#!/usr/bin/env python | |
# coding: utf-8 | |
# In[1]: | |
# get_ipython().system('pip3 install datasets') | |
# get_ipython().system('wget') | |
import requests | |
url = "" | |
response = requests.get(url) | |
with open("", "wb") as f: | |
f.write(response.content) | |
# In[36]: | |
# get_ipython().system('pip install presidio-analyzer') | |
# In[38]: | |
# get_ipython().system('pip install flair') | |
# In[19]: | |
import os | |
os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "tensorflow" | |
import streamlit as st | |
import os | |
import keras | |
import numpy as np | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
from keras import layers | |
from datasets import load_dataset | |
from collections import Counter | |
from conlleval import evaluate | |
import pandas as pd | |
# from google.colab import files | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer | |
import logging | |
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Set | |
from presidio_analyzer import ( | |
RecognizerResult, | |
EntityRecognizer, | |
AnalysisExplanation, | |
) | |
from presidio_analyzer.nlp_engine import NlpArtifacts | |
from import Sentence | |
from flair.models import SequenceTagger | |
import tempfile | |
# In[4]: | |
class TransformerBlock(layers.Layer): | |
def __init__(self, embed_dim, num_heads, ff_dim, rate=0.1): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.att = keras.layers.MultiHeadAttention( | |
num_heads=num_heads, key_dim=embed_dim | |
) | |
self.ffn = keras.Sequential( | |
[ | |
keras.layers.Dense(ff_dim, activation="relu"), | |
keras.layers.Dense(embed_dim), | |
] | |
) | |
self.layernorm1 = keras.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=1e-6) | |
self.layernorm2 = keras.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=1e-6) | |
self.dropout1 = keras.layers.Dropout(rate) | |
self.dropout2 = keras.layers.Dropout(rate) | |
def call(self, inputs, training=False): | |
attn_output = self.att(inputs, inputs) | |
attn_output = self.dropout1(attn_output, training=training) | |
out1 = self.layernorm1(inputs + attn_output) | |
ffn_output = self.ffn(out1) | |
ffn_output = self.dropout2(ffn_output, training=training) | |
return self.layernorm2(out1 + ffn_output) | |
# In[5]: | |
class TokenAndPositionEmbedding(layers.Layer): | |
def __init__(self, maxlen, vocab_size, embed_dim): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.token_emb = keras.layers.Embedding( | |
input_dim=vocab_size, output_dim=embed_dim | |
) | |
self.pos_emb = keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim=maxlen, output_dim=embed_dim) | |
def call(self, inputs): | |
maxlen = tf.shape(inputs)[-1] | |
positions = tf.range(start=0, limit=maxlen, delta=1) | |
position_embeddings = self.pos_emb(positions) | |
token_embeddings = self.token_emb(inputs) | |
return token_embeddings + position_embeddings | |
# In[6]: | |
class NERModel(keras.Model): | |
def __init__( | |
self, num_tags, vocab_size, maxlen=128, embed_dim=32, num_heads=2, ff_dim=32 | |
): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.embedding_layer = TokenAndPositionEmbedding(maxlen, vocab_size, embed_dim) | |
self.transformer_block = TransformerBlock(embed_dim, num_heads, ff_dim) | |
self.dropout1 = layers.Dropout(0.1) | |
self.ff = layers.Dense(ff_dim, activation="relu") | |
self.dropout2 = layers.Dropout(0.1) | |
self.ff_final = layers.Dense(num_tags, activation="softmax") | |
def call(self, inputs, training=False): | |
x = self.embedding_layer(inputs) | |
x = self.transformer_block(x) | |
x = self.dropout1(x, training=training) | |
x = self.ff(x) | |
x = self.dropout2(x, training=training) | |
x = self.ff_final(x) | |
return x | |
# In[7]: | |
def load_data(dataset): | |
return load_dataset("conll2003") | |
conll_data = load_data("conll2003") | |
# In[8]: | |
def dataset_to_dataframe(dataset): | |
data_dict = {key: dataset[key] for key in dataset.features} | |
return pd.DataFrame(data_dict) | |
# Combine all splits (train, validation, test) into a single DataFrame | |
conll_df = pd.concat([dataset_to_dataframe(conll_data[split]) for split in conll_data.keys()]) | |
# In[7]: | |
csv_file_path = "conll_data.csv" | |
