#!/usr/bin/env python | |
# coding: utf-8 | |
import warnings | |
import os | |
import plotly as plt | |
import seaborn as sb | |
import as px | |
import panel as pn | |
import holoviews as hv | |
import hvplot.pandas | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import json | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from bokeh.plotting import figure | |
from import push_notebook, show | |
from import export_png | |
from bokeh.resources import INLINE | |
from bokeh.embed import file_html | |
from import curdoc | |
from bokeh.models import Span, Label | |
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Button | |
from my_modules import * | |
from datasets import load_dataset | |
#Silence FutureWarnings & UserWarnings | |
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category= FutureWarning) | |
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category= UserWarning) | |
base_dir = 'wetransfer_data-zip_2024-05-17_1431/' | |
set_path = 'test' | |
selected_metadata_files = "['Slide_B_DD1s1.one_1.tif.csv', 'Slide_B_DD1s1.one_2.tif.csv']" | |
ls_samples = "['Ashlar_Exposure_Time.csv', 'new_data.csv', 'DD3S1.csv', 'DD3S2.csv', 'DD3S3.csv', 'TMA.csv']" | |
pn.extension() | |
update_button = pn.widgets.Button(name='CSV Files', button_type='primary') | |
def update_samples(event): | |
with open('stored_variables.json', 'r') as file: | |
stored_vars = json.load(file) | |
# ls_samples = stored_vars['ls_samples'] | |
print(ls_samples) | |
update_button.on_click(update_samples) | |
csv_files_button = pn.widgets.Button(icon="clipboard", button_type="primary") | |
indicator = pn.indicators.LoadingSpinner(value=False, size=25) | |
def handle_click(clicks): | |
with open('stored_variables.json', 'r') as file: | |
stored_vars = json.load(file) | |
# ls_samples = stored_vars['ls_samples'] | |
return f'CSV Files Selected: {ls_samples}' | |
pn.Row( | |
csv_files_button, | |
pn.bind(handle_click, csv_files_button.param.clicks), | |
) | |
# ## I.2. *DIRECTORIES | |
set_path = 'test' | |
# Set base directory | |
directorio_actual = os.getcwd() | |
print(directorio_actual) | |
##### MAC WORKSTATION ##### | |
#base_dir = r'/Volumes/LaboLabrie/Projets/OC_TMA_Pejovic/Temp/Zoe/CyCIF_pipeline/' | |
########################### | |
#base_dir = r'C:\Users\LaboLabrie\gerz2701\cyCIF-pipeline\Set_B' | |
############################### | |
input_path = base_dir | |
##### LOCAL WORKSTATION ##### | |
#base_dir = r'/Users/harshithakolipaka/Downloads/wetransfer_data-zip_2024-05-17_1431/' | |
base_dir = input_path | |
print(base_dir) | |
############################# | |
#set_name = 'Set_A' | |
#set_name = 'test' | |
set_name = set_path | |
project_name = set_name # Project name | |
step_suffix = 'qc_eda' # Curent part (here part I) | |
previous_step_suffix_long = "" # Previous part (here empty) | |
# Initial input data directory | |
input_data_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, project_name + "_data") | |
# QC/EDA output directories | |
# global output | |
output_data_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, project_name + "_" + step_suffix) | |
# images subdirectory | |
output_images_dir = os.path.join(output_data_dir,"images") | |
# Data and Metadata directories | |
# global data | |
metadata_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, project_name + "_metadata") | |
# images subdirectory | |
metadata_images_dir = os.path.join(metadata_dir,"images") | |
# Create directories if they don't already exist | |
for d in [base_dir, input_data_dir, output_data_dir, output_images_dir, metadata_dir, metadata_images_dir]: | |
if not os.path.exists(d): | |
print("Creation of the" , d, "directory...") | |
os.makedirs(d) | |
else : | |
print("The", d, "directory already exists !") | |
os.chdir(input_data_dir) | |
with open('stored_variables.json', 'r') as file: | |
stored_vars = json.load(file) | |
# ls_samples = stored_vars['ls_samples'] | |
selected_metadata_files = stored_vars['selected_metadata_files'] | |
directories = [] | |
for i in [base_dir, input_data_dir, output_data_dir, output_images_dir, metadata_dir, metadata_images_dir]: | |
directories.append(i) | |
directories | |
def print_directories(directories): | |
label_path = [] | |
labels = [ | |
"base_dir", | |
"input_data_dir", | |
"output_data_dir", | |
"output_images_dir", | |
"metadata_dir", | |
"metadata_images_dir" | |
] | |
for label, path in zip(labels, directories): | |
label_path.append(f"{label} : {path}") | |
return label_path | |
print_directories | |
# Verify paths | |
print('base_dir :', base_dir) | |
print('input_data_dir :', input_data_dir) | |
print('output_data_dir :', output_data_dir) | |
print('output_images_dir :', output_images_dir) | |
print('metadata_dir :', metadata_dir) | |
print('metadata_images_dir :', metadata_images_dir) | |
# ## I.3. FILES | |
# Listing all the .csv files in the metadata/data directory | |
# Don't forget to move the csv files into the proj_data directory | |
# if the data dir is empty it's not going to work | |
#ls_samples = [sample for sample in os.listdir(input_data_dir) if sample.endswith(".csv")] | |
print("The following CSV files were detected:\n\n",[sample for sample in ls_samples], "\n\nin", input_data_dir, "directory.") | |
# In[26]: | |
import os | |
import pandas as pd | |
def combine_and_save_metadata_files(metadata_dir, selected_metadata_files): | |
if len(selected_metadata_files) == []: | |
if not file: | |
warnings.warn("No Ashlar file uploaded. Please upload a valid file.", UserWarning) | |
return | |
elif len(selected_metadata_files) > 1: | |
combined_metadata_df = pd.DataFrame() | |
for file in selected_metadata_files: | |
file_path = os.path.join(metadata_dir, file) | |
df = pd.read_csv(file_path) | |
combined_metadata_df = pd.concat([combined_metadata_df, df], ignore_index=True) | |
combined_metadata_df.to_csv(os.path.join(metadata_dir, "combined_metadata.csv"), index=False) | |
print(f"Combined metadata file saved as 'combined_metadata.csv' in {metadata_dir}") | |
return combined_metadata_df | |
else: | |
if selected_metadata_files: | |
single_file_path = os.path.join(metadata_dir, selected_metadata_files[0]) | |
single_file_df = pd.read_csv(single_file_path) | |
print(f"Only one file selected: {selected_metadata_files[0]}") | |
return single_file_df | |
else: | |
print("No metadata files selected.") | |
return pd.DataFrame() | |
# In[27]: | |
print(combine_and_save_metadata_files(metadata_dir, selected_metadata_files)) | |
# In[28]: | |
ls_samples | |
# In[29]: | |
path = os.path.join(input_data_dir, ls_samples[0]) | |
#df = load_dataset('csv', data_files = path ) | |
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(input_data_dir, ls_samples[0]),index_col = 0, nrows = 1) | |
df.head(10) | |
# In[30]: | |
# First gather information on expected headers using first file in ls_samples | |
# Read in the first row of the file corresponding to the first sample (index = 0) in ls_samples | |
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(input_data_dir, ls_samples[0]) , index_col = 0, nrows = 1) | |
# Make sure the file was imported correctly | |
print("df :\n", df.head(), "\n") | |
print("df's columns :\n", df.columns, "\n") | |
