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# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Converts cubic bezier curves to quadratic splines.
Conversion is performed such that the quadratic splines keep the same end-curve
tangents as the original cubics. The approach is iterative, increasing the
number of segments for a spline until the error gets below a bound.
Respective curves from multiple fonts will be converted at once to ensure that
the resulting splines are interpolation-compatible.
import logging
from fontTools.pens.basePen import AbstractPen
from fontTools.pens.pointPen import PointToSegmentPen
from fontTools.pens.reverseContourPen import ReverseContourPen
from . import curves_to_quadratic
from .errors import (
__all__ = ["fonts_to_quadratic", "font_to_quadratic"]
# The default approximation error below is a relative value (1/1000 of the EM square).
# Later on, we convert it to absolute font units by multiplying it by a font's UPEM
# (see fonts_to_quadratic).
CURVE_TYPE_LIB_KEY = "com.github.googlei18n.cu2qu.curve_type"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_zip = zip
def zip(*args):
"""Ensure each argument to zip has the same length. Also make sure a list is
returned for python 2/3 compatibility.
if len(set(len(a) for a in args)) != 1:
raise UnequalZipLengthsError(*args)
return list(_zip(*args))
class GetSegmentsPen(AbstractPen):
"""Pen to collect segments into lists of points for conversion.
Curves always include their initial on-curve point, so some points are
duplicated between segments.
def __init__(self):
self._last_pt = None
self.segments = []
def _add_segment(self, tag, *args):
if tag in ["move", "line", "qcurve", "curve"]:
self._last_pt = args[-1]
self.segments.append((tag, args))
def moveTo(self, pt):
self._add_segment("move", pt)
def lineTo(self, pt):
self._add_segment("line", pt)
def qCurveTo(self, *points):
self._add_segment("qcurve", self._last_pt, *points)
def curveTo(self, *points):
self._add_segment("curve", self._last_pt, *points)
def closePath(self):
def endPath(self):
def addComponent(self, glyphName, transformation):
def _get_segments(glyph):
"""Get a glyph's segments as extracted by GetSegmentsPen."""
pen = GetSegmentsPen()
# glyph.draw(pen)
# We can't simply draw the glyph with the pen, but we must initialize the
# PointToSegmentPen explicitly with outputImpliedClosingLine=True.
# By default PointToSegmentPen does not outputImpliedClosingLine -- unless
# last and first point on closed contour are duplicated. Because we are
# converting multiple glyphs at the same time, we want to make sure
# this function returns the same number of segments, whether or not
# the last and first point overlap.
pointPen = PointToSegmentPen(pen, outputImpliedClosingLine=True)
return pen.segments
def _set_segments(glyph, segments, reverse_direction):
"""Draw segments as extracted by GetSegmentsPen back to a glyph."""
pen = glyph.getPen()
if reverse_direction:
pen = ReverseContourPen(pen)
for tag, args in segments:
if tag == "move":
elif tag == "line":
elif tag == "curve":
elif tag == "qcurve":
elif tag == "close":
elif tag == "end":
raise AssertionError('Unhandled segment type "%s"' % tag)
def _segments_to_quadratic(segments, max_err, stats, all_quadratic=True):
"""Return quadratic approximations of cubic segments."""
assert all(s[0] == "curve" for s in segments), "Non-cubic given to convert"
new_points = curves_to_quadratic([s[1] for s in segments], max_err, all_quadratic)
n = len(new_points[0])
assert all(len(s) == n for s in new_points[1:]), "Converted incompatibly"
spline_length = str(n - 2)
stats[spline_length] = stats.get(spline_length, 0) + 1
if all_quadratic or n == 3:
return [("qcurve", p) for p in new_points]
return [("curve", p) for p in new_points]
def _glyphs_to_quadratic(glyphs, max_err, reverse_direction, stats, all_quadratic=True):
"""Do the actual conversion of a set of compatible glyphs, after arguments
have been set up.
Return True if the glyphs were modified, else return False.
segments_by_location = zip(*[_get_segments(g) for g in glyphs])
except UnequalZipLengthsError:
raise IncompatibleSegmentNumberError(glyphs)
if not any(segments_by_location):
return False
# always modify input glyphs if reverse_direction is True
glyphs_modified = reverse_direction
new_segments_by_location = []
incompatible = {}
for i, segments in enumerate(segments_by_location):
tag = segments[0][0]
if not all(s[0] == tag for s in segments[1:]):
incompatible[i] = [s[0] for s in segments]
elif tag == "curve":
new_segments = _segments_to_quadratic(
segments, max_err, stats, all_quadratic
if all_quadratic or new_segments != segments:
glyphs_modified = True
segments = new_segments
if glyphs_modified:
new_segments_by_glyph = zip(*new_segments_by_location)
for glyph, new_segments in zip(glyphs, new_segments_by_glyph):
_set_segments(glyph, new_segments, reverse_direction)
if incompatible:
raise IncompatibleSegmentTypesError(glyphs, segments=incompatible)
return glyphs_modified
def glyphs_to_quadratic(
glyphs, max_err=None, reverse_direction=False, stats=None, all_quadratic=True
"""Convert the curves of a set of compatible of glyphs to quadratic.
