Build error
Build error
import os | |
import math | |
import time | |
from typing import Type, Dict, Any, Tuple, Callable | |
import numpy as np | |
from einops import rearrange, repeat | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from . import merge | |
from .utils import isinstance_str, init_generator, join_frame, split_frame, func_warper, join_warper, split_warper | |
def compute_merge(module: torch.nn.Module, x: torch.Tensor, tome_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[Callable, ...]: | |
H, original_w = tome_info["size"] | |
# original_tokens = original_h * original_w | |
# downsample = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(original_tokens // x.shape[1]))) | |
downsample = tome_info["args"]["downsample"] | |
args = tome_info["args"] | |
# generator = module.generator | |
# Frame Number and Token Number | |
fsize = x.shape[0] // args["batch_size"] | |
tsize = x.shape[1] | |
# Merge tokens in high resolution layers | |
# print(f"[INFO] {args['current_step']} downsample {downsample} time") | |
mid = x.shape[0] // 2 | |
''' visualize token correspondence ''' | |
label = args["label"].split('_') | |
# os.makedirs(os.path.join("token_0204_dis", str(args["current_step"])), exist_ok=True) | |
# os.makedirs(os.path.join("token_0204_dis", str(args["current_step"]), label[0]), exist_ok=True) | |
# out = os.path.join("token_0204_dis", str(args["current_step"]), label[0], f"correspondence_{label[1]}_{downsample}.png") | |
# merge.visualize_correspondence(x[0][None], x[mid][None], ratio=0.2, H=H, out=out) | |
# corres_dir = "corres_no_dis_4" | |
# os.makedirs(corres_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
# if downsample == 1 and label[0] == "unet" and label[1] == "down": | |
# # merge.visualize_flow_correspondence(x[3][None], x[mid][None], flow=args["controller"].step_store["flows"][3], flow_confid=args["controller"].step_store["flow_confids"][3], \ | |
# # ratio=0.1, H=(64//downsample), out=f"flow_{label[1]}_{args['current_step']}.png") | |
# files = os.listdir(corres_dir) | |
# files = [f for f in files if f.startswith(f"{args['current_step']}")] | |
# print(files) | |
# cnt = len(files) | |
# # if files: | |
# # cnt = int(files[-1].split('_')[1].split('.')[0]) + 1 | |
# # else: | |
# # cnt = 0 | |
# path = os.path.join(corres_dir, f"{args['current_step']}_{cnt}.png") | |
# # merge.visualize_cosine_correspondence(x[3][None], x[mid][None], flow=args["controller"].step_store["flows"][3], flow_confid=args["controller"].step_store["flow_confids"][3], \ | |
# # ratio=0.1, H=(64//downsample), out=path, controller=args["controller"]) | |
# merge.visualize_correspondence(x[1][None], x[mid][None], flow=args["controller"].step_store["flows"][1], flow_confid=args["controller"].step_store["flow_confids"][1], \ | |
# ratio=0.1, H=(64//downsample), out=path, controller=args["controller"]) | |
# #ratio=args["local_merge_ratio"], H=(64//downsample), out=f"flow_correspondence.png") | |
''' visulaize token correspondence ended ''' | |
if downsample <= args["max_downsample"] and downsample > args["min_downsample"]: | |
# print(f"[INFO] downsample: {args['min_downsample']} < {downsample} <= {args['max_downsample']} token shape: {x.shape} H: {H}") | |
if args["generator"] is None: | |
args["generator"] = init_generator(x.device) | |
# module.generator = module.generator.manual_seed(123) | |
elif args["generator"].device != x.device: | |
args["generator"] = init_generator(x.device, fallback=args["generator"]) | |
# Local Token Merging! | |
local_tokens = join_frame(x, fsize) | |
m_ls = [join_warper(fsize)] | |
u_ls = [split_warper(fsize)] | |
unm = 0 | |
curF = fsize | |
# Recursive merge multi-frame tokens into one set. Such as 4->1 for 4 frames and 8->2->1 for 8 frames when target stride is 4. | |
while curF > 1: | |
current_step = args["current_step"] | |
if args["controller"] is not None: | |
controller, total_step = args["controller"], args["controller"].total_step | |
else: | |
controller, total_step = None, 1000 | |
if controller is not None and label[0] == "unet" and label[1] == "down": | |
print(f"[INFO] flow merge @ {label[0]} {label[1]} {downsample}") | |
start = time.time() | |
m, u, ret_dict = merge.bipartite_soft_matching_randframe( | |
local_tokens, curF, args["local_merge_ratio"], unm, generator=args["generator"], | |
target_stride=x.shape[0], align_batch=args["align_batch"], | |
H=H, | |
flow_merge=True, | |
controller=controller, | |
) | |
else: | |
m, u, ret_dict = merge.bipartite_soft_matching_randframe( | |
local_tokens, curF, args["local_merge_ratio"], unm, generator=args["generator"], | |
target_stride=x.shape[0], align_batch=args["align_batch"], | |
H=H, | |
flow_merge=False, | |
controller=controller, | |
) | |
# if controller is not None and label[1] == "up" and \ | |
# controller.merge_period[0] > 0 and \ | |
# (current_step + 5) >= min(controller.ToMe_period[1], controller.merge_period[0]) * total_step: | |
# # or current_step == int(controller.ToMe_period[1] * total_step)): | |
# print(f"[INFO] setting controller merge @ step {current_step} {label} {downsample}") | |
# # ret_dict["scores"].repeat(1, 4, 4) | |
# # import time | |
# # start = time.time() | |
# scores = ret_dict["scores"] | |
# if downsample > 1: | |
# scores = rearrange(scores, "1 (b h1 w1) (h2 w2) -> b h1 w1 h2 w2", h1=H, h2=H, b=fsize-1) | |
# scores = scores.repeat_interleave(downsample, dim=-1).repeat_interleave(downsample, dim=-2) | |
# scores = scores.repeat_interleave(downsample, dim=1).repeat_interleave(downsample, dim=2) | |
# scores = rearrange(scores, "b h1 w1 h2 w2 -> 1 (b h1 w1) (h2 w2)") | |
# # print(f"[INFO] repeat time {time.time() - start}") | |
# # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() | |
# # merge.visualize_correspondence_score(x[0][None], x[mid][None], score=ret_dict["scores"][:,:tsize], ratio=0.5, H=H, out="latent_correspondence_1.png") | |
# # merge.visualize_correspondence_score(x[0][None], x[mid][None], score=controller.step_store["corres_scores"][:,:tsize], ratio=0.5, H=H, out="latent_correspondence_1.png") | |
# if controller.step_store["corres_scores"] is None: | |
# controller.step_store["corres_scores"] = scores | |
# else: | |
# controller.step_store["corres_scores"] += scores | |
unm += ret_dict["unm_num"] | |
m_ls.append(m) | |
u_ls.append(u) | |
local_tokens = m(local_tokens) | |
# assert (x.shape[1] - unm) % tsize == 0 | |
# Total token number = current frame number * per-frame token number + unmerged token number | |
curF = (local_tokens.shape[1] - unm) // tsize | |
# print(f"[INFO] curF {curF}") | |
merged_tokens = local_tokens | |
# Global Token Merging! | |
if args["merge_global"]: | |
if hasattr(module, "global_tokens") and module.global_tokens is not None: | |
# Merge local tokens with global tokens. Randomly determine merging destination. | |
if torch.rand(1, generator=args["generator"], device=args["generator"].device) > args["global_rand"]: | |
src_len = local_tokens.shape[1] | |
tokens = | |
[local_tokens,], dim=1) | |
local_chunk = 0 | |
else: | |
src_len = module.global_tokens.shape[1] | |
tokens = | |
[, local_tokens], dim=1) | |
local_chunk = 1 | |
m, u, _ = merge.bipartite_soft_matching_2s( | |
tokens, src_len, args["global_merge_ratio"], args["align_batch"], unmerge_chunk=local_chunk) | |
merged_tokens = m(tokens) | |
