from fontTools import ttLib |
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.DefaultTable import DefaultTable |
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables |
from fontTools.merge.base import add_method, mergeObjects |
from fontTools.merge.util import * |
import logging |
log = logging.getLogger("fontTools.merge") |
def mergeLookupLists(lst): |
return sumLists(lst) |
def mergeFeatures(lst): |
assert lst |
self = otTables.Feature() |
self.FeatureParams = None |
self.LookupListIndex = mergeLookupLists( |
[l.LookupListIndex for l in lst if l.LookupListIndex] |
) |
self.LookupCount = len(self.LookupListIndex) |
return self |
def mergeFeatureLists(lst): |
d = {} |
for l in lst: |
for f in l: |
tag = f.FeatureTag |
if tag not in d: |
d[tag] = [] |
d[tag].append(f.Feature) |
ret = [] |
for tag in sorted(d.keys()): |
rec = otTables.FeatureRecord() |
rec.FeatureTag = tag |
rec.Feature = mergeFeatures(d[tag]) |
ret.append(rec) |
return ret |
def mergeLangSyses(lst): |
assert lst |
assert all(l.ReqFeatureIndex == 0xFFFF for l in lst) |
self = otTables.LangSys() |
self.LookupOrder = None |
self.ReqFeatureIndex = 0xFFFF |
self.FeatureIndex = mergeFeatureLists( |
[l.FeatureIndex for l in lst if l.FeatureIndex] |
) |
self.FeatureCount = len(self.FeatureIndex) |
return self |
def mergeScripts(lst): |
assert lst |
if len(lst) == 1: |
return lst[0] |
langSyses = {} |
for sr in lst: |
for lsr in sr.LangSysRecord: |
if lsr.LangSysTag not in langSyses: |
langSyses[lsr.LangSysTag] = [] |
langSyses[lsr.LangSysTag].append(lsr.LangSys) |
lsrecords = [] |
for tag, langSys_list in sorted(langSyses.items()): |
lsr = otTables.LangSysRecord() |
lsr.LangSys = mergeLangSyses(langSys_list) |
lsr.LangSysTag = tag |
lsrecords.append(lsr) |
self = otTables.Script() |
self.LangSysRecord = lsrecords |
self.LangSysCount = len(lsrecords) |
dfltLangSyses = [s.DefaultLangSys for s in lst if s.DefaultLangSys] |
if dfltLangSyses: |
self.DefaultLangSys = mergeLangSyses(dfltLangSyses) |
else: |
self.DefaultLangSys = None |
return self |
def mergeScriptRecords(lst): |
d = {} |
for l in lst: |
for s in l: |
tag = s.ScriptTag |
if tag not in d: |
d[tag] = [] |
d[tag].append(s.Script) |
ret = [] |
for tag in sorted(d.keys()): |
rec = otTables.ScriptRecord() |
rec.ScriptTag = tag |
rec.Script = mergeScripts(d[tag]) |
ret.append(rec) |
return ret |
otTables.ScriptList.mergeMap = { |
"ScriptCount": lambda lst: None, |
"ScriptRecord": mergeScriptRecords, |
} |
otTables.BaseScriptList.mergeMap = { |
"BaseScriptCount": lambda lst: None, |
"BaseScriptRecord": lambda lst: sorted( |
sumLists(lst), key=lambda s: s.BaseScriptTag |
), |
} |
otTables.FeatureList.mergeMap = { |
"FeatureCount": sum, |
"FeatureRecord": lambda lst: sorted(sumLists(lst), key=lambda s: s.FeatureTag), |
} |
otTables.LookupList.mergeMap = { |
"LookupCount": sum, |
"Lookup": sumLists, |
} |
otTables.Coverage.mergeMap = { |
"Format": min, |
"glyphs": sumLists, |
} |
otTables.ClassDef.mergeMap = { |
"Format": min, |
"classDefs": sumDicts, |
} |
otTables.LigCaretList.mergeMap = { |
"Coverage": mergeObjects, |
"LigGlyphCount": sum, |
"LigGlyph": sumLists, |
} |
otTables.AttachList.mergeMap = { |
"Coverage": mergeObjects, |
"GlyphCount": sum, |
"AttachPoint": sumLists, |
} |
otTables.MarkGlyphSetsDef.mergeMap = { |