# conll_df.to_csv(csv_file_path, index=False) | |
# Download the CSV file to local machine | |
# | |
#*****************************My code******************** | |
# Create a temporary file to save the CSV data | |
# Function to download the CSV file | |
def download_csv(csv_file_path): | |
with open(csv_file_path, 'rb') as file: | |
data = | |
# Wrap the download button inside a div with style="display: none;" | |
st.markdown("<div style='display: None;'>", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.download_button(label="Download CSV", data=data, file_name='data.csv', mime='text/csv') | |
st.markdown("</div>", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# Create a temporary file to save the CSV data | |
temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix= csv_file_path,delete=False) | |
temp_file_path = | |
conll_df.to_csv(temp_file_path, index=False) | |
temp_file.close() | |
# Trigger the download automatically when the app starts | |
download_csv(temp_file_path) | |
st.markdown("<div style='display: none;'>Hidden download button</div>", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
#**************************MY code ********************************* | |
# In[8]: | |
# print(conll_df.head()) | |
# In[10]: | |
# print(conll_df.describe()) | |
# In[11]: | |
# print(conll_df.dtypes) | |
# In[12]: | |
# print(conll_df.isnull().sum()) | |
# In[13]: | |
label_counts = conll_df['ner_tags'].value_counts() | |
print(label_counts) | |
# In[14]: | |
top_10_labels = label_counts.head(10) | |
# Plot the distribution of the top 10 NER tags | |
# plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) | |
# top_10_labels.plot(kind='bar') | |
# plt.title('Top 10 Most Common NER Tags') | |
# plt.xlabel('NER Tag') | |
# plt.ylabel('Count') | |
# | |
# In[9]: | |
def export_to_file(export_file_path, _data): | |
with open(export_file_path, "w") as f: | |
for record in _data: | |
ner_tags = record["ner_tags"] | |
tokens = record["tokens"] | |
if len(tokens) > 0: | |
f.write( | |
str(len(tokens)) | |
+ "\t" | |
+ "\t".join(tokens) | |
+ "\t" | |
+ "\t".join(map(str, ner_tags)) | |
+ "\n" | |
) | |
os.makedirs("data", exist_ok=True) | |
export_to_file("./data/conll_train.txt", conll_data["train"]) | |
export_to_file("./data/conll_val.txt", conll_data["validation"]) | |
# In[10]: | |
def make_tag_lookup_table(): | |
iob_labels = ["B", "I"] | |
ner_labels = ["PER", "ORG", "LOC", "MISC"] | |
all_labels = [(label1, label2) for label2 in ner_labels for label1 in iob_labels] | |
all_labels = ["-".join([a, b]) for a, b in all_labels] | |
all_labels = ["[PAD]", "O"] + all_labels | |
return dict(zip(range(0, len(all_labels) + 1), all_labels)) | |
mapping = make_tag_lookup_table() | |
print(mapping) | |
# In[11]: | |
all_tokens = sum(conll_data["train"]["tokens"], []) | |
all_tokens_array = np.array(list(map(str.lower, all_tokens))) | |
counter = Counter(all_tokens_array) | |
# print(len(counter)) | |
num_tags = len(mapping) | |
vocab_size = 20000 | |
# We only take (vocab_size - 2) most commons words from the training data since | |
# the `StringLookup` class uses 2 additional tokens - one denoting an unknown | |
# token and another one denoting a masking token | |
vocabulary = [token for token, count in counter.most_common(vocab_size - 2)] | |
# The StringLook class will convert tokens to token IDs | |
lookup_layer = keras.layers.StringLookup(vocabulary=vocabulary) | |
# In[12]: | |
train_data ="./data/conll_train.txt") | |
val_data ="./data/conll_val.txt") | |
# In[13]: | |
print(list(train_data.take(1).as_numpy_iterator())) | |
# In[14]: | |
def map_record_to_training_data(record): | |
record = tf.strings.split(record, sep="\t") | |
length = tf.strings.to_number(record[0], out_type=tf.int32) | |
tokens = record[1 : length + 1] | |
tags = record[length + 1 :] | |
tags = tf.strings.to_number(tags, out_type=tf.int64) | |
tags += 1 | |
return tokens, tags | |
def lowercase_and_convert_to_ids(tokens): | |
tokens = tf.strings.lower(tokens) | |
return lookup_layer(tokens) | |
# We use `padded_batch` here because each record in the dataset has a | |
# different length. | |
batch_size = 32 | |
train_dataset = ( | | | |
