import gradio as gr
import pandas as pd
import os
import re
from datetime import datetime
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, HfFolder
LEADERBOARD_FILE = "leaderboard.csv"
GROUND_TRUTH_FILE = "ground_truth.csv"
LAST_UPDATED ="%B %d, %Y")
# Ensure authentication and suppress warnings
HF_TOKEN = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN")
if not HF_TOKEN:
raise ValueError("HF_TOKEN environment variable is not set or invalid.")
def initialize_leaderboard_file():
Ensure the leaderboard file exists and has the correct headers.
if not os.path.exists(LEADERBOARD_FILE):
"Model Name", "Overall Accuracy", "Valid Accuracy",
"Correct Predictions", "Total Questions", "Timestamp"
]).to_csv(LEADERBOARD_FILE, index=False)
elif os.stat(LEADERBOARD_FILE).st_size == 0:
"Model Name", "Overall Accuracy", "Valid Accuracy",
"Correct Predictions", "Total Questions", "Timestamp"
]).to_csv(LEADERBOARD_FILE, index=False)
def clean_answer(answer):
if pd.isna(answer):
return None
answer = str(answer)
clean = re.sub(r'[^A-Da-d]', '', answer)
return clean[0].upper() if clean else None
def update_leaderboard(results):
Append new submission results to the leaderboard file and push updates to the Hugging Face repository.
new_entry = {
"Model Name": results['model_name'],
"Overall Accuracy": round(results['overall_accuracy'] * 100, 2),
"Valid Accuracy": round(results['valid_accuracy'] * 100, 2),
"Correct Predictions": results['correct_predictions'],
"Total Questions": results['total_questions'],
"Timestamp":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
# Update the local leaderboard file
new_entry_df = pd.DataFrame([new_entry])
file_exists = os.path.exists(LEADERBOARD_FILE)
mode='a', # Append mode
header=not file_exists # Write header only if the file is new
print(f"Leaderboard updated successfully at {LEADERBOARD_FILE}")
# Push the updated file to the Hugging Face repository using HTTP API
api = HfApi()
token = HfFolder.get_token()
repo_id="SondosMB/ss", # Your Space repository
print("Leaderboard changes pushed to Hugging Face repository.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error updating leaderboard file: {e}")
def load_leaderboard():
if not os.path.exists(LEADERBOARD_FILE) or os.stat(LEADERBOARD_FILE).st_size == 0:
return pd.DataFrame({
"Model Name": [],
"Overall Accuracy": [],
"Valid Accuracy": [],
"Correct Predictions": [],
"Total Questions": [],
"Timestamp": [],
return pd.read_csv(LEADERBOARD_FILE)
def evaluate_predictions(prediction_file, model_name, add_to_leaderboard):
ground_truth_path = hf_hub_download(
ground_truth_df = pd.read_csv(ground_truth_path)
except FileNotFoundError:
return "Ground truth file not found in the dataset repository.", load_leaderboard()
except Exception as e:
return f"Error loading ground truth: {e}", load_leaderboard()
if not prediction_file:
return "Prediction file not uploaded.", load_leaderboard()
#load predition file
predictions_df = pd.read_csv(
# Validate required columns in prediction file
required_columns = ['question_id', 'predicted_answer']
missing_columns = [col for col in required_columns if col not in predictions_df.columns]
if missing_columns:
return (f"Error: Missing required columns in prediction file: {', '.join(missing_columns)}.",
# Validate 'Answer' column in ground truth file
if 'Answer' not in ground_truth_df.columns:
return "Error: 'Answer' column is missing in the ground truth dataset.", load_leaderboard()
merged_df = pd.merge(predictions_df, ground_truth_df, on='question_id', how='inner')
merged_df['pred_answer'] = merged_df['predicted_answer'].apply(clean_answer)
valid_predictions = merged_df.dropna(subset=['pred_answer'])
correct_predictions = (valid_predictions['pred_answer'] == valid_predictions['Answer']).sum()
total_predictions = len(merged_df)
total_valid_predictions = len(valid_predictions)
overall_accuracy = correct_predictions / total_predictions if total_predictions > 0 else 0
valid_accuracy = correct_predictions / total_valid_predictions if total_valid_predictions > 0 else 0
results = {
'model_name': model_name if model_name else "Unknown Model",
'overall_accuracy': overall_accuracy,
'valid_accuracy': valid_accuracy,
'correct_predictions': correct_predictions,
'total_questions': total_predictions,
if add_to_leaderboard:
return "Evaluation completed and added to leaderboard.", load_leaderboard()
return "Evaluation completed but not added to leaderboard.", load_leaderboard()
except Exception as e:
return f"Error during evaluation: {str(e)}", load_leaderboard()
# Function to set default mode
# Function to set default mode
import gradio as gr
# # Custom CSS to match website style
# # Define CSS to match a modern, professional design
# # Define enhanced CSS for the entire layout
css_tech_theme = """
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/* Submission Section Styling */
/* Submission Section Styling */
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/* Evaluation Status Styling */
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margin-top: 15px;
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font-size: 1em;
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box-shadow: 0 3px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
# Create the Gradio Interface
with gr.Blocks(css=css_tech_theme) as demo:
# Header Section
The Mobile-MMLU Benchmark Competition offers a unique opportunity to evaluate your LLMs in real-world mobile scenarios. Join the challenge to drive innovation, showcase your expertise, and shape the future of mobile AI.
π Mobile-MMLU Challenge
π Pushing the Limits of Mobile LLMs
Why Participate?
The Mobile-MMLU Benchmark Competition is a premier challenge designed to evaluate and advance mobile-optimized Large Language Models (LLMs). This competition is an excellent opportunity to showcase your model's ability to handle real-world scenarios and excel in mobile intelligence.
With a dataset spanning 80 distinct fields and featuring 16,186 questions, the competition emphasizes practical applications, from education and healthcare to technology and daily life.
Participating in this competition allows you to:
Upload your prediction file and provide your model name to evaluate and submit to the leaderboard.