""" |
Module for dealing with 'gvar'-style font variations, also known as run-time |
interpolation. |
The ideas here are very similar to MutatorMath. There is even code to read |
MutatorMath .designspace files in the varLib.designspace module. |
For now, if you run this file on a designspace file, it tries to find |
ttf-interpolatable files for the masters and build a variable-font from |
them. Such ttf-interpolatable and designspace files can be generated from |
a Glyphs source, eg., using noto-source as an example: |
$ fontmake -o ttf-interpolatable -g NotoSansArabic-MM.glyphs |
Then you can make a variable-font this way: |
$ fonttools varLib master_ufo/NotoSansArabic.designspace |
API *will* change in near future. |
""" |
from typing import List |
from fontTools.misc.vector import Vector |
from fontTools.misc.roundTools import noRound, otRound |
from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import floatToFixed as fl2fi |
from fontTools.misc.textTools import Tag, tostr |
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont, newTable |
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._f_v_a_r import Axis, NamedInstance |
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._g_l_y_f import GlyphCoordinates, dropImpliedOnCurvePoints |
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.ttProgram import Program |
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.TupleVariation import TupleVariation |
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables as ot |
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.otBase import OTTableWriter |
from fontTools.varLib import builder, models, varStore |
from fontTools.varLib.merger import VariationMerger, COLRVariationMerger |
from fontTools.varLib.mvar import MVAR_ENTRIES |
from fontTools.varLib.iup import iup_delta_optimize |
from fontTools.varLib.featureVars import addFeatureVariations |
from fontTools.designspaceLib import DesignSpaceDocument, InstanceDescriptor |
from fontTools.designspaceLib.split import splitInterpolable, splitVariableFonts |
from fontTools.varLib.stat import buildVFStatTable |
from fontTools.colorLib.builder import buildColrV1 |
from fontTools.colorLib.unbuilder import unbuildColrV1 |
from functools import partial |
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple |
import os.path |
import logging |
from copy import deepcopy |
from pprint import pformat |
from re import fullmatch |
from .errors import VarLibError, VarLibValidationError |
log = logging.getLogger("fontTools.varLib") |
FEAVAR_FEATURETAG_LIB_KEY = "com.github.fonttools.varLib.featureVarsFeatureTag" |
def _add_fvar(font, axes, instances: List[InstanceDescriptor]): |
""" |
Add 'fvar' table to font. |
axes is an ordered dictionary of DesignspaceAxis objects. |
instances is list of dictionary objects with 'location', 'stylename', |
and possibly 'postscriptfontname' entries. |
""" |
assert axes |
assert isinstance(axes, OrderedDict) |
log.info("Generating fvar") |
fvar = newTable("fvar") |
nameTable = font["name"] |
for a in axes.values(): |
axis = Axis() |
axis.axisTag = Tag(a.tag) |
axis.minValue, axis.defaultValue, axis.maxValue = ( |
a.minimum, |
a.default, |
a.maximum, |
) |
axis.axisNameID = nameTable.addMultilingualName( |
a.labelNames, font, minNameID=256 |
) |
axis.flags = int(a.hidden) |
fvar.axes.append(axis) |
for instance in instances: |
coordinates = { |
name: value for name, value in instance.location.items() if name in axes |
} |
if "en" not in instance.localisedStyleName: |
if not instance.styleName: |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
f"Instance at location '{coordinates}' must have a default English " |
"style name ('stylename' attribute on the instance element or a " |
"stylename element with an 'xml:lang=\"en\"' attribute)." |
) |
localisedStyleName = dict(instance.localisedStyleName) |
localisedStyleName["en"] = tostr(instance.styleName) |
else: |
localisedStyleName = instance.localisedStyleName |
psname = instance.postScriptFontName |
inst = NamedInstance() |
inst.subfamilyNameID = nameTable.addMultilingualName(localisedStyleName) |
if psname is not None: |
psname = tostr(psname) |
inst.postscriptNameID = nameTable.addName(psname) |
inst.coordinates = { |
axes[k].tag: axes[k].map_backward(v) for k, v in coordinates.items() |
} |
fvar.instances.append(inst) |
assert "fvar" not in font |
font["fvar"] = fvar |
return fvar |
def _add_avar(font, axes, mappings, axisTags): |
""" |
Add 'avar' table to font. |
axes is an ordered dictionary of AxisDescriptor objects. |
""" |
assert axes |
assert isinstance(axes, OrderedDict) |
log.info("Generating avar") |
avar = newTable("avar") |
interesting = False |
vals_triples = {} |
for axis in axes.values(): |
curve = avar.segments[axis.tag] = {-1.0: -1.0, 0.0: 0.0, 1.0: 1.0} |
keys_triple = (axis.minimum, axis.default, axis.maximum) |
vals_triple = tuple(axis.map_forward(v) for v in keys_triple) |
vals_triples[axis.tag] = vals_triple |
if not axis.map: |
continue |
items = sorted(axis.map) |
