import sys from pathlib import Path from config.settings import Settings from core.git_manager import GitManager from core.file_scanner import FileScanner from utils.file_writer import FileWriter def main(): # コマンドライン引数からパスを取得 if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: python <github_url or directory_path>") return 1 target_path = sys.argv[1] timestamp = Settings.get_timestamp() output_file = Settings.get_output_file(timestamp) # GitHubのURLかローカルパスかを判定 is_github = target_path.startswith(('http://', 'https://')) and '' in target_path try: if is_github: # GitHubリポジトリの場合 clone_dir = Settings.get_clone_dir(timestamp) print(f"Cloning repository: {target_path}") git_manager = GitManager(target_path, clone_dir) git_manager.clone_repository() scanner = FileScanner(clone_dir) cleanup_needed = True else: # ローカルディレクトリの場合 target_dir = Path(target_path) if not target_dir.exists(): print(f"Error: Directory not found: {target_dir}") return 1 scanner = FileScanner(target_dir) cleanup_needed = False # ファイルスキャンと保存 print("Scanning files...") files = scanner.scan_files() print(f"Writing contents to {output_file}") writer = FileWriter(output_file) writer.write_contents(files) print(f"Found {len(files)} files") print(f"Results saved to {output_file}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") return 1 finally: # GitHubリポジトリの場合はクリーンアップ if is_github and cleanup_needed and 'git_manager' in locals(): try: git_manager.cleanup() print("Cleanup completed") except Exception as e: print(f"Cleanup error: {e}") return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())