print("df's index :\n", df.index, "\n") | |
print("df's index name :\n", | |
# In[31]: | |
df.head() | |
# In[32]: | |
# Verify that the ID column in input file became the index | |
# Verify that the index name column is "ID", if not, rename it | |
if != "ID": | |
print("Expected the first column in input file (index_col = 0) to be 'ID'. \n" | |
"This column will be used to set the index names (cell number for each sample). \n" | |
"It appears that the column '" + + "' was actually the imported as the index column.") | | = 'ID' | |
print("A new index name (first column) will be given ('ID') to replace the current one '" + + "'\n") | |
# Apply the changes to the headers as specified with apply_header_changes() function (in | |
# Apply the changes to the dataframe rows as specified with apply_df_changes() function (in | |
#df = apply_header_changes(df) | |
print(df.index) | |
df.index = df.index.str.replace(r'@1$', '') | |
df = apply_df_changes(df) | |
# Set variable to hold default header values | |
expected_headers = df.columns.values | |
expected_header = True | |
print(expected_header) | |
intial_dataframe = df | |
# Make sure the file is now formated correctly | |
print("\ndf :\n", df.head(), "\n") | |
print("df's columns :\n", df.columns, "\n") | |
print("df's index :\n", df.index, "\n") | |
print("df's index name :\n", | |
# In[33]: | |
df.head() | |
# In[34]: | |
df.head() | |
# In[35]: | |
print("Used " + ls_samples[0] + " to determine the expected and corrected headers for all files.\n") | |
print("These headers are: \n" + ", ".join([h for h in expected_headers])) | |
corrected_headers = True | |
# In[36]: | |
for sample in ls_samples: | |
file_path = os.path.join(input_data_dir,sample) | |
print(file_path) | |
# In[37]: | |
# Import all the others files | |
dfs = {} | |
############################### | |
# !! This may take a while !! # | |
############################### | |
errors = [] | |
for sample in ls_samples: | |
file_path = os.path.join(input_data_dir,sample) | |
try: | |
# Read the CSV file | |
df = load_dataset("csv", data_files = file_path) | |
df = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=0) | |
# Check if the DataFrame is empty, if so, don't continue trying to process df and remove it | |
if not df.empty: | |
# Manipulations necessary for concatenation | |
df = apply_header_changes(df) | |
df = apply_df_changes(df) | |
# Reorder the columns to match the expected headers list | |
#df = df.reindex(columns=expected_headers) | |
print(df.head(1)) | |
print(sample, "file is processed !\n") | |
#print(df) | |
# Compare df's header df against what is expected | |
compare_headers(expected_headers, df.columns.values, sample) | |
#print(df.columns.values) | |
# Add a new colunm to identify the csv file (sample) where the df comes from | |
df['Sample_ID'] = sample | |
except pd.errors.EmptyDataError: | |
errors.append(f'\nEmpty data error in {sample} file. Removing from analysis...') | |
print(f'\nEmpty data error in {sample} file. Removing from analysis...') | |
ls_samples.remove(sample) | |
# Add df to dfs | |
dfs[sample] = df | |
print(dfs) | |
dfs.values() | |
# Merge dfs into one df | |
df = pd.concat(dfs.values(), ignore_index=False , sort = False) | |
del dfs | |
merge = True | |
merged_dataframe = df | |
df.head() | |
# Set index to Sample_ID + cell number : | |
# create a new custom index for df based on the sample names and integer cell numbers, and then remove the temporary columns 'level_0' and 'index' that were introduced during the operations | |
# Creates a copy of the DataFrame df and resets its index without creating a new column for the old index | |
# This essentially removes the old index column and replaces it with a default integer index | |
df = df.copy().reset_index(drop=True) | |
#print(df) | |
# Initializing an empty list index to store the new index labels for the DataFrame | |
index = [] | |
for sample in ls_samples: | |
# Extract a chunk of data from the original df where the 'Sample_ID' column matches the current sample name | |
# This chunk is stored in the df_chunk df, which is a subset of the original data for that specific sample | |
df_chunk = df.loc[df['Sample_ID'] == sample,:].copy() | |
old_index = df_chunk.index | |
# Reset the index of the df_chunk df, removing the old index and replacing it with a default integer index | |
df_chunk = df_chunk.reset_index(drop=True) | |
# A new index is created for the df_chunk df. It combines the sample name with 'Cell_' and the integer index values, converting them to strings | |
# This new index will have labels like 'SampleName_Cell_0', 'SampleName_Cell_1', and so on. | |
sample = sample.split('.')[0] | |
df_chunk = df_chunk.set_index(f'{sample}_Cell_' + df_chunk.index.astype(str)) | |
# The index values of df_chunk are then added to the index list | |
index = index + df_chunk.index.values.tolist() | |
# After processing all the samples in the loop, assign the index list as the new index of the original df. | |
df.index = index | |
# Remove the 'level_0' and 'index' columns from df | |
df = df.loc[:,~df.columns.isin(['level_0','index'])] | |
assigned_new_index = True | |
df.head() | |
# ### I.3.2. NOT_INTENSITIES | |
# not_intensities is the list of the columns unrelated to the markers fluorescence intensities | |
# Can include items that aren't in a given header. | |
#not_intensitiehttp://localhost:8888/lab/tree/Downloads/wetransfer_data-zip_2024-05-17_1431/1_qc_eda.ipynb | |
#I.3.2.-NOT_INTENSITIESs = ['Nuc_X', 'Nuc_X_Inv', 'Nuc_Y', 'Nuc_Y_Inv', 'Nucleus_Roundness', 'Nucleus_Size', 'Cell_Size', | |
# 'ROI_index', 'Sample_ID', 'replicate_ID', 'Cell_ID','cell_type', 'cell_subtype', 'cluster','ID', | |
# 'Cytoplasm_Size', 'immune_checkpoint', 'Unique_ROI_index', 'Patient', 'Primary_chem(1)_vs_surg(0)'] | |
# not_intensities is the list of the columns unrelated to the markers fluorescence intensities | |
# Can include items that aren't in a given header. | |
#not_intensities = ['Nuc_X', 'Nuc_X_Inv', 'Nuc_Y', 'Nuc_Y_Inv', 'Nucleus_Roundness', 'Nucleus_Size', 'Cell_Size', | |
# 'ROI_index', 'Sample_ID', 'replicate_ID', 'Cell_ID','cell_type', 'cell_subtype', 'cluster','ID', | |
# 'Cytoplasm_Size', 'immune_checkpoint', 'Unique_ROI_index', 'Patient', 'Primary_chem(1)_vs_surg(0)'] | |
# Get all column names | |
all_columns = df.columns.tolist() | |
# Create a list to store non-intensity column names | |
not_intensities = [] | |
intensity_columns = [] | |
# Iterate over each column name | |
for column in all_columns: | |
# Check if the column name contains 'Intensity_Average' | |
if 'Intensity_Average' not in column: | |
print(not_intensities) | |
not_intensities.append(column) | |
else: | |
intensity_columns.append(column) | |
# Create a new DataFrame with non-intensity columns | |
not_intensities_df = pd.DataFrame(not_intensities) | |
print("Non-intensity columns:") | |
print(not_intensities) | |
print("non-intensity DataFrame:") | |
not_intensities | |
#print(len(intensity_columns)) | |
pd.DataFrame(not_intensities) | |
path_not_intensities = os.path.join(metadata_dir,"not_intensities.csv") | |
# If this file already exists, add only not_intensities items of the list not already present in file | |
if os.path.exists(path_not_intensities): | |