keys = [item[0] for item in items] |
vals = [item[1] for item in items] |
if axis.minimum != min(keys): |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
f"Axis '{axis.name}': there must be a mapping for the axis minimum " |
f"value {axis.minimum} and it must be the lowest input mapping value." |
) |
if axis.maximum != max(keys): |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
f"Axis '{axis.name}': there must be a mapping for the axis maximum " |
f"value {axis.maximum} and it must be the highest input mapping value." |
) |
if axis.default not in keys: |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
f"Axis '{axis.name}': there must be a mapping for the axis default " |
f"value {axis.default}." |
) |
if len(set(keys)) != len(keys): |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
f"Axis '{axis.name}': All axis mapping input='...' values must be " |
"unique, but we found duplicates." |
) |
if sorted(vals) != vals: |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
f"Axis '{axis.name}': mapping output values must be in ascending order." |
) |
keys = [models.normalizeValue(v, keys_triple) for v in keys] |
vals = [models.normalizeValue(v, vals_triple) for v in vals] |
if all(k == v for k, v in zip(keys, vals)): |
continue |
interesting = True |
curve.update(zip(keys, vals)) |
assert 0.0 in curve and curve[0.0] == 0.0 |
assert -1.0 not in curve or curve[-1.0] == -1.0 |
assert +1.0 not in curve or curve[+1.0] == +1.0 |
if mappings: |
interesting = True |
hiddenAxes = [axis for axis in axes.values() if axis.hidden] |
inputLocations = [ |
{ |
axes[name].tag: models.normalizeValue(v, vals_triples[axes[name].tag]) |
for name, v in mapping.inputLocation.items() |
} |
for mapping in mappings |
] |
outputLocations = [ |
{ |
axes[name].tag: models.normalizeValue(v, vals_triples[axes[name].tag]) |
for name, v in mapping.outputLocation.items() |
} |
for mapping in mappings |
] |
assert len(inputLocations) == len(outputLocations) |
if not any(all(v == 0 for k, v in loc.items()) for loc in inputLocations): |
inputLocations.insert(0, {}) |
outputLocations.insert(0, {}) |
model = models.VariationModel(inputLocations, axisTags) |
storeBuilder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags) |
storeBuilder.setModel(model) |
varIdxes = {} |
for tag in axisTags: |
masterValues = [] |
for vo, vi in zip(outputLocations, inputLocations): |
if tag not in vo: |
masterValues.append(0) |
continue |
v = vo[tag] - vi.get(tag, 0) |
masterValues.append(fl2fi(v, 14)) |
varIdxes[tag] = storeBuilder.storeMasters(masterValues)[1] |
store = storeBuilder.finish() |
optimized = store.optimize() |
varIdxes = {axis: optimized[value] for axis, value in varIdxes.items()} |
varIdxMap = builder.buildDeltaSetIndexMap(varIdxes[t] for t in axisTags) |
avar.majorVersion = 2 |
avar.table = ot.avar() |
avar.table.VarIdxMap = varIdxMap |
avar.table.VarStore = store |
assert "avar" not in font |
if not interesting: |
log.info("No need for avar") |
avar = None |
else: |
font["avar"] = avar |
return avar |
def _add_stat(font): |
if "STAT" in font: |
return |
from ..otlLib.builder import buildStatTable |
fvarTable = font["fvar"] |
axes = [dict(tag=a.axisTag, name=a.axisNameID) for a in fvarTable.axes] |
buildStatTable(font, axes) |
_MasterData = namedtuple("_MasterData", ["glyf", "hMetrics", "vMetrics"]) |
def _add_gvar(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, tolerance=0.5, optimize=True): |
if tolerance < 0: |
raise ValueError("`tolerance` must be a positive number.") |
log.info("Generating gvar") |
assert "gvar" not in font |
gvar = font["gvar"] = newTable("gvar") |
glyf = font["glyf"] |
defaultMasterIndex = masterModel.reverseMapping[0] |
master_datas = [ |
_MasterData( |
m["glyf"], m["hmtx"].metrics, getattr(m.get("vmtx"), "metrics", None) |
) |
for m in master_ttfs |
] |
for glyph in font.getGlyphOrder(): |
log.debug("building gvar for glyph '%s'", glyph) |
isComposite = glyf[glyph].isComposite() |
allData = [ |
m.glyf._getCoordinatesAndControls(glyph, m.hMetrics, m.vMetrics) |
for m in master_datas |
] |
if allData[defaultMasterIndex][1].numberOfContours != 0: |
allData = [ |
d if d is not None and d[1].numberOfContours != 0 else None |
for d in allData |
] |
model, allData = masterModel.getSubModel(allData) |
allCoords = [d[0] for d in allData] |
allControls = [d[1] for d in allData] |
control = allControls[0] |
if not models.allEqual(allControls): |
log.warning("glyph %s has incompatible masters; skipping" % glyph) |
continue |
del allControls |
gvar.variations[glyph] = [] |
deltas = model.getDeltas( |
allCoords, round=partial(GlyphCoordinates.__round__, round=round) |
) |
supports = model.supports |
assert len(deltas) == len(supports) |
origCoords = deltas[0] |
endPts = control.endPts |
for i, (delta, support) in enumerate(zip(deltas[1:], supports[1:])): |
if all(v == 0 for v in delta.array) and not isComposite: |
continue |
var = TupleVariation(support, delta) |
if optimize: |
delta_opt = iup_delta_optimize( |
