#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import warnings import os import plotly as plt import seaborn as sb import plotly.express as px import panel as pn import holoviews as hv import hvplot.pandas import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.io import push_notebook, show from bokeh.io.export import export_png from bokeh.resources import INLINE from bokeh.embed import file_html from bokeh.io import curdoc from bokeh.models import Span, Label from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Button from my_modules import * from datasets import load_dataset os.getcwd() #Silence FutureWarnings & UserWarnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category= FutureWarning) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category= UserWarning) #present_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #input_path = os.path.join(present_dir, 'wetransfer_data-zip_2024-05-17_1431') base_dir = '/code/wetransfer_data-zip_2024-05-17_1431' set_path = 'test' selected_metadata_files = ['Slide_B_DD1s1.one_1.tif.csv', 'Slide_B_DD1s1.one_2.tif.csv'] ls_samples = ['Ashlar_Exposure_Time.csv', 'new_data.csv', 'DD3S1.csv', 'DD3S2.csv', 'DD3S3.csv', 'TMA.csv'] pn.extension() update_button = pn.widgets.Button(name='CSV Files', button_type='primary') def update_samples(event): with open('stored_variables.json', 'r') as file: stored_vars = json.load(file) # ls_samples = stored_vars['ls_samples'] print(ls_samples) update_button.on_click(update_samples) csv_files_button = pn.widgets.Button(icon="clipboard", button_type="primary") indicator = pn.indicators.LoadingSpinner(value=False, size=25) def handle_click(clicks): with open('stored_variables.json', 'r') as file: stored_vars = json.load(file) # ls_samples = stored_vars['ls_samples'] return f'CSV Files Selected: {ls_samples}' pn.Row( csv_files_button, pn.bind(handle_click, csv_files_button.param.clicks), ) # ## I.2. *DIRECTORIES set_path = 'test' # Set base directory directorio_actual = os.getcwd() print(directorio_actual) ##### MAC WORKSTATION ##### #base_dir = r'/Volumes/LaboLabrie/Projets/OC_TMA_Pejovic/Temp/Zoe/CyCIF_pipeline/' ########################### ##### WINDOWS WORKSTATION ##### #base_dir = r'C:\Users\LaboLabrie\gerz2701\cyCIF-pipeline\Set_B' ############################### input_path = base_dir ##### LOCAL WORKSTATION ##### #base_dir = r'/Users/harshithakolipaka/Downloads/wetransfer_data-zip_2024-05-17_1431/' base_dir = input_path print(base_dir) ############################# #set_name = 'Set_A' #set_name = 'test' set_name = set_path project_name = set_name # Project name step_suffix = 'qc_eda' # Curent part (here part I) previous_step_suffix_long = "" # Previous part (here empty) # Initial input data directory input_data_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, project_name + "_data") # QC/EDA output directories # global output output_data_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, project_name + "_" + step_suffix) # images subdirectory output_images_dir = os.path.join(output_data_dir,"images") # Data and Metadata directories # global data metadata_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, project_name + "_metadata") # images subdirectory metadata_images_dir = os.path.join(metadata_dir,"images") # Create directories if they don't already exist for d in [base_dir, input_data_dir, output_data_dir, output_images_dir, metadata_dir, metadata_images_dir]: if not os.path.exists(d): print("Creation of the" , d, "directory...") os.makedirs(d) else : print("The", d, "directory already exists !") os.chdir(input_data_dir) with open('stored_variables.json', 'r') as file: stored_vars = json.load(file) # ls_samples = stored_vars['ls_samples'] selected_metadata_files = stored_vars['selected_metadata_files'] directories = [] for i in [base_dir, input_data_dir, output_data_dir, output_images_dir, metadata_dir, metadata_images_dir]: directories.append(i) directories def print_directories(directories): label_path = [] labels = [ "base_dir", "input_data_dir", "output_data_dir", "output_images_dir", "metadata_dir", "metadata_images_dir" ] for label, path in zip(labels, directories): label_path.append(f"{label} : {path}") return label_path print_directories # Verify paths print('base_dir :', base_dir) print('input_data_dir :', input_data_dir) print('output_data_dir :', output_data_dir) print('output_images_dir :', output_images_dir) print('metadata_dir :', metadata_dir) print('metadata_images_dir :', metadata_images_dir) # ## I.3. FILES # Listing all the .csv files in the metadata/data directory # Don't forget to move the csv files into the proj_data directory # if the data dir is empty it's not going to work #ls_samples = [sample for sample in os.listdir(input_data_dir) if sample.endswith(".csv")] print("The following CSV files were detected:\n\n",[sample for sample in ls_samples], "\n\nin", input_data_dir, "directory.") # In[26]: import os import pandas as pd def combine_and_save_metadata_files(metadata_dir, selected_metadata_files): if len(selected_metadata_files) == []: if not file: warnings.warn("No Ashlar file uploaded. Please upload a valid file.", UserWarning) return elif len(selected_metadata_files) > 1: combined_metadata_df = pd.DataFrame() for file in selected_metadata_files: file_path = os.path.join(metadata_dir, file) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) combined_metadata_df = pd.concat([combined_metadata_df, df], ignore_index=True) combined_metadata_df.to_csv(os.path.join(metadata_dir, "combined_metadata.csv"), index=False) print(f"Combined metadata file saved as 'combined_metadata.csv' in {metadata_dir}") return combined_metadata_df else: if selected_metadata_files: single_file_path = os.path.join(metadata_dir, selected_metadata_files[0]) single_file_df = pd.read_csv(single_file_path) print(f"Only one file selected: {selected_metadata_files[0]}") return single_file_df else: print("No metadata files selected.") return pd.DataFrame() # In[27]: print(combine_and_save_metadata_files(metadata_dir, selected_metadata_files)) # In[28]: ls_samples # In[29]: path = os.path.join(input_data_dir, ls_samples[0]) #df = load_dataset('csv', data_files = path ) df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(input_data_dir, ls_samples[0]),index_col = 0, nrows = 1) df.head(10) # In[30]: # First gather information on expected headers using first file in ls_samples # Read in the first row of the file corresponding to the first sample (index = 0) in ls_samples df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(input_data_dir, ls_samples[0]) , index_col = 0, nrows = 1) # Make sure the file was imported correctly print("df :\n", df.head(), "\n") print("df's