Update app.py
Browse files
@@ -119,114 +119,69 @@ def generate_story(formula_type, target_audience, product, action, mood, length,
119 |
if formula_type not in story_formulas:
120 |
raise ValueError("F贸rmula no v谩lida")
121 |
122 |
# System prompt
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
- Story must be structured in clear paragraphs
127 |
- Each section must flow naturally into the next
128 |
- No explicit section labels
129 |
- Maintain consistent tone throughout
130 |
- Include smooth transitions between parts
131 |
- Story must feel complete and cohesive
132 |
133 |
134 |
- The selected formula MUST be applied to the entire story
135 |
- Review and follow the structure detailed in story_formulas[formula_type]["description"]
136 |
- Use the examples in story_formulas[formula_type]["examples"] as inspiration
137 |
- Formula provides the framework, tone provides the emotional layer
138 |
- Both must work together seamlessly
139 |
140 |
141 |
[First paragraph introducing the situation]
142 |
143 |
[Second paragraph developing tension/conflict]
144 |
145 |
[Third paragraph presenting transformation]
146 |
147 |
[Final paragraph with natural call to action]
148 |
149 |
150 |
- Each story must be unique and memorable
151 |
- Avoid clich茅s and generic scenarios
152 |
- Maintain a credible and authentic voice
153 |
- Adapt language to target audience
154 |
- Focus on emotional transformation
155 |
- Follow formula structure while maintaining selected tone
156 |
- Never explicitly label sections
157 |
- Integrate product and call-to-action organically
158 |
159 |
160 |
1. Study the formula description carefully
161 |
2. Review provided examples for style and flow
162 |
3. Maintain similar paragraph length and structure
163 |
4. Use consistent emotional intensity
164 |
5. Mirror the narrative progression
165 |
6. Adapt content for target audience while keeping formula essence
166 |
167 |
168 |
- Selected tone must remain consistent
169 |
- Tone modifies HOW the story is told
170 |
- Formula provides structure, tone provides emotion
171 |
- Both elements must complement each other
172 |
- Maintain voice appropriate for target audience
173 |
174 |
175 |
- Emotional hooks that grab attention
176 |
- Relatable situations and characters
177 |
- Sensory details and vivid descriptions
178 |
- Natural problem-solution progression
179 |
- Organic product integration
180 |
- Compelling but subtle call-to-action"""
181 |
182 |
# Iniciar el prompt con las instrucciones del sistema
183 |
story_instruction = f"{system_prompt}\n\n"
184 |
185 |
186 |
story_instruction += f"""
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192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
story_instruction += f"""
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200 |
201 |
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# Agregar instrucciones espec铆ficas
203 |
story_instruction +=
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210 |
211 |
212 |
5. Lead to the call-to-action: {action}
213 |
214 |
215 |
# Agregar
216 |
217 |
story_instruction += f"""
218 |
6. Incorporate this specific story topic: {story_topic}
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
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231 |
232 |
response = model.generate_content([story_instruction])
119 |
if formula_type not in story_formulas:
120 |
raise ValueError("F贸rmula no v谩lida")
121 |
122 |
# [System prompt anterior se mantiene igual...]
123 |
124 |
story_instruction = f"{system_prompt}\n\n"
125 |
126 |
# A帽adir instrucciones sobre el producto y beneficios
127 |
story_instruction += f"""
128 |
129 |
- Evita menciones obvias de {product}
130 |
- Enf贸cate en despertar inter茅s genuino mostrando beneficios transformacionales
131 |
- Integra el producto de manera natural en la narrativa
132 |
- Destaca c贸mo el producto mejora la vida del protagonista
133 |
- Mant茅n el tono {mood} al describir los beneficios
134 |
135 |
136 |
# Instrucciones de estudio de ejemplos
137 |
story_instruction += f"""
138 |
IMPORTANTE: Estudia cuidadosamente estos ejemplos de la f贸rmula seleccionada.
139 |
Cada ejemplo representa el estilo y estructura a seguir, adaptados al tono {mood}:
140 |
141 |
142 |
# Seleccionar ejemplos aleatorios
143 |
random_examples = random.sample(story_formulas[formula_type]['examples'],
144 |
min(3, len(story_formulas[formula_type]['examples'])))
145 |
146 |
# Agregar ejemplos seleccionados
147 |
story_instruction += "\nEJEMPLOS DE LA F脫RMULA A SEGUIR:\n"
148 |
for i, example in enumerate(random_examples, 1):
149 |
story_instruction += f"""
150 |
Ejemplo {i}:
151 |
T铆tulo: {example['title']}
152 |
Audiencia: {example['target']}
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
# Agregar instrucciones espec铆ficas
158 |
story_instruction += """
159 |
160 |
1. Mant茅n la misma estructura y longitud que los ejemplos anteriores
161 |
2. Usa el mismo tono y estilo de escritura, adaptado al mood especificado
162 |
3. Replica los patrones de construcci贸n de frases y transiciones
163 |
4. Conserva el nivel de especificidad y detalle en las descripciones
164 |
5. Adapta el contenido para la audiencia manteniendo la esencia de los ejemplos
165 |
6. Integra los beneficios del producto de manera sutil y convincente
166 |
7. Asegura que la transformaci贸n del protagonista sea cre铆ble y emotiva
167 |
168 |
169 |
# Agregar la descripci贸n de la f贸rmula
170 |
story_instruction += f"\nF脫RMULA A SEGUIR:\n{story_formulas[formula_type]['description']}\n\n"
171 |
172 |
# Recordatorio final
173 |
story_instruction += f"""
174 |
175 |
1. Sigue la estructura de la f贸rmula seleccionada
176 |
2. Aplica el tono {mood} de manera consistente
177 |
3. Mant茅n la coherencia narrativa
178 |
4. Asegura que la historia refleje una transformaci贸n aut茅ntica
179 |
5. Integra {product} y sus beneficios de forma natural
180 |
6. Culmina con un llamado a la acci贸n convincente: {action}
181 |
182 |
183 |
Crea una historia persuasiva de {length} palabras que siga fielmente el estilo y estructura de los ejemplos mostrados,
184 |
manteniendo un tono {mood} y enfoc谩ndote en la transformaci贸n que {product} puede traer a la vida de {target_audience}.
185 |
186 |
187 |
response = model.generate_content([story_instruction])