delta, origCoords, endPts, tolerance=tolerance |
) |
if None in delta_opt: |
"""In composite glyphs, there should be one 0 entry |
to make sure the gvar entry is written to the font. |
This is to work around an issue with macOS 10.14 and can be |
removed once the behaviour of macOS is changed. |
https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/1381 |
""" |
if all(d is None for d in delta_opt): |
delta_opt = [(0, 0)] + [None] * (len(delta_opt) - 1) |
var_opt = TupleVariation(support, delta_opt) |
axis_tags = sorted( |
support.keys() |
) |
tupleData, auxData = var.compile(axis_tags) |
unoptimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData) |
tupleData, auxData = var_opt.compile(axis_tags) |
optimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData) |
if optimized_len < unoptimized_len: |
var = var_opt |
gvar.variations[glyph].append(var) |
def _remove_TTHinting(font): |
for tag in ("cvar", "cvt ", "fpgm", "prep"): |
if tag in font: |
del font[tag] |
maxp = font["maxp"] |
for attr in ( |
"maxTwilightPoints", |
"maxStorage", |
"maxFunctionDefs", |
"maxInstructionDefs", |
"maxStackElements", |
"maxSizeOfInstructions", |
): |
setattr(maxp, attr, 0) |
maxp.maxZones = 1 |
font["glyf"].removeHinting() |
def _merge_TTHinting(font, masterModel, master_ttfs): |
log.info("Merging TT hinting") |
assert "cvar" not in font |
for tag in ("fpgm", "prep"): |
all_pgms = [m[tag].program for m in master_ttfs if tag in m] |
if not all_pgms: |
continue |
font_pgm = getattr(font.get(tag), "program", None) |
if any(pgm != font_pgm for pgm in all_pgms): |
log.warning( |
"Masters have incompatible %s tables, hinting is discarded." % tag |
) |
_remove_TTHinting(font) |
return |
font_glyf = font["glyf"] |
master_glyfs = [m["glyf"] for m in master_ttfs] |
for name, glyph in font_glyf.glyphs.items(): |
all_pgms = [getattr(glyf.get(name), "program", None) for glyf in master_glyfs] |
if not any(all_pgms): |
continue |
glyph.expand(font_glyf) |
font_pgm = getattr(glyph, "program", None) |
if any(pgm != font_pgm for pgm in all_pgms if pgm): |
log.warning( |
"Masters have incompatible glyph programs in glyph '%s', hinting is discarded." |
% name |
) |
_remove_TTHinting(font) |
return |
all_cvs = [Vector(m["cvt "].values) if "cvt " in m else None for m in master_ttfs] |
nonNone_cvs = models.nonNone(all_cvs) |
if not nonNone_cvs: |
return |
if not models.allEqual(len(c) for c in nonNone_cvs): |
log.warning("Masters have incompatible cvt tables, hinting is discarded.") |
_remove_TTHinting(font) |
return |
variations = [] |
deltas, supports = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports( |
all_cvs, round=round |
) |
for i, (delta, support) in enumerate(zip(deltas[1:], supports[1:])): |
if all(v == 0 for v in delta): |
continue |
var = TupleVariation(support, delta) |
variations.append(var) |
if variations: |
cvar = font["cvar"] = newTable("cvar") |
cvar.version = 1 |
cvar.variations = variations |
_MetricsFields = namedtuple( |
"_MetricsFields", |
["tableTag", "metricsTag", "sb1", "sb2", "advMapping", "vOrigMapping"], |
) |
HVAR_FIELDS = _MetricsFields( |
tableTag="HVAR", |
metricsTag="hmtx", |
sb1="LsbMap", |
sb2="RsbMap", |
advMapping="AdvWidthMap", |
vOrigMapping=None, |
) |
VVAR_FIELDS = _MetricsFields( |
tableTag="VVAR", |
metricsTag="vmtx", |
sb1="TsbMap", |
sb2="BsbMap", |
advMapping="AdvHeightMap", |
vOrigMapping="VOrgMap", |
) |
def _add_HVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags): |
_add_VHVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags, HVAR_FIELDS) |
def _add_VVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags): |
_add_VHVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags, VVAR_FIELDS) |
def _add_VHVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags, tableFields): |
tableTag = tableFields.tableTag |
assert tableTag not in font |
log.info("Generating " + tableTag) |
VHVAR = newTable(tableTag) |
tableClass = getattr(ot, tableTag) |
vhvar = VHVAR.table = tableClass() |
vhvar.Version = 0x00010000 |
glyphOrder = font.getGlyphOrder() |
metricsTag = tableFields.metricsTag |
advMetricses = [m[metricsTag].metrics for m in master_ttfs] |
if tableTag == "VVAR" and "VORG" in master_ttfs[0]: |
vOrigMetricses = [m["VORG"].VOriginRecords for m in master_ttfs] |
defaultYOrigs = [m["VORG"].defaultVertOriginY for m in master_ttfs] |
vOrigMetricses = list(zip(vOrigMetricses, defaultYOrigs)) |
else: |
vOrigMetricses = None |
metricsStore, advanceMapping, vOrigMapping = _get_advance_metrics( |
font, |
masterModel, |
master_ttfs, |
axisTags, |
glyphOrder, |
advMetricses, |
vOrigMetricses, |
) |
vhvar.VarStore = metricsStore |
if advanceMapping is None: |
setattr(vhvar, tableFields.advMapping, None) |
else: |
setattr(vhvar, tableFields.advMapping, advanceMapping) |
if vOrigMapping is not None: |
setattr(vhvar, tableFields.vOrigMapping, vOrigMapping) |
setattr(vhvar, tableFields.sb1, None) |
setattr(vhvar, tableFields.sb2, None) |
font[tableTag] = VHVAR |
return |
def _get_advance_metrics( |
font, |
masterModel, |
master_ttfs, |