# print(f"[INFO] global merging {local_tokens.shape} {tokens.shape} {merged_tokens.shape}") | |
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() | |
m_ls.append(m) | |
u_ls.append(u) | |
# Update global tokens with unmerged local tokens. There should be a better way to do this. | |
module.global_tokens = u(merged_tokens).detach().clone().cpu() | |
else: | |
module.global_tokens = local_tokens.detach().clone().cpu() | |
m = func_warper(m_ls) | |
u = func_warper(u_ls[::-1]) | |
else: | |
m, u = (merge.do_nothing, merge.do_nothing) | |
merged_tokens = x | |
# if args["current_step"] >= 30: | |
# x_ = u(m(x)) | |
# print(f"[INFO] {label[0]} {label[1]} {downsample}") | |
# for i, j in zip(x, x_): | |
# print(f"[INFO] mean {torch.mean(i).item()} {torch.mean(j).item()}") | |
# print(f"[INFO] std {torch.std(i).item()} {torch.std(j).item()}") | |
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() | |
# Return merge op, unmerge op, and merged tokens. | |
return m, u, merged_tokens | |
def PCA_token(token: torch.Tensor, token_h=64, n=3): | |
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA | |
import cv2 | |
pca = PCA(n_components=n) # reduce to 2 dimensions | |
# Fit the PCA model to your data and apply the dimensionality reduction | |
token = pca.fit_transform(token[0].cpu()) | |
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() | |
token = rearrange(token, '(h w) c -> h w c', h=token_h) | |
token = (token - token.min()) / (token.max() - token.min()) | |
token = (np.clip(token, 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8) | |
cv2.imwrite(f'token.png', token) | |
return token | |
from utils.flow_utils import flow_warp | |
def warp_token(module: torch.nn.Module, x: torch.Tensor, tome_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[Callable, ...]: | |
original_h, original_w = tome_info["size"] | |
original_tokens = original_h * original_w | |
downsample = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(original_tokens // x.shape[1]))) | |
args = tome_info["args"] | |
# generator = module.generator | |
# Frame Number and Token Number | |
fsize = x.shape[0] // args["batch_size"] | |
tsize = x.shape[1] | |
# print(f"[INFO] token size {x.shape[1]}, latent size 64 x 120, downsample {downsample} time") | |
# Merge tokens in high resolution layers | |
total_step = 50 | |
warp_period = (0, 1) | |
if downsample <= args["max_downsample"] and x.shape[1] == 64 * 120: | |
if args["current_step"] >= total_step * warp_period[0] and \ | |
args["current_step"] <= total_step * warp_period[1]: | |
mid = x.shape[0] // 2 | |
x = rearrange(x, 'b (h w) c -> b c h w', h=64) | |
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() | |
# mid_x = repeat(x[mid][None], 'b c h w -> (repeat b) c h w', repeat=x.shape[0]) | |
for i in range(x.shape[0]): | |
if i == mid: | |
continue | |
x[i] = flow_warp(x[mid][None], args["flows"][i], mode='nearest')[0] * args["occlusion_masks"][i] + \ | |
(1 - args["occlusion_masks"][i]) * x[i] | |
x = rearrange(x, 'b c h w -> b (h w) c', h=64) | |
return x | |
def make_tome_block(block_class: Type[torch.nn.Module]) -> Type[torch.nn.Module]: | |
""" | |
Make a patched class on the fly so we don't have to import any specific modules. | |
This patch applies ToMe to the forward function of the block. | |
""" | |
class ToMeBlock(block_class): | |
# Save for unpatching later | |
_parent = block_class | |
def _forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, context: torch.Tensor = None, label: str = None) -> torch.Tensor: | |
# m_a, m_c, m_m, u_a, u_c, u_m = compute_merge( | |
# self, x, self._tome_info) | |
# print(f"[INFO] ~~~ ToMeblock ~~~ {label} ~~~") | |
B, A, C = x.shape | |
original_h, original_w = self._tome_info["size"] | |