.map(lambda x, y: (lowercase_and_convert_to_ids(x), y)) | |
.padded_batch(batch_size) | |
) | |
val_dataset = ( | | | |
.map(lambda x, y: (lowercase_and_convert_to_ids(x), y)) | |
.padded_batch(batch_size) | |
) | |
# ner_model = NERModel(num_tags, vocab_size, embed_dim=32, num_heads=4, ff_dim=64) | |
# In[15]: | |
class CustomNonPaddingTokenLoss(keras.losses.Loss): | |
def __init__(self, name="custom_ner_loss"): | |
super().__init__(name=name) | |
def call(self, y_true, y_pred): | |
loss_fn = keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy( | |
from_logits=False, reduction= 'none' | |
) | |
loss = loss_fn(y_true, y_pred) | |
mask = tf.cast((y_true > 0), dtype=tf.float32) | |
loss = loss * mask | |
return tf.reduce_sum(loss) / tf.reduce_sum(mask) | |
# loss = CustomNonPaddingTokenLoss() | |
# In[16]: | |
# ner_model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss=loss) | |
#, epochs=10) | |
def tokenize_and_convert_to_ids(text): | |
tokens = text.split() | |
return lowercase_and_convert_to_ids(tokens) | |
# Sample inference using the trained model | |
# sample_input = tokenize_and_convert_to_ids( | |
# "eu rejects german call to boycott british lamb" | |
# ) | |
# sample_input = tf.reshape(sample_input, shape=[1, -1]) | |
# print(sample_input) | |
# output = ner_model.predict(sample_input) | |
# prediction = np.argmax(output, axis=-1)[0] | |
# prediction = [mapping[i] for i in prediction] | |
# eu -> B-ORG, german -> B-MISC, british -> B-MISC | |
# print(prediction) | |
# In[17]: | |
def calculate_metrics(_dataset): | |
all_true_tag_ids, all_predicted_tag_ids = [], [] | |
for x, y in _dataset: | |
output = ner_model.predict(x, verbose=0) | |
predictions = np.argmax(output, axis=-1) | |
predictions = np.reshape(predictions, [-1]) | |
true_tag_ids = np.reshape(y, [-1]) | |
mask = (true_tag_ids > 0) & (predictions > 0) | |
true_tag_ids = true_tag_ids[mask] | |
predicted_tag_ids = predictions[mask] | |
all_true_tag_ids.append(true_tag_ids) | |
all_predicted_tag_ids.append(predicted_tag_ids) | |
all_true_tag_ids = np.concatenate(all_true_tag_ids) | |
all_predicted_tag_ids = np.concatenate(all_predicted_tag_ids) | |
predicted_tags = [mapping[tag] for tag in all_predicted_tag_ids] | |
real_tags = [mapping[tag] for tag in all_true_tag_ids] | |
evaluate(real_tags, predicted_tags) | |
# calculate_metrics(val_dataset) | |
# In[18]: | |
def test_model_with_input(_ner_model, mapping): | |
# Get input sentence from user | |
input_sentence = "My name is Karishma Shirsath. I live in Toronto Canada." | |
# Tokenize and convert input sentence to IDs | |
sample_input = tokenize_and_convert_to_ids(input_sentence) | |
sample_input = tf.reshape(sample_input, shape=[1, -1]) | |
# Predict tags using the trained model | |
output = _ner_model.predict(sample_input) | |
predictions = np.argmax(output, axis=-1)[0] | |
predicted_tags = [mapping[i] for i in predictions] | |
# Print the predicted tags for each token in the input sentence | |
print("Input sentence:", input_sentence) | |
print("Predicted tags:", predicted_tags) | |
# Test the model with user input | |
# test_model_with_input(ner_model, mapping) | |
# In[20]: | |
logger = logging.getLogger("presidio-analyzer") | |
class FlairRecognizer(EntityRecognizer): | |
""" | |
Wrapper for a flair model, if needed to be used within Presidio Analyzer. | |
:example: | |
>from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, RecognizerRegistry | |
>flair_recognizer = FlairRecognizer() | |
>registry = RecognizerRegistry() | |
>registry.add_recognizer(flair_recognizer) | |
>analyzer = AnalyzerEngine(registry=registry) | |
>results = analyzer.analyze( | |
> "My name is Christopher and I live in Irbid.", | |
> language="en", | |
> return_decision_process=True, | |
>) | |
>for result in results: | |
> print(result) | |
> print(result.analysis_explanation) | |
""" | |
ENTITIES = [ | |
"PERSON", | |
# "MISCELLANEOUS" # - There are no direct correlation with Presidio entities. | |
] | |
DEFAULT_EXPLANATION = "Identified as {} by Flair's Named Entity Recognition" | |
({"LOCATION"}, {"LOC", "LOCATION"}), | |
({"PERSON"}, {"PER", "PERSON"}), | |
({"ORGANIZATION"}, {"ORG"}), | |
# ({"MISCELLANEOUS"}, {"MISC"}), # Probably not PII | |
] | |