print("'not_intensities.csv' already exists.") | |
print("Reconciling file and Jupyter notebook lists.") | |
file_not_intensities = open(path_not_intensities, "r") | |
file_ni = | |
# Set difference to identify items not already in file | |
to_add = set(not_intensities) - set(file_ni) | |
# We want not_intensities to the a complete list | |
not_intensities = list(set(file_ni) | set(not_intensities)) | |
file_not_intensities.close() | |
file_not_intensities = open(path_not_intensities, "a") | |
for item in to_add: | |
file_not_intensities.write(item +"\n") | |
file_not_intensities.close() | |
else: | |
# The file does not yet exist | |
print("Could not find " + path_not_intensities + ". Creating now.") | |
file_not_intensities = open(path_not_intensities, "w") | |
for item in not_intensities: | |
file_not_intensities.write(item + "\n") | |
file_not_intensities.close() | |
# In[46]: | |
not_intensities_df = pd.read_csv(path_not_intensities) | |
not_intensities_df | |
# In[47]: | |
# Columns we want to keep: not_intensities, and any intensity column that contains 'Intensity_Average' (drop any intensity marker column that is not a mean intensity) | |
to_keep = not_intensities + [x for x in df.columns.values[~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)] if 'Intensity_Average' in x] | |
to_keep | |
# In[48]: | |
print(len(to_keep) - 1) | |
# In[49]: | |
# However, our to_keep list contains items that might not be in our df headers! | |
# These items are from our not_intensities list. So let's ask for only those items from to_keep that are actually found in our df | |
# Retains only the columns from the to_keep list that are found in the df's headers (columns). | |
# This ensures that we are only keeping the columns that exist in your df, avoiding any potential issues with non-existent column names. | |
# The result is a df containing only the specified columns. | |
df = df[[x for x in to_keep if x in df.columns.values]] | |
df.head() | |
# In[50]: | |
import pandas as pd | |
# Assuming you have a DataFrame named 'df' | |
# df = pd.read_csv('your_file.csv') | |
# Get all column names | |
all_columns = df.columns.tolist() | |
# Create an empty list to store intensity markers | |
intensity_marker = [] | |
# Iterate over each column name | |
for column in all_columns: | |
# Check if the column name contains 'Intensity_Average' | |
if 'Intensity_Average' in column: | |
# Split the column name by underscore | |
parts = column.split('_') | |
# Extract the word before the first underscore | |
marker = parts[0] | |
# Add the marker to the intensity_marker list | |
intensity_marker.append(marker) | |
# Remove duplicates from the intensity_marker list | |
intensity_marker = list(set(intensity_marker)) | |
print("Intensity Markers:") | |
print(intensity_marker) | |
# Create a callback function to update the intensities array | |
def update_intensities(event): | |
global intensities | |
global intensities_df | |
new_intensities = [] | |
selected_columns = [] | |
for marker, cell, cytoplasm, nucleus in zip(marker_options_df['Marker'], marker_options_df['Cell'], marker_options_df['Cytoplasm'], marker_options_df['Nucleus']): | |
if cell: | |
new_intensities.append(f"{marker}_Cell_Intensity_Average") | |
selected_columns.append(f"{marker}_Cell_Intensity_Average") | |
if cytoplasm: | |
new_intensities.append(f"{marker}_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average") | |
selected_columns.append(f"{marker}_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average") | |
if nucleus: | |
new_intensities.append(f"{marker}_Nucleus_Intensity_Average") | |
selected_columns.append(f"{marker}_Nucleus_Intensity_Average") | |
intensities = new_intensities | |
if selected_columns: | |
intensities_df = merged_dataframe[selected_columns] | |
else: | |
intensities_df = pd.DataFrame() | |
print("Updated intensities DataFrame:") | |
print(intensities_df) | |
# In[54]: | |
tabulator_formatters = { | |
'bool': {'type': 'tickCross'} | |
} | |
# Create a DataFrame with the intensity markers and default values | |
marker_options_df = pd.DataFrame({ | |
'Marker': intensity_marker, | |
'Cell': [False] * len(intensity_marker), | |
'Cytoplasm': [False] * len(intensity_marker), | |
'Nucleus': [False] * len(intensity_marker) | |
}) | |
# Create the Tabulator widget and link the callback function | |
tabulator = pn.widgets.Tabulator(marker_options_df, formatters=tabulator_formatters, sizing_mode='stretch_width') | |,'value') | |
# Create a Panel layout with the Tabulator widget | |
marker_options_layout = pn.Column(tabulator, sizing_mode="stretch_width") | |
import panel as pn | |
import pandas as pd | |
import random | |
import asyncio | |
# Initialize the Panel extension with Tabulator | |
pn.extension('tabulator') | |
# Create a DataFrame with the intensity markers and default values | |
marker_options_df = pd.DataFrame({ | |
'Marker': intensity_marker, | |
'Cell': [True] * len(intensity_marker), | |
'Cytoplasm': [False] * len(intensity_marker), | |
'Nucleus': [False] * len(intensity_marker) | |
}) | |
# Define formatters for the Tabulator widget | |
tabulator_formatters = { | |
'Cell': {'type': 'tickCross'}, | |
'Cytoplasm': {'type': 'tickCross'}, | |
'Nucleus': {'type': 'tickCross'} | |
} | |
# Create the Tabulator widget | |
tabulator = pn.widgets.Tabulator(marker_options_df, formatters=tabulator_formatters, sizing_mode='stretch_width') | |
# Create a DataFrame to store the initial intensities | |
new_data = [{'Description': f"{marker}_Cell_Intensity_Average"} for marker in intensity_marker if True] | |
new_data_df = pd.DataFrame(new_data) | |
# Create a widget to display the new data as a DataFrame | |
new_data_table = pn.widgets.Tabulator(new_data_df, name='New Data Table', sizing_mode='stretch_width') | |
# Create a button to start the update process | |
run_button = pn.widgets.Button(name="Save Selection", button_type='primary') | |
# Define the update_intensities function | |
def update_intensities(): | |
global new_data, new_data_df | |
new_data = [] | |
for _, row in tabulator.value.iterrows(): | |
marker = row['Marker'] | |
if row['Cell']: | |
new_data.append({'Description': f"{marker}_Cell_Intensity_Average"}) | |
if row['Cytoplasm']: | |
new_data.append({'Description': f"{marker}_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average"}) | |
if row['Nucleus']: | |
new_data.append({'Description': f"{marker}_Nucleus_Intensity_Average"}) | |
new_data_df = pd.DataFrame(new_data) | |
new_data_table.value = new_data_df | |
# Define the runner function | |
async def runner(event): | |
update_intensities() | |
# Bind the runner function to the button | |
run_button.on_click(runner) | |
# Layout | |
updated_intensities = pn.Column(tabulator, run_button, new_data_table, sizing_mode="stretch_width") | |
pn.extension() | |
# Serve the layout | |
#updated_intensities.servable() | |
intensities_df = new_data_table | |
intensities_df | |
intensities_df = pn.pane.DataFrame(intensities_df) | |
intensities_df | |
print(intensities_df) | |
# ## I.4. QC CHECKS | |
def quality_check_results(check_shape, check_no_null,check_zero_intensities): | |
results = [ | |
