var ni = Object.defineProperty; var ii = (t, e, i) => e in t ? ni(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: i }) : t[e] = i; var nt = (t, e, i) => (ii(t, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, i), i), $t = (t, e, i) => { if (!e.has(t)) throw TypeError("Cannot " + i); }; var a = (t, e, i) => ($t(t, e, "read from private field"), i ? : e.get(t)), W = (t, e, i) => { if (e.has(t)) throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once"); e instanceof WeakSet ? e.add(t) : e.set(t, i); }, oe = (t, e, i, n) => ($t(t, e, "write to private field"), n ?, i) : e.set(t, i), i); var _t = (t, e, i, n) => ({ set _(s) { oe(t, e, s, i); }, get _() { return a(t, e, n); } }), K = (t, e, i) => ($t(t, e, "access private method"), i); const { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$e, append: append$d, attr: attr$d, detach: detach$e, init: init$e, insert: insert$e, noop: noop$7, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$f, set_style: set_style$6, svg_element: svg_element$5 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_fragment$e(t) { let e, i, n, s; return { c() { e = svg_element$5("svg"), i = svg_element$5("g"), n = svg_element$5("path"), s = svg_element$5("path"), attr$d(n, "d", "M18,6L6.087,17.913"), set_style$6(n, "fill", "none"), set_style$6(n, "fill-rule", "nonzero"), set_style$6(n, "stroke-width", "2px"), attr$d(i, "transform", "matrix(1.14096,-0.140958,-0.140958,1.14096,-0.0559523,0.0559523)"), attr$d(s, "d", "M4.364,4.364L19.636,19.636"), set_style$6(s, "fill", "none"), set_style$6(s, "fill-rule", "nonzero"), set_style$6(s, "stroke-width", "2px"), attr$d(e, "width", "100%"), attr$d(e, "height", "100%"), attr$d(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), attr$d(e, "version", "1.1"), attr$d(e, "xmlns", ""), attr$d(e, "xmlns:xlink", ""), attr$d(e, "xml:space", "preserve"), attr$d(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), set_style$6(e, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), set_style$6(e, "clip-rule", "evenodd"), set_style$6(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), set_style$6(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"); }, m(l, h) { insert$e(l, e, h), append$d(e, i), append$d(i, n), append$d(e, s); }, p: noop$7, i: noop$7, o: noop$7, d(l) { l && detach$e(e); } }; } class Clear extends SvelteComponent$e { constructor(e) { super(), init$e(this, e, null, create_fragment$e, safe_not_equal$f, {}); } } const DropdownArrow_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$d, append: append$c, attr: attr$c, detach: detach$d, init: init$d, insert: insert$d, noop: noop$6, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$e, svg_element: svg_element$4 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_fragment$d(t) { let e, i; return { c() { e = svg_element$4("svg"), i = svg_element$4("path"), attr$c(i, "d", "M17 3a2.828 2.828 0 1 1 4 4L7.5 20.5 2 22l1.5-5.5L17 3z"), attr$c(e, "xmlns", ""), attr$c(e, "width", "100%"), attr$c(e, "height", "100%"), attr$c(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), attr$c(e, "fill", "none"), attr$c(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), attr$c(e, "stroke-width", "1.5"), attr$c(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), attr$c(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), attr$c(e, "class", "feather feather-edit-2"); }, m(n, s) { insert$d(n, e, s), append$c(e, i); }, p: noop$6, i: noop$6, o: noop$6, d(n) { n && detach$d(e); } }; } class Edit extends SvelteComponent$d { constructor(e) { super(), init$d(this, e, null, create_fragment$d, safe_not_equal$e, {}); } } const { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$c, append: append$b, attr: attr$b, detach: detach$c, init: init$c, insert: insert$c, noop: noop$5, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$d, svg_element: svg_element$3 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_fragment$c(t) { let e, i, n; return { c() { e = svg_element$3("svg"), i = svg_element$3("path"), n = svg_element$3("polyline"), attr$b(i, "d", "M13 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V9z"), attr$b(n, "points", "13 2 13 9 20 9"), attr$b(e, "xmlns", ""), attr$b(e, "width", "100%"), attr$b(e, "height", "100%"), attr$b(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), attr$b(e, "fill", "none"), attr$b(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), attr$b(e, "stroke-width", "1.5"), attr$b(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), attr$b(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), attr$b(e, "class", "feather feather-file"); }, m(s, l) { insert$c(s, e, l), append$b(e, i), append$b(e, n); }, p: noop$5, i: noop$5, o: noop$5, d(s) { s && detach$c(e); } }; } let File$1 = class extends SvelteComponent$c { constructor(e) { super(), init$c(this, e, null, create_fragment$c, safe_not_equal$d, {}); } }; const { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$b, append: append$a, attr: attr$a, detach: detach$b, init: init$b, insert: insert$b, noop: noop$4, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$c, svg_element: svg_element$2 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_fragment$b(t) { let e, i, n; return { c() { e = svg_element$2("svg"), i = svg_element$2("polyline"), n = svg_element$2("path"), attr$a(i, "points", "1 4 1 10 7 10"), attr$a(n, "d", "M3.51 15a9 9 0 1 0 2.13-9.36L1 10"), attr$a(e, "xmlns", ""), attr$a(e, "width", "100%"), attr$a(e, "height", "100%"), attr$a(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), attr$a(e, "fill", "none"), attr$a(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), attr$a(e, "stroke-width", "2"), attr$a(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), attr$a(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), attr$a(e, "class", "feather feather-rotate-ccw"); }, m(s, l) { insert$b(s, e, l), append$a(e, i), append$a(e, n); }, p: noop$4, i: noop$4, o: noop$4, d(s) { s && detach$b(e); } }; } class Undo extends SvelteComponent$b { constructor(e) { super(), init$b(this, e, null, create_fragment$b, safe_not_equal$c, {}); } } const { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$a, append: append$9, attr: attr$9, detach: detach$a, init: init$a, insert: insert$a, noop: noop$3, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$b, svg_element: svg_element$1 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_fragment$a(t) { let e, i, n, s; return { c() { e = svg_element$1("svg"), i = svg_element$1("path"), n = svg_element$1("polyline"), s = svg_element$1("line"), attr$9(i, "d", "M21 15v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4"), attr$9(n, "points", "17 8 12 3 7 8"), attr$9(s, "x1", "12"), attr$9(s, "y1", "3"), attr$9(s, "x2", "12"), attr$9(s, "y2", "15"), attr$9(e, "xmlns", ""), attr$9(e, "width", "90%"), attr$9(e, "height", "90%"), attr$9(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), attr$9(e, "fill", "none"), attr$9(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), attr$9(e, "stroke-width", "2"), attr$9(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), attr$9(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), attr$9(e, "class", "feather feather-upload"); }, m(l, h) { insert$a(l, e, h), append$9(e, i), append$9(e, n), append$9(e, s); }, p: noop$3, i: noop$3, o: noop$3, d(l) { l && detach$a(e); } }; } let Upload$1 = class extends SvelteComponent$a { constructor(e) { super(), init$a(this, e, null, create_fragment$a, safe_not_equal$b, {}); } }; const PdfUploadText_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$9, append: append$8, attr: attr$8, create_component: create_component$5, destroy_component: destroy_component$5, detach: detach$9, element: element$9, init: init$9, insert: insert$9, mount_component: mount_component$5, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$a, text: text$4, toggle_class: toggle_class$8, transition_in: transition_in$8, transition_out: transition_out$8 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_fragment$9(t) { let e, i, n, s, l, h, _; return n = new Upload$1({}), { c() { e = element$9("div"), i = element$9("span"), create_component$5(n.$$.fragment), s = text$4(` Drop PDF `), l = element$9("span"), l.textContent = "- or -", h = text$4(` Click to Upload`), attr$8(i, "class", "icon-wrap svelte-kzcjhc"), toggle_class$8( i, "hovered", /*hovered*/ t[0] ), attr$8(l, "class", "or svelte-kzcjhc"), attr$8(e, "class", "wrap svelte-kzcjhc"); }, m(c, o) { insert$9(c, e, o), append$8(e, i), mount_component$5(n, i, null), append$8(e, s), append$8(e, l), append$8(e, h), _ = !0; }, p(c, [o]) { (!_ || o & /*hovered*/ 1) && toggle_class$8( i, "hovered", /*hovered*/ c[0] ); }, i(c) { _ || (transition_in$8(n.$$.fragment, c), _ = !0); }, o(c) { transition_out$8(n.$$.fragment, c), _ = !1; }, d(c) { c && detach$9(e), destroy_component$5(n); } }; } function instance$9(t, e, i) { let { hovered: n = !1 } = e; return t.$$set = (s) => { "hovered" in s && i(0, n = s.hovered); }, [n]; } class PdfUploadText extends SvelteComponent$9 { constructor(e) { super(), init$9(this, e, instance$9, create_fragment$9, safe_not_equal$a, { hovered: 0 }); } } const Block_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$8, assign: assign$1, create_slot: create_slot$3, detach: detach$8, element: element$8, get_all_dirty_from_scope: get_all_dirty_from_scope$3, get_slot_changes: get_slot_changes$3, get_spread_update: get_spread_update$1, init: init$8, insert: insert$8, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$9, set_dynamic_element_data, set_style: set_style$5, toggle_class: toggle_class$7, transition_in: transition_in$7, transition_out: transition_out$7, update_slot_base: update_slot_base$3 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_dynamic_element(t) { let e, i, n; const s = ( /*#slots*/ t[17].default ), l = create_slot$3( s, t, /*$$scope*/ t[16], null ); let h = [ { "data-testid": ( /*test_id*/ t[7] ) }, { id: ( /*elem_id*/ t[2] ) }, { class: i = "block " + /*elem_classes*/ t[3].join(" ") + " svelte-1t38q2d" } ], _ = {}; for (let c = 0; c < h.length; c += 1) _ = assign$1(_, h[c]); return { c() { e = element$8( /*tag*/ t[14] ), l && l.c(), set_dynamic_element_data( /*tag*/ t[14] )(e, _), toggle_class$7( e, "hidden", /*visible*/ t[10] === !1 ), toggle_class$7( e, "padded", /*padding*/ t[6] ), toggle_class$7( e, "border_focus", /*border_mode*/ t[5] === "focus" ), toggle_class$7(e, "hide-container", !/*explicit_call*/ t[8] && !/*container*/ t[9]), set_style$5(e, "height", typeof /*height*/ t[0] == "number" ? ( /*height*/ t[0] + "px" ) : void 0), set_style$5(e, "width", typeof /*width*/ t[1] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*width*/ t[1]}px, 100%))` : void 0), set_style$5( e, "border-style", /*variant*/ t[4] ), set_style$5( e, "overflow", /*allow_overflow*/ t[11] ? "visible" : "hidden" ), set_style$5( e, "flex-grow", /*scale*/ t[12] ), set_style$5(e, "min-width", `calc(min(${/*min_width*/ t[13]}px, 100%))`), set_style$5(e, "border-width", "var(--block-border-width)"); }, m(c, o) { insert$8(c, e, o), l && l.m(e, null), n = !0; }, p(c, o) { l && l.p && (!n || o & /*$$scope*/ 65536) && update_slot_base$3( l, s, c, /*$$scope*/ c[16], n ? get_slot_changes$3( s, /*$$scope*/ c[16], o, null ) : get_all_dirty_from_scope$3( /*$$scope*/ c[16] ), null ), set_dynamic_element_data( /*tag*/ c[14] )(e, _ = get_spread_update$1(h, [ (!n || o & /*test_id*/ 128) && { "data-testid": ( /*test_id*/ c[7] ) }, (!n || o & /*elem_id*/ 4) && { id: ( /*elem_id*/ c[2] ) }, (!n || o & /*elem_classes*/ 8 && i !== (i = "block " + /*elem_classes*/ c[3].join(" ") + " svelte-1t38q2d")) && { class: i } ])), toggle_class$7( e, "hidden", /*visible*/ c[10] === !1 ), toggle_class$7( e, "padded", /*padding*/ c[6] ), toggle_class$7( e, "border_focus", /*border_mode*/ c[5] === "focus" ), toggle_class$7(e, "hide-container", !/*explicit_call*/ c[8] && !/*container*/ c[9]), o & /*height*/ 1 && set_style$5(e, "height", typeof /*height*/ c[0] == "number" ? ( /*height*/ c[0] + "px" ) : void 0), o & /*width*/ 2 && set_style$5(e, "width", typeof /*width*/ c[1] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*width*/ c[1]}px, 100%))` : void 0), o & /*variant*/ 16 && set_style$5( e, "border-style", /*variant*/ c[4] ), o & /*allow_overflow*/ 2048 && set_style$5( e, "overflow", /*allow_overflow*/ c[11] ? "visible" : "hidden" ), o & /*scale*/ 4096 && set_style$5( e, "flex-grow", /*scale*/ c[12] ), o & /*min_width*/ 8192 && set_style$5(e, "min-width", `calc(min(${/*min_width*/ c[13]}px, 100%))`); }, i(c) { n || (transition_in$7(l, c), n = !0); }, o(c) { transition_out$7(l, c), n = !1; }, d(c) { c && detach$8(e), l && l.d(c); } }; } function create_fragment$8(t) { let e, i = ( /*tag*/ t[14] && create_dynamic_element(t) ); return { c() { i && i.c(); }, m(n, s) { i && i.m(n, s), e = !0; }, p(n, [s]) { /*tag*/ n[14] && i.p(n, s); }, i(n) { e || (transition_in$7(i, n), e = !0); }, o(n) { transition_out$7(i, n), e = !1; }, d(n) { i && i.d(n); } }; } function instance$8(t, e, i) { let { $$slots: n = {}, $$scope: s } = e, { height: l = void 0 } = e, { width: h = void 0 } = e, { elem_id: _ = "" } = e, { elem_classes: c = [] } = e, { variant: o = "solid" } = e, { border_mode: r = "base" } = e, { padding: T = !0 } = e, { type: S = "normal" } = e, { test_id: w = void 0 } = e, { explicit_call: C = !1 } = e, { container: P = !0 } = e, { visible: b = !0 } = e, { allow_overflow: k = !0 } = e, { scale: F = null } = e, { min_width: x = 0 } = e, y = S === "fieldset" ? "fieldset" : "div"; return t.$$set = (p) => { "height" in p && i(0, l = p.height), "width" in p && i(1, h = p.width), "elem_id" in p && i(2, _ = p.elem_id), "elem_classes" in p && i(3, c = p.elem_classes), "variant" in p && i(4, o = p.variant), "border_mode" in p && i(5, r = p.border_mode), "padding" in p && i(6, T = p.padding), "type" in p && i(15, S = p.type), "test_id" in p && i(7, w = p.test_id), "explicit_call" in p && i(8, C = p.explicit_call), "container" in p && i(9, P = p.container), "visible" in p && i(10, b = p.visible), "allow_overflow" in p && i(11, k = p.allow_overflow), "scale" in p && i(12, F = p.scale), "min_width" in p && i(13, x = p.min_width), "$$scope" in p && i(16, s = p.$$scope); }, [ l, h, _, c, o, r, T, w, C, P, b, k, F, x, y, S, s, n ]; } class Block extends SvelteComponent$8 { constructor(e) { super(), init$8(this, e, instance$8, create_fragment$8, safe_not_equal$9, { height: 0, width: 1, elem_id: 2, elem_classes: 3, variant: 4, border_mode: 5, padding: 6, type: 15, test_id: 7, explicit_call: 8, container: 9, visible: 10, allow_overflow: 11, scale: 12, min_width: 13 }); } } const Info_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", BlockTitle_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", BlockLabel_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$7, append: append$7, attr: attr$7, create_component: create_component$4, destroy_component: destroy_component$4, detach: detach$7, element: element$7, init: init$7, insert: insert$7, mount_component: mount_component$4, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$8, set_data: set_data$3, space: space$6, text: text$3, toggle_class: toggle_class$6, transition_in: transition_in$6, transition_out: transition_out$6 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_fragment$7(t) { let e, i, n, s, l, h; return n = new /*Icon*/ t[1]({}), { c() { e = element$7("label"), i = element$7("span"), create_component$4(n.$$.fragment), s = space$6(), l = text$3( /*label*/ t[0] ), attr$7(i, "class", "svelte-9gxdi0"), attr$7(e, "for", ""), attr$7(e, "data-testid", "block-label"), attr$7(e, "class", "svelte-9gxdi0"), toggle_class$6(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/ t[2]), toggle_class$6(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/ t[2]), toggle_class$6( e, "float", /*float*/ t[4] ), toggle_class$6( e, "hide-label", /*disable*/ t[3] ); }, m(_, c) { insert$7(_, e, c), append$7(e, i), mount_component$4(n, i, null), append$7(e, s), append$7(e, l), h = !0; }, p(_, [c]) { (!h || c & /*label*/ 1) && set_data$3( l, /*label*/ _[0] ), (!h || c & /*show_label*/ 4) && toggle_class$6(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/ _[2]), (!h || c & /*show_label*/ 4) && toggle_class$6(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/ _[2]), (!h || c & /*float*/ 16) && toggle_class$6( e, "float", /*float*/ _[4] ), (!h || c & /*disable*/ 8) && toggle_class$6( e, "hide-label", /*disable*/ _[3] ); }, i(_) { h || (transition_in$6(n.$$.fragment, _), h = !0); }, o(_) { transition_out$6(n.$$.fragment, _), h = !1; }, d(_) { _ && detach$7(e), destroy_component$4(n); } }; } function instance$7(t, e, i) { let { label: n = null } = e, { Icon: s } = e, { show_label: l = !0 } = e, { disable: h = !1 } = e, { float: _ = !0 } = e; return t.$$set = (c) => { "label" in c && i(0, n = c.label), "Icon" in c && i(1, s = c.Icon), "show_label" in c && i(2, l = c.show_label), "disable" in c && i(3, h = c.disable), "float" in c && i(4, _ = c.float); }, [n, s, l, h, _]; } class BlockLabel extends SvelteComponent$7 { constructor(e) { super(), init$7(this, e, instance$7, create_fragment$7, safe_not_equal$8, { label: 0, Icon: 1, show_label: 2, disable: 3, float: 4 }); } } const IconButton_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$6, append: append$6, attr: attr$6, bubble: bubble$2, create_component: create_component$3, destroy_component: destroy_component$3, detach: detach$6, element: element$6, init: init$6, insert: insert$6, listen: listen$2, mount_component: mount_component$3, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$7, set_data: set_data$2, space: space$5, text: text$2, toggle_class: toggle_class$5, transition_in: transition_in$5, transition_out: transition_out$5 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_if_block$4(t) { let e, i; return { c() { e = element$6("span"), i = text$2( /*label*/ t[1] ), attr$6(e, "class", "svelte-xtz2g8"); }, m(n, s) { insert$6(n, e, s), append$6(e, i); }, p(n, s) { s & /*label*/ 2 && set_data$2( i, /*label*/ n[1] ); }, d(n) { n && detach$6(e); } }; } function create_fragment$6(t) { let e, i, n, s, l, h, _, c = ( /*show_label*/ t[2] && create_if_block$4(t) ); return s = new /*Icon*/ t[0]({}), { c() { e = element$6("button"), c && c.c(), i = space$5(), n = element$6("div"), create_component$3(s.$$.fragment), attr$6(n, "class", "svelte-xtz2g8"), toggle_class$5( n, "small", /*size*/ t[4] === "small" ), toggle_class$5( n, "large", /*size*/ t[4] === "large" ), attr$6( e, "aria-label", /*label*/ t[1] ), attr$6( e, "title", /*label*/ t[1] ), attr$6(e, "class", "svelte-xtz2g8"), toggle_class$5( e, "pending", /*pending*/ t[3] ), toggle_class$5( e, "padded", /*padded*/ t[5] ); }, m(o, r) { insert$6(o, e, r), c && c.m(e, null), append$6(e, i), append$6(e, n), mount_component$3(s, n, null), l = !0, h || (_ = listen$2( e, "click", /*click_handler*/ t[6] ), h = !0); }, p(o, [r]) { /*show_label*/ o[2] ? c ? c.p(o, r) : (c = create_if_block$4(o), c.c(), c.m(e, i)) : c && (c.d(1), c = null), (!l || r & /*size*/ 16) && toggle_class$5( n, "small", /*size*/ o[4] === "small" ), (!l || r & /*size*/ 16) && toggle_class$5( n, "large", /*size*/ o[4] === "large" ), (!l || r & /*label*/ 2) && attr$6( e, "aria-label", /*label*/ o[1] ), (!l || r & /*label*/ 2) && attr$6( e, "title", /*label*/ o[1] ), (!l || r & /*pending*/ 8) && toggle_class$5( e, "pending", /*pending*/ o[3] ), (!l || r & /*padded*/ 32) && toggle_class$5( e, "padded", /*padded*/ o[5] ); }, i(o) { l || (transition_in$5(s.$$.fragment, o), l = !0); }, o(o) { transition_out$5(s.$$.fragment, o), l = !1; }, d(o) { o && detach$6(e), c && c.d(), destroy_component$3(s), h = !1, _(); } }; } function instance$6(t, e, i) { let { Icon: n } = e, { label: s = "" } = e, { show_label: l = !1 } = e, { pending: h = !1 } = e, { size: _ = "small" } = e, { padded: c = !0 } = e; function o(r) { bubble$, t, r); } return t.$$set = (r) => { "Icon" in r && i(0, n = r.Icon), "label" in r && i(1, s = r.label), "show_label" in r && i(2, l = r.show_label), "pending" in r && i(3, h = r.pending), "size" in r && i(4, _ = r.size), "padded" in r && i(5, c = r.padded); }, [n, s, l, h, _, c, o]; } class IconButton extends SvelteComponent$6 { constructor(e) { super(), init$6(this, e, instance$6, create_fragment$6, safe_not_equal$7, { Icon: 0, label: 1, show_label: 2, pending: 3, size: 4, padded: 5 }); } } const Empty_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", color_values = [ { color: "red", primary: 600, secondary: 100 }, { color: "green", primary: 600, secondary: 100 }, { color: "blue", primary: 600, secondary: 100 }, { color: "yellow", primary: 500, secondary: 100 }, { color: "purple", primary: 600, secondary: 100 }, { color: "teal", primary: 600, secondary: 100 }, { color: "orange", primary: 600, secondary: 100 }, { color: "cyan", primary: 600, secondary: 100 }, { color: "lime", primary: 500, secondary: 100 }, { color: "pink", primary: 600, secondary: 100 } ], tw_colors = { inherit: "inherit", current: "currentColor", transparent: "transparent", black: "#000", white: "#fff", slate: { 50: "#f8fafc", 100: "#f1f5f9", 200: "#e2e8f0", 300: "#cbd5e1", 400: "#94a3b8", 500: "#64748b", 600: "#475569", 700: "#334155", 800: "#1e293b", 900: "#0f172a", 950: "#020617" }, gray: { 50: "#f9fafb", 100: "#f3f4f6", 200: "#e5e7eb", 300: "#d1d5db", 400: "#9ca3af", 500: "#6b7280", 600: "#4b5563", 700: "#374151", 800: "#1f2937", 900: "#111827", 950: "#030712" }, zinc: { 50: "#fafafa", 100: "#f4f4f5", 200: "#e4e4e7", 300: "#d4d4d8", 400: "#a1a1aa", 500: "#71717a", 600: "#52525b", 700: "#3f3f46", 800: "#27272a", 900: "#18181b", 950: "#09090b" }, neutral: { 50: "#fafafa", 100: "#f5f5f5", 200: "#e5e5e5", 300: "#d4d4d4", 400: "#a3a3a3", 500: "#737373", 600: "#525252", 700: "#404040", 800: "#262626", 900: "#171717", 950: "#0a0a0a" }, stone: { 50: "#fafaf9", 100: "#f5f5f4", 200: "#e7e5e4", 300: "#d6d3d1", 400: "#a8a29e", 500: "#78716c", 600: "#57534e", 700: "#44403c", 800: "#292524", 900: "#1c1917", 950: "#0c0a09" }, red: { 50: "#fef2f2", 100: "#fee2e2", 200: "#fecaca", 300: "#fca5a5", 400: "#f87171", 500: "#ef4444", 600: "#dc2626", 700: "#b91c1c", 800: "#991b1b", 900: "#7f1d1d", 950: "#450a0a" }, orange: { 50: "#fff7ed", 100: "#ffedd5", 200: "#fed7aa", 300: "#fdba74", 400: "#fb923c", 500: "#f97316", 600: "#ea580c", 700: "#c2410c", 800: "#9a3412", 900: "#7c2d12", 950: "#431407" }, amber: { 50: "#fffbeb", 100: "#fef3c7", 200: "#fde68a", 300: "#fcd34d", 400: "#fbbf24", 500: "#f59e0b", 600: "#d97706", 700: "#b45309", 800: "#92400e", 900: "#78350f", 950: "#451a03" }, yellow: { 50: "#fefce8", 100: "#fef9c3", 200: "#fef08a", 300: "#fde047", 400: "#facc15", 500: "#eab308", 600: "#ca8a04", 700: "#a16207", 800: "#854d0e", 900: "#713f12", 950: "#422006" }, lime: { 50: "#f7fee7", 100: "#ecfccb", 200: "#d9f99d", 300: "#bef264", 400: "#a3e635", 500: "#84cc16", 600: "#65a30d", 700: "#4d7c0f", 800: "#3f6212", 900: "#365314", 950: "#1a2e05" }, green: { 50: "#f0fdf4", 100: "#dcfce7", 200: "#bbf7d0", 300: "#86efac", 400: "#4ade80", 500: "#22c55e", 600: "#16a34a", 700: "#15803d", 800: "#166534", 900: "#14532d", 950: "#052e16" }, emerald: { 50: "#ecfdf5", 100: "#d1fae5", 200: "#a7f3d0", 300: "#6ee7b7", 400: "#34d399", 500: "#10b981", 600: "#059669", 700: "#047857", 800: "#065f46", 900: "#064e3b", 950: "#022c22" }, teal: { 50: "#f0fdfa", 100: "#ccfbf1", 200: "#99f6e4", 300: "#5eead4", 400: "#2dd4bf", 500: "#14b8a6", 600: "#0d9488", 700: "#0f766e", 800: "#115e59", 900: "#134e4a", 950: "#042f2e" }, cyan: { 50: "#ecfeff", 100: "#cffafe", 200: "#a5f3fc", 300: "#67e8f9", 400: "#22d3ee", 500: "#06b6d4", 600: "#0891b2", 700: "#0e7490", 800: "#155e75", 900: "#164e63", 950: "#083344" }, sky: { 50: "#f0f9ff", 100: "#e0f2fe", 200: "#bae6fd", 300: "#7dd3fc", 400: "#38bdf8", 500: "#0ea5e9", 600: "#0284c7", 700: "#0369a1", 800: "#075985", 900: "#0c4a6e", 950: "#082f49" }, blue: { 50: "#eff6ff", 100: "#dbeafe", 200: "#bfdbfe", 300: "#93c5fd", 400: "#60a5fa", 500: "#3b82f6", 600: "#2563eb", 700: "#1d4ed8", 800: "#1e40af", 900: "#1e3a8a", 950: "#172554" }, indigo: { 50: "#eef2ff", 100: "#e0e7ff", 200: "#c7d2fe", 300: "#a5b4fc", 400: "#818cf8", 500: "#6366f1", 600: "#4f46e5", 700: "#4338ca", 800: "#3730a3", 900: "#312e81", 950: "#1e1b4b" }, violet: { 50: "#f5f3ff", 100: "#ede9fe", 200: "#ddd6fe", 300: "#c4b5fd", 400: "#a78bfa", 500: "#8b5cf6", 600: "#7c3aed", 700: "#6d28d9", 800: "#5b21b6", 900: "#4c1d95", 950: "#2e1065" }, purple: { 50: "#faf5ff", 100: "#f3e8ff", 200: "#e9d5ff", 300: "#d8b4fe", 400: "#c084fc", 500: "#a855f7", 600: "#9333ea", 700: "#7e22ce", 800: "#6b21a8", 900: "#581c87", 950: "#3b0764" }, fuchsia: { 50: "#fdf4ff", 100: "#fae8ff", 200: "#f5d0fe", 300: "#f0abfc", 400: "#e879f9", 500: "#d946ef", 600: "#c026d3", 700: "#a21caf", 800: "#86198f", 900: "#701a75", 950: "#4a044e" }, pink: { 50: "#fdf2f8", 100: "#fce7f3", 200: "#fbcfe8", 300: "#f9a8d4", 400: "#f472b6", 500: "#ec4899", 600: "#db2777", 700: "#be185d", 800: "#9d174d", 900: "#831843", 950: "#500724" }, rose: { 50: "#fff1f2", 100: "#ffe4e6", 200: "#fecdd3", 300: "#fda4af", 400: "#fb7185", 500: "#f43f5e", 600: "#e11d48", 700: "#be123c", 800: "#9f1239", 900: "#881337", 950: "#4c0519" } }; color_values.reduce( (t, { color: e, primary: i, secondary: n }) => ({ ...t, [e]: { primary: tw_colors[e][i], secondary: tw_colors[e][n] } }), {} ); const UploadText_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", Toolbar_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; new Intl.Collator(0, { numeric: 1 }).compare; function is_url$1(t) { try { const e = new URL(t); return e.protocol === "http:" || e.protocol === "https:"; } catch { return !1; } } function get_fetchable_url_or_file$1(t, e, i) { return t == null ? i ? `/proxy=${i}file=` : `${e}/file=` : is_url$1(t) ? t : i ? `/proxy=${i}file=${t}` : `${e}/file=${t}`; } const Button_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$5, append: append$5, attr: attr$5, bubble: bubble$1, check_outros: check_outros$3, create_slot: create_slot$2, detach: detach$5, element: element$5, empty: empty$2, get_all_dirty_from_scope: get_all_dirty_from_scope$2, get_slot_changes: get_slot_changes$2, group_outros: group_outros$3, init: init$5, insert: insert$5, listen: listen$1, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$6, set_style: set_style$4, space: space$4, src_url_equal, toggle_class: toggle_class$4, transition_in: transition_in$4, transition_out: transition_out$4, update_slot_base: update_slot_base$2 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_else_block$2(t) { let e, i, n, s, l, h, _ = ( /*icon*/ t[7] && create_if_block_2$1(t) ); const c = ( /*#slots*/ t[15].default ), o = create_slot$2( c, t, /*$$scope*/ t[14], null ); return { c() { e = element$5("button"), _ && _.c(), i = space$4(), o && o.c(), attr$5(e, "class", n = /*size*/ t[4] + " " + /*variant*/ t[3] + " " + /*elem_classes*/ t[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn"), attr$5( e, "id", /*elem_id*/ t[0] ), e.disabled = /*disabled*/ t[8], toggle_class$4(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/ t[2]), set_style$4( e, "flex-grow", /*scale*/ t[9] ), set_style$4( e, "width", /*scale*/ t[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null ), set_style$4(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/ t[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/ t[10]}px, 100%))` : null); }, m(r, T) { insert$5(r, e, T), _ && _.m(e, null), append$5(e, i), o && o.m(e, null), s = !0, l || (h = listen$1( e, "click", /*click_handler*/ t[16] ), l = !0); }, p(r, T) { /*icon*/ r[7] ? _ ? _.p(r, T) : (_ = create_if_block_2$1(r), _.c(), _.m(e, i)) : _ && (_.d(1), _ = null), o && o.p && (!s || T & /*$$scope*/ 16384) && update_slot_base$2( o, c, r, /*$$scope*/ r[14], s ? get_slot_changes$2( c, /*$$scope*/ r[14], T, null ) : get_all_dirty_from_scope$2( /*$$scope*/ r[14] ), null ), (!s || T & /*size, variant, elem_classes*/ 26 && n !== (n = /*size*/ r[4] + " " + /*variant*/ r[3] + " " + /*elem_classes*/ r[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn")) && attr$5(e, "class", n), (!s || T & /*elem_id*/ 1) && attr$5( e, "id", /*elem_id*/ r[0] ), (!s || T & /*disabled*/ 256) && (e.disabled = /*disabled*/ r[8]), (!s || T & /*size, variant, elem_classes, visible*/ 30) && toggle_class$4(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/ r[2]), T & /*scale*/ 512 && set_style$4( e, "flex-grow", /*scale*/ r[9] ), T & /*scale*/ 512 && set_style$4( e, "width", /*scale*/ r[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null ), T & /*min_width*/ 1024 && set_style$4(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/ r[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/ r[10]}px, 100%))` : null); }, i(r) { s || (transition_in$4(o, r), s = !0); }, o(r) { transition_out$4(o, r), s = !1; }, d(r) { r && detach$5(e), _ && _.d(), o && o.d(r), l = !1, h(); } }; } function create_if_block$3(t) { let e, i, n, s, l = ( /*icon*/ t[7] && create_if_block_1$3(t) ); const h = ( /*#slots*/ t[15].default ), _ = create_slot$2( h, t, /*$$scope*/ t[14], null ); return { c() { e = element$5("a"), l && l.c(), i = space$4(), _ && _.c(), attr$5( e, "href", /*link*/ t[6] ), attr$5(e, "rel", "noopener noreferrer"), attr$5( e, "aria-disabled", /*disabled*/ t[8] ), attr$5(e, "class", n = /*size*/ t[4] + " " + /*variant*/ t[3] + " " + /*elem_classes*/ t[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn"), attr$5( e, "id", /*elem_id*/ t[0] ), toggle_class$4(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/ t[2]), toggle_class$4( e, "disabled", /*disabled*/ t[8] ), set_style$4( e, "flex-grow", /*scale*/ t[9] ), set_style$4( e, "pointer-events", /*disabled*/ t[8] ? "none" : null ), set_style$4( e, "width", /*scale*/ t[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null ), set_style$4(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/ t[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/ t[10]}px, 100%))` : null); }, m(c, o) { insert$5(c, e, o), l && l.m(e, null), append$5(e, i), _ && _.m(e, null), s = !0; }, p(c, o) { /*icon*/ c[7] ? l ? l.p(c, o) : (l = create_if_block_1$3(c), l.c(), l.m(e, i)) : l && (l.d(1), l = null), _ && _.p && (!s || o & /*$$scope*/ 16384) && update_slot_base$2( _, h, c, /*$$scope*/ c[14], s ? get_slot_changes$2( h, /*$$scope*/ c[14], o, null ) : get_all_dirty_from_scope$2( /*$$scope*/ c[14] ), null ), (!s || o & /*link*/ 64) && attr$5( e, "href", /*link*/ c[6] ), (!s || o & /*disabled*/ 256) && attr$5( e, "aria-disabled", /*disabled*/ c[8] ), (!s || o & /*size, variant, elem_classes*/ 26 && n !== (n = /*size*/ c[4] + " " + /*variant*/ c[3] + " " + /*elem_classes*/ c[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn")) && attr$5(e, "class", n), (!s || o & /*elem_id*/ 1) && attr$5( e, "id", /*elem_id*/ c[0] ), (!s || o & /*size, variant, elem_classes, visible*/ 30) && toggle_class$4(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/ c[2]), (!s || o & /*size, variant, elem_classes, disabled*/ 282) && toggle_class$4( e, "disabled", /*disabled*/ c[8] ), o & /*scale*/ 512 && set_style$4( e, "flex-grow", /*scale*/ c[9] ), o & /*disabled*/ 256 && set_style$4( e, "pointer-events", /*disabled*/ c[8] ? "none" : null ), o & /*scale*/ 512 && set_style$4( e, "width", /*scale*/ c[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null ), o & /*min_width*/ 1024 && set_style$4(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/ c[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/ c[10]}px, 100%))` : null); }, i(c) { s || (transition_in$4(_, c), s = !0); }, o(c) { transition_out$4(_, c), s = !1; }, d(c) { c && detach$5(e), l && l.d(), _ && _.d(c); } }; } function create_if_block_2$1(t) { let e, i, n; return { c() { e = element$5("img"), attr$5(e, "class", "button-icon svelte-8huxfn"), src_url_equal(e.src, i = /*icon_path*/ t[11]) || attr$5(e, "src", i), attr$5(e, "alt", n = `${/*value*/ t[5]} icon`); }, m(s, l) { insert$5(s, e, l); }, p(s, l) { l & /*icon_path*/ 2048 && !src_url_equal(e.src, i = /*icon_path*/ s[11]) && attr$5(e, "src", i), l & /*value*/ 32 && n !== (n = `${/*value*/ s[5]} icon`) && attr$5(e, "alt", n); }, d(s) { s && detach$5(e); } }; } function create_if_block_1$3(t) { let e, i, n; return { c() { e = element$5("img"), attr$5(e, "class", "button-icon svelte-8huxfn"), src_url_equal(e.src, i = /*icon_path*/ t[11]) || attr$5(e, "src", i), attr$5(e, "alt", n = `${/*value*/ t[5]} icon`); }, m(s, l) { insert$5(s, e, l); }, p(s, l) { l & /*icon_path*/ 2048 && !src_url_equal(e.src, i = /*icon_path*/ s[11]) && attr$5(e, "src", i), l & /*value*/ 32 && n !== (n = `${/*value*/ s[5]} icon`) && attr$5(e, "alt", n); }, d(s) { s && detach$5(e); } }; } function create_fragment$5(t) { let e, i, n, s; const l = [create_if_block$3, create_else_block$2], h = []; function _(c, o) { return ( /*link*/ c[6] && /*link*/ c[6].length > 0 ? 0 : 1 ); } return e = _(t), i = h[e] = l[e](t), { c() { i.c(), n = empty$2(); }, m(c, o) { h[e].m(c, o), insert$5(c, n, o), s = !0; }, p(c, [o]) { let r = e; e = _(c), e === r ? h[e].p(c, o) : (group_outros$3(), transition_out$4(h[r], 1, 1, () => { h[r] = null; }), check_outros$3(), i = h[e], i ? i.p(c, o) : (i = h[e] = l[e](c), i.c()), transition_in$4(i, 1), i.m(n.parentNode, n)); }, i(c) { s || (transition_in$4(i), s = !0); }, o(c) { transition_out$4(i), s = !1; }, d(c) { c && detach$5(n), h[e].d(c); } }; } function instance$5(t, e, i) { let n, { $$slots: s = {}, $$scope: l } = e, { elem_id: h = "" } = e, { elem_classes: _ = [] } = e, { visible: c = !0 } = e, { variant: o = "secondary" } = e, { size: r = "lg" } = e, { value: T = null } = e, { link: S = null } = e, { icon: w = null } = e, { disabled: C = !1 } = e, { scale: P = null } = e, { min_width: b = void 0 } = e, { root: k = "" } = e, { proxy_url: F = null } = e; function x(y) { bubble$, t, y); } return t.$$set = (y) => { "elem_id" in y && i(0, h = y.elem_id), "elem_classes" in y && i(1, _ = y.elem_classes), "visible" in y && i(2, c = y.visible), "variant" in y && i(3, o = y.variant), "size" in y && i(4, r = y.size), "value" in y && i(5, T = y.value), "link" in y && i(6, S =, "icon" in y && i(7, w = y.icon), "disabled" in y && i(8, C = y.disabled), "scale" in y && i(9, P = y.scale), "min_width" in y && i(10, b = y.min_width), "root" in y && i(12, k = y.root), "proxy_url" in y && i(13, F = y.proxy_url), "$$scope" in y && i(14, l = y.$$scope); }, t.$$.update = () => { t.$$.dirty & /*icon, root, proxy_url*/ 12416 && i(11, n = get_fetchable_url_or_file$1(w, k, F)); }, [ h, _, c, o, r, T, S, w, C, P, b, n, k, F, l, s, x ]; } class Button extends SvelteComponent$5 { constructor(e) { super(), init$5(this, e, instance$5, create_fragment$5, safe_not_equal$6, { elem_id: 0, elem_classes: 1, visible: 2, variant: 3, size: 4, value: 5, link: 6, icon: 7, disabled: 8, scale: 9, min_width: 10, root: 12, proxy_url: 13 }); } } function pretty_si(t) { let e = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"], i = 0; for (; t > 1e3 && i < e.length - 1; ) t /= 1e3, i++; let n = e[i]; return (Number.isInteger(t) ? t : t.toFixed(1)) + n; } function noop$2() { } function run(t) { return t(); } function run_all$1(t) { t.forEach(run); } function is_function(t) { return typeof t == "function"; } function safe_not_equal$5(t, e) { return t != t ? e == e : t !== e || t && typeof t == "object" || typeof t == "function"; } function subscribe(t, ...e) { if (t == null) { for (const n of e) n(void 0); return noop$2; } const i = t.subscribe(...e); return i.unsubscribe ? () => i.unsubscribe() : i; } const is_client = typeof window < "u"; let now = is_client ? () => : () =>, raf = is_client ? (t) => requestAnimationFrame(t) : noop$2; const tasks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); function run_tasks(t) { tasks.forEach((e) => { e.c(t) || (tasks.delete(e), e.f()); }), tasks.size !== 0 && raf(run_tasks); } function loop(t) { let e; return tasks.size === 0 && raf(run_tasks), { promise: new Promise((i) => { tasks.add(e = { c: t, f: i }); }), abort() { tasks.delete(e); } }; } const subscriber_queue = []; function readable(t, e) { return { subscribe: writable(t, e).subscribe }; } function writable(t, e = noop$2) { let i; const n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); function s(_) { if (safe_not_equal$5(t, _) && (t = _, i)) { const c = !subscriber_queue.length; for (const o of n) o[1](), subscriber_queue.push(o, t); if (c) { for (let o = 0; o < subscriber_queue.length; o += 2) subscriber_queue[o][0](subscriber_queue[o + 1]); subscriber_queue.length = 0; } } } function l(_) { s(_(t)); } function h(_, c = noop$2) { const o = [_, c]; return n.add(o), n.size === 1 && (i = e(s, l) || noop$2), _(t), () => { n.delete(o), n.size === 0 && i && (i(), i = null); }; } return { set: s, update: l, subscribe: h }; } function derived(t, e, i) { const n = !Array.isArray(t), s = n ? [t] : t; if (!s.every(Boolean)) throw new Error("derived() expects stores as input, got a falsy value"); const l = e.length < 2; return readable(i, (h, _) => { let c = !1; const o = []; let r = 0, T = noop$2; const S = () => { if (r) return; T(); const C = e(n ? o[0] : o, h, _); l ? h(C) : T = is_function(C) ? C : noop$2; }, w = (C, P) => subscribe( C, (b) => { o[P] = b, r &= ~(1 << P), c && S(); }, () => { r |= 1 << P; } ) ); return c = !0, S(), function() { run_all$1(w), T(), c = !1; }; }); } function is_date(t) { return === "[object Date]"; } function tick_spring(t, e, i, n) { if (typeof i == "number" || is_date(i)) { const s = n - i, l = (i - e) / (t.dt || 1 / 60), h = t.opts.stiffness * s, _ = t.opts.damping * l, c = (h - _) * t.inv_mass, o = (l + c) * t.dt; return Math.abs(o) < t.opts.precision && Math.abs(s) < t.opts.precision ? n : (t.settled = !1, is_date(i) ? new Date(i.getTime() + o) : i + o); } else { if (Array.isArray(i)) return (s, l) => tick_spring(t, e[l], i[l], n[l]) ); if (typeof i == "object") { const s = {}; for (const l in i) s[l] = tick_spring(t, e[l], i[l], n[l]); return s; } else throw new Error(`Cannot spring ${typeof i} values`); } } function spring(t, e = {}) { const i = writable(t), { stiffness: n = 0.15, damping: s = 0.8, precision: l = 0.01 } = e; let h, _, c, o = t, r = t, T = 1, S = 0, w = !1; function C(b, k = {}) { r = b; const F = c = {}; return t == null || k.hard || P.stiffness >= 1 && P.damping >= 1 ? (w = !0, h = now(), o = b, i.set(t = r), Promise.resolve()) : (k.soft && (S = 1 / ((k.soft === !0 ? 0.5 : +k.soft) * 60), T = 0), _ || (h = now(), w = !1, _ = loop((x) => { if (w) return w = !1, _ = null, !1; T = Math.min(T + S, 1); const y = { inv_mass: T, opts: P, settled: !0, dt: (x - h) * 60 / 1e3 }, p = tick_spring(y, o, t, r); return h = x, o = t, i.set(t = p), y.settled && (_ = null), !y.settled; })), new Promise((x) => { _.promise.then(() => { F === c && x(); }); })); } const P = { set: C, update: (b, k) => C(b(r, t), k), subscribe: i.subscribe, stiffness: n, damping: s, precision: l }; return P; } const Loader_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$4, append: append$4, attr: attr$4, component_subscribe, detach: detach$4, element: element$4, init: init$4, insert: insert$4, noop: noop$1, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$4, set_style: set_style$3, svg_element, toggle_class: toggle_class$3 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_fragment$4(t) { let e, i, n, s, l, h, _, c, o, r, T, S; return { c() { e = element$4("div"), i = svg_element("svg"), n = svg_element("g"), s = svg_element("path"), l = svg_element("path"), h = svg_element("path"), _ = svg_element("path"), c = svg_element("g"), o = svg_element("path"), r = svg_element("path"), T = svg_element("path"), S = svg_element("path"), attr$4(s, "d", "M255.926 0.754768L509.702 139.936V221.027L255.926 81.8465V0.754768Z"), attr$4(s, "fill", "#FF7C00"), attr$4(s, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), attr$4(s, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), attr$4(l, "d", "M509.69 139.936L254.981 279.641V361.255L509.69 221.55V139.936Z"), attr$4(l, "fill", "#FF7C00"), attr$4(l, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), attr$4(h, "d", "M0.250138 139.937L254.981 279.641V361.255L0.250138 221.55V139.937Z"), attr$4(h, "fill", "#FF7C00"), attr$4(h, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), attr$4(h, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), attr$4(_, "d", "M255.923 0.232622L0.236328 139.936V221.55L255.923 81.8469V0.232622Z"), attr$4(_, "fill", "#FF7C00"), attr$4(_, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), set_style$3(n, "transform", "translate(" + /*$top*/ t[1][0] + "px, " + /*$top*/ t[1][1] + "px)"), attr$4(o, "d", "M255.926 141.5L509.702 280.681V361.773L255.926 222.592V141.5Z"), attr$4(o, "fill", "#FF7C00"), attr$4(o, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), attr$4(o, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), attr$4(r, "d", "M509.69 280.679L254.981 420.384V501.998L509.69 362.293V280.679Z"), attr$4(r, "fill", "#FF7C00"), attr$4(r, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), attr$4(T, "d", "M0.250138 280.681L254.981 420.386V502L0.250138 362.295V280.681Z"), attr$4(T, "fill", "#FF7C00"), attr$4(T, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), attr$4(T, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), attr$4(S, "d", "M255.923 140.977L0.236328 280.68V362.294L255.923 222.591V140.977Z"), attr$4(S, "fill", "#FF7C00"), attr$4(S, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), set_style$3(c, "transform", "translate(" + /*$bottom*/ t[2][0] + "px, " + /*$bottom*/ t[2][1] + "px)"), attr$4(i, "viewBox", "-1200 -1200 3000 3000"), attr$4(i, "fill", "none"), attr$4(i, "xmlns", ""), attr$4(i, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), attr$4(e, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), toggle_class$3( e, "margin", /*margin*/ t[0] ); }, m(w, C) { insert$4(w, e, C), append$4(e, i), append$4(i, n), append$4(n, s), append$4(n, l), append$4(n, h), append$4(n, _), append$4(i, c), append$4(c, o), append$4(c, r), append$4(c, T), append$4(c, S); }, p(w, [C]) { C & /*$top*/ 2 && set_style$3(n, "transform", "translate(" + /*$top*/ w[1][0] + "px, " + /*$top*/ w[1][1] + "px)"), C & /*$bottom*/ 4 && set_style$3(c, "transform", "translate(" + /*$bottom*/ w[2][0] + "px, " + /*$bottom*/ w[2][1] + "px)"), C & /*margin*/ 1 && toggle_class$3( e, "margin", /*margin*/ w[0] ); }, i: noop$1, o: noop$1, d(w) { w && detach$4(e); } }; } function instance$4(t, e, i) { let n, s, { margin: l = !0 } = e; const h = spring([0, 0]); component_subscribe(t, h, (S) => i(1, n = S)); const _ = spring([0, 0]); component_subscribe(t, _, (S) => i(2, s = S)); let c; async function o() { await Promise.all([h.set([125, 140]), _.set([-125, -140])]), await Promise.all([h.set([-125, 140]), _.set([125, -140])]), await Promise.all([h.set([-125, 0]), _.set([125, -0])]), await Promise.all([h.set([125, 0]), _.set([-125, 0])]); } async function r() { await o(), c || r(); } async function T() { await Promise.all([h.set([125, 0]), _.set([-125, 0])]), r(); } return onMount(() => (T(), () => c = !0)), t.$$set = (S) => { "margin" in S && i(0, l = S.margin); }, [l, n, s, h, _]; } class Loader extends SvelteComponent$4 { constructor(e) { super(), init$4(this, e, instance$4, create_fragment$4, safe_not_equal$4, { margin: 0 }); } } const index_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$3, append: append$3, attr: attr$3, binding_callbacks: binding_callbacks$2, check_outros: check_outros$2, create_component: create_component$2, create_slot: create_slot$1, destroy_component: destroy_component$2, destroy_each, detach: detach$3, element: element$3, empty: empty$1, ensure_array_like, get_all_dirty_from_scope: get_all_dirty_from_scope$1, get_slot_changes: get_slot_changes$1, group_outros: group_outros$2, init: init$3, insert: insert$3, mount_component: mount_component$2, noop, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$3, set_data: set_data$1, set_style: set_style$2, space: space$3, text: text$1, toggle_class: toggle_class$2, transition_in: transition_in$3, transition_out: transition_out$3, update_slot_base: update_slot_base$1 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { tick: tick$2 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onDestroy } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, get_error_slot_changes = (t) => ({}), get_error_slot_context = (t) => ({}); function get_each_context(t, e, i) { const n = t.slice(); return n[38] = e[i], n[40] = i, n; } function get_each_context_1(t, e, i) { const n = t.slice(); return n[38] = e[i], n; } function create_if_block_17(t) { let e, i = ( /*i18n*/ t[1]("common.error") + "" ), n, s, l; const h = ( /*#slots*/ t[29].error ), _ = create_slot$1( h, t, /*$$scope*/ t[28], get_error_slot_context ); return { c() { e = element$3("span"), n = text$1(i), s = space$3(), _ && _.c(), attr$3(e, "class", "error svelte-14miwb5"); }, m(c, o) { insert$3(c, e, o), append$3(e, n), insert$3(c, s, o), _ && _.m(c, o), l = !0; }, p(c, o) { (!l || o[0] & /*i18n*/ 2) && i !== (i = /*i18n*/ c[1]("common.error") + "") && set_data$1(n, i), _ && _.p && (!l || o[0] & /*$$scope*/ 268435456) && update_slot_base$1( _, h, c, /*$$scope*/ c[28], l ? get_slot_changes$1( h, /*$$scope*/ c[28], o, get_error_slot_changes ) : get_all_dirty_from_scope$1( /*$$scope*/ c[28] ), get_error_slot_context ); }, i(c) { l || (transition_in$3(_, c), l = !0); }, o(c) { transition_out$3(_, c), l = !1; }, d(c) { c && (detach$3(e), detach$3(s)), _ && _.d(c); } }; } function create_if_block$2(t) { let e, i, n, s, l, h, _, c, o, r = ( /*variant*/ t[8] === "default" && /*show_eta_bar*/ t[18] && /*show_progress*/ t[6] === "full" && create_if_block_16(t) ); function T(x, y) { if ( /*progress*/ x[7] ) return create_if_block_11; if ( /*queue_position*/ x[2] !