Runtime error
Runtime error
{"1202574": [{"question": "What does surname quota restrictions mean?", "id": 597085, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646615, "document_id": 1202574, "question_id": 597085, "text": "The first letter of your surname is not within the range of the surnames of those who can take that course (for example A through M). In these cases, the course will have a section for which you can register.", "answer_start": 179, "answer_end": 387, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What is the meaning of consent restriction?", "id": 597086, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646616, "document_id": 1202574, "question_id": 597086, "text": "The \u201cyou need the consent of the instructor\u201d statement means that you need the personal approval of the instructor in order to be able to register for the course", "answer_start": 515, "answer_end": 676, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What does it mean if there is 0 quota left?", "id": 597088, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646618, "document_id": 1202574, "question_id": 597088, "text": "The quota for that course has been filled.", "answer_start": 19, "answer_end": 61, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What does it mean if instructor consent is required?", "id": 597087, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646617, "document_id": 1202574, "question_id": 597087, "text": "The approval of the instructor is required to register for the class", "answer_start": 705, "answer_end": 773, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "MECA": [{"question": "Which day is meca503.01?", "id": 597098, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646652, "document_id": 1202582, "question_id": 597098, "text": "StStSt", "answer_start": 191, "answer_end": 197, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Who teaches control system design?", "id": 597097, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646647, "document_id": 1202582, "question_id": 597097, "text": "MEHMET AKAR", "answer_start": 332, "answer_end": 343, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173329": [{"question": "How can I make a consent request?", "id": 583826, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644361, "document_id": 1173329, "question_id": 583826, "text": "How to Make a Consent Request\nClick on \u201cConsent Requests\u201d below the main screen and send a message to the instructor of the course. Write a message stating providing name and number of the course you would like to take.", "answer_start": 3358, "answer_end": 3577, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where can I see my schedule?", "id": 583827, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644362, "document_id": 1173329, "question_id": 583827, "text": "Viewing Your Schedule\nBefore sending your schedule for approval, you can use the \u201cSchedule\u201d screen to check whether you have any conflicts in your program. ", "answer_start": 3718, "answer_end": 3874, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "At which time does registration start?", "id": 583825, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644360, "document_id": 1173329, "question_id": 583825, "text": "The registration system opens at 10:00 on the scheduled date.", "answer_start": 1736, "answer_end": 1797, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "When is the withdrawing period?", "id": 583829, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644364, "document_id": 1173329, "question_id": 583829, "text": "the option to withdraw from a class is only available for a certain time period, roughly one month after the Add/Drop Period.", "answer_start": 4785, "answer_end": 4910, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "When is the Add Drop Period?", "id": 583828, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644363, "document_id": 1173329, "question_id": 583828, "text": "Add/Drop Period\nOne week after courses begin, the registration system is reopened the Add/Drop Period, when you can modify your course list by adding or dropping courses.", "answer_start": 4155, "answer_end": 4325, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173332": [{"question": "Where do I see my transcript?", "id": 583836, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644371, "document_id": 1173332, "question_id": 583836, "text": "You can view your transcript by logging into your Bo\u011fazi\u00e7i University account.", "answer_start": 1, "answer_end": 79, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173337": [{"question": "What is the superdorm?", "id": 583841, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644376, "document_id": 1173337, "question_id": 583841, "text": "The SuperdormThe Superdorm is the dormitory where Erasmus+, Exchange, Freemover, and Visiting Students can stay.", "answer_start": 1, "answer_end": 113, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173345": [{"question": "What courses are offered in fine arts?", "id": 583857, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644393, "document_id": 1173345, "question_id": 583857, "text": "Department of Fine Arts offers theoretical and practical courses on ballet, music, ceramics, sculpture, applied arts, graphics, drama, photography and painting.", "answer_start": 0, "answer_end": 160, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where is fine arts department?", "id": 583858, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644394, "document_id": 1173345, "question_id": 583858, "text": "The Department is located in several different buildings on the South Campus. The ground floor of Albert Long Hall houses ballet and music studios; whereas sculpture and ceramics workshops are in the ground floor of the Infirmary. A two-storey Hulya Atelier has been added to the facilities in 2001, which houses two painting studios