r.close() |
def get_range(session, url, start, end, **kwargs): |
kwargs = kwargs.copy() |
headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {}).copy() |
headers["Range"] = "bytes=%i-%i" % (start, end - 1) |
r = session.get(url, headers=headers, **kwargs) |
r.raise_for_status() |
return r.content |
def _file_info(url, session, size_policy="head", **kwargs): |
"""Call HEAD on the server to get details about the file (size/checksum etc.) |
Default operation is to explicitly allow redirects and use encoding |
'identity' (no compression) to get the true size of the target. |
""" |
logger.debug("Retrieve file size for %s" % url) |
kwargs = kwargs.copy() |
ar = kwargs.pop("allow_redirects", True) |
head = kwargs.get("headers", {}).copy() |
kwargs["headers"] = head |
info = {} |
if size_policy == "head": |
r = session.head(url, allow_redirects=ar, **kwargs) |
elif size_policy == "get": |
r = session.get(url, allow_redirects=ar, **kwargs) |
else: |
raise TypeError('size_policy must be "head" or "get", got %s' "" % size_policy) |
r.raise_for_status() |
if "Content-Length" in r.headers: |
info["size"] = int(r.headers["Content-Length"]) |
elif "Content-Range" in r.headers: |
info["size"] = int(r.headers["Content-Range"].split("/")[1]) |
if "content-length" in r.headers: |
info["size"] = int(r.headers["content-length"]) |
elif "content-range" in r.headers: |
info["size"] = int(r.headers["content-range"].split("/")[1]) |
for checksum_field in ["ETag", "Content-MD5", "Digest"]: |
if r.headers.get(checksum_field): |
info[checksum_field] = r.headers[checksum_field] |
return info |
register_implementation("http", HTTPFileSystem, clobber=True) |
register_implementation("https", HTTPFileSystem, clobber=True) |