axisTags, |
glyphOrder, |
advMetricses, |
vOrigMetricses=None, |
): |
vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports = {} |
vOrigDeltasAndSupports = {} |
sparse_advance = 0xFFFF |
for glyph in glyphOrder: |
vhAdvances = [ |
metrics[glyph][0] |
if glyph in metrics and metrics[glyph][0] != sparse_advance |
else None |
for metrics in advMetricses |
] |
vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyph] = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports( |
vhAdvances, round=round |
) |
singleModel = models.allEqual(id(v[1]) for v in vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values()) |
if vOrigMetricses: |
singleModel = False |
for glyph in glyphOrder: |
vOrigs = [ |
metrics[glyph] if glyph in metrics else defaultVOrig |
for metrics, defaultVOrig in vOrigMetricses |
] |
vOrigDeltasAndSupports[glyph] = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports( |
vOrigs, round=round |
) |
directStore = None |
if singleModel: |
supports = next(iter(vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values()))[1][1:] |
varTupleList = builder.buildVarRegionList(supports, axisTags) |
varTupleIndexes = list(range(len(supports))) |
varData = builder.buildVarData(varTupleIndexes, [], optimize=False) |
for glyphName in glyphOrder: |
varData.addItem(vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyphName][0], round=noRound) |
varData.optimize() |
directStore = builder.buildVarStore(varTupleList, [varData]) |
storeBuilder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags) |
advMapping = {} |
for glyphName in glyphOrder: |
deltas, supports = vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyphName] |
storeBuilder.setSupports(supports) |
advMapping[glyphName] = storeBuilder.storeDeltas(deltas, round=noRound) |
if vOrigMetricses: |
vOrigMap = {} |
for glyphName in glyphOrder: |
deltas, supports = vOrigDeltasAndSupports[glyphName] |
storeBuilder.setSupports(supports) |
vOrigMap[glyphName] = storeBuilder.storeDeltas(deltas, round=noRound) |
indirectStore = storeBuilder.finish() |
mapping2 = indirectStore.optimize(use_NO_VARIATION_INDEX=False) |
advMapping = [mapping2[advMapping[g]] for g in glyphOrder] |
advanceMapping = builder.buildVarIdxMap(advMapping, glyphOrder) |
if vOrigMetricses: |
vOrigMap = [mapping2[vOrigMap[g]] for g in glyphOrder] |
useDirect = False |
vOrigMapping = None |
if directStore: |
writer = OTTableWriter() |
directStore.compile(writer, font) |
directSize = len(writer.getAllData()) |
writer = OTTableWriter() |
indirectStore.compile(writer, font) |
advanceMapping.compile(writer, font) |
indirectSize = len(writer.getAllData()) |
useDirect = directSize < indirectSize |
if useDirect: |
metricsStore = directStore |
advanceMapping = None |
else: |
metricsStore = indirectStore |
if vOrigMetricses: |
vOrigMapping = builder.buildVarIdxMap(vOrigMap, glyphOrder) |
return metricsStore, advanceMapping, vOrigMapping |
def _add_MVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags): |
log.info("Generating MVAR") |
store_builder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags) |
records = [] |
lastTableTag = None |
fontTable = None |
tables = None |
specialTags = {"unds": -0x8000, "undo": -0x8000} |
for tag, (tableTag, itemName) in sorted(MVAR_ENTRIES.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1]): |
if tableTag != lastTableTag: |
tables = fontTable = None |
if tableTag in font: |
fontTable = font[tableTag] |
tables = [] |
for master in master_ttfs: |
if tableTag not in master or ( |
tag in specialTags |
and getattr(master[tableTag], itemName) == specialTags[tag] |
): |
tables.append(None) |
else: |
tables.append(master[tableTag]) |
model, tables = masterModel.getSubModel(tables) |
store_builder.setModel(model) |
lastTableTag = tableTag |
if tables is None: |
continue |
master_values = [getattr(table, itemName) for table in tables] |
if models.allEqual(master_values): |
base, varIdx = master_values[0], None |
else: |
base, varIdx = store_builder.storeMasters(master_values) |
setattr(fontTable, itemName, base) |
if varIdx is None: |
continue |
log.info(" %s: %s.%s %s", tag, tableTag, itemName, master_values) |
rec = ot.MetricsValueRecord() |
rec.ValueTag = tag |
rec.VarIdx = varIdx |
records.append(rec) |
assert "MVAR" not in font |
if records: |
store = store_builder.finish() |
mapping = store.optimize() |
for rec in records: |
rec.VarIdx = mapping[rec.VarIdx] |
MVAR = font["MVAR"] = newTable("MVAR") |
mvar = MVAR.table = ot.MVAR() |
mvar.Version = 0x00010000 |
mvar.Reserved = 0 |
mvar.VarStore = store |
mvar.ValueRecordSize = 8 |
mvar.ValueRecordCount = len(records) |
mvar.ValueRecord = sorted(records, key=lambda r: r.ValueTag) |
def _add_BASE(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags): |
log.info("Generating BASE") |
merger = VariationMerger(masterModel, axisTags, font) |
merger.mergeTables(font, master_ttfs, ["BASE"]) |
store = merger.store_builder.finish() |
if not store: |
return |
base = font["BASE"].table |
assert base.Version == 0x00010000 |
