instead of returning the image bytes to the api user, we are moving towards hosting them on the backend but we need to be careful moving forwards and make sure that we delete the images after use 28d5b3d Jensen-holm commited on Jul 8, 2023
splitting up rest api functionality to make more readable f31d9cf Jensen-holm commited on Jul 4, 2023
think I have to change it to main .py not for railway d824bdc Jensen-holm commited on May 9, 2023
server is blocking reqeusts, trying to change cors arguments and stuff 066de16 Jensen-holm commited on May 9, 2023
think that the way we had teh plot function setup may have been causing some problems with buffers in the cloud 663083f Jensen-holm commited on May 9, 2023
believe to have created a function to build a svg plot and send it over the network fbe515e Jensen-holm commited on May 9, 2023
adding cors support for this api because we are starting to work on our web application 2c9d2bf Jensen-holm commited on May 8, 2023
fixing bug with algorithm as an argument for clustering, this was breaking the neural network endpoint deecb43 Jensen-holm commited on May 8, 2023
kmeans clustering works and returns centroids and labeled data 04b61ad Jensen-holm commited on May 8, 2023
python example for creating a plot of loss history over time for neural_network 31747ca Jensen-holm commited on May 4, 2023
cleaning up readme, now moving on to building clustering algorithms from scratch 1936952 Jensen-holm commited on May 4, 2023
having some issues with backprop when trying to use the iris dataset ba1e2db Jensen-holm commited on May 4, 2023