File size: 17,512 Bytes
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import re
import torch
import os
import traceback
import numpy as np
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, T5EncoderModel
import ftfy
import html
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.parse as ul
class T5Embedder:
available_models = ['t5-v1_1-xxl']
bad_punct_regex = re.compile(r'['+'#®•©™&@·º½¾¿¡§~'+'\)'+'\('+'\]'+'\['+'\}'+'\{'+'\|'+'\\'+'\/'+'\*' + r']{1,}') # noqa
def __init__(self, device, dir_or_name='t5-v1_1-xxl', *, local_cache=False, cache_dir=None, hf_token=None, use_text_preprocessing=True,
t5_model_kwargs=None, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, use_offload_folder=None, model_max_length=512, padding="max_length", clean_caption_func_name="clean_caption"):
self.device = torch.device(device)
self.torch_dtype = torch_dtype
if t5_model_kwargs is None:
t5_model_kwargs = {'low_cpu_mem_usage': True, 'torch_dtype': self.torch_dtype}
if use_offload_folder is not None:
t5_model_kwargs['offload_folder'] = use_offload_folder
t5_model_kwargs['device_map'] = {
'shared': self.device,
'encoder.embed_tokens': self.device,
'encoder.block.0': self.device,
'encoder.block.1': self.device,
'encoder.block.2': self.device,
'encoder.block.3': self.device,
'encoder.block.4': self.device,
'encoder.block.5': self.device,
'encoder.block.6': self.device,
'encoder.block.7': self.device,
'encoder.block.8': self.device,
'encoder.block.9': self.device,
'encoder.block.10': self.device,
'encoder.block.11': self.device,
'encoder.block.12': 'disk',
'encoder.block.13': 'disk',
'encoder.block.14': 'disk',
'encoder.block.15': 'disk',
'encoder.block.16': 'disk',
'encoder.block.17': 'disk',
'encoder.block.18': 'disk',
'encoder.block.19': 'disk',
'encoder.block.20': 'disk',
'encoder.block.21': 'disk',
'encoder.block.22': 'disk',
'encoder.block.23': 'disk',
'encoder.final_layer_norm': 'disk',
'encoder.dropout': 'disk',
t5_model_kwargs['device_map'] = {'shared': self.device, 'encoder': self.device}
self.use_text_preprocessing = use_text_preprocessing
self.hf_token = hf_token
self.cache_dir = cache_dir or os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/IF_')
self.dir_or_name = dir_or_name
tokenizer_path, path = dir_or_name, dir_or_name
if local_cache:
cache_dir = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, dir_or_name)
tokenizer_path, path = cache_dir, cache_dir
elif dir_or_name in self.available_models:
cache_dir = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, dir_or_name)
for filename in [
'config.json', 'special_tokens_map.json', 'spiece.model', 'tokenizer_config.json',
'pytorch_model.bin.index.json', 'pytorch_model-00001-of-00002.bin', 'pytorch_model-00002-of-00002.bin'
hf_hub_download(repo_id=f'DeepFloyd/{dir_or_name}', filename=filename, cache_dir=cache_dir,
force_filename=filename, token=self.hf_token)
tokenizer_path, path = cache_dir, cache_dir
cache_dir = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, 't5-v1_1-xxl')
for filename in [
'config.json', 'special_tokens_map.json', 'spiece.model', 'tokenizer_config.json',
hf_hub_download(repo_id='DeepFloyd/t5-v1_1-xxl', filename=filename, cache_dir=cache_dir,
force_filename=filename, token=self.hf_token)
tokenizer_path = cache_dir
print(f"Loading T5 from {tokenizer_path}")
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_path)
self.model = T5EncoderModel.from_pretrained(path, **t5_model_kwargs).eval()
self.model_max_length = model_max_length