== null && /*queue_size*/ x[3] !== void 0 && /*queue_position*/ x[2] >= 0 ) return create_if_block_14; if ( /*queue_position*/ x[2] === 0 ) return create_if_block_15; } let S = T(t), w = S && S(t), C = ( /*timer*/ t[5] && create_if_block_10(t) ); const P = [create_if_block_2, create_if_block_9], b = []; function k(x, y) { return ( /*last_progress_level*/ x[15] != null ? 0 : ( /*show_progress*/ x[6] === "full" ? 1 : -1 ) ); } ~(l = k(t)) && (h = b[l] = P[l](t)); let F = !/*timer*/ t[5] && create_if_block_1$2(t); return { c() { r && r.c(), e = space$3(), i = element$3("div"), w && w.c(), n = space$3(), C && C.c(), s = space$3(), h && h.c(), _ = space$3(), F && F.c(), c = empty$1(), attr$3(i, "class", "progress-text svelte-14miwb5"), toggle_class$2( i, "meta-text-center", /*variant*/ t[8] === "center" ), toggle_class$2( i, "meta-text", /*variant*/ t[8] === "default" ); }, m(x, y) { r && r.m(x, y), insert$3(x, e, y), insert$3(x, i, y), w && w.m(i, null), append$3(i, n), C && C.m(i, null), insert$3(x, s, y), ~l && b[l].m(x, y), insert$3(x, _, y), F && F.m(x, y), insert$3(x, c, y), o = !0; }, p(x, y) { /*variant*/ x[8] === "default" && /*show_eta_bar*/ x[18] && /*show_progress*/ x[6] === "full" ? r ? r.p(x, y) : (r = create_if_block_16(x), r.c(), r.m(e.parentNode, e)) : r && (r.d(1), r = null), S === (S = T(x)) && w ? w.p(x, y) : (w && w.d(1), w = S && S(x), w && (w.c(), w.m(i, n))), /*timer*/ x[5] ? C ? C.p(x, y) : (C = create_if_block_10(x), C.c(), C.m(i, null)) : C && (C.d(1), C = null), (!o || y[0] & /*variant*/ 256) && toggle_class$2( i, "meta-text-center", /*variant*/ x[8] === "center" ), (!o || y[0] & /*variant*/ 256) && toggle_class$2( i, "meta-text", /*variant*/ x[8] === "default" ); let p = l; l = k(x), l === p ? ~l && b[l].p(x, y) : (h && (group_outros$2(), transition_out$3(b[p], 1, 1, () => { b[p] = null; }), check_outros$2()), ~l ? (h = b[l], h ? h.p(x, y) : (h = b[l] = P[l](x), h.c()), transition_in$3(h, 1), h.m(_.parentNode, _)) : h = null), /*timer*/ x[5] ? F && (F.d(1), F = null) : F ? F.p(x, y) : (F = create_if_block_1$2(x), F.c(), F.m(c.parentNode, c)); }, i(x) { o || (transition_in$3(h), o = !0); }, o(x) { transition_out$3(h), o = !1; }, d(x) { x && (detach$3(e), detach$3(i), detach$3(s), detach$3(_), detach$3(c)), r && r.d(x), w && w.d(), C && C.d(), ~l && b[l].d(x), F && F.d(x); } }; } function create_if_block_16(t) { let e, i = `translateX(${/*eta_level*/ (t[17] || 0) * 100 - 100}%)`; return { c() { e = element$3("div"), attr$3(e, "class", "eta-bar svelte-14miwb5"), set_style$2(e, "transform", i); }, m(n, s) { insert$3(n, e, s); }, p(n, s) { s[0] & /*eta_level*/ 131072 && i !== (i = `translateX(${/*eta_level*/ (n[17] || 0) * 100 - 100}%)`) && set_style$2(e, "transform", i); }, d(n) { n && detach$3(e); } }; } function create_if_block_15(t) { let e; return { c() { e = text$1("processing |"); }, m(i, n) { insert$3(i, e, n); }, p: noop, d(i) { i && detach$3(e); } }; } function create_if_block_14(t) { let e, i = ( /*queue_position*/ t[2] + 1 + "" ), n, s, l, h; return { c() { e = text$1("queue: "), n = text$1(i), s = text$1("/"), l = text$1( /*queue_size*/ t[3] ), h = text$1(" |"); }, m(_, c) { insert$3(_, e, c), insert$3(_, n, c), insert$3(_, s, c), insert$3(_, l, c), insert$3(_, h, c); }, p(_, c) { c[0] & /*queue_position*/ 4 && i !== (i = /*queue_position*/ _[2] + 1 + "") && set_data$1(n, i), c[0] & /*queue_size*/ 8 && set_data$1( l, /*queue_size*/ _[3] ); }, d(_) { _ && (detach$3(e), detach$3(n), detach$3(s), detach$3(l), detach$3(h)); } }; } function create_if_block_11(t) { let e, i = ensure_array_like( /*progress*/ t[7] ), n = []; for (let s = 0; s < i.length; s += 1) n[s] = create_each_block_1(get_each_context_1(t, i, s)); return { c() { for (let s = 0; s < n.length; s += 1) n[s].c(); e = empty$1(); }, m(s, l) { for (let h = 0; h < n.length; h += 1) n[h] && n[h].m(s, l); insert$3(s, e, l); }, p(s, l) { if (l[0] & /*progress*/ 128) { i = ensure_array_like( /*progress*/ s[7] ); let h; for (h = 0; h < i.length; h += 1) { const _ = get_each_context_1(s, i, h); n[h] ? n[h].p(_, l) : (n[h] = create_each_block_1(_), n[h].c(), n[h].m(e.parentNode, e)); } for (; h < n.length; h += 1) n[h].d(1); n.length = i.length; } }, d(s) { s && detach$3(e), destroy_each(n, s); } }; } function create_if_block_12(t) { let e, i = ( /*p*/ t[38].unit + "" ), n, s, l = " ", h; function _(r, T) { return ( /*p*/ r[38].length != null ? create_if_block_13 : create_else_block$1 ); } let c = _(t), o = c(t); return { c() { o.c(), e = space$3(), n = text$1(i), s = text$1(" | "), h = text$1(l); }, m(r, T) { o.m(r, T), insert$3(r, e, T), insert$3(r, n, T), insert$3(r, s, T), insert$3(r, h, T); }, p(r, T) { c === (c = _(r)) && o ? o.p(r, T) : (o.d(1), o = c(r), o && (o.c(), o.m(e.parentNode, e))), T[0] & /*progress*/ 128 && i !== (i = /*p*/ r[38].unit + "") && set_data$1(n, i); }, d(r) { r && (detach$3(e), detach$3(n), detach$3(s), detach$3(h)), o.d(r); } }; } function create_else_block$1(t) { let e = pretty_si( /*p*/ t[38].index || 0 ) + "", i; return { c() { i = text$1(e); }, m(n, s) { insert$3(n, i, s); }, p(n, s) { s[0] & /*progress*/ 128 && e !== (e = pretty_si( /*p*/ n[38].index || 0 ) + "") && set_data$1(i, e); }, d(n) { n && detach$3(i); } }; } function create_if_block_13(t) { let e = pretty_si( /*p*/ t[38].index || 0 ) + "", i, n, s = pretty_si( /*p*/ t[38].length ) + "", l; return { c() { i = text$1(e), n = text$1("/"), l = text$1(s); }, m(h, _) { insert$3(h, i, _), insert$3(h, n, _), insert$3(h, l, _); }, p(h, _) { _[0] & /*progress*/ 128 && e !== (e = pretty_si( /*p*/ h[38].index || 0 ) + "") && set_data$1(i, e), _[0] & /*progress*/ 128 && s !== (s = pretty_si( /*p*/ h[38].length ) + "") && set_data$1(l, s); }, d(h) { h && (detach$3(i), detach$3(n), detach$3(l)); } }; } function create_each_block_1(t) { let e, i = ( /*p*/ t[38].index != null && create_if_block_12(t) ); return { c() { i && i.c(), e = empty$1(); }, m(n, s) { i && i.m(n, s), insert$3(n, e, s); }, p(n, s) { /*p*/ n[38].index != null ? i ? i.p(n, s) : (i = create_if_block_12(n), i.c(), i.m(e.parentNode, e)) : i && (i.d(1), i = null); }, d(n) { n && detach$3(e), i && i.d(n); } }; } function create_if_block_10(t) { let e, i = ( /*eta*/ t[0] ? `/${/*formatted_eta*/ t[19]}` : "" ), n, s; return { c() { e = text$1( /*formatted_timer*/ t[20] ), n = text$1(i), s = text$1("s"); }, m(l, h) { insert$3(l, e, h), insert$3(l, n, h), insert$3(l, s, h); }, p(l, h) { h[0] & /*formatted_timer*/ 1048576 && set_data$1( e, /*formatted_timer*/ l[20] ), h[0] & /*eta, formatted_eta*/ 524289 && i !== (i = /*eta*/ l[0] ? `/${/*formatted_eta*/ l[19]}` : "") && set_data$1(n, i); }, d(l) { l && (detach$3(e), detach$3(n), detach$3(s)); } }; } function create_if_block_9(t) { let e, i; return e = new Loader({ props: { margin: ( /*variant*/ t[8] === "default" ) } }), { c() { create_component$2(e.$$.fragment); }, m(n, s) { mount_component$2(e, n, s), i = !0; }, p(n, s) { const l = {}; s[0] & /*variant*/ 256 && (l.margin = /*variant*/ n[8] === "default"), e.$set(l); }, i(n) { i || (transition_in$3(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !0); }, o(n) { transition_out$3(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !1; }, d(n) { destroy_component$2(e, n); } }; } function create_if_block_2(t) { let e, i, n, s, l, h = `${/*last_progress_level*/ t[15] * 100}%`, _ = ( /*progress*/ t[7] != null && create_if_block_3(t) ); return { c() { e = element$3("div"), i = element$3("div"), _ && _.c(), n = space$3(), s = element$3("div"), l = element$3("div"), attr$3(i, "class", "progress-level-inner svelte-14miwb5"), attr$3(l, "class", "progress-bar svelte-14miwb5"), set_style$2(l, "width", h), attr$3(s, "class", "progress-bar-wrap svelte-14miwb5"), attr$3(e, "class", "progress-level svelte-14miwb5"); }, m(c, o) { insert$3(c, e, o), append$3(e, i), _ && _.m(i, null), append$3(e, n), append$3(e, s), append$3(s, l), t[30](l); }, p(c, o) { /*progress*/ c[7] != null ? _ ? _.p(c, o) : (_ = create_if_block_3(c), _.c(), _.m(i, null)) : _ && (_.d(1), _ = null), o[0] & /*last_progress_level*/ 32768 && h !== (h = `${/*last_progress_level*/ c[15] * 100}%`) && set_style$2(l, "width", h); }, i: noop, o: noop, d(c) { c && detach$3(e), _ && _.d(), t[30](null); } }; } function create_if_block_3(t) { let e, i = ensure_array_like( /*progress*/ t[7] ), n = []; for (let s = 0; s < i.length; s += 1) n[s] = create_each_block(get_each_context(t, i, s)); return { c() { for (let s = 0; s < n.length; s += 1) n[s].c(); e = empty$1(); }, m(s, l) { for (let h = 0; h < n.length; h += 1) n[h] && n[h].m(s, l); insert$3(s, e, l); }, p(s, l) { if (l[0] & /*progress_level, progress*/ 16512) { i = ensure_array_like( /*progress*/ s[7] ); let h; for (h = 0; h < i.length; h += 1) { const _ = get_each_context(s, i, h); n[h] ? n[h].p(_, l) : (n[h] = create_each_block(_), n[h].c(), n[h].m(e.parentNode, e)); } for (; h < n.length; h += 1) n[h].d(1); n.length = i.length; } }, d(s) { s && detach$3(e), destroy_each(n, s); } }; } function create_if_block_4(t) { let e, i, n, s, l = ( /*i*/ t[40] !== 0 && create_if_block_8() ), h = ( /*p*/ t[38].desc != null && create_if_block_7(t) ), _ = ( /*p*/ t[38].desc != null && /*progress_level*/ t[14] && /*progress_level*/ t[14][ /*i*/ t[40] ] != null && create_if_block_6() ), c = ( /*progress_level*/ t[14] != null && create_if_block_5(t) ); return { c() { l && l.c(), e = space$3(), h && h.c(), i = space$3(), _ && _.c(), n = space$3(), c && c.c(), s = empty$1(); }, m(o, r) { l && l.m(o, r), insert$3(o, e, r), h && h.m(o, r), insert$3(o, i, r), _ && _.m(o, r), insert$3(o, n, r), c && c.m(o, r), insert$3(o, s, r); }, p(o, r) { /*p*/ o[38].desc != null ? h ? h.p(o, r) : (h = create_if_block_7(o), h.c(), h.m(i.parentNode, i)) : h && (h.d(1), h = null), /*p*/ o[38].desc != null && /*progress_level*/ o[14] && /*progress_level*/ o[14][ /*i*/ o[40] ] != null ? _ || (_ = create_if_block_6(), _.c(), _.m(n.parentNode, n)) : _ && (_.d(1), _ = null), /*progress_level*/ o[14] != null ? c ? c.p(o, r) : (c = create_if_block_5(o), c.c(), c.m(s.parentNode, s)) : c && (c.d(1), c = null); }, d(o) { o && (detach$3(e), detach$3(i), detach$3(n), detach$3(s)), l && l.d(o), h && h.d(o), _ && _.d(o), c && c.d(o); } }; } function create_if_block_8(t) { let e; return { c() { e = text$1(" /"); }, m(i, n) { insert$3(i, e, n); }, d(i) { i && detach$3(e); } }; } function create_if_block_7(t) { let e = ( /*p*/ t[38].desc + "" ), i; return { c() { i = text$1(e); }, m(n, s) { insert$3(n, i, s); }, p(n, s) { s[0] & /*progress*/ 128 && e !== (e = /*p*/ n[38].desc + "") && set_data$1(i, e); }, d(n) { n && detach$3(i); } }; } function create_if_block_6(t) { let e; return { c() { e = text$1("-"); }, m(i, n) { insert$3(i, e, n); }, d(i) { i && detach$3(e); } }; } function create_if_block_5(t) { let e = (100 * /*progress_level*/ (t[14][ /*i*/ t[40] ] || 0)).toFixed(1) + "", i, n; return { c() { i = text$1(e), n = text$1("%"); }, m(s, l) { insert$3(s, i, l), insert$3(s, n, l); }, p(s, l) { l[0] & /*progress_level*/ 16384 && e !== (e = (100 * /*progress_level*/ (s[14][ /*i*/ s[40] ] || 0)).toFixed(1) + "") && set_data$1(i, e); }, d(s) { s && (detach$3(i), detach$3(n)); } }; } function create_each_block(t) { let e, i = ( /*p*/ (t[38].desc != null || /*progress_level*/ t[14] && /*progress_level*/ t[14][ /*i*/ t[40] ] != null) && create_if_block_4(t) ); return { c() { i && i.c(), e = empty$1(); }, m(n, s) { i && i.m(n, s), insert$3(n, e, s); }, p(n, s) { /*p*/ n[38].desc != null || /*progress_level*/ n[14] && /*progress_level*/ n[14][ /*i*/ n[40] ] != null ? i ? i.p(n, s) : (i = create_if_block_4(n), i.c(), i.m(e.parentNode, e)) : i && (i.d(1), i = null); }, d(n) { n && detach$3(e), i && i.d(n); } }; } function create_if_block_1$2(t) { let e, i; return { c() { e = element$3("p"), i = text$1( /*loading_text*/ t[9] ), attr$3(e, "class", "loading svelte-14miwb5"); }, m(n, s) { insert$3(n, e, s), append$3(e, i); }, p(n, s) { s[0] & /*loading_text*/ 512 && set_data$1( i, /*loading_text*/ n[9] ); }, d(n) { n && detach$3(e); } }; } function create_fragment$3(t) { let e, i, n, s, l; const h = [create_if_block$2, create_if_block_17], _ = []; function c(o, r) { return ( /*status*/ o[4] === "pending" ? 0 : ( /*status*/ o[4] === "error" ? 1 : -1 ) ); } return ~(i = c(t)) && (n = _[i] = h[i](t)), { c() { e = element$3("div"), n && n.c(), attr$3(e, "class", s = "wrap " + /*variant*/ t[8] + " " + /*show_progress*/ t[6] + " svelte-14miwb5"), toggle_class$2(e, "hide", !/*status*/ t[4] || /*status*/ t[4] === "complete" || /*show_progress*/ t[6] === "hidden"), toggle_class$2( e, "translucent", /*variant*/ t[8] === "center" && /*status*/ (t[4] === "pending" || /*status*/ t[4] === "error") || /*translucent*/ t[11] || /*show_progress*/ t[6] === "minimal" ), toggle_class$2( e, "generating", /*status*/ t[4] === "generating" ), toggle_class$2( e, "border", /*border*/ t[12] ), set_style$2( e, "position", /*absolute*/ t[10] ? "absolute" : "static" ), set_style$2( e, "padding", /*absolute*/ t[10] ? "0" : "var(--size-8) 0" ); }, m(o, r) { insert$3(o, e, r), ~i && _[i].m(e, null), t[31](e), l = !0; }, p(o, r) { let T = i; i = c(o), i === T ? ~i && _[i].p(o, r) : (n && (group_outros$2(), transition_out$3(_[T], 1, 1, () => { _[T] = null; }), check_outros$2()), ~i ? (n = _[i], n ? n.p(o, r) : (n = _[i] = h[i](o), n.c()), transition_in$3(n, 1), n.m(e, null)) : n = null), (!l || r[0] & /*variant, show_progress*/ 320 && s !== (s = "wrap " + /*variant*/ o[8] + " " + /*show_progress*/ o[6] + " svelte-14miwb5")) && attr$3(e, "class", s), (!l || r[0] & /*variant, show_progress, status, show_progress*/ 336) && toggle_class$2(e, "hide", !/*status*/ o[4] || /*status*/ o[4] === "complete" || /*show_progress*/ o[6] === "hidden"), (!l || r[0] & /*variant, show_progress, variant, status, translucent, show_progress*/ 2384) && toggle_class$2( e, "translucent", /*variant*/ o[8] === "center" && /*status*/ (o[4] === "pending" || /*status*/ o[4] === "error") || /*translucent*/ o[11] || /*show_progress*/ o[6] === "minimal" ), (!l || r[0] & /*variant, show_progress, status*/ 336) && toggle_class$2( e, "generating", /*status*/ o[4] === "generating" ), (!l || r[0] & /*variant, show_progress, border*/ 4416) && toggle_class$2( e, "border", /*border*/ o[12] ), r[0] & /*absolute*/ 1024 && set_style$2( e, "position", /*absolute*/ o[10] ? "absolute" : "static" ), r[0] & /*absolute*/ 1024 && set_style$2( e, "padding", /*absolute*/ o[10] ? "0" : "var(--size-8) 0" ); }, i(o) { l || (transition_in$3(n), l = !0); }, o(o) { transition_out$3(n), l = !1; }, d(o) { o && detach$3(e), ~i && _[i].d(), t[31](null); } }; } let items = [], called = !1; async function scroll_into_view(t, e = !0) { if (!(window.__gradio_mode__ === "website" || window.__gradio_mode__ !== "app" && e !== !0)) { if (items.push(t), !called) called = !0; else return; await tick$2(), requestAnimationFrame(() => { let i = [0, 0]; for (let n = 0; n < items.length; n++) { const l = items[n].getBoundingClientRect(); (n === 0 || + window.scrollY <= i[0]) && (i[0] = + window.scrollY, i[1] = n); } window.scrollTo({ top: i[0] - 20, behavior: "smooth" }), called = !1, items = []; }); } } function instance$3(t, e, i) { let n, { $$slots: s = {}, $$scope: l } = e, { i18n: h } = e, { eta: _ = null } = e, { queue: c = !1 } = e, { queue_position: o } = e, { queue_size: r } = e, { status: T } = e, { scroll_to_output: S = !1 } = e, { timer: w = !0 } = e, { show_progress: C = "full" } = e, { message: P = null } = e, { progress: b = null } = e, { variant: k = "default" } = e, { loading_text: F = "Loading..." } = e, { absolute: x = !0 } = e, { translucent: y = !1 } = e, { border: p = !1 } = e, { autoscroll: E } = e, $, M = !1, m = 0, N = 0, D = null, X = 0, G = null, I, B = null, ee = !0; const Y = () => { i(25, m =, i(26, N = 0), M = !0, q(); }; function q() { requestAnimationFrame(() => { i(26, N = ( - m) / 1e3), M && q(); }); } function le() { i(26, N = 0), M && (M = !1); } onDestroy(() => { M && le(); }); let pe = null; function we(R) { binding_callbacks$2[R ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { B = R, i(16, B), i(7, b), i(14, G), i(15, I); }); } function be(R) { binding_callbacks$2[R ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { $ = R, i(13, $); }); } return t.$$set = (R) => { "i18n" in R && i(1, h = R.i18n), "eta" in R && i(0, _ = R.eta), "queue" in R && i(21, c = R.queue), "queue_position" in R && i(2, o = R.queue_position), "queue_size" in R && i(3, r = R.queue_size), "status" in R && i(4, T = R.status), "scroll_to_output" in R && i(22, S = R.scroll_to_output), "timer" in R && i(5, w = R.timer), "show_progress" in R && i(6, C = R.show_progress), "message" in R && i(23, P = R.message), "progress" in R && i(7, b = R.progress), "variant" in R && i(8, k = R.variant), "loading_text" in R && i(9, F = R.loading_text), "absolute" in R && i(10, x = R.absolute), "translucent" in R && i(11, y = R.translucent), "border" in R && i(12, p = R.border), "autoscroll" in R && i(24, E = R.autoscroll), "$$scope" in R && i(28, l = R.$$scope); }, t.$$.update = () => { t.$$.dirty[0] & /*eta, old_eta, queue, timer_start*/ 169869313 && (_ === null ? i(0, _ = D) : c && i(0, _ = ( - m) / 1e3 + _), _ != null && (i(19, pe = _.toFixed(1)), i(27, D = _))), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*eta, timer_diff*/ 67108865 && i(17, X = _ === null || _ <= 0 || !N ? null : Math.min(N / _, 1)), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*progress*/ 128 && b != null && i(18, ee = !1), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*progress, progress_level, progress_bar, last_progress_level*/ 114816 && (b != null ? i(14, G = => { if (R.index != null && R.length != null) return R.index / R.length; if (R.progress != null) return R.progress; })) : i(14, G = null), G ? (i(15, I = G[G.length - 1]), B && (I === 0 ? i(16, = "0", B) : i(16, = "150ms", B))) : i(15, I = void 0)), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*status*/ 16 && (T === "pending" ? Y() : le()), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*el, scroll_to_output, status, autoscroll*/ 20979728 && $ && S && (T === "pending" || T === "complete") && scroll_into_view($, E), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*status, message*/ 8388624, t.$$.dirty[0] & /*timer_diff*/ 67108864 && i(20, n = N.toFixed(1)); }, [ _, h, o, r, T, w, C, b, k, F, x, y, p, $, G, I, B, X, ee, pe, n, c, S, P, E, m, N, D, l, s, we, be ]; } class Static extends SvelteComponent$3 { constructor(e) { super(), init$3( this, e, instance$3, create_fragment$3, safe_not_equal$3, { i18n: 1, eta: 0, queue: 21, queue_position: 2, queue_size: 3, status: 4, scroll_to_output: 22, timer: 5, show_progress: 6, message: 23, progress: 7, variant: 8, loading_text: 9, absolute: 10, translucent: 11, border: 12, autoscroll: 24 }, null, [-1, -1] ); } } const ToastContent_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", Toast_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = ""; var fn = new Intl.Collator(0, { numeric: 1 }).compare; function semiver(t, e, i) { return t = t.split("."), e = e.split("."), fn(t[0], e[0]) || fn(t[1], e[1]) || (e[2] = e.slice(2).join("."), i = /[.-]/.test(t[2] = t.slice(2).join(".")), i == /[.-]/.test(e[2]) ? fn(t[2], e[2]) : i ? -1 : 1); } function resolve_root(t, e, i) { return e.startsWith("http://") || e.startsWith("https://") ? i ? t : e : t + e; } function determine_protocol(t) { if (t.startsWith("http")) { const { protocol: e, host: i } = new URL(t); return i.endsWith("") ? { ws_protocol: "wss", host: i, http_protocol: e } : { ws_protocol: e === "https:" ? "wss" : "ws", http_protocol: e, host: i }; } else if (t.startsWith("file:")) return { ws_protocol: "ws", http_protocol: "http:", host: "lite.local" // Special fake hostname only used for this case. This matches the hostname allowed in `is_self_host()` in `js/wasm/network/host.ts`. }; return { ws_protocol: "wss", http_protocol: "https:", host: t }; } const RE_SPACE_NAME = /^[^\/]*\/[^\/]*$/, RE_SPACE_DOMAIN = /.*hf\.space\/{0,1}$/; async function process_endpoint(t, e) { const i = {}; e && (i.Authorization = `Bearer ${e}`); const n = t.trim(); if (RE_SPACE_NAME.test(n)) try { const s = await fetch( `${n}/host`, { headers: i } ); if (s.status !== 200) throw new Error("Space metadata could not be loaded."); const l = (await s.json()).host; return { space_id: t, ...determine_protocol(l) }; } catch (s) { throw new Error("Space metadata could not be loaded." + s.message); } if (RE_SPACE_DOMAIN.test(n)) { const { ws_protocol: s, http_protocol: l, host: h } = determine_protocol(n); return { space_id: h.replace("", ""), ws_protocol: s, http_protocol: l, host: h }; } return { space_id: !1, ...determine_protocol(n) }; } function map_names_to_ids(t) { let e = {}; return t.forEach(({ api_name: i }, n) => { i && (e[i] = n); }), e; } const RE_DISABLED_DISCUSSION = /^(?=[^]*\b[dD]iscussions{0,1}\b)(?=[^]*\b[dD]isabled\b)[^]*$/; async function discussions_enabled(t) { try { const i = (await fetch( `${t}/discussions`, { method: "HEAD" } )).headers.get("x-error-message"); return !(i && RE_DISABLED_DISCUSSION.test(i)); } catch { return !1; } } function normalise_file(t, e, i) { if (t == null) return null; if (Array.isArray(t)) { const n = []; for (const s of t) s == null ? n.push(null) : n.push(normalise_file(s, e, i)); return n; } return t.is_stream ? i == null ? new FileData({ ...t, url: e + "/stream/" + t.path }) : new FileData({ ...t, url: "/proxy=" + i + "stream/" + t.path }) : new FileData({ ...t, url: get_fetchable_url_or_file(t.path, e, i) }); } function is_url(t) { try { const e = new URL(t); return e.protocol === "http:" || e.protocol === "https:"; } catch { return !1; } } function get_fetchable_url_or_file(t, e, i) { return t == null ? i ? `/proxy=${i}file=` : `${e}/file=` : is_url(t) ? t : i ? `/proxy=${i}file=${t}` : `${e}/file=${t}`; } async function upload(t, e, i = upload_files) { let n = (Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t]).map( (s) => s.blob ); return await Promise.all( await i(e, n).then( async (s) => { if (s.error) throw new Error(s.error); return s.files ?, h) => { const _ = new FileData({ ...t[h], path: l }); return normalise_file(_, e, null); }) : []; } ) ); } async function prepare_files(t, e) { return (i, n) => new FileData({ path:, orig_name:, blob: i, size: i.size, mime_type: i.type, is_stream: e }) ); } class FileData { constructor({ path: e, url: i, orig_name: n, size: s, blob: l, is_stream: h, mime_type: _, alt_text: c }) { this.path = e, this.url = i, this.orig_name = n, this.size = s, this.blob = i ? void 0 : l, this.is_stream = h, this.mime_type = _, this.alt_text = c; } } const QUEUE_FULL_MSG = "This application is too busy. Keep trying!", BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG = "Connection errored out."; let NodeBlob; function api_factory(t, e) { return { post_data: i, upload_files: n, client: s, handle_blob: l }; async function i(h, _, c) { const o = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; c && (o.Authorization = `Bearer ${c}`); try { var r = await t(h, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(_), headers: o }); } catch { return [{ error: BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG }, 500]; } return [await r.json(), r.status]; } async function n(h, _, c) { const o = {}; c && (o.Authorization = `Bearer ${c}`); const r = 1e3, T = []; for (let w = 0; w < _.length; w += r) { const C = _.slice(w, w + r), P = new FormData(); C.forEach((k) => { P.append("files", k); }); try { var S = await t(`${h}/upload`, { method: "POST", body: P, headers: o }); } catch { return { error: BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG }; } const b = await S.json(); T.push(...b); } return { files: T }; } async function s(h, _ = { normalise_files: !0 }) { return new Promise(async (c) => { const { status_callback: o, hf_token: r, normalise_files: T } = _, S = { predict: N, submit: D, view_api: G, component_server: X }, w = T ?? !0; if ((typeof window > "u" || !("WebSocket" in window)) && !global.Websocket) { const I = await import("./wrapper-98f94c21-523a3923.js"); NodeBlob = (await Promise.resolve().then(() => __viteBrowserExternal)).Blob, global.WebSocket = I.WebSocket; } const { ws_protocol: C, http_protocol: P, host: b, space_id: k } = await process_endpoint(h, r), F = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2), x = {}; let y, p = {}, E = !1; r && k && (E = await get_jwt(k, r)); async function $(I) { if (y = I, p = map_names_to_ids((I == null ? void 0 : I.dependencies) || []), y.auth_required) return { config: y, ...S }; try { M = await G(y); } catch (B) { console.error(`Could not get api details: ${B.message}`); } return { config: y, ...S }; } let M; async function m(I) { if (o && o(I), I.status === "running") try { y = await resolve_config( t, `${P}//${b}`, r ); const B = await $(y); c(B); } catch (B) { console.error(B), o && o({ status: "error", message: "Could not load this space.", load_status: "error", detail: "NOT_FOUND" }); } } try { y = await resolve_config( t, `${P}//${b}`, r ); const I = await $(y); c(I); } catch (I) { console.error(I), k ? check_space_status( k, RE_SPACE_NAME.test(k) ? "space_name" : "subdomain", m ) : o && o({ status: "error", message: "Could not load this space.", load_status: "error", detail: "NOT_FOUND" }); } function N(I, B, ee) { let Y = !1, q = !1, le; if (typeof I == "number") le = y.dependencies[I]; else { const pe = I.replace(/^\//, ""); le = y.dependencies[p[pe]]; } if (le.types.continuous) throw new Error( "Cannot call predict on this function as it may run forever. Use submit instead" ); return new Promise((pe, we) => { const be = D(I, B, ee); let R; be.on("data", (d) => { q && (be.destroy(), pe(d)), Y = !0, R = d; }).on("status", (d) => { d.stage === "error" && we(d), d.stage === "complete" && (q = !0, Y && (be.destroy(), pe(R))); }); }); } function D(I, B, ee) { let Y, q; if (typeof I == "number") Y = I, q = M.unnamed_endpoints[Y]; else { const Q = I.replace(/^\//, ""); Y = p[Q], q = M.named_endpoints[I.trim()]; } if (typeof Y != "number") throw new Error( "There is no endpoint matching that name of fn_index matching that number." ); let le, pe, we = y.protocol ?? "sse"; const be = typeof I == "number" ? "/predict" : I; let R, d = null, g = !1; const f = {}; let v = ""; typeof window < "u" && (v = new URLSearchParams(, l( `${P}//${resolve_root(b, y.path, !0)}`, B, q, r ).then((Q) => { if (R = { data: Q || [], event_data: ee, fn_index: Y }, skip_queue(Y, y)) A({ type: "status", endpoint: be, stage: "pending", queue: !1, fn_index: Y, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }), i( `${P}//${resolve_root(b, y.path, !0)}/run${be.startsWith("/") ? be : `/${be}`}${v ? "?" + v : ""}`, { ...R, session_hash: F }, r ).then(([ue, me]) => { const fe = w ? transform_output(, q, y.root, y.root_url ) :; me == 200 ? (A({ type: "data", endpoint: be, fn_index: Y, data: fe, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }), A({ type: "status", endpoint: be, fn_index: Y, stage: "complete", eta: ue.average_duration, queue: !1, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() })) : A({ type: "status", stage: "error", endpoint: be, fn_index: Y, message: ue.error, queue: !1, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); }).catch((ue) => { A({ type: "status", stage: "error", message: ue.message, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y, queue: !1, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); }); else if (we == "ws") { A({ type: "status", stage: "pending", queue: !0, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); let ue = new URL(`${C}://${resolve_root( b, y.path, !0 )} /queue/join${v ? "?" + v : ""}`); E && ue.searchParams.set("__sign", E), le = e(ue), le.onclose = (me) => { me.wasClean || A({ type: "status", stage: "error", broken: !0, message: BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG, queue: !0, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); }, le.onmessage = function(me) { const fe = JSON.parse(, { type: Pe, status: Fe, data: Ee } = handle_message( fe, x[Y] ); if (Pe === "update" && Fe && !g) A({ type: "status", endpoint: be, fn_index: Y, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...Fe }), Fe.stage === "error" && le.close(); else if (Pe === "hash") { le.send(JSON.stringify({ fn_index: Y, session_hash: F })); return; } else Pe === "data" ? le.send(JSON.stringify({ ...R, session_hash: F })) : Pe === "complete" ? g = Fe : Pe === "log" ? A({ type: "log", log: Ee.log, level: Ee.level, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y }) : Pe === "generating" && A({ type: "status", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...Fe, stage: Fe == null ? void 0 : Fe.stage, queue: !0, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y }); Ee && (A({ type: "data", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), data: w ? transform_output(, q, y.root, y.root_url ) :, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y }), g && (A({ type: "status", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...g, stage: Fe == null ? void 0 : Fe.stage, queue: !0, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y }), le.close())); }, semiver(y.version || "2.0.0", "3.6") < 0 && addEventListener( "open", () => le.send(JSON.stringify({ hash: F })) ); } else { A({ type: "status", stage: "pending", queue: !0, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }); var ce = new URLSearchParams({ fn_index: Y.toString(), session_hash: F }).toString(); let ue = new URL( `${P}//${resolve_root( b, y.path, !0 )}/queue/join?${ce}` ); pe = new EventSource(ue), pe.onmessage = async function(me) { const fe = JSON.parse(, { type: Pe, status: Fe, data: Ee } = handle_message( fe, x[Y] ); if (Pe === "update" && Fe && !g) A({ type: "status", endpoint: be, fn_index: Y, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...Fe }), Fe.stage === "error" && pe.close(); else if (Pe === "data") { d = fe.event_id; let [De, _e] = await i( `${P}//${resolve_root( b, y.path, !0 )}/queue/data`, { ...R, session_hash: F, event_id: d }, r ); _e !== 200 && (A({ type: "status", stage: "error", message: BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG, queue: !0, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }), pe.close()); } else Pe === "complete" ? g = Fe : Pe === "log" ? A({ type: "log", log: Ee.log, level: Ee.level, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y }) : Pe === "generating" && A({ type: "status", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...Fe, stage: Fe == null ? void 0 : Fe.stage, queue: !0, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y }); Ee && (A({ type: "data", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), data: w ? transform_output(, q, y.root, y.root_url ) :, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y }), g && (A({ type: "status", time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ...g, stage: Fe == null ? void 0 : Fe.stage, queue: !0, endpoint: be, fn_index: Y }), pe.close())); }; } }); function A(Q) { const ue = f[Q.type] || []; ue == null || ue.forEach((me) => me(Q)); } function O(Q, ce) { const ue = f, me = ue[Q] || []; return ue[Q] = me, me == null || me.push(ce), { on: O, off: H, cancel: z, destroy: ae }; } function H(Q, ce) { const ue = f; let me = ue[Q] || []; return me = me == null ? void 0 : me.filter((fe) => fe !== ce), ue[Q] = me, { on: O, off: H, cancel: z, destroy: ae }; } async function z() { const Q = { stage: "complete", queue: !1, time: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() }; g = Q, A({ ...Q, type: "status", endpoint: be, fn_index: Y }); let ce = {}; we === "ws" ? (le && le.readyState === 0 ? le.addEventListener("open", () => { le.close(); }) : le.close(), ce = { fn_index: Y, session_hash: F }) : (pe.close(), ce = { event_id: d }); try { await t( `${P}//${resolve_root( b, y.path, !0 )}/reset`, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(ce) } ); } catch { console.warn( "The `/reset` endpoint could not be called. Subsequent endpoint results may be unreliable." ); } } function ae() { for (const Q in f) f[Q].forEach((ce) => { H(Q, ce); }); } return { on: O, off: H, cancel: z, destroy: ae }; } async function X(I, B, ee) { var Y; const q = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; r && (q.Authorization = `Bearer ${r}`); let le, pe = y.components.find( (R) => === I ); (Y = pe == null ? void 0 : pe.props) != null && Y.root_url ? le = pe.props.root_url : le = `${P}//${resolve_root( b, y.path, !0 )}/`; const we = await t( `${le}component_server/`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ data: ee, component_id: I, fn_name: B, session_hash: F }), headers: q } ); if (!we.ok) throw new Error( "Could not connect to component server: " + we.statusText ); return await we.json(); } async function G(I) { if (M) return M; const B = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; r && (B.Authorization = `Bearer ${r}`); let ee; if (semiver(I.version || "2.0.0", "3.30") < 0 ? ee = await t( "", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ serialize: !1, config: JSON.stringify(I) }), headers: B } ) : ee = await t(`${I.root}/info`, { headers: B }), !ee.ok) throw new Error(BROKEN_CONNECTION_MSG); let Y = await ee.json(); return "api" in Y && (Y = Y.api), Y.named_endpoints["/predict"] && !Y.unnamed_endpoints[0] && (Y.unnamed_endpoints[0] = Y.named_endpoints["/predict"]), transform_api_info(Y, I, p); } }); } async function l(h, _, c, o) { const r = await walk_and_store_blobs( _, void 0, [], !0, c ); return Promise.all( ({ path: T, blob: S, type: w }) => { if (S) { const C = (await n(h, [S], o)).files[0]; return { path: T, file_url: C, type: w, name: S == null ? void 0 : }; } return { path: T, type: w }; }) ).then((T) => (T.forEach(({ path: S, file_url: w, type: C, name: P }) => { if (C === "Gallery") update_object(_, w, S); else if (w) { const b = new FileData({ path: w, orig_name: P }); update_object(_, b, S); } }), _)); } } const { post_data, upload_files, client, handle_blob } = api_factory( fetch, (...t) => new WebSocket(...t) ); function transform_output(t, e, i, n) { return, l) => { var h, _, c, o; return ((_ = (h = e == null ? void 0 : e.returns) == null ? void 0 : h[l]) == null ? void 0 : _.component) === "File" ? normalise_file(s, i, n) : ((o = (c = e == null ? void 0 : e.returns) == null ? void 0 : c[l]) == null ? void 0 : o.component) === "Gallery" ? => Array.isArray(r) ? [normalise_file(r[0], i, n), r[1]] : [normalise_file(r, i, n), null]) : typeof s == "object" && s.path ? normalise_file(s, i, n) : s; }); } function get_type(t, e, i, n) { switch (t.type) { case "string": return "string"; case "boolean": return "boolean"; case "number": return "number"; } if (i === "JSONSerializable" || i === "StringSerializable") return "any"; if (i === "ListStringSerializable") return "string[]"; if (e === "Image") return n === "parameter" ? "Blob | File | Buffer" : "string"; if (i === "FileSerializable") return (t == null ? void 0 : t.type) === "array" ? n === "parameter" ? "(Blob | File | Buffer)[]" : "{ name: string; data: string; size?: number; is_file?: boolean; orig_name?: string}[]" : n === "parameter" ? "Blob | File | Buffer" : "{ name: string; data: string; size?: number; is_file?: boolean; orig_name?: string}"; if (i === "GallerySerializable") return n === "parameter" ? "[(Blob | File | Buffer), (string | null)][]" : "[{ name: string; data: string; size?: number; is_file?: boolean; orig_name?: string}, (string | null))][]"; } function get_description(t, e) { return e === "GallerySerializable" ? "array of [file, label] tuples" : e === "ListStringSerializable" ? "array of strings" : e === "FileSerializable" ? "array of files or single file" : t.description; } function transform_api_info(t, e, i) { const n = { named_endpoints: {}, unnamed_endpoints: {} }; for (const s in t) { const l = t[s]; for (const h in l) { const _ = e.dependencies[h] ? h : i[h.replace("/", "")], c = l[h]; n[s][h] = {}, n[s][h].parameters = {}, n[s][h].returns = {}, n[s][h].type = e.dependencies[_].types, n[s][h].parameters = ({ label: o, component: r, type: T, serializer: S }) => ({ label: o, component: r, type: get_type(T, r, S, "parameter"), description: get_description(T, S) }) ), n[s][h].returns = ({ label: o, component: r, type: T, serializer: S }) => ({ label: o, component: r, type: get_type(T, r, S, "return"), description: get_description(T, S) }) ); } } return n; } async function get_jwt(t, e) { try { return (await (await fetch(`${t}/jwt`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${e}` } })).json()).token || !1; } catch (i) { return console.error(i), !1; } } function update_object(t, e, i) { for (; i.length > 1; ) t = t[i.shift()]; t[i.shift()] = e; } async function walk_and_store_blobs(t, e = void 0, i = [], n = !1, s = void 0) { if (Array.isArray(t)) { let l = []; return await Promise.all( (h, _) => { var c; let o = i.slice(); o.push(_); const r = await walk_and_store_blobs( t[_], n ? ((c = s == null ? void 0 : s.parameters[_]) == null ? void 0 : c.component) || void 0 : e, o, !1, s ); l = l.concat(r); }) ), l; } else { if (globalThis.Buffer && t instanceof globalThis.Buffer) return [ { path: i, blob: e === "Image" ? !1 : new NodeBlob([t]), type: e } ]; if (typeof t == "object") { let l = []; for (let h in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(h)) { let _ = i.slice(); _.push(h), l = l.concat( await walk_and_store_blobs( t[h], void 0, _, !1, s ) ); } return l; } } return []; } function skip_queue(t, e) { var i, n, s, l; return !(((n = (i = e == null ? void 0 : e.dependencies) == null ? void 0 : i[t]) == null ? void 0 : n.queue) === null ? e.enable_queue : (l = (s = e == null ? void 0 : e.dependencies) == null ? void 0 : s[t]) != null && l.queue) || !1; } async function resolve_config(t, e, i) { const n = {}; if (i && (n.Authorization = `Bearer ${i}`), typeof window < "u" && window.gradio_config && location.origin !== "http://localhost:9876" && !window.gradio_config.dev_mode) { const s = window.gradio_config.root, l = window.gradio_config; return l.root = resolve_root(e, l.root, !1), { ...l, path: s }; } else if (e) { let s = await t(`${e}/config`, { headers: n }); if (s.status === 200) { const l = await s.json(); return l.path = l.path ?? "", l.root = e, l; } throw new Error("Could not get config."); } throw new Error("No config or app endpoint found"); } async function check_space_status(t, e, i) { let n = e === "subdomain" ? `${t}` : `${t}`, s, l; try { if (s = await fetch(n), l = s.status, l !== 200) throw new Error(); s = await s.json(); } catch { i({ status: "error", load_status: "error", message: "Could not get space status", detail: "NOT_FOUND" }); return; } if (!s || l !== 200) return; const { runtime: { stage: h }, id: _ } = s; switch (h) { case "STOPPED": case "SLEEPING": i({ status: "sleeping", load_status: "pending", message: "Space is asleep. Waking it up...", detail: h }), setTimeout(() => { check_space_status(t, e, i); }, 1e3); break; case "PAUSED": i({ status: "paused", load_status: "error", message: "This space has been paused by the author. If you would like to try this demo, consider duplicating the space.", detail: h, discussions_enabled: await discussions_enabled(_) }); break; case "RUNNING": case "RUNNING_BUILDING": i({ status: "running", load_status: "complete", message: "", detail: h }); break; case "BUILDING": i({ status: "building", load_status: "pending", message: "Space is building...", detail: h }), setTimeout(() => { check_space_status(t, e, i); }, 1e3); break; default: i({ status: "space_error", load_status: "error", message: "This space is experiencing an issue.", detail: h, discussions_enabled: await discussions_enabled(_) }); break; } } function handle_message(t, e) { switch (t.msg) { case "send_data": return { type: "data" }; case "send_hash": return { type: "hash" }; case "queue_full": return { type: "update", status: { queue: !0, message: QUEUE_FULL_MSG, stage: "error", code: t.code, success: t.success } }; case "estimation": return { type: "update", status: { queue: !0, stage: e || "pending", code: t.code, size: t.queue_size, position: t.rank, eta: t.rank_eta, success: t.success } }; case "progress": return { type: "update", status: { queue: !0, stage: "pending", code: t.code, progress_data: t.progress_data, success: t.success } }; case "log": return { type: "log", data: t }; case "process_generating": return { type: "generating", status: { queue: !0, message: t.success ? null : t.output.error, stage: t.success ? "generating" : "error", code: t.code, progress_data: t.progress_data, eta: t.average_duration }, data: t.success ? t.output : null }; case "process_completed": return "error" in t.output ? { type: "update", status: { queue: !0, message: t.output.error, stage: "error", code: t.code, success: t.success } } : { type: "complete", status: { queue: !0, message: t.success ? void 0 : t.output.error, stage: t.success ? "complete" : "error", code: t.code, progress_data: t.progress_data, eta: t.output.average_duration }, data: t.success ? t.output : null }; case "process_starts": return { type: "update", status: { queue: !0, stage: "pending", code: t.code, size: t.rank, position: 0, success: t.success } }; } return { type: "none", status: { stage: "error", queue: !0 } }; } function getDefaultExportFromCjs(t) { return t && t.__esModule &&, "default") ? t.default : t; } function getAugmentedNamespace(t) { if (t.__esModule) return t; var e = t.default; if (typeof e == "function") { var i = function n() { return this instanceof n ? Reflect.construct(e, arguments, this.constructor) : e.apply(this, arguments); }; i.prototype = e.prototype; } else i = {}; return Object.defineProperty(i, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), Object.keys(t).forEach(function(n) { var s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); Object.defineProperty(i, n, s.get ? s : { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[n]; } }); }), i; } var isMergeableObject = function(e) { return isNonNullObject(e) && !isSpecial(e); }; function isNonNullObject(t) { return !!t && typeof t == "object"; } function isSpecial(t) { var e =; return e === "[object RegExp]" || e === "[object Date]" || isReactElement(t); } var canUseSymbol = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.for, REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = canUseSymbol ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103; function isReactElement(t) { return t.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE; } function emptyTarget(t) { return Array.isArray(t) ? [] : {}; } function cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(t, e) { return e.clone !== !1 && e.isMergeableObject(t) ? deepmerge(emptyTarget(t), t, e) : t; } function defaultArrayMerge(t, e, i) { return t.concat(e).map(function(n) { return cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(n, i); }); } function getMergeFunction(t, e) { if (!e.customMerge) return deepmerge; var i = e.customMerge(t); return typeof i == "function" ? i : deepmerge; } function getEnumerableOwnPropertySymbols(t) { return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t).filter(function(e) { return, e); }) : []; } function getKeys(t) { return Object.keys(t).concat(getEnumerableOwnPropertySymbols(t)); } function propertyIsOnObject(t, e) { try { return e in t; } catch { return !1; } } function propertyIsUnsafe(t, e) { return propertyIsOnObject(t, e) && !(, e) &&, e)); } function mergeObject(t, e, i) { var n = {}; return i.isMergeableObject(t) && getKeys(t).forEach(function(s) { n[s] = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(t[s], i); }), getKeys(e).forEach(function(s) { propertyIsUnsafe(t, s) || (propertyIsOnObject(t, s) && i.isMergeableObject(e[s]) ? n[s] = getMergeFunction(s, i)(t[s], e[s], i) : n[s] = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(e[s], i)); }), n; } function deepmerge(t, e, i) { i = i || {}, i.arrayMerge = i.arrayMerge || defaultArrayMerge, i.isMergeableObject = i.isMergeableObject || isMergeableObject, i.cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified; var n = Array.isArray(e), s = Array.isArray(t), l = n === s; return l ? n ? i.arrayMerge(t, e, i) : mergeObject(t, e, i) : cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(e, i); } deepmerge.all = function(e, i) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new Error("first argument should be an array"); return e.reduce(function(n, s) { return deepmerge(n, s, i); }, {}); }; var deepmerge_1 = deepmerge, cjs = deepmerge_1; const deepmerge$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(cjs); var extendStatics = function(t, e) { return extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(i, n) { i.__proto__ = n; } || function(i, n) { for (var s in n), s) && (i[s] = n[s]); }, extendStatics(t, e); }; function __extends(t, e) { if (typeof e != "function" && e !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(e) + " is not a constructor or null"); extendStatics(t, e); function i() { this.constructor = t; } t.prototype = e === null ? Object.create(e) : (i.prototype = e.prototype, new i()); } var __assign = function() { return __assign = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var i, n = 1, s = arguments.length; n < s; n++) { i = arguments[n]; for (var l in i), l) && (e[l] = i[l]); } return e; }, __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; function __spreadArray(t, e, i) { if (i || arguments.length === 2) for (var n = 0, s = e.length, l; n < s; n++) (l || !