columns :\n", df.columns, "\n") print("df's index :\n", df.index, "\n") print("df's index name :\n", df.index.name) # In[31]: df.head() # In[32]: # Verify that the ID column in input file became the index # Verify that the index name column is "ID", if not, rename it if df.index.name != "ID": print("Expected the first column in input file (index_col = 0) to be 'ID'. \n" "This column will be used to set the index names (cell number for each sample). \n" "It appears that the column '" + df.index.name + "' was actually the imported as the index column.") #df.index.name = 'ID' print("A new index name (first column) will be given ('ID') to replace the current one '" + df.index.name + "'\n") # Apply the changes to the headers as specified with apply_header_changes() function (in my_modules.py) # Apply the changes to the dataframe rows as specified with apply_df_changes() function (in my_modules.py) #df = apply_header_changes(df) print(df.index) df.index = df.index.str.replace(r'@1$', '') df = apply_df_changes(df) # Set variable to hold default header values expected_headers = df.columns.values expected_header = True print(expected_header) intial_dataframe = df # Make sure the file is now formated correctly print("\ndf :\n", df.head(), "\n") print("df's columns :\n", df.columns, "\n") print("df's index :\n", df.index, "\n") print("df's index name :\n", df.index.name) # In[33]: df.head() # In[34]: df.head() # In[35]: print("Used " + ls_samples[0] + " to determine the expected and corrected headers for all files.\n") print("These headers are: \n" + ", ".join([h for h in expected_headers])) corrected_headers = True # In[36]: for sample in ls_samples: file_path = os.path.join(input_data_dir,sample) print(file_path) # In[37]: # Import all the others files dfs = {} ############################### # !! This may take a while !! # ############################### errors = [] for sample in ls_samples: file_path = os.path.join(input_data_dir,sample) try: # Read the CSV file df = load_dataset("csv", data_files = file_path) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=0) # Check if the DataFrame is empty, if so, don't continue trying to process df and remove it if not df.empty: # Manipulations necessary for concatenation df = apply_header_changes(df) df = apply_df_changes(df) # Reorder the columns to match the expected headers list #df = df.reindex(columns=expected_headers) print(df.head(1)) print(sample, "file is processed !\n") #print(df) # Compare df's header df against what is expected compare_headers(expected_headers, df.columns.values, sample) #print(df.columns.values) # Add a new colunm to identify the csv file (sample) where the df comes from df['Sample_ID'] = sample except pd.errors.EmptyDataError: errors.append(f'\nEmpty data error in {sample} file. Removing from analysis...') print(f'\nEmpty data error in {sample} file. Removing from analysis...') ls_samples.remove(sample) # Add df to dfs dfs[sample] = df print(dfs) dfs.values() # Merge dfs into one df df = pd.concat(dfs.values(), ignore_index=False , sort = False) del dfs merge = True merged_dataframe = df df.head() # Set index to Sample_ID + cell number : # create a new custom index for df based on the sample names and integer cell numbers, and then remove the temporary columns 'level_0' and 'index' that were introduced during the operations # Creates a copy of the DataFrame df and resets its index without creating a new column for the old index # This essentially removes the old index column and replaces it with a default integer index df = df.copy().reset_index(drop=True) #print(df) # Initializing an empty list index to store the new index labels for the DataFrame index = [] for sample in ls_samples: # Extract a chunk of data from the original df where the 'Sample_ID' column matches the current sample name # This chunk is stored in the df_chunk df, which is a subset of the original data for that specific sample df_chunk = df.loc[df['Sample_ID'] == sample,:].copy() old_index = df_chunk.index # Reset the index of the df_chunk df, removing the old index and replacing it with a default integer index df_chunk = df_chunk.reset_index(drop=True) # A new index is created for the df_chunk df. It combines the sample name with 'Cell_' and the integer index values, converting them to strings # This new index will have labels like 'SampleName_Cell_0', 'SampleName_Cell_1', and so on. sample = sample.split('.')[0] df_chunk = df_chunk.set_index(f'{sample}_Cell_' + df_chunk.index.astype(str)) # The index values of df_chunk are then added to the index list index = index + df_chunk.index.values.tolist() # After processing all the samples in the loop, assign the index list as the new index of the original df. df.index = index # Remove the 'level_0' and 'index' columns from df df = df.loc[:,~df.columns.isin(['level_0','index'])] assigned_new_index = True df.head() # ### I.3.2. NOT_INTENSITIES # not_intensities is the list of the columns unrelated to the markers fluorescence intensities # Can include items that aren't in a given header. #not_intensitiehttp://localhost:8888/lab/tree/Downloads/wetransfer_data-zip_2024-05-17_1431/1_qc_eda.ipynb #I.3.2.-NOT_INTENSITIESs = ['Nuc_X', 'Nuc_X_Inv', 'Nuc_Y', 'Nuc_Y_Inv', 'Nucleus_Roundness', 'Nucleus_Size', 'Cell_Size', # 'ROI_index', 'Sample_ID', 'replicate_ID', 'Cell_ID','cell_type', 'cell_subtype', 'cluster','ID', # 'Cytoplasm_Size', 'immune_checkpoint', 'Unique_ROI_index', 'Patient', 'Primary_chem(1)_vs_surg(0)'] # not_intensities is the list of the columns unrelated to the markers fluorescence intensities # Can include items that aren't in a given header. #not_intensities = ['Nuc_X', 'Nuc_X_Inv', 'Nuc_Y', 'Nuc_Y_Inv', 'Nucleus_Roundness', 'Nucleus_Size', 'Cell_Size', # 'ROI_index', 'Sample_ID', 'replicate_ID', 'Cell_ID','cell_type', 'cell_subtype', 'cluster','ID', # 'Cytoplasm_Size', 'immune_checkpoint', 'Unique_ROI_index', 'Patient', 'Primary_chem(1)_vs_surg(0)'] # Get all column names all_columns = df.columns.tolist() # Create a list to store non-intensity column names not_intensities = [] intensity_columns = [] # Iterate over each column name for column in all_columns: # Check if the column name contains 'Intensity_Average' if 'Intensity_Average' not in column: print(not_intensities) not_intensities.append(column) else: intensity_columns.append(column) # Create a new DataFrame with non-intensity columns not_intensities_df = pd.DataFrame(not_intensities) print("Non-intensity columns:") print(not_intensities) print("non-intensity DataFrame:") not_intensities #print(len(intensity_columns)) pd.DataFrame(not_intensities) path_not_intensities = os.path.join(metadata_dir,"not_intensities.csv") # If this file already exists, add only not_intensities items of the list not already present in file if os.path.exists(path_not_intensities): print("'not_intensities.csv' already exists.") print("Reconciling file and Jupyter notebook lists.") file_not_intensities = open(path_not_intensities, "r") file_ni = file_not_intensities.read().splitlines() # Set difference to identify items not already in file to_add = set(not_intensities) - set(file_ni) # We want not_intensities to the a complete list not_intensities = list(set(file_ni) | set(not_intensities)) file_not_intensities.close() file_not_intensities = open(path_not_intensities, "a") for item in to_add: file_not_intensities.write(item +"\n") file_not_intensities.close() else: # The file does not yet exist print("Could not find " + path_not_intensities + ". Creating now.") file_not_intensities = open(path_not_intensities, "w") for item in not_intensities: file_not_intensities.write(item + "\n") file_not_intensities.close() # In[46]: not_intensities_df = pd.read_csv(path_not_intensities) not_intensities_df # In[47]: # Columns we want to keep: not_intensities, and any intensity column that contains 'Intensity_Average' (drop any intensity marker column that is not a mean intensity) to_keep = not_intensities + [x for x in df.columns.values[~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)] if 'Intensity_Average' in x] to_keep # In[48]: print(len(to_keep) - 1) # In[49]: # However, our to_keep list contains items that might not be in our df headers! # These items are from our not_intensities list. So let's ask for only those items from to_keep that are actually found in our df # Retains only the columns from the to_keep list that are found in the df's headers (columns). # This ensures that we are only keeping the columns that exist in your df, avoiding any potential issues with non-existent column names. # The result is a df containing only the specified columns. df = df[[x for x in to_keep if x in df.columns.values]] df.head() # In[50]: import pandas as pd # Assuming you have a DataFrame named 'df' # df = pd.read_csv('your_file.csv') # Get all column names all_columns = df.columns.tolist() # Create an empty list to store intensity markers intensity_marker = [] # Iterate over each column name for column in all_columns: # Check if the column name contains 'Intensity_Average' if 'Intensity_Average' in column: # Split the column name by underscore parts = column.split('_') # Extract the word before the first underscore marker = parts[0] # Add the marker to the intensity_marker list intensity_marker.append(marker) # Remove duplicates from the intensity_marker list intensity_marker = list(set(intensity_marker)) print("Intensity Markers:") print(intensity_marker) # Create a callback function to update the intensities array def update_intensities(event): global intensities global intensities_df new_intensities = [] selected_columns = [] for marker, cell, cytoplasm, nucleus in zip(marker_options_df['Marker'], marker_options_df['Cell'], marker_options_df['Cytoplasm'], marker_options_df['Nucleus']): if cell: new_intensities.append(f"{marker}_Cell_Intensity_Average") selected_columns.append(f"{marker}_Cell_Intensity_Average") if cytoplasm: new_intensities.append(f"{marker}_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average") selected_columns.append(f"{marker}_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average") if nucleus: new_intensities.append(f"{marker}_Nucleus_Intensity_Average") selected_columns.append(f"{marker}_Nucleus_Intensity_Average") intensities = new_intensities if selected_columns: intensities_df = merged_dataframe[selected_columns] else: intensities_df = pd.DataFrame() print("Updated intensities DataFrame:") print(intensities_df) # In[54]: tabulator_formatters = { 'bool': {'type': 'tickCross'} } # Create a DataFrame with the intensity markers and default values marker_options_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Marker': intensity_marker, 'Cell': [False] * len(intensity_marker), 'Cytoplasm': [False] * len(intensity_marker), 'Nucleus': [False] * len(intensity_marker) }) # Create the Tabulator widget and link the callback function tabulator = pn.widgets.Tabulator(marker_options_df, formatters=tabulator_formatters, sizing_mode='stretch_width') tabulator.param.watch(update_intensities,'value') # Create a Panel layout with the Tabulator widget marker_options_layout = pn.Column(tabulator, sizing_mode="stretch_width") import panel as pn import pandas as pd import random import asyncio # Initialize the Panel extension with Tabulator pn.extension('tabulator') # Create a DataFrame with the intensity markers and default values marker_options_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Marker': intensity_marker, 'Cell': [True] * len(intensity_marker), 'Cytoplasm': [False] * len(intensity_marker), 'Nucleus': [False] * len(intensity_marker) }) # Define formatters for the Tabulator widget tabulator_formatters = { 'Cell': {'type': 'tickCross'}, 'Cytoplasm': {'type': 'tickCross'}, 'Nucleus': {'type': 'tickCross'} } # Create the Tabulator widget tabulator = pn.widgets.Tabulator(marker_options_df, formatters=tabulator_formatters, sizing_mode='stretch_width') # Create a DataFrame to store the initial intensities new_data = [{'Description': f"{marker}_Cell_Intensity_Average"} for marker in intensity_marker if True] new_data_df = pd.DataFrame(new_data) # Create a widget to display the new data as a DataFrame new_data_table = pn.widgets.Tabulator(new_data_df, name='New Data Table', sizing_mode='stretch_width') # Create a button to start the update process run_button = pn.widgets.Button(name="Save Selection", button_type='primary') # Define the update_intensities function def update_intensities(): global new_data, new_data_df new_data = [] for _, row in tabulator.value.iterrows(): marker = row['Marker'] if row['Cell']: new_data.append({'Description': f"{marker}_Cell_Intensity_Average"}) if row['Cytoplasm']: new_data.append({'Description': f"{marker}_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average"}) if row['Nucleus']: new_data.append({'Description': f"{marker}_Nucleus_Intensity_Average"}) new_data_df = pd.DataFrame(new_data) new_data_table.value = new_data_df # Define the runner function async def runner(event): update_intensities() # Bind the runner function to the button run_button.on_click(runner) # Layout updated_intensities = pn.Column(tabulator, run_button, new_data_table, sizing_mode="stretch_width") pn.extension() # Serve the layout #updated_intensities.servable() intensities_df = new_data_table intensities_df intensities_df = pn.pane.DataFrame(intensities_df) intensities_df print(intensities_df) # ## I.4. QC CHECKS def quality_check_results(check_shape, check_no_null,check_zero_intensities): results = [ f"Check Index: {check_index}", f"Check Shape: {check_shape}", f"Check No Null: {check_no_null}", f"Check Zero Intensities: {check_zero_intensities}" ] return pn.Column(*[pn.Row(result) for result in results], sizing_mode="stretch_width") print(ls_samples) def check_index_format(index_str, ls_samples): """ Checks if the given index string follows the specified format. Args: index_str (str): The index string to be checked. ls_samples (list): A list of valid sample names. Returns: bool: True if the index string follows the format, False otherwise. """ # Split the index string into parts parts = index_str.split('_') # Check if there are exactly 3 parts if len(parts) != 3: print(len(parts)) return False # Check if the first part is in ls_samples sample_name = parts[0] if f'{sample_name}.csv' not in ls_samples: print(sample_name) return False # Check if the second part is in ['cell', 'cytoplasm', 'nucleus'] location = parts[1] valid_locations = ['Cell', 'Cytoplasm', 'Nucleus'] if location not in valid_locations: print(location) return False # Check if the third part is a number try: index = int(parts[2]) except ValueError: print(index) return False # If all checks pass, return True return True # In[70]: # Let's take a look at a few features to make sure our dataframe is as expected df.index def check_format_ofindex(index): for index in df.index: check_index = check_index_format(index, ls_samples) if check_index is False: index_format = "Bad" return index_format index_format = "Good" return index_format print(check_format_ofindex(df.index)) # In[71]: df.shape check_index = df.index check_shape = df.shape print(check_shape) # In[72]: # Check for NaN entries (should not be any unless columns do not align) # False means no NaN entries # True means NaN entries df.isnull().any().any() check_no_null = df.isnull().any().any() # In[73]: # Check that all expected files were imported into final dataframe if sorted(df.Sample_ID.unique()) == sorted(ls_samples): print("All expected filenames are present in big df Sample_ID column.") check_all_expected_files_present = "All expected filenames are present in big df Sample_ID column." else: compare_headers(['no samples'], df.Sample_ID.unique(), "big df Sample_ID column") check_all_expected_files_present = compare_headers(['no samples'], df.Sample_ID.unique(), "big df Sample_ID column") print(df.Sample_ID) # In[74]: # Delete rows that have 0 value mean intensities for intensity columns print("df.shape before removing 0 mean values: ", df.shape) # We use the apply method on df to calculate the mean intensity for each row. It's done this by applying a lambda function to each row. # The lambda function excludes the columns listed in the not_intensities list (which are not to be considered for mean intensity calculations) # and calculates the mean of the remaining values in each row. ############################### # !! This may take a while !! # ############################### # Calculate mean intensity excluding 'not_intensities' columns mean_intensity = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)].mean(axis=1) # Check if there are any 0 mean intensity values if (mean_intensity == 0).any(): df = df.loc[mean_intensity > 0, :] print("Shape after removing 0 mean values: ", df.shape) check_zero_intensities = f'df.shape after removing 0 mean values: {df.shape}' else: print("No zero intensity values.") check_zero_intensities = " No zero intensity values found in the DataFrame." # Get quantiles (5th, 50th, 95th) # List of nucleus size percentiles to extract #qs = [0.05,0.50,0.95] #df["Nucleus_Size"].quantile(q=qs) quality_control_df = df quality_control_df.head() # Function to perform quality checks def perform_quality_checks(df, ls_samples, not_intensities): results = {} errors = [] # Check index results['index'] = df.index # Check shape results['shape'] = df.shape # Check for NaN entries results['nan_entries'] = df.isnull().any().any() # Remove rows with 0 mean intensity values mean_intensity = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)].mean(axis=1) if (mean_intensity == 0).any(): df = df.loc[mean_intensity > 0, :] results['zero_intensity_removal'] = f"Zero intensity entires are found and removed. Shape after removing: {df.shape}" else: results['zero_intensity_removal'] = "No zero intensity values found in the DataFrame." return results # Example usage of the function quality_check_results = perform_quality_checks(df, ls_samples, not_intensities) # Print results for key, value in quality_check_results.items(): print(f"{key}: {value}") # In[80]: import panel as pn import pandas as pd def quality_check(file, not_intensities): # Load the output file df = file # Check Index check_index = check_format_ofindex(df.index) # Check Shape check_shape = df.shape # Check for NaN entries check_no_null = df.isnull().any().any() mean_intensity = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)].mean(axis=1) if (mean_intensity == 0).any(): df = df.loc[mean_intensity > 0, :] print("df.shape after removing 0 mean values: ", df.shape) check_zero_intensities = f'df.shape after removing 0 mean values: {df.shape}' else: print("No zero intensity values found in the DataFrame.") check_zero_intensities = "No zero intensities." # Create a quality check results table quality_check_results_table = pd.DataFrame({ 'Check': ['Index', 'Shape', 'Check for NaN Entries', 'Check for Zero Intensities'], 'Result': [str(check_index), str(check_shape), str(check_no_null), check_zero_intensities] }) # Create a quality check results component quality_check_results_component = pn.Card( pn.pane.DataFrame(quality_check_results_table), title="Quality Control Results", header_background="#2196f3", header_color="white", ) return quality_check_results_component quantile_slider = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(name='Quantile', start=0.01, end=0.99, step=0.01, value=0.05) # Function to calculate quantile values def calculate_quantiles(quantile): quantile_value_intensity = df["AF555_Cell_Intensity_Average"].quantile(q=[quantile, 0.50, 1 - quantile]) return quantile_value_intensity # Function to create the Panel app def create_app(quantile = quantile_slider.param.value): quantiles = calculate_quantiles(quantile) output = pd.DataFrame(quantiles) # Create a Markdown widget to display the output output_widget = pn.pane.DataFrame(output) return output_widget # Bind the create_app function to the quantile slider quantile_output_app = pn.bind(create_app, quantile_slider.param.value) #pn.Column(quantile_slider,quantile_output_app).servable() # Function to create the line graph plot using Bokeh def create_line_graph2(quantile): # Calculate histogram hist, edges = np.histogram(df['Nucleus_Size'], bins=30) # Calculate the midpoints of bins for plotting midpoints = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2 # Calculate quantiles qs = [quantile, 0.50, 1.00 - quantile] quantiles = df['Nucleus_Size'].quantile(q=qs).values # Create Bokeh line graph plot p = figure(title='Frequency vs. Nucleus_Size', x_axis_label='Nucleus_Size', y_axis_label='Frequency', width=800, height=400) # Plotting histogram p.