f"Check Index: {check_index}", | |
f"Check Shape: {check_shape}", | |
f"Check No Null: {check_no_null}", | |
f"Check Zero Intensities: {check_zero_intensities}" | |
] | |
return pn.Column(*[pn.Row(result) for result in results], sizing_mode="stretch_width") | |
print(ls_samples) | |
def check_index_format(index_str, ls_samples): | |
""" | |
Checks if the given index string follows the specified format. | |
Args: | |
index_str (str): The index string to be checked. | |
ls_samples (list): A list of valid sample names. | |
Returns: | |
bool: True if the index string follows the format, False otherwise. | |
""" | |
# Split the index string into parts | |
parts = index_str.split('_') | |
# Check if there are exactly 3 parts | |
if len(parts) != 3: | |
print(len(parts)) | |
return False | |
# Check if the first part is in ls_samples | |
sample_name = parts[0] | |
if f'{sample_name}.csv' not in ls_samples: | |
print(sample_name) | |
return False | |
# Check if the second part is in ['cell', 'cytoplasm', 'nucleus'] | |
location = parts[1] | |
valid_locations = ['Cell', 'Cytoplasm', 'Nucleus'] | |
if location not in valid_locations: | |
print(location) | |
return False | |
# Check if the third part is a number | |
try: | |
index = int(parts[2]) | |
except ValueError: | |
print(index) | |
return False | |
# If all checks pass, return True | |
return True | |
# In[70]: | |
# Let's take a look at a few features to make sure our dataframe is as expected | |
df.index | |
def check_format_ofindex(index): | |
for index in df.index: | |
check_index = check_index_format(index, ls_samples) | |
if check_index is False: | |
index_format = "Bad" | |
return index_format | |
index_format = "Good" | |
return index_format | |
print(check_format_ofindex(df.index)) | |
# In[71]: | |
df.shape | |
check_index = df.index | |
check_shape = df.shape | |
print(check_shape) | |
# In[72]: | |
# Check for NaN entries (should not be any unless columns do not align) | |
# False means no NaN entries | |
# True means NaN entries | |
df.isnull().any().any() | |
check_no_null = df.isnull().any().any() | |
# In[73]: | |
# Check that all expected files were imported into final dataframe | |
if sorted(df.Sample_ID.unique()) == sorted(ls_samples): | |
print("All expected filenames are present in big df Sample_ID column.") | |
check_all_expected_files_present = "All expected filenames are present in big df Sample_ID column." | |
else: | |
compare_headers(['no samples'], df.Sample_ID.unique(), "big df Sample_ID column") | |
check_all_expected_files_present = compare_headers(['no samples'], df.Sample_ID.unique(), "big df Sample_ID column") | |
print(df.Sample_ID) | |
# In[74]: | |
# Delete rows that have 0 value mean intensities for intensity columns | |
print("df.shape before removing 0 mean values: ", df.shape) | |
# We use the apply method on df to calculate the mean intensity for each row. It's done this by applying a lambda function to each row. | |
# The lambda function excludes the columns listed in the not_intensities list (which are not to be considered for mean intensity calculations) | |
# and calculates the mean of the remaining values in each row. | |
############################### | |
# !! This may take a while !! # | |
############################### | |
# Calculate mean intensity excluding 'not_intensities' columns | |
mean_intensity = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)].mean(axis=1) | |
# Check if there are any 0 mean intensity values | |
if (mean_intensity == 0).any(): | |
df = df.loc[mean_intensity > 0, :] | |
print("Shape after removing 0 mean values: ", df.shape) | |
check_zero_intensities = f'df.shape after removing 0 mean values: {df.shape}' | |
else: | |
print("No zero intensity values.") | |
check_zero_intensities = " No zero intensity values found in the DataFrame." | |
# Get quantiles (5th, 50th, 95th) | |
# List of nucleus size percentiles to extract | |
#qs = [0.05,0.50,0.95] | |
#df["Nucleus_Size"].quantile(q=qs) | |
quality_control_df = df | |
quality_control_df.head() | |
# Function to perform quality checks | |
def perform_quality_checks(df, ls_samples, not_intensities): | |
results = {} | |
errors = [] | |
# Check index | |
results['index'] = df.index | |
# Check shape | |
results['shape'] = df.shape | |
# Check for NaN entries | |
results['nan_entries'] = df.isnull().any().any() | |
# Remove rows with 0 mean intensity values | |
mean_intensity = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)].mean(axis=1) | |
if (mean_intensity == 0).any(): | |
df = df.loc[mean_intensity > 0, :] | |
results['zero_intensity_removal'] = f"Zero intensity entires are found and removed. Shape after removing: {df.shape}" | |
else: | |
results['zero_intensity_removal'] = "No zero intensity values found in the DataFrame." | |
return results | |
# Example usage of the function | |
quality_check_results = perform_quality_checks(df, ls_samples, not_intensities) | |
# Print results | |
for key, value in quality_check_results.items(): | |
print(f"{key}: {value}") | |
# In[80]: | |
import panel as pn | |
import pandas as pd | |
def quality_check(file, not_intensities): | |
# Load the output file | |
df = file | |
# Check Index | |
check_index = check_format_ofindex(df.index) | |
# Check Shape | |
check_shape = df.shape | |
# Check for NaN entries | |
check_no_null = df.isnull().any().any() | |
mean_intensity = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)].mean(axis=1) | |
if (mean_intensity == 0).any(): | |
df = df.loc[mean_intensity > 0, :] | |
print("df.shape after removing 0 mean values: ", df.shape) | |
check_zero_intensities = f'df.shape after removing 0 mean values: {df.shape}' | |
else: | |
print("No zero intensity values found in the DataFrame.") | |
check_zero_intensities = "No zero intensities." | |
# Create a quality check results table | |
quality_check_results_table = pd.DataFrame({ | |
'Check': ['Index', 'Shape', 'Check for NaN Entries', 'Check for Zero Intensities'], | |
'Result': [str(check_index), str(check_shape), str(check_no_null), check_zero_intensities] | |
}) | |
# Create a quality check results component | |
quality_check_results_component = pn.Card( | |
pn.pane.DataFrame(quality_check_results_table), | |
title="Quality Control Results", | |
header_background="#2196f3", | |
header_color="white", | |
) | |
return quality_check_results_component | |
quantile_slider = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(name='Quantile', start=0.01, end=0.99, step=0.01, value=0.05) | |
# Function to calculate quantile values | |
def calculate_quantiles(quantile): | |
quantile_value_intensity = df["AF555_Cell_Intensity_Average"].quantile(q=[quantile, 0.50, 1 - quantile]) | |
return quantile_value_intensity | |
# Function to create the Panel app | |
def create_app(quantile = quantile_slider.param.value): | |
quantiles = calculate_quantiles(quantile) | |
output = pd.DataFrame(quantiles) | |
# Create a Markdown widget to display the output | |
output_widget = pn.pane.DataFrame(output) | |
return output_widget | |
# Bind the create_app function to the quantile slider | |
quantile_output_app = pn.bind(create_app, quantile_slider.param.value) | |
#pn.Column(quantile_slider,quantile_output_app).servable() | |