MODEL_LANGUAGES = {"en": "flair/ner-english-large"} | |
"PER": "PERSON", | |
"LOC": "LOCATION", | |
# 'MISC': 'MISCELLANEOUS' # - Probably not PII | |
} | |
def __init__( | |
self, | |
supported_language: str = "en", | |
supported_entities: Optional[List[str]] = None, | |
check_label_groups: Optional[Tuple[Set, Set]] = None, | |
model: SequenceTagger = None, | |
model_path: Optional[str] = None, | |
): | |
self.check_label_groups = ( | |
check_label_groups if check_label_groups else self.CHECK_LABEL_GROUPS | |
) | |
supported_entities = supported_entities if supported_entities else self.ENTITIES | |
if model and model_path: | |
raise ValueError("Only one of model or model_path should be provided.") | |
elif model and not model_path: | |
self.model = model | |
elif not model and model_path: | |
print(f"Loading model from {model_path}") | |
self.model = SequenceTagger.load(model_path) | |
else: | |
print(f"Loading model for language {supported_language}") | |
self.model = SequenceTagger.load( | |
self.MODEL_LANGUAGES.get(supported_language) | |
) | |
super().__init__( | |
supported_entities=supported_entities, | |
supported_language=supported_language, | |
name="Flair Analytics", | |
) | |
def load(self) -> None: | |
"""Load the model, not used. Model is loaded during initialization.""" | |
pass | |
def get_supported_entities(self) -> List[str]: | |
""" | |
Return supported entities by this model. | |
:return: List of the supported entities. | |
""" | |
return self.supported_entities | |
# Class to use Flair with Presidio as an external recognizer. | |
def analyze( | |
self, text: str, entities: List[str], nlp_artifacts: NlpArtifacts = None | |
) -> List[RecognizerResult]: | |
""" | |
Analyze text using Text Analytics. | |
:param text: The text for analysis. | |
:param entities: Not working properly for this recognizer. | |
:param nlp_artifacts: Not used by this recognizer. | |
:param language: Text language. Supported languages in MODEL_LANGUAGES | |
:return: The list of Presidio RecognizerResult constructed from the recognized | |
Flair detections. | |
""" | |
results = [] | |
sentences = Sentence(text) | |
self.model.predict(sentences) | |
# If there are no specific list of entities, we will look for all of it. | |
if not entities: | |
entities = self.supported_entities | |
for entity in entities: | |
if entity not in self.supported_entities: | |
continue | |
for ent in sentences.get_spans("ner"): | |
if not self.__check_label( | |
entity, ent.labels[0].value, self.check_label_groups | |
): | |
continue | |
textual_explanation = self.DEFAULT_EXPLANATION.format( | |
ent.labels[0].value | |
) | |
explanation = self.build_flair_explanation( | |
round(ent.score, 2), textual_explanation | |
) | |
flair_result = self._convert_to_recognizer_result(ent, explanation) | |
results.append(flair_result) | |
return results | |
def _convert_to_recognizer_result(self, entity, explanation) -> RecognizerResult: | |
entity_type = self.PRESIDIO_EQUIVALENCES.get(entity.tag, entity.tag) | |
flair_score = round(entity.score, 2) | |
flair_results = RecognizerResult( | |
entity_type=entity_type, | |
start=entity.start_position, | |
end=entity.end_position, | |
score=flair_score, | |
analysis_explanation=explanation, | |
) | |
return flair_results | |
def build_flair_explanation( | |
self, original_score: float, explanation: str | |
) -> AnalysisExplanation: | |
""" | |
Create explanation for why this result was detected. | |
:param original_score: Score given by this recognizer | |
:param explanation: Explanation string | |
:return: | |
""" | |
explanation = AnalysisExplanation( | |
recognizer=self.__class__.__name__, | |
original_score=original_score, | |
textual_explanation=explanation, | |
) | |
return explanation | |
def __check_label( | |
entity: str, label: str, check_label_groups: Tuple[Set, Set] | |
) -> bool: | |
return any( | |
[entity in egrp and label in lgrp for egrp, lgrp in check_label_groups] | |
) | |
# In[21]: | |
# # Use Flair NER for identifying PII | |
# sentence = Sentence(input_text) | |
# tagger.predict(sentence) | |
# entities = sentence.to_dict(tag_type='ner')['entities'] | |
# # Mask PII using Presidio analyzer | |
# masked_text = analyzer.analyze(input_text, entities=entities) | |
from import Sentence | |
