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"""Pen calculating area, center of mass, variance and standard-deviation,
covariance and correlation, and slant, of glyph shapes."""
import math
from fontTools.pens.momentsPen import MomentsPen
__all__ = ["StatisticsPen"]
class StatisticsPen(MomentsPen):
"""Pen calculating area, center of mass, variance and
standard-deviation, covariance and correlation, and slant,
of glyph shapes.
Note that all the calculated values are 'signed'. Ie. if the
glyph shape is self-intersecting, the values are not correct
(but well-defined). As such, area will be negative if contour
directions are clockwise. Moreover, variance might be negative
if the shapes are self-intersecting in certain ways."""
def __init__(self, glyphset=None):
MomentsPen.__init__(self, glyphset=glyphset)
def _closePath(self):
def __zero(self):
self.meanX = 0
self.meanY = 0
self.varianceX = 0
self.varianceY = 0
self.stddevX = 0
self.stddevY = 0
self.covariance = 0
self.correlation = 0
self.slant = 0
def __update(self):
area = self.area
if not area:
# Center of mass
self.meanX = meanX = self.momentX / area
self.meanY = meanY = self.momentY / area
# Var(X) = E[X^2] - E[X]^2
self.varianceX = varianceX = self.momentXX / area - meanX**2
self.varianceY = varianceY = self.momentYY / area - meanY**2
self.stddevX = stddevX = math.copysign(abs(varianceX) ** 0.5, varianceX)
self.stddevY = stddevY = math.copysign(abs(varianceY) ** 0.5, varianceY)
# Covariance(X,Y) = ( E[X.Y] - E[X]E[Y] )
self.covariance = covariance = self.momentXY / area - meanX * meanY
# Correlation(X,Y) = Covariance(X,Y) / ( stddev(X) * stddev(Y) )
if stddevX * stddevY == 0:
correlation = float("NaN")
correlation = covariance / (stddevX * stddevY)
self.correlation = correlation if abs(correlation) > 1e-3 else 0
slant = covariance / varianceY if varianceY != 0 else float("NaN")
self.slant = slant if abs(slant) > 1e-3 else 0
def _test(glyphset, upem, glyphs, quiet=False):
from fontTools.pens.transformPen import TransformPen
from fontTools.misc.transform import Scale
wght_sum = 0
wght_sum_perceptual = 0
wdth_sum = 0
slnt_sum = 0
slnt_sum_perceptual = 0
for glyph_name in glyphs:
glyph = glyphset[glyph_name]
pen = StatisticsPen(glyphset=glyphset)
transformer = TransformPen(pen, Scale(1.0 / upem))
wght_sum += abs(pen.area)
wght_sum_perceptual += abs(pen.area) * glyph.width
wdth_sum += glyph.width
slnt_sum += pen.slant
slnt_sum_perceptual += pen.slant * glyph.width
if quiet:
print("glyph:", glyph_name)
for item in [
print("%s: %g" % (item, getattr(pen, item)))
if not quiet:
print("weight: %g" % (wght_sum * upem / wdth_sum))
print("weight (perceptual): %g" % (wght_sum_perceptual / wdth_sum))
print("width: %g" % (wdth_sum / upem / len(glyphs)))
slant = slnt_sum / len(glyphs)
print("slant: %g" % slant)
print("slant angle: %g" % -math.degrees(math.atan(slant)))
slant_perceptual = slnt_sum_perceptual / wdth_sum
print("slant (perceptual): %g" % slant_perceptual)
print("slant (perceptual) angle: %g" % -math.degrees(math.atan(slant_perceptual)))
def main(args):
"""Report font glyph shape geometricsl statistics"""
if args is None:
import sys
args = sys.argv[1:]
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
"fonttools pens.statisticsPen",
description="Report font glyph shape geometricsl statistics",
parser.add_argument("font", metavar="font.ttf", help="Font file.")
parser.add_argument("glyphs", metavar="glyph-name", help="Glyph names.", nargs="*")
help="Face index into a collection to open. Zero based.",
"-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="Only report font-wide statistics."
help="List of space separated locations. A location consist in "
"the name of a variation axis, followed by '=' and a number. E.g.: "
"wght=700 wdth=80. The default is the location of the base master.",
options = parser.parse_args(args)
glyphs = options.glyphs
fontNumber = int(options.y) if options.y is not None else 0
location = {}
for tag_v in options.variations.split():
fields = tag_v.split("=")
tag = fields[0].strip()
v = int(fields[1])
location[tag] = v
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
font = TTFont(options.font, fontNumber=fontNumber)
if not glyphs:
glyphs = font.getGlyphOrder()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys