import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import google.generativeai as genai import whisper import torch import re import numpy as np import tempfile import os import json from pathlib import Path from moviepy import VideoFileClip from import Pipeline # Ensure necessary imports are included import time import ffmpeg # MediaProcessor class handles media processing (transcription and diarization) class MediaProcessor: def __init__(self, auth_token: str): """ Initialize with HuggingFace auth token for speaker diarization """ # Load Whisper model self.whisper_model = whisper.load_model("medium") # Initialize PyAnnote speaker diarization pipeline self.diarization_pipeline = Pipeline.from_pretrained( "pyannote/speaker-diarization-3.0", use_auth_token=auth_token ) self.supported_formats = { 'audio': ['.mp3', '.wav', '.m4a', '.ogg', '.flac'], 'video': ['.mp4', '.avi', '.mov', '.mkv', '.webm'] } def process_media(self, file, progress_bar=None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Process audio or video file and return transcript DataFrame""" file_ext = Path( with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: temp_path = Path(temp_dir) / # Save uploaded file with open(temp_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(file.getvalue()) # Convert video to audio if necessary if file_ext in self.supported_formats['video']: audio_path = self._extract_audio_from_video(temp_path) else: audio_path = temp_path # Process audio return self._process_audio_file(audio_path, progress_bar) def _extract_audio_from_video(self, video_path: Path) -> Path: """Extract audio from video file""" audio_path = video_path.with_suffix('.wav') video = VideoFileClip(str(video_path)) video.close() return audio_path def _process_audio_file(self, audio_path: Path, progress_bar) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Process audio file with transcription and diarization Returns DataFrame with speaker-separated transcript """ if progress_bar: progress_bar.progress(0.1) progress_bar.text("Transcribing audio...") # Transcribe audio using Whisper transcription = self.whisper_model.transcribe(str(audio_path)) if progress_bar: progress_bar.progress(0.5) progress_bar.text("Performing speaker diarization...") # Perform speaker diarization diarization = self.diarization_pipeline(str(audio_path)) if progress_bar: progress_bar.progress(0.8) progress_bar.text("Aligning transcription with speakers...") # Align transcription with speaker segments transcript_data = self._align_transcript_with_speakers( transcription, diarization ) if progress_bar: progress_bar.progress(1.0) progress_bar.text("Processing complete!") return pd.DataFrame(transcript_data) def _align_transcript_with_speakers(self, transcription, diarization): """ Align transcription with speaker segments Returns list of dicts with aligned data """ # Prepare a list to hold the aligned segments segments = [] # Iterate over diarization segments for segment in diarization.itersegments(): speaker = diarization[segment] # Find corresponding text from transcription text = self._find_text_in_timerange( transcription['segments'], segment.start, segment.end ) if text: segments.append({ 'P or C': 'P' if speaker == 'SPEAKER_00' else 'C', 'Content of Utterance': text, 'Start Time': segment.start, 'End Time': segment.end, 'Speaker': speaker }) return segments @staticmethod def _find_text_in_timerange(segments, start_time, end_time): """Find transcribed text within a time range""" relevant_segments = [ seg['text'] for seg in segments if (seg['start'] >= start_time and seg['end'] <= end_time) ] return ' '.join(relevant_segments).strip() # MITIAnalyzer class handles analysis and scoring using Google Gemini API class MITIAnalyzer: def __init__(self, api_key): # Set the API key for Google Gemini genai.configure(api_key=api_key) self.model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-1.5-flash') self.global_scores = { "cultivating_change": None, "softening_sustain-talk": None, "partnership": None, "empathy": None } self.behavior_counts = { "gi": 0, # Giving Information "persuade": 0, "persuade_with": 0, # Persuade with Permission "question": 0, "sr": 0, # Simple Reflection "cr": 0, # Complex Reflection "affirm": 0, "seek": 0, # Seeking Collaboration "emphasize": 0, # Emphasizing Autonomy "confront": 0 } def extract_score(self, response_text): """Extract numerical score from Gemini API response""" # Look for patterns like "Score: X" or "I would rate this as X" score_patterns = [ r"score.