from flair.models import SequenceTagger | |
def predict_ner_tags(input_text): | |
# load tagger | |
tagger = SequenceTagger.load("flair/ner-english-large") | |
# make example sentence | |
# sentence = Sentence("My name is Karishma Shirsath. I live in Toronto Canada.") | |
sentence = Sentence(input_text) | |
# predict NER tags | |
tagger.predict(sentence) | |
# print sentence | |
print(sentence) | |
# print predicted NER spans | |
print("The following NER tags are found:") | |
# iterate over entities and print | |
for entity in sentence.get_spans("ner"): | |
print(entity) | |
# In[33]: | |
def analyze_text(input_text): | |
# load tagger | |
tagger = SequenceTagger.load("flair/ner-english-large") | |
# make example sentence | |
sentence = Sentence(input_text) | |
# predict NER tags | |
tagger.predict(sentence) | |
# print sentence | |
print(sentence) | |
# Anonymize identified named entities | |
anonymized_sentence = str(sentence) | |
for entity in sentence.get_spans("ner"): | |
entity_text = entity.text | |
anonymized_text = "*" * len(entity_text) | |
anonymized_sentence = anonymized_sentence.replace(entity_text, anonymized_text) | |
# remove the part that includes named entity annotations | |
anonymized_sentence = anonymized_sentence.split("→")[0].strip() | |
anonymized_sentence = anonymized_sentence.split(":")[1].strip() | |
a = anonymize(input_text, "", anonymized_sentence) | |
print("a sentence:") | |
print(a) | |
# print anonymized sentence | |
print("Anonymized sentence:") | |
print(anonymized_sentence) | |
return anonymized_sentence | |
from presidio_anonymizer import AnonymizerEngine | |
from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine | |
from presidio_anonymizer.entities import ( | |
OperatorConfig, | |
RecognizerResult, | |
EngineResult, | |
ConflictResolutionStrategy, | |
) | |
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Type | |
class FlairRecognizer2(): | |
def anonymize( | |
text: str, | |
operator: str, | |
# analyze_results: List[RecognizerResult], | |
mask_char: Optional[str] = None, | |
number_of_chars: Optional[str] = None, | |
encrypt_key: Optional[str] = None, | |
): | |
"""Anonymize identified input using Presidio Anonymizer. | |
:param text: Full text | |
:param operator: Operator name | |
:param mask_char: Mask char (for mask operator) | |
:param number_of_chars: Number of characters to mask (for mask operator) | |
:param encrypt_key: Encryption key (for encrypt operator) | |
:param analyze_results: list of results from presidio analyzer engine | |
""" | |
if operator == "mask": | |
operator_config = { | |
"type": "mask", | |
"masking_char": mask_char, | |
"chars_to_mask": number_of_chars, | |
"from_end": False, | |
} | |
# Define operator config | |
elif operator == "encrypt": | |
operator_config = {"key": encrypt_key} | |
elif operator == "highlight": | |
operator_config = {"lambda": lambda x: x} | |
else: | |
operator_config = None | |
# Change operator if needed as intermediate step | |
if operator == "highlight": | |
operator = "custom" | |
elif operator == "synthesize": | |
operator = "replace" | |
else: | |
operator = operator | |
# res = AnonymizerEngine().anonymize( | |
# text, | |
# analyze_results, | |
# operators={"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("redact", operator_config)}, | |
# ) | |
entitiesToRecognize=['PHONE_NUMBER', 'PERSON', 'ID', 'LOCATION', 'EMAIL', 'URL', 'CREDIT_CARD', 'AGE', 'DATE_TIME', 'CRYPTO' | |
] | |
analyzer = AnalyzerEngine() | |
results = analyzer.analyze(text=text, entities=entitiesToRecognize, language='en') # noqa D501 | |
print("results:") | |
print(results) | |
engine = AnonymizerEngine() | |
# Invoke the anonymize function with the text, analyzer results and | |
# Operators to define the anonymization type. | |
result = engine.anonymize( | |
text=text, | |
analyzer_results=results, | |
operators={"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig(operator, {"new_value": "BIP"})} | |
) | |
print("res:") | |
print(result) | |
print(result.text) | |
print(type(result.text)) | |
return result.text | |