import streamlit as st import noisereduce as nr from import AudioFile from pedalboard import * import numpy as np from io import BytesIO import librosa # Function to process audio def process_audio(input_file): # Set sampling rate sr = 44100 # Read audio file with AudioFile(input_file).resampled_to(sr) as f: audio = # Reduce stationary noise reduced_noise = nr.reduce_noise( y=audio, sr=sr, stationary=True, prop_decrease=0.75) # Apply audio effects using pedalboard board = Pedalboard([ NoiseGate(threshold_db=-30, ratio=1.5, release_ms=250), Compressor(threshold_db=-16, ratio=2.5), LowShelfFilter(cutoff_frequency_hz=400, gain_db=10, q=1), Gain(gain_db=10) ]) processed_audio = board(reduced_noise, sr) return processed_audio, sr # Function to detect plosives in audio def detect_plosives(audio, sr): # Define frequency bands for plosive detection frequency_bands = [(0, 200), (200, 500)] # Calculate short-time Fourier transform (STFT) stft = librosa.stft(audio) # Convert amplitude to energy (power) spectrogram power = np.abs(stft) ** 2 # Calculate energy in each frequency band band_energies = [] for band in frequency_bands: freq_range = librosa.core.fft_frequencies(sr=sr) indices = np.where((freq_range >= band[0]) & (freq_range < band[1]))[0] if len(indices) > 0: # Check if indices exist before proceeding # Sum along frequency axis band_energy = np.sum(power[indices, :], axis=0) band_energies.append(band_energy) if not band_energies: # If no bands have energy, return empty plosives return [] # Calculate overall energy as the sum of energy in all bands overall_energy = np.sum(band_energies, axis=0) # Apply thresholding to detect plosives threshold = np.max(overall_energy) * 0.5 plosive_frames = np.where(overall_energy > threshold)[0] # Convert frame indices to time in seconds plosives = librosa.frames_to_time(plosive_frames, sr=sr) return plosives # Main function def main(): st.title("Audio Enhancement") # Upload audio file uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload audio file", type=["wav"]) if uploaded_file is not None: # Process the audio st.write("Processing audio...") processed_audio, sr = process_audio(uploaded_file) # Display processing progress st.write("Audio processed successfully!") # Allow user to play original and processed audio st.subheader("Play Original Audio"), format='audio/wav', start_time=0) st.subheader("Play Enhanced Audio"), format='audio/wav', start_time=0, sample_rate=sr) # Allow user to download processed audio st.subheader("Download Enhanced Audio") processed_audio_bytes = BytesIO() with AudioFile(processed_audio_bytes, 'w', sr, len(processed_audio), format='wav') as f: f.write(processed_audio) st.download_button("Download", processed_audio_bytes.getvalue(), file_name="processed_audio.wav", mime='audio/wav') # Button to detect plosives if st.button("Detect Plosives"): st.write("Detecting plosives...") plosives = detect_plosives(processed_audio, sr) if plosives: st.subheader("Detected Plosives") st.write("Plosives detected at time(s):", ", ".join( [str(round(p, 2)) for p in plosives])) else: st.write("No plosives detected.") # Entry point of the program if __name__ == "__main__": main()