"MarkSetTableFormat": equal, |
"MarkSetCount": sum, |
"Coverage": sumLists, |
} |
otTables.Axis.mergeMap = { |
"*": mergeObjects, |
} |
otTables.BaseTagList.mergeMap = { |
"BaseTagCount": sum, |
"BaselineTag": sumLists, |
} |
otTables.GDEF.mergeMap = ( |
otTables.GSUB.mergeMap |
) = ( |
otTables.GPOS.mergeMap |
) = otTables.BASE.mergeMap = otTables.JSTF.mergeMap = otTables.MATH.mergeMap = { |
"*": mergeObjects, |
"Version": max, |
} |
ttLib.getTableClass("GDEF").mergeMap = ttLib.getTableClass( |
"GSUB" |
).mergeMap = ttLib.getTableClass("GPOS").mergeMap = ttLib.getTableClass( |
"BASE" |
).mergeMap = ttLib.getTableClass( |
"JSTF" |
).mergeMap = ttLib.getTableClass( |
"MATH" |
).mergeMap = { |
"tableTag": onlyExisting(equal), |
"table": mergeObjects, |
} |
@add_method(ttLib.getTableClass("GSUB")) |
def merge(self, m, tables): |
assert len(tables) == len(m.duplicateGlyphsPerFont) |
for i, (table, dups) in enumerate(zip(tables, m.duplicateGlyphsPerFont)): |
if not dups: |
continue |
if table is None or table is NotImplemented: |
log.warning( |
"Have non-identical duplicates to resolve for '%s' but no GSUB. Are duplicates intended?: %s", |
m.fonts[i]._merger__name, |
dups, |
) |
continue |
synthFeature = None |
synthLookup = None |
for script in table.table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord: |
if script.ScriptTag == "DFLT": |
continue |
for langsys in [script.Script.DefaultLangSys] + [ |
l.LangSys for l in script.Script.LangSysRecord |
]: |
if langsys is None: |
continue |
feature = [v for v in langsys.FeatureIndex if v.FeatureTag == "locl"] |
assert len(feature) <= 1 |
if feature: |
feature = feature[0] |
else: |
if not synthFeature: |
synthFeature = otTables.FeatureRecord() |
synthFeature.FeatureTag = "locl" |
f = synthFeature.Feature = otTables.Feature() |
f.FeatureParams = None |
f.LookupCount = 0 |
f.LookupListIndex = [] |
table.table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord.append(synthFeature) |
table.table.FeatureList.FeatureCount += 1 |
feature = synthFeature |
langsys.FeatureIndex.append(feature) |
langsys.FeatureIndex.sort(key=lambda v: v.FeatureTag) |
if not synthLookup: |
subtable = otTables.SingleSubst() |
subtable.mapping = dups |
synthLookup = otTables.Lookup() |
synthLookup.LookupFlag = 0 |
synthLookup.LookupType = 1 |
synthLookup.SubTableCount = 1 |
synthLookup.SubTable = [subtable] |
if table.table.LookupList is None: |
table.table.LookupList = otTables.LookupList() |
table.table.LookupList.Lookup = [] |
table.table.LookupList.LookupCount = 0 |
table.table.LookupList.Lookup.append(synthLookup) |
table.table.LookupList.LookupCount += 1 |
if feature.Feature.LookupListIndex[:1] != [synthLookup]: |
feature.Feature.LookupListIndex[:0] = [synthLookup] |
feature.Feature.LookupCount += 1 |
DefaultTable.merge(self, m, tables) |
return self |
@add_method( |
otTables.SingleSubst, |
otTables.MultipleSubst, |
otTables.AlternateSubst, |
otTables.LigatureSubst, |
otTables.ReverseChainSingleSubst, |
otTables.SinglePos, |
otTables.PairPos, |
otTables.CursivePos, |
otTables.MarkBasePos, |
otTables.MarkLigPos, |
otTables.MarkMarkPos, |
) |
def mapLookups(self, lookupMap): |
pass |
@add_method( |
otTables.ContextSubst, |
otTables.ChainContextSubst, |
otTables.ContextPos, |