on the first floor and a dark room and a movie mixing room on the ground floor. Painting, applied arts and photography courses are carried out in these workshops.", "answer_start": 161, "answer_end": 657, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173331": [{"question": "Can I bring visitors to the dormitories?", "id": 583831, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644366, "document_id": 1173331, "question_id": 583831, "text": "All visitors must sign in and leave a photo ID. No alcohol is allowed, and no overnight guests.", "answer_start": 506, "answer_end": 601, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Can I bring visitors to the campus?", "id": 583830, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644365, "document_id": 1173331, "question_id": 583830, "text": "Visitors to the university must have an appointment and must leave a photo ID at the gate. Visitors must leave the campus before midnight.", "answer_start": 351, "answer_end": 489, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173336": [{"question": "Can I make an internship or work while I'm in turkey?", "id": 583840, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644375, "document_id": 1173336, "question_id": 583840, "text": "Foreign nationals who are in Turkey on a Student Residence Permit are not allowed do any kind of paid work, including paid internships.", "answer_start": 0, "answer_end": 136, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173340": [{"question": "Does the university help me with applying for the residence permit?", "id": 583846, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644381, "document_id": 1173340, "question_id": 583846, "text": "The Office of International Relations provides students with the list of documents required for the application and can check your application packet before you submit your documents to review and accept the packets on a pre-arranged date, as described below.", "answer_start": 836, "answer_end": 1095, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Do I need a residence permit?", "id": 583845, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644380, "document_id": 1173340, "question_id": 583845, "text": "After you have entered the Republic of Turkey on a student visa, tourist visa, or e-visa, if you are planning to stay more than 90 days, you must obtain a Residence Permit from the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of the Interior, Directorate of Migration Management", "answer_start": 148, "answer_end": 410, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "How does the application for the residence permit work?", "id": 583848, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644383, "document_id": 1173340, "question_id": 583848, "text": "Application for the Student Residence Permit\n1. Create an account for yourself with the Ministry of the Interior, Directorate General of Migration Management to fill out, download, and print out your Application Form. ( Please wait until after the registration for classes to begin the residence permit application process. We will have an online session for that.)\n2. Assemble the documents required for the Application.\nBe very careful not to miss anything as incomplete document packets are not accepted by the Ministry of the Interior. If you have any questions, please stop by our Office. We can check to make sure you have everything before the submission date.", "answer_start": 2948, "answer_end": 3615, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "When should i apply for residence permit?", "id": 583847, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644382, "document_id": 1173340, "question_id": 583847, "text": "When to apply for the Student Residence Permit \nYour status as a student can be legally verified by the University only after the online course registration period has finished. ", "answer_start": 1969, "answer_end": 2147, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where can I make a photo for the residence permit?", "id": 583850, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644385, "document_id": 1173340, "question_id": 583850, "text": " Closest to the university, there is a shop in Hisar \u00dcst\u00fc, one in Bebek, and one in Levent that takes photographs to official specifications.", "answer_start": 4212, "answer_end": 4353, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Do I need a biometric photo for the residence permit?", "id": 583849, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644384, "document_id": 1173340, "question_id": 583849, "text": "Only biometric photos are accepted", "answer_start": 4036, "answer_end": 4070, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173348": [{"question": "What are the opening times of the library?", "id": 583864, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644400, "document_id": 1173348, "question_id": 583864, "text": "Library is open 24/7 during the academic year (including summer school) and Monday-Friday 09:00 - 17:30 hours during the summer break.", "answer_start": 805, "answer_end": 939, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173322": [{"question": "Where is the superdorm?", "id": 583796, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644348, "document_id": 1173322, "question_id": 583796, "text": "Ucaksavar Campus has housing facilities for the academic staff members as well two dormitories for students (Superdorm and U\u00e7aksavar Dorm)", "answer_start": 0, "answer_end": 138, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where is the Superdorm?", "id": 583820, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644355, "document_id": 1173322, "question_id": 583820, "text": "Ucaksavar Campus has housing facilities for the academic staff members as well two dormitories for students (Superdorm and U\u00e7aksavar Dorm)", "answer_start": 0, "answer_end": 138, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173326": [{"question": "What is the meaning of a 3-credit course?", "id": 583822, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644357, "document_id": 1173326, "question_id": 583822, "text": "A 3-credit course means three hours of weekly lectures or two hours of lectures and two hours of laboratory work every week.", "answer_start": 182, "answer_end": 306, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What is the best grade at Bogazici?", "id": 583823, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644358, "document_id": 1173326, "question_id": 583823, "text": "AA Excellent 4.0", "answer_start": 1511, "answer_end": 1553, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173328": [{"question": "Where can I get a Bogazici E-Mail Address?", "id": 583824, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644359, "document_id": 1173328, "question_id": 583824, "text": "To get an e-mail address, go to the Computer Center, Bo\u011fazi\u00e7i \u0130\u015flem Merkezi, known as \"BIM,\" which is located on the South Campus.", "answer_start": 119, "answer_end": 249, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173333": [{"question": "What can I do with the bogazici student card?", "id": 583833, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644368, "document_id": 1173333, "question_id": 583833, "text": "Is used as a debit card for buying meals in the cafeterias on campus. The cafeterias do not accept cash; the card is the only way to pay for meals.\nAlso functions as your library card.", "answer_start": 587, "answer_end": 771, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "When and where do I get my bogazici student card?", "id": 583832, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644367, "document_id": 1173333, "question_id": 583832, "text": "Bo\u011fazi\u00e7i University Students ID cards are issued at the beginning of the semester. They are prepared after you submit your information for pre-registration and are ready for pick-up from the Office of International Relations typically on the day of Orientation.", "answer_start": 1, "answer_end": 262, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What happens if I lose my student card?", "id": 583835, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644370, "document_id": 1173333, "question_id": 583835, "text": "If you lose your Student ID Card\nYou can ask if anyone has turned it into the Lost and Found (located in the Office of Student Affairs) or apply for a new one from the Office of Student Affairs.", "answer_start": 2121, "answer_end": 2315, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "How can I load money on my student card?", "id": 583834, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644369, "document_id": 1173333, "question_id": 583834, "text": "1. At a Garanti Bank ATMGaranti ATMs are located on the South Campus to the right side of Albert Hall (the clock building) and outside the entrance of the North Campus.\nGo to Payments -> Other Payments -> University Payments -> Bo\u011fazi\u00e7i University -> BUCard, then enter your student number and the amount of funds.", "answer_start": 847, "answer_end": 1161, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173335": [{"question": "Do I need a visa before I enter turkey?", "id": 583837, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644372, "document_id": 1173335, "question_id": 583837, "text": " If your citizenship allows you to enter as a tourist, we recommend you enter with an E-Visa/ stamp", "answer_start": 192, "answer_end": 291, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173339": [{"question": "Where is the next post office from university?", "id": 583844, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644379, "document_id": 1173339, "question_id": 583844, "text": "Nearest Post Office\nThe post office nearest to Bo\u011fazi\u00e7i University is located in Bebek, the village on the Bosporus just below the South Campus.", "answer_start": 98, "answer_end": 242, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "How can I send express post?", "id": 583843, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644378, "document_id": 1173339, "question_id": 583843, "text": "Express Mail\nThere is a DHL office just across the street from the South Gate of the university.", "answer_start": 1, "answer_end": 97, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173341": [{"question": "Do I need health insurance during my time in turkey?", "id": 583851, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644386, "document_id": 1173341, "question_id": 583851, "text": "To apply for a Student Residence Permit, the Republic of Turkey requires that international students prove that they have health insurance for the duration of their stay in Turkey.", "answer_start": 1, "answer_end": 181, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173344": [{"question": "What types of sports are offered at the university?", "id": 583859, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644395, "document_id": 1173344, "question_id": 583859, "text": "aerobics, aikido, football, track and field, badminton, basketball, cycling, fencing, soccer, handball, gymnastics, rowing, table tennis, tennis, taekwondo-do, triathlon, volleyball, sailing and skiing.", "answer_start": 51, "answer_end": 253, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173346": [{"question": "Where is the medical service?", "id": 583860, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644396, "document_id": 1173346, "question_id": 583860, "text": "Medical \nThere is an infirmary on South Campus that provides a 24-hour health service to students faculty and personnel. The center can provide most of non-emergency health care.", "answer_start": 1433, "answer_end": 1611, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What are the canteen opening times on north campus?", "id": 