base.Version = 0x00010001 |
base.VarStore = store |
def _merge_OTL(font, model, master_fonts, axisTags): |
log.info("Merging OpenType Layout tables") |
merger = VariationMerger(model, axisTags, font) |
merger.mergeTables(font, master_fonts, ["GSUB", "GDEF", "GPOS"]) |
store = merger.store_builder.finish() |
if not store: |
return |
try: |
GDEF = font["GDEF"].table |
assert GDEF.Version <= 0x00010002 |
except KeyError: |
font["GDEF"] = newTable("GDEF") |
GDEFTable = font["GDEF"] = newTable("GDEF") |
GDEF = GDEFTable.table = ot.GDEF() |
GDEF.GlyphClassDef = None |
GDEF.AttachList = None |
GDEF.LigCaretList = None |
GDEF.MarkAttachClassDef = None |
GDEF.MarkGlyphSetsDef = None |
GDEF.Version = 0x00010003 |
GDEF.VarStore = store |
varidx_map = store.optimize() |
GDEF.remap_device_varidxes(varidx_map) |
if "GPOS" in font: |
font["GPOS"].table.remap_device_varidxes(varidx_map) |
def _add_GSUB_feature_variations(font, axes, internal_axis_supports, rules, featureTag): |
def normalize(name, value): |
return models.normalizeLocation({name: value}, internal_axis_supports)[name] |
log.info("Generating GSUB FeatureVariations") |
axis_tags = {name: axis.tag for name, axis in axes.items()} |
conditional_subs = [] |
for rule in rules: |
region = [] |
for conditions in rule.conditionSets: |
space = {} |
for condition in conditions: |
axis_name = condition["name"] |
if condition["minimum"] is not None: |
minimum = normalize(axis_name, condition["minimum"]) |
else: |
minimum = -1.0 |
if condition["maximum"] is not None: |
maximum = normalize(axis_name, condition["maximum"]) |
else: |
maximum = 1.0 |
tag = axis_tags[axis_name] |
space[tag] = (minimum, maximum) |
region.append(space) |
subs = {k: v for k, v in rule.subs} |
conditional_subs.append((region, subs)) |
addFeatureVariations(font, conditional_subs, featureTag) |
_DesignSpaceData = namedtuple( |
"_DesignSpaceData", |
[ |
"axes", |
"axisMappings", |
"internal_axis_supports", |
"base_idx", |
"normalized_master_locs", |
"masters", |
"instances", |
"rules", |
"rulesProcessingLast", |
"lib", |
], |
) |
def _add_CFF2(varFont, model, master_fonts): |
from .cff import merge_region_fonts |
glyphOrder = varFont.getGlyphOrder() |
if "CFF2" not in varFont: |
from .cff import convertCFFtoCFF2 |
convertCFFtoCFF2(varFont) |
ordered_fonts_list = model.reorderMasters(master_fonts, model.reverseMapping) |
merge_region_fonts(varFont, model, ordered_fonts_list, glyphOrder) |
def _add_COLR(font, model, master_fonts, axisTags, colr_layer_reuse=True): |
merger = COLRVariationMerger( |
model, axisTags, font, allowLayerReuse=colr_layer_reuse |
) |
merger.mergeTables(font, master_fonts) |
store = merger.store_builder.finish() |
colr = font["COLR"].table |
if store: |
mapping = store.optimize() |
colr.VarStore = store |
varIdxes = [mapping[v] for v in merger.varIdxes] |
colr.VarIndexMap = builder.buildDeltaSetIndexMap(varIdxes) |
def load_designspace(designspace): |
if hasattr(designspace, "sources"): |
ds = designspace |
else: |
ds = DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile(designspace) |
masters = ds.sources |
if not masters: |
raise VarLibValidationError("Designspace must have at least one source.") |
instances = ds.instances |
standard_axis_map = OrderedDict( |
[ |
("weight", ("wght", {"en": "Weight"})), |
("width", ("wdth", {"en": "Width"})), |
("slant", ("slnt", {"en": "Slant"})), |
("optical", ("opsz", {"en": "Optical Size"})), |
("italic", ("ital", {"en": "Italic"})), |
] |
) |
if not ds.axes: |
raise VarLibValidationError(f"Designspace must have at least one axis.") |
axes = OrderedDict() |
for axis_index, axis in enumerate(ds.axes): |
axis_name = axis.name |
if not axis_name: |
if not axis.tag: |
raise VarLibValidationError(f"Axis at index {axis_index} needs a tag.") |
axis_name = axis.name = axis.tag |
if axis_name in standard_axis_map: |
if axis.tag is None: |
axis.tag = standard_axis_map[axis_name][0] |
if not axis.labelNames: |
axis.labelNames.update(standard_axis_map[axis_name][1]) |
else: |
if not axis.tag: |
raise VarLibValidationError(f"Axis at index {axis_index} needs a tag.") |
if not axis.labelNames: |
axis.labelNames["en"] = tostr(axis_name) |
axes[axis_name] = axis |
log.info("Axes:\n%s", pformat([axis.asdict() for axis in axes.values()])) |
axisMappings = ds.axisMappings |
if axisMappings: |
log.info("Mappings:\n%s", pformat(axisMappings)) |
for obj in masters + instances: |
obj_name = obj.name or obj.styleName or "" |
loc = obj.getFullDesignLocation(ds) |
obj.designLocation = loc |
if loc is None: |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
f"Source or instance '{obj_name}' has no location." |
) |
for axis_name in loc.keys(): |
if axis_name not in axes: |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
f"Location axis '{axis_name}' unknown for '{obj_name}'." |
) |
for axis_name, axis in axes.items(): |
v = axis.map_backward(loc[axis_name]) |
if not (axis.minimum <= v <= axis.maximum): |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