otTables.ChainContextPos, |
) |
def __merge_classify_context(self): |
class ContextHelper(object): |
def __init__(self, klass, Format): |
if klass.__name__.endswith("Subst"): |
Typ = "Sub" |
Type = "Subst" |
else: |
Typ = "Pos" |
Type = "Pos" |
if klass.__name__.startswith("Chain"): |
Chain = "Chain" |
else: |
Chain = "" |
ChainTyp = Chain + Typ |
self.Typ = Typ |
self.Type = Type |
self.Chain = Chain |
self.ChainTyp = ChainTyp |
self.LookupRecord = Type + "LookupRecord" |
if Format == 1: |
self.Rule = ChainTyp + "Rule" |
self.RuleSet = ChainTyp + "RuleSet" |
elif Format == 2: |
self.Rule = ChainTyp + "ClassRule" |
self.RuleSet = ChainTyp + "ClassSet" |
if self.Format not in [1, 2, 3]: |
return None |
if not hasattr(self.__class__, "_merge__ContextHelpers"): |
self.__class__._merge__ContextHelpers = {} |
if self.Format not in self.__class__._merge__ContextHelpers: |
helper = ContextHelper(self.__class__, self.Format) |
self.__class__._merge__ContextHelpers[self.Format] = helper |
return self.__class__._merge__ContextHelpers[self.Format] |
@add_method( |
otTables.ContextSubst, |
otTables.ChainContextSubst, |
otTables.ContextPos, |
otTables.ChainContextPos, |
) |
def mapLookups(self, lookupMap): |
c = self.__merge_classify_context() |
if self.Format in [1, 2]: |
for rs in getattr(self, c.RuleSet): |
if not rs: |
continue |
for r in getattr(rs, c.Rule): |
if not r: |
continue |
for ll in getattr(r, c.LookupRecord): |
if not ll: |
continue |
ll.LookupListIndex = lookupMap[ll.LookupListIndex] |
elif self.Format == 3: |
for ll in getattr(self, c.LookupRecord): |
if not ll: |
continue |
ll.LookupListIndex = lookupMap[ll.LookupListIndex] |
else: |
assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format |
@add_method(otTables.ExtensionSubst, otTables.ExtensionPos) |
def mapLookups(self, lookupMap): |
if self.Format == 1: |
self.ExtSubTable.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
else: |
assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format |
@add_method(otTables.Lookup) |
def mapLookups(self, lookupMap): |
for st in self.SubTable: |
if not st: |
continue |
st.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
@add_method(otTables.LookupList) |
def mapLookups(self, lookupMap): |
for l in self.Lookup: |
if not l: |
continue |
l.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
@add_method(otTables.Lookup) |
def mapMarkFilteringSets(self, markFilteringSetMap): |
if self.LookupFlag & 0x0010: |
self.MarkFilteringSet = markFilteringSetMap[self.MarkFilteringSet] |
@add_method(otTables.LookupList) |
def mapMarkFilteringSets(self, markFilteringSetMap): |
for l in self.Lookup: |
if not l: |
continue |
l.mapMarkFilteringSets(markFilteringSetMap) |
@add_method(otTables.Feature) |
def mapLookups(self, lookupMap): |
self.LookupListIndex = [lookupMap[i] for i in self.LookupListIndex] |
@add_method(otTables.FeatureList) |
def mapLookups(self, lookupMap): |
for f in self.FeatureRecord: |
if not f or not f.Feature: |
continue |
f.Feature.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
@add_method(otTables.DefaultLangSys, otTables.LangSys) |
def mapFeatures(self, featureMap): |
self.FeatureIndex = [featureMap[i] for i in self.FeatureIndex] |
if self.ReqFeatureIndex != 65535: |
self.ReqFeatureIndex = featureMap[self.ReqFeatureIndex] |
