"""Module to build FeatureVariation tables: |
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/chapter2#featurevariations-table |
NOTE: The API is experimental and subject to change. |
""" |
from fontTools.misc.dictTools import hashdict |
from fontTools.misc.intTools import bit_count |
from fontTools.ttLib import newTable |
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables as ot |
from fontTools.ttLib.ttVisitor import TTVisitor |
from fontTools.otlLib.builder import buildLookup, buildSingleSubstSubtable |
from collections import OrderedDict |
from .errors import VarLibError, VarLibValidationError |
def addFeatureVariations(font, conditionalSubstitutions, featureTag="rvrn"): |
"""Add conditional substitutions to a Variable Font. |
The `conditionalSubstitutions` argument is a list of (Region, Substitutions) |
tuples. |
A Region is a list of Boxes. A Box is a dict mapping axisTags to |
(minValue, maxValue) tuples. Irrelevant axes may be omitted and they are |
interpretted as extending to end of axis in each direction. A Box represents |
an orthogonal 'rectangular' subset of an N-dimensional design space. |
A Region represents a more complex subset of an N-dimensional design space, |
ie. the union of all the Boxes in the Region. |
For efficiency, Boxes within a Region should ideally not overlap, but |
functionality is not compromised if they do. |
The minimum and maximum values are expressed in normalized coordinates. |
A Substitution is a dict mapping source glyph names to substitute glyph names. |
Example: |
# >>> f = TTFont(srcPath) |
# >>> condSubst = [ |
# ... # A list of (Region, Substitution) tuples. |
# ... ([{"wdth": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"cent": "cent.rvrn"}), |
# ... ([{"wght": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"dollar": "dollar.rvrn"}), |
# ... ] |
# >>> addFeatureVariations(f, condSubst) |
# >>> f.save(dstPath) |
""" |
processLast = featureTag != "rvrn" |
_checkSubstitutionGlyphsExist( |
glyphNames=set(font.getGlyphOrder()), |
substitutions=conditionalSubstitutions, |
) |
substitutions = overlayFeatureVariations(conditionalSubstitutions) |
conditionalSubstitutions, allSubstitutions = makeSubstitutionsHashable( |
substitutions |
) |
if "GSUB" not in font: |
font["GSUB"] = buildGSUB() |
lookupMap = buildSubstitutionLookups( |
font["GSUB"].table, allSubstitutions, processLast |
) |
conditionsAndLookups = [] |
for conditionSet, substitutions in conditionalSubstitutions: |
conditionsAndLookups.append( |
(conditionSet, [lookupMap[s] for s in substitutions]) |
) |
addFeatureVariationsRaw(font, font["GSUB"].table, conditionsAndLookups, featureTag) |
def _checkSubstitutionGlyphsExist(glyphNames, substitutions): |
referencedGlyphNames = set() |
for _, substitution in substitutions: |
referencedGlyphNames |= substitution.keys() |
referencedGlyphNames |= set(substitution.values()) |
missing = referencedGlyphNames - glyphNames |
if missing: |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
"Missing glyphs are referenced in conditional substitution rules:" |
f" {', '.join(missing)}" |
) |
def overlayFeatureVariations(conditionalSubstitutions): |
"""Compute overlaps between all conditional substitutions. |
The `conditionalSubstitutions` argument is a list of (Region, Substitutions) |
tuples. |
A Region is a list of Boxes. A Box is a dict mapping axisTags to |
(minValue, maxValue) tuples. Irrelevant axes may be omitted and they are |
interpretted as extending to end of axis in each direction. A Box represents |
an orthogonal 'rectangular' subset of an N-dimensional design space. |
A Region represents a more complex subset of an N-dimensional design space, |
ie. the union of all the Boxes in the Region. |
For efficiency, Boxes within a Region should ideally not overlap, but |
functionality is not compromised if they do. |
The minimum and maximum values are expressed in normalized coordinates. |
A Substitution is a dict mapping source glyph names to substitute glyph names. |
Returns data is in similar but different format. Overlaps of distinct |
substitution Boxes (*not* Regions) are explicitly listed as distinct rules, |
and rules with the same Box merged. The more specific rules appear earlier |
in the resulting list. Moreover, instead of just a dictionary of substitutions, |
a list of dictionaries is returned for substitutions corresponding to each |