f"Source or instance '{obj_name}' has out-of-range location " |
f"for axis '{axis_name}': is mapped to {v} but must be in " |
f"mapped range [{axis.minimum}..{axis.maximum}] (NOTE: all " |
"values are in user-space)." |
) |
internal_master_locs = [o.getFullDesignLocation(ds) for o in masters] |
log.info("Internal master locations:\n%s", pformat(internal_master_locs)) |
internal_axis_supports = {} |
for axis in axes.values(): |
triple = (axis.minimum, axis.default, axis.maximum) |
internal_axis_supports[axis.name] = [axis.map_forward(v) for v in triple] |
log.info("Internal axis supports:\n%s", pformat(internal_axis_supports)) |
normalized_master_locs = [ |
models.normalizeLocation(m, internal_axis_supports) |
for m in internal_master_locs |
] |
log.info("Normalized master locations:\n%s", pformat(normalized_master_locs)) |
base_idx = None |
for i, m in enumerate(normalized_master_locs): |
if all(v == 0 for v in m.values()): |
if base_idx is not None: |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
"More than one base master found in Designspace." |
) |
base_idx = i |
if base_idx is None: |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
"Base master not found; no master at default location?" |
) |
log.info("Index of base master: %s", base_idx) |
return _DesignSpaceData( |
axes, |
axisMappings, |
internal_axis_supports, |
base_idx, |
normalized_master_locs, |
masters, |
instances, |
ds.rules, |
ds.rulesProcessingLast, |
ds.lib, |
) |
50: 1, |
62.5: 2, |
75: 3, |
87.5: 4, |
100: 5, |
112.5: 6, |
125: 7, |
150: 8, |
200: 9, |
} |
def set_default_weight_width_slant(font, location): |
if "OS/2" in font: |
if "wght" in location: |
weight_class = otRound(max(1, min(location["wght"], 1000))) |
if font["OS/2"].usWeightClass != weight_class: |
log.info("Setting OS/2.usWeightClass = %s", weight_class) |
font["OS/2"].usWeightClass = weight_class |
if "wdth" in location: |
widthValue = min(max(location["wdth"], 50), 200) |
widthClass = otRound( |
models.piecewiseLinearMap(widthValue, WDTH_VALUE_TO_OS2_WIDTH_CLASS) |
) |
if font["OS/2"].usWidthClass != widthClass: |
log.info("Setting OS/2.usWidthClass = %s", widthClass) |
font["OS/2"].usWidthClass = widthClass |
if "slnt" in location and "post" in font: |
italicAngle = max(-90, min(location["slnt"], 90)) |
if font["post"].italicAngle != italicAngle: |
log.info("Setting post.italicAngle = %s", italicAngle) |
font["post"].italicAngle = italicAngle |
def drop_implied_oncurve_points(*masters: TTFont) -> int: |
"""Drop impliable on-curve points from all the simple glyphs in masters. |
In TrueType glyf outlines, on-curve points can be implied when they are located |
exactly at the midpoint of the line connecting two consecutive off-curve points. |
The input masters' glyf tables are assumed to contain same-named glyphs that are |
interpolatable. Oncurve points are only dropped if they can be implied for all |
the masters. The fonts are modified in-place. |
Args: |
masters: The TTFont(s) to modify |
Returns: |
The total number of points that were dropped if any. |
Reference: |
https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM01/Chap1.html |
""" |
count = 0 |
glyph_masters = defaultdict(list) |
for font in {id(m): m for m in masters}.values(): |
glyf = font["glyf"] |
for glyphName in glyf.keys(): |
glyph_masters[glyphName].append(glyf[glyphName]) |
count = 0 |
for glyphName, glyphs in glyph_masters.items(): |
try: |
dropped = dropImpliedOnCurvePoints(*glyphs) |
except ValueError as e: |
log.warning("Failed to drop implied oncurves for %r: %s", glyphName, e) |
else: |
count += len(dropped) |
return count |
def build_many( |
designspace: DesignSpaceDocument, |
master_finder=lambda s: s, |
exclude=[], |
optimize=True, |
skip_vf=lambda vf_name: False, |
colr_layer_reuse=True, |
drop_implied_oncurves=False, |
): |
""" |
Build variable fonts from a designspace file, version 5 which can define |
several VFs, or version 4 which has implicitly one VF covering the whole doc. |
If master_finder is set, it should be a callable that takes master |
filename as found in designspace file and map it to master font |
binary as to be opened (eg. .ttf or .otf). |
skip_vf can be used to skip building some of the variable fonts defined in |
the input designspace. It's a predicate that takes as argument the name |
of the variable font and returns `bool`. |
Always returns a Dict[str, TTFont] keyed by VariableFontDescriptor.name |
""" |
res = {} |
doBuildStatFromDSv5 = ( |
"STAT" not in exclude |
and designspace.formatTuple >= (5, 0) |
and ( |
any(a.axisLabels or a.axisOrdering is not None for a in designspace.axes) |
or designspace.locationLabels |
) |
) |
for _location, subDoc in splitInterpolable(designspace): |
for name, vfDoc in splitVariableFonts(subDoc): |
if skip_vf(name): |
log.debug(f"Skipping variable TTF font: {name}") |
continue |
vf = build( |
vfDoc, |
master_finder, |
exclude=exclude, |
optimize=optimize, |
colr_layer_reuse=colr_layer_reuse, |
drop_implied_oncurves=drop_implied_oncurves, |
)[0] |
if doBuildStatFromDSv5: |
