# Debug ## NoSQL Database Attach a shell to the running mongoDB container: ``` docker exec -it mongo-auditforge /bin/sh ``` Then connect to the database: ``` mongo mongodb:// ``` To list collections as described in [Data](data) you can use one of the following commands from the DB shell: - `show collections` - `db.getCollectionNames()` - `show tables` For example: ``` > show collections audits audittypes clients companies customfields customsections images languages templates users vulnerabilities vulnerabilitycategories vulnerabilitytypes ``` Then you can inspect the entries of each collection: ``` > db.<collection>.find() ``` Example for `users`: ``` > db.users.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("REDACTED"), "role" : "admin", "username" : "demo", "password" : "REDACTED", "firstname" : "demo", "lastname" : "demo", "createdAt" : ISODate("2020-08-21T15:45:18.999Z"), "updatedAt" : ISODate("2020-09-21T14:45:18.999Z"), "__v" : 0 } ... ``` You can access a specific entry using an array index, eg for a specific audit: ``` > db.audits.find()[1] ``` Of course you can continue to nest attributes/nodes, eg: ``` > db.audits.find()[1].findings[0].references[0] ``` Then you can use [db.collection.find](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/) shell method to query specific objects: ``` > db.users.find( { username: "demo" } ) ``` It is possible to [filter the output](https://docs.mongodb.com/compass/current/query/project/): ``` > db.users.find( { role: "admin" }, {_id: 1} ) ``` For example to get a synthetic view of custom fields: ``` > db.customfields.find( {}, {_id: 0, updatedAt: 0, size: 0, position: 0, createdAt: 0, __v: 0, offset: 0}) > db.customfields.find( {}, {label: 1, fieldType: 1, description: 1, display: 1, displaySub: 1, required: 1, _id: 0}) { "displaySub" : "", "required" : true, "description" : "", "fieldType" : "input", "label" : "VulnID", "display" : "vulnerability" } { "displaySub" : "Orga", "required" : true, "description" : "", "fieldType" : "input", "label" : "RefID", "display" : "vulnerability" } ```