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<title>Riffusion-Melodiff-v1</title> |
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<h1>Riffusion-Melodiff-v1</h1> |
<p>Riffusion-Melodiff is simple, but interesting idea, (that I have not seen anywhere else) how to modify your music.</p> |
<p>Riffusion-Melodiff is built on a top of |
<a href="https://huggingface.co/riffusion/riffusion-model-v1" target="_blank">Riffusion </a> |
model, which is fine-tuned Stable Diffusion model to generate Mel Spectrograms. (Spectrogram is kind of |
visual representation of music by dividing waveforms into frequencies.) Riffusion-Melodiff does not contain new model, there was no new training, nor fine-tunig. |
It uses the same model as Riffusion only in a different way.</p> |
<p>Riffusion-Melodiff uses Img2Img pipeline from Diffusers library to modify images of Mel Spectrograms to produce cover versions of music. Just upload your audio |
in wav format (if you have audio in a different format, transfer it first to wav by online converter). Then you may use Img2img pipeline from the Diffusers library |
with your prompt, seed and strength. Stregth parameter decides, how much will modified audio relate to initial audio and how much it will relate to the prompt. |
When strength is too low the spectrogram is too similar with original one and we do not receive new modification. When strength is too high, then spectrogram is too |
close to the new promopt, which may cause loss of melody and/or tempo from the base image. Good values of strength are usually about 0,4-0,5.</p> |
<p>Good modifications are possible for proper prompt, seed and strength values. Those modifications will keep the tempo and melody from the initial audio, but |
they will change eg. instrument, playing that melody. Also with this pipeline longer than 5s music modifications are possible. If you cut your audio into 5s pieces |
and use the same prompt, seed and strength for each modification, generated samples will be somewhat consistent. So if you concatenate them together, you will have |
longer audio modified.</p> |
<p>Quality of the generated music is not amazing, (mediocre, I would say) and it needs a bit of prompt and seed engineering. But it shows one way, how to make cover |
versions of music in the future.</p> |
<p> |
Colab notebook is included, where you can find step by step, how to do it. |
<a href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/JanBabela/Riffusion-Melodiff-v1/blob/main/melodiff_v1.ipynb" target="_blank">Melodiff_v1</a>. |
</p> |
<p> <br> Examples of music generated by modifying the underlying song: <br> </p> |
<p> |
Amazing Grace, originally played by flute, modified to be played by violin |
<audio controls> |
<source src="Amazing_Grace_flute_i2i_violin.wav" type="audio/wav"> |
Your browser does not support the audio element. |
</audio> |
</p> |
<p> |
Bella Cao, originally played by violin, modified to be played by saxophone |
<audio controls> |
<source src="Bella_Cao_violin_i2i_sax.wav" type="audio/wav"> |
Your browser does not support the audio element. |
</audio> |
</p> |
<p> |
Iko iko, originally played by accordion, modified to be played by saxophone |
<audio controls> |
<source src="Iko_iko_accordion_i2i_sax.wav" type="audio/wav"> |
Your browser does not support the audio element. |
</audio> |
</p> |
<p> |
When the Saints, originally played by violin, modified to be sang by vocals |
<audio controls> |
<source src="When_the_Saints_violin_i2i_vocals.wav" type="audio/wav"> |
Your browser does not support the audio element. |
</audio> |
</p> |
<p> <br> Examples of longer music samples: <br> </p> |
<p> |
Iko iko, originally played by accordion, modified to be played by saxophone |
<audio controls> |
<source src="Iko_iko_long_accordion_i2i_sax.wav" type="audio/wav"> |
Your browser does not support the audio element. |
</audio> |
</p> |
<p> |
Iko iko, originally played by accordion, modified to be played by violin |
<audio controls> |
<source src="Iko_iko_long_sax_i2i_violin.wav" type="audio/wav"> |
Your browser does not support the audio element. |
</audio> |
</p> |
<p> |
When the Saints, originally played by piano, modified to be played by flute |
<audio controls> |
<source src="When_the_Saints_long_piano_i2i_flute.wav" type="audio/wav"> |
Your browser does not support the audio element. |
</audio> |
</p> |
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