# Function to create the line graph plot using Bokeh | |
def create_line_graph2(quantile): | |
# Calculate histogram | |
hist, edges = np.histogram(df['Nucleus_Size'], bins=30) | |
# Calculate the midpoints of bins for plotting | |
midpoints = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2 | |
# Calculate quantiles | |
qs = [quantile, 0.50, 1.00 - quantile] | |
quantiles = df['Nucleus_Size'].quantile(q=qs).values | |
# Create Bokeh line graph plot | |
p = figure(title='Frequency vs. Nucleus_Size', | |
x_axis_label='Nucleus_Size', | |
y_axis_label='Frequency', | |
width=800, height=400) | |
# Plotting histogram | |
p.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], | |
fill_color='skyblue', line_color='black', alpha=0.6) | |
# Plotting line graph | |
p.line(midpoints, hist, line_width=2, color='blue', alpha=0.7) | |
# Add quantile lines | |
for q in quantiles: | |
span = Span(location=q, dimension='height', line_color='red', line_dash='dashed', line_width=2) | |
p.add_layout(span) | |
p.add_layout(Label(x=q, y=max(hist), text=f'{q:.1f}', text_color='red')) | |
return p | |
# Bind the create_line_graph function to the quantile slider | |
nucleus_size_line_graph_with_histogram = pn.bind(create_line_graph2, quantile=quantile_slider.param.value) | |
# Layout the components in a Panel app | |
#nucleus_size_line_graph_with_histogram = pn.Column(create_line_graph2(quantile = quantile_slider.param.value)) | |
#nucleus_size_line_graph_with_histogram.servable() | |
# Layout the components in a Panel app | |
plot1 = pn.Column(quantile_slider, pn.pane.Bokeh(nucleus_size_line_graph_with_histogram)) | |
#plot1.servable() | |
#Removing cells based on nucleus size | |
quantile = quantile_slider.value | |
qs = [quantile, 0.50, 1.00 - quantile] | |
quantiles = df['Nucleus_Size'].quantile(q=qs).values | |
threshold = quantiles[2] | |
# In[89]: | |
print(threshold) | |
# In[90]: | |
import panel as pn | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
from bokeh.plotting import figure | |
from bokeh.models import Span, Label | |
# Define the quantile slider | |
#quantile_slider = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(name='Quantile', start=0.01, end=0.99, step=0.01, value=0.05) | |
# Function to update the threshold and display number of cells removed | |
def update_threshold_and_display(quantile): | |
qs = [quantile, 0.50, 1.00 - quantile] | |
quantiles = df['Nucleus_Size'].quantile(q=qs).values | |
threshold = quantiles[2] | |
# Filter the DataFrame based on the new threshold | |
df_filtered = df.loc[(df['Nucleus_Size'] > 42) & (df['Nucleus_Size'] < threshold)] | |
# Calculate the number of cells removed | |
cells_before_filter = df.shape[0] | |
cells_after_filter = df_filtered.shape[0] | |
cells_removed = cells_before_filter - cells_after_filter | |
# Display the results | |
results = pn.Column( | |
f"Number of cells before filtering: {cells_before_filter}", | |
f"Number of cells after filtering on nucleus size: {cells_after_filter}", | |
f"Number of cells removed: {cells_removed}" | |
) | |
return results | |
# Bind the update function to the quantile slider | |
results_display = pn.bind(update_threshold_and_display, quantile_slider) | |
# Layout the components in a Panel app | |
layout2 = results_display | |
# In[91]: | |
print("Number of cells before filtering :", df.shape[0]) | |
cells_before_filter = f"Number of cells before filtering :{df.shape[0]}" | |
# Delete small cells and objects w/high AF555 Signal (RBCs) | |
# We usually use the 95th percentile calculated during QC_EDA | |
df = df.loc[(df['Nucleus_Size'] > 42 )] | |
df = df.loc[(df['Nucleus_Size'] < threshold)] | |
cells_after_filter_nucleus_shape = df.shape[0] | |
print("Number of cells after filtering on nucleus size:", df.shape[0]) | |
df = df.loc[(df['AF555_Cell_Intensity_Average'] < 2000)] | |
print("Number of cells after filtering on AF555A ___ intensity:", df.shape[0]) | |
cells_after_filter_intensity_shape = df.shape[0] | |
cells_after_filter_nucleus = f"Number of cells after filtering on nucleus size: {cells_after_filter_nucleus_shape}" | |
cells_after_filter_intensity = f"Number of cells after filtering on AF555A ___ intensity: {cells_after_filter_intensity_shape}" | |
num_of_cell_removal_intensity = cells_after_filter_intensity | |
print(num_of_cell_removal_intensity ) | |
num_of_cell_removal = pn.Column(cells_before_filter, cells_after_filter_nucleus) | |
# Assuming you have a DataFrame 'df' with the intensity columns | |
intensities = df.filter(like='Intensity').columns.tolist() | |
# Create a ColumnDataSource from the DataFrame | |
source = ColumnDataSource(df) | |
# Function to calculate quantile values | |
def calculate_quantiles(column, quantile): | |
quantiles = df[column].quantile(q=[quantile, 0.50, 1 - quantile]).values | |
return quantiles | |
# Create the dropdown menu | |
column_dropdown = pn.widgets.Select(name='Select Column', options=intensities) | |
quantile_slider = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(name='Quantile', start=0.01, end=0.99, step=0.01, value=0.05) | |
# Function to create the Bokeh plot | |
def create_intensity_plot(column, quantile): | |
quantiles = calculate_quantiles(column, quantile) | |
hist, edges = np.histogram(df[column], bins = 30) | |
# Calculate the midpoints of bins for plotting | |
midpoints = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2 | |
# Create Bokeh plot | |
p = figure(title=f'Distribution of {column} with Quantiles', | |
x_axis_label=f'{column} Values', | |
y_axis_label='Frequency', | |
width=800, height=400) | |
p.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right= edges[1:], | |
fill_color='skyblue', line_color='black', alpha=0.7) | |
# Plotting line graph | |
p.line(midpoints, hist, line_width=2, color='blue', alpha=0.7) | |
# Add quantile lines | |
for q in quantiles: | |
span = Span(location=q, dimension='height', line_color='red', line_dash='dashed', line_width=2) | |
p.add_layout(span) | |
p.add_layout(Label(x=q, y=max(hist), text=f'{q:.1f}', text_color='red')) | |
return p | |
# Bind the create_plot function to the quantile slider, column dropdown, and button click | |
marker_intensity_with_histogram = pn.bind(create_intensity_plot,column_dropdown.param.value, quantile_slider.param.value, watch=True) | |
# Create the button | |
generate_plot_button = Button(label='Generate Plot', button_type='primary') | |
def update_plot(column, quantile): | |
plot = create_intensity_plot(column, quantile) | |
plot.renderers[0].data_source = source # Update the data source for the renderer | |
return plot | |
#Display the dropdown menu, quantile slider, button, and plot | |
#plot = update_plot(column_dropdown.param.value, quantile_slider.param.value) | |
def generate_plot(event): | |
updated_plot = update_plot(column_dropdown.param.value, quantile_slider.param.value) | |
#pn.Column(pn.Row(column_dropdown, generate_plot_button), quantile_slider, updated_plot).servable() | |
generate_plot_button.on_click(generate_plot) | |
selected_marker_plot = pn.Column(pn.Row(pn.Column(column_dropdown, marker_intensity_with_histogram ))) | |
#pn.Column(pn.Row(pn.Column(column_dropdown, marker_intensity_with_histogram ), generate_plot_button)).servable() | |