(n in e)) && (l || (l =, 0, n)), l[n] = e[n]); return t.concat(l ||; } typeof SuppressedError == "function" && SuppressedError; var ErrorKind; (function(t) { t[t.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE = 1] = "EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE", t[t.EMPTY_ARGUMENT = 2] = "EMPTY_ARGUMENT", t[t.MALFORMED_ARGUMENT = 3] = "MALFORMED_ARGUMENT", t[t.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE = 4] = "EXPECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE", t[t.INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE = 5] = "INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE", t[t.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_STYLE = 6] = "EXPECT_ARGUMENT_STYLE", t[t.INVALID_NUMBER_SKELETON = 7] = "INVALID_NUMBER_SKELETON", t[t.INVALID_DATE_TIME_SKELETON = 8] = "INVALID_DATE_TIME_SKELETON", t[t.EXPECT_NUMBER_SKELETON = 9] = "EXPECT_NUMBER_SKELETON", t[t.EXPECT_DATE_TIME_SKELETON = 10] = "EXPECT_DATE_TIME_SKELETON", t[t.UNCLOSED_QUOTE_IN_ARGUMENT_STYLE = 11] = "UNCLOSED_QUOTE_IN_ARGUMENT_STYLE", t[t.EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_OPTIONS = 12] = "EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_OPTIONS", t[t.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE = 13] = "EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE", t[t.INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE = 14] = "INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE", t[t.EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR = 15] = "EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR", t[t.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR = 16] = "EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR", t[t.EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT = 17] = "EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT", t[t.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT = 18] = "EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT", t[t.INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR = 19] = "INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR", t[t.DUPLICATE_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR = 20] = "DUPLICATE_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR", t[t.DUPLICATE_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR = 21] = "DUPLICATE_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR", t[t.MISSING_OTHER_CLAUSE = 22] = "MISSING_OTHER_CLAUSE", t[t.INVALID_TAG = 23] = "INVALID_TAG", t[t.INVALID_TAG_NAME = 25] = "INVALID_TAG_NAME", t[t.UNMATCHED_CLOSING_TAG = 26] = "UNMATCHED_CLOSING_TAG", t[t.UNCLOSED_TAG = 27] = "UNCLOSED_TAG"; })(ErrorKind || (ErrorKind = {})); var TYPE; (function(t) { t[t.literal = 0] = "literal", t[t.argument = 1] = "argument", t[t.number = 2] = "number", t[ = 3] = "date", t[t.time = 4] = "time", t[ = 5] = "select", t[t.plural = 6] = "plural", t[t.pound = 7] = "pound", t[t.tag = 8] = "tag"; })(TYPE || (TYPE = {})); var SKELETON_TYPE; (function(t) { t[t.number = 0] = "number", t[t.dateTime = 1] = "dateTime"; })(SKELETON_TYPE || (SKELETON_TYPE = {})); function isLiteralElement(t) { return t.type === TYPE.literal; } function isArgumentElement(t) { return t.type === TYPE.argument; } function isNumberElement(t) { return t.type === TYPE.number; } function isDateElement(t) { return t.type ===; } function isTimeElement(t) { return t.type === TYPE.time; } function isSelectElement(t) { return t.type ===; } function isPluralElement(t) { return t.type === TYPE.plural; } function isPoundElement(t) { return t.type === TYPE.pound; } function isTagElement(t) { return t.type === TYPE.tag; } function isNumberSkeleton(t) { return !!(t && typeof t == "object" && t.type === SKELETON_TYPE.number); } function isDateTimeSkeleton(t) { return !!(t && typeof t == "object" && t.type === SKELETON_TYPE.dateTime); } var SPACE_SEPARATOR_REGEX = /[ \xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]/, DATE_TIME_REGEX = /(?:[Eec]{1,6}|G{1,5}|[Qq]{1,5}|(?:[yYur]+|U{1,5})|[ML]{1,5}|d{1,2}|D{1,3}|F{1}|[abB]{1,5}|[hkHK]{1,2}|w{1,2}|W{1}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|[zZOvVxX]{1,4})(?=([^']*'[^']*')*[^']*$)/g; function parseDateTimeSkeleton(t) { var e = {}; return t.replace(DATE_TIME_REGEX, function(i) { var n = i.length; switch (i[0]) { case "G": e.era = n === 4 ? "long" : n === 5 ? "narrow" : "short"; break; case "y": e.year = n === 2 ? "2-digit" : "numeric"; break; case "Y": case "u": case "U": case "r": throw new RangeError("`Y/u/U/r` (year) patterns are not supported, use `y` instead"); case "q": case "Q": throw new RangeError("`q/Q` (quarter) patterns are not supported"); case "M": case "L": e.month = ["numeric", "2-digit", "short", "long", "narrow"][n - 1]; break; case "w": case "W": throw new RangeError("`w/W` (week) patterns are not supported"); case "d": = ["numeric", "2-digit"][n - 1]; break; case "D": case "F": case "g": throw new RangeError("`D/F/g` (day) patterns are not supported, use `d` instead"); case "E": e.weekday = n === 4 ? "short" : n === 5 ? "narrow" : "short"; break; case "e": if (n < 4) throw new RangeError("`e..eee` (weekday) patterns are not supported"); e.weekday = ["short", "long", "narrow", "short"][n - 4]; break; case "c": if (n < 4) throw new RangeError("`c..ccc` (weekday) patterns are not supported"); e.weekday = ["short", "long", "narrow", "short"][n - 4]; break; case "a": e.hour12 = !0; break; case "b": case "B": throw new RangeError("`b/B` (period) patterns are not supported, use `a` instead"); case "h": e.hourCycle = "h12", e.hour = ["numeric", "2-digit"][n - 1]; break; case "H": e.hourCycle = "h23", e.hour = ["numeric", "2-digit"][n - 1]; break; case "K": e.hourCycle = "h11", e.hour = ["numeric", "2-digit"][n - 1]; break; case "k": e.hourCycle = "h24", e.hour = ["numeric", "2-digit"][n - 1]; break; case "j": case "J": case "C": throw new RangeError("`j/J/C` (hour) patterns are not supported, use `h/H/K/k` instead"); case "m": e.minute = ["numeric", "2-digit"][n - 1]; break; case "s": e.second = ["numeric", "2-digit"][n - 1]; break; case "S": case "A": throw new RangeError("`S/A` (second) patterns are not supported, use `s` instead"); case "z": e.timeZoneName = n < 4 ? "short" : "long"; break; case "Z": case "O": case "v": case "V": case "X": case "x": throw new RangeError("`Z/O/v/V/X/x` (timeZone) patterns are not supported, use `z` instead"); } return ""; }), e; } var WHITE_SPACE_REGEX = /[\t-\r \x85\u200E\u200F\u2028\u2029]/i; function parseNumberSkeletonFromString(t) { if (t.length === 0) throw new Error("Number skeleton cannot be empty"); for (var e = t.split(WHITE_SPACE_REGEX).filter(function(S) { return S.length > 0; }), i = [], n = 0, s = e; n < s.length; n++) { var l = s[n], h = l.split("/"); if (h.length === 0) throw new Error("Invalid number skeleton"); for (var _ = h[0], c = h.slice(1), o = 0, r = c; o < r.length; o++) { var T = r[o]; if (T.length === 0) throw new Error("Invalid number skeleton"); } i.push({ stem: _, options: c }); } return i; } function icuUnitToEcma(t) { return t.replace(/^(.*?)-/, ""); } var FRACTION_PRECISION_REGEX = /^\.(?:(0+)(\*)?|(#+)|(0+)(#+))$/g, SIGNIFICANT_PRECISION_REGEX = /^(@+)?(\+|#+)?[rs]?$/g, INTEGER_WIDTH_REGEX = /(\*)(0+)|(#+)(0+)|(0+)/g, CONCISE_INTEGER_WIDTH_REGEX = /^(0+)$/; function parseSignificantPrecision(t) { var e = {}; return t[t.length - 1] === "r" ? e.roundingPriority = "morePrecision" : t[t.length - 1] === "s" && (e.roundingPriority = "lessPrecision"), t.replace(SIGNIFICANT_PRECISION_REGEX, function(i, n, s) { return typeof s != "string" ? (e.minimumSignificantDigits = n.length, e.maximumSignificantDigits = n.length) : s === "+" ? e.minimumSignificantDigits = n.length : n[0] === "#" ? e.maximumSignificantDigits = n.length : (e.minimumSignificantDigits = n.length, e.maximumSignificantDigits = n.length + (typeof s == "string" ? s.length : 0)), ""; }), e; } function parseSign(t) { switch (t) { case "sign-auto": return { signDisplay: "auto" }; case "sign-accounting": case "()": return { currencySign: "accounting" }; case "sign-always": case "+!": return { signDisplay: "always" }; case "sign-accounting-always": case "()!": return { signDisplay: "always", currencySign: "accounting" }; case "sign-except-zero": case "+?": return { signDisplay: "exceptZero" }; case "sign-accounting-except-zero": case "()?": return { signDisplay: "exceptZero", currencySign: "accounting" }; case "sign-never": case "+_": return { signDisplay: "never" }; } } function parseConciseScientificAndEngineeringStem(t) { var e; if (t[0] === "E" && t[1] === "E" ? (e = { notation: "engineering" }, t = t.slice(2)) : t[0] === "E" && (e = { notation: "scientific" }, t = t.slice(1)), e) { var i = t.slice(0, 2); if (i === "+!" ? (e.signDisplay = "always", t = t.slice(2)) : i === "+?" && (e.signDisplay = "exceptZero", t = t.slice(2)), !CONCISE_INTEGER_WIDTH_REGEX.test(t)) throw new Error("Malformed concise eng/scientific notation"); e.minimumIntegerDigits = t.length; } return e; } function parseNotationOptions(t) { var e = {}, i = parseSign(t); return i || e; } function parseNumberSkeleton(t) { for (var e = {}, i = 0, n = t; i < n.length; i++) { var s = n[i]; switch (s.stem) { case "percent": case "%": = "percent"; continue; case "%x100": = "percent", e.scale = 100; continue; case "currency": = "currency", e.currency = s.options[0]; continue; case "group-off": case ",_": e.useGrouping = !1; continue; case "precision-integer": case ".": e.maximumFractionDigits = 0; continue; case "measure-unit": case "unit": = "unit", e.unit = icuUnitToEcma(s.options[0]); continue; case "compact-short": case "K": e.notation = "compact", e.compactDisplay = "short"; continue; case "compact-long": case "KK": e.notation = "compact", e.compactDisplay = "long"; continue; case "scientific": e = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, e), { notation: "scientific" }), s.options.reduce(function(c, o) { return __assign(__assign({}, c), parseNotationOptions(o)); }, {})); continue; case "engineering": e = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, e), { notation: "engineering" }), s.options.reduce(function(c, o) { return __assign(__assign({}, c), parseNotationOptions(o)); }, {})); continue; case "notation-simple": e.notation = "standard"; continue; case "unit-width-narrow": e.currencyDisplay = "narrowSymbol", e.unitDisplay = "narrow"; continue; case "unit-width-short": e.currencyDisplay = "code", e.unitDisplay = "short"; continue; case "unit-width-full-name": e.currencyDisplay = "name", e.unitDisplay = "long"; continue; case "unit-width-iso-code": e.currencyDisplay = "symbol"; continue; case "scale": e.scale = parseFloat(s.options[0]); continue; case "integer-width": if (s.options.length > 1) throw new RangeError("integer-width stems only accept a single optional option"); s.options[0].replace(INTEGER_WIDTH_REGEX, function(c, o, r, T, S, w) { if (o) e.minimumIntegerDigits = r.length; else { if (T && S) throw new Error("We currently do not support maximum integer digits"); if (w) throw new Error("We currently do not support exact integer digits"); } return ""; }); continue; } if (CONCISE_INTEGER_WIDTH_REGEX.test(s.stem)) { e.minimumIntegerDigits = s.stem.length; continue; } if (FRACTION_PRECISION_REGEX.test(s.stem)) { if (s.options.length > 1) throw new RangeError("Fraction-precision stems only accept a single optional option"); s.stem.replace(FRACTION_PRECISION_REGEX, function(c, o, r, T, S, w) { return r === "*" ? e.minimumFractionDigits = o.length : T && T[0] === "#" ? e.maximumFractionDigits = T.length : S && w ? (e.minimumFractionDigits = S.length, e.maximumFractionDigits = S.length + w.length) : (e.minimumFractionDigits = o.length, e.maximumFractionDigits = o.length), ""; }); var l = s.options[0]; l === "w" ? e = __assign(__assign({}, e), { trailingZeroDisplay: "stripIfInteger" }) : l && (e = __assign(__assign({}, e), parseSignificantPrecision(l))); continue; } if (SIGNIFICANT_PRECISION_REGEX.test(s.stem)) { e = __assign(__assign({}, e), parseSignificantPrecision(s.stem)); continue; } var h = parseSign(s.stem); h && (e = __assign(__assign({}, e), h)); var _ = parseConciseScientificAndEngineeringStem(s.stem); _ && (e = __assign(__assign({}, e), _)); } return e; } var timeData = { AX: [ "H" ], BQ: [ "H" ], CP: [ "H" ], CZ: [ "H" ], DK: [ "H" ], FI: [ "H" ], ID: [ "H" ], IS: [ "H" ], ML: [ "H" ], NE: [ "H" ], RU: [ "H" ], SE: [ "H" ], SJ: [ "H" ], SK: [ "H" ], AS: [ "h", "H" ], BT: [ "h", "H" ], DJ: [ "h", "H" ], ER: [ "h", "H" ], GH: [ "h", "H" ], IN: [ "h", "H" ], LS: [ "h", "H" ], PG: [ "h", "H" ], PW: [ "h", "H" ], SO: [ "h", "H" ], TO: [ "h", "H" ], VU: [ "h", "H" ], WS: [ "h", "H" ], "001": [ "H", "h" ], AL: [ "h", "H", "hB" ], TD: [ "h", "H", "hB" ], "ca-ES": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], CF: [ "H", "h", "hB" ], CM: [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "fr-CA": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "gl-ES": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "it-CH": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "it-IT": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], LU: [ "H", "h", "hB" ], NP: [ "H", "h", "hB" ], PF: [ "H", "h", "hB" ], SC: [ "H", "h", "hB" ], SM: [ "H", "h", "hB" ], SN: [ "H", "h", "hB" ], TF: [ "H", "h", "hB" ], VA: [ "H", "h", "hB" ], CY: [ "h", "H", "hb", "hB" ], GR: [ "h", "H", "hb", "hB" ], CO: [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], DO: [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], KP: [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], KR: [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], NA: [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], PA: [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], PR: [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], VE: [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], AC: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], AI: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], BW: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], BZ: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], CC: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], CK: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], CX: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], DG: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], FK: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], GB: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], GG: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], GI: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], IE: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], IM: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], IO: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], JE: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], LT: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], MK: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], MN: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], MS: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], NF: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], NG: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], NR: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], NU: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], PN: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], SH: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], SX: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], TA: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], ZA: [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "af-ZA": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], AR: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], CL: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], CR: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], CU: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], EA: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-BO": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-BR": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-EC": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-ES": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-GQ": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-PE": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], GT: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], HN: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], IC: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], KG: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], KM: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], LK: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], MA: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], MX: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], NI: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], PY: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], SV: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], UY: [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], JP: [ "H", "h", "K" ], AD: [ "H", "hB" ], AM: [ "H", "hB" ], AO: [ "H", "hB" ], AT: [ "H", "hB" ], AW: [ "H", "hB" ], BE: [ "H", "hB" ], BF: [ "H", "hB" ], BJ: [ "H", "hB" ], BL: [ "H", "hB" ], BR: [ "H", "hB" ], CG: [ "H", "hB" ], CI: [ "H", "hB" ], CV: [ "H", "hB" ], DE: [ "H", "hB" ], EE: [ "H", "hB" ], FR: [ "H", "hB" ], GA: [ "H", "hB" ], GF: [ "H", "hB" ], GN: [ "H", "hB" ], GP: [ "H", "hB" ], GW: [ "H", "hB" ], HR: [ "H", "hB" ], IL: [ "H", "hB" ], IT: [ "H", "hB" ], KZ: [ "H", "hB" ], MC: [ "H", "hB" ], MD: [ "H", "hB" ], MF: [ "H", "hB" ], MQ: [ "H", "hB" ], MZ: [ "H", "hB" ], NC: [ "H", "hB" ], NL: [ "H", "hB" ], PM: [ "H", "hB" ], PT: [ "H", "hB" ], RE: [ "H", "hB" ], RO: [ "H", "hB" ], SI: [ "H", "hB" ], SR: [ "H", "hB" ], ST: [ "H", "hB" ], TG: [ "H", "hB" ], TR: [ "H", "hB" ], WF: [ "H", "hB" ], YT: [ "H", "hB" ], BD: [ "h", "hB", "H" ], PK: [ "h", "hB", "H" ], AZ: [ "H", "hB", "h" ], BA: [ "H", "hB", "h" ], BG: [ "H", "hB", "h" ], CH: [ "H", "hB", "h" ], GE: [ "H", "hB", "h" ], LI: [ "H", "hB", "h" ], ME: [ "H", "hB", "h" ], RS: [ "H", "hB", "h" ], UA: [ "H", "hB", "h" ], UZ: [ "H", "hB", "h" ], XK: [ "H", "hB", "h" ], AG: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], AU: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], BB: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], BM: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], BS: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], CA: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], DM: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "en-001": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], FJ: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], FM: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], GD: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], GM: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], GU: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], GY: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], JM: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], KI: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], KN: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], KY: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], LC: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], LR: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], MH: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], MP: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], MW: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], NZ: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], SB: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], SG: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], SL: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], SS: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], SZ: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], TC: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], TT: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], UM: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], US: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], VC: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], VG: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], VI: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], ZM: [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], BO: [ "H", "hB", "h", "hb" ], EC: [ "H", "hB", "h", "hb" ], ES: [ "H", "hB", "h", "hb" ], GQ: [ "H", "hB", "h", "hb" ], PE: [ "H", "hB", "h", "hb" ], AE: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "ar-001": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], BH: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], DZ: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], EG: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], EH: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], HK: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], IQ: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], JO: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], KW: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], LB: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], LY: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], MO: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], MR: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], OM: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], PH: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], PS: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], QA: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], SA: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], SD: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], SY: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], TN: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], YE: [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], AF: [ "H", "hb", "hB", "h" ], LA: [ "H", "hb", "hB", "h" ], CN: [ "H", "hB", "hb", "h" ], LV: [ "H", "hB", "hb", "h" ], TL: [ "H", "hB", "hb", "h" ], "zu-ZA": [ "H", "hB", "hb", "h" ], CD: [ "hB", "H" ], IR: [ "hB", "H" ], "hi-IN": [ "hB", "h", "H" ], "kn-IN": [ "hB", "h", "H" ], "ml-IN": [ "hB", "h", "H" ], "te-IN": [ "hB", "h", "H" ], KH: [ "hB", "h", "H", "hb" ], "ta-IN": [ "hB", "h", "hb", "H" ], BN: [ "hb", "hB", "h", "H" ], MY: [ "hb", "hB", "h", "H" ], ET: [ "hB", "hb", "h", "H" ], "gu-IN": [ "hB", "hb", "h", "H" ], "mr-IN": [ "hB", "hb", "h", "H" ], "pa-IN": [ "hB", "hb", "h", "H" ], TW: [ "hB", "hb", "h", "H" ], KE: [ "hB", "hb", "H", "h" ], MM: [ "hB", "hb", "H", "h" ], TZ: [ "hB", "hb", "H", "h" ], UG: [ "hB", "hb", "H", "h" ] }; function getBestPattern(t, e) { for (var i = "", n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var s = t.charAt(n); if (s === "j") { for (var l = 0; n + 1 < t.length && t.charAt(n + 1) === s; ) l++, n++; var h = 1 + (l & 1), _ = l < 2 ? 1 : 3 + (l >> 1), c = "a", o = getDefaultHourSymbolFromLocale(e); for ((o == "H" || o == "k") && (_ = 0); _-- > 0; ) i += c; for (; h-- > 0; ) i = o + i; } else s === "J" ? i += "H" : i += s; } return i; } function getDefaultHourSymbolFromLocale(t) { var e = t.hourCycle; if (e === void 0 && // @ts-ignore hourCycle(s) is not identified yet t.hourCycles && // @ts-ignore t.hourCycles.length && (e = t.hourCycles[0]), e) switch (e) { case "h24": return "k"; case "h23": return "H"; case "h12": return "h"; case "h11": return "K"; default: throw new Error("Invalid hourCycle"); } var i = t.language, n; i !== "root" && (n = t.maximize().region); var s = timeData[n || ""] || timeData[i || ""] || timeData["".concat(i, "-001")] || timeData["001"]; return s[0]; } var _a, SPACE_SEPARATOR_START_REGEX = new RegExp("^".concat(SPACE_SEPARATOR_REGEX.source, "*")), SPACE_SEPARATOR_END_REGEX = new RegExp("".concat(SPACE_SEPARATOR_REGEX.source, "*$")); function createLocation(t, e) { return { start: t, end: e }; } var hasNativeStartsWith = !!String.prototype.startsWith, hasNativeFromCodePoint = !!String.fromCodePoint, hasNativeFromEntries = !!Object.fromEntries, hasNativeCodePointAt = !!String.prototype.codePointAt, hasTrimStart = !!String.prototype.trimStart, hasTrimEnd = !!String.prototype.trimEnd, hasNativeIsSafeInteger = !!Number.isSafeInteger, isSafeInteger = hasNativeIsSafeInteger ? Number.isSafeInteger : function(t) { return typeof t == "number" && isFinite(t) && Math.floor(t) === t && Math.abs(t) <= 9007199254740991; }, REGEX_SUPPORTS_U_AND_Y = !0; try { var re = RE("([^\\p{White_Space}\\p{Pattern_Syntax}]*)", "yu"); REGEX_SUPPORTS_U_AND_Y = ((_a = re.exec("a")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]) === "a"; } catch { REGEX_SUPPORTS_U_AND_Y = !1; } var startsWith = hasNativeStartsWith ? ( // Native function(e, i, n) { return e.startsWith(i, n); } ) : ( // For IE11 function(e, i, n) { return e.slice(n, n + i.length) === i; } ), fromCodePoint = hasNativeFromCodePoint ? String.fromCodePoint : ( // IE11 function() { for (var e = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) e[i] = arguments[i]; for (var n = "", s = e.length, l = 0, h; s > l; ) { if (h = e[l++], h > 1114111) throw RangeError(h + " is not a valid code point"); n += h < 65536 ? String.fromCharCode(h) : String.fromCharCode(((h -= 65536) >> 10) + 55296, h % 1024 + 56320); } return n; } ), fromEntries = ( // native hasNativeFromEntries ? Object.fromEntries : ( // Ponyfill function(e) { for (var i = {}, n = 0, s = e; n < s.length; n++) { var l = s[n], h = l[0], _ = l[1]; i[h] = _; } return i; } ) ), codePointAt = hasNativeCodePointAt ? ( // Native function(e, i) { return e.codePointAt(i); } ) : ( // IE 11 function(e, i) { var n = e.length; if (!(i < 0 || i >= n)) { var s = e.charCodeAt(i), l; return s < 55296 || s > 56319 || i + 1 === n || (l = e.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 56320 || l > 57343 ? s : (s - 55296 << 10) + (l - 56320) + 65536; } } ), trimStart = hasTrimStart ? ( // Native function(e) { return e.trimStart(); } ) : ( // Ponyfill function(e) { return e.replace(SPACE_SEPARATOR_START_REGEX, ""); } ), trimEnd = hasTrimEnd ? ( // Native function(e) { return e.trimEnd(); } ) : ( // Ponyfill function(e) { return e.replace(SPACE_SEPARATOR_END_REGEX, ""); } ); function RE(t, e) { return new RegExp(t, e); } var matchIdentifierAtIndex; if (REGEX_SUPPORTS_U_AND_Y) { var IDENTIFIER_PREFIX_RE_1 = RE("([^\\p{White_Space}\\p{Pattern_Syntax}]*)", "yu"); matchIdentifierAtIndex = function(e, i) { var n; IDENTIFIER_PREFIX_RE_1.lastIndex = i; var s = IDENTIFIER_PREFIX_RE_1.exec(e); return (n = s[1]) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : ""; }; } else matchIdentifierAtIndex = function(e, i) { for (var n = []; ; ) { var s = codePointAt(e, i); if (s === void 0 || _isWhiteSpace(s) || _isPatternSyntax(s)) break; n.push(s), i += s >= 65536 ? 2 : 1; } return fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, n); }; var Parser = ( /** @class */ function() { function t(e, i) { i === void 0 && (i = {}), this.message = e, this.position = { offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }, this.ignoreTag = !!i.ignoreTag, this.locale = i.locale, this.requiresOtherClause = !!i.requiresOtherClause, this.shouldParseSkeletons = !!i.shouldParseSkeletons; } return t.prototype.parse = function() { if (this.offset() !== 0) throw Error("parser can only be used once"); return this.parseMessage(0, "", !1); }, t.prototype.parseMessage = function(e, i, n) { for (var s = []; !this.isEOF(); ) { var l = this.char(); if (l === 123) { var h = this.parseArgument(e, n); if (h.err) return h; s.push(h.val); } else { if (l === 125 && e > 0) break; if (l === 35 && (i === "plural" || i === "selectordinal")) { var _ = this.clonePosition(); this.bump(), s.push({ type: TYPE.pound, location: createLocation(_, this.clonePosition()) }); } else if (l === 60 && !this.ignoreTag && this.peek() === 47) { if (n) break; return this.error(ErrorKind.UNMATCHED_CLOSING_TAG, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())); } else if (l === 60 && !this.ignoreTag && _isAlpha(this.peek() || 0)) { var h = this.parseTag(e, i); if (h.err) return h; s.push(h.val); } else { var h = this.parseLiteral(e, i); if (h.err) return h; s.push(h.val); } } } return { val: s, err: null }; }, t.prototype.parseTag = function(e, i) { var n = this.clonePosition(); this.bump(); var s = this.parseTagName(); if (this.bumpSpace(), this.bumpIf("/>")) return { val: { type: TYPE.literal, value: "<".concat(s, "/>"), location: createLocation(n, this.clonePosition()) }, err: null }; if (this.bumpIf(">")) { var l = this.parseMessage(e + 1, i, !0); if (l.err) return l; var h = l.val, _ = this.clonePosition(); if (this.bumpIf("") ? { val: { type: TYPE.tag, value: s, children: h, location: createLocation(n, this.clonePosition()) }, err: null } : this.error(ErrorKind.INVALID_TAG, createLocation(_, this.clonePosition()))); } else return this.error(ErrorKind.UNCLOSED_TAG, createLocation(n, this.clonePosition())); } else return this.error(ErrorKind.INVALID_TAG, createLocation(n, this.clonePosition())); }, t.prototype.parseTagName = function() { var e = this.offset(); for (this.bump(); !this.isEOF() && _isPotentialElementNameChar(this.char()); ) this.bump(); return this.message.slice(e, this.offset()); }, t.prototype.parseLiteral = function(e, i) { for (var n = this.clonePosition(), s = ""; ; ) { var l = this.tryParseQuote(i); if (l) { s += l; continue; } var h = this.tryParseUnquoted(e, i); if (h) { s += h; continue; } var _ = this.tryParseLeftAngleBracket(); if (_) { s += _; continue; } break; } var c = createLocation(n, this.clonePosition()); return { val: { type: TYPE.literal, value: s, location: c }, err: null }; }, t.prototype.tryParseLeftAngleBracket = function() { return !this.isEOF() && this.char() === 60 && (this.ignoreTag || // If at the opening tag or closing tag position, bail. !_isAlphaOrSlash(this.peek() || 0)) ? (this.bump(), "<") : null; }, t.prototype.tryParseQuote = function(e) { if (this.isEOF() || this.char() !== 39) return null; switch (this.peek()) { case 39: return this.bump(), this.bump(), "'"; case 123: case 60: case 62: case 125: break; case 35: if (e === "plural" || e === "selectordinal") break; return null; default: return null; } this.bump(); var i = [this.char()]; for (this.bump(); !this.isEOF(); ) { var n = this.char(); if (n === 39) if (this.peek() === 39) i.push(39), this.bump(); else { this.bump(); break; } else i.push(n); this.bump(); } return fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, i); }, t.prototype.tryParseUnquoted = function(e, i) { if (this.isEOF()) return null; var n = this.char(); return n === 60 || n === 123 || n === 35 && (i === "plural" || i === "selectordinal") || n === 125 && e > 0 ? null : (this.bump(), fromCodePoint(n)); }, t.prototype.parseArgument = function(e, i) { var n = this.clonePosition(); if (this.bump(), this.bumpSpace(), this.isEOF()) return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE, createLocation(n, this.clonePosition())); if (this.char() === 125) return this.bump(), this.error(ErrorKind.EMPTY_ARGUMENT, createLocation(n, this.clonePosition())); var s = this.parseIdentifierIfPossible().value; if (!s) return this.error(ErrorKind.MALFORMED_ARGUMENT, createLocation(n, this.clonePosition())); if (this.bumpSpace(), this.isEOF()) return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE, createLocation(n, this.clonePosition())); switch (this.char()) { case 125: return this.bump(), { val: { type: TYPE.argument, // value does not include the opening and closing braces. value: s, location: createLocation(n, this.clonePosition()) }, err: null }; case 44: return this.bump(), this.bumpSpace(), this.isEOF() ? this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE, createLocation(n, this.clonePosition())) : this.parseArgumentOptions(e, i, s, n); default: return this.error(ErrorKind.MALFORMED_ARGUMENT, createLocation(n, this.clonePosition())); } }, t.prototype.parseIdentifierIfPossible = function() { var e = this.clonePosition(), i = this.offset(), n = matchIdentifierAtIndex(this.message, i), s = i + n.length; this.bumpTo(s); var l = this.clonePosition(), h = createLocation(e, l); return { value: n, location: h }; }, t.prototype.parseArgumentOptions = function(e, i, n, s) { var l, h = this.clonePosition(), _ = this.parseIdentifierIfPossible().value, c = this.clonePosition(); switch (_) { case "": return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE, createLocation(h, c)); case "number": case "date": case "time": { this.bumpSpace(); var o = null; if (this.bumpIf(",")) { this.bumpSpace(); var r = this.clonePosition(), T = this.parseSimpleArgStyleIfPossible(); if (T.err) return T; var S = trimEnd(T.val); if (S.length === 0) return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_STYLE, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())); var w = createLocation(r, this.clonePosition()); o = { style: S, styleLocation: w }; } var C = this.tryParseArgumentClose(s); if (C.err) return C; var P = createLocation(s, this.clonePosition()); if (o && startsWith(o == null ? void 0 :, "::", 0)) { var b = trimStart(; if (_ === "number") { var T = this.parseNumberSkeletonFromString(b, o.styleLocation); return T.err ? T : { val: { type: TYPE.number, value: n, location: P, style: T.val }, err: null }; } else { if (b.length === 0) return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_DATE_TIME_SKELETON, P); var k = b; this.locale && (k = getBestPattern(b, this.locale)); var S = { type: SKELETON_TYPE.dateTime, pattern: k, location: o.styleLocation, parsedOptions: this.shouldParseSkeletons ? parseDateTimeSkeleton(k) : {} }, F = _ === "date" ? : TYPE.time; return { val: { type: F, value: n, location: P, style: S }, err: null }; } } return { val: { type: _ === "number" ? TYPE.number : _ === "date" ? : TYPE.time, value: n, location: P, style: (l = o == null ? void 0 : !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : null }, err: null }; } case "plural": case "selectordinal": case "select": { var x = this.clonePosition(); if (this.bumpSpace(), !this.bumpIf(",")) return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_OPTIONS, createLocation(x, __assign({}, x))); this.bumpSpace(); var y = this.parseIdentifierIfPossible(), p = 0; if (_ !== "select" && y.value === "offset") { if (!this.bumpIf(":")) return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())); this.bumpSpace(); var T = this.tryParseDecimalInteger(ErrorKind.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE, ErrorKind.INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE); if (T.err) return T; this.bumpSpace(), y = this.parseIdentifierIfPossible(), p = T.val; } var E = this.tryParsePluralOrSelectOptions(e, _, i, y); if (E.err) return E; var C = this.tryParseArgumentClose(s); if (C.err) return C; var $ = createLocation(s, this.clonePosition()); return _ === "select" ? { val: { type:, value: n, options: fromEntries(E.val), location: $ }, err: null } : { val: { type: TYPE.plural, value: n, options: fromEntries(E.val), offset: p, pluralType: _ === "plural" ? "cardinal" : "ordinal", location: $ }, err: null }; } default: return this.error(ErrorKind.INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE, createLocation(h, c)); } }, t.prototype.tryParseArgumentClose = function(e) { return this.isEOF() || this.char() !== 125 ? this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE, createLocation(e, this.clonePosition())) : (this.bump(), { val: !0, err: null }); }, t.prototype.parseSimpleArgStyleIfPossible = function() { for (var e = 0, i = this.clonePosition(); !this.isEOF(); ) { var n = this.char(); switch (n) { case 39: { this.bump(); var s = this.clonePosition(); if (!this.bumpUntil("'")) return this.error(ErrorKind.UNCLOSED_QUOTE_IN_ARGUMENT_STYLE, createLocation(s, this.clonePosition())); this.bump(); break; } case 123: { e += 1, this.bump(); break; } case 125: { if (e > 0) e -= 1; else return { val: this.message.slice(i.offset, this.offset()), err: null }; break; } default: this.bump(); break; } } return { val: this.message.slice(i.offset, this.offset()), err: null }; }, t.prototype.parseNumberSkeletonFromString = function(e, i) { var n = []; try { n = parseNumberSkeletonFromString(e); } catch { return this.error(ErrorKind.INVALID_NUMBER_SKELETON, i); } return { val: { type: SKELETON_TYPE.number, tokens: n, location: i, parsedOptions: this.shouldParseSkeletons ? parseNumberSkeleton(n) : {} }, err: null }; }, t.prototype.tryParsePluralOrSelectOptions = function(e, i, n, s) { for (var l, h = !1, _ = [], c = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), o = s.value, r = s.location; ; ) { if (o.length === 0) { var T = this.clonePosition(); if (i !== "select" && this.bumpIf("=")) { var S = this.tryParseDecimalInteger(ErrorKind.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR, ErrorKind.INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR); if (S.err) return S; r = createLocation(T, this.clonePosition()), o = this.message.slice(T.offset, this.offset()); } else break; } if (c.has(o)) return this.error(i === "select" ? ErrorKind.DUPLICATE_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR : ErrorKind.DUPLICATE_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR, r); o === "other" && (h = !0), this.bumpSpace(); var w = this.clonePosition(); if (!this.bumpIf("{")) return this.error(i === "select" ? ErrorKind.EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT : ErrorKind.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())); var C = this.parseMessage(e + 1, i, n); if (C.err) return C; var P = this.tryParseArgumentClose(w); if (P.err) return P; _.push([ o, { value: C.val, location: createLocation(w, this.clonePosition()) } ]), c.add(o), this.bumpSpace(), l = this.parseIdentifierIfPossible(), o = l.value, r = l.location; } return _.length === 0 ? this.error(i === "select" ? ErrorKind.EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR : ErrorKind.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())) : this.requiresOtherClause && !h ? this.error(ErrorKind.MISSING_OTHER_CLAUSE, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())) : { val: _, err: null }; }, t.prototype.tryParseDecimalInteger = function(e, i) { var n = 1, s = this.clonePosition(); this.bumpIf("+") || this.bumpIf("-") && (n = -1); for (var l = !1, h = 0; !this.isEOF(); ) { var _ = this.char(); if (_ >= 48 && _ <= 57) l = !0, h = h * 10 + (_ - 48), this.bump(); else break; } var c = createLocation(s, this.clonePosition()); return l ? (h *= n, isSafeInteger(h) ? { val: h, err: null } : this.error(i, c)) : this.error(e, c); }, t.prototype.offset = function() { return this.position.offset; }, t.prototype.isEOF = function() { return this.offset() === this.message.length; }, t.prototype.clonePosition = function() { return { offset: this.position.offset, line: this.position.line, column: this.position.column }; }, t.prototype.char = function() { var e = this.position.offset; if (e >= this.message.length) throw Error("out of bound"); var i = codePointAt(this.message, e); if (i === void 0) throw Error("Offset ".concat(e, " is at invalid UTF-16 code unit boundary")); return i; }, t.prototype.error = function(e, i) { return { val: null, err: { kind: e, message: this.message, location: i } }; }, t.prototype.bump = function() { if (!this.isEOF()) { var e = this.char(); e === 10 ? (this.position.line += 1, this.position.column = 1, this.position.offset += 1) : (this.position.column += 1, this.position.offset += e < 65536 ? 1 : 2); } }, t.prototype.bumpIf = function(e) { if (startsWith(this.message, e, this.offset())) { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) this.bump(); return !0; } return !1; }, t.prototype.bumpUntil = function(e) { var i = this.offset(), n = this.message.indexOf(e, i); return n >= 0 ? (this.bumpTo(n), !0) : (this.bumpTo(this.message.length), !1); }, t.prototype.bumpTo = function(e) { if (this.offset() > e) throw Error("targetOffset ".concat(e, " must be greater than or equal to the current offset ").concat(this.offset())); for (e = Math.min(e, this.message.length); ; ) { var i = this.offset(); if (i === e) break; if (i > e) throw Error("targetOffset ".concat(e, " is at invalid UTF-16 code unit boundary")); if (this.bump(), this.isEOF()) break; } }, t.prototype.bumpSpace = function() { for (; !this.isEOF() && _isWhiteSpace(this.char()); ) this.bump(); }, t.prototype.peek = function() { if (this.isEOF()) return null; var e = this.char(), i = this.offset(), n = this.message.charCodeAt(i + (e >= 65536 ? 2 : 1)); return n ?? null; }, t; }() ); function _isAlpha(t) { return t >= 97 && t <= 122 || t >= 65 && t <= 90; } function _isAlphaOrSlash(t) { return _isAlpha(t) || t === 47; } function _isPotentialElementNameChar(t) { return t === 45 || t === 46 || t >= 48 && t <= 57 || t === 95 || t >= 97 && t <= 122 || t >= 65 && t <= 90 || t == 183 || t >= 192 && t <= 214 || t >= 216 && t <= 246 || t >= 248 && t <= 893 || t >= 895 && t <= 8191 || t >= 8204 && t <= 8205 || t >= 8255 && t <= 8256 || t >= 8304 && t <= 8591 || t >= 11264 && t <= 12271 || t >= 12289 && t <= 55295 || t >= 63744 && t <= 64975 || t >= 65008 && t <= 65533 || t >= 65536 && t <= 983039; } function _isWhiteSpace(t) { return t >= 9 && t <= 13 || t === 32 || t === 133 || t >= 8206 && t <= 8207 || t === 8232 || t === 8233; } function _isPatternSyntax(t) { return t >= 33 && t <= 35 || t === 36 || t >= 37 && t <= 39 || t === 40 || t === 41 || t === 42 || t === 43 || t === 44 || t === 45 || t >= 46 && t <= 47 || t >= 58 && t <= 59 || t >= 60 && t <= 62 || t >= 63 && t <= 64 || t === 91 || t === 92 || t === 93 || t === 94 || t === 96 || t === 123 || t === 124 || t === 125 || t === 126 || t === 161 || t >= 162 && t <= 165 || t === 166 || t === 167 || t === 169 || t === 171 || t === 172 || t === 174 || t === 176 || t === 177 || t === 182 || t === 187 || t === 191 || t === 215 || t === 247 || t >= 8208 && t <= 8213 || t >= 8214 && t <= 8215 || t === 8216 || t === 8217 || t === 8218 || t >= 8219 && t <= 8220 || t === 8221 || t === 8222 || t === 8223 || t >= 8224 && t <= 8231 || t >= 8240 && t <= 8248 || t === 8249 || t === 8250 || t >= 8251 && t <= 8254 || t >= 8257 && t <= 8259 || t === 8260 || t === 8261 || t === 8262 || t >= 8263 && t <= 8273 || t === 8274 || t === 8275 || t >= 8277 && t <= 8286 || t >= 8592 && t <= 8596 || t >= 8597 && t <= 8601 || t >= 8602 && t <= 8603 || t >= 8604 && t <= 8607 || t === 8608 || t >= 8609 && t <= 8610 || t === 8611 || t >= 8612 && t <= 8613 || t === 8614 || t >= 8615 && t <= 8621 || t === 8622 || t >= 8623 && t <= 8653 || t >= 8654 && t <= 8655 || t >= 8656 && t <= 8657 || t === 8658 || t === 8659 || t === 8660 || t >= 8661 && t <= 8691 || t >= 8692 && t <= 8959 || t >= 8960 && t <= 8967 || t === 8968 || t === 8969 || t === 8970 || t === 8971 || t >= 8972 && t <= 8991 || t >= 8992 && t <= 8993 || t >= 8994 && t <= 9e3 || t === 9001 || t === 9002 || t >= 9003 && t <= 9083 || t === 9084 || t >= 9085 && t <= 9114 || t >= 9115 && t <= 9139 || t >= 9140 && t <= 9179 || t >= 9180 && t <= 9185 || t >= 9186 && t <= 9254 || t >= 9255 && t <= 9279 || t >= 9280 && t <= 9290 || t >= 9291 && t <= 9311 || t >= 9472 && t <= 9654 || t === 9655 || t >= 9656 && t <= 9664 || t === 9665 || t >= 9666 && t <= 9719 || t >= 9720 && t <= 9727 || t >= 9728 && t <= 9838 || t === 9839 || t >= 9840 && t <= 10087 || t === 10088 || t === 10089 || t === 10090 || t === 10091 || t === 10092 || t === 10093 || t === 10094 || t === 10095 || t === 10096 || t === 10097 || t === 10098 || t === 10099 || t === 10100 || t === 10101 || t >= 10132 && t <= 10175 || t >= 10176 && t <= 10180 || t === 10181 || t === 10182 || t >= 10183 && t <= 10213 || t === 10214 || t === 10215 || t === 10216 || t === 10217 || t === 10218 || t === 10219 || t === 10220 || t === 10221 || t === 10222 || t === 10223 || t >= 10224 && t <= 10239 || t >= 10240 && t <= 10495 || t >= 10496 && t <= 10626 || t === 10627 || t === 10628 || t === 10629 || t === 10630 || t === 10631 || t === 10632 || t === 10633 || t === 10634 || t === 10635 || t === 10636 || t === 10637 || t === 10638 || t === 10639 || t === 10640 || t === 10641 || t === 10642 || t === 10643 || t === 10644 || t === 10645 || t === 10646 || t === 10647 || t === 10648 || t >= 10649 && t <= 10711 || t === 10712 || t === 10713 || t === 10714 || t === 10715 || t >= 10716 && t <= 10747 || t === 10748 || t === 10749 || t >= 10750 && t <= 11007 || t >= 11008 && t <= 11055 || t >= 11056 && t <= 11076 || t >= 11077 && t <= 11078 || t >= 11079 && t <= 11084 || t >= 11085 && t <= 11123 || t >= 11124 && t <= 11125 || t >= 11126 && t <= 11157 || t === 11158 || t >= 11159 && t <= 11263 || t >= 11776 && t <= 11777 || t === 11778 || t === 11779 || t === 11780 || t === 11781 || t >= 11782 && t <= 11784 || t === 11785 || t === 11786 || t === 11787 || t === 11788 || t === 11789 || t >= 11790 && t <= 11798 || t === 11799 || t >= 11800 && t <= 11801 || t === 11802 || t === 11803 || t === 11804 || t === 11805 || t >= 11806 && t <= 11807 || t === 11808 || t === 11809 || t === 11810 || t === 11811 || t === 11812 || t === 11813 || t === 11814 || t === 11815 || t === 11816 || t === 11817 || t >= 11818 && t <= 11822 || t === 11823 || t >= 11824 && t <= 11833 || t >= 11834 && t <= 11835 || t >= 11836 && t <= 11839 || t === 11840 || t === 11841 || t === 11842 || t >= 11843 && t <= 11855 || t >= 11856 && t <= 11857 || t === 11858 || t >= 11859 && t <= 11903 || t >= 12289 && t <= 12291 || t === 12296 || t === 12297 || t === 12298 || t === 12299 || t === 12300 || t === 12301 || t === 12302 || t === 12303 || t === 12304 || t === 12305 || t >= 12306 && t <= 12307 || t === 12308 || t === 12309 || t === 12310 || t === 12311 || t === 12312 || t === 12313 || t === 12314 || t === 12315 || t === 12316 || t === 12317 || t >= 12318 && t <= 12319 || t === 12320 || t === 12336 || t === 64830 || t === 64831 || t >= 65093 && t <= 65094; } function pruneLocation(t) { t.forEach(function(e) { if (delete e.location, isSelectElement(e) || isPluralElement(e)) for (var i in e.options) delete e.options[i].location, pruneLocation(e.options[i].value); else isNumberElement(e) && isNumberSkeleton( || (isDateElement(e) || isTimeElement(e)) && isDateTimeSkeleton( ? delete : isTagElement(e) && pruneLocation(e.children); }); } function parse(t, e) { e === void 0 && (e = {}), e = __assign({ shouldParseSkeletons: !0, requiresOtherClause: !0 }, e); var i = new Parser(t, e).parse(); if (i.err) { var n = SyntaxError(ErrorKind[i.err.kind]); throw n.location = i.err.location, n.originalMessage = i.err.message, n; } return e != null && e.captureLocation || pruneLocation(i.val), i.val; } function memoize(t, e) { var i = e && e.cache ? e.cache : cacheDefault, n = e && e.serializer ? e.serializer : serializerDefault, s = e && e.strategy ? e.strategy : strategyDefault; return s(t, { cache: i, serializer: n }); } function isPrimitive(t) { return t == null || typeof t == "number" || typeof t == "boolean"; } function monadic(t, e, i, n) { var s = isPrimitive(n) ? n : i(n), l = e.get(s); return typeof l > "u" && (l =, n), e.set(s, l)), l; } function variadic(t, e, i) { var n =, 3), s = i(n), l = e.get(s); return typeof l > "u" && (l = t.apply(this, n), e.set(s, l)), l; } function assemble(t, e, i, n, s) { return i.bind(e, t, n, s); } function strategyDefault(t, e) { var i = t.length === 1 ? monadic : variadic; return assemble(t, this, i, e.cache.create(), e.serializer); } function strategyVariadic(t, e) { return assemble(t, this, variadic, e.cache.create(), e.serializer); } function strategyMonadic(t, e) { return assemble(t, this, monadic, e.cache.create(), e.serializer); } var serializerDefault = function() { return JSON.stringify(arguments); }; function ObjectWithoutPrototypeCache() { this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } ObjectWithoutPrototypeCache.prototype.get = function(t) { return this.cache[t]; }; ObjectWithoutPrototypeCache.prototype.set = function(t, e) { this.cache[t] = e; }; var cacheDefault = { create: function() { return new ObjectWithoutPrototypeCache(); } }, strategies = { variadic: strategyVariadic, monadic: strategyMonadic }, ErrorCode; (function(t) { t.MISSING_VALUE = "MISSING_VALUE", t.INVALID_VALUE = "INVALID_VALUE", t.MISSING_INTL_API = "MISSING_INTL_API"; })(ErrorCode || (ErrorCode = {})); var FormatError = ( /** @class */ function(t) { __extends(e, t); function e(i, n, s) { var l =, i) || this; return l.code = n, l.originalMessage = s, l; } return e.prototype.toString = function() { return "[formatjs Error: ".concat(this.code, "] ").concat(this.message); }, e; }(Error) ), InvalidValueError = ( /** @class */ function(t) { __extends(e, t); function e(i, n, s, l) { return, 'Invalid values for "'.concat(i, '": "').concat(n, '". Options are "').concat(Object.keys(s).join('", "'), '"'), ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE, l) || this; } return e; }(FormatError) ), InvalidValueTypeError = ( /** @class */ function(t) { __extends(e, t); function e(i, n, s) { return, 'Value for "'.concat(i, '" must be of type ').concat(n), ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE, s) || this; } return e; }(FormatError) ), MissingValueError = ( /** @class */ function(t) { __extends(e, t); function e(i, n) { return, 'The intl string context variable "'.concat(i, '" was not provided to the string "').concat(n, '"'), ErrorCode.MISSING_VALUE, n) || this; } return e; }(FormatError) ), PART_TYPE; (function(t) { t[t.literal = 0] = "literal", t[t.object = 1] = "object"; })(PART_TYPE || (PART_TYPE = {})); function mergeLiteral(t) { return t.length < 2 ? t : t.reduce(function(e, i) { var n = e[e.length - 1]; return !n || n.type !