buildVFStatTable(vf, designspace, name) |
res[name] = vf |
return res |
def build( |
designspace, |
master_finder=lambda s: s, |
exclude=[], |
optimize=True, |
colr_layer_reuse=True, |
drop_implied_oncurves=False, |
): |
""" |
Build variation font from a designspace file. |
If master_finder is set, it should be a callable that takes master |
filename as found in designspace file and map it to master font |
binary as to be opened (eg. .ttf or .otf). |
""" |
if hasattr(designspace, "sources"): |
pass |
else: |
designspace = DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile(designspace) |
ds = load_designspace(designspace) |
log.info("Building variable font") |
log.info("Loading master fonts") |
master_fonts = load_masters(designspace, master_finder) |
master_ttfs = [] |
for master in master_fonts: |
try: |
master_ttfs.append(master.reader.file.name) |
except AttributeError: |
master_ttfs.append(None) |
if drop_implied_oncurves and "glyf" in master_fonts[ds.base_idx]: |
drop_count = drop_implied_oncurve_points(*master_fonts) |
log.info( |
"Dropped %s on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table", |
drop_count, |
) |
vf = deepcopy(master_fonts[ds.base_idx]) |
if "DSIG" in vf: |
del vf["DSIG"] |
fvar = _add_fvar(vf, ds.axes, ds.instances) |
if "STAT" not in exclude: |
_add_stat(vf) |
normalized_master_locs = [ |
{ds.axes[k].tag: v for k, v in loc.items()} for loc in ds.normalized_master_locs |
] |
axisTags = [axis.axisTag for axis in fvar.axes] |
model = models.VariationModel(normalized_master_locs, axisOrder=axisTags) |
assert 0 == model.mapping[ds.base_idx] |
log.info("Building variations tables") |
if "avar" not in exclude: |
_add_avar(vf, ds.axes, ds.axisMappings, axisTags) |
if "BASE" not in exclude and "BASE" in vf: |
_add_BASE(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags) |
if "MVAR" not in exclude: |
_add_MVAR(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags) |
if "HVAR" not in exclude: |
_add_HVAR(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags) |
if "VVAR" not in exclude and "vmtx" in vf: |
_add_VVAR(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags) |
if "GDEF" not in exclude or "GPOS" not in exclude: |
_merge_OTL(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags) |
if "gvar" not in exclude and "glyf" in vf: |
_add_gvar(vf, model, master_fonts, optimize=optimize) |
if "cvar" not in exclude and "glyf" in vf: |
_merge_TTHinting(vf, model, master_fonts) |
if "GSUB" not in exclude and ds.rules: |
featureTag = ds.lib.get( |
FEAVAR_FEATURETAG_LIB_KEY, "rclt" if ds.rulesProcessingLast else "rvrn" |
) |
_add_GSUB_feature_variations( |
vf, ds.axes, ds.internal_axis_supports, ds.rules, featureTag |
) |
if "CFF2" not in exclude and ("CFF " in vf or "CFF2" in vf): |
_add_CFF2(vf, model, master_fonts) |
if "post" in vf: |
post = vf["post"] |
if post.formatType != 2.0: |
post.formatType = 2.0 |
post.extraNames = [] |
post.mapping = {} |
if "COLR" not in exclude and "COLR" in vf and vf["COLR"].version > 0: |
_add_COLR(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags, colr_layer_reuse) |
set_default_weight_width_slant( |
vf, location={axis.axisTag: axis.defaultValue for axis in vf["fvar"].axes} |
) |
for tag in exclude: |
if tag in vf: |
del vf[tag] |
return vf, model, master_ttfs |
def _open_font(path, master_finder=lambda s: s): |
from fontTools.ttx import guessFileType |
master_path = os.path.normpath(path) |
tp = guessFileType(master_path) |
if tp is None: |
master_path = master_finder(master_path) |
tp = guessFileType(master_path) |
if tp in ("TTX", "OTX"): |
font = TTFont() |
font.importXML(master_path) |
elif tp in ("TTF", "OTF", "WOFF", "WOFF2"): |
font = TTFont(master_path) |
else: |
raise VarLibValidationError("Invalid master path: %r" % master_path) |
return font |
def load_masters(designspace, master_finder=lambda s: s): |
"""Ensure that all SourceDescriptor.font attributes have an appropriate TTFont |
object loaded, or else open TTFont objects from the SourceDescriptor.path |
attributes. |
The paths can point to either an OpenType font, a TTX file, or a UFO. In the |
latter case, use the provided master_finder callable to map from UFO paths to |
the respective master font binaries (e.g. .ttf, .otf or .ttx). |
Return list of master TTFont objects in the same order they are listed in the |
DesignSpaceDocument. |
""" |
for master in designspace.sources: |
if master.layerName and master.font is None: |
raise VarLibValidationError( |
f"Designspace source '{master.name or '<Unknown>'}' specified a " |
"layer name but lacks the required TTFont object in the 'font' " |
"attribute." |
) |
return designspace.loadSourceFonts(_open_font, master_finder=master_finder) |
class MasterFinder(object): |
def __init__(self, template): |
self.template = template |
def __call__(self, src_path): |
fullname = os.path.abspath(src_path) |
dirname, basename = os.path.split(fullname) |
stem, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) |
path = self.template.format( |