unique space, with each dictionary being identical to one of the input |
substitution dictionaries. These dictionaries are not merged to allow data |
sharing when they are converted into font tables. |
Example:: |
>>> condSubst = [ |
... # A list of (Region, Substitution) tuples. |
... ([{"wght": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"dollar": "dollar.rvrn"}), |
... ([{"wght": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"dollar": "dollar.rvrn"}), |
... ([{"wdth": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"cent": "cent.rvrn"}), |
... ([{"wght": (0.5, 1.0), "wdth": (-1, 1.0)}], {"dollar": "dollar.rvrn"}), |
... ] |
>>> from pprint import pprint |
>>> pprint(overlayFeatureVariations(condSubst)) |
[({'wdth': (0.5, 1.0), 'wght': (0.5, 1.0)}, |
[{'dollar': 'dollar.rvrn'}, {'cent': 'cent.rvrn'}]), |
({'wdth': (0.5, 1.0)}, [{'cent': 'cent.rvrn'}]), |
({'wght': (0.5, 1.0)}, [{'dollar': 'dollar.rvrn'}])] |
""" |
merged = OrderedDict() |
for value, key in conditionalSubstitutions: |
key = hashdict(key) |
if key in merged: |
merged[key].extend(value) |
else: |
merged[key] = value |
conditionalSubstitutions = [(v, dict(k)) for k, v in merged.items()] |
del merged |
merged = OrderedDict() |
for key, value in reversed(conditionalSubstitutions): |
key = tuple( |
sorted( |
(hashdict(cleanupBox(k)) for k in key), |
key=lambda d: tuple(sorted(d.items())), |
) |
) |
if key in merged: |
merged[key].update(value) |
else: |
merged[key] = dict(value) |
conditionalSubstitutions = list(reversed(merged.items())) |
del merged |
initMapInit = ((hashdict(), 0),) |
boxMap = OrderedDict(initMapInit) |
for i, (currRegion, _) in enumerate(conditionalSubstitutions): |
newMap = OrderedDict(initMapInit) |
currRank = 1 << i |
for box, rank in boxMap.items(): |
for currBox in currRegion: |
intersection, remainder = overlayBox(currBox, box) |
if intersection is not None: |
intersection = hashdict(intersection) |
newMap[intersection] = newMap.get(intersection, 0) | rank | currRank |
if remainder is not None: |
remainder = hashdict(remainder) |
newMap[remainder] = newMap.get(remainder, 0) | rank |
boxMap = newMap |
items = [] |
for box, rank in sorted( |
boxMap.items(), key=(lambda BoxAndRank: -bit_count(BoxAndRank[1])) |
): |
if rank == 0: |
continue |
substsList = [] |
i = 0 |
while rank: |
if rank & 1: |
substsList.append(conditionalSubstitutions[i][1]) |
rank >>= 1 |
i += 1 |
items.append((dict(box), substsList)) |
return items |
def overlayBox(top, bot): |
"""Overlays ``top`` box on top of ``bot`` box. |
Returns two items: |
* Box for intersection of ``top`` and ``bot``, or None if they don't intersect. |
* Box for remainder of ``bot``. Remainder box might not be exact (since the |
remainder might not be a simple box), but is inclusive of the exact |
remainder. |
""" |
intersection = {} |
intersection.update(top) |
intersection.update(bot) |
for axisTag in set(top) & set(bot): |
min1, max1 = top[axisTag] |
min2, max2 = bot[axisTag] |
minimum = max(min1, min2) |
maximum = min(max1, max2) |
if not minimum < maximum: |
return None, bot |
intersection[axisTag] = minimum, maximum |
remainder = dict(bot) |
extruding = False |
fullyInside = True |
for axisTag in top: |
if axisTag in bot: |
continue |
extruding = True |
fullyInside = False |
break |
for axisTag in bot: |
if axisTag not in top: |
continue |
min1, max1 = intersection[axisTag] |
min2, max2 = bot[axisTag] |
if min1 <= min2 and max2 <= max1: |
continue |
if extruding: |
return intersection, bot |
extruding = True |
fullyInside = False |
if min1 <= min2: |
minimum = max(max1, min2) |
maximum = max2 |
elif max2 <= max1: |
minimum = min2 |
maximum = min(min1, max2) |
else: |
return intersection, bot |
remainder[axisTag] = minimum, maximum |
if fullyInside: |
return intersection, None |
return intersection, remainder |
def cleanupBox(box): |
"""Return a sparse copy of `box`, without redundant (default) values. |
>>> cleanupBox({}) |
{} |
>>> cleanupBox({'wdth': (0.0, 1.0)}) |
{'wdth': (0.0, 1.0)} |
>>> cleanupBox({'wdth': (-1.0, 1.0)}) |
{} |
""" |
return {tag: limit for tag, limit in box.items() if limit != (-1.0, 1.0)} |
def addFeatureVariationsRaw(font, table, conditionalSubstitutions, featureTag="rvrn"): |
"""Low level implementation of addFeatureVariations that directly |
models the possibilities of the FeatureVariations table.""" |
processLast = featureTag != "rvrn" |