583861, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644397, "document_id": 1173346, "question_id": 583861, "text": "North Campus\nThe main dining hall on the North Campus is the cafeteria, which is open for lunch between noon and 2 p.m. and for dinner between 18.00-19.30, for students, faculty and staff.", "answer_start": 246, "answer_end": 434, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "How long is the canteen on south campus open?", "id": 583862, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644398, "document_id": 1173346, "question_id": 583862, "text": "South Campus\nThe cafeteria on South Campus is open for lunch between noon and 2 p.m", "answer_start": 436, "answer_end": 519, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Is there a post office on the campus?", "id": 583863, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644399, "document_id": 1173346, "question_id": 583863, "text": "Post Office \nThere is a Post Office on the North Campus, at the first floor of the Science and Technology Building ( Kare Blok ) where phonecards, tokens and stamps are sold from 9.00- 16:00, weekdays. A central Post Office with more services is located in Levent.", "answer_start": 2226, "answer_end": 2490, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173338": [{"question": "Can I use my phone while in turkey?", "id": 583842, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644377, "document_id": 1173338, "question_id": 583842, "text": "All phones brought into the country must be registered with the government within 120 days, and after that, must have a local telephone number.", "answer_start": 62, "answer_end": 205, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173343": [{"question": "What is the movie center?", "id": 583855, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644390, "document_id": 1173343, "question_id": 583855, "text": "The aim of the center is to help students interested in movies have a background as well as to support them developing specific skills in making movies for their future careers.", "answer_start": 1, "answer_end": 178, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What can i do at the movie center?", "id": 583856, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644391, "document_id": 1173343, "question_id": 583856, "text": "The activities of the center include showing movies almost every night during the year; preparing retrospective programs on film directors, actors and genres; organizing panel discussions and talks in which world famous directors, actors and critics participate.", "answer_start": 180, "answer_end": 442, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173318": [{"question": "Where is Saritepe Campus?", "id": 583815, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644350, "document_id": 1173318, "question_id": 583815, "text": " Saritepe Campus, near Kilyos on the Black Sea coast is 34 km from South Campus", "answer_start": 455, "answer_end": 534, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1202580": [{"question": " When does the registration for courses begin?", "id": 583676, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646630, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 583676, "text": "September 22-26\tRegistration System Opens (online) (10:00)", "answer_start": 1306, "answer_end": 1364, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " Hi guys when it is the open day?", "id": 583677, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646625, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 583677, "text": "September 20\tOrientation (online)", "answer_start": 1272, "answer_end": 1305, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " Course registration is the 5th right?", "id": 583679, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646624, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 583679, "text": "September 22-26\tRegistration System Opens (online) (10:00)", "answer_start": 1306, "answer_end": 1364, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " So then registration is september 5th?", "id": 583681, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646628, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 583681, "text": "September 22-26\tRegistration System Opens (online) (10:00)", "answer_start": 1306, "answer_end": 1364, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " Isn\u2019t course registration on September 22nd?", "id": 583682, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646627, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 583682, "text": "September 22-26\tRegistration System Opens (online) (10:00)", "answer_start": 1306, "answer_end": 1364, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " We are in holiday on the 13th of January right ?", "id": 583685, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646634, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 583685, "text": "January 2-13\tFinal Exams", "answer_start": 2139, "answer_end": 2163, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "When's the add drop period?", "id": 583751, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646632, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 583751, "text": "October 5-6-7\tCourse add-drop period and late registration (10:00 - 19:00)", "answer_start": 1893, "answer_end": 1967, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " When did the add and drop start ?", "id": 583790, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646633, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 583790, "text": "October 5-6-7\tCourse add-drop period and late registration (10:00 - 19:00)", "answer_start": 1893, "answer_end": 1967, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "When is the add/drop period of the courses?", "id": 583718, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646631, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 