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from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify
import faiss
import numpy as np
import json
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain_groq import ChatGroq
import re
import faiss
import numpy as np
import json
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import fitz # PyMuPDF for text extraction
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
import json
import os
app = Flask(__name__)
model = SentenceTransformer('./sentence-transformers_all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
index = faiss.read_index("./faiss_index.bin")
groq_api_key = os.getenv('GROQ_API_KEY')
model_name = "llama-3.3-70b-versatile"
llm = ChatGroq(
with open("./metadata.json") as f:
metadata = json.load(f)
def categorize_query(query):
Categorizes user queries into different types (greetings, small talk, unrelated, etc.).
query = query.lower().strip()
# Greetings
greeting_patterns = [
r"\bhello\b", r"\bhi\b", r"\bhey\b", r"\bhola\b", r"\bgreetings\b",
r"\bwhat('s| is) up\b", r"\bhowdy\b", r"\bhiya\b", r"\byo\b",
r"\bgood (morning|afternoon|evening|day|night)\b",
r"\bhow (are|r) you\b", r"\bhow's it going\b", r"\bhow have you been\b",
r"\bhope you are (doing )?(well|good|fine)\b", r"\bnice to meet you\b",
r"\bpleased to meet you\b"
# Thank-you messages
thank_you_patterns = [
r"\bthank(s| you)\b", r"\bthanks a lot\b", r"\bthanks so much\b",
r"\bthank you very much\b", r"\bappreciate it\b", r"\bmuch obliged\b",
r"\bgrateful\b", r"\bcheers\b"
# Small talk
small_talk_patterns = [
r"\bhow (are|r) you\b", r"\bhow's your day\b", r"\bwhat's up\b",
r"\bhow's it going\b", r"\bhow have you been\b", r"\bhope you are well\b"
# Unrelated topics
unrelated_patterns = [
r"\btell me a joke\b", r"\bwho won\b", r"\bwhat is ai\b", r"\bexplain blockchain\b"
# Goodbye messages
goodbye_patterns = [
r"\bbye\b", r"\bgoodbye\b", r"\bsee you\b", r"\bhave a nice day\b"
# Rude or inappropriate messages
rude_patterns = [
r"\bstupid\b", r"\bdumb\b", r"\buseless\b", r"\bshut up\b"
if any(, query) for pattern in greeting_patterns):
return "greeting"
if any(, query) for pattern in thank_you_patterns):
return "thank_you"
if any(, query) for pattern in small_talk_patterns):
return "small_talk"
if any(, query) for pattern in unrelated_patterns):
return "unrelated"
if any(, query) for pattern in goodbye_patterns):
return "goodbye"
if any(, query) for pattern in rude_patterns):
return "rude"
return "normal"
# Function to Search for Relevant Answers
def search_text(query, top_k=2):
query_embedding = np.array(model.encode(query, convert_to_numpy=True)).astype("float32").reshape(1, -1)
distances, indices =, top_k)
results = []
for idx in indices[0]:
if idx >= 0:
return results
# Serve HTML Page
def home():
return render_template("index.html")
@app.route("/query", methods=["POST"])
def query_pdf():
query = request.json.get("query")
query_type = categorize_query(query)
if query_type == "greeting":
return jsonify({"text": "Hello! How can I assist you with Exelsys EasyHR?", "images": []})
if query_type == "thank_you":
return jsonify({"text": "You're welcome! How can I assist you further?", "images": []})
if query_type == "small_talk":
return jsonify({"text": "I'm here to assist with Exelsys EasyHR. How can I help?", "images": []})
if query_type == "unrelated":
return jsonify({"text": "I'm here to assist with Exelsys easyHR queries only.", "images": []})
if query_type == "vague":
return jsonify({"text": "Could you please provide more details?", "images": []})
if query_type == "goodbye":
return jsonify({"text": "You're welcome! Have a great day!", "images": []})
if query_type == "rude":
return jsonify({"text": "I'm here to assist you professionally.", "images": []})
# Search for relevant PDF content using FAISS
results = search_text(query, top_k=3)
if not results:
return jsonify({"text": "No relevant results found in the PDF.", "images": []})
# Merge multiple text results
retrieved_text = "\n\n---\n\n".join([res["text"] for res in results])
prompt_extract = PromptTemplate.from_template(
- Your job is to provide step-by-step guidance for the following user query.
- Base your response **only** on the retrieved context from the PDF.
- If no relevant information is found, simply respond with: "Not found."
- If the user greets you (e.g., "Hello", "Hi", "Good morning"), respond politely but keep it brief.
- If the query is unrelated to Exelsys easyHR, respond with: "I'm here to assist with Exelsys easyHR queries only."
# Chain the prompt with ChatGroq
chain_extract = prompt_extract | llm
chat_response = chain_extract.invoke({"query": query, "retrieved_text": retrieved_text})
# Convert response to string
response_text = str(chat_response.content)
# Determine if images should be included
retrieved_images = []
if "Not found." not in response_text and "I'm here to assist" not in response_text:
retrieved_images = [img for res in results if "images" in res for img in res["images"]]
# Final response JSON
response = {
"text": response_text,
"images": retrieved_images
return jsonify(response)
if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=7860)