if table.Version < 0x00010001: |
table.Version = 0x00010001 |
table.FeatureVariations = None |
varFeatureIndices = [] |
for index, feature in enumerate(table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord): |
if feature.FeatureTag == featureTag: |
varFeatureIndices.append(index) |
if not varFeatureIndices: |
varFeature = buildFeatureRecord(featureTag, []) |
table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord.append(varFeature) |
table.FeatureList.FeatureCount = len(table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord) |
sortFeatureList(table) |
varFeatureIndex = table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord.index(varFeature) |
for scriptRecord in table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord: |
if scriptRecord.Script.DefaultLangSys is None: |
raise VarLibError( |
"Feature variations require that the script " |
f"'{scriptRecord.ScriptTag}' defines a default language system." |
) |
langSystems = [lsr.LangSys for lsr in scriptRecord.Script.LangSysRecord] |
for langSys in [scriptRecord.Script.DefaultLangSys] + langSystems: |
langSys.FeatureIndex.append(varFeatureIndex) |
langSys.FeatureCount = len(langSys.FeatureIndex) |
varFeatureIndices = [varFeatureIndex] |
axisIndices = { |
axis.axisTag: axisIndex for axisIndex, axis in enumerate(font["fvar"].axes) |
} |
featureVariationRecords = [] |
for conditionSet, lookupIndices in conditionalSubstitutions: |
conditionTable = [] |
for axisTag, (minValue, maxValue) in sorted(conditionSet.items()): |
if minValue > maxValue: |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
"A condition set has a minimum value above the maximum value." |
) |
ct = buildConditionTable(axisIndices[axisTag], minValue, maxValue) |
conditionTable.append(ct) |
records = [] |
for varFeatureIndex in varFeatureIndices: |
existingLookupIndices = table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord[ |
varFeatureIndex |
].Feature.LookupListIndex |
combinedLookupIndices = ( |
existingLookupIndices + lookupIndices |
if processLast |
else lookupIndices + existingLookupIndices |
) |
records.append( |
buildFeatureTableSubstitutionRecord( |
varFeatureIndex, combinedLookupIndices |
) |
) |
featureVariationRecords.append( |
buildFeatureVariationRecord(conditionTable, records) |
) |
table.FeatureVariations = buildFeatureVariations(featureVariationRecords) |
def buildGSUB(): |
"""Build a GSUB table from scratch.""" |
fontTable = newTable("GSUB") |
gsub = fontTable.table = ot.GSUB() |
gsub.Version = 0x00010001 |
gsub.ScriptList = ot.ScriptList() |
gsub.ScriptList.ScriptRecord = [] |
gsub.FeatureList = ot.FeatureList() |
gsub.FeatureList.FeatureRecord = [] |
gsub.LookupList = ot.LookupList() |
gsub.LookupList.Lookup = [] |
srec = ot.ScriptRecord() |
srec.ScriptTag = "DFLT" |
srec.Script = ot.Script() |
srec.Script.DefaultLangSys = None |
srec.Script.LangSysRecord = [] |
srec.Script.LangSysCount = 0 |
langrec = ot.LangSysRecord() |
langrec.LangSys = ot.LangSys() |
langrec.LangSys.ReqFeatureIndex = 0xFFFF |
langrec.LangSys.FeatureIndex = [] |
srec.Script.DefaultLangSys = langrec.LangSys |
gsub.ScriptList.ScriptRecord.append(srec) |
gsub.ScriptList.ScriptCount = 1 |
gsub.FeatureVariations = None |
return fontTable |
def makeSubstitutionsHashable(conditionalSubstitutions): |
"""Turn all the substitution dictionaries in sorted tuples of tuples so |
they are hashable, to detect duplicates so we don't write out redundant |
data.""" |
allSubstitutions = set() |
condSubst = [] |
for conditionSet, substitutionMaps in conditionalSubstitutions: |
substitutions = [] |
for substitutionMap in substitutionMaps: |
subst = tuple(sorted(substitutionMap.items())) |
substitutions.append(subst) |
allSubstitutions.add(subst) |
condSubst.append((conditionSet, substitutions)) |
return condSubst, sorted(allSubstitutions) |
class ShifterVisitor(TTVisitor): |
def __init__(self, shift): |
self.shift = shift |
@ShifterVisitor.register_attr(ot.Feature, "LookupListIndex") |
def visit(visitor, obj, attr, value): |
shift = visitor.shift |
value = [l + shift for l in value] |
setattr(obj, attr, value) |
@ShifterVisitor.register_attr( |
(ot.SubstLookupRecord, ot.PosLookupRecord), "LookupListIndex" |
) |
def visit(visitor, obj, attr, value): |
setattr(obj, attr, visitor.shift + value) |
def buildSubstitutionLookups(gsub, allSubstitutions, processLast=False): |
