{ updateHandler(); }} >
{#if adminConfig !== null}
{$i18n.t('General Settings')}
{$i18n.t('Enable New Sign Ups')}
{$i18n.t('Default User Role')}
{$i18n.t('Enable API Key')}
{#if adminConfig?.ENABLE_API_KEY}
{$i18n.t('API Key Endpoint Restrictions')}
{#if adminConfig?.ENABLE_API_KEY_ENDPOINT_RESTRICTIONS} {/if} {/if}
{$i18n.t('Show Admin Details in Account Pending Overlay')}
{$i18n.t('Enable Community Sharing')}
{$i18n.t('Enable Message Rating')}

{$i18n.t('WebUI URL')}
{$i18n.t( 'Enter the public URL of your WebUI. This URL will be used to generate links in the notifications.' )}

{$i18n.t('JWT Expiration')}
{$i18n.t('Valid time units:')} {$i18n.t("'s', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'w' or '-1' for no expiration.")}

{$i18n.t('Webhook URL')}

{$i18n.t('Channels')} ({$i18n.t('Beta')})
{ updateLdapConfig(localStorage.token, ENABLE_LDAP); }} />
{$i18n.t('Application DN')}
{$i18n.t('Application DN Password')}
{$i18n.t('Attribute for Username')}
{$i18n.t('Search Base')}
{$i18n.t('Search Filters')}
{#if LDAP_SERVER.use_tls}
{$i18n.t('Certificate Path')}