self.padding = padding
self.clean_caption_func = self.__getattribute__(clean_caption_func_name)
def get_text_embeddings(self, texts):
import time
start_time = time.time()
texts = [self.text_preprocessing(text) for text in texts]
# print("text_preprocessing: ", time.time() - start_time)
text_tokens_and_mask = self.tokenizer(
# print("tokenizer: ", time.time() - start_time)
text_tokens_and_mask['input_ids'] = text_tokens_and_mask['input_ids'].to(self.device)
text_tokens_and_mask['attention_mask'] = text_tokens_and_mask['attention_mask'].to(self.device)
with torch.no_grad():
text_encoder_embs = self.model(
# print("model: ", time.time() - start_time)
return text_encoder_embs, text_tokens_and_mask['attention_mask'], text_tokens_and_mask['input_ids'], texts
def text_preprocessing(self, text):
if self.use_text_preprocessing:
# The exact text cleaning as was in the training stage:
text = self.clean_caption_func(text)
text = self.clean_caption_func(text)
return text
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in text preprocessing: {e} with text: {text}")
return text
return text.lower().strip()
def basic_clean(text):
text = ftfy.fix_text(text)
text = html.unescape(html.unescape(text))
return text.strip()
def clean_caption(self, caption):
caption = str(caption)
caption = ul.unquote_plus(caption)
caption = caption.strip().lower()
caption = re.sub('<person>', 'person', caption)
# urls:
caption = re.sub(
r'\b((?:https?:(?:\/{1,3}|[a-zA-Z0-9%])|[a-zA-Z0-9.\-]+[.](?:com|co|ru|net|org|edu|gov|it)[\w/-]*\b\/?(?!@)))', # noqa
'', caption) # regex for urls
caption = re.sub(
r'\b((?:www:(?:\/{1,3}|[a-zA-Z0-9%])|[a-zA-Z0-9.\-]+[.](?:com|co|ru|net|org|edu|gov|it)[\w/-]*\b\/?(?!@)))', # noqa
'', caption) # regex for urls
# html:
caption = BeautifulSoup(caption, features='html.parser').text
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error parsing caption:{caption} with html.parser: {e}")
# @<nickname>
caption = re.sub(r'@[\w\d]+\b', '', caption)
# 31C0—31EF CJK Strokes
# 31F0—31FF Katakana Phonetic Extensions
# 3200—32FF Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
# 3300—33FF CJK Compatibility
# 3400—4DBF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
# 4DC0—4DFF Yijing Hexagram Symbols
# 4E00—9FFF CJK Unified Ideographs
caption = re.sub(r'[\u31c0-\u31ef]+', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'[\u31f0-\u31ff]+', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'[\u3200-\u32ff]+', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'[\u3300-\u33ff]+', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'[\u3400-\u4dbf]+', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'[\u4dc0-\u4dff]+', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'[\u4e00-\u9fff]+', '', caption)
# все виды тире / all types of dash --> "-"
caption = re.sub(
r'[\u002D\u058A\u05BE\u1400\u1806\u2010-\u2015\u2E17\u2E1A\u2E3A\u2E3B\u2E40\u301C\u3030\u30A0\uFE31\uFE32\uFE58\uFE63\uFF0D]+', # noqa
'-', caption)
# кавычки к одному стандарту
caption = re.sub(r'[`´«»“”¨]', '"', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'[‘’]', "'", caption)
# "
caption = re.sub(r'"?', '', caption)
# &
caption = re.sub(r'&', '', caption)
# ip adresses:
caption = re.sub(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', ' ', caption)
# article ids:
caption = re.sub(r'\d:\d\d\s+$', '', caption)
# \n
caption = re.sub(r'\\n', ' ', caption)
# "#123"
caption = re.sub(r'#\d{1,3}\b', '', caption)
# "#12345.."
caption = re.sub(r'#\d{5,}\b', '', caption)