fullname=fullname, |
dirname=dirname, |
basename=basename, |
stem=stem, |
ext=ext, |
) |
return os.path.normpath(path) |
def main(args=None): |
"""Build variable fonts from a designspace file and masters""" |
from argparse import ArgumentParser |
from fontTools import configLogger |
parser = ArgumentParser(prog="varLib", description=main.__doc__) |
parser.add_argument("designspace") |
output_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() |
output_group.add_argument( |
"-o", metavar="OUTPUTFILE", dest="outfile", default=None, help="output file" |
) |
output_group.add_argument( |
"-d", |
"--output-dir", |
metavar="OUTPUTDIR", |
default=None, |
help="output dir (default: same as input designspace file)", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"-x", |
metavar="TAG", |
dest="exclude", |
action="append", |
default=[], |
help="exclude table", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--disable-iup", |
dest="optimize", |
action="store_false", |
help="do not perform IUP optimization", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--no-colr-layer-reuse", |
dest="colr_layer_reuse", |
action="store_false", |
help="do not rebuild variable COLR table to optimize COLR layer reuse", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--drop-implied-oncurves", |
action="store_true", |
help=( |
"drop on-curve points that can be implied when exactly in the middle of " |
"two off-curve points (only applies to TrueType fonts)" |
), |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--master-finder", |
default="master_ttf_interpolatable/{stem}.ttf", |
help=( |
"templated string used for finding binary font " |
"files given the source file names defined in the " |
"designspace document. The following special strings " |
"are defined: {fullname} is the absolute source file " |
"name; {basename} is the file name without its " |
"directory; {stem} is the basename without the file " |
"extension; {ext} is the source file extension; " |
"{dirname} is the directory of the absolute file " |
'name. The default value is "%(default)s".' |
), |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--variable-fonts", |
default=".*", |
metavar="VF_NAME", |
help=( |
"Filter the list of variable fonts produced from the input " |
"Designspace v5 file. By default all listed variable fonts are " |
"generated. To generate a specific variable font (or variable fonts) " |
'that match a given "name" attribute, you can pass as argument ' |
"the full name or a regular expression. E.g.: --variable-fonts " |
'"MyFontVF_WeightOnly"; or --variable-fonts "MyFontVFItalic_.*".' |
), |
) |
logging_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) |
logging_group.add_argument( |
"-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Run more verbosely." |
) |
logging_group.add_argument( |
"-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="Turn verbosity off." |
) |
options = parser.parse_args(args) |
configLogger( |
level=("DEBUG" if options.verbose else "ERROR" if options.quiet else "INFO") |
) |
designspace_filename = options.designspace |
designspace = DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile(designspace_filename) |
vf_descriptors = designspace.getVariableFonts() |
if not vf_descriptors: |
parser.error(f"No variable fonts in given designspace {designspace.path!r}") |
vfs_to_build = [] |
for vf in vf_descriptors: |
if not fullmatch(options.variable_fonts, vf.name): |
continue |
vfs_to_build.append(vf) |
if not vfs_to_build: |
parser.error(f"No variable fonts matching {options.variable_fonts!r}") |
if options.outfile is not None and len(vfs_to_build) > 1: |
parser.error( |
"can't specify -o because there are multiple VFs to build; " |
"use --output-dir, or select a single VF with --variable-fonts" |
) |
output_dir = options.output_dir |
if output_dir is None: |
output_dir = os.path.dirname(designspace_filename) |
vf_name_to_output_path = {} |
if len(vfs_to_build) == 1 and options.outfile is not None: |
vf_name_to_output_path[vfs_to_build[0].name] = options.outfile |
else: |
for vf in vfs_to_build: |
filename = vf.filename if vf.filename is not None else vf.name + ".{ext}" |
vf_name_to_output_path[vf.name] = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) |
finder = MasterFinder(options.master_finder) |
vfs = build_many( |
designspace, |
finder, |
exclude=options.exclude, |
optimize=options.optimize, |
colr_layer_reuse=options.colr_layer_reuse, |
drop_implied_oncurves=options.drop_implied_oncurves, |
) |
for vf_name, vf in vfs.items(): |
ext = "otf" if vf.sfntVersion == "OTTO" else "ttf" |
output_path = vf_name_to_output_path[vf_name].format(ext=ext) |
output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_path) |
if output_dir: |
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) |
log.info("Saving variation font %s", output_path) |
vf.save(output_path) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
import sys |
if len(sys.argv) > 1: |
sys.exit(main()) |
import doctest |
sys.exit(doctest.testmod().failed) |