Maybe stupid question but are we required to have health insurance ? Ok so basically our European insurances are enough ? Don't we need a residence permit as well? Hi guys when it is the open day? When does the registration for courses begin? Course registration is the 5th right? So then registration is september 5th? Isn’t course registration on September 22nd? Do you know the last doay of the fall semester? We are in holiday on the 13th of January right ? Is there monthly ticket for all public transport? Hey guys, do you know if there are sport clubs within the school or do we have to go outside? Is there any possibility to drop a course and select another one ? When does course selection start again? Where is the international relations office in south campus? Where is the international relations office? Can we change courses during the add/drop period? What are class quoatas exactly? What is Evin Aslan's e-mail adress? where do i see the sports courses? How do you find the codes for the sport courses? When do classes start? when are orientation days? Does someone know where the fitness gym is located? When is the add/drop period of the courses? Who teaches course EC48T financial modelling and its application using R? What is the room of CHE333? Do I need a student card to enter the campus? In which room is PA211.03? What does NH 303 stand for and where is it? Where is EF 204? Which building has M as abbreviation? Which building is M 2170 in? Where is PE 103.06 taking place? Can you tell me where the room for AD401 is? Where is the John Freely Hall? Which room is PE137.01 in? Where is course AD49B? Where on earth is John Freely Hall? Does anyone know where ib 312 is? Does anyone know which campus/building IB 312 is at? When's the add drop period? Where is NH305? Where is the fine art course (as ceramics) held? Where is course KRD101 taking place? I have class at ib312. Which campus is it at? In which room is TKF111.1? Where will the public Finance course be? Does someone know where the course comparative state and bureaucracy is taking place? In which room does SOC 101 take place? Which room is IE 588 in? anybody knows where the NB Building is? Where does TKF111.02 take place? Which room is CMPE343 in? What is the room of EL405.02? And does someone take POLS373.01 later and knows where that is? Where is AD579? Does someone know at what hour opens the library in North Campus ? Where will sculpting class take place tomorrow? Is the health care center in south campus? Do you know where is the IB 102 room ? Is there a study space or a library on south campus? Where exactly is JF John Freely Hall? Where does the course ED211 take place? Does someone know at what time the add/drop period begins? When does add & drop period end? When did the add and drop start ? Does somebody know when add drop phase ends? How long is the add drop period? Where is the Superdorm? Does anyone know where NB119 is ? Where is TB building? Is TB Building the Anderson hall? where does pilates take place? Does someone know where's Hisar Campus'swimming pool?