== PART_TYPE.literal || i.type !== PART_TYPE.literal ? e.push(i) : n.value += i.value, e; }, []); } function isFormatXMLElementFn(t) { return typeof t == "function"; } function formatToParts(t, e, i, n, s, l, h) { if (t.length === 1 && isLiteralElement(t[0])) return [ { type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: t[0].value } ]; for (var _ = [], c = 0, o = t; c < o.length; c++) { var r = o[c]; if (isLiteralElement(r)) { _.push({ type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: r.value }); continue; } if (isPoundElement(r)) { typeof l == "number" && _.push({ type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: i.getNumberFormat(e).format(l) }); continue; } var T = r.value; if (!(s && T in s)) throw new MissingValueError(T, h); var S = s[T]; if (isArgumentElement(r)) { (!S || typeof S == "string" || typeof S == "number") && (S = typeof S == "string" || typeof S == "number" ? String(S) : ""), _.push({ type: typeof S == "string" ? PART_TYPE.literal : PART_TYPE.object, value: S }); continue; } if (isDateElement(r)) { var w = typeof == "string" ?[] : isDateTimeSkeleton( ? : void 0; _.push({ type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: i.getDateTimeFormat(e, w).format(S) }); continue; } if (isTimeElement(r)) { var w = typeof == "string" ? n.time[] : isDateTimeSkeleton( ? : n.time.medium; _.push({ type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: i.getDateTimeFormat(e, w).format(S) }); continue; } if (isNumberElement(r)) { var w = typeof == "string" ? n.number[] : isNumberSkeleton( ? : void 0; w && w.scale && (S = S * (w.scale || 1)), _.push({ type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: i.getNumberFormat(e, w).format(S) }); continue; } if (isTagElement(r)) { var C = r.children, P = r.value, b = s[P]; if (!isFormatXMLElementFn(b)) throw new InvalidValueTypeError(P, "function", h); var k = formatToParts(C, e, i, n, s, l), F = b( { return p.value; })); Array.isArray(F) || (F = [F]), _.push.apply(_, { return { type: typeof p == "string" ? PART_TYPE.literal : PART_TYPE.object, value: p }; })); } if (isSelectElement(r)) { var x = r.options[S] || r.options.other; if (!x) throw new InvalidValueError(r.value, S, Object.keys(r.options), h); _.push.apply(_, formatToParts(x.value, e, i, n, s)); continue; } if (isPluralElement(r)) { var x = r.options["=".concat(S)]; if (!x) { if (!Intl.PluralRules) throw new FormatError(`Intl.PluralRules is not available in this environment. Try polyfilling it using "@formatjs/intl-pluralrules" `, ErrorCode.MISSING_INTL_API, h); var y = i.getPluralRules(e, { type: r.pluralType }).select(S - (r.offset || 0)); x = r.options[y] || r.options.other; } if (!x) throw new InvalidValueError(r.value, S, Object.keys(r.options), h); _.push.apply(_, formatToParts(x.value, e, i, n, s, S - (r.offset || 0))); continue; } } return mergeLiteral(_); } function mergeConfig(t, e) { return e ? __assign(__assign(__assign({}, t || {}), e || {}), Object.keys(t).reduce(function(i, n) { return i[n] = __assign(__assign({}, t[n]), e[n] || {}), i; }, {})) : t; } function mergeConfigs(t, e) { return e ? Object.keys(t).reduce(function(i, n) { return i[n] = mergeConfig(t[n], e[n]), i; }, __assign({}, t)) : t; } function createFastMemoizeCache(t) { return { create: function() { return { get: function(e) { return t[e]; }, set: function(e, i) { t[e] = i; } }; } }; } function createDefaultFormatters(t) { return t === void 0 && (t = { number: {}, dateTime: {}, pluralRules: {} }), { getNumberFormat: memoize(function() { for (var e, i = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) i[n] = arguments[n]; return new ((e = Intl.NumberFormat).bind.apply(e, __spreadArray([void 0], i, !1)))(); }, { cache: createFastMemoizeCache(t.number), strategy: strategies.variadic }), getDateTimeFormat: memoize(function() { for (var e, i = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) i[n] = arguments[n]; return new ((e = Intl.DateTimeFormat).bind.apply(e, __spreadArray([void 0], i, !1)))(); }, { cache: createFastMemoizeCache(t.dateTime), strategy: strategies.variadic }), getPluralRules: memoize(function() { for (var e, i = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) i[n] = arguments[n]; return new ((e = Intl.PluralRules).bind.apply(e, __spreadArray([void 0], i, !1)))(); }, { cache: createFastMemoizeCache(t.pluralRules), strategy: strategies.variadic }) }; } var IntlMessageFormat = ( /** @class */ function() { function t(e, i, n, s) { var l = this; if (i === void 0 && (i = t.defaultLocale), this.formatterCache = { number: {}, dateTime: {}, pluralRules: {} }, this.format = function(h) { var _ = l.formatToParts(h); if (_.length === 1) return _[0].value; var c = _.reduce(function(o, r) { return !o.length || r.type !== PART_TYPE.literal || typeof o[o.length - 1] != "string" ? o.push(r.value) : o[o.length - 1] += r.value, o; }, []); return c.length <= 1 ? c[0] || "" : c; }, this.formatToParts = function(h) { return formatToParts(l.ast, l.locales, l.formatters, l.formats, h, void 0, l.message); }, this.resolvedOptions = function() { return { locale: l.resolvedLocale.toString() }; }, this.getAst = function() { return l.ast; }, this.locales = i, this.resolvedLocale = t.resolveLocale(i), typeof e == "string") { if (this.message = e, !t.__parse) throw new TypeError("IntlMessageFormat.__parse must be set to process `message` of type `string`"); this.ast = t.__parse(e, { ignoreTag: s == null ? void 0 : s.ignoreTag, locale: this.resolvedLocale }); } else this.ast = e; if (!Array.isArray(this.ast)) throw new TypeError("A message must be provided as a String or AST."); this.formats = mergeConfigs(t.formats, n), this.formatters = s && s.formatters || createDefaultFormatters(this.formatterCache); } return Object.defineProperty(t, "defaultLocale", { get: function() { return t.memoizedDefaultLocale || (t.memoizedDefaultLocale = new Intl.NumberFormat().resolvedOptions().locale), t.memoizedDefaultLocale; }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.memoizedDefaultLocale = null, t.resolveLocale = function(e) { var i = Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf(e); return i.length > 0 ? new Intl.Locale(i[0]) : new Intl.Locale(typeof e == "string" ? e : e[0]); }, t.__parse = parse, t.formats = { number: { integer: { maximumFractionDigits: 0 }, currency: { style: "currency" }, percent: { style: "percent" } }, date: { short: { month: "numeric", day: "numeric", year: "2-digit" }, medium: { month: "short", day: "numeric", year: "numeric" }, long: { month: "long", day: "numeric", year: "numeric" }, full: { weekday: "long", month: "long", day: "numeric", year: "numeric" } }, time: { short: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric" }, medium: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric" }, long: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric", timeZoneName: "short" }, full: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric", timeZoneName: "short" } } }, t; }() ); function delve(t, e) { if (e == null) return; if (e in t) return t[e]; const i = e.split("."); let n = t; for (let s = 0; s < i.length; s++) if (typeof n == "object") { if (s > 0) { const l = i.slice(s, i.length).join("."); if (l in n) { n = n[l]; break; } } n = n[i[s]]; } else n = void 0; return n; } const lookupCache = {}, addToCache = (t, e, i) => i && (e in lookupCache || (lookupCache[e] = {}), t in lookupCache[e] || (lookupCache[e][t] = i), i), lookup = (t, e) => { if (e == null) return; if (e in lookupCache && t in lookupCache[e]) return lookupCache[e][t]; const i = getPossibleLocales(e); for (let n = 0; n < i.length; n++) { const s = i[n], l = getMessageFromDictionary(s, t); if (l) return addToCache(t, e, l); } }; let dictionary; const $dictionary = writable({}); function getLocaleDictionary(t) { return dictionary[t] || null; } function hasLocaleDictionary(t) { return t in dictionary; } function getMessageFromDictionary(t, e) { if (!hasLocaleDictionary(t)) return null; const i = getLocaleDictionary(t); return delve(i, e); } function getClosestAvailableLocale(t) { if (t == null) return; const e = getPossibleLocales(t); for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { const n = e[i]; if (hasLocaleDictionary(n)) return n; } } function addMessages(t, ...e) { delete lookupCache[t], $dictionary.update((i) => (i[t] = deepmerge$1.all([i[t] || {}, ...e]), i)); } derived( [$dictionary], ([t]) => Object.keys(t) ); $dictionary.subscribe((t) => dictionary = t); const queue = {}; function removeLoaderFromQueue(t, e) { queue[t].delete(e), queue[t].size === 0 && delete queue[t]; } function getLocaleQueue(t) { return queue[t]; } function getLocalesQueues(t) { return getPossibleLocales(t).map((e) => { const i = getLocaleQueue(e); return [e, i ? [...i] : []]; }).filter(([, e]) => e.length > 0); } function hasLocaleQueue(t) { return t == null ? !1 : getPossibleLocales(t).some( (e) => { var i; return (i = getLocaleQueue(e)) == null ? void 0 : i.size; } ); } function loadLocaleQueue(t, e) { return Promise.all( => (removeLoaderFromQueue(t, n), n().then((s) => s.default || s))) ).then((n) => addMessages(t, ...n)); } const activeFlushes = {}; function flush(t) { if (!hasLocaleQueue(t)) return t in activeFlushes ? activeFlushes[t] : Promise.resolve(); const e = getLocalesQueues(t); return activeFlushes[t] = Promise.all( ([i, n]) => loadLocaleQueue(i, n) ) ).then(() => { if (hasLocaleQueue(t)) return flush(t); delete activeFlushes[t]; }), activeFlushes[t]; } const defaultFormats = { number: { scientific: { notation: "scientific" }, engineering: { notation: "engineering" }, compactLong: { notation: "compact", compactDisplay: "long" }, compactShort: { notation: "compact", compactDisplay: "short" } }, date: { short: { month: "numeric", day: "numeric", year: "2-digit" }, medium: { month: "short", day: "numeric", year: "numeric" }, long: { month: "long", day: "numeric", year: "numeric" }, full: { weekday: "long", month: "long", day: "numeric", year: "numeric" } }, time: { short: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric" }, medium: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric" }, long: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric", timeZoneName: "short" }, full: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric", timeZoneName: "short" } } }, defaultOptions = { fallbackLocale: null, loadingDelay: 200, formats: defaultFormats, warnOnMissingMessages: !0, handleMissingMessage: void 0, ignoreTag: !0 }, options = defaultOptions; function getOptions() { return options; } const $isLoading = writable(!1); var __defProp$1 = Object.defineProperty, __defProps = Object.defineProperties, __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors, __getOwnPropSymbols$1 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, __hasOwnProp$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, __propIsEnum$1 = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, __defNormalProp$1 = (t, e, i) => e in t ? __defProp$1(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: i }) : t[e] = i, __spreadValues$1 = (t, e) => { for (var i in e || (e = {})) __hasOwnProp$, i) && __defNormalProp$1(t, i, e[i]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols$1) for (var i of __getOwnPropSymbols$1(e)) __propIsEnum$, i) && __defNormalProp$1(t, i, e[i]); return t; }, __spreadProps = (t, e) => __defProps(t, __getOwnPropDescs(e)); let current; const internalLocale = writable(null); function getSubLocales(t) { return t.split("-").map((e, i, n) => n.slice(0, i + 1).join("-")).reverse(); } function getPossibleLocales(t, e = getOptions().fallbackLocale) { const i = getSubLocales(t); return e ? [.../* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...i, ...getSubLocales(e)])] : i; } function getCurrentLocale() { return current ?? void 0; } internalLocale.subscribe((t) => { current = t ?? void 0, typeof window < "u" && t != null && document.documentElement.setAttribute("lang", t); }); const set = (t) => { if (t && getClosestAvailableLocale(t) && hasLocaleQueue(t)) { const { loadingDelay: e } = getOptions(); let i; return typeof window < "u" && getCurrentLocale() != null && e ? i = window.setTimeout( () => $isLoading.set(!0), e ) : $isLoading.set(!0), flush(t).then(() => { internalLocale.set(t); }).finally(() => { clearTimeout(i), $isLoading.set(!1); }); } return internalLocale.set(t); }, $locale = __spreadProps(__spreadValues$1({}, internalLocale), { set }), monadicMemoize = (t) => { const e = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); return (n) => { const s = JSON.stringify(n); return s in e ? e[s] : e[s] = t(n); }; }; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty, __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, __defNormalProp = (t, e, i) => e in t ? __defProp(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: i }) : t[e] = i, __spreadValues = (t, e) => { for (var i in e || (e = {})), i) && __defNormalProp(t, i, e[i]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols) for (var i of __getOwnPropSymbols(e)), i) && __defNormalProp(t, i, e[i]); return t; }, __objRest = (t, e) => { var i = {}; for (var n in t), n) && e.indexOf(n) < 0 && (i[n] = t[n]); if (t != null && __getOwnPropSymbols) for (var n of __getOwnPropSymbols(t)) e.indexOf(n) < 0 &&, n) && (i[n] = t[n]); return i; }; const getIntlFormatterOptions = (t, e) => { const { formats: i } = getOptions(); if (t in i && e in i[t]) return i[t][e]; throw new Error(`[svelte-i18n] Unknown "${e}" ${t} format.`); }, createNumberFormatter = monadicMemoize( (t) => { var e = t, { locale: i, format: n } = e, s = __objRest(e, ["locale", "format"]); if (i == null) throw new Error('[svelte-i18n] A "locale" must be set to format numbers'); return n && (s = getIntlFormatterOptions("number", n)), new Intl.NumberFormat(i, s); } ), createDateFormatter = monadicMemoize( (t) => { var e = t, { locale: i, format: n } = e, s = __objRest(e, ["locale", "format"]); if (i == null) throw new Error('[svelte-i18n] A "locale" must be set to format dates'); return n ? s = getIntlFormatterOptions("date", n) : Object.keys(s).length === 0 && (s = getIntlFormatterOptions("date", "short")), new Intl.DateTimeFormat(i, s); } ), createTimeFormatter = monadicMemoize( (t) => { var e = t, { locale: i, format: n } = e, s = __objRest(e, ["locale", "format"]); if (i == null) throw new Error( '[svelte-i18n] A "locale" must be set to format time values' ); return n ? s = getIntlFormatterOptions("time", n) : Object.keys(s).length === 0 && (s = getIntlFormatterOptions("time", "short")), new Intl.DateTimeFormat(i, s); } ), getNumberFormatter = (t = {}) => { var e = t, { locale: i = getCurrentLocale() } = e, n = __objRest(e, [ "locale" ]); return createNumberFormatter(__spreadValues({ locale: i }, n)); }, getDateFormatter = (t = {}) => { var e = t, { locale: i = getCurrentLocale() } = e, n = __objRest(e, [ "locale" ]); return createDateFormatter(__spreadValues({ locale: i }, n)); }, getTimeFormatter = (t = {}) => { var e = t, { locale: i = getCurrentLocale() } = e, n = __objRest(e, [ "locale" ]); return createTimeFormatter(__spreadValues({ locale: i }, n)); }, getMessageFormatter = monadicMemoize( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion (t, e = getCurrentLocale()) => new IntlMessageFormat(t, e, getOptions().formats, { ignoreTag: getOptions().ignoreTag }) ), formatMessage = (t, e = {}) => { var i, n, s, l; let h = e; typeof t == "object" && (h = t, t =; const { values: _, locale: c = getCurrentLocale(), default: o } = h; if (c == null) throw new Error( "[svelte-i18n] Cannot format a message without first setting the initial locale." ); let r = lookup(t, c); if (!r) r = (l = (s = (n = (i = getOptions()).handleMissingMessage) == null ? void 0 :, { locale: c, id: t, defaultValue: o })) != null ? s : o) != null ? l : t; else if (typeof r != "string") return console.warn( `[svelte-i18n] Message with id "${t}" must be of type "string", found: "${typeof r}". Gettin its value through the "$format" method is deprecated; use the "json" method instead.` ), r; if (!_) return r; let T = r; try { T = getMessageFormatter(r, c).format(_); } catch (S) { S instanceof Error && console.warn( `[svelte-i18n] Message "${t}" has syntax error:`, S.message ); } return T; }, formatTime = (t, e) => getTimeFormatter(e).format(t), formatDate = (t, e) => getDateFormatter(e).format(t), formatNumber = (t, e) => getNumberFormatter(e).format(t), getJSON = (t, e = getCurrentLocale()) => lookup(t, e); derived([$locale, $dictionary], () => formatMessage); derived([$locale], () => formatTime); derived([$locale], () => formatDate); derived([$locale], () => formatNumber); derived([$locale, $dictionary], () => getJSON); const Upload_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$2, append: append$2, attr: attr$2, binding_callbacks: binding_callbacks$1, bubble, create_slot, detach: detach$2, element: element$2, get_all_dirty_from_scope, get_slot_changes, init: init$2, insert: insert$2, listen, prevent_default, run_all, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$2, space: space$2, stop_propagation, toggle_class: toggle_class$1, transition_in: transition_in$2, transition_out: transition_out$2, update_slot_base } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: createEventDispatcher$1, tick: tick$1, getContext } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_fragment$2(t) { let e, i, n, s, l, h, _, c, o; const r = ( /*#slots*/ t[16].default ), T = create_slot( r, t, /*$$scope*/ t[15], null ); return { c() { e = element$2("button"), T && T.c(), i = space$2(), n = element$2("input"), attr$2(n, "type", "file"), attr$2( n, "accept", /*filetype*/ t[0] ), n.multiple = s = /*file_count*/ t[4] === "multiple" || void 0, attr$2(n, "webkitdirectory", l = /*file_count*/ t[4] === "directory" || void 0), attr$2(n, "mozdirectory", h = /*file_count*/ t[4] === "directory" || void 0), attr$2(n, "class", "svelte-18dlsnh"), attr$2(e, "class", "svelte-18dlsnh"), toggle_class$1( e, "hidden", /*hidden*/ t[5] ), toggle_class$1( e, "center", /*center*/ t[2] ), toggle_class$1( e, "boundedheight", /*boundedheight*/ t[1] ), toggle_class$1( e, "flex", /*flex*/ t[3] ); }, m(S, w) { insert$2(S, e, w), T && T.m(e, null), append$2(e, i), append$2(e, n), t[24](n), _ = !0, c || (o = [ listen( n, "change", /*load_files_from_upload*/ t[9] ), listen(e, "drag", stop_propagation(prevent_default( /*drag_handler*/ t[17] ))), listen(e, "dragstart", stop_propagation(prevent_default( /*dragstart_handler*/ t[18] ))), listen(e, "dragend", stop_propagation(prevent_default( /*dragend_handler*/ t[19] ))), listen(e, "dragover", stop_propagation(prevent_default( /*dragover_handler*/ t[20] ))), listen(e, "dragenter", stop_propagation(prevent_default( /*dragenter_handler*/ t[21] ))), listen(e, "dragleave", stop_propagation(prevent_default( /*dragleave_handler*/ t[22] ))), listen(e, "drop", stop_propagation(prevent_default( /*drop_handler*/ t[23] ))), listen( e, "click", /*open_file_upload*/ t[6] ), listen( e, "drop", /*loadFilesFromDrop*/ t[10] ), listen( e, "dragenter", /*updateDragging*/ t[8] ), listen( e, "dragleave", /*updateDragging*/ t[8] ) ], c = !0); }, p(S, [w]) { T && T.p && (!_ || w & /*$$scope*/ 32768) && update_slot_base( T, r, S, /*$$scope*/ S[15], _ ? get_slot_changes( r, /*$$scope*/ S[15], w, null ) : get_all_dirty_from_scope( /*$$scope*/ S[15] ), null ), (!_ || w & /*filetype*/ 1) && attr$2( n, "accept", /*filetype*/ S[0] ), (!_ || w & /*file_count*/ 16 && s !== (s = /*file_count*/ S[4] === "multiple" || void 0)) && (n.multiple = s), (!_ || w & /*file_count*/ 16 && l !== (l = /*file_count*/ S[4] === "directory" || void 0)) && attr$2(n, "webkitdirectory", l), (!_ || w & /*file_count*/ 16 && h !== (h = /*file_count*/ S[4] === "directory" || void 0)) && attr$2(n, "mozdirectory", h), (!_ || w & /*hidden*/ 32) && toggle_class$1( e, "hidden", /*hidden*/ S[5] ), (!_ || w & /*center*/ 4) && toggle_class$1( e, "center", /*center*/ S[2] ), (!_ || w & /*boundedheight*/ 2) && toggle_class$1( e, "boundedheight", /*boundedheight*/ S[1] ), (!_ || w & /*flex*/ 8) && toggle_class$1( e, "flex", /*flex*/ S[3] ); }, i(S) { _ || (transition_in$2(T, S), _ = !0); }, o(S) { transition_out$2(T, S), _ = !1; }, d(S) { S && detach$2(e), T && T.d(S), t[24](null), c = !1, run_all(o); } }; } function _optionalChain(t) { let e, i = t[0], n = 1; for (; n < t.length; ) { const s = t[n], l = t[n + 1]; if (n += 2, (s === "optionalAccess" || s === "optionalCall") && i == null) return; s === "access" || s === "optionalAccess" ? (e = i, i = l(i)) : (s === "call" || s === "optionalCall") && (i = l((...h) =>, ...h)), e = void 0); } return i; } function is_valid_mimetype(t, e) { return !t || t === "*" ? !0 : t.endsWith("/*") ? e.startsWith(t.slice(0, -1)) : t === e; } function instance$2(t, e, i) { let { $$slots: n = {}, $$scope: s } = e, { filetype: l = null } = e, { dragging: h = !1 } = e, { boundedheight: _ = !0 } = e, { center: c = !0 } = e, { flex: o = !0 } = e, { file_count: r = "single" } = e, { disable_click: T = !1 } = e, { root: S } = e, { hidden: w = !1 } = e; const C = getContext("upload_files"); let P; const b = createEventDispatcher$1(); function k() { i(11, h = !h); } function F() { T || (i(7, P.value = "", P),; } async function x(B) { await tick$1(); const ee = await upload(B, S, C); return b("load", r === "single" ? _optionalChain([ee, "optionalAccess", (Y) => Y[0]]) : ee), ee || []; } async function y(B) { if (!B.length) return; let ee = => new File([q],, Y = await prepare_files(ee); return await x(Y); } async function p(B) { const ee =; ee.files && await y(Array.from(ee.files)); } async function E(B) { if (i(11, h = !1), !_optionalChain([B, "access", (Y) => Y.dataTransfer, "optionalAccess", (Y) => Y.files])) return; const ee = Array.from(B.dataTransfer.files).filter((Y) => _optionalChain([ l, "optionalAccess", (q) => q.split, "call", (q) => q(","), "access", (q) => q.some, "call", (q) => q((le) => is_valid_mimetype(le, Y.type)) ]) ? !0 : (b("error", `Invalid file type only ${l} allowed.`), !1)); await y(ee); } function $(B) {, t, B); } function M(B) {, t, B); } function m(B) {, t, B); } function N(B) {, t, B); } function D(B) {, t, B); } function X(B) {, t, B); } function G(B) {, t, B); } function I(B) { binding_callbacks$1[B ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { P = B, i(7, P); }); } return t.$$set = (B) => { "filetype" in B && i(0, l = B.filetype), "dragging" in B && i(11, h = B.dragging), "boundedheight" in B && i(1, _ = B.boundedheight), "center" in B && i(2, c =, "flex" in B && i(3, o = B.flex), "file_count" in B && i(4, r = B.file_count), "disable_click" in B && i(12, T = B.disable_click), "root" in B && i(13, S = B.root), "hidden" in B && i(5, w = B.hidden), "$$scope" in B && i(15, s = B.$$scope); }, [ l, _, c, o, r, w, F, P, k, p, E, h, T, S, y, s, n, $, M, m, N, D, X, G, I ]; } class Upload extends SvelteComponent$2 { constructor(e) { super(), init$2(this, e, instance$2, create_fragment$2, safe_not_equal$2, { filetype: 0, dragging: 11, boundedheight: 1, center: 2, flex: 3, file_count: 4, disable_click: 12, root: 13, hidden: 5, open_file_upload: 6, load_files: 14 }); } get open_file_upload() { return this.$$.ctx[6]; } get load_files() { return this.$$.ctx[14]; } } const ModifyUpload_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", { SvelteComponent: SvelteComponent$1, append: append$1, attr: attr$1, check_outros: check_outros$1, create_component: create_component$1, destroy_component: destroy_component$1, detach: detach$1, element: element$1, group_outros: group_outros$1, init: init$1, insert: insert$1, mount_component: mount_component$1, safe_not_equal: safe_not_equal$1, set_style: set_style$1, space: space$1, toggle_class, transition_in: transition_in$1, transition_out: transition_out$1 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_if_block_1$1(t) { let e, i; return e = new IconButton({ props: { Icon: Edit, label: ( /*i18n*/ t[3]("common.edit") ) } }), e.$on( "click", /*click_handler*/ t[5] ), { c() { create_component$1(e.$$.fragment); }, m(n, s) { mount_component$1(e, n, s), i = !0; }, p(n, s) { const l = {}; s & /*i18n*/ 8 && (l.label = /*i18n*/ n[3]("common.edit")), e.$set(l); }, i(n) { i || (transition_in$1(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !0); }, o(n) { transition_out$1(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !1; }, d(n) { destroy_component$1(e, n); } }; } function create_if_block$1(t) { let e, i; return e = new IconButton({ props: { Icon: Undo, label: ( /*i18n*/ t[3]("common.undo") ) } }), e.$on( "click", /*click_handler_1*/ t[6] ), { c() { create_component$1(e.$$.fragment); }, m(n, s) { mount_component$1(e, n, s), i = !0; }, p(n, s) { const l = {}; s & /*i18n*/ 8 && (l.label = /*i18n*/ n[3]("common.undo")), e.$set(l); }, i(n) { i || (transition_in$1(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !0); }, o(n) { transition_out$1(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !1; }, d(n) { destroy_component$1(e, n); } }; } function create_fragment$1(t) { let e, i, n, s, l, h = ( /*editable*/ t[0] && create_if_block_1$1(t) ), _ = ( /*undoable*/ t[1] && create_if_block$1(t) ); return s = new IconButton({ props: { Icon: Clear, label: ( /*i18n*/ t[3]("common.clear") ) } }), s.$on( "click", /*click_handler_2*/ t[7] ), { c() { e = element$1("div"), h && h.c(), i = space$1(), _ && _.c(), n = space$1(), create_component$1(s.$$.fragment), attr$1(e, "class", "svelte-1wj0ocy"), toggle_class(e, "not-absolute", !/*absolute*/ t[2]), set_style$1( e, "position", /*absolute*/ t[2] ? "absolute" : "static" ); }, m(c, o) { insert$1(c, e, o), h && h.m(e, null), append$1(e, i), _ && _.m(e, null), append$1(e, n), mount_component$1(s, e, null), l = !0; }, p(c, [o]) { /*editable*/ c[0] ? h ? (h.p(c, o), o & /*editable*/ 1 && transition_in$1(h, 1)) : (h = create_if_block_1$1(c), h.c(), transition_in$1(h, 1), h.m(e, i)) : h && (group_outros$1(), transition_out$1(h, 1, 1, () => { h = null; }), check_outros$1()), /*undoable*/ c[1] ? _ ? (_.p(c, o), o & /*undoable*/ 2 && transition_in$1(_, 1)) : (_ = create_if_block$1(c), _.c(), transition_in$1(_, 1), _.m(e, n)) : _ && (group_outros$1(), transition_out$1(_, 1, 1, () => { _ = null; }), check_outros$1()); const r = {}; o & /*i18n*/ 8 && (r.label = /*i18n*/ c[3]("common.clear")), s.$set(r), (!l || o & /*absolute*/ 4) && toggle_class(e, "not-absolute", !/*absolute*/ c[2]), o & /*absolute*/ 4 && set_style$1( e, "position", /*absolute*/ c[2] ? "absolute" : "static" ); }, i(c) { l || (transition_in$1(h), transition_in$1(_), transition_in$1(s.$$.fragment, c), l = !0); }, o(c) { transition_out$1(h), transition_out$1(_), transition_out$1(s.$$.fragment, c), l = !1; }, d(c) { c && detach$1(e), h && h.d(), _ && _.d(), destroy_component$1(s); } }; } function instance$1(t, e, i) { let { editable: n = !1 } = e, { undoable: s = !1 } = e, { absolute: l = !0 } = e, { i18n: h } = e; const _ = createEventDispatcher(), c = () => _("edit"), o = () => _("undo"), r = (T) => { _("clear"), T.stopPropagation(); }; return t.$$set = (T) => { "editable" in T && i(0, n = T.editable), "undoable" in T && i(1, s = T.undoable), "absolute" in T && i(2, l = T.absolute), "i18n" in T && i(3, h = T.i18n); }, [ n, s, l, h, _, c, o, r ]; } class ModifyUpload extends SvelteComponent$1 { constructor(e) { super(), init$1(this, e, instance$1, create_fragment$1, safe_not_equal$1, { editable: 0, undoable: 1, absolute: 2, i18n: 3 }); } } function commonjsRequire(t) { throw new Error('Could not dynamically require "' + t + '". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.'); } var pdf = { exports: {} }; const require$$5$1 = {}, __viteBrowserExternal = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: require$$5$1 }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), require$$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ getAugmentedNamespace(__viteBrowserExternal); (function(module, exports) { (function(e, i) { module.exports = e.pdfjsLib = i(); })(globalThis, () => ( /******/ (() => { var __webpack_modules__ = [ , /* 1 */ /***/ (t, e) => { var Ye; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.VerbosityLevel = e.Util = e.UnknownErrorException = e.UnexpectedResponseException = e.TextRenderingMode = e.RenderingIntentFlag = e.PromiseCapability = e.PermissionFlag = e.PasswordResponses = e.PasswordException = e.PageActionEventType = e.OPS = e.MissingPDFException = e.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_CACHE = e.LINE_FACTOR = e.LINE_DESCENT_FACTOR = e.InvalidPDFException = e.ImageKind = e.IDENTITY_MATRIX = e.FormatError = e.FeatureTest = e.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX = e.DocumentActionEventType = e.CMapCompressionType = e.BaseException = e.BASELINE_FACTOR = e.AnnotationType = e.AnnotationReplyType = e.AnnotationPrefix = e.AnnotationMode = e.AnnotationFlag = e.AnnotationFieldFlag = e.AnnotationEditorType = e.AnnotationEditorPrefix = e.AnnotationEditorParamsType = e.AnnotationBorderStyleType = e.AnnotationActionEventType = e.AbortException = void 0, e.assert = le, e.bytesToString = z, e.createValidAbsoluteUrl = we, e.getModificationDate = xe, e.getUuid = Xe, e.getVerbosityLevel = B, = ee, e.isArrayBuffer = ge, e.isArrayEqual = Ce, e.isNodeJS = void 0, e.normalizeUnicode = ze, e.objectFromMap = ue, e.objectSize = ce, e.setVerbosityLevel = I, e.shadow = be, e.string32 = Q, e.stringToBytes = ae, e.stringToPDFString = _e, e.stringToUTF8String = ie, e.unreachable = q, e.utf8StringToString = se, e.warn = Y; const i = typeof process == "object" && process + "" == "[object process]" && !process.versions.nw && !(process.versions.electron && process.type && process.type !== "browser"); e.isNodeJS = i; const n = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; e.IDENTITY_MATRIX = n; const s = [1e-3, 0, 0, 1e-3, 0, 0]; e.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX = s; const l = 1e7; e.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_CACHE = l; const h = 1.35; e.LINE_FACTOR = h; const _ = 0.35; e.LINE_DESCENT_FACTOR = _; const c = _ / h; e.BASELINE_FACTOR = c; const o = { ANY: 1, DISPLAY: 2, PRINT: 4, SAVE: 8, ANNOTATIONS_FORMS: 16, ANNOTATIONS_STORAGE: 32, ANNOTATIONS_DISABLE: 64, OPLIST: 256 }; e.RenderingIntentFlag = o; const r = { DISABLE: 0, ENABLE: 1, ENABLE_FORMS: 2, ENABLE_STORAGE: 3 }; e.AnnotationMode = r; const T = "pdfjs_internal_editor_"; e.AnnotationEditorPrefix = T; const S = { DISABLE: -1, NONE: 0, FREETEXT: 3, STAMP: 13, INK: 15 }; e.AnnotationEditorType = S; const w = { RESIZE: 1, CREATE: 2, FREETEXT_SIZE: 11, FREETEXT_COLOR: 12, FREETEXT_OPACITY: 13, INK_COLOR: 21, INK_THICKNESS: 22, INK_OPACITY: 23 }; e.AnnotationEditorParamsType = w; const C = { PRINT: 4, MODIFY_CONTENTS: 8, COPY: 16, MODIFY_ANNOTATIONS: 32, FILL_INTERACTIVE_FORMS: 256, COPY_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY: 512, ASSEMBLE: 1024, PRINT_HIGH_QUALITY: 2048 }; e.PermissionFlag = C; const P = { FILL: 0, STROKE: 1, FILL_STROKE: 2, INVISIBLE: 3, FILL_ADD_TO_PATH: 4, STROKE_ADD_TO_PATH: 5, FILL_STROKE_ADD_TO_PATH: 6, ADD_TO_PATH: 7, FILL_STROKE_MASK: 3, ADD_TO_PATH_FLAG: 4 }; e.TextRenderingMode = P; const b = { GRAYSCALE_1BPP: 1, RGB_24BPP: 2, RGBA_32BPP: 3 }; e.ImageKind = b; const k = { TEXT: 1, LINK: 2, FREETEXT: 3, LINE: 4, SQUARE: 5, CIRCLE: 6, POLYGON: 7, POLYLINE: 8, HIGHLIGHT: 9, UNDERLINE: 10, SQUIGGLY: 11, STRIKEOUT: 12, STAMP: 13, CARET: 14, INK: 15, POPUP: 16, FILEATTACHMENT: 17, SOUND: 18, MOVIE: 19, WIDGET: 20, SCREEN: 21, PRINTERMARK: 22, TRAPNET: 23, WATERMARK: 24, THREED: 25, REDACT: 26 }; e.AnnotationType = k; const F = { GROUP: "Group", REPLY: "R" }; e.AnnotationReplyType = F; const x = { INVISIBLE: 1, HIDDEN: 2, PRINT: 4, NOZOOM: 8, NOROTATE: 16, NOVIEW: 32, READONLY: 64, LOCKED: 128, TOGGLENOVIEW: 256, LOCKEDCONTENTS: 512 }; e.AnnotationFlag = x; const y = { READONLY: 1, REQUIRED: 2, NOEXPORT: 4, MULTILINE: 4096, PASSWORD: 8192, NOTOGGLETOOFF: 16384, RADIO: 32768, PUSHBUTTON: 65536, COMBO: 131072, EDIT: 262144, SORT: 524288, FILESELECT: 1048576, MULTISELECT: 2097152, DONOTSPELLCHECK: 4194304, DONOTSCROLL: 8388608, COMB: 16777216, RICHTEXT: 33554432, RADIOSINUNISON: 33554432, COMMITONSELCHANGE: 67108864 }; e.AnnotationFieldFlag = y; const p = { SOLID: 1, DASHED: 2, BEVELED: 3, INSET: 4, UNDERLINE: 5 }; e.AnnotationBorderStyleType = p; const E = { E: "Mouse Enter", X: "Mouse Exit", D: "Mouse Down", U: "Mouse Up", Fo: "Focus", Bl: "Blur", PO: "PageOpen", PC: "PageClose", PV: "PageVisible", PI: "PageInvisible", K: "Keystroke", F: "Format", V: "Validate", C: "Calculate" }; e.AnnotationActionEventType = E; const $ = { WC: "WillClose", WS: "WillSave", DS: "DidSave", WP: "WillPrint", DP: "DidPrint" }; e.DocumentActionEventType = $; const M = { O: "PageOpen", C: "PageClose" }; e.PageActionEventType = M; const m = { ERRORS: 0, WARNINGS: 1, INFOS: 5 }; e.VerbosityLevel = m; const N = { NONE: 0, BINARY: 1 }; e.CMapCompressionType = N; const D = { dependency: 1, setLineWidth: 2, setLineCap: 3, setLineJoin: 4, setMiterLimit: 5, setDash: 6, setRenderingIntent: 7, setFlatness: 8, setGState: 9, save: 10, restore: 11, transform: 12, moveTo: 13, lineTo: 14, curveTo: 15, curveTo2: 16, curveTo3: 17, closePath: 18, rectangle: 19, stroke: 20, closeStroke: 21, fill: 22, eoFill: 23, fillStroke: 24, eoFillStroke: 25, closeFillStroke: 26, closeEOFillStroke: 27, endPath: 28, clip: 29, eoClip: 30, beginText: 31, endText: 32, setCharSpacing: 33, setWordSpacing: 34, setHScale: 35, setLeading: 36, setFont: 37, setTextRenderingMode: 38, setTextRise: 39, moveText: 40, setLeadingMoveText: 41, setTextMatrix: 42, nextLine: 43, showText: 44, showSpacedText: 45, nextLineShowText: 46, nextLineSetSpacingShowText: 47, setCharWidth: 48, setCharWidthAndBounds: 49, setStrokeColorSpace: 50, setFillColorSpace: 51, setStrokeColor: 52, setStrokeColorN: 53, setFillColor: 54, setFillColorN: 55, setStrokeGray: 56, setFillGray: 57, setStrokeRGBColor: 58, setFillRGBColor: 59, setStrokeCMYKColor: 60, setFillCMYKColor: 61, shadingFill: 62, beginInlineImage: 63, beginImageData: 64, endInlineImage: 65, paintXObject: 66, markPoint: 67, markPointProps: 68, beginMarkedContent: 69, beginMarkedContentProps: 70, endMarkedContent: 71, beginCompat: 72, endCompat: 73, paintFormXObjectBegin: 74, paintFormXObjectEnd: 75, beginGroup: 76, endGroup: 77, beginAnnotation: 80, endAnnotation: 81, paintImageMaskXObject: 83, paintImageMaskXObjectGroup: 84, paintImageXObject: 85, paintInlineImageXObject: 86, paintInlineImageXObjectGroup: 87, paintImageXObjectRepeat: 88, paintImageMaskXObjectRepeat: 89, paintSolidColorImageMask: 90, constructPath: 91 }; e.OPS = D; const X = { NEED_PASSWORD: 1, INCORRECT_PASSWORD: 2 }; e.PasswordResponses = X; let G = m.WARNINGS; function I(de) { Number.isInteger(de) && (G = de); } function B() { return G; } function ee(de) { G >= m.INFOS && console.log(`Info: ${de}`); } function Y(de) { G >= m.WARNINGS && console.log(`Warning: ${de}`); } function q(de) { throw new Error(de); } function le(de, ne) { de || q(ne); } function pe(de) { switch (de == null ? void 0 : de.protocol) { case "http:": case "https:": case "ftp:": case "mailto:": case "tel:": return !0; default: return !1; } } function we(de, ne = null, J = null) { if (!de) return null; try { if (J && typeof de == "string") { if (J.addDefaultProtocol && de.startsWith("www.")) { const Se = de.match(/\./g); (Se == null ? void 0 : Se.length) >= 2 && (de = `http://${de}`); } if (J.tryConvertEncoding) try { de = ie(de); } catch { } } const ve = ne ? new URL(de, ne) : new URL(de); if (pe(ve)) return ve; } catch { } return null; } function be(de, ne, J, ve = !1) { return Object.defineProperty(de, ne, { value: J, enumerable: !ve, configurable: !0, writable: !1 }), J; } const R = function() { function ne(J, ve) { this.constructor === ne && q("Cannot initialize BaseException."), this.message = J, = ve; } return ne.prototype = new Error(), ne.constructor = ne, ne; }(); e.BaseException = R; class d extends R { constructor(ne, J) { super(ne, "PasswordException"), this.code = J; } } e.PasswordException = d; class g extends R { constructor(ne, J) { super(ne, "UnknownErrorException"), this.details = J; } } e.UnknownErrorException = g; class f extends R { constructor(ne) { super(ne, "InvalidPDFException"); } } e.InvalidPDFException = f; class v extends R { constructor(ne) { super(ne, "MissingPDFException"); } } e.MissingPDFException = v; class A extends R { constructor(ne, J) { super(ne, "UnexpectedResponseException"), this.status = J; } } e.UnexpectedResponseException = A; class O extends R { constructor(ne) { super(ne, "FormatError"); } } e.FormatError = O; class H extends R { constructor(ne) { super(ne, "AbortException"); } } e.AbortException = H; function z(de) { (typeof de != "object" || (de == null ? void 0 : de.length) === void 0) && q("Invalid argument for bytesToString"); const ne = de.length, J = 8192; if (ne < J) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, de); const ve = []; for (let Se = 0; Se < ne; Se += J) { const tt = Math.min(Se + J, ne), et = de.subarray(Se, tt); ve.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, et)); } return ve.join(""); } function ae(de) { typeof de != "string" && q("Invalid argument for stringToBytes"); const ne = de.length, J = new Uint8Array(ne); for (let ve = 0; ve < ne; ++ve) J[ve] = de.charCodeAt(ve) & 255; return J; } function Q(de) { return String.fromCharCode(de >> 24 & 255, de >> 16 & 255, de >> 8 & 255, de & 255); } function ce(de) { return Object.keys(de).length; } function ue(de) { const ne = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); for (const [J, ve] of de) ne[J] = ve; return ne; } function me() { const de = new Uint8Array(4); return de[0] = 1, new Uint32Array(de.buffer, 0, 1)[0] === 1; } function fe() { try { return new Function(""), !0; } catch { return !1; } } class Pe { static get isLittleEndian() { return be(this, "isLittleEndian", me()); } static get isEvalSupported() { return be(this, "isEvalSupported", fe()); } static get isOffscreenCanvasSupported() { return be(this, "isOffscreenCanvasSupported", typeof OffscreenCanvas < "u"); } static get platform() { return typeof navigator > "u" ? be(this, "platform", { isWin: !1, isMac: !1 }) : be(this, "platform", { isWin: navigator.platform.includes("Win"), isMac: navigator.platform.includes("Mac") }); } static get isCSSRoundSupported() { var ne, J; return be(this, "isCSSRoundSupported", (J = (ne = globalThis.CSS) == null ? void 0 : ne.supports) == null ? void 0 :, "width: round(1.5px, 1px)")); } } e.FeatureTest = Pe; const Fe = [...Array(256).keys()].map((de) => de.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")); class Ee { static makeHexColor(ne, J, ve) { return `#${Fe[ne]}${Fe[J]}${Fe[ve]}`; } static scaleMinMax(ne, J) { let ve; ne[0] ? (ne[0] < 0 && (ve = J[0], J[0] = J[1], J[1] = ve), J[0] *= ne[0], J[1] *= ne[0], ne[3] < 0 && (ve = J[2], J[2] = J[3], J[3] = ve), J[2] *= ne[3], J[3] *= ne[3]) : (ve = J[0], J[0] = J[2], J[2] = ve, ve = J[1], J[1] = J[3], J[3] = ve, ne[1] < 0 && (ve = J[2], J[2] = J[3], J[3] = ve), J[2] *= ne[1], J[3] *= ne[1], ne[2] < 0 && (ve = J[0], J[0] = J[1], J[1] = ve), J[0] *= ne[2], J[1] *= ne[2]), J[0] += ne[4], J[1] += ne[4], J[2] += ne[5], J[3] += ne[5]; } static transform(ne, J) { return [ne[0] * J[0] + ne[2] * J[1], ne[1] * J[0] + ne[3] * J[1], ne[0] * J[2] + ne[2] * J[3], ne[1] * J[2] + ne[3] * J[3], ne[0] * J[4] + ne[2] * J[5] + ne[4], ne[1] * J[4] + ne[3] * J[5] + ne[5]]; } static applyTransform(ne, J) { const ve = ne[0] * J[0] + ne[1] * J[2] + J[4], Se = ne[0] * J[1] + ne[1] * J[3] + J[5]; return [ve, Se]; } static applyInverseTransform(ne, J) { const ve = J[0] * J[3] - J[1] * J[2], Se = (ne[0] * J[3] - ne[1] * J[2] + J[2] * J[5] - J[4] * J[3]) / ve, tt = (-ne[0] * J[1] + ne[1] * J[0] + J[4] * J[1] - J[5] * J[0]) / ve; return [Se, tt]; } static getAxialAlignedBoundingBox(ne, J) { const ve = this.applyTransform(ne, J), Se = this.applyTransform(ne.slice(2, 4), J), tt = this.applyTransform([ne[0], ne[3]], J), et = this.applyTransform([ne[2], ne[1]], J); return [Math.min(ve[0], Se[0], tt[0], et[0]), Math.min(ve[1], Se[1], tt[1], et[1]), Math.max(ve[0], Se[0], tt[0], et[0]), Math.max(ve[1], Se[1], tt[1], et[1])]; } static inverseTransform(ne) { const J = ne[0] * ne[3] - ne[1] * ne[2]; return [ne[3] / J, -ne[1] / J, -ne[2] / J, ne[0] / J, (ne[2] * ne[5] - ne[4] * ne[3]) / J, (ne[4] * ne[1] - ne[5] * ne[0]) / J]; } static singularValueDecompose2dScale(ne) { const J = [ne[0], ne[2], ne[1], ne[3]], ve = ne[0] * J[0] + ne[1] * J[2], Se = ne[0] * J[1] + ne[1] * J[3], tt = ne[2] * J[0] + ne[3] * J[2], et = ne[2] * J[1] + ne[3] * J[3], te = (ve + et) / 2, Te = Math.sqrt((ve + et) ** 2 - 4 * (ve * et - tt * Se)) / 2, Ne = te + Te || 1, ke = te - Te || 1; return [Math.sqrt(Ne), Math.sqrt(ke)]; } static normalizeRect(ne) { const J = ne.slice(0); return ne[0] > ne[2] && (J[0] = ne[2], J[2] = ne[0]), ne[1] > ne[3] && (J[1] = ne[3], J[3] = ne[1]), J; } static intersect(ne, J) { const ve = Math.max(Math.min(ne[0], ne[2]), Math.min(J[0], J[2])), Se = Math.min(Math.max(ne[0], ne[2]), Math.max(J[0], J[2])); if (ve > Se) return null; const tt = Math.max(Math.min(ne[1], ne[3]), Math.min(J[1], J[3])), et = Math.min(Math.max(ne[1], ne[3]), Math.max(J[1], J[3])); return tt > et ? null : [ve, tt, Se, et]; } static bezierBoundingBox(ne, J, ve, Se, tt, et, te, Te) { const Ne = [], ke = [[], []]; let $e, Be, Qe, Ae, Ke, Oe, U, u; for (let Z = 0; Z < 2; ++Z) { if (Z === 0 ? (Be = 6 * ne - 12 * ve + 6 * tt, $e = -3 * ne + 9 * ve - 9 * tt + 3 * te, Qe = 3 * ve - 3 * ne) : (Be = 6 * J - 12 * Se + 6 * et, $e = -3 * J + 9 * Se - 9 * et + 3 * Te, Qe = 3 * Se - 3 * J), Math.abs($e) < 1e-12) { if (Math.abs(Be) < 1e-12) continue; Ae = -Qe / Be, 0 < Ae && Ae < 1 && Ne.push(Ae); continue; } U = Be * Be - 4 * Qe * $e, u = Math.sqrt(U), !