583718, "text": "October 5-6-7\tCourse add-drop period and late registration (10:00 - 19:00)", "answer_start": 1893, "answer_end": 1967, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " when are orientation days?", "id": 583716, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646629, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 583716, "text": "September 20\tOrientation (online)", "answer_start": 1272, "answer_end": 1305, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "How long is the add drop period?", "id": 583795, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646626, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 583795, "text": "October 5-6-7\tCourse add-drop period and late registration (10:00 - 19:00)", "answer_start": 1893, "answer_end": 1967, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "When is the withdrawal period?", "id": 597094, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646635, "document_id": 1202580, "question_id": 597094, "text": "November 23-29\tCourse withdrawal period\u00a0(online system closes at 23:59 )", "answer_start": 2034, "answer_end": 2106, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173342": [{"question": "How do i get the student Istanbulkart?", "id": 583853, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644388, "document_id": 1173342, "question_id": 583853, "text": "Application for the Discount Student Istanbulkart \nIn-Person\n1. You will need to request your student Certificate from the Registrar's Office. Y\u00d6KSIS number will be stated in the document. \nWhat is a Y\u00d6KSIS number? Y\u00d6K, the Council of Higher Education, the branch of the central government is responsible for universities. Y\u00d6K assigns each student a unique number, called a Y\u00d6KSIS number.\n2. Collect the following: Student Certificate, Original passport, One photograph, 10TL\n3. Go to the \u0130ETT Main Office in Karak\u00f6y. You may read on other websites that students may apply to other places in the city, but we recommend Karak\u00f6y because it is the main office.\n4. The \u0130ETT official will look up your Y\u00d6KSIS number on the IETT system, and accept the other documents and payment.\n5. They issue the card.", "answer_start": 1103, "answer_end": 1902, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What happens if I lose my Istanbulkart?", "id": 583854, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644389, "document_id": 1173342, "question_id": 583854, "text": " Cancel the lost or stolen card by calling the \u0130ETT call center at 444-1871. Your card has to be canceled before a new one can be issued to your Y\u00d6KSIS number.\nGo to the \u0130ETT main office in Karak\u00f6y and apply to have a replacement card issued. Take your passport with you.", "answer_start": 2365, "answer_end": 2636, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where can I buy the istanbulcard?", "id": 583852, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644387, "document_id": 1173342, "question_id": 583852, "text": "These cards can be purchased with from any of the 2100 counters around the city. ", "answer_start": 296, "answer_end": 377, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1202573": [{"question": "Which building is M 2170 in?", "id": 583736, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646614, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583736, "text": "Perkins Hall", "answer_start": 889, "answer_end": 901, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " Does anyone know where ib 312 is?", "id": 583746, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646600, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583746, "text": "Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences\tSouth Campus", "answer_start": 554, "answer_end": 615, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " Does anyone know where NB119 is ?", "id": 583797, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646601, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583797, "text": "Natuk Birkan [Basement (B)/Entrance Level (Z)]\tSouth Campus", "answer_start": 969, "answer_end": 1028, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Is TB Building the Anderson hall?", "id": 583803, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646605, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583803, "text": "TB\tAnderson Hall", "answer_start": 1128, "answer_end": 1144, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " anybody knows where the NB Building is?", "id": 583769, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646599, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583769, "text": "Natuk Birkan [Basement (B)/Entrance Level (Z)]\tSouth Campus", "answer_start": 969, "answer_end": 1028, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " Where exactly is JF John Freely Hall?", "id": 583784, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646607, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583784, "text": "South Campus", "answer_start": 636, "answer_end": 648, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What does NH 303 stand for and where is it?", "id": 583730, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646606, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583730, "text": "NH/YB\tNew Hall/Yeni Bina\tNorth Campus", "answer_start": 849, "answer_end": 886, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Which building has M as abbreviation?", "id": 583734, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646613, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583734, "text": "Perkins Hall", "answer_start": 889, "answer_end": 901, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where on earth is John Freely Hall?", "id": 583745, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646612, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583745, "text": "South Campus", "answer_start": 