# "123456.."
caption = re.sub(r'\b\d{6,}\b', '', caption)
# filenames:
caption = re.sub(r'[\S]+\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|bmp|webp|eps|pdf|apk|mp4)', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'[\"\']{2,}', r'"', caption) # """AUSVERKAUFT"""
caption = re.sub(r'[\.]{2,}', r' ', caption) # """AUSVERKAUFT"""
caption = re.sub(self.bad_punct_regex, r' ', caption) # ***AUSVERKAUFT***, #AUSVERKAUFT
caption = re.sub(r'\s+\.\s+', r' ', caption) # " . "
# this-is-my-cute-cat / this_is_my_cute_cat
regex2 = re.compile(r'(?:\-|\_)')
if len(re.findall(regex2, caption)) > 3:
caption = re.sub(regex2, ' ', caption)
caption = self.basic_clean(caption)
caption = re.sub(r'\b[a-zA-Z]{1,3}\d{3,15}\b', '', caption) # jc6640
caption = re.sub(r'\b[a-zA-Z]+\d+[a-zA-Z]+\b', '', caption) # jc6640vc
caption = re.sub(r'\b\d+[a-zA-Z]+\d+\b', '', caption) # 6640vc231
caption = re.sub(r'(worldwide\s+)?(free\s+)?shipping', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'(free\s)?download(\sfree)?', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'\bclick\b\s(?:for|on)\s\w+', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'\b(?:png|jpg|jpeg|bmp|webp|eps|pdf|apk|mp4)(\simage[s]?)?', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'\bpage\s+\d+\b', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'\b\d*[a-zA-Z]+\d+[a-zA-Z]+\d+[a-zA-Z\d]*\b', r' ', caption) # j2d1a2a...
caption = re.sub(r'\b\d+\.?\d*[xх×]\d+\.?\d*\b', '', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'\b\s+\:\s+', r': ', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'(\D[,\./])\b', r'\1 ', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'^[\"\']([\w\W]+)[\"\']$', r'\1', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'^[\'\_,\-\:;]', r'', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'[\'\_,\-\:\-\+]$', r'', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'^\.\S+$', '', caption)
return caption.strip()
def clean_caption_simplify(self, caption):
# 将 caption 转换为字符串
caption = str(caption)
# 解码 URL 编码的字符串
caption = ul.unquote_plus(caption)
# 去除首尾空格并转换为小写
caption = caption.strip().lower()
# 将 '<person>' 替换为 'person'
caption = re.sub('<person>', 'person', caption)
# 移除 URL
caption = re.sub(
'', caption) # 匹配以 http:// 或 https:// 开头的 URL
caption = re.sub(
'', caption) # 匹配以 www. 开头的 URL
# 解析 HTML 并删除 HTML 标签
caption = BeautifulSoup(caption, features='html.parser').text
# 移除 @nickname 标签
caption = re.sub(r'@[\w\d]+\b', '', caption)
# 移除特定 Unicode 范围的字符:CJK 相关字符
caption = re.sub(r'[\u31c0-\u31ef]+', '', caption) # CJK 笔划
caption = re.sub(r'[\u31f0-\u31ff]+', '', caption) # 片假名语音扩展
caption = re.sub(r'[\u3200-\u32ff]+', '', caption) # 圆括号中的 CJK 字母和月份
caption = re.sub(r'[\u3300-\u33ff]+', '', caption) # CJK 兼容性
caption = re.sub(r'[\u3400-\u4dbf]+', '', caption) # CJK 统一表意符号扩展 A
caption = re.sub(r'[\u4dc0-\u4dff]+', '', caption) # 易经卦象符号