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color='skyblue', line_color='black', alpha=0.6) # Plotting line graph p.line(midpoints, hist, line_width=2, color='blue', alpha=0.7) # Add quantile lines for q in quantiles: span = Span(location=q, dimension='height', line_color='red', line_dash='dashed', line_width=2) p.add_layout(span) p.add_layout(Label(x=q, y=max(hist), text=f'{q:.1f}', text_color='red')) return p # Bind the create_line_graph function to the quantile slider nucleus_size_line_graph_with_histogram = pn.bind(create_line_graph2, quantile=quantile_slider.param.value) # Clean the 'Nucleus_Size' column by removing NaN and infinite values df = df[np.isfinite(df['Nucleus_Size'])] # This will keep only finite values # Check if the DataFrame is not empty after cleaning if df.empty: raise ValueError("No valid data available after cleaning.") else: # Calculate the histogram hist, edges = np.histogram(df['Nucleus_Size'], bins=30) print("Histogram calculated successfully.") print("Histogram:", hist) print("Edges:", edges) plot1 = pn.Column(quantile_slider, pn.pane.Bokeh(nucleus_size_line_graph_with_histogram)) #Removing cells based on nucleus size quantile = quantile_slider.value qs = [quantile, 0.50, 1.00 - quantile] quantiles = df['Nucleus_Size'].quantile(q=qs).values threshold = quantiles[2] # In[89]: print(threshold) # In[90]: import panel as pn import pandas as pd import numpy as np from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.models import Span, Label # Define the quantile slider #quantile_slider = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(name='Quantile', start=0.01, end=0.99, step=0.01, value=0.05) # Function to update the threshold and display number of cells removed def update_threshold_and_display(quantile): qs = [quantile, 0.50, 1.00 - quantile] quantiles = df['Nucleus_Size'].quantile(q=qs).values threshold = quantiles[2] # Filter the DataFrame based on the new threshold df_filtered = df.loc[(df['Nucleus_Size'] > 42) & (df['Nucleus_Size'] < threshold)] # Calculate the number of cells removed cells_before_filter = df.shape[0] cells_after_filter = df_filtered.shape[0] cells_removed = cells_before_filter - cells_after_filter # Display the results results = pn.Column( f"Number of cells before filtering: {cells_before_filter}", f"Number of cells after filtering on nucleus size: {cells_after_filter}", f"Number of cells removed: {cells_removed}" ) return results # Bind the update function to the quantile slider results_display = pn.bind(update_threshold_and_display, quantile_slider) # Layout the components in a Panel app layout2 = results_display # In[91]: print("Number of cells before filtering :", df.shape[0]) cells_before_filter = f"Number of cells before filtering :{df.shape[0]}" # Delete small cells and objects w/high AF555 Signal (RBCs) # We usually use the 95th percentile calculated during QC_EDA df = df.loc[(df['Nucleus_Size'] > 42 )] df = df.loc[(df['Nucleus_Size'] < threshold)] cells_after_filter_nucleus_shape = df.shape[0] print("Number of cells after filtering on nucleus size:", df.shape[0]) df = df.loc[(df['AF555_Cell_Intensity_Average'] < 2000)] print("Number of cells after filtering on AF555A ___ intensity:", df.shape[0]) cells_after_filter_intensity_shape = df.shape[0] cells_after_filter_nucleus = f"Number of cells after filtering on nucleus size: {cells_after_filter_nucleus_shape}" cells_after_filter_intensity = f"Number of cells after filtering on AF555A ___ intensity: {cells_after_filter_intensity_shape}" num_of_cell_removal_intensity = cells_after_filter_intensity print(num_of_cell_removal_intensity ) num_of_cell_removal = pn.Column(cells_before_filter, cells_after_filter_nucleus) # Assuming you have a DataFrame 'df' with the intensity columns intensities = df.filter(like='Intensity').columns.tolist() # Create a ColumnDataSource from the DataFrame source = ColumnDataSource(df) # Function to calculate quantile values def calculate_quantiles(column, quantile): quantiles = df[column].quantile(q=[quantile, 0.50, 1 - quantile]).values return quantiles # Create the dropdown menu column_dropdown = pn.widgets.Select(name='Select Column', options=intensities) quantile_slider = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(name='Quantile', start=0.01, end=0.99, step=0.01, value=0.05) # Function to create the Bokeh plot def create_intensity_plot(column, quantile): quantiles = calculate_quantiles(column, quantile) hist, edges = np.histogram(df[column], bins = 30) # Calculate the midpoints of bins for plotting midpoints = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2 # Create Bokeh plot p = figure(title=f'Distribution of {column} with Quantiles', x_axis_label=f'{column} Values', y_axis_label='Frequency', width=800, height=400) p.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right= edges[1:], fill_color='skyblue', line_color='black', alpha=0.7) # Plotting line graph p.line(midpoints, hist, line_width=2, color='blue', alpha=0.7) # Add quantile lines for q in quantiles: span = Span(location=q, dimension='height', line_color='red', line_dash='dashed', line_width=2) p.add_layout(span) p.add_layout(Label(x=q, y=max(hist), text=f'{q:.1f}', text_color='red')) return p # Bind the create_plot function to the quantile slider, column dropdown, and button click marker_intensity_with_histogram = pn.bind(create_intensity_plot,column_dropdown.param.value, quantile_slider.param.value, watch=True) # Create the button generate_plot_button = Button(label='Generate Plot', button_type='primary') def update_plot(column, quantile): plot = create_intensity_plot(column, quantile) plot.renderers[0].data_source = source # Update the data source for the renderer return plot #Display the dropdown menu, quantile slider, button, and plot #plot = update_plot(column_dropdown.param.value, quantile_slider.param.value) def generate_plot(event): updated_plot = update_plot(column_dropdown.param.value, quantile_slider.param.value) #pn.Column(pn.Row(column_dropdown, generate_plot_button), quantile_slider, updated_plot).servable() generate_plot_button.on_click(generate_plot) selected_marker_plot = pn.Column(pn.Row(pn.Column(column_dropdown, marker_intensity_with_histogram ))) #pn.Column(pn.Row(pn.Column(column_dropdown, marker_intensity_with_histogram ), generate_plot_button)).servable() import panel as pn import numpy as np import pandas as pd from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Button, Span, Label # Assuming you have a DataFrame 'df' with the intensity columns intensities = df.filter(like='Intensity').columns.tolist() # Create a ColumnDataSource from the DataFrame source = ColumnDataSource(df) # Function to calculate quantile values def calculate_quantiles(column, quantile): quantiles = df[column].quantile(q=[quantile, 0.50, 1 - quantile]) return quantiles # In[105]: quantile_slider = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(name='Quantile', start=0.01, end=0.99, step=0.01, value=0.05) # Bind the create_line_graph function to the quantile slider #nucleus_size_line_graph = pn.bind(create_line_graph, quantile=quantile_slider.param.value) # Layout the components in a Panel app #nucleus_size_graph = pn.Column(nucleus_size_line_graph) # In[106]: #df["CKs_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average"].quantile(q=qs) # In[107]: len(intensities) if 'CKs_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average' in intensities: print(1) # In[108]: df # In[109]: def calculate_cytoplasm_quantiles(column, quantile): # Print the columns of the DataFrame print("DataFrame columns:", df.columns) # Check if the column exists in the DataFrame if column not in df.columns: raise KeyError(f"Column '{column}' does not exist in the DataFrame.") quantiles = df[column].quantile(q=[quantile, 0.50, 1 - quantile]) return quantiles def create_cytoplasm_intensity_df(column, quantile): quantiles = calculate_cytoplasm_quantiles(column, quantile) output = pd.DataFrame(quantiles) return pn.pane.DataFrame(output) # Bind the create_app function to the quantile slider cytoplasm_quantile_output_app = pn.bind(create_cytoplasm_intensity_df, column='CKs_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average', quantile=quantile_slider.param.value) pn.Column(quantile_slider, cytoplasm_quantile_output_app) # In[110]: def calculate_cytoplasm_quantiles(column, quantile): quantiles = df[column].quantile(q=[quantile, 0.50, 1 - quantile]) return quantiles def create_cytoplasm_intensity_df(column, quantile): quantiles = calculate_cytoplasm_quantiles(column, quantile) output = pd.DataFrame(quantiles) # Create a Dataframe widget to display the output output_widget = pn.pane.DataFrame(output) return output_widget # Bind the create_app function to the quantile slider cytoplasm_quantile_output_app = pn.bind(create_cytoplasm_intensity_df, column='CKs_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average', quantile = quantile_slider.param.value) pn.Column(quantile_slider,cytoplasm_quantile_output_app) # ## I.5. COLUMNS OF INTERESTS # In[111]: # Remove columns containing "DAPI" df = df[[x for x in df.columns.values if 'DAPI' not in x]] print("Columns are now...") print([c for c in df.columns.values]) # In[112]: # Create lists of full names and shortened names to use in plotting full_to_short_names, short_to_full_names = \ shorten_feature_names(df.columns.values[~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)]) short_to_full_names # In[113]: # Save this data to a metadata file filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, "full_to_short_column_names.csv") fh = open(filename, "w") fh.write("full_name,short_name\n") for k,v in full_to_short_names.items(): fh.write(k + "," + v + "\n") fh.close() print("The full_to_short_column_names.csv file was created !") # In[114]: # Save this data to a metadata file filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, "short_to_full_column_names.csv") fh = open(filename, "w") fh.write("short_name,full_name\n") for k,v in short_to_full_names.items(): fh.write(k + "," + v + "\n") fh.close() print("The short_to_full_column_names.csv file was created !") # ## I.6. EXPOSURE TIME # In[115]: #import the ashlar analysis file file_path = os.path.join(metadata_dir, 'combined_metadata.csv') ashlar_analysis = pd.read_csv(file_path) ashlar_analysis # In[116]: # Extracting and renaming columns new_df = ashlar_analysis[['Name', 'Cycle', 'ChannelIndex', 'ExposureTime']].copy() new_df.rename(columns={ 'Name': 'Target', 'Cycle': 'Round', 'ChannelIndex': 'Channel' }, inplace=True) # Applying suffixes to the columns new_df['Round'] = 'R' + new_df['Round'].astype(str) new_df['Channel'] = 'c' + new_df['Channel'].astype(str) # Save to CSV new_df.to_csv('Ashlar_Exposure_Time.csv', index=False) # Print the new dataframe print(new_df) # In[117]: # Here, we want to end up with a data structure that incorporates metadata on each intensity marker column used in our big dataframe in an easy-to-use format. # This is going to include the full name of the intensity marker columns in the big data frame, # the corresponding round and channel, # the target protein (e.g., CD45), # and the segmentation localization information (cell, cytoplasm, nucleus) # We can use this data structure to assign unique colors to all channels and rounds, for example, for use in later visualizations # Exposure_time file from ASHLAR analysis filename = "Exposure_Time.csv" filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) exp_df = pd.read_csv(filename) print(exp_df) # Verify file imported correctly # File length print("df's shape: ", exp_df.shape) # Headers expected_headers =['Round','Target','Exp','Channel'] compare_headers(expected_headers, exp_df.columns.values, "Imported metadata file") # Missingness if exp_df.isnull().any().any(): print("\nexp_df has null value(s) in row(s):") print(exp_df[exp_df.isna().any(axis=1)]) else: print("\nNo null values detected.") # In[118]: if len(exp_df['Target']) > len(exp_df['Target'].unique()): print("One or more non-unique Target values in exp_df. Currently not supported.") exp_df = exp_df.drop_duplicates(subset = 'Target').reindex() # In[119]: # sort exp_df by the values in the 'Target' column in ascending order and then retrieve the first few rows of the sorted df exp_df.sort_values(by = ['Target']).head() # In[120]: # Create lowercase version of target exp_df['target_lower'] = exp_df['Target'].str.lower() exp_df.head() # In[121]: # Create df that contains marker intensity columns in our df that aren't in not_intensities intensities = pd.DataFrame({'full_column':df.columns.values[~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)]}) intensities # In[122]: # Extract the marker information from the `full_column`, which corresponds to full column in big dataframe # Use