636, "answer_end": 648, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " Does anyone know which campus/building IB 312 is at?", "id": 583750, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646602, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583750, "text": "Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences\tSouth Campus", "answer_start": 554, "answer_end": 615, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where is EF 204?", "id": 583733, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646608, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583733, "text": "Faculty of Education\tNorth Campus", "answer_start": 241, "answer_end": 274, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where is NH305?", "id": 583754, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646609, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583754, "text": "North Campus", "answer_start": 874, "answer_end": 886, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where is the John Freely Hall?", "id": 583739, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646611, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583739, "text": "South Campus", "answer_start": 636, "answer_end": 648, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where is the fine art course (as ceramics) held?", "id": 583753, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646610, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583753, "text": "TB\tAnderson Hall", "answer_start": 1128, "answer_end": 1144, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": " Do you know where is the IB 102 room ?", "id": 583781, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646603, "document_id": 1202573, "question_id": 583781, "text": "Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences\tSouth Campus", "answer_start": 554, "answer_end": 615, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1202576": [{"question": "Which bus drives to taksim?", "id": 597090, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646620, "document_id": 1202576, "question_id": 597090, "text": "559C", "answer_start": 95, "answer_end": 99, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Which line goes to sisli?", "id": 597089, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646619, "document_id": 1202576, "question_id": 597089, "text": "59R", "answer_start": 24, "answer_end": 27, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1202577": [{"question": "What is the phone number for a taxi?", "id": 597092, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646622, "document_id": 1202577, "question_id": 597092, "text": "(0212) 265 32 71", "answer_start": 42, "answer_end": 58, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What is the phone number for a taxi?", "id": 597091, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646621, "document_id": 1202577, "question_id": 597091, "text": "(0212) 263 23 32", "answer_start": 14, "answer_end": 30, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What is the phone number for a taxi?", "id": 597093, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646623, "document_id": 1202577, "question_id": 597093, "text": "(0212) 265 32 17", "answer_start": 73, "answer_end": 89, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "PHYL": [{"question": "Where does Physics II take place?", "id": 597106, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646671, "document_id": 1202586, "question_id": 597106, "text": "NH 405 | NH 405 | NH 405", "answer_start": 822, "answer_end": 846, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What is the code for analytical methods in physics?", "id": 597105, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646670, "document_id": 1202586, "question_id": 597105, "text": "PHYS197.01", "answer_start": 1291, "answer_end": 1301, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173319": [{"question": "Where is the Mithat Alam Film Center?", "id": 583816, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644351, "document_id": 1173319, "question_id": 583816, "text": "South Campus also houses two dormitories, Hamlin Hall and Theodorus Hall as well as a number of service facilities including the Infirmary, Kennedy Lodge Faculty Center, University Cultural Heritage Museum, and the Mithat Alam Film Center", "answer_start": 1075, "answer_end": 1313, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173320": [{"question": "Where is New Hall?", "id": 583817, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644352, "document_id": 1173320, "question_id": 583817, "text": "Other major buildings on the North Campus are four large dormitories, New Hall", "answer_start": 810, "answer_end": 888, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173321": [{"question": "Where is the swimming pool?", "id": 583818, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644353, "document_id": 1173321, "question_id": 583818, "text": "Hisar Campus with its 7.942 square meter area, is one of the recently built campuses. The School of Applied Disciplines, Institute of Environmental Sciences, more than 20 classrooms, 3 amphitheaters and a cafeteria are located in this campus. The campus also includes an indoor swimming pool and a gymnasium", "answer_start": 55, "answer_end": 362, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where is the gym?", "id": 583819, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644354, "document_id": 1173321, "question_id": 583819, "text": "Hisar Campus with its 7.942 square meter area, is one of the recently built campuses. The School of Applied Disciplines, Institute of Environmental Sciences, more than 20 classrooms, 3 amphitheaters and a cafeteria are located in this campus. The campus also includes an indoor swimming pool and a gymnasium", "answer_start": 55, "answer_end": 362, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173330": [{"question": "What