caption = re.sub(r'[\u4e00-\u9fff]+', '', caption) # CJK 统一表意符号
# 所有类型的破折号替换为 "-"
caption = re.sub(
'-', caption) # 匹配各种 Unicode 破折号
# 统一不同类型的引号
caption = re.sub(r'[`´«»“”¨]', '"', caption) # 将各种引号替换为标准引号
caption = re.sub(r'[‘’]', "'", caption) # 将左单引号和右单引号替换为标准单引号
# 移除 " 和 &
caption = re.sub(r'"?', '', caption) # 移除 HTML 实体 "
caption = re.sub(r'&', '', caption) # 移除 HTML 实体 &
# 移除 IP 地址
caption = re.sub(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', ' ', caption) # 匹配 IPv4 地址
# 移除文章 ID 格式
caption = re.sub(r'\d:\d\d\s+$', '', caption) # 匹配类似 '1:23 ' 的格式
# 移除 \n 转义字符
caption = re.sub(r'\\n', ' ', caption)
# 移除特定格式的标签
# caption = re.sub(r'#\d{1,3}\b', '', caption) # #123 移除 # 加 1 到 3 位数字的标签
# caption = re.sub(r'#\d{5,}\b', '', caption) # #12345.. 移除 # 加 5 位或以上数字的标签
# caption = re.sub(r'\b\d{6,}\b', '', caption) # 123456.. 移除 6 位或以上的纯数字
# 移除文件名
caption = re.sub(r'[\S]+\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|bmp|webp|eps|pdf|apk|mp4)', '', caption) # 匹配图片和视频文件,匹配完整的文件名,包括文件名本身和扩展名。
# 简化多重引号和点
caption = re.sub(r'[\"\']{2,}', r'"', caption) # 连续的双引号替换为一个双引号
caption = re.sub(r'[\.]{2,}', r' ', caption) # 连续的点替换为空格
# 使用通用标点正则表达式清理无效标点
caption = re.sub(self.bad_punct_regex, r' ', caption) # 自定义的无效标点正则表达式
caption = re.sub(r'\s+\.\s+', r' ', caption) # 移除空格和点
# 过滤带有太多破折号或下划线的文本
regex2 = re.compile(r'(?:\-|\_)')
if len(re.findall(regex2, caption)) > 3:
caption = re.sub(regex2, ' ', caption)
# 基本清理
caption = self.basic_clean(caption)
# 移除特定格式的短字符串
# caption = re.sub(r'\b[a-zA-Z]{1,3}\d{3,15}\b', '', caption) # 匹配三个字母以下加三个数字以上的字符串
# caption = re.sub(r'\b[a-zA-Z]+\d+[a-zA-Z]+\b', '', caption) # 匹配字母数字混合的字符串
# caption = re.sub(r'\b\d+[a-zA-Z]+\d+\b', '', caption) # 匹配数字字母混合的字符串
# 移除特定的广告或指令性短语
# caption = re.sub(r'(worldwide\s+)?(free\s+)?shipping', '', caption) # 匹配 'worldwide free shipping', 'free shipping'
# caption = re.sub(r'(free\s)?download(\sfree)?', '', caption) # 匹配 'free download', 'download free'
# caption = re.sub(r'\bclick\b\s(?:for|on)\s\w+', '', caption) # 匹配 'click for ...' 或 'click on ...'
# caption = re.sub(r'\b(?:png|jpg|jpeg|bmp|webp|eps|pdf|apk|mp4)(\simage[s]?)?', '', caption) # 匹配文件扩展名,匹配独立的扩展名或扩展名后可能跟随的特定词汇的场景
# caption = re.sub(r'\bpage\s+\d+\b', '', caption) # 匹配 'page 123'
# 移除复杂模式的字符串
# caption = re.sub(r'\b\d*[a-zA-Z]+\d+[a-zA-Z]+\d+[a-zA-Z\d]*\b', r' ', caption) # 123A456B789
# 移除特定的矩形标识符
caption = re.sub(r'\b\d+\.?\d*[xх×]\d+\.?\d*\b', '', caption)
# 修复多余的空白和标点
caption = re.sub(r'\b\s+\:\s+', r': ', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'(\D[,\./])\b', r'\1 ', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', caption)
# 去除首尾的多余字符
caption = re.sub(r'^[\"\']([\w\W]+)[\"\']$', r'\1', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'^[\'\_,\-\:;]', r'', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'[\'\_,\-\:\-\+]$', r'', caption)
caption = re.sub(r'^\.\S+$', '', caption)
return caption.strip()