(U < 0) && (Ke = (-Be + u) / (2 * $e), 0 < Ke && Ke < 1 && Ne.push(Ke), Oe = (-Be - u) / (2 * $e), 0 < Oe && Oe < 1 && Ne.push(Oe)); } let L = Ne.length, j; const V = L; for (; L--; ) Ae = Ne[L], j = 1 - Ae, ke[0][L] = j * j * j * ne + 3 * j * j * Ae * ve + 3 * j * Ae * Ae * tt + Ae * Ae * Ae * te, ke[1][L] = j * j * j * J + 3 * j * j * Ae * Se + 3 * j * Ae * Ae * et + Ae * Ae * Ae * Te; return ke[0][V] = ne, ke[1][V] = J, ke[0][V + 1] = te, ke[1][V + 1] = Te, ke[0].length = ke[1].length = V + 2, [Math.min([0]), Math.min([1]), Math.max([0]), Math.max([1])]; } } e.Util = Ee; const De = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 728, 711, 710, 729, 733, 731, 730, 732, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8226, 8224, 8225, 8230, 8212, 8211, 402, 8260, 8249, 8250, 8722, 8240, 8222, 8220, 8221, 8216, 8217, 8218, 8482, 64257, 64258, 321, 338, 352, 376, 381, 305, 322, 339, 353, 382, 0, 8364]; function _e(de) { if (de[0] >= "ï") { let J; if (de[0] === "þ" && de[1] === "ÿ" ? J = "utf-16be" : de[0] === "ÿ" && de[1] === "þ" ? J = "utf-16le" : de[0] === "ï" && de[1] === "»" && de[2] === "¿" && (J = "utf-8"), J) try { const ve = new TextDecoder(J, { fatal: !0 }), Se = ae(de); return ve.decode(Se); } catch (ve) { Y(`stringToPDFString: "${ve}".`); } } const ne = []; for (let J = 0, ve = de.length; J < ve; J++) { const Se = De[de.charCodeAt(J)]; ne.push(Se ? String.fromCharCode(Se) : de.charAt(J)); } return ne.join(""); } function ie(de) { return decodeURIComponent(escape(de)); } function se(de) { return unescape(encodeURIComponent(de)); } function ge(de) { return typeof de == "object" && (de == null ? void 0 : de.byteLength) !== void 0; } function Ce(de, ne) { if (de.length !== ne.length) return !1; for (let J = 0, ve = de.length; J < ve; J++) if (de[J] !== ne[J]) return !1; return !0; } function xe(de = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date()) { return [de.getUTCFullYear().toString(), (de.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0"), de.getUTCDate().toString().padStart(2, "0"), de.getUTCHours().toString().padStart(2, "0"), de.getUTCMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0"), de.getUTCSeconds().toString().padStart(2, "0")].join(""); } class Ue { constructor() { W(this, Ye, !1); this.promise = new Promise((ne, J) => { this.resolve = (ve) => { oe(this, Ye, !0), ne(ve); }, this.reject = (ve) => { oe(this, Ye, !0), J(ve); }; }); } get settled() { return a(this, Ye); } } Ye = new WeakMap(), e.PromiseCapability = Ue; let We = null, je = null; function ze(de) { return We || (We = /([\u00a0\u00b5\u037e\u0eb3\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u2126\ufb00-\ufb04\ufb06\ufb20-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40-\ufb41\ufb43-\ufb44\ufb46-\ufba1\ufba4-\ufba9\ufbae-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufbdc\ufbde-\ufbe7\ufbea-\ufbf8\ufbfc-\ufbfd\ufc00-\ufc5d\ufc64-\ufcf1\ufcf5-\ufd3d\ufd88\ufdf4\ufdfa-\ufdfb\ufe71\ufe77\ufe79\ufe7b\ufe7d]+)|(\ufb05+)/gu, je = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([["ſt", "ſt"]])), de.replaceAll(We, (ne, J, ve) => J ? J.normalize("NFKC") : je.get(ve)); } function Xe() { if (typeof crypto < "u" && typeof (crypto == null ? void 0 : crypto.randomUUID) == "function") return crypto.randomUUID(); const de = new Uint8Array(32); if (typeof crypto < "u" && typeof (crypto == null ? void 0 : crypto.getRandomValues) == "function") crypto.getRandomValues(de); else for (let ne = 0; ne < 32; ne++) de[ne] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255); return z(de); } const Ge = "pdfjs_internal_id_"; e.AnnotationPrefix = Ge; }, /* 2 */ /***/ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { var t, i, n, s, ut, h, wt, c, o, r, T, S, w, C, P, b, Tt, F, x, Bt, p, E; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports.RenderTask = exports.PDFWorkerUtil = exports.PDFWorker = exports.PDFPageProxy = exports.PDFDocumentProxy = exports.PDFDocumentLoadingTask = exports.PDFDataRangeTransport = exports.LoopbackPort = exports.DefaultStandardFontDataFactory = exports.DefaultFilterFactory = exports.DefaultCanvasFactory = exports.DefaultCMapReaderFactory = void 0, Object.defineProperty(exports, "SVGGraphics", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return _displaySvg.SVGGraphics; } }), = void 0, exports.getDocument = getDocument, exports.version = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(1), _annotation_storage = __w_pdfjs_require__(3), _display_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(6), _font_loader = __w_pdfjs_require__(9), _displayNode_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(10), _canvas = __w_pdfjs_require__(11), _worker_options = __w_pdfjs_require__(14), _message_handler = __w_pdfjs_require__(15), _metadata = __w_pdfjs_require__(16), _optional_content_config = __w_pdfjs_require__(17), _transport_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18), _displayFetch_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(19), _displayNetwork = __w_pdfjs_require__(22), _displayNode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(23), _displaySvg = __w_pdfjs_require__(24), _xfa_text = __w_pdfjs_require__(25); const DEFAULT_RANGE_CHUNK_SIZE = 65536, RENDERING_CANCELLED_TIMEOUT = 100, DELAYED_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT = 5e3, DefaultCanvasFactory = _util.isNodeJS ? _displayNode_utils.NodeCanvasFactory : _display_utils.DOMCanvasFactory; exports.DefaultCanvasFactory = DefaultCanvasFactory; const DefaultCMapReaderFactory = _util.isNodeJS ? _displayNode_utils.NodeCMapReaderFactory : _display_utils.DOMCMapReaderFactory; exports.DefaultCMapReaderFactory = DefaultCMapReaderFactory; const DefaultFilterFactory = _util.isNodeJS ? _displayNode_utils.NodeFilterFactory : _display_utils.DOMFilterFactory; exports.DefaultFilterFactory = DefaultFilterFactory; const DefaultStandardFontDataFactory = _util.isNodeJS ? _displayNode_utils.NodeStandardFontDataFactory : _display_utils.DOMStandardFontDataFactory; exports.DefaultStandardFontDataFactory = DefaultStandardFontDataFactory; function getDocument(M) { if (typeof M == "string" || M instanceof URL ? M = { url: M } : (0, _util.isArrayBuffer)(M) && (M = { data: M }), typeof M != "object") throw new Error("Invalid parameter in getDocument, need parameter object."); if (!M.url && ! && !M.range) throw new Error("Invalid parameter object: need either .data, .range or .url"); const m = new PDFDocumentLoadingTask(), { docId: N } = m, D = M.url ? getUrlProp(M.url) : null, X = ? getDataProp( : null, G = M.httpHeaders || null, I = M.withCredentials === !0, B = M.password ?? null, ee = M.range instanceof PDFDataRangeTransport ? M.range : null, Y = Number.isInteger(M.rangeChunkSize) && M.rangeChunkSize > 0 ? M.rangeChunkSize : DEFAULT_RANGE_CHUNK_SIZE; let q = M.worker instanceof PDFWorker ? M.worker : null; const le = M.verbosity, pe = typeof M.docBaseUrl == "string" && !(0, _display_utils.isDataScheme)(M.docBaseUrl) ? M.docBaseUrl : null, we = typeof M.cMapUrl == "string" ? M.cMapUrl : null, be = M.cMapPacked !== !1, R = M.CMapReaderFactory || DefaultCMapReaderFactory, d = typeof M.standardFontDataUrl == "string" ? M.standardFontDataUrl : null, g = M.StandardFontDataFactory || DefaultStandardFontDataFactory, f = M.stopAtErrors !== !0, v = Number.isInteger(M.maxImageSize) && M.maxImageSize > -1 ? M.maxImageSize : -1, A = M.isEvalSupported !== !1, O = typeof M.isOffscreenCanvasSupported == "boolean" ? M.isOffscreenCanvasSupported : !_util.isNodeJS, H = Number.isInteger(M.canvasMaxAreaInBytes) ? M.canvasMaxAreaInBytes : -1, z = typeof M.disableFontFace == "boolean" ? M.disableFontFace : _util.isNodeJS, ae = M.fontExtraProperties === !0, Q = M.enableXfa === !0, ce = M.ownerDocument || globalThis.document, ue = M.disableRange === !0, me = M.disableStream === !0, fe = M.disableAutoFetch === !0, Pe = M.pdfBug === !0, Fe = ee ? ee.length : M.length ?? NaN, Ee = typeof M.useSystemFonts == "boolean" ? M.useSystemFonts : !_util.isNodeJS && !z, De = typeof M.useWorkerFetch == "boolean" ? M.useWorkerFetch : R === _display_utils.DOMCMapReaderFactory && g === _display_utils.DOMStandardFontDataFactory && we && d && (0, _display_utils.isValidFetchUrl)(we, document.baseURI) && (0, _display_utils.isValidFetchUrl)(d, document.baseURI), _e = M.canvasFactory || new DefaultCanvasFactory({ ownerDocument: ce }), ie = M.filterFactory || new DefaultFilterFactory({ docId: N, ownerDocument: ce }), se = null; (0, _util.setVerbosityLevel)(le); const ge = { canvasFactory: _e, filterFactory: ie }; if (De || (ge.cMapReaderFactory = new R({ baseUrl: we, isCompressed: be }), ge.standardFontDataFactory = new g({ baseUrl: d })), !q) { const Ue = { verbosity: le, port: _worker_options.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerPort }; q = Ue.port ? PDFWorker.fromPort(Ue) : new PDFWorker(Ue), m._worker = q; } const Ce = { docId: N, apiVersion: "3.11.174", data: X, password: B, disableAutoFetch: fe, rangeChunkSize: Y, length: Fe, docBaseUrl: pe, enableXfa: Q, evaluatorOptions: { maxImageSize: v, disableFontFace: z, ignoreErrors: f, isEvalSupported: A, isOffscreenCanvasSupported: O, canvasMaxAreaInBytes: H, fontExtraProperties: ae, useSystemFonts: Ee, cMapUrl: De ? we : null, standardFontDataUrl: De ? d : null } }, xe = { ignoreErrors: f, isEvalSupported: A, disableFontFace: z, fontExtraProperties: ae, enableXfa: Q, ownerDocument: ce, disableAutoFetch: fe, pdfBug: Pe, styleElement: se }; return q.promise.then(function() { if (m.destroyed) throw new Error("Loading aborted"); const Ue = _fetchDocument(q, Ce), We = new Promise(function(je) { let ze; ee ? ze = new _transport_stream.PDFDataTransportStream({ length: Fe, initialData: ee.initialData, progressiveDone: ee.progressiveDone, contentDispositionFilename: ee.contentDispositionFilename, disableRange: ue, disableStream: me }, ee) : X || (ze = ((Ge) => _util.isNodeJS ? new _displayNode_stream.PDFNodeStream(Ge) : (0, _display_utils.isValidFetchUrl)(Ge.url) ? new _displayFetch_stream.PDFFetchStream(Ge) : new _displayNetwork.PDFNetworkStream(Ge))({ url: D, length: Fe, httpHeaders: G, withCredentials: I, rangeChunkSize: Y, disableRange: ue, disableStream: me })), je(ze); }); return Promise.all([Ue, We]).then(function([je, ze]) { if (m.destroyed) throw new Error("Loading aborted"); const Xe = new _message_handler.MessageHandler(N, je, q.port), Ge = new WorkerTransport(Xe, m, ze, xe, ge); m._transport = Ge, Xe.send("Ready", null); }); }).catch(m._capability.reject), m; } async function _fetchDocument(M, m) { if (M.destroyed) throw new Error("Worker was destroyed"); const N = await M.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetDocRequest", m, ? [] : null); if (M.destroyed) throw new Error("Worker was destroyed"); return N; } function getUrlProp(M) { if (M instanceof URL) return M.href; try { return new URL(M, window.location).href; } catch { if (_util.isNodeJS && typeof M == "string") return M; } throw new Error("Invalid PDF url data: either string or URL-object is expected in the url property."); } function getDataProp(M) { if (_util.isNodeJS && typeof Buffer < "u" && M instanceof Buffer) throw new Error("Please provide binary data as `Uint8Array`, rather than `Buffer`."); if (M instanceof Uint8Array && M.byteLength === M.buffer.byteLength) return M; if (typeof M == "string") return (0, _util.stringToBytes)(M); if (typeof M == "object" && !isNaN(M == null ? void 0 : M.length) || (0, _util.isArrayBuffer)(M)) return new Uint8Array(M); throw new Error("Invalid PDF binary data: either TypedArray, string, or array-like object is expected in the data property."); } const e = class e { constructor() { this._capability = new _util.PromiseCapability(), this._transport = null, this._worker = null, this.docId = `d${_t(e, t)._++}`, this.destroyed = !1, this.onPassword = null, this.onProgress = null; } get promise() { return this._capability.promise; } async destroy() { var m, N, D; this.destroyed = !0; try { (m = this._worker) != null && m.port && (this._worker._pendingDestroy = !0), await ((N = this._transport) == null ? void 0 : N.destroy()); } catch (X) { throw (D = this._worker) != null && D.port && delete this._worker._pendingDestroy, X; } this._transport = null, this._worker && (this._worker.destroy(), this._worker = null); } }; t = new WeakMap(), W(e, t, 0); let PDFDocumentLoadingTask = e; exports.PDFDocumentLoadingTask = PDFDocumentLoadingTask; class PDFDataRangeTransport { constructor(m, N, D = !1, X = null) { this.length = m, this.initialData = N, this.progressiveDone = D, this.contentDispositionFilename = X, this._rangeListeners = [], this._progressListeners = [], this._progressiveReadListeners = [], this._progressiveDoneListeners = [], this._readyCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); } addRangeListener(m) { this._rangeListeners.push(m); } addProgressListener(m) { this._progressListeners.push(m); } addProgressiveReadListener(m) { this._progressiveReadListeners.push(m); } addProgressiveDoneListener(m) { this._progressiveDoneListeners.push(m); } onDataRange(m, N) { for (const D of this._rangeListeners) D(m, N); } onDataProgress(m, N) { this._readyCapability.promise.then(() => { for (const D of this._progressListeners) D(m, N); }); } onDataProgressiveRead(m) { this._readyCapability.promise.then(() => { for (const N of this._progressiveReadListeners) N(m); }); } onDataProgressiveDone() { this._readyCapability.promise.then(() => { for (const m of this._progressiveDoneListeners) m(); }); } transportReady() { this._readyCapability.resolve(); } requestDataRange(m, N) { (0, _util.unreachable)("Abstract method PDFDataRangeTransport.requestDataRange"); } abort() { } } exports.PDFDataRangeTransport = PDFDataRangeTransport; class PDFDocumentProxy { constructor(m, N) { this._pdfInfo = m, this._transport = N, Object.defineProperty(this, "getJavaScript", { value: () => ((0, _display_utils.deprecated)("`PDFDocumentProxy.getJavaScript`, please use `PDFDocumentProxy.getJSActions` instead."), this.getJSActions().then((D) => { if (!D) return D; const X = []; for (const G in D) X.push(...D[G]); return X; })) }); } get annotationStorage() { return this._transport.annotationStorage; } get filterFactory() { return this._transport.filterFactory; } get numPages() { return this._pdfInfo.numPages; } get fingerprints() { return this._pdfInfo.fingerprints; } get isPureXfa() { return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "isPureXfa", !!this._transport._htmlForXfa); } get allXfaHtml() { return this._transport._htmlForXfa; } getPage(m) { return this._transport.getPage(m); } getPageIndex(m) { return this._transport.getPageIndex(m); } getDestinations() { return this._transport.getDestinations(); } getDestination(m) { return this._transport.getDestination(m); } getPageLabels() { return this._transport.getPageLabels(); } getPageLayout() { return this._transport.getPageLayout(); } getPageMode() { return this._transport.getPageMode(); } getViewerPreferences() { return this._transport.getViewerPreferences(); } getOpenAction() { return this._transport.getOpenAction(); } getAttachments() { return this._transport.getAttachments(); } getJSActions() { return this._transport.getDocJSActions(); } getOutline() { return this._transport.getOutline(); } getOptionalContentConfig() { return this._transport.getOptionalContentConfig(); } getPermissions() { return this._transport.getPermissions(); } getMetadata() { return this._transport.getMetadata(); } getMarkInfo() { return this._transport.getMarkInfo(); } getData() { return this._transport.getData(); } saveDocument() { return this._transport.saveDocument(); } getDownloadInfo() { return this._transport.downloadInfoCapability.promise; } cleanup(m = !1) { return this._transport.startCleanup(m || this.isPureXfa); } destroy() { return this.loadingTask.destroy(); } get loadingParams() { return this._transport.loadingParams; } get loadingTask() { return this._transport.loadingTask; } getFieldObjects() { return this._transport.getFieldObjects(); } hasJSActions() { return this._transport.hasJSActions(); } getCalculationOrderIds() { return this._transport.getCalculationOrderIds(); } } exports.PDFDocumentProxy = PDFDocumentProxy; class PDFPageProxy { constructor(m, N, D, X = !1) { W(this, s); W(this, h); W(this, i, null); W(this, n, !1); this._pageIndex = m, this._pageInfo = N, this._transport = D, this._stats = X ? new _display_utils.StatTimer() : null, this._pdfBug = X, this.commonObjs = D.commonObjs, this.objs = new PDFObjects(), this._maybeCleanupAfterRender = !1, this._intentStates = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.destroyed = !1; } get pageNumber() { return this._pageIndex + 1; } get rotate() { return this._pageInfo.rotate; } get ref() { return this._pageInfo.ref; } get userUnit() { return this._pageInfo.userUnit; } get view() { return this._pageInfo.view; } getViewport({ scale: m, rotation: N = this.rotate, offsetX: D = 0, offsetY: X = 0, dontFlip: G = !1 } = {}) { return new _display_utils.PageViewport({ viewBox: this.view, scale: m, rotation: N, offsetX: D, offsetY: X, dontFlip: G }); } getAnnotations({ intent: m = "display" } = {}) { const N = this._transport.getRenderingIntent(m); return this._transport.getAnnotations(this._pageIndex, N.renderingIntent); } getJSActions() { return this._transport.getPageJSActions(this._pageIndex); } get filterFactory() { return this._transport.filterFactory; } get isPureXfa() { return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "isPureXfa", !!this._transport._htmlForXfa); } async getXfa() { var m; return ((m = this._transport._htmlForXfa) == null ? void 0 : m.children[this._pageIndex]) || null; } render({ canvasContext: m, viewport: N, intent: D = "display", annotationMode: X = _util.AnnotationMode.ENABLE, transform: G = null, background: I = null, optionalContentConfigPromise: B = null, annotationCanvasMap: ee = null, pageColors: Y = null, printAnnotationStorage: q = null }) { var g, f; (g = this._stats) == null || g.time("Overall"); const le = this._transport.getRenderingIntent(D, X, q); oe(this, n, !1), K(this, h, wt).call(this), B || (B = this._transport.getOptionalContentConfig()); let pe = this._intentStates.get(le.cacheKey); pe || (pe = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._intentStates.set(le.cacheKey, pe)), pe.streamReaderCancelTimeout && (clearTimeout(pe.streamReaderCancelTimeout), pe.streamReaderCancelTimeout = null); const we = !!(le.renderingIntent & _util.RenderingIntentFlag.PRINT); pe.displayReadyCapability || (pe.displayReadyCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(), pe.operatorList = { fnArray: [], argsArray: [], lastChunk: !1, separateAnnots: null }, (f = this._stats) == null || f.time("Page Request"), this._pumpOperatorList(le)); const be = (v) => { var A, O; pe.renderTasks.delete(R), (this._maybeCleanupAfterRender || we) && oe(this, n, !0), K(this, s, ut).call(this, !we), v ? (R.capability.reject(v), this._abortOperatorList({ intentState: pe, reason: v instanceof Error ? v : new Error(v) })) : R.capability.resolve(), (A = this._stats) == null || A.timeEnd("Rendering"), (O = this._stats) == null || O.timeEnd("Overall"); }, R = new InternalRenderTask({ callback: be, params: { canvasContext: m, viewport: N, transform: G, background: I }, objs: this.objs, commonObjs: this.commonObjs, annotationCanvasMap: ee, operatorList: pe.operatorList, pageIndex: this._pageIndex, canvasFactory: this._transport.canvasFactory, filterFactory: this._transport.filterFactory, useRequestAnimationFrame: !we, pdfBug: this._pdfBug, pageColors: Y }); (pe.renderTasks || (pe.renderTasks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set())).add(R); const d = R.task; return Promise.all([pe.displayReadyCapability.promise, B]).then(([v, A]) => { var O; if (this.destroyed) { be(); return; } (O = this._stats) == null || O.time("Rendering"), R.initializeGraphics({ transparency: v, optionalContentConfig: A }), R.operatorListChanged(); }).catch(be), d; } getOperatorList({ intent: m = "display", annotationMode: N = _util.AnnotationMode.ENABLE, printAnnotationStorage: D = null } = {}) { var ee; function X() { I.operatorList.lastChunk && (I.opListReadCapability.resolve(I.operatorList), I.renderTasks.delete(B)); } const G = this._transport.getRenderingIntent(m, N, D, !0); let I = this._intentStates.get(G.cacheKey); I || (I = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._intentStates.set(G.cacheKey, I)); let B; return I.opListReadCapability || (B = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), B.operatorListChanged = X, I.opListReadCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(), (I.renderTasks || (I.renderTasks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set())).add(B), I.operatorList = { fnArray: [], argsArray: [], lastChunk: !1, separateAnnots: null }, (ee = this._stats) == null || ee.time("Page Request"), this._pumpOperatorList(G)), I.opListReadCapability.promise; } streamTextContent({ includeMarkedContent: m = !1, disableNormalization: N = !1 } = {}) { return this._transport.messageHandler.sendWithStream("GetTextContent", { pageIndex: this._pageIndex, includeMarkedContent: m === !0, disableNormalization: N === !0 }, { highWaterMark: 100, size(X) { return X.items.length; } }); } getTextContent(m = {}) { if (this._transport._htmlForXfa) return this.getXfa().then((D) => _xfa_text.XfaText.textContent(D)); const N = this.streamTextContent(m); return new Promise(function(D, X) { function G() {{ value: ee, done: Y }) { if (Y) { D(B); return; } Object.assign(B.styles, ee.styles), B.items.push(, G(); }, X); } const I = N.getReader(), B = { items: [], styles: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) }; G(); }); } getStructTree() { return this._transport.getStructTree(this._pageIndex); } _destroy() { this.destroyed = !0; const m = []; for (const N of this._intentStates.values()) if (this._abortOperatorList({ intentState: N, reason: new Error("Page was destroyed."), force: !0 }), !N.opListReadCapability) for (const D of N.renderTasks) m.push(D.completed), D.cancel(); return this.objs.clear(), oe(this, n, !1), K(this, h, wt).call(this), Promise.all(m); } cleanup(m = !1) { oe(this, n, !0); const N = K(this, s, ut).call(this, !1); return m && N && this._stats && (this._stats = new _display_utils.StatTimer()), N; } _startRenderPage(m, N) { var X, G; const D = this._intentStates.get(N); D && ((X = this._stats) == null || X.timeEnd("Page Request"), (G = D.displayReadyCapability) == null || G.resolve(m)); } _renderPageChunk(m, N) { for (let D = 0, X = m.length; D < X; D++) N.operatorList.fnArray.push(m.fnArray[D]), N.operatorList.argsArray.push(m.argsArray[D]); N.operatorList.lastChunk = m.lastChunk, N.operatorList.separateAnnots = m.separateAnnots; for (const D of N.renderTasks) D.operatorListChanged(); m.lastChunk && K(this, s, ut).call(this, !0); } _pumpOperatorList({ renderingIntent: m, cacheKey: N, annotationStorageSerializable: D }) { const { map: X, transfers: G } = D, B = this._transport.messageHandler.sendWithStream("GetOperatorList", { pageIndex: this._pageIndex, intent: m, cacheKey: N, annotationStorage: X }, G).getReader(), ee = this._intentStates.get(N); ee.streamReader = B; const Y = () => {{ value: q, done: le }) => { if (le) { ee.streamReader = null; return; } this._transport.destroyed || (this._renderPageChunk(q, ee), Y()); }, (q) => { if (ee.streamReader = null, !this._transport.destroyed) { if (ee.operatorList) { ee.operatorList.lastChunk = !0; for (const le of ee.renderTasks) le.operatorListChanged(); K(this, s, ut).call(this, !0); } if (ee.displayReadyCapability) ee.displayReadyCapability.reject(q); else if (ee.opListReadCapability) ee.opListReadCapability.reject(q); else throw q; } }); }; Y(); } _abortOperatorList({ intentState: m, reason: N, force: D = !1 }) { if (m.streamReader) { if (m.streamReaderCancelTimeout && (clearTimeout(m.streamReaderCancelTimeout), m.streamReaderCancelTimeout = null), !D) { if (m.renderTasks.size > 0) return; if (N instanceof _display_utils.RenderingCancelledException) { let X = RENDERING_CANCELLED_TIMEOUT; N.extraDelay > 0 && N.extraDelay < 1e3 && (X += N.extraDelay), m.streamReaderCancelTimeout = setTimeout(() => { m.streamReaderCancelTimeout = null, this._abortOperatorList({ intentState: m, reason: N, force: !0 }); }, X); return; } } if (m.streamReader.cancel(new _util.AbortException(N.message)).catch(() => { }), m.streamReader = null, !this._transport.destroyed) { for (const [X, G] of this._intentStates) if (G === m) { this._intentStates.delete(X); break; } this.cleanup(); } } } get stats() { return this._stats; } } i = new WeakMap(), n = new WeakMap(), s = new WeakSet(), ut = function(m = !1) { if (K(this, h, wt).call(this), !a(this, n) || this.destroyed) return !1; if (m) return oe(this, i, setTimeout(() => { oe(this, i, null), K(this, s, ut).call(this, !1); }, DELAYED_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT)), !1; for (const { renderTasks: N, operatorList: D } of this._intentStates.values()) if (N.size > 0 || !D.lastChunk) return !1; return this._intentStates.clear(), this.objs.clear(), oe(this, n, !1), !0; }, h = new WeakSet(), wt = function() { a(this, i) && (clearTimeout(a(this, i)), oe(this, i, null)); }, exports.PDFPageProxy = PDFPageProxy; class LoopbackPort { constructor() { W(this, c, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); W(this, o, Promise.resolve()); } postMessage(m, N) { const D = { data: structuredClone(m, N ? { transfer: N } : null) }; a(this, o).then(() => { for (const X of a(this, c)), D); }); } addEventListener(m, N) { a(this, c).add(N); } removeEventListener(m, N) { a(this, c).delete(N); } terminate() { a(this, c).clear(); } } c = new WeakMap(), o = new WeakMap(), exports.LoopbackPort = LoopbackPort; const PDFWorkerUtil = { isWorkerDisabled: !1, fallbackWorkerSrc: null, fakeWorkerId: 0 }; exports.PDFWorkerUtil = PDFWorkerUtil; { if (_util.isNodeJS && typeof commonjsRequire == "function") PDFWorkerUtil.isWorkerDisabled = !0, PDFWorkerUtil.fallbackWorkerSrc = "./pdf.worker.js"; else if (typeof document == "object") { const M = (r = document == null ? void 0 : document.currentScript) == null ? void 0 : r.src; M && (PDFWorkerUtil.fallbackWorkerSrc = M.replace(/(\.(?:min\.)?js)(\?.*)?$/i, ".worker$1$2")); } PDFWorkerUtil.isSameOrigin = function(M, m) { let N; try { if (N = new URL(M), !N.origin || N.origin === "null") return !1; } catch { return !1; } const D = new URL(m, N); return N.origin === D.origin; }, PDFWorkerUtil.createCDNWrapper = function(M) { const m = `importScripts("${M}");`; return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([m])); }; } const _PDFWorker = class _PDFWorker { constructor({ name: M = null, port: m = null, verbosity: N = (0, _util.getVerbosityLevel)() } = {}) { var D; if ( = M, this.destroyed = !1, this.verbosity = N, this._readyCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(), this._port = null, this._webWorker = null, this._messageHandler = null, m) { if ((D = a(_PDFWorker, T)) != null && D.has(m)) throw new Error("Cannot use more than one PDFWorker per port."); (a(_PDFWorker, T) || oe(_PDFWorker, T, /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap())).set(m, this), this._initializeFromPort(m); return; } this._initialize(); } get promise() { return this._readyCapability.promise; } get port() { return this._port; } get messageHandler() { return this._messageHandler; } _initializeFromPort(M) { this._port = M, this._messageHandler = new _message_handler.MessageHandler("main", "worker", M), this._messageHandler.on("ready", function() { }), this._readyCapability.resolve(), this._messageHandler.send("configure", { verbosity: this.verbosity }); } _initialize() { if (!PDFWorkerUtil.isWorkerDisabled && !_PDFWorker._mainThreadWorkerMessageHandler) { let { workerSrc: M } = _PDFWorker; try { PDFWorkerUtil.isSameOrigin(window.location.href, M) || (M = PDFWorkerUtil.createCDNWrapper(new URL(M, window.location).href)); const m = new Worker(M), N = new _message_handler.MessageHandler("main", "worker", m), D = () => { m.removeEventListener("error", X), N.destroy(), m.terminate(), this.destroyed ? this._readyCapability.reject(new Error("Worker was destroyed")) : this._setupFakeWorker(); }, X = () => { this._webWorker || D(); }; m.addEventListener("error", X), N.on("test", (I) => { if (m.removeEventListener("error", X), this.destroyed) { D(); return; } I ? (this._messageHandler = N, this._port = m, this._webWorker = m, this._readyCapability.resolve(), N.send("configure", { verbosity: this.verbosity })) : (this._setupFakeWorker(), N.destroy(), m.terminate()); }), N.on("ready", (I) => { if (m.removeEventListener("error", X), this.destroyed) { D(); return; } try { G(); } catch { this._setupFakeWorker(); } }); const G = () => { const I = new Uint8Array(); N.send("test", I, [I.buffer]); }; G(); return; } catch { (0,"The worker has been disabled."); } } this._setupFakeWorker(); } _setupFakeWorker() { PDFWorkerUtil.isWorkerDisabled || ((0, _util.warn)("Setting up fake worker."), PDFWorkerUtil.isWorkerDisabled = !0), _PDFWorker._setupFakeWorkerGlobal.then((M) => { if (this.destroyed) { this._readyCapability.reject(new Error("Worker was destroyed")); return; } const m = new LoopbackPort(); this._port = m; const N = `fake${PDFWorkerUtil.fakeWorkerId++}`, D = new _message_handler.MessageHandler(N + "_worker", N, m); M.setup(D, m); const X = new _message_handler.MessageHandler(N, N + "_worker", m); this._messageHandler = X, this._readyCapability.resolve(), X.send("configure", { verbosity: this.verbosity }); }).catch((M) => { this._readyCapability.reject(new Error(`Setting up fake worker failed: "${M.message}".`)); }); } destroy() { var M; this.destroyed = !0, this._webWorker && (this._webWorker.terminate(), this._webWorker = null), (M = a(_PDFWorker, T)) == null || M.delete(this._port), this._port = null, this._messageHandler && (this._messageHandler.destroy(), this._messageHandler = null); } static fromPort(M) { var N; if (!(M != null && M.port)) throw new Error("PDFWorker.fromPort - invalid method signature."); const m = (N = a(this, T)) == null ? void 0 : N.get(M.port); if (m) { if (m._pendingDestroy) throw new Error("PDFWorker.fromPort - the worker is being destroyed.\nPlease remember to await `PDFDocumentLoadingTask.destroy()`-calls."); return m; } return new _PDFWorker(M); } static get workerSrc() { if (_worker_options.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc) return _worker_options.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc; if (PDFWorkerUtil.fallbackWorkerSrc !== null) return _util.isNodeJS || (0, _display_utils.deprecated)('No "GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc" specified.'), PDFWorkerUtil.fallbackWorkerSrc; throw new Error('No "GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc" specified.'); } static get _mainThreadWorkerMessageHandler() { var M; try { return ((M = globalThis.pdfjsWorker) == null ? void 0 : M.WorkerMessageHandler) || null; } catch { return null; } } static get _setupFakeWorkerGlobal() { const loader = async () => { const mainWorkerMessageHandler = this._mainThreadWorkerMessageHandler; if (mainWorkerMessageHandler) return mainWorkerMessageHandler; if (_util.isNodeJS && typeof commonjsRequire == "function") { const worker = eval("require")(this.workerSrc); return worker.WorkerMessageHandler; } return await (0, _display_utils.loadScript)(this.workerSrc), window.pdfjsWorker.WorkerMessageHandler; }; return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "_setupFakeWorkerGlobal", loader()); } }; T = new WeakMap(), W(_PDFWorker, T, void 0); let PDFWorker = _PDFWorker; exports.PDFWorker = PDFWorker; class WorkerTransport { constructor(m, N, D, X, G) { W(this, b); W(this, S, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); W(this, w, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); W(this, C, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); W(this, P, null); this.messageHandler = m, this.loadingTask = N, this.commonObjs = new PDFObjects(), this.fontLoader = new _font_loader.FontLoader({ ownerDocument: X.ownerDocument, styleElement: X.styleElement }), this._params = X, this.canvasFactory = G.canvasFactory, this.filterFactory = G.filterFactory, this.cMapReaderFactory = G.cMapReaderFactory, this.standardFontDataFactory = G.standardFontDataFactory, this.destroyed = !1, this.destroyCapability = null, this._networkStream = D, this._fullReader = null, this._lastProgress = null, this.downloadInfoCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(), this.setupMessageHandler(); } get annotationStorage() { return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "annotationStorage", new _annotation_storage.AnnotationStorage()); } getRenderingIntent(m, N = _util.AnnotationMode.ENABLE, D = null, X = !1) { let G = _util.RenderingIntentFlag.DISPLAY, I = _annotation_storage.SerializableEmpty; switch (m) { case "any": G = _util.RenderingIntentFlag.ANY; break; case "display": break; case "print": G = _util.RenderingIntentFlag.PRINT; break; default: (0, _util.warn)(`getRenderingIntent - invalid intent: ${m}`); } switch (N) { case _util.AnnotationMode.DISABLE: G += _util.RenderingIntentFlag.ANNOTATIONS_DISABLE; break; case _util.AnnotationMode.ENABLE: break; case _util.AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS: G += _util.RenderingIntentFlag.ANNOTATIONS_FORMS; break; case _util.AnnotationMode.ENABLE_STORAGE: G += _util.RenderingIntentFlag.ANNOTATIONS_STORAGE, I = (G & _util.RenderingIntentFlag.PRINT && D instanceof _annotation_storage.PrintAnnotationStorage ? D : this.annotationStorage).serializable; break; default: (0, _util.warn)(`getRenderingIntent - invalid annotationMode: ${N}`); } return X && (G += _util.RenderingIntentFlag.OPLIST), { renderingIntent: G, cacheKey: `${G}_${I.hash}`, annotationStorageSerializable: I }; } destroy() { var D; if (this.destroyCapability) return this.destroyCapability.promise; this.destroyed = !0, this.destroyCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(), (D = a(this, P)) == null || D.reject(new Error("Worker was destroyed during onPassword callback")); const m = []; for (const X of a(this, w).values()) m.push(X._destroy()); a(this, w).clear(), a(this, C).clear(), this.hasOwnProperty("annotationStorage") && this.annotationStorage.resetModified(); const N = this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("Terminate", null); return m.push(N), Promise.all(m).then(() => { var X; this.commonObjs.clear(), this.fontLoader.clear(), a(this, S).clear(), this.filterFactory.destroy(), (X = this._networkStream) == null || X.cancelAllRequests(new _util.AbortException("Worker was terminated.")), this.messageHandler && (this.messageHandler.destroy(), this.messageHandler = null), this.destroyCapability.resolve(); }, this.destroyCapability.reject), this.destroyCapability.promise; } setupMessageHandler() { const { messageHandler: m, loadingTask: N } = this; m.on("GetReader", (D, X) => { (0, _util.assert)(this._networkStream, "GetReader - no `IPDFStream` instance available."), this._fullReader = this._networkStream.getFullReader(), this._fullReader.onProgress = (G) => { this._lastProgress = { loaded: G.loaded, total: }; }, X.onPull = () => {{ value: G, done: I }) { if (I) { X.close(); return; } (0, _util.assert)(G instanceof ArrayBuffer, "GetReader - expected an ArrayBuffer."), X.enqueue(new Uint8Array(G), 1, [G]); }).catch((G) => { X.error(G); }); }, X.onCancel = (G) => { this._fullReader.cancel(G), X.ready.catch((I) => { if (!this.destroyed) throw I; }); }; }), m.on("ReaderHeadersReady", (D) => { const X = new _util.PromiseCapability(), G = this._fullReader; return G.headersReady.then(() => { var I; (!G.isStreamingSupported || !G.isRangeSupported) && (this._lastProgress && ((I = N.onProgress) == null ||, this._lastProgress)), G.onProgress = (B) => { var ee; (ee = N.onProgress) == null ||, { loaded: B.loaded, total: }); }), X.resolve({ isStreamingSupported: G.isStreamingSupported, isRangeSupported: G.isRangeSupported, contentLength: G.contentLength }); }, X.reject), X.promise; }), m.on("GetRangeReader", (D, X) => { (0, _util.assert)(this._networkStream, "GetRangeReader - no `IPDFStream` instance available."); const G = this._networkStream.getRangeReader(D.begin, D.end); if (!G) { X.close(); return; } X.onPull = () => {{ value: I, done: B }) { if (B) { X.close(); return; } (0, _util.assert)(I instanceof ArrayBuffer, "GetRangeReader - expected an ArrayBuffer."), X.enqueue(new Uint8Array(I), 1, [I]); }).catch((I) => { X.error(I); }); }, X.onCancel = (I) => { G.cancel(I), X.ready.catch((B) => { if (!this.destroyed) throw B; }); }; }), m.on("GetDoc", ({ pdfInfo: D }) => { this._numPages = D.numPages, this._htmlForXfa = D.htmlForXfa, delete D.htmlForXfa, N._capability.resolve(new PDFDocumentProxy(D, this)); }), m.on("DocException", function(D) { let X; switch ( { case "PasswordException": X = new _util.PasswordException(D.message, D.code); break; case "InvalidPDFException": X = new _util.InvalidPDFException(D.message); break; case "MissingPDFException": X = new _util.MissingPDFException(D.message); break; case "UnexpectedResponseException": X = new _util.UnexpectedResponseException(D.message, D.status); break; case "UnknownErrorException": X = new _util.UnknownErrorException(D.message, D.details); break; default: (0, _util.unreachable)("DocException - expected a valid Error."); } N._capability.reject(X); }), m.on("PasswordRequest", (D) => { if (oe(this, P, new _util.PromiseCapability()), N.onPassword) { const X = (G) => { G instanceof Error ? a(this, P).reject(G) : a(this, P).resolve({ password: G }); }; try { N.onPassword(X, D.code); } catch (G) { a(this, P).reject(G); } } else a(this, P).reject(new _util.PasswordException(D.message, D.code)); return a(this, P).promise; }), m.on("DataLoaded", (D) => { var X; (X = N.onProgress) == null ||, { loaded: D.length, total: D.length }), this.downloadInfoCapability.resolve(D); }), m.on("StartRenderPage", (D) => { if (this.destroyed) return; a(this, w).get(D.pageIndex)._startRenderPage(D.transparency, D.cacheKey); }), m.on("commonobj", ([D, X, G]) => { var I; if (!this.destroyed && !this.commonObjs.has(D)) switch (X) { case "Font": const B = this._params; if ("error" in G) { const q = G.error; (0, _util.warn)(`Error during font loading: ${q}`), this.commonObjs.resolve(D, q); break; } const ee = B.pdfBug && ((I = globalThis.FontInspector) != null && I.enabled) ? (q, le) => globalThis.FontInspector.fontAdded(q, le) : null, Y = new _font_loader.FontFaceObject(G, { isEvalSupported: B.isEvalSupported, disableFontFace: B.disableFontFace, ignoreErrors: B.ignoreErrors, inspectFont: ee }); this.fontLoader.bind(Y).catch((q) => m.sendWithPromise("FontFallback", { id: D })).finally(() => { !B.fontExtraProperties && && ( = null), this.commonObjs.resolve(D, Y); }); break; case "FontPath": case "Image": case "Pattern": this.commonObjs.resolve(D, G); break; default: throw new Error(`Got unknown common object type ${X}`); } }), m.on("obj", ([D, X, G, I]) => { var ee; if (this.destroyed) return; const B = a(this, w).get(X); if (!B.objs.has(D)) switch (G) { case "Image": if (B.objs.resolve(D, I), I) { let Y; if (I.bitmap) { const { width: q, height: le } = I; Y = q * le * 4; } else Y = ((ee = == null ? void 0 : ee.length) || 0; Y > _util.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_CACHE && (B._maybeCleanupAfterRender = !0); } break; case "Pattern": B.objs.resolve(D, I); break; default: throw new Error(`Got unknown object type ${G}`); } }), m.on("DocProgress", (D) => { var X; this.destroyed || (X = N.onProgress) == null ||, { loaded: D.loaded, total: }); }), m.on("FetchBuiltInCMap", (D) => this.destroyed ? Promise.reject(new Error("Worker was destroyed.")) : this.cMapReaderFactory ? this.cMapReaderFactory.fetch(D) : Promise.reject(new Error("CMapReaderFactory not initialized, see the `useWorkerFetch` parameter."))), m.on("FetchStandardFontData", (D) => this.destroyed ? Promise.reject(new Error("Worker was destroyed.")) : this.standardFontDataFactory ? this.standardFontDataFactory.fetch(D) : Promise.reject(new Error("StandardFontDataFactory not initialized, see the `useWorkerFetch` parameter."))); } getData() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetData", null); } saveDocument() { var D; this.annotationStorage.size <= 0 && (0, _util.warn)("saveDocument called while `annotationStorage` is empty, please use the getData-method instead."); const { map: m, transfers: N } = this.annotationStorage.serializable; return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("SaveDocument", { isPureXfa: !!this._htmlForXfa, numPages: this._numPages, annotationStorage: m, filename: ((D = this._fullReader) == null ? void 0 : D.filename) ?? null }, N).finally(() => { this.annotationStorage.resetModified(); }); } getPage(m) { if (!Number.isInteger(m) || m <= 0 || m > this._numPages) return Promise.reject(new Error("Invalid page request.")); const N = m - 1, D = a(this, C).get(N); if (D) return D; const X = this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetPage", { pageIndex: N }).then((G) => { if (this.destroyed) throw new Error("Transport destroyed"); const I = new PDFPageProxy(N, G, this, this._params.pdfBug); return a(this, w).set(N, I), I; }); return a(this, C).set(N, X), X; } getPageIndex(m) { return typeof m != "object" || m === null || !Number.isInteger(m.num) || m.num < 0 || !Number.isInteger(m.gen) || m.gen < 0 ? Promise.reject(new Error("Invalid pageIndex request.")) : this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetPageIndex", { num: m.num, gen: m.gen }); } getAnnotations(m, N) { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetAnnotations", { pageIndex: m, intent: N }); } getFieldObjects() { return K(this, b, Tt).call(this, "GetFieldObjects"); } hasJSActions() { return K(this, b, Tt).call(this, "HasJSActions"); } getCalculationOrderIds() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetCalculationOrderIds", null); } getDestinations() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetDestinations", null); } getDestination(m) { return typeof m != "string" ? Promise.reject(new Error("Invalid destination request.")) : this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetDestination", { id: m }); } getPageLabels() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetPageLabels", null); } getPageLayout() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetPageLayout", null); } getPageMode() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetPageMode", null); } getViewerPreferences() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetViewerPreferences", null); } getOpenAction() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetOpenAction", null); } getAttachments() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetAttachments", null); } getDocJSActions() { return K(this, b, Tt).call(this, "GetDocJSActions"); } getPageJSActions(m) { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetPageJSActions", { pageIndex: m }); } getStructTree(m) { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetStructTree", { pageIndex: m }); } getOutline() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetOutline", null); } getOptionalContentConfig() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetOptionalContentConfig", null).then((m) => new _optional_content_config.OptionalContentConfig(m)); } getPermissions() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetPermissions", null); } getMetadata() { const m = "GetMetadata", N = a(this, S).get(m); if (N) return N; const D = this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise(m, null).then((X) => { var G, I; return { info: X[0], metadata: X[1] ? new _metadata.Metadata(X[1]) : null, contentDispositionFilename: ((G = this._fullReader) == null ? void 0 : G.filename) ?? null, contentLength: ((I = this._fullReader) == null ? void 0 : I.contentLength) ?? null }; }); return a(this, S).set(m, D), D; } getMarkInfo() { return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("GetMarkInfo", null); } async startCleanup(m = !1) { if (!this.destroyed) { await this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise("Cleanup", null); for (const N of a(this, w).values()) if (!N.cleanup()) throw new Error(`startCleanup: Page ${N.pageNumber} is currently rendering.`); this.commonObjs.clear(), m || this.fontLoader.clear(), a(this, S).clear(), this.filterFactory.destroy(!0); } } get loadingParams() { const { disableAutoFetch: m, enableXfa: N } = this._params; return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "loadingParams", { disableAutoFetch: m, enableXfa: N }); } } S = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakMap(), C = new WeakMap(), P = new WeakMap(), b = new WeakSet(), Tt = function(m, N = null) { const D = a(this, S).get(m); if (D) return D; const X = this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise(m, N); return a(this, S).set(m, X), X; }; class PDFObjects { constructor() { W(this, x); W(this, F, /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); } get(m, N = null) { if (N) { const X = K(this, x, Bt).call(this, m); return X.capability.promise.then(() => N(, null; } const D = a(this, F)[m]; if (!(D != null && D.capability.settled)) throw new Error(`Requesting object that isn't resolved yet ${m}.