import panel as pn | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
from bokeh.plotting import figure | |
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Button, Span, Label | |
# Assuming you have a DataFrame 'df' with the intensity columns | |
intensities = df.filter(like='Intensity').columns.tolist() | |
# Create a ColumnDataSource from the DataFrame | |
source = ColumnDataSource(df) | |
# Function to calculate quantile values | |
def calculate_quantiles(column, quantile): | |
quantiles = df[column].quantile(q=[quantile, 0.50, 1 - quantile]) | |
return quantiles | |
# In[105]: | |
quantile_slider = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(name='Quantile', start=0.01, end=0.99, step=0.01, value=0.05) | |
# Bind the create_line_graph function to the quantile slider | |
#nucleus_size_line_graph = pn.bind(create_line_graph, quantile=quantile_slider.param.value) | |
# Layout the components in a Panel app | |
#nucleus_size_graph = pn.Column(nucleus_size_line_graph) | |
# In[106]: | |
#df["CKs_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average"].quantile(q=qs) | |
# In[107]: | |
len(intensities) | |
if 'CKs_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average' in intensities: | |
print(1) | |
# In[108]: | |
df | |
# In[109]: | |
def calculate_cytoplasm_quantiles(column, quantile): | |
# Print the columns of the DataFrame | |
print("DataFrame columns:", df.columns) | |
# Check if the column exists in the DataFrame | |
if column not in df.columns: | |
raise KeyError(f"Column '{column}' does not exist in the DataFrame.") | |
quantiles = df[column].quantile(q=[quantile, 0.50, 1 - quantile]) | |
return quantiles | |
def create_cytoplasm_intensity_df(column, quantile): | |
quantiles = calculate_cytoplasm_quantiles(column, quantile) | |
output = pd.DataFrame(quantiles) | |
return pn.pane.DataFrame(output) | |
# Bind the create_app function to the quantile slider | |
cytoplasm_quantile_output_app = pn.bind(create_cytoplasm_intensity_df, column='CKs_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average', quantile=quantile_slider.param.value) | |
pn.Column(quantile_slider, cytoplasm_quantile_output_app) | |
# In[110]: | |
def calculate_cytoplasm_quantiles(column, quantile): | |
quantiles = df[column].quantile(q=[quantile, 0.50, 1 - quantile]) | |
return quantiles | |
def create_cytoplasm_intensity_df(column, quantile): | |
quantiles = calculate_cytoplasm_quantiles(column, quantile) | |
output = pd.DataFrame(quantiles) | |
# Create a Dataframe widget to display the output | |
output_widget = pn.pane.DataFrame(output) | |
return output_widget | |
# Bind the create_app function to the quantile slider | |
cytoplasm_quantile_output_app = pn.bind(create_cytoplasm_intensity_df, column='CKs_Cytoplasm_Intensity_Average', quantile = quantile_slider.param.value) | |
pn.Column(quantile_slider,cytoplasm_quantile_output_app) | |
# In[111]: | |
# Remove columns containing "DAPI" | |
df = df[[x for x in df.columns.values if 'DAPI' not in x]] | |
print("Columns are now...") | |
print([c for c in df.columns.values]) | |
# In[112]: | |
# Create lists of full names and shortened names to use in plotting | |
full_to_short_names, short_to_full_names = \ | |
shorten_feature_names(df.columns.values[~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)]) | |
short_to_full_names | |
# In[113]: | |
# Save this data to a metadata file | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, "full_to_short_column_names.csv") | |
fh = open(filename, "w") | |
fh.write("full_name,short_name\n") | |
for k,v in full_to_short_names.items(): | |
fh.write(k + "," + v + "\n") | |
fh.close() | |
print("The full_to_short_column_names.csv file was created !") | |
# In[114]: | |
# Save this data to a metadata file | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, "short_to_full_column_names.csv") | |
fh = open(filename, "w") | |
fh.write("short_name,full_name\n") | |
for k,v in short_to_full_names.items(): | |
fh.write(k + "," + v + "\n") | |
fh.close() | |
print("The short_to_full_column_names.csv file was created !") | |
# ## I.6. EXPOSURE TIME | |
# In[115]: | |
#import the ashlar analysis file | |
file_path = os.path.join(metadata_dir, 'combined_metadata.csv') | |
ashlar_analysis = pd.read_csv(file_path) | |
ashlar_analysis | |
# In[116]: | |
# Extracting and renaming columns | |
new_df = ashlar_analysis[['Name', 'Cycle', 'ChannelIndex', 'ExposureTime']].copy() | |
new_df.rename(columns={ | |
'Name': 'Target', | |
'Cycle': 'Round', | |
'ChannelIndex': 'Channel' | |
}, inplace=True) | |
# Applying suffixes to the columns | |
new_df['Round'] = 'R' + new_df['Round'].astype(str) | |
new_df['Channel'] = 'c' + new_df['Channel'].astype(str) | |
# Save to CSV | |
new_df.to_csv('Ashlar_Exposure_Time.csv', index=False) | |
# Print the new dataframe | |
print(new_df) | |
# In[117]: | |
# Here, we want to end up with a data structure that incorporates metadata on each intensity marker column used in our big dataframe in an easy-to-use format. | |
# This is going to include the full name of the intensity marker columns in the big data frame, | |
# the corresponding round and channel, | |
# the target protein (e.g., CD45), | |
# and the segmentation localization information (cell, cytoplasm, nucleus) | |
# We can use this data structure to assign unique colors to all channels and rounds, for example, for use in later visualizations | |
# Exposure_time file from ASHLAR analysis | |
filename = "Exposure_Time.csv" | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) | |
exp_df = pd.read_csv(filename) | |
print(exp_df) | |
# Verify file imported correctly | |
# File length | |
print("df's shape: ", exp_df.shape) | |
# Headers | |
expected_headers =['Round','Target','Exp','Channel'] | |
compare_headers(expected_headers, exp_df.columns.values, "Imported metadata file") | |
# Missingness | |
if exp_df.isnull().any().any(): | |
print("\nexp_df has null value(s) in row(s):") | |
print(exp_df[exp_df.isna().any(axis=1)]) | |
else: | |
print("\nNo null values detected.") | |
# In[118]: | |
if len(exp_df['Target']) > len(exp_df['Target'].unique()): | |
print("One or more non-unique Target values in exp_df. Currently not supported.") | |
exp_df = exp_df.drop_duplicates(subset = 'Target').reindex() | |
# In[119]: | |
# sort exp_df by the values in the 'Target' column in ascending order and then retrieve the first few rows of the sorted df | |
exp_df.sort_values(by = ['Target']).head() | |
# In[120]: | |
# Create lowercase version of target | |
exp_df['target_lower'] = exp_df['Target'].str.lower() | |
exp_df.head() | |
# In[121]: | |
# Create df that contains marker intensity columns in our df that aren't in not_intensities | |
intensities = pd.DataFrame({'full_column':df.columns.values[~df.columns.isin(not_intensities)]}) | |
intensities | |
# In[122]: | |
# Extract the marker information from the `full_column`, which corresponds to full column in big dataframe | |
# Use regular expressions (regex) to isolate the part of the field that begins (^) with an alphanumeric value (W), and ends with an underscore (_) | |
# '$' is end of line | |
intensities['marker'] = intensities['full_column'].str.extract(r'([^\W_]+)') | |
