Numpy-Neuron / neural_network /
Jensen-holm's picture
updating requirements.txt and cleaning things up. Thought it would be working but for some reason requests from postman are not making it to the api
history blame
1.42 kB
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Callable
import numpy as np
class NeuralNetwork:
epochs: int
learning_rate: float
activation_func: Callable
func_prime: Callable
hidden_size: int
w1: np.array
w2: np.array
b1: np.array
b2: np.array
mse: float = 0
loss_history: list = field(
default_factory=lambda: [],
def predict(self, x: np.array) -> np.array:
n1 = self.compute_node(x, self.w1, self.b1, self.activation_func)
return self.compute_node(n1, self.w2, self.b2, self.activation_func)
def set_loss_hist(self, loss_hist: list) -> None:
self.loss_history = loss_hist
def eval(self, X_test, y_test) -> None:
self.mse = np.mean((self.predict(X_test) - y_test) ** 2)
def compute_node(arr, w, b, func) -> np.array:
return func(, w) + b)
def from_dict(cls, dct):
return cls(**dct)
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
return {
"w1": list(self.w1),
"w2": list(self.w2),
"b1": list(self.b1),
"b2": list(self.b2),
"epochs": self.epochs,
"learning_rate": self.learning_rate,
"activation_func": self.activation_func.__name__,
"func_prime": self.func_prime.__name__,
"hidden_size": self.hidden_size,