`); return; } has(m) { const N = a(this, F)[m]; return (N == null ? void 0 : N.capability.settled) || !1; } resolve(m, N = null) { const D = K(this, x, Bt).call(this, m); = N, D.capability.resolve(); } clear() { var m; for (const N in a(this, F)) { const { data: D } = a(this, F)[N]; (m = D == null ? void 0 : D.bitmap) == null || m.close(); } oe(this, F, /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); } } F = new WeakMap(), x = new WeakSet(), Bt = function(m) { var N; return (N = a(this, F))[m] || (N[m] = { capability: new _util.PromiseCapability(), data: null }); }; class RenderTask { constructor(m) { W(this, p, null); oe(this, p, m), this.onContinue = null; } get promise() { return a(this, p).capability.promise; } cancel(m = 0) { a(this, p).cancel(null, m); } get separateAnnots() { const { separateAnnots: m } = a(this, p).operatorList; if (!m) return !1; const { annotationCanvasMap: N } = a(this, p); return m.form || m.canvas && (N == null ? void 0 : N.size) > 0; } } p = new WeakMap(), exports.RenderTask = RenderTask; const $ = class $ { constructor({ callback: m, params: N, objs: D, commonObjs: X, annotationCanvasMap: G, operatorList: I, pageIndex: B, canvasFactory: ee, filterFactory: Y, useRequestAnimationFrame: q = !1, pdfBug: le = !1, pageColors: pe = null }) { this.callback = m, this.params = N, this.objs = D, this.commonObjs = X, this.annotationCanvasMap = G, this.operatorListIdx = null, this.operatorList = I, this._pageIndex = B, this.canvasFactory = ee, this.filterFactory = Y, this._pdfBug = le, this.pageColors = pe, this.running = !1, this.graphicsReadyCallback = null, this.graphicsReady = !1, this._useRequestAnimationFrame = q === !0 && typeof window < "u", this.cancelled = !1, this.capability = new _util.PromiseCapability(), this.task = new RenderTask(this), this._cancelBound = this.cancel.bind(this), this._continueBound = this._continue.bind(this), this._scheduleNextBound = this._scheduleNext.bind(this), this._nextBound = this._next.bind(this), this._canvas = N.canvasContext.canvas; } get completed() { return this.capability.promise.catch(function() { }); } initializeGraphics({ transparency: m = !1, optionalContentConfig: N }) { var B, ee; if (this.cancelled) return; if (this._canvas) { if (a($, E).has(this._canvas)) throw new Error("Cannot use the same canvas during multiple render() operations. Use different canvas or ensure previous operations were cancelled or completed."); a($, E).add(this._canvas); } this._pdfBug && ((B = globalThis.StepperManager) != null && B.enabled) && (this.stepper = globalThis.StepperManager.create(this._pageIndex), this.stepper.init(this.operatorList), this.stepper.nextBreakPoint = this.stepper.getNextBreakPoint()); const { canvasContext: D, viewport: X, transform: G, background: I } = this.params; this.gfx = new _canvas.CanvasGraphics(D, this.commonObjs, this.objs, this.canvasFactory, this.filterFactory, { optionalContentConfig: N }, this.annotationCanvasMap, this.pageColors), this.gfx.beginDrawing({ transform: G, viewport: X, transparency: m, background: I }), this.operatorListIdx = 0, this.graphicsReady = !0, (ee = this.graphicsReadyCallback) == null ||; } cancel(m = null, N = 0) { var D; this.running = !1, this.cancelled = !0, (D = this.gfx) == null || D.endDrawing(), a($, E).delete(this._canvas), this.callback(m || new _display_utils.RenderingCancelledException(`Rendering cancelled, page ${this._pageIndex + 1}`, N)); } operatorListChanged() { var m; if (!this.graphicsReady) { this.graphicsReadyCallback || (this.graphicsReadyCallback = this._continueBound); return; } (m = this.stepper) == null || m.updateOperatorList(this.operatorList), !this.running && this._continue(); } _continue() { this.running = !0, !this.cancelled && (this.task.onContinue ? this.task.onContinue(this._scheduleNextBound) : this._scheduleNext()); } _scheduleNext() { this._useRequestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { this._nextBound().catch(this._cancelBound); }) : Promise.resolve().then(this._nextBound).catch(this._cancelBound); } async _next() { this.cancelled || (this.operatorListIdx = this.gfx.executeOperatorList(this.operatorList, this.operatorListIdx, this._continueBound, this.stepper), this.operatorListIdx === this.operatorList.argsArray.length && (this.running = !1, this.operatorList.lastChunk && (this.gfx.endDrawing(), a($, E).delete(this._canvas), this.callback()))); } }; E = new WeakMap(), W($, E, /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet()); let InternalRenderTask = $; const version = "3.11.174"; exports.version = version; const build = "ce8716743"; = build; }, /* 3 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var o, r, T, En, w; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.SerializableEmpty = e.PrintAnnotationStorage = e.AnnotationStorage = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(4), l = i(8); const h = Object.freeze({ map: null, hash: "", transfers: void 0 }); e.SerializableEmpty = h; class _ { constructor() { W(this, T); W(this, o, !1); W(this, r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); this.onSetModified = null, this.onResetModified = null, this.onAnnotationEditor = null; } getValue(P, b) { const k = a(this, r).get(P); return k === void 0 ? b : Object.assign(b, k); } getRawValue(P) { return a(this, r).get(P); } remove(P) { if (a(this, r).delete(P), a(this, r).size === 0 && this.resetModified(), typeof this.onAnnotationEditor == "function") { for (const b of a(this, r).values()) if (b instanceof s.AnnotationEditor) return; this.onAnnotationEditor(null); } } setValue(P, b) { const k = a(this, r).get(P); let F = !1; if (k !== void 0) for (const [x, y] of Object.entries(b)) k[x] !== y && (F = !0, k[x] = y); else F = !0, a(this, r).set(P, b); F && K(this, T, En).call(this), b instanceof s.AnnotationEditor && typeof this.onAnnotationEditor == "function" && this.onAnnotationEditor(b.constructor._type); } has(P) { return a(this, r).has(P); } getAll() { return a(this, r).size > 0 ? (0, n.objectFromMap)(a(this, r)) : null; } setAll(P) { for (const [b, k] of Object.entries(P)) this.setValue(b, k); } get size() { return a(this, r).size; } resetModified() { a(this, o) && (oe(this, o, !1), typeof this.onResetModified == "function" && this.onResetModified()); } get print() { return new c(this); } get serializable() { if (a(this, r).size === 0) return h; const P = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), b = new l.MurmurHash3_64(), k = [], F = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); let x = !1; for (const [y, p] of a(this, r)) { const E = p instanceof s.AnnotationEditor ? p.serialize(!1, F) : p; E && (P.set(y, E), b.update(`${y}:${JSON.stringify(E)}`), x || (x = !!E.bitmap)); } if (x) for (const y of P.values()) y.bitmap && k.push(y.bitmap); return P.size > 0 ? { map: P, hash: b.hexdigest(), transfers: k } : h; } } o = new WeakMap(), r = new WeakMap(), T = new WeakSet(), En = function() { a(this, o) || (oe(this, o, !0), typeof this.onSetModified == "function" && this.onSetModified()); }, e.AnnotationStorage = _; class c extends _ { constructor(b) { super(); W(this, w, void 0); const { map: k, hash: F, transfers: x } = b.serializable, y = structuredClone(k, x ? { transfer: x } : null); oe(this, w, { map: y, hash: F, transfers: x }); } get print() { (0, n.unreachable)("Should not call PrintAnnotationStorage.print"); } get serializable() { return a(this, w); } } w = new WeakMap(), e.PrintAnnotationStorage = c; }, /* 4 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var c, o, r, T, S, w, C, P, b, k, F, x, y, p, E, Ht, M, Ut, N, jt, X, Gt, I, Sn, ee, wn, q, Tn, pe, Wt, be, Cn; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.AnnotationEditor = void 0; var n = i(5), s = i(1), l = i(6); const d = class d { constructor(f) { W(this, E); W(this, M); W(this, X); W(this, I); W(this, ee); W(this, q); W(this, pe); W(this, be); W(this, c, ""); W(this, o, !1); W(this, r, null); W(this, T, null); W(this, S, null); W(this, w, !1); W(this, C, null); W(this, P, this.focusin.bind(this)); W(this, b, this.focusout.bind(this)); W(this, k, !1); W(this, F, !1); W(this, x, !1); nt(this, "_initialOptions", /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); nt(this, "_uiManager", null); nt(this, "_focusEventsAllowed", !0); nt(this, "_l10nPromise", null); W(this, y, !1); W(this, p, d._zIndex++); this.constructor === d && (0, s.unreachable)("Cannot initialize AnnotationEditor."), this.parent = f.parent, =, this.width = this.height = null, this.pageIndex = f.parent.pageIndex, =, this.div = null, this._uiManager = f.uiManager, this.annotationElementId = null, this._willKeepAspectRatio = !1, this._initialOptions.isCentered = f.isCentered, this._structTreeParentId = null; const { rotation: v, rawDims: { pageWidth: A, pageHeight: O, pageX: H, pageY: z } } = this.parent.viewport; this.rotation = v, this.pageRotation = (360 + v - this._uiManager.viewParameters.rotation) % 360, this.pageDimensions = [A, O], this.pageTranslation = [H, z]; const [ae, Q] = this.parentDimensions; this.x = f.x / ae, this.y = f.y / Q, this.isAttachedToDOM = !1, this.deleted = !1; } get editorType() { return Object.getPrototypeOf(this).constructor._type; } static get _defaultLineColor() { return (0, s.shadow)(this, "_defaultLineColor", this._colorManager.getHexCode("CanvasText")); } static deleteAnnotationElement(f) { const v = new _({ id: f.parent.getNextId(), parent: f.parent, uiManager: f._uiManager }); v.annotationElementId = f.annotationElementId, v.deleted = !0, v._uiManager.addToAnnotationStorage(v); } static initialize(f, v = null) { if (d._l10nPromise || (d._l10nPromise = new Map(["editor_alt_text_button_label", "editor_alt_text_edit_button_label", "editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip"].map((O) => [O, f.get(O)]))), v != null && v.strings) for (const O of v.strings) d._l10nPromise.set(O, f.get(O)); if (d._borderLineWidth !== -1) return; const A = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement); d._borderLineWidth = parseFloat(A.getPropertyValue("--outline-width")) || 0; } static updateDefaultParams(f, v) { } static get defaultPropertiesToUpdate() { return []; } static isHandlingMimeForPasting(f) { return !1; } static paste(f, v) { (0, s.unreachable)("Not implemented"); } get propertiesToUpdate() { return []; } get _isDraggable() { return a(this, y); } set _isDraggable(f) { var v; oe(this, y, f), (v = this.div) == null || v.classList.toggle("draggable", f); } center() { const [f, v] = this.pageDimensions; switch (this.parentRotation) { case 90: this.x -= this.height * v / (f * 2), this.y += this.width * f / (v * 2); break; case 180: this.x += this.width / 2, this.y += this.height / 2; break; case 270: this.x += this.height * v / (f * 2), this.y -= this.width * f / (v * 2); break; default: this.x -= this.width / 2, this.y -= this.height / 2; break; } this.fixAndSetPosition(); } addCommands(f) { this._uiManager.addCommands(f); } get currentLayer() { return this._uiManager.currentLayer; } setInBackground() { = 0; } setInForeground() { = a(this, p); } setParent(f) { f !== null && (this.pageIndex = f.pageIndex, this.pageDimensions = f.pageDimensions), this.parent = f; } focusin(f) { this._focusEventsAllowed && (a(this, k) ? oe(this, k, !1) : this.parent.setSelected(this)); } focusout(f) { var A; if (!this._focusEventsAllowed || !this.isAttachedToDOM) return; const v = f.relatedTarget; v != null && v.closest(`#${}`) || (f.preventDefault(), (A = this.parent) != null && A.isMultipleSelection || this.commitOrRemove()); } commitOrRemove() { this.isEmpty() ? this.remove() : this.commit(); } commit() { this.addToAnnotationStorage(); } addToAnnotationStorage() { this._uiManager.addToAnnotationStorage(this); } setAt(f, v, A, O) { const [H, z] = this.parentDimensions; [A, O] = this.screenToPageTranslation(A, O), this.x = (f + A) / H, this.y = (v + O) / z, this.fixAndSetPosition(); } translate(f, v) { K(this, E, Ht).call(this, this.parentDimensions, f, v); } translateInPage(f, v) { K(this, E, Ht).call(this, this.pageDimensions, f, v), this.div.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" }); } drag(f, v) { const [A, O] = this.parentDimensions; if (this.x += f / A, this.y += v / O, this.parent && (this.x < 0 || this.x > 1 || this.y < 0 || this.y > 1)) { const { x: ce, y: ue } = this.div.getBoundingClientRect(); this.parent.findNewParent(this, ce, ue) && (this.x -= Math.floor(this.x), this.y -= Math.floor(this.y)); } let { x: H, y: z } = this; const [ae, Q] = K(this, M, Ut).call(this); H += ae, z += Q, = `${(100 * H).toFixed(2)}%`, = `${(100 * z).toFixed(2)}%`, this.div.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" }); } fixAndSetPosition() { const [f, v] = this.pageDimensions; let { x: A, y: O, width: H, height: z } = this; switch (H *= f, z *= v, A *= f, O *= v, this.rotation) { case 0: A = Math.max(0, Math.min(f - H, A)), O = Math.max(0, Math.min(v - z, O)); break; case 90: A = Math.max(0, Math.min(f - z, A)), O = Math.min(v, Math.max(H, O)); break; case 180: A = Math.min(f, Math.max(H, A)), O = Math.min(v, Math.max(z, O)); break; case 270: A = Math.min(f, Math.max(z, A)), O = Math.max(0, Math.min(v - H, O)); break; } this.x = A /= f, this.y = O /= v; const [ae, Q] = K(this, M, Ut).call(this); A += ae, O += Q; const { style: ce } = this.div; ce.left = `${(100 * A).toFixed(2)}%`, = `${(100 * O).toFixed(2)}%`, this.moveInDOM(); } screenToPageTranslation(f, v) { var A; return K(A = d, N, jt).call(A, f, v, this.parentRotation); } pageTranslationToScreen(f, v) { var A; return K(A = d, N, jt).call(A, f, v, 360 - this.parentRotation); } get parentScale() { return this._uiManager.viewParameters.realScale; } get parentRotation() { return (this._uiManager.viewParameters.rotation + this.pageRotation) % 360; } get parentDimensions() { const { parentScale: f, pageDimensions: [v, A] } = this, O = v * f, H = A * f; return s.FeatureTest.isCSSRoundSupported ? [Math.round(O), Math.round(H)] : [O, H]; } setDims(f, v) { var H; const [A, O] = this.parentDimensions; = `${(100 * f / A).toFixed(2)}%`, a(this, w) || ( = `${(100 * v / O).toFixed(2)}%`), (H = a(this, r)) == null || H.classList.toggle("small", f < d.SMALL_EDITOR_SIZE || v < d.SMALL_EDITOR_SIZE); } fixDims() { const { style: f } = this.div, { height: v, width: A } = f, O = A.endsWith("%"), H = !a(this, w) && v.endsWith("%"); if (O && H) return; const [z, ae] = this.parentDimensions; O || (f.width = `${(100 * parseFloat(A) / z).toFixed(2)}%`), !a(this, w) && !H && (f.height = `${(100 * parseFloat(v) / ae).toFixed(2)}%`); } getInitialTranslation() { return [0, 0]; } async addAltTextButton() { if (a(this, r)) return; const f = oe(this, r, document.createElement("button")); f.className = "altText"; const v = await d._l10nPromise.get("editor_alt_text_button_label"); f.textContent = v, f.setAttribute("aria-label", v), f.tabIndex = "0", f.addEventListener("contextmenu", l.noContextMenu), f.addEventListener("pointerdown", (A) => A.stopPropagation()), f.addEventListener("click", (A) => { A.preventDefault(), this._uiManager.editAltText(this); }, { capture: !0 }), f.addEventListener("keydown", (A) => { === f && A.key === "Enter" && (A.preventDefault(), this._uiManager.editAltText(this)); }), K(this, pe, Wt).call(this), this.div.append(f), d.SMALL_EDITOR_SIZE || (d.SMALL_EDITOR_SIZE = Math.min(128, Math.round(f.getBoundingClientRect().width * 1.4))); } getClientDimensions() { return this.div.getBoundingClientRect(); } get altTextData() { return { altText: a(this, c), decorative: a(this, o) }; } set altTextData({ altText: f, decorative: v }) { a(this, c) === f && a(this, o) === v || (oe(this, c, f), oe(this, o, v), K(this, pe, Wt).call(this)); } render() { this.div = document.createElement("div"), this.div.setAttribute("data-editor-rotation", (360 - this.rotation) % 360), this.div.className =, this.div.setAttribute("id",, this.div.setAttribute("tabIndex", 0), this.setInForeground(), this.div.addEventListener("focusin", a(this, P)), this.div.addEventListener("focusout", a(this, b)); const [f, v] = this.parentDimensions; this.parentRotation % 180 !== 0 && ( = `${(100 * v / f).toFixed(2)}%`, = `${(100 * f / v).toFixed(2)}%`); const [A, O] = this.getInitialTranslation(); return this.translate(A, O), (0, n.bindEvents)(this, this.div, ["pointerdown"]), this.div; } pointerdown(f) { const { isMac: v } = s.FeatureTest.platform; if (f.button !== 0 || f.ctrlKey && v) { f.preventDefault(); return; } oe(this, k, !0), K(this, be, Cn).call(this, f); } moveInDOM() { var f; (f = this.parent) == null || f.moveEditorInDOM(this); } _setParentAndPosition(f, v, A) { f.changeParent(this), this.x = v, this.y = A, this.fixAndSetPosition(); } getRect(f, v) { const A = this.parentScale, [O, H] = this.pageDimensions, [z, ae] = this.pageTranslation, Q = f / A, ce = v / A, ue = this.x * O, me = this.y * H, fe = this.width * O, Pe = this.height * H; switch (this.rotation) { case 0: return [ue + Q + z, H - me - ce - Pe + ae, ue + Q + fe + z, H - me - ce + ae]; case 90: return [ue + ce + z, H - me + Q + ae, ue + ce + Pe + z, H - me + Q + fe + ae]; case 180: return [ue - Q - fe + z, H - me + ce + ae, ue - Q + z, H - me + ce + Pe + ae]; case 270: return [ue - ce - Pe + z, H - me - Q - fe + ae, ue - ce + z, H - me - Q + ae]; default: throw new Error("Invalid rotation"); } } getRectInCurrentCoords(f, v) { const [A, O, H, z] = f, ae = H - A, Q = z - O; switch (this.rotation) { case 0: return [A, v - z, ae, Q]; case 90: return [A, v - O, Q, ae]; case 180: return [H, v - O, ae, Q]; case 270: return [H, v - z, Q, ae]; default: throw new Error("Invalid rotation"); } } onceAdded() { } isEmpty() { return !1; } enableEditMode() { oe(this, x, !0); } disableEditMode() { oe(this, x, !1); } isInEditMode() { return a(this, x); } shouldGetKeyboardEvents() { return !1; } needsToBeRebuilt() { return this.div && !this.isAttachedToDOM; } rebuild() { var f, v; (f = this.div) == null || f.addEventListener("focusin", a(this, P)), (v = this.div) == null || v.addEventListener("focusout", a(this, b)); } serialize(f = !1, v = null) { (0, s.unreachable)("An editor must be serializable"); } static deserialize(f, v, A) { const O = new this.prototype.constructor({ parent: v, id: v.getNextId(), uiManager: A }); O.rotation = f.rotation; const [H, z] = O.pageDimensions, [ae, Q, ce, ue] = O.getRectInCurrentCoords(f.rect, z); return O.x = ae / H, O.y = Q / z, O.width = ce / H, O.height = ue / z, O; } remove() { var f; this.div.removeEventListener("focusin", a(this, P)), this.div.removeEventListener("focusout", a(this, b)), this.isEmpty() || this.commit(), this.parent ? this.parent.remove(this) : this._uiManager.removeEditor(this), (f = a(this, r)) == null || f.remove(), oe(this, r, null), oe(this, T, null); } get isResizable() { return !1; } makeResizable() { this.isResizable && (K(this, I, Sn).call(this), a(this, C).classList.remove("hidden")); } select() { var f; this.makeResizable(), (f = this.div) == null || f.classList.add("selectedEditor"); } unselect() { var f, v, A; (f = a(this, C)) == null || f.classList.add("hidden"), (v = this.div) == null || v.classList.remove("selectedEditor"), (A = this.div) != null && A.contains(document.activeElement) && this._uiManager.currentLayer.div.focus(); } updateParams(f, v) { } disableEditing() { a(this, r) && (a(this, r).hidden = !0); } enableEditing() { a(this, r) && (a(this, r).hidden = !1); } enterInEditMode() { } get contentDiv() { return this.div; } get isEditing() { return a(this, F); } set isEditing(f) { oe(this, F, f), this.parent && (f ? (this.parent.setSelected(this), this.parent.setActiveEditor(this)) : this.parent.setActiveEditor(null)); } setAspectRatio(f, v) { oe(this, w, !0); const A = f / v, { style: O } = this.div; O.aspectRatio = A, O.height = "auto"; } static get MIN_SIZE() { return 16; } }; c = new WeakMap(), o = new WeakMap(), r = new WeakMap(), T = new WeakMap(), S = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakMap(), C = new WeakMap(), P = new WeakMap(), b = new WeakMap(), k = new WeakMap(), F = new WeakMap(), x = new WeakMap(), y = new WeakMap(), p = new WeakMap(), E = new WeakSet(), Ht = function([f, v], A, O) { [A, O] = this.screenToPageTranslation(A, O), this.x += A / f, this.y += O / v, this.fixAndSetPosition(); }, M = new WeakSet(), Ut = function() { const [f, v] = this.parentDimensions, { _borderLineWidth: A } = d, O = A / f, H = A / v; switch (this.rotation) { case 90: return [-O, H]; case 180: return [O, H]; case 270: return [O, -H]; default: return [-O, -H]; } }, N = new WeakSet(), jt = function(f, v, A) { switch (A) { case 90: return [v, -f]; case 180: return [-f, -v]; case 270: return [-v, f]; default: return [f, v]; } }, X = new WeakSet(), Gt = function(f) { switch (f) { case 90: { const [v, A] = this.pageDimensions; return [0, -v / A, A / v, 0]; } case 180: return [-1, 0, 0, -1]; case 270: { const [v, A] = this.pageDimensions; return [0, v / A, -A / v, 0]; } default: return [1, 0, 0, 1]; } }, I = new WeakSet(), Sn = function() { if (a(this, C)) return; oe(this, C, document.createElement("div")), a(this, C).classList.add("resizers"); const f = ["topLeft", "topRight", "bottomRight", "bottomLeft"]; this._willKeepAspectRatio || f.push("topMiddle", "middleRight", "bottomMiddle", "middleLeft"); for (const v of f) { const A = document.createElement("div"); a(this, C).append(A), A.classList.add("resizer", v), A.addEventListener("pointerdown", K(this, ee, wn).bind(this, v)), A.addEventListener("contextmenu", l.noContextMenu); } this.div.prepend(a(this, C)); }, ee = new WeakSet(), wn = function(f, v) { v.preventDefault(); const { isMac: A } = s.FeatureTest.platform; if (v.button !== 0 || v.ctrlKey && A) return; const O = K(this, q, Tn).bind(this, f), H = this._isDraggable; this._isDraggable = !1; const z = { passive: !0, capture: !0 }; window.addEventListener("pointermove", O, z); const ae = this.x, Q = this.y, ce = this.width, ue = this.height, me =, fe =; = = window.getComputedStyle(; const Pe = () => { this._isDraggable = H, window.removeEventListener("pointerup", Pe), window.removeEventListener("blur", Pe), window.removeEventListener("pointermove", O, z), = me, = fe; const Fe = this.x, Ee = this.y, De = this.width, _e = this.height; Fe === ae && Ee === Q && De === ce && _e === ue || this.addCommands({ cmd: () => { this.width = De, this.height = _e, this.x = Fe, this.y = Ee; const [ie, se] = this.parentDimensions; this.setDims(ie * De, se * _e), this.fixAndSetPosition(); }, undo: () => { this.width = ce, this.height = ue, this.x = ae, this.y = Q; const [ie, se] = this.parentDimensions; this.setDims(ie * ce, se * ue), this.fixAndSetPosition(); }, mustExec: !0 }); }; window.addEventListener("pointerup", Pe), window.addEventListener("blur", Pe); }, q = new WeakSet(), Tn = function(f, v) { const [A, O] = this.parentDimensions, H = this.x, z = this.y, ae = this.width, Q = this.height, ce = d.MIN_SIZE / A, ue = d.MIN_SIZE / O, me = (ve) => Math.round(ve * 1e4) / 1e4, fe = K(this, X, Gt).call(this, this.rotation), Pe = (ve, Se) => [fe[0] * ve + fe[2] * Se, fe[1] * ve + fe[3] * Se], Fe = K(this, X, Gt).call(this, 360 - this.rotation), Ee = (ve, Se) => [Fe[0] * ve + Fe[2] * Se, Fe[1] * ve + Fe[3] * Se]; let De, _e, ie = !1, se = !1; switch (f) { case "topLeft": ie = !0, De = (ve, Se) => [0, 0], _e = (ve, Se) => [ve, Se]; break; case "topMiddle": De = (ve, Se) => [ve / 2, 0], _e = (ve, Se) => [ve / 2, Se]; break; case "topRight": ie = !0, De = (ve, Se) => [ve, 0], _e = (ve, Se) => [0, Se]; break; case "middleRight": se = !0, De = (ve, Se) => [ve, Se / 2], _e = (ve, Se) => [0, Se / 2]; break; case "bottomRight": ie = !0, De = (ve, Se) => [ve, Se], _e = (ve, Se) => [0, 0]; break; case "bottomMiddle": De = (ve, Se) => [ve / 2, Se], _e = (ve, Se) => [ve / 2, 0]; break; case "bottomLeft": ie = !0, De = (ve, Se) => [0, Se], _e = (ve, Se) => [ve, 0]; break; case "middleLeft": se = !0, De = (ve, Se) => [0, Se / 2], _e = (ve, Se) => [ve, Se / 2]; break; } const ge = De(ae, Q), Ce = _e(ae, Q); let xe = Pe(...Ce); const Ue = me(H + xe[0]), We = me(z + xe[1]); let je = 1, ze = 1, [Xe, Ge] = this.screenToPageTranslation(v.movementX, v.movementY); if ([Xe, Ge] = Ee(Xe / A, Ge / O), ie) { const ve = Math.hypot(ae, Q); je = ze = Math.max(Math.min(Math.hypot(Ce[0] - ge[0] - Xe, Ce[1] - ge[1] - Ge) / ve, 1 / ae, 1 / Q), ce / ae, ue / Q); } else se ? je = Math.max(ce, Math.min(1, Math.abs(Ce[0] - ge[0] - Xe))) / ae : ze = Math.max(ue, Math.min(1, Math.abs(Ce[1] - ge[1] - Ge))) / Q; const Ye = me(ae * je), de = me(Q * ze); xe = Pe(..._e(Ye, de)); const ne = Ue - xe[0], J = We - xe[1]; this.width = Ye, this.height = de, this.x = ne, this.y = J, this.setDims(A * Ye, O * de), this.fixAndSetPosition(); }, pe = new WeakSet(), Wt = async function() { var A; const f = a(this, r); if (!f) return; if (!a(this, c) && !a(this, o)) { f.classList.remove("done"), (A = a(this, T)) == null || A.remove(); return; } d._l10nPromise.get("editor_alt_text_edit_button_label").then((O) => { f.setAttribute("aria-label", O); }); let v = a(this, T); if (!v) { oe(this, T, v = document.createElement("span")), v.className = "tooltip", v.setAttribute("role", "tooltip"); const O = = `alt-text-tooltip-${}`; f.setAttribute("aria-describedby", O); const H = 100; f.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => { oe(this, S, setTimeout(() => { oe(this, S, null), a(this, T).classList.add("show"), this._uiManager._eventBus.dispatch("reporttelemetry", { source: this, details: { type: "editing", subtype: this.editorType, data: { action: "alt_text_tooltip" } } }); }, H)); }), f.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => { var z; clearTimeout(a(this, S)), oe(this, S, null), (z = a(this, T)) == null || z.classList.remove("show"); }); } f.classList.add("done"), v.innerText = a(this, o) ? await d._l10nPromise.get("editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip") : a(this, c), v.parentNode || f.append(v); }, be = new WeakSet(), Cn = function(f) { if (!this._isDraggable) return; const v = this._uiManager.isSelected(this); this._uiManager.setUpDragSession(); let A, O; v && (A = { passive: !0, capture: !0 }, O = (z) => { const [ae, Q] = this.screenToPageTranslation(z.movementX, z.movementY); this._uiManager.dragSelectedEditors(ae, Q); }, window.addEventListener("pointermove", O, A)); const H = () => { if (window.removeEventListener("pointerup", H), window.removeEventListener("blur", H), v && window.removeEventListener("pointermove", O, A), oe(this, k, !1), !this._uiManager.endDragSession()) { const { isMac: z } = s.FeatureTest.platform; f.ctrlKey && !z || f.shiftKey || f.metaKey && z ? this.parent.toggleSelected(this) : this.parent.setSelected(this); } }; window.addEventListener("pointerup", H), window.addEventListener("blur", H); }, W(d, N), nt(d, "_borderLineWidth", -1), nt(d, "_colorManager", new n.ColorManager()), nt(d, "_zIndex", 1), nt(d, "SMALL_EDITOR_SIZE", 0); let h = d; e.AnnotationEditor = h; class _ extends h { constructor(f) { super(f), this.annotationElementId = f.annotationElementId, this.deleted = !0; } serialize() { return { id: this.annotationElementId, deleted: !0, pageIndex: this.pageIndex }; } } }, /* 5 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var w, C, P, b, k, qt, y, p, E, $, M, Pn, D, X, G, I, B, ee, Y, q, le, pe, we, be, R, d, g, f, v, A, O, H, z, ae, Q, ce, ue, me, fe, Pe, Fe, Ee, De, _e, ie, se, ge, xn, xe, zt, We, Xt, ze, Ct, Ge, Vt, de, Yt, J, at, Se, mt, et, kn, Te, Rn, ke, Kt, Be, bt, Ae, Jt; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.KeyboardManager = e.CommandManager = e.ColorManager = e.AnnotationEditorUIManager = void 0, e.bindEvents = l, e.opacityToHex = h; var n = i(1), s = i(6); function l(U, u, L) { for (const j of L) u.addEventListener(j, U[j].bind(U)); } function h(U) { return Math.round(Math.min(255, Math.max(1, 255 * U))).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); } class _ { constructor() { W(this, w, 0); } getId() { return `${n.AnnotationEditorPrefix}${_t(this, w)._++}`; } } w = new WeakMap(); const x = class x { constructor() { W(this, k); W(this, C, (0, n.getUuid)()); W(this, P, 0); W(this, b, null); } static get _isSVGFittingCanvas() { const u = 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,', j = new OffscreenCanvas(1, 3).getContext("2d"), V = new Image(); V.src = u; const Z = V.decode().then(() => (j.drawImage(V, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 3), new Uint32Array(j.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data.buffer)[0] === 0)); return (0, n.shadow)(this, "_isSVGFittingCanvas", Z); } async getFromFile(u) { const { lastModified: L, name: j, size: V, type: Z } = u; return K(this, k, qt).call(this, `${L}_${j}_${V}_${Z}`, u); } async getFromUrl(u) { return K(this, k, qt).call(this, u, u); } async getFromId(u) { a(this, b) || oe(this, b, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); const L = a(this, b).get(u); return L ? L.bitmap ? (L.refCounter += 1, L) : L.file ? this.getFromFile(L.file) : this.getFromUrl(L.url) : null; } getSvgUrl(u) { const L = a(this, b).get(u); return L != null && L.isSvg ? L.svgUrl : null; } deleteId(u) { a(this, b) || oe(this, b, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); const L = a(this, b).get(u); L && (L.refCounter -= 1, L.refCounter === 0 && (L.bitmap = null)); } isValidId(u) { return u.startsWith(`image_${a(this, C)}_`); } }; C = new WeakMap(), P = new WeakMap(), b = new WeakMap(), k = new WeakSet(), qt = async function(u, L) { a(this, b) || oe(this, b, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); let j = a(this, b).get(u); if (j === null) return null; if (j != null && j.bitmap) return j.refCounter += 1, j; try { j || (j = { bitmap: null, id: `image_${a(this, C)}_${_t(this, P)._++}`, refCounter: 0, isSvg: !1 }); let V; if (typeof L == "string") { j.url = L; const Z = await fetch(L); if (!Z.ok) throw new Error(Z.statusText); V = await Z.blob(); } else V = j.file = L; if (V.type === "image/svg+xml") { const Z = x._isSVGFittingCanvas, he = new FileReader(), ye = new Image(), Me = new Promise((Re, qe) => { ye.onload = () => { j.bitmap = ye, j.isSvg = !0, Re(); }, he.onload = async () => { const Ie = j.svgUrl = he.result; ye.src = await Z ? `${Ie}#svgView(preserveAspectRatio(none))` : Ie; }, ye.onerror = he.onerror = qe; }); he.readAsDataURL(V), await Me; } else j.bitmap = await createImageBitmap(V); j.refCounter = 1; } catch (V) { console.error(V), j = null; } return a(this, b).set(u, j), j && a(this, b).set(, j), j; }; let c = x; class o { constructor(u = 128) { W(this, y, []); W(this, p, !1); W(this, E, void 0); W(this, $, -1); oe(this, E, u); } add({ cmd: u, undo: L, mustExec: j, type: V = NaN, overwriteIfSameType: Z = !1, keepUndo: he = !1 }) { if (j && u(), a(this, p)) return; const ye = { cmd: u, undo: L, type: V }; if (a(this, $) === -1) { a(this, y).length > 0 && (a(this, y).length = 0), oe(this, $, 0), a(this, y).push(ye); return; } if (Z && a(this, y)[a(this, $)].type === V) { he && (ye.undo = a(this, y)[a(this, $)].undo), a(this, y)[a(this, $)] = ye; return; } const Me = a(this, $) + 1; Me === a(this, E) ? a(this, y).splice(0, 1) : (oe(this, $, Me), Me < a(this, y).length && a(this, y).splice(Me)), a(this, y).push(ye); } undo() { a(this, $) !== -1 && (oe(this, p, !0), a(this, y)[a(this, $)].undo(), oe(this, p, !1), oe(this, $, a(this, $) - 1)); } redo() { a(this, $) < a(this, y).length - 1 && (oe(this, $, a(this, $) + 1), oe(this, p, !0), a(this, y)[a(this, $)].cmd(), oe(this, p, !1)); } hasSomethingToUndo() { return a(this, $) !== -1; } hasSomethingToRedo() { return a(this, $) < a(this, y).length - 1; } destroy() { oe(this, y, null); } } y = new WeakMap(), p = new WeakMap(), E = new WeakMap(), $ = new WeakMap(), e.CommandManager = o; class r { constructor(u) { W(this, M); this.buffer = [], this.callbacks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.allKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const { isMac: L } = n.FeatureTest.platform; for (const [j, V, Z = {}] of u) for (const he of j) { const ye = he.startsWith("mac+"); L && ye ? (this.callbacks.set(he.slice(4), { callback: V, options: Z }), this.allKeys.add(he.split("+").at(-1))) : !L && !ye && (this.callbacks.set(he, { callback: V, options: Z }), this.allKeys.add(he.split("+").at(-1))); } } exec(u, L) { if (!this.allKeys.has(L.key)) return; const j = this.callbacks.get(K(this, M, Pn).call(this, L)); if (!j) return; const { callback: V, options: { bubbles: Z = !1, args: he = [], checker: ye = null } } = j; ye && !ye(u, L) || (V.bind(u, ...he)(), Z || (L.stopPropagation(), L.preventDefault())); } } M = new WeakSet(), Pn = function(u) { u.altKey && this.buffer.push("alt"), u.ctrlKey && this.buffer.push("ctrl"), u.metaKey && this.buffer.push("meta"), u.shiftKey && this.buffer.push("shift"), this.buffer.push(u.key); const L = this.buffer.join("+"); return this.buffer.length = 0, L; }, e.KeyboardManager = r; const N = class N { get _colors() { const u = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([["CanvasText", null], ["Canvas", null]]); return (0, s.getColorValues)(u), (0, n.shadow)(this, "_colors", u); } convert(u) { const L = (0, s.getRGB)(u); if (!window.matchMedia("(forced-colors: active)").matches) return L; for (const [j, V] of this._colors) if (V.every((Z, he) => Z === L[he])) return N._colorsMapping.get(j); return L; } getHexCode(u) { const L = this._colors.get(u); return L ? n.Util.makeHexColor(...L) : u; } }; nt(N, "_colorsMapping", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([["CanvasText", [0, 0, 0]], ["Canvas", [255, 255, 255]]])); let T = N; e.ColorManager = T; const Oe = class Oe { constructor(u, L, j, V, Z, he) { W(this, ge); W(this, xe); W(this, We); W(this, ze); W(this, Ge); W(this, de); W(this, J); W(this, Se); W(this, et); W(this, Te); W(this, ke); W(this, Be); W(this, Ae); W(this, D, null); W(this, X, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); W(this, G, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); W(this, I, null); W(this, B, null); W(this, ee, new o()); W(this, Y, 0); W(this, q, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); W(this, le, null); W(this, pe, null); W(this, we, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); W(this, be, null); W(this, R, new _()); W(this, d, !1); W(this, g, !1); W(this, f, null); W(this, v, n.AnnotationEditorType.NONE); W(this, A, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); W(this, O, null); W(this, H, this.blur.bind(this)); W(this, z, this.focus.bind(this)); W(this, ae, this.copy.bind(this)); W(this, Q, this.cut.bind(this)); W(this, ce, this.paste.bind(this)); W(this, ue, this.keydown.bind(this)); W(this, me, this.onEditingAction.bind(this)); W(this, fe, this.onPageChanging.bind(this)); W(this, Pe, this.onScaleChanging.bind(this)); W(this, Fe, this.onRotationChanging.bind(this)); W(this, Ee, { isEditing: !1, isEmpty: !0, hasSomethingToUndo: !1, hasSomethingToRedo: !1, hasSelectedEditor: !1 }); W(this, De, [0, 0]); W(this, _e, null); W(this, ie, null); W(this, se, null); oe(this, ie, u), oe(this, se, L), oe(this, I, j), this._eventBus = V, this._eventBus._on("editingaction", a(this, me)), this._eventBus._on("pagechanging", a(this, fe)), this._eventBus._on("scalechanging", a(this, Pe)), this._eventBus._on("rotationchanging", a(this, Fe)), oe(this, B, Z.annotationStorage), oe(this, be, Z.filterFactory), oe(this, O, he), this.viewParameters = { realScale: s.PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS, rotation: 0 }; } static get _keyboardManager() { const u = Oe.prototype, L = (Z) => { const { activeElement: he } = document; return he && a(Z, ie).contains(he) && Z.hasSomethingToControl(); }, j = this.TRANSLATE_SMALL, V = this.TRANSLATE_BIG; return (0, n.shadow)(this, "_keyboardManager", new r([[["ctrl+a", "mac+meta+a"], u.selectAll], [["ctrl+z", "mac+meta+z"], u.undo], [["ctrl+y", "ctrl+shift+z", "mac+meta+shift+z", "ctrl+shift+Z", "mac+meta+shift+Z"], u.redo], [["Backspace", "alt+Backspace", "ctrl+Backspace", "shift+Backspace", "mac+Backspace", "mac+alt+Backspace", "mac+ctrl+Backspace", "Delete", "ctrl+Delete", "shift+Delete", "mac+Delete"], u.delete], [["Escape", "mac+Escape"], u.unselectAll], [["ArrowLeft", "mac+ArrowLeft"], u.translateSelectedEditors, { args: [-j, 0], checker: L }], [["ctrl+ArrowLeft", "mac+shift+ArrowLeft"], u.translateSelectedEditors, { args: [-V, 0], checker: L }], [["ArrowRight", "mac+ArrowRight"], u.translateSelectedEditors, { args: [j, 0], checker: L }], [["ctrl+ArrowRight", "mac+shift+ArrowRight"], u.translateSelectedEditors, { args: [V, 0], checker: L }], [["ArrowUp", "mac+ArrowUp"], u.translateSelectedEditors, { args: [0, -j], checker: L }], [["ctrl+ArrowUp", "mac+shift+ArrowUp"], u.translateSelectedEditors, { args: [0, -V], checker: L }], [["ArrowDown", "mac+ArrowDown"], u.translateSelectedEditors, { args: [0, j], checker: L }], [["ctrl+ArrowDown", "mac+shift+ArrowDown"], u.translateSelectedEditors, { args: [0, V], checker: L }]])); } destroy() { K(this, ze, Ct).call(this), K(this, xe, zt).call(this), this._eventBus._off("editingaction", a(this, me)), this._eventBus._off("pagechanging", a(this, fe)), this._eventBus._off("scalechanging", a(this, Pe)), this._eventBus._off("rotationchanging", a(this, Fe)); for (const u of a(this, G).values()) u.destroy(); a(this, G).clear(), a(this, X).clear(), a(this, we).clear(), oe(this, D, null), a(this, A).clear(), a(this, ee).destroy(), a(this, I).destroy(); } get hcmFilter() { return (0, n.shadow)(this, "hcmFilter", a(this, O) ? a(this, be).addHCMFilter(a(this, O).foreground, a(this, O).background) : "none"); } get direction() { return (0, n.shadow)(this, "direction", getComputedStyle(a(this, ie)).direction); } editAltText(u) { var L; (L = a(this, I)) == null || L.editAltText(this, u); } onPageChanging({ pageNumber: u }) { oe(this, Y, u - 1); } focusMainContainer() { a(this, ie).focus(); } findParent(u, L) { for (const j of a(this, G).values()) { const { x: V, y: Z, width: he, height: ye } = j.div.getBoundingClientRect(); if (u >= V && u <= V + he && L >= Z && L <= Z + ye) return j; } return null; } disableUserSelect(u = !1) { a(this, se).classList.toggle("noUserSelect", u); } addShouldRescale(u) { a(this, we).add(u); } removeShouldRescale(u) { a(this, we).delete(u); } onScaleChanging({ scale: u }) { this.commitOrRemove(), this.viewParameters.realScale = u * s.PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS; for (const L of a(this, we)) L.onScaleChanging(); } onRotationChanging({ pagesRotation: u }) { this.commitOrRemove(), this.viewParameters.rotation = u; } addToAnnotationStorage(u) { !u.isEmpty() && a(this, B) && !a(this, B).has( && a(this, B).setValue(, u); } blur() { if (!this.hasSelection) return; const { activeElement: u } = document; for (const L of a(this, A)) if (L.div.contains(u)) { oe(this, f, [L, u]), L._focusEventsAllowed = !1; break; } } focus() { if (!a(this, f)) return; const [u, L] = a(this, f); oe(this, f, null), L.addEventListener("focusin", () => { u._focusEventsAllowed = !0; }, { once: !0 }), L.focus(); } addEditListeners() { K(this, We, Xt).call(this), K(this, Ge, Vt).call(this); } removeEditListeners() { K(this, ze, Ct).call(this), K(this, de, Yt).call(this); } copy(u) { var j; if (u.preventDefault(), (j = a(this, D)) == null || j.commitOrRemove(), !this.hasSelection) return; const L = []; for (const V of a(this, A)) { const Z = V.serialize(!0); Z && L.push(Z); } L.length !== 0 && u.clipboardData.setData("application/pdfjs", JSON.stringify(L)); } cut(u) { this.copy(u), this.delete(); } paste(u) { u.preventDefault(); const { clipboardData: L } = u; for (const Z of L.items) for (const he of a(this, pe)) if (he.isHandlingMimeForPasting(Z.type)) { he.paste(Z, this.currentLayer); return; } let j = L.getData("application/pdfjs"); if (!j) return; try { j = JSON.parse(j); } catch (Z) { (0, n.warn)(`paste: "${Z.message}".`); return; } if (!Array.isArray(j)) return; this.unselectAll(); const V = this.currentLayer; try { const Z = []; for (const Me of j) { const Re = V.deserialize(Me); if (!Re) return; Z.push(Re); } const he = () => { for (const Me of Z) K(this, ke, Kt).call(this, Me); K(this, Ae, Jt).call(this, Z); }, ye = () => { for (const Me of Z) Me.remove(); }; this.addCommands({ cmd: he, undo: ye, mustExec: !0 }); } catch (Z) { (0, n.warn)(`paste: "${Z.message}".`); } } keydown(u) { var L; (L = this.getActive()) != null && L.shouldGetKeyboardEvents() || Oe._keyboardManager.exec(this, u); } onEditingAction(u) { ["undo", "redo", "delete", "selectAll"].includes( && this[](); } setEditingState(u) { u ? (K(this, ge, xn).call(this), K(this, We, Xt).call(this), K(this, Ge, Vt).call(this), K(this, J, at).call(this, { isEditing: a(this, v) !== n.AnnotationEditorType.NONE, isEmpty: K(this, Be, bt).call(this), hasSomethingToUndo: a(this, ee).hasSomethingToUndo(), hasSomethingToRedo: a(this, ee).hasSomethingToRedo(), hasSelectedEditor: !1 })) : (K(this, xe, zt).call(this), K(this, ze, Ct).call(this), K(this, de, Yt).call(this), K(this, J, at).call(this, { isEditing: !1 }), this.disableUserSelect(!1)); } registerEditorTypes(u) { if (!a(this, pe)) { oe(this, pe, u); for (const L of a(this, pe)) K(this, Se, mt).call(this, L.defaultPropertiesToUpdate); } } getId() { return a(this, R).getId(); } get currentLayer() { return a(this, G).get(a(this, Y)); } getLayer(u) { return a(this, G).get(u); } get currentPageIndex() { return a(this, Y); } addLayer(u) { a(this, G).set(u.pageIndex, u), a(this, d) ? u.enable() : u.disable(); } removeLayer(u) { a(this, G).delete(u.pageIndex); } updateMode(u, L = null) { if (a(this, v) !== u) { if (oe(this, v, u), u === n.AnnotationEditorType.NONE) { this.setEditingState(!1), K(this, Te, Rn).call(this); return; } this.setEditingState(!0), K(this, et, kn).call(this), this.unselectAll(); for (const j of a(this, G).values()) j.updateMode(u); if (L) { for (const j of a(this, X).values()) if (j.annotationElementId === L) { this.setSelected(j), j.enterInEditMode(); break; } } } } updateToolbar(u) { u !== a(this, v) && this._eventBus.dispatch("switchannotationeditormode", { source: this, mode: u }); } updateParams(u, L) { if (a(this, pe)) { if (u === n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.CREATE) { this.currentLayer.addNewEditor(u); return; } for (const j of a(this, A)) j.updateParams(u, L); for (const j of a(this, pe)) j.updateDefaultParams(u, L); } } enableWaiting(u = !1) { if (a(this, g) !== u) { oe(this, g, u); for (const L of a(this, G).values()) u ? L.disableClick() : L.enableClick(), L.div.classList.toggle("waiting", u); } } getEditors(u) { const L = []; for (const j of a(this, X).values()) j.pageIndex === u && L.push(j); return L; } getEditor(u) { return a(this, X).get(u); } addEditor(u) { a(this, X).set(, u); } removeEditor(u) { var L; a(this, X).delete(, this.unselect(u), (!u.annotationElementId || !a(this, q).has(u.annotationElementId)) && ((L = a(this, B)) == null || L.remove(; } addDeletedAnnotationElement(u) { a(this, q).add(u.annotationElementId), u.deleted = !0; } isDeletedAnnotationElement(u) { return a(this, q).has(u); } removeDeletedAnnotationElement(u) { a(this, q).delete(u.annotationElementId), u.deleted = !1; } setActiveEditor(u) { a(this, D) !== u && (oe(this, D, u), u && K(this, Se, mt).call(this, u.propertiesToUpdate)); } toggleSelected(u) { if (a(this, A).has(u)) { a(this, A).delete(u), u.unselect(), K(this, J, at).call(this, { hasSelectedEditor: this.hasSelection }); return; } a(this, A).add(u),, K(this, Se, mt).call(this, u.propertiesToUpdate), K(this, J, at).call(this, { hasSelectedEditor: !0 }); } setSelected(u) { for (const L of a(this, A)) L !== u && L.unselect(); a(this, A).clear(), a(this, A).add(u),, K(this, Se, mt).call(this, u.propertiesToUpdate), K(this, J, at).call(this, { hasSelectedEditor: !0 }); } isSelected(u) { return a(this, A).has(u); } unselect(u) { u.unselect(), a(this, A).delete(u), K(this, J, at).call(this, { hasSelectedEditor: this.hasSelection }); } get hasSelection() { return a(this, A).size !== 0; } undo() { a(this, ee).undo(), K(this, J, at).call(this, { hasSomethingToUndo: a(this, ee).hasSomethingToUndo(), hasSomethingToRedo: !0, isEmpty: K(this, Be, bt).call(this) }); } redo() { a(this, ee).redo(), K(this, J, at).call(this, { hasSomethingToUndo: !0, hasSomethingToRedo: a(this, ee).hasSomethingToRedo(), isEmpty: K(this, Be, bt).call(this) }); } addCommands(u) { a(this, ee).add(u), K(this, J, at).call(this, { hasSomethingToUndo: !0, hasSomethingToRedo: !1, isEmpty: K(this, Be, bt).call(this) }); } delete() { if (this.commitOrRemove(), !this.hasSelection) return; const u = [...a(this, A)], L = () => { for (const V of u) V.remove(); }, j = () => { for (const V of u) K(this, ke, Kt).call(this, V); }; this.addCommands({ cmd: L, undo: j, mustExec: !0 }); } commitOrRemove() { var u; (u = a(this, D)) == null || u.commitOrRemove(); } hasSomethingToControl() { return a(this, D) || this.hasSelection; } selectAll() { for (const u of a(this, A)) u.commit(); K(this, Ae, Jt).call(this, a(this, X).values()); } unselectAll() { if (a(this, D)) { a(this, D).commitOrRemove(); return; } if (this.hasSelection) { for (const u of a(this, A)) u.unselect(); a(this, A).clear(), K(this, J, at).call(this, { hasSelectedEditor: !1 }); } } translateSelectedEditors(u, L, j = !1) { if (j || this.commitOrRemove(), !this.hasSelection) return; a(this, De)[0] += u, a(this, De)[1] += L; const [V, Z] = a(this, De), he = [...a(this, A)], ye = 1e3; a(this, _e) && clearTimeout(a(this, _e)), oe(this, _e, setTimeout(() => { oe(this, _e, null), a(this, De)[0] = a(this, De)[1] = 0, this.addCommands({ cmd: () => { for (const Me of he) a(this, X).has( && Me.translateInPage(V, Z); }, undo: () => { for (const Me of he) a(this, X).has( && Me.translateInPage(-V, -Z); }, mustExec: !1 }); }, ye)); for (const Me of he) Me.translateInPage(u, L); } setUpDragSession() { if (this.hasSelection) { this.disableUserSelect(!0), oe(this, le, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); for (const u of a(this, A)) a(this, le).set(u, { savedX: u.x, savedY: u.y, savedPageIndex: u.pageIndex, newX: 0, newY: 0, newPageIndex: -1 }); } } endDragSession() { if (!a(this, le)) return !1; this.disableUserSelect(!1); const u = a(this, le); oe(this, le, null); let L = !1; for (const [{ x: V, y: Z, pageIndex: he }, ye] of u) ye.newX = V, ye.newY = Z, ye.newPageIndex = he, L || (L = V !