original_tokens = original_h * original_w | |
downsample = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(original_tokens // A))) | |
# print(f"[INFO] downsample {downsample} time A {A} original_h {original_h} original_w {original_w}") | |
self._tome_info["args"]["downsample"] = downsample | |
H, W = original_h // downsample, original_w // downsample | |
if self._tome_info["args"]["controller"] is None: | |
non_pad_ratio_h, non_pad_ratio_w = 1, 1 | |
print(f"[INFO] no padding removal") | |
else: | |
non_pad_ratio_h, non_pad_ratio_w = self._tome_info["args"]["controller"].non_pad_ratio | |
padding_size_w = W - int(W * non_pad_ratio_w) | |
padding_size_h = H - int(H * non_pad_ratio_h) | |
padding_mask = torch.zeros((H, W), device=x.device, dtype=torch.bool) | |
if padding_size_w: | |
padding_mask[:, -padding_size_w:] = 1 | |
if padding_size_h: | |
padding_mask[-padding_size_h:, :] = 1 | |
padding_mask = rearrange(padding_mask, 'h w -> (h w)') | |
idx_buffer = torch.arange(A, device=x.device, dtype=torch.int64) | |
non_pad_idx = idx_buffer[None, ~padding_mask, None] | |
# pad_idx = idx_buffer[None, padding_mask, None] | |
del idx_buffer, padding_mask | |
x_non_pad = torch.gather(x, dim=1, index=non_pad_idx.expand(B, -1, C)) | |
self._tome_info["args"]["label"] = label | |
self._tome_info["size"] = (int(H * non_pad_ratio_h), int(W * non_pad_ratio_w)) | |
# self._tome_info["non_pad_size"] = (int(H * non_pad_ratio_h), int(W * non_pad_ratio_w)) | |
# print(f"[INFO] original shape {x.shape} removed padding shape {x_non_pad.shape}") | |
m_a, u_a, merged_tokens = compute_merge( | |
self, self.norm1(x_non_pad), self._tome_info) | |
# current_step, total_step = self._tome_info["args"]["current_step"], self._tome_info["args"]["controller"].total_step | |
# print(f'[INFO] {int(self._tome_info["args"]["controller"].ToMe_period[1] * total_step)} {current_step} {total_step}') | |
# if downsample == 1 and label == "unet_up" and \ | |
# self._tome_info["args"]["controller"].merge_period[0] > 0 and \ | |
# (current_step >= self._tome_info["args"]["controller"].merge_period[0] * total_step \ | |
# or current_step == int(self._tome_info["args"]["controller"].ToMe_period[1] * total_step)): | |
# print(f"[INFO] setting controller merge @ step {self._tome_info['args']['current_step']}") | |
# self._tome_info["args"]["controller"].set_merge(m_a, u_a) | |
# m_a, u_a, merged_tokens = compute_merge( | |
# self, self.norm1(x), self._tome_info) | |
# This is where the meat of the computation happens | |
# test = u_a(self.attn1(m_a(self.norm1(x)), context=context if self.disable_self_attn else None)) | |
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() | |
# x = u_a(merged_tokens) | |
''' global merging ''' | |
if self._tome_info["args"]["controller"] is None: | |
print(f"[INFO] local + global merging ... ") | |
x_non_pad = u_a(self.attn1(merged_tokens, | |
context=context if self.disable_self_attn else None)) + x_non_pad | |
else: | |
x_non_pad = u_a(self.attn1(m_a(self.norm1(x_non_pad)), | |
context=context if self.disable_self_attn else None)) + x_non_pad | |
# print(label, downsample, self.disable_self_attn) | |
# x = u_a(self.attn1(m_a(self.norm1(x)), | |
# context=context if self.disable_self_attn else None)) + x | |
# attn_output = self.attn1(self.norm1(x), context=context if self.disable_self_attn else None) | |
# attn_output = warp_token(self, attn_output, self._tome_info) | |
# x = attn_output + x | |
# attn_out = self.attn2(self.norm2(x), context=context) | |
# m_a, u_a, merged_tokens = compute_merge( | |
# self, attn_out, self._tome_info) | |
# x = u_a(m_a(attn_out)) + x | |
# attn_output = self.attn2(self.norm2(x), context=context) | |
# attn_output = warp_token(self, attn_output, self._tome_info) | |
# x = attn_output + x | |
x_non_pad = self.attn2(self.norm2(x_non_pad), context=context) + x_non_pad | |