# convert to lowercase | |
intensities['marker_lower'] = intensities['marker'].str.lower() | |
intensities | |
# In[123]: | |
# Subset the intensities df to exclude any column pertaining to DAPI | |
intensities = intensities.loc[intensities['marker_lower'] != 'dapi'] | |
intensities.head() | |
# In[124]: | |
# Merge the intensities andexp_df together to create metadata | |
metadata = pd.merge(exp_df, intensities, how = 'left', left_on = 'target_lower',right_on = 'marker_lower') | |
metadata = metadata.drop(columns = ['marker_lower']) | |
metadata = metadata.dropna() | |
# Target is the capitalization from the Exposure_Time.csv | |
# target_lower is Target in small caps | |
# marker is the extracted first component of the full column in segmentation data, with corresponding capitalization | |
metadata | |
# In[125]: | |
# Add a column to signify marker target localisation. | |
# Use a lambda to determine segmented location of intensity marker column and update metadata accordingly | |
# Using the add_metadata_location() function in | |
metadata['localisation'] = metadata.apply( | |
lambda row: add_metadata_location(row), axis = 1) | |
# In[126]: | |
mlid = metadata | |
# In[127]: | |
# Save this data structure to the metadata folder | |
# don't want to add color in because that's better off treating color the same for round, channel, and sample | |
filename = "marker_intensity_metadata.csv" | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) | |
metadata.to_csv(filename, index = False) | |
print("The marker_intensity_metadata.csv file was created !") | |
# ### I.7.1. CHANNELS COLORS | |
# we want colors that are categorical, since Channel is a non-ordered category (yes, they are numbered, but arbitrarily). | |
# A categorical color palette will have dissimilar colors. | |
# Get those unique colors | |
if len(metadata.Channel.unique()) > 10: | |
print("WARNING: There are more unique channel values than \ | |
there are colors to choose from. Select different palette, e.g., \ | |
continuous palette 'husl'.") | |
channel_color_values = sb.color_palette("bright",n_colors = len(metadata.Channel.unique())) | |
# chose 'colorblind' because it is categorical and we're unlikely to have > 10 | |
# You can customize the colors for each channel here | |
custom_colors = { | |
'c2': 'lightgreen', | |
'c3': 'tomato', | |
'c4': 'pink', | |
'c5': 'turquoise' | |
} | |
custom_colors_values = sb.palplot(sb.color_palette([custom_colors.get(ch, 'blue') for ch in metadata.Channel.unique()])) | |
# Display those unique customs colors | |
print("Unique channels are:", metadata.Channel.unique()) | |
sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(channel_color_values)) | |
# In[131]: | |
# Function to create a palette plot with custom colors | |
def create_palette_plot(): | |
# Get unique channels | |
unique_channels = metadata.Channel.unique() | |
# Define custom colors for each channel | |
custom_colors = { | |
'c2': 'lightgreen', | |
'c3': 'tomato', | |
'c4': 'pink', | |
'c5': 'turquoise' | |
} | |
# Get custom colors for each channel | |
colors = [custom_colors.get(ch, 'blue') for ch in unique_channels] | |
# Create a palette plot (palplot) | |
palette_plot = sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(colors)) | |
channel_color_values = sb.color_palette("bright",n_colors = len(metadata.Channel.unique())) | |
channel_color_values = sb.palplot(channel_color_values) | |
return palette_plot, channel_color_values | |
# Create the palette plot directly | |
palette_plot = create_palette_plot() | |
# Define the Panel app layout | |
app_palette_plot = pn.Column( | |
pn.pane.Markdown("### Custom Color Palette"), | |
palette_plot, | |
) | |
# Function to create a palette plot with custom colors | |
def create_palette_plot(custom_colors): | |
# Get unique channels | |
unique_channels = metadata.Channel.unique() | |
# Get custom colors for each channel | |
colors = [custom_colors.get(ch, 'blue') for ch in unique_channels] | |
# Create a palette plot (palplot) | |
palette_plot = sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(colors)) | |
return palette_plot | |
# Define custom colors for each channel | |
custom_colors = { | |
'c2': 'lightgreen', | |
'c3': 'tomato', | |
'c4': 'pink', | |
'c5': 'turquoise' | |
} | |
# Display those unique customs colo | |
print("Unique channels are:", metadata.Channel.unique()) | |
# Function to bind create_palette_plot | |
app_palette_plot = create_palette_plot(custom_colors) | |
#app_palette_plot.servable() | |
# In[133]: | |
# Store in a dictionary | |
channel_color_dict = dict(zip(metadata.Channel.unique(), channel_color_values)) | |
channel_color_dict | |
for k,v in channel_color_dict.items(): | |
channel_color_dict[k] = np.float64(v) | |
channel_color_dict | |
# In[134]: | |
color_df_channel = color_dict_to_df(channel_color_dict, "Channel") | |
# Save to file in metadatadirectory | |
filename = "channel_color_data.csv" | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) | |
color_df_channel.to_csv(filename, index = False) | |
color_df_channel | |
# In[135]: | |
# Legend of channel info only | |
g = plt.figure(figsize = (1,1)).add_subplot(111) | |
g.axis('off') | |
handles = [] | |
for item in channel_color_dict.keys(): | |
h =,0, color = channel_color_dict[item], | |
label = item, linewidth =0) | |
handles.append(h) | |
first_legend = plt.legend(handles=handles, loc='upper right', title = 'Channel'), | |
# box_to_anchor=(10,10), | |
# bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) | |
filename = "Channel_legend.png" | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_images_dir, filename) | |
plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = 'tight') | |
# ### I.7.2. ROUNDS COLORS | |
# we want colors that are sequential, since Round is an ordered category. | |
# We can still generate colors that are easy to distinguish. Also, many of the categorical palettes cap at at about 10 or so unique colors, and repeat from there. | |
# We do not want any repeats! | |
round_color_values = sb.cubehelix_palette( | |
len(metadata.Round.unique()), start=1, rot= -0.75, dark=0.19, light=.85, reverse=True) | |
# round_color_values = sb.color_palette("cubehelix",n_colors = len(metadata.Round.unique())) | |
# chose 'cubehelix' because it is sequential, and round is a continuous process | |
# each color value is a tuple of three values: (R, G, B) | |
print(metadata.Round.unique()) | |
sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(round_color_values)) | |
## TO-DO: write what these parameters mean | |
# In[137]: | |
# Store in a dictionary | |
round_color_dict = dict(zip(metadata.Round.unique(), round_color_values)) | |
for k,v in round_color_dict.items(): | |
round_color_dict[k] = np.float64(v) | |
round_color_dict | |
# In[138]: | |
color_df_round = color_dict_to_df(round_color_dict, "Round") | |
# Save to file in metadatadirectory | |
filename = "round_color_data.csv" | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) | |
color_df_round.to_csv(filename, index = False) | |
color_df_round | |
# Legend of round info only | |
round_legend = plt.figure(figsize = (1,1)).add_subplot(111) | |