regular expressions (regex) to isolate the part of the field that begins (^) with an alphanumeric value (W), and ends with an underscore (_) # '$' is end of line intensities['marker'] = intensities['full_column'].str.extract(r'([^\W_]+)') # convert to lowercase intensities['marker_lower'] = intensities['marker'].str.lower() intensities # In[123]: # Subset the intensities df to exclude any column pertaining to DAPI intensities = intensities.loc[intensities['marker_lower'] != 'dapi'] intensities.head() # In[124]: # Merge the intensities andexp_df together to create metadata metadata = pd.merge(exp_df, intensities, how = 'left', left_on = 'target_lower',right_on = 'marker_lower') metadata = metadata.drop(columns = ['marker_lower']) metadata = metadata.dropna() # Target is the capitalization from the Exposure_Time.csv # target_lower is Target in small caps # marker is the extracted first component of the full column in segmentation data, with corresponding capitalization metadata # In[125]: # Add a column to signify marker target localisation. # Use a lambda to determine segmented location of intensity marker column and update metadata accordingly # Using the add_metadata_location() function in my_modules.py metadata['localisation'] = metadata.apply( lambda row: add_metadata_location(row), axis = 1) # In[126]: mlid = metadata # In[127]: # Save this data structure to the metadata folder # don't want to add color in because that's better off treating color the same for round, channel, and sample filename = "marker_intensity_metadata.csv" filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) metadata.to_csv(filename, index = False) print("The marker_intensity_metadata.csv file was created !") # ## I.7. COLORS WORKFLOW # ### I.7.1. CHANNELS COLORS # we want colors that are categorical, since Channel is a non-ordered category (yes, they are numbered, but arbitrarily). # A categorical color palette will have dissimilar colors. # Get those unique colors if len(metadata.Channel.unique()) > 10: print("WARNING: There are more unique channel values than \ there are colors to choose from. Select different palette, e.g., \ continuous palette 'husl'.") channel_color_values = sb.color_palette("bright",n_colors = len(metadata.Channel.unique())) # chose 'colorblind' because it is categorical and we're unlikely to have > 10 # You can customize the colors for each channel here custom_colors = { 'c2': 'lightgreen', 'c3': 'tomato', 'c4': 'pink', 'c5': 'turquoise' } custom_colors_values = sb.palplot(sb.color_palette([custom_colors.get(ch, 'blue') for ch in metadata.Channel.unique()])) # Display those unique customs colors print("Unique channels are:", metadata.Channel.unique()) sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(channel_color_values)) # In[131]: # Function to create a palette plot with custom colors def create_palette_plot(): # Get unique channels unique_channels = metadata.Channel.unique() # Define custom colors for each channel custom_colors = { 'c2': 'lightgreen', 'c3': 'tomato', 'c4': 'pink', 'c5': 'turquoise' } # Get custom colors for each channel colors = [custom_colors.get(ch, 'blue') for ch in unique_channels] # Create a palette plot (palplot) palette_plot = sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(colors)) channel_color_values = sb.color_palette("bright",n_colors = len(metadata.Channel.unique())) channel_color_values = sb.palplot(channel_color_values) return palette_plot, channel_color_values # Create the palette plot directly palette_plot = create_palette_plot() # Define the Panel app layout app_palette_plot = pn.Column( pn.pane.Markdown("### Custom Color Palette"), palette_plot, ) # Function to create a palette plot with custom colors def create_palette_plot(custom_colors): # Get unique channels unique_channels = metadata.Channel.unique() # Get custom colors for each channel colors = [custom_colors.get(ch, 'blue') for ch in unique_channels] # Create a palette plot (palplot) palette_plot = sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(colors)) return palette_plot # Define custom colors for each channel custom_colors = { 'c2': 'lightgreen', 'c3': 'tomato', 'c4': 'pink', 'c5': 'turquoise' } # Display those unique customs colo print("Unique channels are:", metadata.Channel.unique()) # Function to bind create_palette_plot app_palette_plot = create_palette_plot(custom_colors) #app_palette_plot.servable() # In[133]: # Store in a dictionary channel_color_dict = dict(zip(metadata.Channel.unique(), channel_color_values)) channel_color_dict for k,v in channel_color_dict.items(): channel_color_dict[k] = np.float64(v) channel_color_dict # In[134]: color_df_channel = color_dict_to_df(channel_color_dict, "Channel") # Save to file in metadatadirectory filename = "channel_color_data.csv" filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) color_df_channel.to_csv(filename, index = False) color_df_channel # In[135]: # Legend of channel info only g = plt.figure(figsize = (1,1)).add_subplot(111) g.axis('off') handles = [] for item in channel_color_dict.keys(): h = g.bar(0,0, color = channel_color_dict[item], label = item, linewidth =0) handles.append(h) first_legend = plt.legend(handles=handles, loc='upper right', title = 'Channel'), # box_to_anchor=(10,10), # bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) filename = "Channel_legend.png" filename = os.path.join(metadata_images_dir, filename) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = 'tight') # ### I.7.2. ROUNDS COLORS # we want colors that are sequential, since Round is an ordered category. # We can still generate colors that are easy to distinguish. Also, many of the categorical palettes cap at at about 10 or so unique colors, and repeat from there. # We do not want any repeats! round_color_values = sb.cubehelix_palette( len(metadata.Round.unique()), start=1, rot= -0.75, dark=0.19, light=.85, reverse=True) # round_color_values = sb.color_palette("cubehelix",n_colors = len(metadata.Round.unique())) # chose 'cubehelix' because it is sequential, and round is a continuous process # each color value is a tuple of three values: (R, G, B) print(metadata.Round.unique()) sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(round_color_values)) ## TO-DO: write what these parameters mean # In[137]: # Store in a dictionary round_color_dict = dict(zip(metadata.Round.unique(), round_color_values)) for k,v in round_color_dict.items(): round_color_dict[k] = np.float64(v) round_color_dict # In[138]: color_df_round = color_dict_to_df(round_color_dict, "Round") # Save to file in metadatadirectory filename = "round_color_data.csv" filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) color_df_round.to_csv(filename, index = False) color_df_round # Legend of round info only round_legend = plt.figure(figsize = (1,1)).add_subplot(111) round_legend.axis('off') handles = [] for item in round_color_dict.keys(): h = round_legend.bar(0,0, color = round_color_dict[item], label = item, linewidth =0) handles.append(h) first_legend = plt.legend(handles=handles, loc='upper right', title = 'Round'), # bbox_to_anchor=(10,10), # bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) filename = "Round_legend.png" filename = os.path.join(metadata_images_dir, filename) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = 'tight') # ### I.7.3. SAMPLES COLORS # In[140]: # we want colors that are neither sequential nor categorical. # Categorical would be ideal if we could generate an arbitrary number of colors, but I do not think that we can. # Hense, we will choose `n` colors from a continuous palette. First we will generate the right number of colors. Later, we will assign TMA samples to gray. # Get those unique colors color_values = sb.color_palette("husl",n_colors = len(ls_samples))#'HLS' # each color value is a tuple of three values: (R, G, B) # Display those unique colors sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(color_values)) # In[141]: TMA_samples = [s for s in df.Sample_ID.unique() if 'TMA' in s] TMA_color_values = sb.color_palette(n_colors = len(TMA_samples),palette = "gray") sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(TMA_color_values)) # In[142]: # Store in a dictionary color_dict = dict() color_dict = dict(zip(df.Sample_ID.unique(), color_values)) # Replace all TMA samples' colors with gray i = 0 for key in color_dict.keys(): if 'TMA' in key: color_dict[key] = TMA_color_values[i] i +=1 color_dict color_df_sample = color_dict_to_df(color_dict, "Sample_ID") # Save to file in metadatadirectory filename = "sample_color_data.csv" filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) color_df_sample.to_csv(filename, index = False) color_df_sample # Legend of sample info only g = plt.figure(figsize = (1,1)).add_subplot(111) g.axis('off') handles = [] for item in color_dict.keys(): h = g.bar(0,0, color = color_dict[item], label = item, linewidth =0) handles.append(h) first_legend = plt.legend(handles=handles, loc='upper right', title = 'Sample') filename = "Sample_legend.png" filename = os.path.join(metadata_images_dir, filename) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = 'tight') # ### I.7.4. CLUSTERS COLORS '''if 'cluster' in df.columns: cluster_color_values = sb.color_palette("hls",n_colors = len(df.cluster.unique())) #print(sorted(test_df.cluster.unique())) # Display those unique colors sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(cluster_color_values)) cluster_color_dict = dict(zip(sorted(test_df.cluster.unique()), cluster_color_values)) print(cluster_color_dict) # Create dataframe cluster_color_df = color_dict_to_df(cluster_color_dict, "cluster") cluster_color_df.head() # Save to file in metadatadirectory filename = "cluster_color_data.csv" filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) cluster_color_df.to_csv(filename, index = False) # Legend of cluster info only if 'cluster' in df.columns: g = plt.figure(figsize = (1,1)).add_subplot(111) g.axis('off') handles = [] for item in sorted(cluster_color_dict.keys()): h = g.bar(0,0, color = cluster_color_dict[item], label = item, linewidth =0) handles.append(h) first_legend = plt.legend(handles=handles, loc='upper right', title = 'Cluster'), filename = "Clustertype_legend.png" filename = os.path.join(metadata_images_dir, filename) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = 'tight')''' mlid.head() metadata import io import panel as pn pn.extension() file_input = pn.widgets.FileInput() file_input def transform_data(variable, window, sigma): """Calculates the rolling average and identifies outliers""" avg = metadata[variable].rolling(window=window).mean() residual = metadata[variable] - avg std = residual.rolling(window=window).std() outliers = np.abs(residual) > std * sigma return avg, avg[outliers] def get_plot(variable="Exp", window=30, sigma=10): """Plots the rolling average and the outliers""" avg, highlight = transform_data(variable, window, sigma) return avg.hvplot( height=300, legend=False, ) * highlight.hvplot.scatter(padding=0.1, legend=False) variable_widget = pn.widgets.Select(name="Target", value="Exp", options=list(metadata.columns)) window_widget = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name="window", value=30, start=1, end=60) sigma_widget = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name="sigma", value=10, start=0, end=20) app = pn.template.GoldenTemplate( site="Cyc-IF", title="Quality Control", main=[ pn.Tabs( ("Dataframes", pn.Column( pn.Row(csv_files_button,pn.bind(handle_click, csv_files_button.param.clicks)), pn.pane.Markdown("### The Dataframe uploaded:"), pn.pane.DataFrame(intial_dataframe), #pn.pane.Markdown("### The Exposure time DataFrame is :"), pn.pane.DataFrame(exp_df.head()), pn.pane.Markdown("### The DataFrame after merging CycIF data x metadata :"), pn.pane.DataFrame(merged_dataframe.head()), )), ("Quality Control", pn.Column( quality_check(quality_control_df, not_intensities) #pn.pane.Markdown("### The Quality check results are:"), quality_check_results(check_shape, check_no_null, check_all_expected_files_present, check_zero_intensities) )), ("Intensities", pn.Column( pn.pane.Markdown("### The Not Intensities DataFrame after processing is :"), pn.pane.DataFrame(not_intensities_df, height=250), pn.pane.Markdown("### Select Intensities to be included"), updated_intensities, #pn.pane.Markdown("### The Intensities DataFrame"), intensities_df, #pn.pane.Markdown("### The metadata obtained that specifies the localisation:"), pn.pane.DataFrame(mlid.head()) )), ("Plots", pn.Column( #pn.pane.Markdown(" ### Nucleus Size Distribution: "), pn.Row(nucleus_size_line_graph_with_histogram, num_of_cell_removal), #pn.pane.Markdown(" ### Nucleus Size Distribution: "), pn.Row(plot1,layout2), #pn.pane.Markdown("### Nucleus Distribution Plot:"), pn.Column(nucleus_size_plot, nucleus_size_graph), pn.pane.Markdown(" ### Intensity Average Plot:"), pn.Row(selected_marker_plot,num_of_cell_removal_intensity ), #pn.Column(pn.Column(column_dropdown, generate_plot_button), quantile_slider, plot), #pn.pane.Markdown("### Cytoplasm Intensity Plot:"), cytoplasm_intensity_plot, #pn.pane.Markdown("### AF555_Cell_Intensity_Average:"), quantile_output_app, #pn.pane.Markdown("### Distribution of AF555_Cell_Intensity_Average with Quantiles:"), quantile_intensity_plot) )), ), ]) app.servable() if __name__ == "__main__": pn.serve(app, port=5007)