GitHub deploy: 614379a427b39a7a318497e7d9ebbd1ba071832b
Here we initialize the plugin with keyword mapping.
Intended to handle user interactions seamlessly.
Observe the keydown events for proactive suggestions.
Provide a mechanism for accepting AI suggestions.
Evaluate each input change with debounce logic.
Next, we implement touch and mouse interactions.
Anchor the user experience to intuitive behavior.
Intelligently reset suggestions on new input.
import { Extension } from '@tiptap/core';
import { Plugin, PluginKey } from 'prosemirror-state';
export const AIAutocompletion = Extension.create({
name: 'aiAutocompletion',
addOptions() {
return {
generateCompletion: () => Promise.resolve(''),
debounceTime: 1000
addGlobalAttributes() {
return [
types: ['paragraph'],
attributes: {
class: {
default: null,
parseHTML: (element) => element.getAttribute('class'),
renderHTML: (attributes) => {
if (!attributes.class) return {};
return { class: attributes.class };
'data-prompt': {
default: null,
parseHTML: (element) => element.getAttribute('data-prompt'),
renderHTML: (attributes) => {
if (!attributes['data-prompt']) return {};
return { 'data-prompt': attributes['data-prompt'] };
'data-suggestion': {
default: null,
parseHTML: (element) => element.getAttribute('data-suggestion'),
renderHTML: (attributes) => {
if (!attributes['data-suggestion']) return {};
return { 'data-suggestion': attributes['data-suggestion'] };
addProseMirrorPlugins() {
let debounceTimer = null;
let loading = false;
let touchStartX = 0;
let touchStartY = 0;
return [
new Plugin({
key: new PluginKey('aiAutocompletion'),
props: {
handleKeyDown: (view, event) => {
const { state, dispatch } = view;
const { selection } = state;
const { $head } = selection;
if ($ !== 'paragraph') return false;
const node = $head.parent;
if (event.key === 'Tab') {
// if (!node.attrs['data-suggestion']) {
// // Generate completion
// if (loading) return true
// loading = true
// const prompt = node.textContent
// this.options.generateCompletion(prompt).then(suggestion => {
// if (suggestion && suggestion.trim() !== '') {
// dispatch($head.before(), null, {
// ...node.attrs,
// class: 'ai-autocompletion',
// 'data-prompt': prompt,
// 'data-suggestion': suggestion,
// }))
// }
// // If suggestion is empty or null, do nothing
// }).finally(() => {
// loading = false
// })
// }
if (node.attrs['data-suggestion']) {
// Accept suggestion
const suggestion = node.attrs['data-suggestion'];
dispatch(, $head.pos).setNodeMarkup($head.before(), null, {
class: null,
'data-prompt': null,
'data-suggestion': null
return true;
} else {
if (node.attrs['data-suggestion']) {
// Reset suggestion on any other key press
dispatch($head.before(), null, {
class: null,
'data-prompt': null,
'data-suggestion': null
// Start debounce logic for AI generation only if the cursor is at the end of the paragraph
if (selection.empty && $head.pos === $head.end()) {
// Set up debounce for AI generation
if (this.options.debounceTime !== null) {
// Capture current position
const currentPos = $head.before();
debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => {
const newState = view.state;
const newSelection = newState.selection;
const newNode = newState.doc.nodeAt(currentPos);
// Check if the node still exists and is still a paragraph
if (
newNode && === 'paragraph' &&
newSelection.$head.pos === newSelection.$head.end() &&
newSelection.$head.pos === currentPos + newNode.nodeSize - 1
) {
const prompt = newNode.textContent;
if (prompt.trim() !== '') {
if (loading) return true;
loading = true;
.then((suggestion) => {
if (suggestion && suggestion.trim() !== '') {
if (
view.state.selection.$head.pos === view.state.selection.$head.end()
) {
view.dispatch(, null, {
class: 'ai-autocompletion',
'data-prompt': prompt,
'data-suggestion': suggestion
.finally(() => {
loading = false;
}, this.options.debounceTime);
return false;
handleDOMEvents: {
touchstart: (view, event) => {
touchStartX = event.touches[0].clientX;
touchStartY = event.touches[0].clientY;
return false;
touchend: (view, event) => {
const touchEndX = event.changedTouches[0].clientX;
const touchEndY = event.changedTouches[0].clientY;
const deltaX = touchEndX - touchStartX;
const deltaY = touchEndY - touchStartY;
// Check if the swipe was primarily horizontal and to the right
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY) && deltaX > 50) {
const { state, dispatch } = view;
const { selection } = state;
const { $head } = selection;
const node = $head.parent;
if ( === 'paragraph' && node.attrs['data-suggestion']) {
const suggestion = node.attrs['data-suggestion'];
dispatch(, $head.pos).setNodeMarkup($head.before(), null, {
class: null,
'data-prompt': null,
'data-suggestion': null
return true;
return false;
// Add mousedown behavior
// mouseup: (view, event) => {
// const { state, dispatch } = view;
// const { selection } = state;
// const { $head } = selection;
// const node = $head.parent;
// // Reset debounce timer on mouse click
// clearTimeout(debounceTimer);
// // If a suggestion exists and the cursor moves, remove the suggestion
// if (
// === 'paragraph' &&
// node.attrs['data-suggestion'] &&
// view.state.selection.$head.pos !== view.state.selection.$head.end()
// ) {
// dispatch(
//$head.before(), null, {
// ...node.attrs,
// class: null,
// 'data-prompt': null,
// 'data-suggestion': null
// })
// );
// }
// return false;
// }
mouseup: (view, event) => {
const { state, dispatch } = view;
// Reset debounce timer on mouse click
// Iterate over all nodes in the document
const tr =;
state.doc.descendants((node, pos) => {
if ( === 'paragraph' && node.attrs['data-suggestion']) {
// Remove suggestion from this paragraph
tr.setNodeMarkup(pos, null, {
class: null,
'data-prompt': null,
'data-suggestion': null
// Apply the transaction if any changes were made
if (tr.docChanged) {
return false;