round_legend.axis('off') | |
handles = [] | |
for item in round_color_dict.keys(): | |
h =,0, color = round_color_dict[item], | |
label = item, linewidth =0) | |
handles.append(h) | |
first_legend = plt.legend(handles=handles, loc='upper right', title = 'Round'), | |
# bbox_to_anchor=(10,10), | |
# bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) | |
filename = "Round_legend.png" | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_images_dir, filename) | |
plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = 'tight') | |
# ### I.7.3. SAMPLES COLORS | |
# In[140]: | |
# we want colors that are neither sequential nor categorical. | |
# Categorical would be ideal if we could generate an arbitrary number of colors, but I do not think that we can. | |
# Hense, we will choose `n` colors from a continuous palette. First we will generate the right number of colors. Later, we will assign TMA samples to gray. | |
# Get those unique colors | |
color_values = sb.color_palette("husl",n_colors = len(ls_samples))#'HLS' | |
# each color value is a tuple of three values: (R, G, B) | |
# Display those unique colors | |
sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(color_values)) | |
# In[141]: | |
TMA_samples = [s for s in df.Sample_ID.unique() if 'TMA' in s] | |
TMA_color_values = sb.color_palette(n_colors = len(TMA_samples),palette = "gray") | |
sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(TMA_color_values)) | |
# In[142]: | |
# Store in a dictionary | |
color_dict = dict() | |
color_dict = dict(zip(df.Sample_ID.unique(), color_values)) | |
# Replace all TMA samples' colors with gray | |
i = 0 | |
for key in color_dict.keys(): | |
if 'TMA' in key: | |
color_dict[key] = TMA_color_values[i] | |
i +=1 | |
color_dict | |
color_df_sample = color_dict_to_df(color_dict, "Sample_ID") | |
# Save to file in metadatadirectory | |
filename = "sample_color_data.csv" | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) | |
color_df_sample.to_csv(filename, index = False) | |
color_df_sample | |
# Legend of sample info only | |
g = plt.figure(figsize = (1,1)).add_subplot(111) | |
g.axis('off') | |
handles = [] | |
for item in color_dict.keys(): | |
h =,0, color = color_dict[item], | |
label = item, linewidth =0) | |
handles.append(h) | |
first_legend = plt.legend(handles=handles, loc='upper right', title = 'Sample') | |
filename = "Sample_legend.png" | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_images_dir, filename) | |
plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = 'tight') | |
# ### I.7.4. CLUSTERS COLORS | |
'''if 'cluster' in df.columns: | |
cluster_color_values = sb.color_palette("hls",n_colors = len(df.cluster.unique())) | |
#print(sorted(test_df.cluster.unique())) | |
# Display those unique colors | |
sb.palplot(sb.color_palette(cluster_color_values)) | |
cluster_color_dict = dict(zip(sorted(test_df.cluster.unique()), cluster_color_values)) | |
print(cluster_color_dict) | |
# Create dataframe | |
cluster_color_df = color_dict_to_df(cluster_color_dict, "cluster") | |
cluster_color_df.head() | |
# Save to file in metadatadirectory | |
filename = "cluster_color_data.csv" | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_dir, filename) | |
cluster_color_df.to_csv(filename, index = False) | |
# Legend of cluster info only | |
if 'cluster' in df.columns: | |
g = plt.figure(figsize = (1,1)).add_subplot(111) | |
g.axis('off') | |
handles = [] | |
for item in sorted(cluster_color_dict.keys()): | |
h =,0, color = cluster_color_dict[item], | |
label = item, linewidth =0) | |
handles.append(h) | |
first_legend = plt.legend(handles=handles, loc='upper right', title = 'Cluster'), | |
filename = "Clustertype_legend.png" | |
filename = os.path.join(metadata_images_dir, filename) | |
plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = 'tight')''' | |
mlid.head() | |
metadata | |
import io | |
import panel as pn | |
pn.extension() | |
file_input = pn.widgets.FileInput() | |
file_input | |
def transform_data(variable, window, sigma): | |
"""Calculates the rolling average and identifies outliers""" | |
avg = metadata[variable].rolling(window=window).mean() | |
residual = metadata[variable] - avg | |
std = residual.rolling(window=window).std() | |
outliers = np.abs(residual) > std * sigma | |
return avg, avg[outliers] | |
def get_plot(variable="Exp", window=30, sigma=10): | |
"""Plots the rolling average and the outliers""" | |
avg, highlight = transform_data(variable, window, sigma) | |
return avg.hvplot( | |
height=300, legend=False, | |
) * highlight.hvplot.scatter(padding=0.1, legend=False) | |
variable_widget = pn.widgets.Select(name="Target", value="Exp", options=list(metadata.columns)) | |
window_widget = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name="window", value=30, start=1, end=60) | |
sigma_widget = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name="sigma", value=10, start=0, end=20) | |
app = pn.template.GoldenTemplate( | |
site="Cyc-IF", | |
title="Quality Control", | |
main=[ | |
pn.Tabs( | |
("Dataframes", pn.Column( | |
pn.Row(csv_files_button,pn.bind(handle_click, csv_files_button.param.clicks)), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("### The Dataframe uploaded:"), pn.pane.DataFrame(intial_dataframe), | |
#pn.pane.Markdown("### The Exposure time DataFrame is :"), pn.pane.DataFrame(exp_df.head()), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("### The DataFrame after merging CycIF data x metadata :"), pn.pane.DataFrame(merged_dataframe.head()), | |
)), | |
("Quality Control", pn.Column( | |
quality_check(quality_control_df, not_intensities) | |
#pn.pane.Markdown("### The Quality check results are:"), quality_check_results(check_shape, check_no_null, check_all_expected_files_present, check_zero_intensities) | |
)), | |
("Intensities", pn.Column( | |
pn.pane.Markdown("### The Not Intensities DataFrame after processing is :"), pn.pane.DataFrame(not_intensities_df, height=250), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("### Select Intensities to be included"), updated_intensities, | |
#pn.pane.Markdown("### The Intensities DataFrame"), intensities_df, | |
#pn.pane.Markdown("### The metadata obtained that specifies the localisation:"), pn.pane.DataFrame(mlid.head()) | |
)), | |
("Plots", pn.Column( | |
#pn.pane.Markdown(" ### Nucleus Size Distribution: "), pn.Row(nucleus_size_line_graph_with_histogram, num_of_cell_removal), | |
#pn.pane.Markdown(" ### Nucleus Size Distribution: "), pn.Row(plot1,layout2), | |
#pn.pane.Markdown("### Nucleus Distribution Plot:"), pn.Column(nucleus_size_plot, nucleus_size_graph), | |
pn.pane.Markdown(" ### Intensity Average Plot:"), pn.Row(selected_marker_plot,num_of_cell_removal_intensity ), | |
#pn.Column(pn.Column(column_dropdown, generate_plot_button), quantile_slider, plot), | |
#pn.pane.Markdown("### Cytoplasm Intensity Plot:"), cytoplasm_intensity_plot, | |
#pn.pane.Markdown("### AF555_Cell_Intensity_Average:"), quantile_output_app, | |
#pn.pane.Markdown("### Distribution of AF555_Cell_Intensity_Average with Quantiles:"), quantile_intensity_plot) | |
)), | |
), | |
]) | |
app.servable() | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
pn.serve(app, port=5007) |