All curves will be converted to quadratic at once, ensuring interpolation
compatibility. If this is not required, calling glyphs_to_quadratic with one
glyph at a time may yield slightly more optimized results.
Return True if glyphs were modified, else return False.
Raises IncompatibleGlyphsError if glyphs have non-interpolatable outlines.
if stats is None:
stats = {}
if not max_err:
# assume 1000 is the default UPEM
max_err = DEFAULT_MAX_ERR * 1000
if isinstance(max_err, (list, tuple)):
max_errors = max_err
max_errors = [max_err] * len(glyphs)
assert len(max_errors) == len(glyphs)
return _glyphs_to_quadratic(
glyphs, max_errors, reverse_direction, stats, all_quadratic
def fonts_to_quadratic(
"""Convert the curves of a collection of fonts to quadratic.
All curves will be converted to quadratic at once, ensuring interpolation
compatibility. If this is not required, calling fonts_to_quadratic with one
font at a time may yield slightly more optimized results.
Return True if fonts were modified, else return False.
By default, cu2qu stores the curve type in the fonts' lib, under a private
key "com.github.googlei18n.cu2qu.curve_type", and will not try to convert
them again if the curve type is already set to "quadratic".
Setting 'remember_curve_type' to False disables this optimization.
Raises IncompatibleFontsError if same-named glyphs from different fonts
have non-interpolatable outlines.
if remember_curve_type:
curve_types = {f.lib.get(CURVE_TYPE_LIB_KEY, "cubic") for f in fonts}
if len(curve_types) == 1:
curve_type = next(iter(curve_types))
if curve_type in ("quadratic", "mixed"):"Curves already converted to quadratic")
return False
elif curve_type == "cubic":
pass # keep converting
raise NotImplementedError(curve_type)
elif len(curve_types) > 1:
# going to crash later if they do differ
logger.warning("fonts may contain different curve types")
if stats is None:
stats = {}
if max_err_em and max_err:
raise TypeError("Only one of max_err and max_err_em can be specified.")
if not (max_err_em or max_err):
max_err_em = DEFAULT_MAX_ERR
if isinstance(max_err, (list, tuple)):
assert len(max_err) == len(fonts)
max_errors = max_err
elif max_err:
max_errors = [max_err] * len(fonts)
if isinstance(max_err_em, (list, tuple)):
assert len(fonts) == len(max_err_em)
max_errors = [ * e for f, e in zip(fonts, max_err_em)]
elif max_err_em:
max_errors = [ * max_err_em for f in fonts]
modified = False
glyph_errors = {}
for name in set().union(*(f.keys() for f in fonts)):
glyphs = []
cur_max_errors = []
for font, error in zip(fonts, max_errors):
if name in font:
modified |= _glyphs_to_quadratic(
glyphs, cur_max_errors, reverse_direction, stats, all_quadratic
except IncompatibleGlyphsError as exc:
glyph_errors[name] = exc
if glyph_errors:
raise IncompatibleFontsError(glyph_errors)
if modified and dump_stats:
spline_lengths = sorted(stats.keys())
"New spline lengths: %s"
% (", ".join("%s: %d" % (l, stats[l]) for l in spline_lengths))
if remember_curve_type:
for font in fonts:
curve_type = font.lib.get(CURVE_TYPE_LIB_KEY, "cubic")
new_curve_type = "quadratic" if all_quadratic else "mixed"
if curve_type != new_curve_type:
font.lib[CURVE_TYPE_LIB_KEY] = new_curve_type
modified = True
return modified
def glyph_to_quadratic(glyph, **kwargs):
"""Convenience wrapper around glyphs_to_quadratic, for just one glyph.
Return True if the glyph was modified, else return False.
return glyphs_to_quadratic([glyph], **kwargs)
def font_to_quadratic(font, **kwargs):
"""Convenience wrapper around fonts_to_quadratic, for just one font.
Return True if the font was modified, else return False.
return fonts_to_quadratic([font], **kwargs)