x_non_pad = self.ff(self.norm3(x_non_pad)) + x_non_pad | |
x.scatter_(dim=1, index=non_pad_idx.expand(B, -1, C), src=x_non_pad) | |
del x_non_pad | |
self._tome_info["size"] = (original_h, original_w) | |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() | |
# x = self.attn2(self.norm2(x), context=context) + x | |
# x = self.ff(self.norm3(x)) + x | |
return x | |
return ToMeBlock | |
def make_diffusers_tome_block(block_class: Type[torch.nn.Module]) -> Type[torch.nn.Module]: | |
""" | |
Make a patched class for a diffusers model. | |
This patch applies ToMe to the forward function of the block. | |
""" | |
class ToMeBlock(block_class): | |
# Save for unpatching later | |
_parent = block_class | |
def forward( | |
self, | |
hidden_states, | |
attention_mask=None, | |
encoder_hidden_states=None, | |
encoder_attention_mask=None, | |
timestep=None, | |
cross_attention_kwargs=None, | |
class_labels=None, | |
) -> torch.Tensor: | |
if self.use_ada_layer_norm: | |
norm_hidden_states = self.norm1(hidden_states, timestep) | |
elif self.use_ada_layer_norm_zero: | |
norm_hidden_states, gate_msa, shift_mlp, scale_mlp, gate_mlp = self.norm1( | |
hidden_states, timestep, class_labels, hidden_dtype=hidden_states.dtype | |
) | |
else: | |
norm_hidden_states = self.norm1(hidden_states) | |
# Merge input tokens | |
m_a, u_a, merged_tokens = compute_merge( | |
self, norm_hidden_states, self._tome_info) | |
norm_hidden_states = merged_tokens | |
# 1. Self-Attention | |
cross_attention_kwargs = cross_attention_kwargs if cross_attention_kwargs is not None else {} | |
# tt = time.time() | |
attn_output = self.attn1( | |
norm_hidden_states, | |
encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states if self.only_cross_attention else None, | |
attention_mask=attention_mask, | |
**cross_attention_kwargs, | |
) | |
# print(time.time() - tt) | |
if self.use_ada_layer_norm_zero: | |
attn_output = gate_msa.unsqueeze(1) * attn_output | |
# Unmerge output tokens | |
attn_output = u_a(attn_output) | |
hidden_states = attn_output + hidden_states | |
if self.attn2 is not None: | |
norm_hidden_states = ( | |
self.norm2(hidden_states, timestep) if self.use_ada_layer_norm else self.norm2( | |
hidden_states) | |
) | |
# 2. Cross-Attention | |
attn_output = self.attn2( | |
norm_hidden_states, | |
encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, | |
attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, | |
**cross_attention_kwargs, | |
) | |
hidden_states = attn_output + hidden_states | |
# 3. Feed-forward | |
norm_hidden_states = self.norm3(hidden_states) | |
if self.use_ada_layer_norm_zero: | |
norm_hidden_states = norm_hidden_states * \ | |
(1 + scale_mlp[:, None]) + shift_mlp[:, None] | |
ff_output = self.ff(norm_hidden_states) | |
if self.use_ada_layer_norm_zero: | |
ff_output = gate_mlp.unsqueeze(1) * ff_output | |
hidden_states = ff_output + hidden_states | |
return hidden_states | |
return ToMeBlock | |
def hook_tome_model(model: torch.nn.Module): | |
""" Adds a forward pre hook to get the image size. This hook can be removed with remove_patch. """ | |
def hook(module, args): | |
# print(args[0].shape) | |
module._tome_info["size"] = (args[0].shape[2], args[0].shape[3]) | |
return None | |
model._tome_info["hooks"].append(model.register_forward_pre_hook(hook)) | |
def hook_tome_module(module: torch.nn.Module): | |
""" Adds a forward pre hook to initialize random number generator. | |
All modules share the same generator state to keep their randomness in VidToMe consistent in one pass. | |