@add_method(otTables.Script) |
def mapFeatures(self, featureMap): |
if self.DefaultLangSys: |
self.DefaultLangSys.mapFeatures(featureMap) |
for l in self.LangSysRecord: |
if not l or not l.LangSys: |
continue |
l.LangSys.mapFeatures(featureMap) |
@add_method(otTables.ScriptList) |
def mapFeatures(self, featureMap): |
for s in self.ScriptRecord: |
if not s or not s.Script: |
continue |
s.Script.mapFeatures(featureMap) |
def layoutPreMerge(font): |
GDEF = font.get("GDEF") |
GSUB = font.get("GSUB") |
GPOS = font.get("GPOS") |
for t in [GSUB, GPOS]: |
if not t: |
continue |
if t.table.LookupList: |
lookupMap = {i: v for i, v in enumerate(t.table.LookupList.Lookup)} |
t.table.LookupList.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
t.table.FeatureList.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
if ( |
and GDEF.table.Version >= 0x00010002 |
and GDEF.table.MarkGlyphSetsDef |
): |
markFilteringSetMap = { |
i: v for i, v in enumerate(GDEF.table.MarkGlyphSetsDef.Coverage) |
} |
t.table.LookupList.mapMarkFilteringSets(markFilteringSetMap) |
if t.table.FeatureList and t.table.ScriptList: |
featureMap = {i: v for i, v in enumerate(t.table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord)} |
t.table.ScriptList.mapFeatures(featureMap) |
def layoutPostMerge(font): |
GDEF = font.get("GDEF") |
GSUB = font.get("GSUB") |
GPOS = font.get("GPOS") |
for t in [GSUB, GPOS]: |
if not t: |
continue |
if t.table.FeatureList and t.table.ScriptList: |
featureMap = GregariousIdentityDict(t.table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord) |
t.table.ScriptList.mapFeatures(featureMap) |
featureMap = AttendanceRecordingIdentityDict( |
t.table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord |
) |
t.table.ScriptList.mapFeatures(featureMap) |
usedIndices = featureMap.s |
t.table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord = [ |
f |
for i, f in enumerate(t.table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord) |
if i in usedIndices |
] |
featureMap = NonhashableDict(t.table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord) |
t.table.ScriptList.mapFeatures(featureMap) |
t.table.FeatureList.FeatureCount = len(t.table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord) |
if t.table.LookupList: |
lookupMap = GregariousIdentityDict(t.table.LookupList.Lookup) |
t.table.FeatureList.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
t.table.LookupList.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
lookupMap = AttendanceRecordingIdentityDict(t.table.LookupList.Lookup) |
t.table.FeatureList.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
t.table.LookupList.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
usedIndices = lookupMap.s |
t.table.LookupList.Lookup = [ |
l for i, l in enumerate(t.table.LookupList.Lookup) if i in usedIndices |
] |
lookupMap = NonhashableDict(t.table.LookupList.Lookup) |
t.table.FeatureList.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
t.table.LookupList.mapLookups(lookupMap) |
t.table.LookupList.LookupCount = len(t.table.LookupList.Lookup) |
if GDEF and GDEF.table.Version >= 0x00010002: |
markFilteringSetMap = NonhashableDict( |
GDEF.table.MarkGlyphSetsDef.Coverage |
) |
t.table.LookupList.mapMarkFilteringSets(markFilteringSetMap) |