*?([1-5])", r"rate.*?([1-5])", r"([1-5]).*?out of 5" ] for pattern in score_patterns: match =, response_text.lower()) if match: return int( return None def analyze_transcript(self, transcript_df): """Analyze transcript and generate all MITI scores""" # Analyze global scores model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-1.5-flash') generation_config = genai.GenerationConfig(max_output_tokens=2048) for dimension in self.global_scores.keys(): prompt = self.load_prompt(f"prompts/prompts/prompts_prompts_0{list(self.global_scores.keys()).index(dimension)+1}-MITI-global-{dimension.replace('_', '-')}.md") full_prompt = f"{prompt}\n\n\n{transcript_df.to_csv(index=False)}\n" response = model.generate_content( full_prompt, generation_config=generation_config ) score = self.extract_score(response.text) self.global_scores[dimension] = score # Analyze behavior counts self.count_behaviors(transcript_df) def count_behaviors(self, transcript_df): """Count specific behaviors in transcript""" model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-1.5-flash') generation_config = genai.GenerationConfig(max_output_tokens=2048) # Create behavior detection prompt behavior_prompt = """ You are an expert in Motivational Interviewing. Analyze the following therapist utterance and identify any of these behaviors: - Giving Information (GI) - Persuade - Persuade with Permission - Question (Q) - Simple Reflection (SR) - Complex Reflection (CR) - Affirm (AF) - Seeking Collaboration (Seek) - Emphasizing Autonomy (Emphasize) - Confront Return results in JSON format, e.g., {"GI":1, "Persuade":0, ...} """ for _, row in transcript_df.iterrows(): if row['P or C'] == 'P': # Provider/Therapist utterance behavior_full_prompt = f"{behavior_prompt}\n\nUtterance: {row['Content of Utterance']}" response = model.generate_content( behavior_full_prompt, generation_config=generation_config ) try: # Extract JSON from response behaviors = json.loads(response.text) for behavior, count in behaviors.items(): key = behavior.lower().replace(" ", "_") if key in self.behavior_counts: self.behavior_counts[key] += count except Exception as e: st.warning(f"Could not parse behaviors for utterance: {row['Content of Utterance']}\nError: {e}") def calculate_summary_scores(self): """Calculate MITI summary scores""" summary = {} # Technical Global if all(self.global_scores[s] is not None for s in ['cultivating_change', 'softening_sustain-talk']): summary['technical'] = (self.global_scores['cultivating_change'] + self.global_scores['softening_sustain-talk']) / 2 # Relational Global if all(self.global_scores[s] is not None for s in ['partnership', 'empathy']): summary['relational'] = (self.global_scores['partnership'] + self.global_scores['empathy']) / 2 # % Complex Reflections total_reflections = self.behavior_counts['sr'] + self.behavior_counts['cr'] if total_reflections > 0: summary['pct_cr'] = (self.behavior_counts['cr'] / total_reflections) * 100 # Reflection-to-Question Ratio if self.behavior_counts['question'] > 0: summary['r_to_q'] = total_reflections / self.behavior_counts['question'] # Total MI-Adherent summary['total_mia'] = (self.behavior_counts['seek'] + self.behavior_counts['affirm'] + self.behavior_counts['emphasize']) # Total MI Non-Adherent summary['total_mina'] = (self.behavior_counts['confront'] + self.behavior_counts['persuade']) return summary @staticmethod def load_prompt(filename): """Load prompt from file""" try: with open(filename, 'r') as f: return except Exception as e: st.error(f"Could not load prompt file: {filename}\nError: {e}") return "" def render_miti_results(analyzer): """Render MITI results in Streamlit""" st.header("MITI Evaluation Results") # Global Scores st.subheader("Global Scores") global_scores_df = pd.DataFrame(analyzer.global_scores.items(), columns=['Dimension', 'Score']) st.table(global_scores_df) # Behavior Counts st.subheader("Behavior Counts") counts_df = pd.DataFrame(analyzer.behavior_counts.items(), columns=['Behavior', 'Count']) st.table(counts_df) # Summary Scores st.subheader("Summary Scores") summary = analyzer.calculate_summary_scores() summary_items = summary.items() if summary_items: summary_df = pd.DataFrame(summary_items, columns=['Metric', 'Value']) st.table(summary_df) else: st.write("No summary scores available.") def export_results(analyzer, export_format): """Export results in specified format""" results = { 'global_scores': analyzer.global_scores, 'behavior_counts': analyzer.behavior_counts, 'summary_scores': analyzer.calculate_summary_scores() } if export_format == "JSON": return json.dumps(results, indent=2) elif export_format == "CSV": # Convert results to CSV format all_results = {**analyzer.global_scores, **analyzer.behavior_counts, **analyzer.calculate_summary_scores()} df = pd.DataFrame(list(all_results.items()), columns=['Metric', 'Value']) return df.to_csv(index=False) elif export_format == "TXT": # Plain text format output = "" output += "Global Scores:\n" for k, v in analyzer.global_scores.items(): output += f"{k}: {v}\n" output += "\nBehavior Counts:\n" for k, v in analyzer.behavior_counts.items(): output += f"{k}: {v}\n" output += "\nSummary Scores:\n" for k, v in analyzer.calculate_summary_scores().items(): output += f"{k}: {v}\n" return output def main(): st.title("MITI Session Analyzer") # Hide Streamlit's default hamburger menu hide_streamlit_style = """ """ st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Initialize processors if 'media_processor' not in st.session_state: if "HF_AUTH_TOKEN" not in st.secrets: st.error("Hugging Face Auth Token not found. Please add it to Streamlit secrets.") return st.session_state.media_processor = MediaProcessor( auth_token=st.secrets["HF_AUTH_TOKEN"] ) if 'miti_analyzer' not in st.session_state: if "GEMINI_API_KEY" not in st.secrets: st.error("Gemini API Key not found. Please add it to Streamlit secrets.") return st.session_state.miti_analyzer = MITIAnalyzer( api_key=st.secrets["GEMINI_API_KEY"] ) # File upload section st.subheader("Upload Session Recording or Transcript") file_type = "Select input type:", ["Audio/Video Recording", "Text Transcript"] ) if file_type == "Audio/Video Recording": supported_formats = ( st.session_state.media_processor.supported_formats['audio'] + st.session_state.media_processor.supported_formats['video'] ) uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( "Upload recording", type=[fmt[1:] for fmt in supported_formats] ) if uploaded_file: progress_bar = st.progress(0) with st.spinner("Processing media file..."): try: transcript_df = st.session_state.media_processor.process_media( uploaded_file, progress_bar ) st.session_state.transcript_df = transcript_df # Display transcript st.subheader("Generated Transcript") st.dataframe(transcript_df) # Allow transcript editing if st.checkbox("Edit Transcript"): st.session_state.transcript_df = st.data_editor( transcript_df, num_rows="dynamic" ) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing file: {str(e)}") else: # Text Transcript uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( "Upload transcript (CSV format)", type=['csv'] ) if uploaded_file: try: transcript_df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) st.session_state.transcript_df = transcript_df st.subheader("Transcript") st.dataframe(transcript_df) # Allow transcript editing if st.checkbox("Edit Transcript"): st.session_state.transcript_df = st.data_editor( transcript_df, num_rows="dynamic" ) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error reading transcript: {str(e)}") # Analysis section if 'transcript_df' in st.session_state: st.subheader("MITI Analysis") if st.button("Generate MITI Ratings"): with st.spinner("Analyzing session..."): st.session_state.miti_analyzer.analyze_transcript( st.session_state.transcript_df ) render_miti_results(st.session_state.miti_analyzer) # Save results st.session_state.last_results = st.session_state.miti_analyzer # Export options if 'last_results' in st.session_state: st.subheader("Export Analysis Report") export_format = st.selectbox( "Select export format", ["JSON", "CSV", "TXT"] ) if st.button("Download Report"): report_data = export_results( st.session_state.last_results, export_format ) file_extension = export_format.lower() st.download_button( label="Download Report", data=report_data, file_name=f"miti_analysis.{file_extension}", mime=f"text/{file_extension}" if export_format != 'JSON' else 'application/json' ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()