from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen |
from functools import partial |
from itertools import count |
import sympy as sp |
import sys |
n = 3 |
t, x, y = sp.symbols("t x y", real=True) |
c = sp.symbols("c", real=False) |
X = tuple(sp.symbols("x:%d" % (n + 1), real=True)) |
Y = tuple(sp.symbols("y:%d" % (n + 1), real=True)) |
P = tuple(zip(*(sp.symbols("p:%d[%s]" % (n + 1, w), real=True) for w in "01"))) |
C = tuple(sp.symbols("c:%d" % (n + 1), real=False)) |
BinomialCoefficient = [(1, 0)] |
for i in range(1, n + 1): |
last = BinomialCoefficient[-1] |
this = tuple(last[j - 1] + last[j] for j in range(len(last))) + (0,) |
BinomialCoefficient.append(this) |
BinomialCoefficient = tuple(tuple(item[:-1]) for item in BinomialCoefficient) |
del last, this |
BernsteinPolynomial = tuple( |
tuple(c * t**i * (1 - t) ** (n - i) for i, c in enumerate(coeffs)) |
for n, coeffs in enumerate(BinomialCoefficient) |
) |
BezierCurve = tuple( |
tuple( |
sum(P[i][j] * bernstein for i, bernstein in enumerate(bernsteins)) |
for j in range(2) |
) |
for n, bernsteins in enumerate(BernsteinPolynomial) |
) |
BezierCurveC = tuple( |
sum(C[i] * bernstein for i, bernstein in enumerate(bernsteins)) |
for n, bernsteins in enumerate(BernsteinPolynomial) |
) |
def green(f, curveXY): |
f = -sp.integrate(sp.sympify(f), y) |
f = f.subs({x: curveXY[0], y: curveXY[1]}) |
f = sp.integrate(f * sp.diff(curveXY[0], t), (t, 0, 1)) |
return f |
class _BezierFuncsLazy(dict): |
def __init__(self, symfunc): |
self._symfunc = symfunc |
self._bezfuncs = {} |
def __missing__(self, i): |
args = ["p%d" % d for d in range(i + 1)] |
f = green(self._symfunc, BezierCurve[i]) |
f = sp.gcd_terms(f.collect(sum(P, ()))) |
return sp.lambdify(args, f) |
class GreenPen(BasePen): |
_BezierFuncs = {} |
@classmethod |
def _getGreenBezierFuncs(celf, func): |
funcstr = str(func) |
if not funcstr in celf._BezierFuncs: |
celf._BezierFuncs[funcstr] = _BezierFuncsLazy(func) |
return celf._BezierFuncs[funcstr] |
def __init__(self, func, glyphset=None): |
BasePen.__init__(self, glyphset) |
self._funcs = self._getGreenBezierFuncs(func) |
self.value = 0 |
def _moveTo(self, p0): |
self.__startPoint = p0 |
def _closePath(self): |
p0 = self._getCurrentPoint() |
if p0 != self.__startPoint: |
self._lineTo(self.__startPoint) |
def _endPath(self): |
p0 = self._getCurrentPoint() |
if p0 != self.__startPoint: |
raise NotImplementedError |
def _lineTo(self, p1): |
p0 = self._getCurrentPoint() |
self.value += self._funcs[1](p0, p1) |
def _qCurveToOne(self, p1, p2): |
p0 = self._getCurrentPoint() |
self.value += self._funcs[2](p0, p1, p2) |
def _curveToOne(self, p1, p2, p3): |
p0 = self._getCurrentPoint() |
self.value += self._funcs[3](p0, p1, p2, p3) |
AreaPen = partial(GreenPen, func=1) |
MomentXPen = partial(GreenPen, func=x) |
MomentYPen = partial(GreenPen, func=y) |
MomentXXPen = partial(GreenPen, func=x * x) |
MomentYYPen = partial(GreenPen, func=y * y) |
MomentXYPen = partial(GreenPen, func=x * y) |
def printGreenPen(penName, funcs, file=sys.stdout, docstring=None): |
if docstring is not None: |
print('"""%s"""' % docstring) |