This hook can be removed with remove_patch. """ | |
def hook(module, args): | |
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() | |
if not hasattr(module, "generator"): | |
module.generator = init_generator(args[0].device) | |
elif module.generator.device != args[0].device: | |
module.generator = init_generator( | |
args[0].device, fallback=module.generator) | |
else: | |
return None | |
# module.generator = module.generator.manual_seed(module._tome_info["args"]["seed"]) | |
return None | |
module._tome_info["hooks"].append(module.register_forward_pre_hook(hook)) | |
def apply_patch( | |
model: torch.nn.Module, | |
local_merge_ratio: float = 0.9, | |
merge_global: bool = False, | |
global_merge_ratio = 0.8, | |
max_downsample: int = 2, | |
min_downsample: int = 0, | |
seed: int = 123, | |
batch_size: int = 2, | |
include_control: bool = False, | |
align_batch: bool = False, | |
target_stride: int = 4, | |
global_rand=0.5): | |
""" | |
Patches a stable diffusion model with VidToMe. | |
Apply this to the highest level stable diffusion object (i.e., it should have a .model.diffusion_model). | |
Important Args: | |
- model: A top level Stable Diffusion module to patch in place. Should have a ".model.diffusion_model" | |
- local_merge_ratio: The ratio of tokens to merge locally. I.e., 0.9 would merge 90% src tokens. | |
If there are 4 frames in a chunk (3 src, 1 dst), the compression ratio will be 1.3 / 4.0. | |
And the largest compression ratio is 0.25 (when local_merge_ratio = 1.0). | |
Higher values result in more consistency, but with more visual quality loss. | |
- merge_global: Whether or not to include global token merging. | |
- global_merge_ratio: The ratio of tokens to merge locally. I.e., 0.8 would merge 80% src tokens. | |
When find significant degradation in video quality. Try to lower the value. | |
Args to tinker with if you want: | |
- max_downsample [1, 2, 4, or 8]: Apply VidToMe to layers with at most this amount of downsampling. | |
E.g., 1 only applies to layers with no downsampling (4/15) while | |
8 applies to all layers (15/15). I recommend a value of 1 or 2. | |
- seed: Manual random seed. | |
- batch_size: Video batch size. Number of video chunks in one pass. When processing one video, it | |
should be 2 (cond + uncond) or 3 (when using PnP, source + cond + uncond). | |
- include_control: Whether or not to patch ControlNet model. | |
- align_batch: Whether or not to align similarity matching maps of samples in the batch. It should | |
be True when using PnP as control. | |
- target_stride: Stride between target frames. I.e., when target_stride = 4, there is 1 target frame | |
in any 4 consecutive frames. | |
- global_rand: Probability in global token merging src/dst split. Global tokens are always src when | |
global_rand = 1.0 and always dst when global_rand = 0.0 . | |
""" | |
# Make sure the module is not currently patched | |
remove_patch(model) | |
is_diffusers = isinstance_str( | |
model, "DiffusionPipeline") or isinstance_str(model, "ModelMixin") | |
if not is_diffusers: | |
if (not hasattr(model, "model") or not hasattr(model.model, "diffusion_model")) \ | |
and not hasattr(model, "unet"): | |
# Provided model not supported | |
raise RuntimeError( | |
"Provided model was not a Stable Diffusion / Latent Diffusion model, as expected.") | |
else: | |
diffusion_model = model.unet if hasattr(model, "unet") else model.model.diffusion_model | |
else: | |
# Supports "pipe.unet" and "unet" | |
diffusion_model = model.unet if hasattr(model, "unet") else model | |
if isinstance_str(model, "StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline") and include_control: | |