== ye.savedX || Z !== ye.savedY || he !== ye.savedPageIndex); if (!L) return !1; const j = (V, Z, he, ye) => { if (a(this, X).has( { const Me = a(this, G).get(ye); Me ? V._setParentAndPosition(Me, Z, he) : (V.pageIndex = ye, V.x = Z, V.y = he); } }; return this.addCommands({ cmd: () => { for (const [V, { newX: Z, newY: he, newPageIndex: ye }] of u) j(V, Z, he, ye); }, undo: () => { for (const [V, { savedX: Z, savedY: he, savedPageIndex: ye }] of u) j(V, Z, he, ye); }, mustExec: !0 }), !0; } dragSelectedEditors(u, L) { if (a(this, le)) for (const j of a(this, le).keys()) j.drag(u, L); } rebuild(u) { if (u.parent === null) { const L = this.getLayer(u.pageIndex); L ? (L.changeParent(u), L.addOrRebuild(u)) : (this.addEditor(u), this.addToAnnotationStorage(u), u.rebuild()); } else u.parent.addOrRebuild(u); } isActive(u) { return a(this, D) === u; } getActive() { return a(this, D); } getMode() { return a(this, v); } get imageManager() { return (0, n.shadow)(this, "imageManager", new c()); } }; D = new WeakMap(), X = new WeakMap(), G = new WeakMap(), I = new WeakMap(), B = new WeakMap(), ee = new WeakMap(), Y = new WeakMap(), q = new WeakMap(), le = new WeakMap(), pe = new WeakMap(), we = new WeakMap(), be = new WeakMap(), R = new WeakMap(), d = new WeakMap(), g = new WeakMap(), f = new WeakMap(), v = new WeakMap(), A = new WeakMap(), O = new WeakMap(), H = new WeakMap(), z = new WeakMap(), ae = new WeakMap(), Q = new WeakMap(), ce = new WeakMap(), ue = new WeakMap(), me = new WeakMap(), fe = new WeakMap(), Pe = new WeakMap(), Fe = new WeakMap(), Ee = new WeakMap(), De = new WeakMap(), _e = new WeakMap(), ie = new WeakMap(), se = new WeakMap(), ge = new WeakSet(), xn = function() { window.addEventListener("focus", a(this, z)), window.addEventListener("blur", a(this, H)); }, xe = new WeakSet(), zt = function() { window.removeEventListener("focus", a(this, z)), window.removeEventListener("blur", a(this, H)); }, We = new WeakSet(), Xt = function() { window.addEventListener("keydown", a(this, ue), { capture: !0 }); }, ze = new WeakSet(), Ct = function() { window.removeEventListener("keydown", a(this, ue), { capture: !0 }); }, Ge = new WeakSet(), Vt = function() { document.addEventListener("copy", a(this, ae)), document.addEventListener("cut", a(this, Q)), document.addEventListener("paste", a(this, ce)); }, de = new WeakSet(), Yt = function() { document.removeEventListener("copy", a(this, ae)), document.removeEventListener("cut", a(this, Q)), document.removeEventListener("paste", a(this, ce)); }, J = new WeakSet(), at = function(u) { Object.entries(u).some(([j, V]) => a(this, Ee)[j] !== V) && this._eventBus.dispatch("annotationeditorstateschanged", { source: this, details: Object.assign(a(this, Ee), u) }); }, Se = new WeakSet(), mt = function(u) { this._eventBus.dispatch("annotationeditorparamschanged", { source: this, details: u }); }, et = new WeakSet(), kn = function() { if (!a(this, d)) { oe(this, d, !0); for (const u of a(this, G).values()) u.enable(); } }, Te = new WeakSet(), Rn = function() { if (this.unselectAll(), a(this, d)) { oe(this, d, !1); for (const u of a(this, G).values()) u.disable(); } }, ke = new WeakSet(), Kt = function(u) { const L = a(this, G).get(u.pageIndex); L ? L.addOrRebuild(u) : this.addEditor(u); }, Be = new WeakSet(), bt = function() { if (a(this, X).size === 0) return !0; if (a(this, X).size === 1) for (const u of a(this, X).values()) return u.isEmpty(); return !1; }, Ae = new WeakSet(), Jt = function(u) { a(this, A).clear(); for (const L of u) L.isEmpty() || (a(this, A).add(L),; K(this, J, at).call(this, { hasSelectedEditor: !0 }); }, nt(Oe, "TRANSLATE_SMALL", 1), nt(Oe, "TRANSLATE_BIG", 10); let S = Oe; e.AnnotationEditorUIManager = S; }, /* 6 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var Y, q, le, pe, we, be, R, d, g, f, v, A, dt, H, ft, ae, Qt, ce, Pt, me, xt, Pe, yt, Ee, vt; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.StatTimer = e.RenderingCancelledException = e.PixelsPerInch = e.PageViewport = e.PDFDateString = e.DOMStandardFontDataFactory = e.DOMSVGFactory = e.DOMFilterFactory = e.DOMCanvasFactory = e.DOMCMapReaderFactory = void 0, e.deprecated = $, e.getColorValues = X, e.getCurrentTransform = G, e.getCurrentTransformInverse = I, e.getFilenameFromUrl = k, e.getPdfFilenameFromUrl = F, e.getRGB = D, e.getXfaPageViewport = N, e.isDataScheme = P, e.isPdfFile = b, e.isValidFetchUrl = y, e.loadScript = E, e.noContextMenu = p, e.setLayerDimensions = B; var n = i(7), s = i(1); const l = "", ee = class ee { }; nt(ee, "CSS", 96), nt(ee, "PDF", 72), nt(ee, "PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS", ee.CSS / ee.PDF); let h = ee; e.PixelsPerInch = h; class _ extends n.BaseFilterFactory { constructor({ docId: se, ownerDocument: ge = globalThis.document } = {}) { super(); W(this, A); W(this, H); W(this, ae); W(this, ce); W(this, me); W(this, Pe); W(this, Ee); W(this, Y, void 0); W(this, q, void 0); W(this, le, void 0); W(this, pe, void 0); W(this, we, void 0); W(this, be, void 0); W(this, R, void 0); W(this, d, void 0); W(this, g, void 0); W(this, f, void 0); W(this, v, 0); oe(this, le, se), oe(this, pe, ge); } addFilter(se) { if (!se) return "none"; let ge = a(this, A, dt).get(se); if (ge) return ge; let Ce, xe, Ue, We; if (se.length === 1) { const Ge = se[0], Ye = new Array(256); for (let de = 0; de < 256; de++) Ye[de] = Ge[de] / 255; We = Ce = xe = Ue = Ye.join(","); } else { const [Ge, Ye, de] = se, ne = new Array(256), J = new Array(256), ve = new Array(256); for (let Se = 0; Se < 256; Se++) ne[Se] = Ge[Se] / 255, J[Se] = Ye[Se] / 255, ve[Se] = de[Se] / 255; Ce = ne.join(","), xe = J.join(","), Ue = ve.join(","), We = `${Ce}${xe}${Ue}`; } if (ge = a(this, A, dt).get(We), ge) return a(this, A, dt).set(se, ge), ge; const je = `g_${a(this, le)}_transfer_map_${_t(this, v)._++}`, ze = `url(#${je})`; a(this, A, dt).set(se, ze), a(this, A, dt).set(We, ze); const Xe = K(this, ce, Pt).call(this, je); return K(this, Pe, yt).call(this, Ce, xe, Ue, Xe), ze; } addHCMFilter(se, ge) { var Ye; const Ce = `${se}-${ge}`; if (a(this, be) === Ce) return a(this, R); if (oe(this, be, Ce), oe(this, R, "none"), (Ye = a(this, we)) == null || Ye.remove(), !se || !ge) return a(this, R); const xe = K(this, Ee, vt).call(this, se); se = s.Util.makeHexColor(...xe); const Ue = K(this, Ee, vt).call(this, ge); if (ge = s.Util.makeHexColor(...Ue), a(this, H, ft).style.color = "", se === "#000000" && ge === "#ffffff" || se === ge) return a(this, R); const We = new Array(256); for (let de = 0; de <= 255; de++) { const ne = de / 255; We[de] = ne <= 0.03928 ? ne / 12.92 : ((ne + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4; } const je = We.join(","), ze = `g_${a(this, le)}_hcm_filter`, Xe = oe(this, d, K(this, ce, Pt).call(this, ze)); K(this, Pe, yt).call(this, je, je, je, Xe), K(this, ae, Qt).call(this, Xe); const Ge = (de, ne) => { const J = xe[de] / 255, ve = Ue[de] / 255, Se = new Array(ne + 1); for (let tt = 0; tt <= ne; tt++) Se[tt] = J + tt / ne * (ve - J); return Se.join(","); }; return K(this, Pe, yt).call(this, Ge(0, 5), Ge(1, 5), Ge(2, 5), Xe), oe(this, R, `url(#${ze})`), a(this, R); } addHighlightHCMFilter(se, ge, Ce, xe) { var ve; const Ue = `${se}-${ge}-${Ce}-${xe}`; if (a(this, g) === Ue) return a(this, f); if (oe(this, g, Ue), oe(this, f, "none"), (ve = a(this, d)) == null || ve.remove(), !se || !ge) return a(this, f); const [We, je] = [se, ge].map(K(this, Ee, vt).bind(this)); let ze = Math.round(0.2126 * We[0] + 0.7152 * We[1] + 0.0722 * We[2]), Xe = Math.round(0.2126 * je[0] + 0.7152 * je[1] + 0.0722 * je[2]), [Ge, Ye] = [Ce, xe].map(K(this, Ee, vt).bind(this)); Xe < ze && ([ze, Xe, Ge, Ye] = [Xe, ze, Ye, Ge]), a(this, H, ft).style.color = ""; const de = (Se, tt, et) => { const te = new Array(256), Te = (Xe - ze) / et, Ne = Se / 255, ke = (tt - Se) / (255 * et); let $e = 0; for (let Be = 0; Be <= et; Be++) { const Qe = Math.round(ze + Be * Te), Ae = Ne + Be * ke; for (let Ke = $e; Ke <= Qe; Ke++) te[Ke] = Ae; $e = Qe + 1; } for (let Be = $e; Be < 256; Be++) te[Be] = te[$e - 1]; return te.join(","); }, ne = `g_${a(this, le)}_hcm_highlight_filter`, J = oe(this, d, K(this, ce, Pt).call(this, ne)); return K(this, ae, Qt).call(this, J), K(this, Pe, yt).call(this, de(Ge[0], Ye[0], 5), de(Ge[1], Ye[1], 5), de(Ge[2], Ye[2], 5), J), oe(this, f, `url(#${ne})`), a(this, f); } destroy(se = !1) { se && (a(this, R) || a(this, f)) || (a(this, q) && (a(this, q).parentNode.parentNode.remove(), oe(this, q, null)), a(this, Y) && (a(this, Y).clear(), oe(this, Y, null)), oe(this, v, 0)); } } Y = new WeakMap(), q = new WeakMap(), le = new WeakMap(), pe = new WeakMap(), we = new WeakMap(), be = new WeakMap(), R = new WeakMap(), d = new WeakMap(), g = new WeakMap(), f = new WeakMap(), v = new WeakMap(), A = new WeakSet(), dt = function() { return a(this, Y) || oe(this, Y, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); }, H = new WeakSet(), ft = function() { if (!a(this, q)) { const se = a(this, pe).createElement("div"), { style: ge } = se; ge.visibility = "hidden", ge.contain = "strict", ge.width = ge.height = 0, ge.position = "absolute", = ge.left = 0, ge.zIndex = -1; const Ce = a(this, pe).createElementNS(l, "svg"); Ce.setAttribute("width", 0), Ce.setAttribute("height", 0), oe(this, q, a(this, pe).createElementNS(l, "defs")), se.append(Ce), Ce.append(a(this, q)), a(this, pe).body.append(se); } return a(this, q); }, ae = new WeakSet(), Qt = function(se) { const ge = a(this, pe).createElementNS(l, "feColorMatrix"); ge.setAttribute("type", "matrix"), ge.setAttribute("values", "0.2126 0.7152 0.0722 0 0 0.2126 0.7152 0.0722 0 0 0.2126 0.7152 0.0722 0 0 0 0 0 1 0"), se.append(ge); }, ce = new WeakSet(), Pt = function(se) { const ge = a(this, pe).createElementNS(l, "filter"); return ge.setAttribute("color-interpolation-filters", "sRGB"), ge.setAttribute("id", se), a(this, H, ft).append(ge), ge; }, me = new WeakSet(), xt = function(se, ge, Ce) { const xe = a(this, pe).createElementNS(l, ge); xe.setAttribute("type", "discrete"), xe.setAttribute("tableValues", Ce), se.append(xe); }, Pe = new WeakSet(), yt = function(se, ge, Ce, xe) { const Ue = a(this, pe).createElementNS(l, "feComponentTransfer"); xe.append(Ue), K(this, me, xt).call(this, Ue, "feFuncR", se), K(this, me, xt).call(this, Ue, "feFuncG", ge), K(this, me, xt).call(this, Ue, "feFuncB", Ce); }, Ee = new WeakSet(), vt = function(se) { return a(this, H, ft).style.color = se, D(getComputedStyle(a(this, H, ft)).getPropertyValue("color")); }, e.DOMFilterFactory = _; class c extends n.BaseCanvasFactory { constructor({ ownerDocument: ie = globalThis.document } = {}) { super(), this._document = ie; } _createCanvas(ie, se) { const ge = this._document.createElement("canvas"); return ge.width = ie, ge.height = se, ge; } } e.DOMCanvasFactory = c; async function o(_e, ie = !1) { if (y(_e, document.baseURI)) { const se = await fetch(_e); if (!se.ok) throw new Error(se.statusText); return ie ? new Uint8Array(await se.arrayBuffer()) : (0, s.stringToBytes)(await se.text()); } return new Promise((se, ge) => { const Ce = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", _e, !0), ie && (Ce.responseType = "arraybuffer"), Ce.onreadystatechange = () => { if (Ce.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { if (Ce.status === 200 || Ce.status === 0) { let xe; if (ie && Ce.response ? xe = new Uint8Array(Ce.response) : !ie && Ce.responseText && (xe = (0, s.stringToBytes)(Ce.responseText)), xe) { se(xe); return; } } ge(new Error(Ce.statusText)); } }, Ce.send(null); }); } class r extends n.BaseCMapReaderFactory { _fetchData(ie, se) { return o(ie, this.isCompressed).then((ge) => ({ cMapData: ge, compressionType: se })); } } e.DOMCMapReaderFactory = r; class T extends n.BaseStandardFontDataFactory { _fetchData(ie) { return o(ie, !0); } } e.DOMStandardFontDataFactory = T; class S extends n.BaseSVGFactory { _createSVG(ie) { return document.createElementNS(l, ie); } } e.DOMSVGFactory = S; class w { constructor({ viewBox: ie, scale: se, rotation: ge, offsetX: Ce = 0, offsetY: xe = 0, dontFlip: Ue = !1 }) { this.viewBox = ie, this.scale = se, this.rotation = ge, this.offsetX = Ce, this.offsetY = xe; const We = (ie[2] + ie[0]) / 2, je = (ie[3] + ie[1]) / 2; let ze, Xe, Ge, Ye; switch (ge %= 360, ge < 0 && (ge += 360), ge) { case 180: ze = -1, Xe = 0, Ge = 0, Ye = 1; break; case 90: ze = 0, Xe = 1, Ge = 1, Ye = 0; break; case 270: ze = 0, Xe = -1, Ge = -1, Ye = 0; break; case 0: ze = 1, Xe = 0, Ge = 0, Ye = -1; break; default: throw new Error("PageViewport: Invalid rotation, must be a multiple of 90 degrees."); } Ue && (Ge = -Ge, Ye = -Ye); let de, ne, J, ve; ze === 0 ? (de = Math.abs(je - ie[1]) * se + Ce, ne = Math.abs(We - ie[0]) * se + xe, J = (ie[3] - ie[1]) * se, ve = (ie[2] - ie[0]) * se) : (de = Math.abs(We - ie[0]) * se + Ce, ne = Math.abs(je - ie[1]) * se + xe, J = (ie[2] - ie[0]) * se, ve = (ie[3] - ie[1]) * se), this.transform = [ze * se, Xe * se, Ge * se, Ye * se, de - ze * se * We - Ge * se * je, ne - Xe * se * We - Ye * se * je], this.width = J, this.height = ve; } get rawDims() { const { viewBox: ie } = this; return (0, s.shadow)(this, "rawDims", { pageWidth: ie[2] - ie[0], pageHeight: ie[3] - ie[1], pageX: ie[0], pageY: ie[1] }); } clone({ scale: ie = this.scale, rotation: se = this.rotation, offsetX: ge = this.offsetX, offsetY: Ce = this.offsetY, dontFlip: xe = !1 } = {}) { return new w({ viewBox: this.viewBox.slice(), scale: ie, rotation: se, offsetX: ge, offsetY: Ce, dontFlip: xe }); } convertToViewportPoint(ie, se) { return s.Util.applyTransform([ie, se], this.transform); } convertToViewportRectangle(ie) { const se = s.Util.applyTransform([ie[0], ie[1]], this.transform), ge = s.Util.applyTransform([ie[2], ie[3]], this.transform); return [se[0], se[1], ge[0], ge[1]]; } convertToPdfPoint(ie, se) { return s.Util.applyInverseTransform([ie, se], this.transform); } } e.PageViewport = w; class C extends s.BaseException { constructor(ie, se = 0) { super(ie, "RenderingCancelledException"), this.extraDelay = se; } } e.RenderingCancelledException = C; function P(_e) { const ie = _e.length; let se = 0; for (; se < ie && _e[se].trim() === ""; ) se++; return _e.substring(se, se + 5).toLowerCase() === "data:"; } function b(_e) { return typeof _e == "string" && /\.pdf$/i.test(_e); } function k(_e, ie = !1) { return ie || ([_e] = _e.split(/[#?]/, 1)), _e.substring(_e.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } function F(_e, ie = "document.pdf") { if (typeof _e != "string") return ie; if (P(_e)) return (0, s.warn)('getPdfFilenameFromUrl: ignore "data:"-URL for performance reasons.'), ie; const se = /^(?:(?:[^:]+:)?\/\/[^/]+)?([^?#]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?$/, ge = /[^/?#=]+\.pdf\b(?!.*\.pdf\b)/i, Ce = se.exec(_e); let xe = ge.exec(Ce[1]) || ge.exec(Ce[2]) || ge.exec(Ce[3]); if (xe && (xe = xe[0], xe.includes("%"))) try { xe = ge.exec(decodeURIComponent(xe))[0]; } catch { } return xe || ie; } class x { constructor() { nt(this, "started", /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); nt(this, "times", []); } time(ie) { ie in this.started && (0, s.warn)(`Timer is already running for ${ie}`), this.started[ie] =; } timeEnd(ie) { ie in this.started || (0, s.warn)(`Timer has not been started for ${ie}`), this.times.push({ name: ie, start: this.started[ie], end: }), delete this.started[ie]; } toString() { const ie = []; let se = 0; for (const { name: ge } of this.times) se = Math.max(ge.length, se); for (const { name: ge, start: Ce, end: xe } of this.times) ie.push(`${ge.padEnd(se)} ${xe - Ce}ms `); return ie.join(""); } } e.StatTimer = x; function y(_e, ie) { try { const { protocol: se } = ie ? new URL(_e, ie) : new URL(_e); return se === "http:" || se === "https:"; } catch { return !1; } } function p(_e) { _e.preventDefault(); } function E(_e, ie = !1) { return new Promise((se, ge) => { const Ce = document.createElement("script"); Ce.src = _e, Ce.onload = function(xe) { ie && Ce.remove(), se(xe); }, Ce.onerror = function() { ge(new Error(`Cannot load script at: ${Ce.src}`)); }, (document.head || document.documentElement).append(Ce); }); } function $(_e) { console.log("Deprecated API usage: " + _e); } let M; class m { static toDateObject(ie) { if (!ie || typeof ie != "string") return null; M || (M = new RegExp("^D:(\\d{4})(\\d{2})?(\\d{2})?(\\d{2})?(\\d{2})?(\\d{2})?([Z|+|-])?(\\d{2})?'?(\\d{2})?'?")); const se = M.exec(ie); if (!se) return null; const ge = parseInt(se[1], 10); let Ce = parseInt(se[2], 10); Ce = Ce >= 1 && Ce <= 12 ? Ce - 1 : 0; let xe = parseInt(se[3], 10); xe = xe >= 1 && xe <= 31 ? xe : 1; let Ue = parseInt(se[4], 10); Ue = Ue >= 0 && Ue <= 23 ? Ue : 0; let We = parseInt(se[5], 10); We = We >= 0 && We <= 59 ? We : 0; let je = parseInt(se[6], 10); je = je >= 0 && je <= 59 ? je : 0; const ze = se[7] || "Z"; let Xe = parseInt(se[8], 10); Xe = Xe >= 0 && Xe <= 23 ? Xe : 0; let Ge = parseInt(se[9], 10) || 0; return Ge = Ge >= 0 && Ge <= 59 ? Ge : 0, ze === "-" ? (Ue += Xe, We += Ge) : ze === "+" && (Ue -= Xe, We -= Ge), new Date(Date.UTC(ge, Ce, xe, Ue, We, je)); } } e.PDFDateString = m; function N(_e, { scale: ie = 1, rotation: se = 0 }) { const { width: ge, height: Ce } =, xe = [0, 0, parseInt(ge), parseInt(Ce)]; return new w({ viewBox: xe, scale: ie, rotation: se }); } function D(_e) { if (_e.startsWith("#")) { const ie = parseInt(_e.slice(1), 16); return [(ie & 16711680) >> 16, (ie & 65280) >> 8, ie & 255]; } return _e.startsWith("rgb(") ? _e.slice(4, -1).split(",").map((ie) => parseInt(ie)) : _e.startsWith("rgba(") ? _e.slice(5, -1).split(",").map((ie) => parseInt(ie)).slice(0, 3) : ((0, s.warn)(`Not a valid color format: "${_e}"`), [0, 0, 0]); } function X(_e) { const ie = document.createElement("span"); = "hidden", document.body.append(ie); for (const se of _e.keys()) { = se; const ge = window.getComputedStyle(ie).color; _e.set(se, D(ge)); } ie.remove(); } function G(_e) { const { a: ie, b: se, c: ge, d: Ce, e: xe, f: Ue } = _e.getTransform(); return [ie, se, ge, Ce, xe, Ue]; } function I(_e) { const { a: ie, b: se, c: ge, d: Ce, e: xe, f: Ue } = _e.getTransform().invertSelf(); return [ie, se, ge, Ce, xe, Ue]; } function B(_e, ie, se = !1, ge = !0) { if (ie instanceof w) { const { pageWidth: Ce, pageHeight: xe } = ie.rawDims, { style: Ue } = _e, We = s.FeatureTest.isCSSRoundSupported, je = `var(--scale-factor) * ${Ce}px`, ze = `var(--scale-factor) * ${xe}px`, Xe = We ? `round(${je}, 1px)` : `calc(${je})`, Ge = We ? `round(${ze}, 1px)` : `calc(${ze})`; !se || ie.rotation % 180 === 0 ? (Ue.width = Xe, Ue.height = Ge) : (Ue.width = Ge, Ue.height = Xe); } ge && _e.setAttribute("data-main-rotation", ie.rotation); } }, /* 7 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.BaseStandardFontDataFactory = e.BaseSVGFactory = e.BaseFilterFactory = e.BaseCanvasFactory = e.BaseCMapReaderFactory = void 0; var n = i(1); class s { constructor() { this.constructor === s && (0, n.unreachable)("Cannot initialize BaseFilterFactory."); } addFilter(r) { return "none"; } addHCMFilter(r, T) { return "none"; } addHighlightHCMFilter(r, T, S, w) { return "none"; } destroy(r = !1) { } } e.BaseFilterFactory = s; class l { constructor() { this.constructor === l && (0, n.unreachable)("Cannot initialize BaseCanvasFactory."); } create(r, T) { if (r <= 0 || T <= 0) throw new Error("Invalid canvas size"); const S = this._createCanvas(r, T); return { canvas: S, context: S.getContext("2d") }; } reset(r, T, S) { if (!r.canvas) throw new Error("Canvas is not specified"); if (T <= 0 || S <= 0) throw new Error("Invalid canvas size"); r.canvas.width = T, r.canvas.height = S; } destroy(r) { if (!r.canvas) throw new Error("Canvas is not specified"); r.canvas.width = 0, r.canvas.height = 0, r.canvas = null, r.context = null; } _createCanvas(r, T) { (0, n.unreachable)("Abstract method `_createCanvas` called."); } } e.BaseCanvasFactory = l; class h { constructor({ baseUrl: r = null, isCompressed: T = !0 }) { this.constructor === h && (0, n.unreachable)("Cannot initialize BaseCMapReaderFactory."), this.baseUrl = r, this.isCompressed = T; } async fetch({ name: r }) { if (!this.baseUrl) throw new Error('The CMap "baseUrl" parameter must be specified, ensure that the "cMapUrl" and "cMapPacked" API parameters are provided.'); if (!r) throw new Error("CMap name must be specified."); const T = this.baseUrl + r + (this.isCompressed ? ".bcmap" : ""), S = this.isCompressed ? n.CMapCompressionType.BINARY : n.CMapCompressionType.NONE; return this._fetchData(T, S).catch((w) => { throw new Error(`Unable to load ${this.isCompressed ? "binary " : ""}CMap at: ${T}`); }); } _fetchData(r, T) { (0, n.unreachable)("Abstract method `_fetchData` called."); } } e.BaseCMapReaderFactory = h; class _ { constructor({ baseUrl: r = null }) { this.constructor === _ && (0, n.unreachable)("Cannot initialize BaseStandardFontDataFactory."), this.baseUrl = r; } async fetch({ filename: r }) { if (!this.baseUrl) throw new Error('The standard font "baseUrl" parameter must be specified, ensure that the "standardFontDataUrl" API parameter is provided.'); if (!r) throw new Error("Font filename must be specified."); const T = `${this.baseUrl}${r}`; return this._fetchData(T).catch((S) => { throw new Error(`Unable to load font data at: ${T}`); }); } _fetchData(r) { (0, n.unreachable)("Abstract method `_fetchData` called."); } } e.BaseStandardFontDataFactory = _; class c { constructor() { this.constructor === c && (0, n.unreachable)("Cannot initialize BaseSVGFactory."); } create(r, T, S = !1) { if (r <= 0 || T <= 0) throw new Error("Invalid SVG dimensions"); const w = this._createSVG("svg:svg"); return w.setAttribute("version", "1.1"), S || (w.setAttribute("width", `${r}px`), w.setAttribute("height", `${T}px`)), w.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "none"), w.setAttribute("viewBox", `0 0 ${r} ${T}`), w; } createElement(r) { if (typeof r != "string") throw new Error("Invalid SVG element type"); return this._createSVG(r); } _createSVG(r) { (0, n.unreachable)("Abstract method `_createSVG` called."); } } e.BaseSVGFactory = c; }, /* 8 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MurmurHash3_64 = void 0; var n = i(1); const s = 3285377520, l = 4294901760, h = 65535; class _ { constructor(o) { this.h1 = o ? o & 4294967295 : s, this.h2 = o ? o & 4294967295 : s; } update(o) { let r, T; if (typeof o == "string") { r = new Uint8Array(o.length * 2), T = 0; for (let $ = 0, M = o.length; $ < M; $++) { const m = o.charCodeAt($); m <= 255 ? r[T++] = m : (r[T++] = m >>> 8, r[T++] = m & 255); } } else if ((0, n.isArrayBuffer)(o)) r = o.slice(), T = r.byteLength; else throw new Error("Wrong data format in MurmurHash3_64_update. Input must be a string or array."); const S = T >> 2, w = T - S * 4, C = new Uint32Array(r.buffer, 0, S); let P = 0, b = 0, k = this.h1, F = this.h2; const x = 3432918353, y = 461845907, p = x & h, E = y & h; for (let $ = 0; $ < S; $++) $ & 1 ? (P = C[$], P = P * x & l | P * p & h, P = P << 15 | P >>> 17, P = P * y & l | P * E & h, k ^= P, k = k << 13 | k >>> 19, k = k * 5 + 3864292196) : (b = C[$], b = b * x & l | b * p & h, b = b << 15 | b >>> 17, b = b * y & l | b * E & h, F ^= b, F = F << 13 | F >>> 19, F = F * 5 + 3864292196); switch (P = 0, w) { case 3: P ^= r[S * 4 + 2] << 16; case 2: P ^= r[S * 4 + 1] << 8; case 1: P ^= r[S * 4], P = P * x & l | P * p & h, P = P << 15 | P >>> 17, P = P * y & l | P * E & h, S & 1 ? k ^= P : F ^= P; } this.h1 = k, this.h2 = F; } hexdigest() { let o = this.h1, r = this.h2; return o ^= r >>> 1, o = o * 3981806797 & l | o * 36045 & h, r = r * 4283543511 & l | ((r << 16 | o >>> 16) * 2950163797 & l) >>> 16, o ^= r >>> 1, o = o * 444984403 & l | o * 60499 & h, r = r * 3301882366 & l | ((r << 16 | o >>> 16) * 3120437893 & l) >>> 16, o ^= r >>> 1, (o >>> 0).toString(16).padStart(8, "0") + (r >>> 0).toString(16).padStart(8, "0"); } } e.MurmurHash3_64 = _; }, /* 9 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var h; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.FontLoader = e.FontFaceObject = void 0; var n = i(1); class s { constructor({ ownerDocument: c = globalThis.document, styleElement: o = null }) { W(this, h, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); this._document = c, this.nativeFontFaces = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.styleElement = null, this.loadingRequests = [], this.loadTestFontId = 0; } addNativeFontFace(c) { this.nativeFontFaces.add(c), this._document.fonts.add(c); } removeNativeFontFace(c) { this.nativeFontFaces.delete(c), this._document.fonts.delete(c); } insertRule(c) { this.styleElement || (this.styleElement = this._document.createElement("style"), this._document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].append(this.styleElement)); const o = this.styleElement.sheet; o.insertRule(c, o.cssRules.length); } clear() { for (const c of this.nativeFontFaces) this._document.fonts.delete(c); this.nativeFontFaces.clear(), a(this, h).clear(), this.styleElement && (this.styleElement.remove(), this.styleElement = null); } async loadSystemFont(c) { if (!(!c || a(this, h).has(c.loadedName))) { if ((0, n.assert)(!this.disableFontFace, "loadSystemFont shouldn't be called when `disableFontFace` is set."), this.isFontLoadingAPISupported) { const { loadedName: o, src: r, style: T } = c, S = new FontFace(o, r, T); this.addNativeFontFace(S); try { await S.load(), a(this, h).add(o); } catch { (0, n.warn)(`Cannot load system font: ${c.baseFontName}, installing it could help to improve PDF rendering.`), this.removeNativeFontFace(S); } return; } (0, n.unreachable)("Not implemented: loadSystemFont without the Font Loading API."); } } async bind(c) { if (c.attached || c.missingFile && !c.systemFontInfo) return; if (c.attached = !0, c.systemFontInfo) { await this.loadSystemFont(c.systemFontInfo); return; } if (this.isFontLoadingAPISupported) { const r = c.createNativeFontFace(); if (r) { this.addNativeFontFace(r); try { await r.loaded; } catch (T) { throw (0, n.warn)(`Failed to load font '${}': '${T}'.`), c.disableFontFace = !0, T; } } return; } const o = c.createFontFaceRule(); if (o) { if (this.insertRule(o), this.isSyncFontLoadingSupported) return; await new Promise((r) => { const T = this._queueLoadingCallback(r); this._prepareFontLoadEvent(c, T); }); } } get isFontLoadingAPISupported() { var o; const c = !!((o = this._document) != null && o.fonts); return (0, n.shadow)(this, "isFontLoadingAPISupported", c); } get isSyncFontLoadingSupported() { let c = !1; return (n.isNodeJS || typeof navigator < "u" && /Mozilla\/5.0.*?rv:\d+.*? Gecko/.test(navigator.userAgent)) && (c = !0), (0, n.shadow)(this, "isSyncFontLoadingSupported", c); } _queueLoadingCallback(c) { function o() { for ((0, n.assert)(!T.done, "completeRequest() cannot be called twice."), T.done = !0; r.length > 0 && r[0].done; ) { const S = r.shift(); setTimeout(S.callback, 0); } } const { loadingRequests: r } = this, T = { done: !1, complete: o, callback: c }; return r.push(T), T; } get _loadTestFont() { const c = atob("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"); return (0, n.shadow)(this, "_loadTestFont", c); } _prepareFontLoadEvent(c, o) { function r(D, X) { return D.charCodeAt(X) << 24 | D.charCodeAt(X + 1) << 16 | D.charCodeAt(X + 2) << 8 | D.charCodeAt(X + 3) & 255; } function T(D, X, G, I) { const B = D.substring(0, X), ee = D.substring(X + G); return B + I + ee; } let S, w; const C = this._document.createElement("canvas"); C.width = 1, C.height = 1; const P = C.getContext("2d"); let b = 0; function k(D, X) { if (++b > 30) { (0, n.warn)("Load test font never loaded."), X(); return; } if (P.font = "30px " + D, P.fillText(".", 0, 20), P.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[3] > 0) { X(); return; } setTimeout(k.bind(null, D, X)); } const F = `lt${}${this.loadTestFontId++}`; let x = this._loadTestFont; x = T(x, 976, F.length, F); const p = 16, E = 1482184792; let $ = r(x, p); for (S = 0, w = F.length - 3; S < w; S += 4) $ = $ - E + r(F, S) | 0; S < F.length && ($ = $ - E + r(F + "XXX", S) | 0), x = T(x, p, 4, (0, n.string32)($)); const M = `url(data:font/opentype;base64,${btoa(x)});`, m = `@font-face {font-family:"${F}";src:${M}}`; this.insertRule(m); const N = this._document.createElement("div"); = "hidden", = = "10px", = "absolute", = = "0px"; for (const D of [c.loadedName, F]) { const X = this._document.createElement("span"); X.textContent = "Hi", = D, N.append(X); } this._document.body.append(N), k(F, () => { N.remove(), o.complete(); }); } } h = new WeakMap(), e.FontLoader = s; class l { constructor(c, { isEvalSupported: o = !0, disableFontFace: r = !1, ignoreErrors: T = !1, inspectFont: S = null }) { this.compiledGlyphs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); for (const w in c) this[w] = c[w]; this.isEvalSupported = o !== !1, this.disableFontFace = r === !0, this.ignoreErrors = T === !0, this._inspectFont = S; } createNativeFontFace() { var o; if (! || this.disableFontFace) return null; let c; if (!this.cssFontInfo) c = new FontFace(this.loadedName,, {}); else { const r = { weight: this.cssFontInfo.fontWeight }; this.cssFontInfo.italicAngle && ( = `oblique ${this.cssFontInfo.italicAngle}deg`), c = new FontFace(this.cssFontInfo.fontFamily,, r); } return (o = this._inspectFont) == null ||, this), c; } createFontFaceRule() { var T; if (! || this.disableFontFace) return null; const c = (0, n.bytesToString)(, o = `url(data:${this.mimetype};base64,${btoa(c)});`; let r; if (!this.cssFontInfo) r = `@font-face {font-family:"${this.loadedName}";src:${o}}`; else { let S = `font-weight: ${this.cssFontInfo.fontWeight};`; this.cssFontInfo.italicAngle && (S += `font-style: oblique ${this.cssFontInfo.italicAngle}deg;`), r = `@font-face {font-family:"${this.cssFontInfo.fontFamily}";${S}src:${o}}`; } return (T = this._inspectFont) == null ||, this, o), r; } getPathGenerator(c, o) { if (this.compiledGlyphs[o] !== void 0) return this.compiledGlyphs[o]; let r; try { r = c.get(this.loadedName + "_path_" + o); } catch (T) { if (!this.ignoreErrors) throw T; return (0, n.warn)(`getPathGenerator - ignoring character: "${T}".`), this.compiledGlyphs[o] = function(S, w) { }; } if (this.isEvalSupported && n.FeatureTest.isEvalSupported) { const T = []; for (const S of r) { const w = S.args !== void 0 ? S.args.join(",") : ""; T.push("c.", S.cmd, "(", w, `); `); } return this.compiledGlyphs[o] = new Function("c", "size", T.join("")); } return this.compiledGlyphs[o] = function(T, S) { for (const w of r) w.cmd === "scale" && (w.args = [S, -S]), T[w.cmd].apply(T, w.args); }; } } e.FontFaceObject = l; }, /* 10 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.NodeStandardFontDataFactory = e.NodeFilterFactory = e.NodeCanvasFactory = e.NodeCMapReaderFactory = void 0; var n = i(7); i(1); const s = function(o) { return new Promise((r, T) => { require$$5.readFile(o, (w, C) => { if (w || !C) { T(new Error(w)); return; } r(new Uint8Array(C)); }); }); }; class l extends n.BaseFilterFactory { } e.NodeFilterFactory = l; class h extends n.BaseCanvasFactory { _createCanvas(r, T) { return require$$5.createCanvas(r, T); } } e.NodeCanvasFactory = h; class _ extends n.BaseCMapReaderFactory { _fetchData(r, T) { return s(r).then((S) => ({ cMapData: S, compressionType: T })); } } e.NodeCMapReaderFactory = _; class c extends n.BaseStandardFontDataFactory { _fetchData(r) { return s(r); } } e.NodeStandardFontDataFactory = c; }, /* 11 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var q, Zt, pe, en; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.CanvasGraphics = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(6), l = i(12), h = i(13); const _ = 16, c = 100, o = 4096, r = 15, T = 10, S = 1e3, w = 16; function C(R, d) { if (R._removeMirroring) throw new Error("Context is already forwarding operations."); R.__originalSave =, R.__originalRestore = R.restore, R.__originalRotate = R.rotate, R.__originalScale = R.scale, R.__originalTranslate = R.translate, R.__originalTransform = R.transform, R.__originalSetTransform = R.setTransform, R.__originalResetTransform = R.resetTransform, R.__originalClip = R.clip, R.__originalMoveTo = R.moveTo, R.__originalLineTo = R.lineTo, R.__originalBezierCurveTo = R.bezierCurveTo, R.__originalRect = R.rect, R.__originalClosePath = R.closePath, R.__originalBeginPath = R.beginPath, R._removeMirroring = () => { = R.__originalSave, R.restore = R.__originalRestore, R.rotate = R.__originalRotate, R.scale = R.__originalScale, R.translate = R.__originalTranslate, R.transform = R.__originalTransform, R.setTransform = R.__originalSetTransform, R.resetTransform = R.__originalResetTransform, R.clip = R.__originalClip, R.moveTo = R.__originalMoveTo, R.lineTo = R.__originalLineTo, R.bezierCurveTo = R.__originalBezierCurveTo, R.rect = R.__originalRect, R.closePath = R.__originalClosePath, R.beginPath = R.__originalBeginPath, delete R._removeMirroring; }, = function() {, this.__originalSave(); }, R.restore = function() { d.restore(), this.__originalRestore(); }, R.translate = function(f, v) { d.translate(f, v), this.__originalTranslate(f, v); }, R.scale = function(f, v) { d.scale(f, v), this.__originalScale(f, v); }, R.transform = function(f, v, A, O, H, z) { d.transform(f, v, A, O, H, z), this.__originalTransform(f, v, A, O, H, z); }, R.setTransform = function(f, v, A, O, H, z) { d.setTransform(f, v, A, O, H, z), this.__originalSetTransform(f, v, A, O, H, z); }, R.resetTransform = function() { d.resetTransform(), this.__originalResetTransform(); }, R.rotate = function(f) { d.rotate(f), this.__originalRotate(f); }, R.clip = function(f) { d.clip(f), this.__originalClip(f); }, R.moveTo = function(g, f) { d.moveTo(g, f), this.__originalMoveTo(g, f); }, R.lineTo = function(g, f) { d.lineTo(g, f), this.__originalLineTo(g, f); }, R.bezierCurveTo = function(g, f, v, A, O, H) { d.bezierCurveTo(g, f, v, A, O, H), this.__originalBezierCurveTo(g, f, v, A, O, H); }, R.rect = function(g, f, v, A) { d.rect(g, f, v, A), this.__originalRect(g, f, v, A); }, R.closePath = function() { d.closePath(), this.__originalClosePath(); }, R.beginPath = function() { d.beginPath(), this.__originalBeginPath(); }; } class P { constructor(d) { this.canvasFactory = d, this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } getCanvas(d, g, f) { let v; return this.cache[d] !== void 0 ? (v = this.cache[d], this.canvasFactory.reset(v, g, f)) : (v = this.canvasFactory.create(g, f), this.cache[d] = v), v; } delete(d) { delete this.cache[d]; } clear() { for (const d in this.cache) { const g = this.cache[d]; this.canvasFactory.destroy(g), delete this.cache[d]; } } } function b(R, d, g, f, v, A, O, H, z, ae) { const [Q, ce, ue, me, fe, Pe] = (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(R); if (ce === 0 && ue === 0) { const De = O * Q + fe, _e = Math.round(De), ie = H * me + Pe, se = Math.round(ie), ge = (O + z) * Q + fe, Ce = Math.abs(Math.round(ge) - _e) || 1, xe = (H + ae) * me + Pe, Ue = Math.abs(Math.round(xe) - se) || 1; return R.setTransform(Math.sign(Q), 0, 0, Math.sign(me), _e, se), R.drawImage(d, g, f, v, A, 0, 0, Ce, Ue), R.setTransform(Q, ce, ue, me, fe, Pe), [Ce, Ue]; } if (Q === 0 && me === 0) { const De = H * ue + fe, _e = Math.round(De), ie = O * ce + Pe, se = Math.round(ie), ge = (H + ae) * ue + fe, Ce = Math.abs(Math.round(ge) - _e) || 1, xe = (O + z) * ce + Pe, Ue = Math.abs(Math.round(xe) - se) || 1; return R.setTransform(0, Math.sign(ce), Math.sign(ue), 0, _e, se), R.drawImage(d, g, f, v, A, 0, 0, Ue, Ce), R.setTransform(Q, ce, ue, me, fe, Pe), [Ue, Ce]; } R.drawImage(d, g, f, v, A, O, H, z, ae); const Fe = Math.hypot(Q, ce), Ee = Math.hypot(ue, me); return [Fe * z, Ee * ae]; } function k(R) { const { width: d, height: g } = R; if (d > S || g > S) return null; const f = 1e3, v = new Uint8Array([0, 2, 4, 0, 1, 0, 5, 4, 8, 10, 0, 8, 0, 2, 1, 0]), A = d + 1; let O = new Uint8Array(A * (g + 1)), H, z, ae; const Q = d + 7 & -8; let ce = new Uint8Array(Q * g), ue = 0; for (const Ee of { let De = 128; for (; De > 0; ) ce[ue++] = Ee & De ? 0 : 255, De >>= 1; } let me = 0; for (ue = 0, ce[ue] !== 0 && (O[0] = 1, ++me), z = 1; z < d; z++) ce[ue] !== ce[ue + 1] && (O[z] = ce[ue] ? 2 : 1, ++me), ue++; for (ce[ue] !== 0 && (O[z] = 2, ++me), H = 1; H < g; H++) { ue = H * Q, ae = H * A, ce[ue - Q] !== ce[ue] && (O[ae] = ce[ue] ? 1 : 8, ++me); let Ee = (ce[ue] ? 4 : 0) + (ce[ue - Q] ? 8 : 0); for (z = 1; z < d; z++) Ee = (Ee >> 2) + (ce[ue + 1] ? 4 : 0) + (ce[ue - Q + 1] ? 8 : 0), v[Ee] && (O[ae + z] = v[Ee], ++me), ue++; if (ce[ue - Q] !== ce[ue] && (O[ae + z] = ce[ue] ? 2 : 4, ++me), me > f) return null; } for (ue = Q * (g - 1), ae = H * A, ce[ue] !== 0 && (O[ae] = 8, ++me), z = 1; z < d; z++) ce[ue] !== ce[ue + 1] && (O[ae + z] = ce[ue] ? 4 : 8, ++me), ue++; if (ce[ue] !== 0 && (O[ae + z] = 4, ++me), me > f) return null; const fe = new Int32Array([0, A, -1, 0, -A, 0, 0, 0, 1]), Pe = new Path2D(); for (H = 0; me && H <= g; H++) { let Ee = H * A; const De = Ee + d; for (; Ee < De && !O[Ee]; ) Ee++; if (Ee === De) continue; Pe.moveTo(Ee % A, H); const _e = Ee; let ie = O[Ee]; do { const se = fe[ie]; do Ee += se; while (!O[Ee]); const ge = O[Ee]; ge !== 5 && ge !== 10 ? (ie = ge, O[Ee] = 0) : (ie = ge & 51 * ie >> 4, O[Ee] &= ie >> 2 | ie << 2), Pe.lineTo(Ee % A, Ee / A | 0), O[Ee] || --me; } while (_e !== Ee); --H; } return ce = null, O = null, function(Ee) {, Ee.scale(1 / d, -1 / g), Ee.translate(0, -g), Ee.fill(Pe), Ee.beginPath(), Ee.restore(); }; } class F { constructor(d, g) { this.alphaIsShape = !1, this.fontSize = 0, this.fontSizeScale = 1, this.textMatrix = n.IDENTITY_MATRIX, this.textMatrixScale = 1, this.fontMatrix = n.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX, this.leading = 0, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.lineX = 0, this.lineY = 0, this.charSpacing = 0, this.wordSpacing = 0, this.textHScale = 1, this.textRenderingMode = n.TextRenderingMode.FILL, this.textRise = 0, this.fillColor = "#000000", this.strokeColor = "#000000", this.patternFill = !1, this.fillAlpha = 1, this.strokeAlpha = 1, this.lineWidth = 1, this.activeSMask = null, this.transferMaps = "none", this.startNewPathAndClipBox([0, 0, d, g]); } clone() { const d = Object.create(this); return d.clipBox = this.clipBox.slice(), d; } setCurrentPoint(d, g) { this.x = d, this.y = g; } updatePathMinMax(d, g, f) { [g, f] = n.Util.applyTransform([g, f], d), this.minX = Math.min(this.minX, g), this.minY = Math.min(this.minY, f), this.maxX = Math.max(this.maxX, g), this.maxY = Math.max(this.maxY, f); } updateRectMinMax(d, g) { const f = n.Util.applyTransform(g, d), v = n.Util.applyTransform(g.slice(2), d); this.minX = Math.min(this.minX, f[0], v[0]), this.minY = Math.min(this.minY, f[1], v[1]), this.maxX = Math.max(this.maxX, f[0], v[0]), this.maxY = Math.max(this.maxY, f[1], v[1]); } updateScalingPathMinMax(d, g) { n.Util.scaleMinMax(d, g), this.minX = Math.min(this.minX, g[0]), this.maxX = Math.max(this.maxX, g[1]), this.minY = Math.min(this.minY, g[2]), this.maxY = Math.max(this.maxY, g[3]); } updateCurvePathMinMax(d, g, f, v, A, O, H, z, ae, Q) { const ce = n.Util.bezierBoundingBox(g, f, v, A, O, H, z, ae); if (Q) { Q[0] = Math.min(Q[0], ce[0], ce[2]), Q[1] = Math.max(Q[1], ce[0], ce[2]), Q[2] = Math.min(Q[2], ce[1], ce[3]), Q[3] = Math.max(Q[3], ce[1], ce[3]); return; } this.updateRectMinMax(d, ce); } getPathBoundingBox(d = l.PathType.FILL, g = null) { const f = [this.minX, this.minY, this.maxX, this.maxY]; if (d === l.PathType.STROKE) { g || (0, n.unreachable)("Stroke bounding box must include transform."); const v = n.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(g), A = v[0] * this.lineWidth / 2, O = v[1] * this.lineWidth / 2; f[0] -= A, f[1] -= O, f[2] += A, f[3] += O; } return f; } updateClipFromPath() { const d = n.Util.intersect(this.clipBox, this.getPathBoundingBox()); this.startNewPathAndClipBox(d || [0, 0, 0, 0]); } isEmptyClip() { return this.minX === 1 / 0; } startNewPathAndClipBox(d) { this.clipBox = d, this.minX = 1 / 0, this.minY = 1 / 0, this.maxX = 0, this.maxY = 0; } getClippedPathBoundingBox(d = l.PathType.FILL, g = null) { return n.Util.intersect(this.clipBox, this.getPathBoundingBox(d, g)); } } function x(R, d) { if (typeof ImageData < "u" && d instanceof ImageData) { R.putImageData(d, 0, 0); return; } const g = d.height, f = d.width, v = g % w, A = (g - v) / w, O = v === 0 ? A : A + 1, H = R.createImageData(f, w); let z = 0, ae; const Q =, ce =; let ue, me, fe, Pe; if (d.kind === n.ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP) { const Fe = Q.byteLength, Ee = new Uint32Array(ce.buffer, 0, ce.byteLength >> 2), De = Ee.length, _e = f + 7 >> 3, ie = 4294967295, se = n.FeatureTest.isLittleEndian ? 4278190080 : 255; for (ue = 0; ue < O; ue++) { for (fe = ue < A ? w : v, ae = 0, me = 0; me < fe; me++) { const ge = Fe - z; let Ce = 0; const xe = ge > _e ? f : ge * 8 - 7, Ue = xe & -8; let We = 0, je = 0; for (; Ce < Ue; Ce += 8) je = Q[z++], Ee[ae++] = je & 128 ? ie : se, Ee[ae++] = je & 64 ? ie : se, Ee[ae++] = je & 32 ? ie : se, Ee[ae++] = je & 16 ? ie : se, Ee[ae++] = je & 8 ? ie : se, Ee[ae++] = je & 4 ? ie : se, Ee[ae++] = je & 2 ? ie : se, Ee[ae++] = je & 1 ? ie : se; for (; Ce < xe; Ce++) We === 0 && (je = Q[z++], We = 128), Ee[ae++] = je & We ? ie : se, We >>= 1; } for (; ae < De; ) Ee[ae++] = 0; R.putImageData(H, 0, ue * w); } } else if (d.kind === n.ImageKind.RGBA_32BPP) { for (me = 0, Pe = f * w * 4, ue = 0; ue < A; ue++) ce.set(Q.subarray(z, z + Pe)), z += Pe, R.putImageData(H, 0, me), me += w; ue < O && (Pe = f * v * 4, ce.set(Q.subarray(z, z + Pe)), R.putImageData(H, 0, me)); } else if (d.kind === n.ImageKind.RGB_24BPP) for (fe = w, Pe = f * fe, ue = 0; ue < O; ue++) { for (ue >= A && (fe = v, Pe = f * fe), ae = 0, me = Pe; me--; ) ce[ae++] = Q[z++], ce[ae++] = Q[z++], ce[ae++] = Q[z++], ce[ae++] = 255; R.putImageData(H, 0, ue * w); } else throw new Error(`bad image kind: ${d.kind}`); } function y(R, d) { if (d.bitmap) { R.drawImage(d.bitmap, 0, 0); return; } const g = d.height, f = d.width, v = g % w, A = (g - v) / w, O = v === 0 ? A : A + 1, H = R.createImageData(f, w); let z = 0; const ae =, Q =; for (let ce = 0; ce < O; ce++) { const ue = ce < A ? w : v; ({ srcPos: z } = (0, h.convertBlackAndWhiteToRGBA)({ src: ae, srcPos: z, dest: Q, width: f, height: ue, nonBlackColor: 0 })), R.putImageData(H, 0, ce * w); } } function p(R, d) { const g = ["strokeStyle", "fillStyle", "fillRule", "globalAlpha", "lineWidth", "lineCap", "lineJoin", "miterLimit", "globalCompositeOperation", "font", "filter"]; for (const f of g) R[f] !== void 0 && (d[f] = R[f]); R.setLineDash !== void 0 && (d.setLineDash(R.getLineDash()), d.lineDashOffset = R.lineDashOffset); } function E(R) { if (R.strokeStyle = R.fillStyle = "#000000", R.fillRule = "nonzero", R.globalAlpha = 1, R.lineWidth = 1, R.lineCap = "butt", R.lineJoin = "miter", R.miterLimit = 10, R.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over", R.font = "10px sans-serif", R.setLineDash !== void 0 && (R.setLineDash([]), R.lineDashOffset = 0), !n.isNodeJS) { const { filter: d } = R; d !== "none" && d !== "" && (R.filter = "none"); } } function $(R, d, g, f) { const v = R.length; for (let A = 3; A < v; A += 4) { const O = R[A]; if (O === 0) R[A - 3] = d, R[A - 2] = g, R[A - 1] = f; else if (O < 255) { const H = 255 - O; R[A - 3] = R[A - 3] * O + d * H >> 8, R[A - 2] = R[A - 2] * O + g * H >> 8, R[A - 1] = R[A - 1] * O + f * H >> 8; } } } function M(R, d, g) { const f = R.length, v = 1 / 255; for (let A = 3; A < f; A += 4) { const O = g ? g[R[A]] : R[A]; d[A] = d[A] * O * v | 0; } } function m(R, d, g) { const f = R.length; for (let v = 3; v < f; v += 4) { const A = R[v - 3] * 77 + R[v - 2] * 152 + R[v - 1] * 28; d[v] = g ? d[v] * g[A >> 8] >> 8 : d[v] * A >> 16; } } function N(R, d, g, f, v, A, O, H, z, ae, Q) { const ce = !!A, ue = ce ? A[0] : 0, me = ce ? A[1] : 0, fe = ce ? A[2] : 0, Pe = v === "Luminosity" ? m : M, Ee = Math.min(f, Math.ceil(1048576 / g)); for (let De = 0; De < f; De += Ee) { const _e = Math.min(Ee, f - De), ie = R.getImageData(H - ae, De + (z - Q), g, _e), se = d.getImageData(H, De + z, g, _e); ce && $(, ue, me, fe), Pe(,, O), d.putImageData(se, H, De + z); } } function D(R, d, g, f) { const v = f[0], A = f[1], O = f[2] - v, H = f[3] - A; O === 0 || H === 0 || (N(d.context, g, O, H, d.subtype, d.backdrop, d.transferMap, v, A, d.offsetX, d.offsetY),, R.globalAlpha = 1, R.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over", R.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), R.drawImage(g.canvas, 0, 0), R.restore()); } function X(R, d) { const g = n.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(R); g[0] = Math.fround(g[0]), g[1] = Math.fround(g[1]); const f = Math.fround((globalThis.devicePixelRatio || 1) * s.PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS); return d !