print( |
"""from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen, OpenContourError |
try: |
import cython |
COMPILED = cython.compiled |
except (AttributeError, ImportError): |
# if cython not installed, use mock module with no-op decorators and types |
from fontTools.misc import cython |
COMPILED = False |
__all__ = ["%s"] |
class %s(BasePen): |
def __init__(self, glyphset=None): |
BasePen.__init__(self, glyphset) |
""" |
% (penName, penName), |
file=file, |
) |
for name, f in funcs: |
print(" self.%s = 0" % name, file=file) |
print( |
""" |
def _moveTo(self, p0): |
self.__startPoint = p0 |
def _closePath(self): |
p0 = self._getCurrentPoint() |
if p0 != self.__startPoint: |
self._lineTo(self.__startPoint) |
def _endPath(self): |
p0 = self._getCurrentPoint() |
if p0 != self.__startPoint: |
# Green theorem is not defined on open contours. |
raise OpenContourError( |
"Green theorem is not defined on open contours." |
) |
""", |
end="", |
file=file, |
) |
for n in (1, 2, 3): |
subs = {P[i][j]: [X, Y][j][i] for i in range(n + 1) for j in range(2)} |
greens = [green(f, BezierCurve[n]) for name, f in funcs] |
greens = [sp.gcd_terms(f.collect(sum(P, ()))) for f in greens] |
greens = [f.subs(subs) for f in greens] |
defs, exprs = sp.cse( |
greens, |
optimizations="basic", |
symbols=(sp.Symbol("r%d" % i) for i in count()), |
) |
print() |
for name, value in defs: |
print(" @cython.locals(%s=cython.double)" % name, file=file) |
if n == 1: |
print( |
"""\ |
@cython.locals(x0=cython.double, y0=cython.double) |
@cython.locals(x1=cython.double, y1=cython.double) |
def _lineTo(self, p1): |
x0,y0 = self._getCurrentPoint() |
x1,y1 = p1 |
""", |
file=file, |
) |
elif n == 2: |
print( |
"""\ |
@cython.locals(x0=cython.double, y0=cython.double) |
@cython.locals(x1=cython.double, y1=cython.double) |
@cython.locals(x2=cython.double, y2=cython.double) |
def _qCurveToOne(self, p1, p2): |
x0,y0 = self._getCurrentPoint() |
x1,y1 = p1 |
x2,y2 = p2 |
""", |
file=file, |
) |
elif n == 3: |
print( |
"""\ |
@cython.locals(x0=cython.double, y0=cython.double) |
@cython.locals(x1=cython.double, y1=cython.double) |
@cython.locals(x2=cython.double, y2=cython.double) |
@cython.locals(x3=cython.double, y3=cython.double) |
def _curveToOne(self, p1, p2, p3): |
x0,y0 = self._getCurrentPoint() |
x1,y1 = p1 |
x2,y2 = p2 |
x3,y3 = p3 |
""", |
file=file, |
) |
for name, value in defs: |
print(" %s = %s" % (name, value), file=file) |
print(file=file) |
for name, value in zip([f[0] for f in funcs], exprs): |
print(" self.%s += %s" % (name, value), file=file) |
print( |
""" |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
from fontTools.misc.symfont import x, y, printGreenPen |
printGreenPen('%s', [""" |
% penName, |
file=file, |
) |
for name, f in funcs: |
print(" ('%s', %s)," % (name, str(f)), file=file) |
print(" ])", file=file) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
pen = AreaPen() |
pen.moveTo((100, 100)) |
pen.lineTo((100, 200)) |
pen.lineTo((200, 200)) |
pen.curveTo((200, 250), (300, 300), (250, 350)) |
pen.lineTo((200, 100)) |
pen.closePath() |
print(pen.value) |