"""Build the lookups for the glyph substitutions, return a dict mapping |
the substitution to lookup indices.""" |
firstIndex = len(gsub.LookupList.Lookup) if processLast else 0 |
lookupMap = {} |
for i, substitutionMap in enumerate(allSubstitutions): |
lookupMap[substitutionMap] = firstIndex + i |
if not processLast: |
shift = len(allSubstitutions) |
visitor = ShifterVisitor(shift) |
visitor.visit(gsub.FeatureList.FeatureRecord) |
visitor.visit(gsub.LookupList.Lookup) |
for i, subst in enumerate(allSubstitutions): |
substMap = dict(subst) |
lookup = buildLookup([buildSingleSubstSubtable(substMap)]) |
if processLast: |
gsub.LookupList.Lookup.append(lookup) |
else: |
gsub.LookupList.Lookup.insert(i, lookup) |
assert gsub.LookupList.Lookup[lookupMap[subst]] is lookup |
gsub.LookupList.LookupCount = len(gsub.LookupList.Lookup) |
return lookupMap |
def buildFeatureVariations(featureVariationRecords): |
"""Build the FeatureVariations subtable.""" |
fv = ot.FeatureVariations() |
fv.Version = 0x00010000 |
fv.FeatureVariationRecord = featureVariationRecords |
fv.FeatureVariationCount = len(featureVariationRecords) |
return fv |
def buildFeatureRecord(featureTag, lookupListIndices): |
"""Build a FeatureRecord.""" |
fr = ot.FeatureRecord() |
fr.FeatureTag = featureTag |
fr.Feature = ot.Feature() |
fr.Feature.LookupListIndex = lookupListIndices |
fr.Feature.populateDefaults() |
return fr |
def buildFeatureVariationRecord(conditionTable, substitutionRecords): |
"""Build a FeatureVariationRecord.""" |
fvr = ot.FeatureVariationRecord() |
fvr.ConditionSet = ot.ConditionSet() |
fvr.ConditionSet.ConditionTable = conditionTable |
fvr.ConditionSet.ConditionCount = len(conditionTable) |
fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution = ot.FeatureTableSubstitution() |
fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.Version = 0x00010000 |
fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.SubstitutionRecord = substitutionRecords |
fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.SubstitutionCount = len(substitutionRecords) |
return fvr |
def buildFeatureTableSubstitutionRecord(featureIndex, lookupListIndices): |
"""Build a FeatureTableSubstitutionRecord.""" |
ftsr = ot.FeatureTableSubstitutionRecord() |
ftsr.FeatureIndex = featureIndex |
ftsr.Feature = ot.Feature() |
ftsr.Feature.LookupListIndex = lookupListIndices |
ftsr.Feature.LookupCount = len(lookupListIndices) |
return ftsr |
def buildConditionTable(axisIndex, filterRangeMinValue, filterRangeMaxValue): |
"""Build a ConditionTable.""" |
ct = ot.ConditionTable() |
ct.Format = 1 |
ct.AxisIndex = axisIndex |
ct.FilterRangeMinValue = filterRangeMinValue |
ct.FilterRangeMaxValue = filterRangeMaxValue |
return ct |
def sortFeatureList(table): |
"""Sort the feature list by feature tag, and remap the feature indices |
elsewhere. This is needed after the feature list has been modified. |
""" |
tagIndexFea = [ |
(fea.FeatureTag, index, fea) |
for index, fea in enumerate(table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord) |
] |
tagIndexFea.sort() |
table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord = [fea for tag, index, fea in tagIndexFea] |
featureRemap = dict( |
zip([index for tag, index, fea in tagIndexFea], range(len(tagIndexFea))) |
) |
remapFeatures(table, featureRemap) |
def remapFeatures(table, featureRemap): |
"""Go through the scripts list, and remap feature indices.""" |
for scriptIndex, script in enumerate(table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord): |
defaultLangSys = script.Script.DefaultLangSys |
if defaultLangSys is not None: |
_remapLangSys(defaultLangSys, featureRemap) |
for langSysRecordIndex, langSysRec in enumerate(script.Script.LangSysRecord): |
langSys = langSysRec.LangSys |
_remapLangSys(langSys, featureRemap) |
if hasattr(table, "FeatureVariations") and table.FeatureVariations is not None: |
for fvr in table.FeatureVariations.FeatureVariationRecord: |
for ftsr in fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.SubstitutionRecord: |
ftsr.FeatureIndex = featureRemap[ftsr.FeatureIndex] |
def _remapLangSys(langSys, featureRemap): |
if langSys.ReqFeatureIndex != 0xFFFF: |
langSys.ReqFeatureIndex = featureRemap[langSys.ReqFeatureIndex] |
langSys.FeatureIndex = [featureRemap[index] for index in langSys.FeatureIndex] |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
import doctest, sys |
sys.exit(doctest.testmod().failed) |