is Nil\u00fcfer's E-Mail Adress?", "id": 583821, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644356, "document_id": 1173330, "question_id": 583821, "text": "Contact: Nil\u00fcfer K\u0131r\u0131c\u0131, Senior Advisor Email: [email protected]", "answer_start": 241, "answer_end": 314, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1173334": [{"question": "Can I work in turkey?", "id": 583839, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644374, "document_id": 1173334, "question_id": 583839, "text": "To be legally employed in Turkey requires that your prospective employer apply for a permit to hire a non-TC national.", "answer_start": 1234, "answer_end": 1352, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Can I stay longer in turkey after the semester is over?", "id": 583838, "answers": [{"answer_id": 644373, "document_id": 1173334, "question_id": 583838, "text": "As soon as the semester is officially over, you have ten days to leave the country.", "answer_start": 296, "answer_end": 379, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "1202572": [{"question": "What is Evin Aslan's e-mail adress?", "id": 583707, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646595, "document_id": 1202572, "question_id": 583707, "text": "[email protected]", "answer_start": 1014, "answer_end": 1042, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What is the phone number of Nilufer?", "id": 597083, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646596, "document_id": 1202572, "question_id": 597083, "text": "+90 (212) 359 70 92", "answer_start": 132, "answer_end": 151, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "What is the email address of kathryn kranzler?", "id": 597084, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646597, "document_id": 1202572, "question_id": 597084, "text": "[email protected]", "answer_start": 240, "answer_end": 268, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "PE": [{"question": "How many ects do the sports courses give?", "id": 597104, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646666, "document_id": 1202585, "question_id": 597104, "text": "2", "answer_start": 235, "answer_end": 236, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where is PE117 03?", "id": 597103, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646665, "document_id": 1202585, "question_id": 597103, "text": "U\u00c7AKSAVAR", "answer_start": 1042, "answer_end": 1051, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "POLS": [{"question": "At which time of the day is social statistics?", "id": 597107, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646672, "document_id": 1202587, "question_id": 597107, "text": "6767", "answer_start": 479, "answer_end": 483, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Who teaches international politics?", "id": 597108, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646674, "document_id": 1202587, "question_id": 597108, "text": "YEON KYUNG GRACE PARK", "answer_start": 2146, "answer_end": 2167, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "AE": [{"question": "Who is the instructor for chin101.01?", "id": 597111, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646678, "document_id": 1202589, "question_id": 597111, "text": "GUIYUAN YANG", "answer_start": 2957, "answer_end": 2969, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "which day is AE111 02?", "id": 597112, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646680, "document_id": 1202589, "question_id": 597112, "text": "WWF", "answer_start": 184, "answer_end": 187, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "KRD": [{"question": "who is the professor of SOC 465.01?", "id": 597113, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646681, "document_id": 1202591, "question_id": 597113, "text": "CEYLAN ENG\u0130N", "answer_start": 1237, "answer_end": 1249, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Is there a room for soc 504.01?", "id": 597114, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646682, "document_id": 1202591, "question_id": 597114, "text": "No Room specified", "answer_start": 1693, "answer_end": 1710, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "BIO": [{"question": "Which hours is developmental biology?", "id": 597100, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646662, "document_id": 1202583, "question_id": 597100, "text": "124", "answer_start": 2095, "answer_end": 2098, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "Where is biochemistry 1?", "id": 597099, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646657, "document_id": 1202583, "question_id": 597099, "text": "KP 315 | KP 315 | KP 315 | KP 315", "answer_start": 812, "answer_end": 845, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "PHIL": [{"question": "Which room is Phil48P.01 in?", "id": 597101, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646663, "document_id": 1202584, "question_id": 597101, "text": "No Room specified", "answer_start": 1336, "answer_end": 1353, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "How many ects gives history of philosophy 1?", "id": 597102, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646664, "document_id": 1202584, "question_id": 597102, "text": "6", "answer_start": 434, "answer_end": 435, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}], "PSY": [{"question": "What does psy 364 stand for?", "id": 597109, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646675, "document_id": 1202588, "question_id": 597109, "text": "CHILD PSYCHOPATHOLOGY", "answer_start": 1350, "answer_end": 1371, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}, {"question": "At which day is psy 49k?", "id": 597110, "answers": [{"answer_id": 646676, "document_id": 1202588, "question_id": 597110, "text": "No Day specified", "answer_start": 1886, "answer_end": 1902, "answer_category": null}], "is_impossible": false}]} |