diffusion_models = [diffusion_model, model.controlnet] | |
else: | |
diffusion_models = [diffusion_model] | |
if not is_diffusers and hasattr(model, "controlnet"): | |
diffusion_models = [diffusion_model, model.controlnet] | |
for diffusion_model in diffusion_models: | |
diffusion_model._tome_info = { | |
"size": None, | |
"hooks": [], | |
"args": { | |
"max_downsample": max_downsample, | |
"min_downsample": min_downsample, | |
"generator": None, | |
"seed": seed, | |
"batch_size": batch_size, | |
"align_batch": align_batch, | |
"merge_global": merge_global, | |
"global_merge_ratio": global_merge_ratio, | |
"local_merge_ratio": local_merge_ratio, | |
"global_rand": global_rand, | |
"target_stride": target_stride, | |
"current_step": 0, | |
"frame_ids": [0], | |
"flows": None, | |
"occlusion_masks": None, | |
"flow_confids": None, | |
"label": "", | |
"downsample": 1, | |
"non_pad_size": (0, 0), | |
"controller": None, | |
} | |
} | |
hook_tome_model(diffusion_model) | |
for name, module in diffusion_model.named_modules(): | |
# If for some reason this has a different name, create an issue and I'll fix it | |
# if isinstance_str(module, "BasicTransformerBlock") and "down_blocks" not in name: | |
# print(module.__class__.__name__) | |
if isinstance_str(module, "BasicTransformerBlock"): | |
make_tome_block_fn = make_diffusers_tome_block if is_diffusers else make_tome_block | |
module.__class__ = make_tome_block_fn(module.__class__) | |
module._tome_info = diffusion_model._tome_info | |
hook_tome_module(module) | |
# Something introduced in SD 2.0 (LDM only) | |
if not hasattr(module, "disable_self_attn") and not is_diffusers: | |
module.disable_self_attn = False | |
# Something needed for older versions of diffusers | |
if not hasattr(module, "use_ada_layer_norm_zero") and is_diffusers: | |
module.use_ada_layer_norm = False | |
module.use_ada_layer_norm_zero = False | |
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() | |
return model | |
def remove_patch(model: torch.nn.Module): | |
""" Removes a patch from a ToMe Diffusion module if it was already patched. """ | |
# For diffusers | |
modelu = model.unet if hasattr(model, "unet") else model | |
model_ls = [modelu] | |
if hasattr(model, "controlnet"): | |
model_ls.append(model.controlnet) | |
for model in model_ls: | |
for _, module in model.named_modules(): | |
if hasattr(module, "_tome_info"): | |
for hook in module._tome_info["hooks"]: | |
hook.remove() | |
module._tome_info["hooks"].clear() | |
if module.__class__.__name__ == "ToMeBlock": | |
module.__class__ = module._parent | |
return model | |
def update_patch(model: torch.nn.Module, **kwargs): | |
""" Update arguments in patched modules """ | |
# For diffusers | |
model0 = model.unet if hasattr(model, "unet") else model | |
model_ls = [model0] | |
if hasattr(model, "controlnet"): | |
model_ls.append(model.controlnet) | |
for model in model_ls: | |
for _, module in model.named_modules(): | |
if hasattr(module, "_tome_info"): | |
for k, v in kwargs.items(): | |
# setattr(module, k, v) | |
if k in module._tome_info["args"]: | |
module._tome_info["args"][k] = v | |
# print(f"[INFO] update {k} to {v} in {module.__class__.__name__}") | |
return model | |
def collect_from_patch(model: torch.nn.Module, attr="tome"): | |
""" Collect attributes in patched modules """ | |
# For diffusers | |
model0 = model.unet if hasattr(model, "unet") else model | |
model_ls = [model0] | |
if hasattr(model, "controlnet"): | |
model_ls.append(model.controlnet) | |
ret_dict = dict() | |
for model in model_ls: | |
for name, module in model.named_modules(): | |
if hasattr(module, attr): | |
res = getattr(module, attr) | |
ret_dict[name] = res | |
return ret_dict | |