== void 0 ? d : g[0] <= f || g[1] <= f; } const G = ["butt", "round", "square"], I = ["miter", "round", "bevel"], B = {}, ee = {}, be = class be { constructor(d, g, f, v, A, { optionalContentConfig: O, markedContentStack: H = null }, z, ae) { W(this, q); W(this, pe); this.ctx = d, this.current = new F(this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height), this.stateStack = [], this.pendingClip = null, this.pendingEOFill = !1, this.res = null, this.xobjs = null, this.commonObjs = g, this.objs = f, this.canvasFactory = v, this.filterFactory = A, this.groupStack = [], this.processingType3 = null, this.baseTransform = null, this.baseTransformStack = [], this.groupLevel = 0, this.smaskStack = [], this.smaskCounter = 0, this.tempSMask = null, this.suspendedCtx = null, this.contentVisible = !0, this.markedContentStack = H || [], this.optionalContentConfig = O, this.cachedCanvases = new P(this.canvasFactory), this.cachedPatterns = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.annotationCanvasMap = z, this.viewportScale = 1, this.outputScaleX = 1, this.outputScaleY = 1, this.pageColors = ae, this._cachedScaleForStroking = [-1, 0], this._cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null, this._cachedBitmapsMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } getObject(d, g = null) { return typeof d == "string" ? d.startsWith("g_") ? this.commonObjs.get(d) : this.objs.get(d) : g; } beginDrawing({ transform: d, viewport: g, transparency: f = !1, background: v = null }) { const A = this.ctx.canvas.width, O = this.ctx.canvas.height, H = this.ctx.fillStyle; if (this.ctx.fillStyle = v || "#ffffff", this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, A, O), this.ctx.fillStyle = H, f) { const z = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas("transparent", A, O); this.compositeCtx = this.ctx, this.transparentCanvas = z.canvas, this.ctx = z.context,, this.ctx.transform(...(0, s.getCurrentTransform)(this.compositeCtx)); }, E(this.ctx), d && (this.ctx.transform(...d), this.outputScaleX = d[0], this.outputScaleY = d[0]), this.ctx.transform(...g.transform), this.viewportScale = g.scale, this.baseTransform = (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(this.ctx); } executeOperatorList(d, g, f, v) { const A = d.argsArray, O = d.fnArray; let H = g || 0; const z = A.length; if (z === H) return H; const ae = z - H > T && typeof f == "function", Q = ae ? + r : 0; let ce = 0; const ue = this.commonObjs, me = this.objs; let fe; for (; ; ) { if (v !== void 0 && H === v.nextBreakPoint) return v.breakIt(H, f), H; if (fe = O[H], fe !== n.OPS.dependency) this[fe].apply(this, A[H]); else for (const Pe of A[H]) { const Fe = Pe.startsWith("g_") ? ue : me; if (!Fe.has(Pe)) return Fe.get(Pe, f), H; } if (H++, H === z) return H; if (ae && ++ce > T) { if ( > Q) return f(), H; ce = 0; } } } endDrawing() { K(this, q, Zt).call(this), this.cachedCanvases.clear(), this.cachedPatterns.clear(); for (const d of this._cachedBitmapsMap.values()) { for (const g of d.values()) typeof HTMLCanvasElement < "u" && g instanceof HTMLCanvasElement && (g.width = g.height = 0); d.clear(); } this._cachedBitmapsMap.clear(), K(this, pe, en).call(this); } _scaleImage(d, g) { const f = d.width, v = d.height; let A = Math.max(Math.hypot(g[0], g[1]), 1), O = Math.max(Math.hypot(g[2], g[3]), 1), H = f, z = v, ae = "prescale1", Q, ce; for (; A > 2 && H > 1 || O > 2 && z > 1; ) { let ue = H, me = z; A > 2 && H > 1 && (ue = H >= 16384 ? Math.floor(H / 2) - 1 || 1 : Math.ceil(H / 2), A /= H / ue), O > 2 && z > 1 && (me = z >= 16384 ? Math.floor(z / 2) - 1 || 1 : Math.ceil(z) / 2, O /= z / me), Q = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas(ae, ue, me), ce = Q.context, ce.clearRect(0, 0, ue, me), ce.drawImage(d, 0, 0, H, z, 0, 0, ue, me), d = Q.canvas, H = ue, z = me, ae = ae === "prescale1" ? "prescale2" : "prescale1"; } return { img: d, paintWidth: H, paintHeight: z }; } _createMaskCanvas(d) { const g = this.ctx, { width: f, height: v } = d, A = this.current.fillColor, O = this.current.patternFill, H = (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(g); let z, ae, Q, ce; if ((d.bitmap || && d.count > 1) { const Ce = d.bitmap ||; ae = JSON.stringify(O ? H : [H.slice(0, 4), A]), z = this._cachedBitmapsMap.get(Ce), z || (z = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this._cachedBitmapsMap.set(Ce, z)); const xe = z.get(ae); if (xe && !O) { const Ue = Math.round(Math.min(H[0], H[2]) + H[4]), We = Math.round(Math.min(H[1], H[3]) + H[5]); return { canvas: xe, offsetX: Ue, offsetY: We }; } Q = xe; } Q || (ce = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas("maskCanvas", f, v), y(ce.context, d)); let ue = n.Util.transform(H, [1 / f, 0, 0, -1 / v, 0, 0]); ue = n.Util.transform(ue, [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, -v]); const me = n.Util.applyTransform([0, 0], ue), fe = n.Util.applyTransform([f, v], ue), Pe = n.Util.normalizeRect([me[0], me[1], fe[0], fe[1]]), Fe = Math.round(Pe[2] - Pe[0]) || 1, Ee = Math.round(Pe[3] - Pe[1]) || 1, De = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas("fillCanvas", Fe, Ee), _e = De.context, ie = Math.min(me[0], fe[0]), se = Math.min(me[1], fe[1]); _e.translate(-ie, -se), _e.transform(...ue), Q || (Q = this._scaleImage(ce.canvas, (0, s.getCurrentTransformInverse)(_e)), Q = Q.img, z && O && z.set(ae, Q)), _e.imageSmoothingEnabled = X((0, s.getCurrentTransform)(_e), d.interpolate), b(_e, Q, 0, 0, Q.width, Q.height, 0, 0, f, v), _e.globalCompositeOperation = "source-in"; const ge = n.Util.transform((0, s.getCurrentTransformInverse)(_e), [1, 0, 0, 1, -ie, -se]); return _e.fillStyle = O ? A.getPattern(g, this, ge, l.PathType.FILL) : A, _e.fillRect(0, 0, f, v), z && !O && (this.cachedCanvases.delete("fillCanvas"), z.set(ae, De.canvas)), { canvas: De.canvas, offsetX: Math.round(ie), offsetY: Math.round(se) }; } setLineWidth(d) { d !== this.current.lineWidth && (this._cachedScaleForStroking[0] = -1), this.current.lineWidth = d, this.ctx.lineWidth = d; } setLineCap(d) { this.ctx.lineCap = G[d]; } setLineJoin(d) { this.ctx.lineJoin = I[d]; } setMiterLimit(d) { this.ctx.miterLimit = d; } setDash(d, g) { const f = this.ctx; f.setLineDash !== void 0 && (f.setLineDash(d), f.lineDashOffset = g); } setRenderingIntent(d) { } setFlatness(d) { } setGState(d) { for (const [g, f] of d) switch (g) { case "LW": this.setLineWidth(f); break; case "LC": this.setLineCap(f); break; case "LJ": this.setLineJoin(f); break; case "ML": this.setMiterLimit(f); break; case "D": this.setDash(f[0], f[1]); break; case "RI": this.setRenderingIntent(f); break; case "FL": this.setFlatness(f); break; case "Font": this.setFont(f[0], f[1]); break; case "CA": this.current.strokeAlpha = f; break; case "ca": this.current.fillAlpha = f, this.ctx.globalAlpha = f; break; case "BM": this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = f; break; case "SMask": this.current.activeSMask = f ? this.tempSMask : null, this.tempSMask = null, this.checkSMaskState(); break; case "TR": this.ctx.filter = this.current.transferMaps = this.filterFactory.addFilter(f); break; } } get inSMaskMode() { return !!this.suspendedCtx; } checkSMaskState() { const d = this.inSMaskMode; this.current.activeSMask && !d ? this.beginSMaskMode() : !this.current.activeSMask && d && this.endSMaskMode(); } beginSMaskMode() { if (this.inSMaskMode) throw new Error("beginSMaskMode called while already in smask mode"); const d = this.ctx.canvas.width, g = this.ctx.canvas.height, f = "smaskGroupAt" + this.groupLevel, v = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas(f, d, g); this.suspendedCtx = this.ctx, this.ctx = v.context; const A = this.ctx; A.setTransform(...(0, s.getCurrentTransform)(this.suspendedCtx)), p(this.suspendedCtx, A), C(A, this.suspendedCtx), this.setGState([["BM", "source-over"], ["ca", 1], ["CA", 1]]); } endSMaskMode() { if (!this.inSMaskMode) throw new Error("endSMaskMode called while not in smask mode"); this.ctx._removeMirroring(), p(this.ctx, this.suspendedCtx), this.ctx = this.suspendedCtx, this.suspendedCtx = null; } compose(d) { if (!this.current.activeSMask) return; d ? (d[0] = Math.floor(d[0]), d[1] = Math.floor(d[1]), d[2] = Math.ceil(d[2]), d[3] = Math.ceil(d[3])) : d = [0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height]; const g = this.current.activeSMask, f = this.suspendedCtx; D(f, g, this.ctx, d),, this.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height), this.ctx.restore(); } save() { this.inSMaskMode ? (p(this.ctx, this.suspendedCtx), :; const d = this.current; this.stateStack.push(d), this.current = d.clone(); } restore() { this.stateStack.length === 0 && this.inSMaskMode && this.endSMaskMode(), this.stateStack.length !== 0 && (this.current = this.stateStack.pop(), this.inSMaskMode ? (this.suspendedCtx.restore(), p(this.suspendedCtx, this.ctx)) : this.ctx.restore(), this.checkSMaskState(), this.pendingClip = null, this._cachedScaleForStroking[0] = -1, this._cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null); } transform(d, g, f, v, A, O) { this.ctx.transform(d, g, f, v, A, O), this._cachedScaleForStroking[0] = -1, this._cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null; } constructPath(d, g, f) { const v = this.ctx, A = this.current; let O = A.x, H = A.y, z, ae; const Q = (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(v), ce = Q[0] === 0 && Q[3] === 0 || Q[1] === 0 && Q[2] === 0, ue = ce ? f.slice(0) : null; for (let me = 0, fe = 0, Pe = d.length; me < Pe; me++) switch (d[me] | 0) { case n.OPS.rectangle: O = g[fe++], H = g[fe++]; const Fe = g[fe++], Ee = g[fe++], De = O + Fe, _e = H + Ee; v.moveTo(O, H), Fe === 0 || Ee === 0 ? v.lineTo(De, _e) : (v.lineTo(De, H), v.lineTo(De, _e), v.lineTo(O, _e)), ce || A.updateRectMinMax(Q, [O, H, De, _e]), v.closePath(); break; case n.OPS.moveTo: O = g[fe++], H = g[fe++], v.moveTo(O, H), ce || A.updatePathMinMax(Q, O, H); break; case n.OPS.lineTo: O = g[fe++], H = g[fe++], v.lineTo(O, H), ce || A.updatePathMinMax(Q, O, H); break; case n.OPS.curveTo: z = O, ae = H, O = g[fe + 4], H = g[fe + 5], v.bezierCurveTo(g[fe], g[fe + 1], g[fe + 2], g[fe + 3], O, H), A.updateCurvePathMinMax(Q, z, ae, g[fe], g[fe + 1], g[fe + 2], g[fe + 3], O, H, ue), fe += 6; break; case n.OPS.curveTo2: z = O, ae = H, v.bezierCurveTo(O, H, g[fe], g[fe + 1], g[fe + 2], g[fe + 3]), A.updateCurvePathMinMax(Q, z, ae, O, H, g[fe], g[fe + 1], g[fe + 2], g[fe + 3], ue), O = g[fe + 2], H = g[fe + 3], fe += 4; break; case n.OPS.curveTo3: z = O, ae = H, O = g[fe + 2], H = g[fe + 3], v.bezierCurveTo(g[fe], g[fe + 1], O, H, O, H), A.updateCurvePathMinMax(Q, z, ae, g[fe], g[fe + 1], O, H, O, H, ue), fe += 4; break; case n.OPS.closePath: v.closePath(); break; } ce && A.updateScalingPathMinMax(Q, ue), A.setCurrentPoint(O, H); } closePath() { this.ctx.closePath(); } stroke(d = !0) { const g = this.ctx, f = this.current.strokeColor; g.globalAlpha = this.current.strokeAlpha, this.contentVisible && (typeof f == "object" && (f != null && f.getPattern) ? (, g.strokeStyle = f.getPattern(g, this, (0, s.getCurrentTransformInverse)(g), l.PathType.STROKE), this.rescaleAndStroke(!1), g.restore()) : this.rescaleAndStroke(!0)), d && this.consumePath(this.current.getClippedPathBoundingBox()), g.globalAlpha = this.current.fillAlpha; } closeStroke() { this.closePath(), this.stroke(); } fill(d = !0) { const g = this.ctx, f = this.current.fillColor, v = this.current.patternFill; let A = !1; v && (, g.fillStyle = f.getPattern(g, this, (0, s.getCurrentTransformInverse)(g), l.PathType.FILL), A = !0); const O = this.current.getClippedPathBoundingBox(); this.contentVisible && O !== null && (this.pendingEOFill ? (g.fill("evenodd"), this.pendingEOFill = !1) : g.fill()), A && g.restore(), d && this.consumePath(O); } eoFill() { this.pendingEOFill = !0, this.fill(); } fillStroke() { this.fill(!1), this.stroke(!1), this.consumePath(); } eoFillStroke() { this.pendingEOFill = !0, this.fillStroke(); } closeFillStroke() { this.closePath(), this.fillStroke(); } closeEOFillStroke() { this.pendingEOFill = !0, this.closePath(), this.fillStroke(); } endPath() { this.consumePath(); } clip() { this.pendingClip = B; } eoClip() { this.pendingClip = ee; } beginText() { this.current.textMatrix = n.IDENTITY_MATRIX, this.current.textMatrixScale = 1, this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0, this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0; } endText() { const d = this.pendingTextPaths, g = this.ctx; if (d === void 0) { g.beginPath(); return; }, g.beginPath(); for (const f of d) g.setTransform(...f.transform), g.translate(f.x, f.y), f.addToPath(g, f.fontSize); g.restore(), g.clip(), g.beginPath(), delete this.pendingTextPaths; } setCharSpacing(d) { this.current.charSpacing = d; } setWordSpacing(d) { this.current.wordSpacing = d; } setHScale(d) { this.current.textHScale = d / 100; } setLeading(d) { this.current.leading = -d; } setFont(d, g) { var Q; const f = this.commonObjs.get(d), v = this.current; if (!f) throw new Error(`Can't find font for ${d}`); if (v.fontMatrix = f.fontMatrix || n.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX, (v.fontMatrix[0] === 0 || v.fontMatrix[3] === 0) && (0, n.warn)("Invalid font matrix for font " + d), g < 0 ? (g = -g, v.fontDirection = -1) : v.fontDirection = 1, this.current.font = f, this.current.fontSize = g, f.isType3Font) return; const A = f.loadedName || "sans-serif", O = ((Q = f.systemFontInfo) == null ? void 0 : Q.css) || `"${A}", ${f.fallbackName}`; let H = "normal"; ? H = "900" : f.bold && (H = "bold"); const z = f.italic ? "italic" : "normal"; let ae = g; g < _ ? ae = _ : g > c && (ae = c), this.current.fontSizeScale = g / ae, this.ctx.font = `${z} ${H} ${ae}px ${O}`; } setTextRenderingMode(d) { this.current.textRenderingMode = d; } setTextRise(d) { this.current.textRise = d; } moveText(d, g) { this.current.x = this.current.lineX += d, this.current.y = this.current.lineY += g; } setLeadingMoveText(d, g) { this.setLeading(-g), this.moveText(d, g); } setTextMatrix(d, g, f, v, A, O) { this.current.textMatrix = [d, g, f, v, A, O], this.current.textMatrixScale = Math.hypot(d, g), this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0, this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0; } nextLine() { this.moveText(0, this.current.leading); } paintChar(d, g, f, v) { const A = this.ctx, O = this.current, H = O.font, z = O.textRenderingMode, ae = O.fontSize / O.fontSizeScale, Q = z & n.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE_MASK, ce = !!(z & n.TextRenderingMode.ADD_TO_PATH_FLAG), ue = O.patternFill && !H.missingFile; let me; (H.disableFontFace || ce || ue) && (me = H.getPathGenerator(this.commonObjs, d)), H.disableFontFace || ue ? (, A.translate(g, f), A.beginPath(), me(A, ae), v && A.setTransform(...v), (Q === n.TextRenderingMode.FILL || Q === n.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) && A.fill(), (Q === n.TextRenderingMode.STROKE || Q === n.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) && A.stroke(), A.restore()) : ((Q === n.TextRenderingMode.FILL || Q === n.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) && A.fillText(d, g, f), (Q === n.TextRenderingMode.STROKE || Q === n.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) && A.strokeText(d, g, f)), ce && (this.pendingTextPaths || (this.pendingTextPaths = [])).push({ transform: (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(A), x: g, y: f, fontSize: ae, addToPath: me }); } get isFontSubpixelAAEnabled() { const { context: d } = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas("isFontSubpixelAAEnabled", 10, 10); d.scale(1.5, 1), d.fillText("I", 0, 10); const g = d.getImageData(0, 0, 10, 10).data; let f = !1; for (let v = 3; v < g.length; v += 4) if (g[v] > 0 && g[v] < 255) { f = !0; break; } return (0, n.shadow)(this, "isFontSubpixelAAEnabled", f); } showText(d) { const g = this.current, f = g.font; if (f.isType3Font) return this.showType3Text(d); const v = g.fontSize; if (v === 0) return; const A = this.ctx, O = g.fontSizeScale, H = g.charSpacing, z = g.wordSpacing, ae = g.fontDirection, Q = g.textHScale * ae, ce = d.length, ue = f.vertical, me = ue ? 1 : -1, fe = f.defaultVMetrics, Pe = v * g.fontMatrix[0], Fe = g.textRenderingMode === n.TextRenderingMode.FILL && !f.disableFontFace && !g.patternFill;, A.transform(...g.textMatrix), A.translate(g.x, g.y + g.textRise), ae > 0 ? A.scale(Q, -1) : A.scale(Q, 1); let Ee; if (g.patternFill) {; const ge = g.fillColor.getPattern(A, this, (0, s.getCurrentTransformInverse)(A), l.PathType.FILL); Ee = (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(A), A.restore(), A.fillStyle = ge; } let De = g.lineWidth; const _e = g.textMatrixScale; if (_e === 0 || De === 0) { const ge = g.textRenderingMode & n.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE_MASK; (ge === n.TextRenderingMode.STROKE || ge === n.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) && (De = this.getSinglePixelWidth()); } else De /= _e; if (O !== 1 && (A.scale(O, O), De /= O), A.lineWidth = De, f.isInvalidPDFjsFont) { const ge = []; let Ce = 0; for (const xe of d) ge.push(xe.unicode), Ce += xe.width; A.fillText(ge.join(""), 0, 0), g.x += Ce * Pe * Q, A.restore(), this.compose(); return; } let ie = 0, se; for (se = 0; se < ce; ++se) { const ge = d[se]; if (typeof ge == "number") { ie += me * ge * v / 1e3; continue; } let Ce = !1; const xe = (ge.isSpace ? z : 0) + H, Ue = ge.fontChar, We = ge.accent; let je, ze, Xe = ge.width; if (ue) { const Ye = ge.vmetric || fe, de = -(ge.vmetric ? Ye[1] : Xe * 0.5) * Pe, ne = Ye[2] * Pe; Xe = Ye ? -Ye[0] : Xe, je = de / O, ze = (ie + ne) / O; } else je = ie / O, ze = 0; if (f.remeasure && Xe > 0) { const Ye = A.measureText(Ue).width * 1e3 / v * O; if (Xe < Ye && this.isFontSubpixelAAEnabled) { const de = Xe / Ye; Ce = !0,, A.scale(de, 1), je /= de; } else Xe !== Ye && (je += (Xe - Ye) / 2e3 * v / O); } if (this.contentVisible && (ge.isInFont || f.missingFile)) { if (Fe && !We) A.fillText(Ue, je, ze); else if (this.paintChar(Ue, je, ze, Ee), We) { const Ye = je + v * We.offset.x / O, de = ze - v * We.offset.y / O; this.paintChar(We.fontChar, Ye, de, Ee); } } const Ge = ue ? Xe * Pe - xe * ae : Xe * Pe + xe * ae; ie += Ge, Ce && A.restore(); } ue ? g.y -= ie : g.x += ie * Q, A.restore(), this.compose(); } showType3Text(d) { const g = this.ctx, f = this.current, v = f.font, A = f.fontSize, O = f.fontDirection, H = v.vertical ? 1 : -1, z = f.charSpacing, ae = f.wordSpacing, Q = f.textHScale * O, ce = f.fontMatrix || n.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX, ue = d.length, me = f.textRenderingMode === n.TextRenderingMode.INVISIBLE; let fe, Pe, Fe, Ee; if (!(me || A === 0)) { for (this._cachedScaleForStroking[0] = -1, this._cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null,, g.transform(...f.textMatrix), g.translate(f.x, f.y), g.scale(Q, O), fe = 0; fe < ue; ++fe) { if (Pe = d[fe], typeof Pe == "number") { Ee = H * Pe * A / 1e3, this.ctx.translate(Ee, 0), f.x += Ee * Q; continue; } const De = (Pe.isSpace ? ae : 0) + z, _e = v.charProcOperatorList[Pe.operatorListId]; if (!_e) { (0, n.warn)(`Type3 character "${Pe.operatorListId}" is not available.`); continue; } this.contentVisible && (this.processingType3 = Pe,, g.scale(A, A), g.transform(...ce), this.executeOperatorList(_e), this.restore()), Fe = n.Util.applyTransform([Pe.width, 0], ce)[0] * A + De, g.translate(Fe, 0), f.x += Fe * Q; } g.restore(), this.processingType3 = null; } } setCharWidth(d, g) { } setCharWidthAndBounds(d, g, f, v, A, O) { this.ctx.rect(f, v, A - f, O - v), this.ctx.clip(), this.endPath(); } getColorN_Pattern(d) { let g; if (d[0] === "TilingPattern") { const f = d[1], v = this.baseTransform || (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(this.ctx), A = { createCanvasGraphics: (O) => new be(O, this.commonObjs, this.objs, this.canvasFactory, this.filterFactory, { optionalContentConfig: this.optionalContentConfig, markedContentStack: this.markedContentStack }) }; g = new l.TilingPattern(d, f, this.ctx, A, v); } else g = this._getPattern(d[1], d[2]); return g; } setStrokeColorN() { this.current.strokeColor = this.getColorN_Pattern(arguments); } setFillColorN() { this.current.fillColor = this.getColorN_Pattern(arguments), this.current.patternFill = !0; } setStrokeRGBColor(d, g, f) { const v = n.Util.makeHexColor(d, g, f); this.ctx.strokeStyle = v, this.current.strokeColor = v; } setFillRGBColor(d, g, f) { const v = n.Util.makeHexColor(d, g, f); this.ctx.fillStyle = v, this.current.fillColor = v, this.current.patternFill = !1; } _getPattern(d, g = null) { let f; return this.cachedPatterns.has(d) ? f = this.cachedPatterns.get(d) : (f = (0, l.getShadingPattern)(this.getObject(d)), this.cachedPatterns.set(d, f)), g && (f.matrix = g), f; } shadingFill(d) { if (!this.contentVisible) return; const g = this.ctx;; const f = this._getPattern(d); g.fillStyle = f.getPattern(g, this, (0, s.getCurrentTransformInverse)(g), l.PathType.SHADING); const v = (0, s.getCurrentTransformInverse)(g); if (v) { const { width: A, height: O } = g.canvas, [H, z, ae, Q] = n.Util.getAxialAlignedBoundingBox([0, 0, A, O], v); this.ctx.fillRect(H, z, ae - H, Q - z); } else this.ctx.fillRect(-1e10, -1e10, 2e10, 2e10); this.compose(this.current.getClippedPathBoundingBox()), this.restore(); } beginInlineImage() { (0, n.unreachable)("Should not call beginInlineImage"); } beginImageData() { (0, n.unreachable)("Should not call beginImageData"); } paintFormXObjectBegin(d, g) { if (this.contentVisible && (, this.baseTransformStack.push(this.baseTransform), Array.isArray(d) && d.length === 6 && this.transform(...d), this.baseTransform = (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(this.ctx), g)) { const f = g[2] - g[0], v = g[3] - g[1]; this.ctx.rect(g[0], g[1], f, v), this.current.updateRectMinMax((0, s.getCurrentTransform)(this.ctx), g), this.clip(), this.endPath(); } } paintFormXObjectEnd() { this.contentVisible && (this.restore(), this.baseTransform = this.baseTransformStack.pop()); } beginGroup(d) { if (!this.contentVisible) return;, this.inSMaskMode && (this.endSMaskMode(), this.current.activeSMask = null); const g = this.ctx; d.isolated || (0,"TODO: Support non-isolated groups."), d.knockout && (0, n.warn)("Knockout groups not supported."); const f = (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(g); if (d.matrix && g.transform(...d.matrix), !d.bbox) throw new Error("Bounding box is required."); let v = n.Util.getAxialAlignedBoundingBox(d.bbox, (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(g)); const A = [0, 0, g.canvas.width, g.canvas.height]; v = n.Util.intersect(v, A) || [0, 0, 0, 0]; const O = Math.floor(v[0]), H = Math.floor(v[1]); let z = Math.max(Math.ceil(v[2]) - O, 1), ae = Math.max(Math.ceil(v[3]) - H, 1), Q = 1, ce = 1; z > o && (Q = z / o, z = o), ae > o && (ce = ae / o, ae = o), this.current.startNewPathAndClipBox([0, 0, z, ae]); let ue = "groupAt" + this.groupLevel; d.smask && (ue += "_smask_" + this.smaskCounter++ % 2); const me = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas(ue, z, ae), fe = me.context; fe.scale(1 / Q, 1 / ce), fe.translate(-O, -H), fe.transform(...f), d.smask ? this.smaskStack.push({ canvas: me.canvas, context: fe, offsetX: O, offsetY: H, scaleX: Q, scaleY: ce, subtype: d.smask.subtype, backdrop: d.smask.backdrop, transferMap: d.smask.transferMap || null, startTransformInverse: null }) : (g.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), g.translate(O, H), g.scale(Q, ce),, p(g, fe), this.ctx = fe, this.setGState([["BM", "source-over"], ["ca", 1], ["CA", 1]]), this.groupStack.push(g), this.groupLevel++; } endGroup(d) { if (!this.contentVisible) return; this.groupLevel--; const g = this.ctx, f = this.groupStack.pop(); if (this.ctx = f, this.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1, d.smask) this.tempSMask = this.smaskStack.pop(), this.restore(); else { this.ctx.restore(); const v = (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(this.ctx); this.restore(),, this.ctx.setTransform(...v); const A = n.Util.getAxialAlignedBoundingBox([0, 0, g.canvas.width, g.canvas.height], v); this.ctx.drawImage(g.canvas, 0, 0), this.ctx.restore(), this.compose(A); } } beginAnnotation(d, g, f, v, A) { if (K(this, q, Zt).call(this), E(this.ctx),,, this.baseTransform && this.ctx.setTransform(...this.baseTransform), Array.isArray(g) && g.length === 4) { const O = g[2] - g[0], H = g[3] - g[1]; if (A && this.annotationCanvasMap) { f = f.slice(), f[4] -= g[0], f[5] -= g[1], g = g.slice(), g[0] = g[1] = 0, g[2] = O, g[3] = H; const [z, ae] = n.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale((0, s.getCurrentTransform)(this.ctx)), { viewportScale: Q } = this, ce = Math.ceil(O * this.outputScaleX * Q), ue = Math.ceil(H * this.outputScaleY * Q); this.annotationCanvas = this.canvasFactory.create(ce, ue); const { canvas: me, context: fe } = this.annotationCanvas; this.annotationCanvasMap.set(d, me), this.annotationCanvas.savedCtx = this.ctx, this.ctx = fe,, this.ctx.setTransform(z, 0, 0, -ae, 0, H * ae), E(this.ctx); } else E(this.ctx), this.ctx.rect(g[0], g[1], O, H), this.ctx.clip(), this.endPath(); } this.current = new F(this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height), this.transform(...f), this.transform(...v); } endAnnotation() { this.annotationCanvas && (this.ctx.restore(), K(this, pe, en).call(this), this.ctx = this.annotationCanvas.savedCtx, delete this.annotationCanvas.savedCtx, delete this.annotationCanvas); } paintImageMaskXObject(d) { if (!this.contentVisible) return; const g = d.count; d = this.getObject(, d), d.count = g; const f = this.ctx, v = this.processingType3; if (v && (v.compiled === void 0 && (v.compiled = k(d)), v.compiled)) { v.compiled(f); return; } const A = this._createMaskCanvas(d), O = A.canvas;, f.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), f.drawImage(O, A.offsetX, A.offsetY), f.restore(), this.compose(); } paintImageMaskXObjectRepeat(d, g, f = 0, v = 0, A, O) { if (!this.contentVisible) return; d = this.getObject(, d); const H = this.ctx;; const z = (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(H); H.transform(g, f, v, A, 0, 0); const ae = this._createMaskCanvas(d); H.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, ae.offsetX - z[4], ae.offsetY - z[5]); for (let Q = 0, ce = O.length; Q < ce; Q += 2) { const ue = n.Util.transform(z, [g, f, v, A, O[Q], O[Q + 1]]), [me, fe] = n.Util.applyTransform([0, 0], ue); H.drawImage(ae.canvas, me, fe); } H.restore(), this.compose(); } paintImageMaskXObjectGroup(d) { if (!this.contentVisible) return; const g = this.ctx, f = this.current.fillColor, v = this.current.patternFill; for (const A of d) { const { data: O, width: H, height: z, transform: ae } = A, Q = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas("maskCanvas", H, z), ce = Q.context;; const ue = this.getObject(O, A); y(ce, ue), ce.globalCompositeOperation = "source-in", ce.fillStyle = v ? f.getPattern(ce, this, (0, s.getCurrentTransformInverse)(g), l.PathType.FILL) : f, ce.fillRect(0, 0, H, z), ce.restore(),, g.transform(, g.scale(1, -1), b(g, Q.canvas, 0, 0, H, z, 0, -1, 1, 1), g.restore(); } this.compose(); } paintImageXObject(d) { if (!this.contentVisible) return; const g = this.getObject(d); if (!g) { (0, n.warn)("Dependent image isn't ready yet"); return; } this.paintInlineImageXObject(g); } paintImageXObjectRepeat(d, g, f, v) { if (!this.contentVisible) return; const A = this.getObject(d); if (!A) { (0, n.warn)("Dependent image isn't ready yet"); return; } const O = A.width, H = A.height, z = []; for (let ae = 0, Q = v.length; ae < Q; ae += 2) z.push({ transform: [g, 0, 0, f, v[ae], v[ae + 1]], x: 0, y: 0, w: O, h: H }); this.paintInlineImageXObjectGroup(A, z); } applyTransferMapsToCanvas(d) { return this.current.transferMaps !== "none" && (d.filter = this.current.transferMaps, d.drawImage(d.canvas, 0, 0), d.filter = "none"), d.canvas; } applyTransferMapsToBitmap(d) { if (this.current.transferMaps === "none") return d.bitmap; const { bitmap: g, width: f, height: v } = d, A = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas("inlineImage", f, v), O = A.context; return O.filter = this.current.transferMaps, O.drawImage(g, 0, 0), O.filter = "none", A.canvas; } paintInlineImageXObject(d) { if (!this.contentVisible) return; const g = d.width, f = d.height, v = this.ctx; if (, !n.isNodeJS) { const { filter: H } = v; H !== "none" && H !== "" && (v.filter = "none"); } v.scale(1 / g, -1 / f); let A; if (d.bitmap) A = this.applyTransferMapsToBitmap(d); else if (typeof HTMLElement == "function" && d instanceof HTMLElement || ! A = d; else { const z = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas("inlineImage", g, f).context; x(z, d), A = this.applyTransferMapsToCanvas(z); } const O = this._scaleImage(A, (0, s.getCurrentTransformInverse)(v)); v.imageSmoothingEnabled = X((0, s.getCurrentTransform)(v), d.interpolate), b(v, O.img, 0, 0, O.paintWidth, O.paintHeight, 0, -f, g, f), this.compose(), this.restore(); } paintInlineImageXObjectGroup(d, g) { if (!this.contentVisible) return; const f = this.ctx; let v; if (d.bitmap) v = d.bitmap; else { const A = d.width, O = d.height, z = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas("inlineImage", A, O).context; x(z, d), v = this.applyTransferMapsToCanvas(z); } for (const A of g), f.transform(...A.transform), f.scale(1, -1), b(f, v, A.x, A.y, A.w, A.h, 0, -1, 1, 1), f.restore(); this.compose(); } paintSolidColorImageMask() { this.contentVisible && (this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1), this.compose()); } markPoint(d) { } markPointProps(d, g) { } beginMarkedContent(d) { this.markedContentStack.push({ visible: !0 }); } beginMarkedContentProps(d, g) { d === "OC" ? this.markedContentStack.push({ visible: this.optionalContentConfig.isVisible(g) }) : this.markedContentStack.push({ visible: !0 }), this.contentVisible = this.isContentVisible(); } endMarkedContent() { this.markedContentStack.pop(), this.contentVisible = this.isContentVisible(); } beginCompat() { } endCompat() { } consumePath(d) { const g = this.current.isEmptyClip(); this.pendingClip && this.current.updateClipFromPath(), this.pendingClip || this.compose(d); const f = this.ctx; this.pendingClip && (g || (this.pendingClip === ee ? f.clip("evenodd") : f.clip()), this.pendingClip = null), this.current.startNewPathAndClipBox(this.current.clipBox), f.beginPath(); } getSinglePixelWidth() { if (!this._cachedGetSinglePixelWidth) { const d = (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(this.ctx); if (d[1] === 0 && d[2] === 0) this._cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = 1 / Math.min(Math.abs(d[0]), Math.abs(d[3])); else { const g = Math.abs(d[0] * d[3] - d[2] * d[1]), f = Math.hypot(d[0], d[2]), v = Math.hypot(d[1], d[3]); this._cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = Math.max(f, v) / g; } } return this._cachedGetSinglePixelWidth; } getScaleForStroking() { if (this._cachedScaleForStroking[0] === -1) { const { lineWidth: d } = this.current, { a: g, b: f, c: v, d: A } = this.ctx.getTransform(); let O, H; if (f === 0 && v === 0) { const z = Math.abs(g), ae = Math.abs(A); if (z === ae) if (d === 0) O = H = 1 / z; else { const Q = z * d; O = H = Q < 1 ? 1 / Q : 1; } else if (d === 0) O = 1 / z, H = 1 / ae; else { const Q = z * d, ce = ae * d; O = Q < 1 ? 1 / Q : 1, H = ce < 1 ? 1 / ce : 1; } } else { const z = Math.abs(g * A - f * v), ae = Math.hypot(g, f), Q = Math.hypot(v, A); if (d === 0) O = Q / z, H = ae / z; else { const ce = d * z; O = Q > ce ? Q / ce : 1, H = ae > ce ? ae / ce : 1; } } this._cachedScaleForStroking[0] = O, this._cachedScaleForStroking[1] = H; } return this._cachedScaleForStroking; } rescaleAndStroke(d) { const { ctx: g } = this, { lineWidth: f } = this.current, [v, A] = this.getScaleForStroking(); if (g.lineWidth = f || 1, v === 1 && A === 1) { g.stroke(); return; } const O = g.getLineDash(); if (d &&, g.scale(v, A), O.length > 0) { const H = Math.max(v, A); g.setLineDash( => z / H)), g.lineDashOffset /= H; } g.stroke(), d && g.restore(); } isContentVisible() { for (let d = this.markedContentStack.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) if (!this.markedContentStack[d].visible) return !1; return !0; } }; q = new WeakSet(), Zt = function() { for (; this.stateStack.length || this.inSMaskMode; ) this.restore(); this.ctx.restore(), this.transparentCanvas && (this.ctx = this.compositeCtx,, this.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), this.ctx.drawImage(this.transparentCanvas, 0, 0), this.ctx.restore(), this.transparentCanvas = null); }, pe = new WeakSet(), en = function() { if (this.pageColors) { const d = this.filterFactory.addHCMFilter(this.pageColors.foreground, this.pageColors.background); if (d !== "none") { const g = this.ctx.filter; this.ctx.filter = d, this.ctx.drawImage(this.ctx.canvas, 0, 0), this.ctx.filter = g; } } }; let Y = be; e.CanvasGraphics = Y; for (const R in n.OPS) Y.prototype[R] !== void 0 && (Y.prototype[n.OPS[R]] = Y.prototype[R]); }, /* 12 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.TilingPattern = e.PathType = void 0, e.getShadingPattern = w; var n = i(1), s = i(6); const l = { FILL: "Fill", STROKE: "Stroke", SHADING: "Shading" }; e.PathType = l; function h(k, F) { if (!F) return; const x = F[2] - F[0], y = F[3] - F[1], p = new Path2D(); p.rect(F[0], F[1], x, y), k.clip(p); } class _ { constructor() { this.constructor === _ && (0, n.unreachable)("Cannot initialize BaseShadingPattern."); } getPattern() { (0, n.unreachable)("Abstract method `getPattern` called."); } } class c extends _ { constructor(F) { super(), this._type = F[1], this._bbox = F[2], this._colorStops = F[3], this._p0 = F[4], this._p1 = F[5], this._r0 = F[6], this._r1 = F[7], this.matrix = null; } _createGradient(F) { let x; this._type === "axial" ? x = F.createLinearGradient(this._p0[0], this._p0[1], this._p1[0], this._p1[1]) : this._type === "radial" && (x = F.createRadialGradient(this._p0[0], this._p0[1], this._r0, this._p1[0], this._p1[1], this._r1)); for (const y of this._colorStops) x.addColorStop(y[0], y[1]); return x; } getPattern(F, x, y, p) { let E; if (p === l.STROKE || p === l.FILL) { const $ = x.current.getClippedPathBoundingBox(p, (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(F)) || [0, 0, 0, 0], M = Math.ceil($[2] - $[0]) || 1, m = Math.ceil($[3] - $[1]) || 1, N = x.cachedCanvases.getCanvas("pattern", M, m, !0), D = N.context; D.clearRect(0, 0, D.canvas.width, D.canvas.height), D.beginPath(), D.rect(0, 0, D.canvas.width, D.canvas.height), D.translate(-$[0], -$[1]), y = n.Util.transform(y, [1, 0, 0, 1, $[0], $[1]]), D.transform(...x.baseTransform), this.matrix && D.transform(...this.matrix), h(D, this._bbox), D.fillStyle = this._createGradient(D), D.fill(), E = F.createPattern(N.canvas, "no-repeat"); const X = new DOMMatrix(y); E.setTransform(X); } else h(F, this._bbox), E = this._createGradient(F); return E; } } function o(k, F, x, y, p, E, $, M) { const m = F.coords, N = F.colors, D =, X = k.width * 4; let G; m[x + 1] > m[y + 1] && (G = x, x = y, y = G, G = E, E = $, $ = G), m[y + 1] > m[p + 1] && (G = y, y = p, p = G, G = $, $ = M, M = G), m[x + 1] > m[y + 1] && (G = x, x = y, y = G, G = E, E = $, $ = G); const I = (m[x] + F.offsetX) * F.scaleX, B = (m[x + 1] + F.offsetY) * F.scaleY, ee = (m[y] + F.offsetX) * F.scaleX, Y = (m[y + 1] + F.offsetY) * F.scaleY, q = (m[p] + F.offsetX) * F.scaleX, le = (m[p + 1] + F.offsetY) * F.scaleY; if (B >= le) return; const pe = N[E], we = N[E + 1], be = N[E + 2], R = N[$], d = N[$ + 1], g = N[$ + 2], f = N[M], v = N[M + 1], A = N[M + 2], O = Math.round(B), H = Math.round(le); let z, ae, Q, ce, ue, me, fe, Pe; for (let Fe = O; Fe <= H; Fe++) { if (Fe < Y) { const se = Fe < B ? 0 : (B - Fe) / (B - Y); z = I - (I - ee) * se, ae = pe - (pe - R) * se, Q = we - (we - d) * se, ce = be - (be - g) * se; } else { let se; Fe > le ? se = 1 : Y === le ? se = 0 : se = (Y - Fe) / (Y - le), z = ee - (ee - q) * se, ae = R - (R - f) * se, Q = d - (d - v) * se, ce = g - (g - A) * se; } let Ee; Fe < B ? Ee = 0 : Fe > le ? Ee = 1 : Ee = (B - Fe) / (B - le), ue = I - (I - q) * Ee, me = pe - (pe - f) * Ee, fe = we - (we - v) * Ee, Pe = be - (be - A) * Ee; const De = Math.round(Math.min(z, ue)), _e = Math.round(Math.max(z, ue)); let ie = X * Fe + De * 4; for (let se = De; se <= _e; se++) Ee = (z - se) / (z - ue), Ee < 0 ? Ee = 0 : Ee > 1 && (Ee = 1), D[ie++] = ae - (ae - me) * Ee | 0, D[ie++] = Q - (Q - fe) * Ee | 0, D[ie++] = ce - (ce - Pe) * Ee | 0, D[ie++] = 255; } } function r(k, F, x) { const y = F.coords, p = F.colors; let E, $; switch (F.type) { case "lattice": const M = F.verticesPerRow, m = Math.floor(y.length / M) - 1, N = M - 1; for (E = 0; E < m; E++) { let D = E * M; for (let X = 0; X < N; X++, D++) o(k, x, y[D], y[D + 1], y[D + M], p[D], p[D + 1], p[D + M]), o(k, x, y[D + M + 1], y[D + 1], y[D + M], p[D + M + 1], p[D + 1], p[D + M]); } break; case "triangles": for (E = 0, $ = y.length; E < $; E += 3) o(k, x, y[E], y[E + 1], y[E + 2], p[E], p[E + 1], p[E + 2]); break; default: throw new Error("illegal figure"); } } class T extends _ { constructor(F) { super(), this._coords = F[2], this._colors = F[3], this._figures = F[4], this._bounds = F[5], this._bbox = F[7], this._background = F[8], this.matrix = null; } _createMeshCanvas(F, x, y) { const M = Math.floor(this._bounds[0]), m = Math.floor(this._bounds[1]), N = Math.ceil(this._bounds[2]) - M, D = Math.ceil(this._bounds[3]) - m, X = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(N * F[0] * 1.1)), 3e3), G = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(D * F[1] * 1.1)), 3e3), I = N / X, B = D / G, ee = { coords: this._coords, colors: this._colors, offsetX: -M, offsetY: -m, scaleX: 1 / I, scaleY: 1 / B }, Y = X + 2 * 2, q = G + 2 * 2, le = y.getCanvas("mesh", Y, q, !1), pe = le.context, we = pe.createImageData(X, G); if (x) { const R =; for (let d = 0, g = R.length; d < g; d += 4) R[d] = x[0], R[d + 1] = x[1], R[d + 2] = x[2], R[d + 3] = 255; } for (const R of this._figures) r(we, R, ee); return pe.putImageData(we, 2, 2), { canvas: le.canvas, offsetX: M - 2 * I, offsetY: m - 2 * B, scaleX: I, scaleY: B }; } getPattern(F, x, y, p) { h(F, this._bbox); let E; if (p === l.SHADING) E = n.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale((0, s.getCurrentTransform)(F)); else if (E = n.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(x.baseTransform), this.matrix) { const M = n.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(this.matrix); E = [E[0] * M[0], E[1] * M[1]]; } const $ = this._createMeshCanvas(E, p === l.SHADING ? null : this._background, x.cachedCanvases); return p !== l.SHADING && (F.setTransform(...x.baseTransform), this.matrix && F.transform(...this.matrix)), F.translate($.offsetX, $.offsetY), F.scale($.scaleX, $.scaleY), F.createPattern($.canvas, "no-repeat"); } } class S extends _ { getPattern() { return "hotpink"; } } function w(k) { switch (k[0]) { case "RadialAxial": return new c(k); case "Mesh": return new T(k); case "Dummy": return new S(); } throw new Error(`Unknown IR type: ${k[0]}`); } const C = { COLORED: 1, UNCOLORED: 2 }, b = class b { constructor(F, x, y, p, E) { this.operatorList = F[2], this.matrix = F[3] || [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], this.bbox = F[4], this.xstep = F[5], this.ystep = F[6], this.paintType = F[7], this.tilingType = F[8], this.color = x, this.ctx = y, this.canvasGraphicsFactory = p, this.baseTransform = E; } createPatternCanvas(F) { const x = this.operatorList, y = this.bbox, p = this.xstep, E = this.ystep, $ = this.paintType, M = this.tilingType, m = this.color, N = this.canvasGraphicsFactory; (0,"TilingType: " + M); const D = y[0], X = y[1], G = y[2], I = y[3], B = n.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(this.matrix), ee = n.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(this.baseTransform), Y = [B[0] * ee[0], B[1] * ee[1]], q = this.getSizeAndScale(p, this.ctx.canvas.width, Y[0]), le = this.getSizeAndScale(E, this.ctx.canvas.height, Y[1]), pe = F.cachedCanvases.getCanvas("pattern", q.size, le.size, !0), we = pe.context, be = N.createCanvasGraphics(we); be.groupLevel = F.groupLevel, this.setFillAndStrokeStyleToContext(be, $, m); let R = D, d = X, g = G, f = I; return D < 0 && (R = 0, g += Math.abs(D)), X < 0 && (d = 0, f += Math.abs(X)), we.translate(-(q.scale * R), -(le.scale * d)), be.transform(q.scale, 0, 0, le.scale, 0, 0),, this.clipBbox(be, R, d, g, f), be.baseTransform = (0, s.getCurrentTransform)(be.ctx), be.executeOperatorList(x), be.endDrawing(), { canvas: pe.canvas, scaleX: q.scale, scaleY: le.scale, offsetX: R, offsetY: d }; } getSizeAndScale(F, x, y) { F = Math.abs(F); const p = Math.max(b.MAX_PATTERN_SIZE, x); let E = Math.ceil(F * y); return E >= p ? E = p : y = E / F, { scale: y, size: E }; } clipBbox(F, x, y, p, E) { const $ = p - x, M = E - y; F.ctx.rect(x, y, $, M), F.current.updateRectMinMax((0, s.getCurrentTransform)(F.ctx), [x, y, p, E]), F.clip(), F.endPath(); } setFillAndStrokeStyleToContext(F, x, y) { const p = F.ctx, E = F.current; switch (x) { case C.COLORED: const $ = this.ctx; p.fillStyle = $.fillStyle, p.strokeStyle = $.strokeStyle, E.fillColor = $.fillStyle, E.strokeColor = $.strokeStyle; break; case C.UNCOLORED: const M = n.Util.makeHexColor(y[0], y[1], y[2]); p.fillStyle = M, p.strokeStyle = M, E.fillColor = M, E.strokeColor = M; break; default: throw new n.FormatError(`Unsupported paint type: ${x}`); } } getPattern(F, x, y, p) { let E = y; p !== l.SHADING && (E = n.Util.transform(E, x.baseTransform), this.matrix && (E = n.Util.transform(E, this.matrix))); const $ = this.createPatternCanvas(x); let M = new DOMMatrix(E); M = M.translate($.offsetX, $.offsetY), M = M.scale(1 / $.scaleX, 1 / $.scaleY); const m = F.createPattern($.canvas, "repeat"); return m.setTransform(M), m; } }; nt(b, "MAX_PATTERN_SIZE", 3e3); let P = b; e.TilingPattern = P; }, /* 13 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.convertBlackAndWhiteToRGBA = l, e.convertToRGBA = s, e.grayToRGBA = _; var n = i(1); function s(c) { switch (c.kind) { case n.ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP: return l(c); case n.ImageKind.RGB_24BPP: return h(c); } return null; } function l({ src: c, srcPos: o = 0, dest: r, width: T, height: S, nonBlackColor: w = 4294967295, inverseDecode: C = !1 }) { const P = n.FeatureTest.isLittleEndian ? 4278190080 : 255, [b, k] = C ? [w, P] : [P, w], F = T >> 3, x = T & 7, y = c.length; r = new Uint32Array(r.buffer); let p = 0; for (let E = 0; E < S; E++) { for (const M = o + F; o < M; o++) { const m = o < y ? c[o] : 255; r[p++] = m & 128 ? k : b, r[p++] = m & 64 ? k : b, r[p++] = m & 32 ? k : b, r[p++] = m & 16 ? k : b, r[p++] = m & 8 ? k : b, r[p++] = m & 4 ? k : b, r[p++] = m & 2 ? k : b, r[p++] = m & 1 ? k : b; } if (x === 0) continue; const $ = o < y ? c[o++] : 255; for (let M = 0; M < x; M++) r[p++] = $ & 1 << 7 - M ? k : b; } return { srcPos: o, destPos: p }; } function h({ src: c, srcPos: o = 0, dest: r, destPos: T = 0, width: S, height: w }) { let C = 0; const P = c.length >> 2, b = new Uint32Array(c.buffer, o, P); if (n.FeatureTest.isLittleEndian) { for (; C < P - 2; C += 3, T += 4) { const k = b[C], F = b[C + 1], x = b[C + 2]; r[T] = k | 4278190080, r[T + 1] = k >>> 24 | F << 8 | 4278190080, r[T + 2] = F >>> 16 | x << 16 | 4278190080, r[T + 3] = x >>> 8 | 4278190080; } for (let k = C * 4, F = c.length; k < F; k += 3) r[T++] = c[k] | c[k + 1] << 8 | c[k + 2] << 16 | 4278190080; } else { for (; C < P - 2; C += 3, T += 4) { const k = b[C], F = b[C + 1], x = b[C + 2]; r[T] = k | 255, r[T + 1] = k << 24 | F >>> 8 | 255, r[T + 2] = F << 16 | x >>> 16 | 255, r[T + 3] = x << 8 | 255; } for (let k = C * 4, F = c.length; k < F; k += 3) r[T++] = c[k] << 24 | c[k + 1] << 16 | c[k + 2] << 8 | 255; } return { srcPos: o, destPos: T }; } function _(c, o) { if (n.FeatureTest.isLittleEndian) for (let r = 0, T = c.length; r < T; r++) o[r] = c[r] * 65793 | 4278190080; else for (let r = 0, T = c.length; r < T; r++) o[r] = c[r] * 16843008 | 255; } }, /* 14 */ /***/ (t, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.GlobalWorkerOptions = void 0; const i = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); e.GlobalWorkerOptions = i, i.workerPort = null, i.workerSrc = ""; }, /* 15 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var c, Mn, r, Fn, S, kt; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MessageHandler = void 0; var n = i(1); const s = { UNKNOWN: 0, DATA: 1, ERROR: 2 }, l = { UNKNOWN: 0, CANCEL: 1, CANCEL_COMPLETE: 2, CLOSE: 3, ENQUEUE: 4, ERROR: 5, PULL: 6, PULL_COMPLETE: 7, START_COMPLETE: 8 }; function h(C) { switch (C instanceof Error || typeof C == "object" && C !== null || (0, n.unreachable)('wrapReason: Expected "reason" to be a (possibly cloned) Error.'), { case "AbortException": return new n.AbortException(C.message); case "MissingPDFException": return new n.MissingPDFException(C.message); case "PasswordException": return new n.PasswordException(C.message, C.code); case "UnexpectedResponseException": return new n.UnexpectedResponseException(C.message, C.status); case "UnknownErrorException": return new n.UnknownErrorException(C.message, C.details); default: return new n.UnknownErrorException(C.message, C.toString()); } } class _ { constructor(P, b, k) { W(this, c); W(this, r); W(this, S); this.sourceName = P, this.targetName = b, this.comObj = k, this.callbackId = 1, this.streamId = 1, this.streamSinks = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.streamControllers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.callbackCapabilities = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.actionHandler = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._onComObjOnMessage = (F) => { const x =; if (x.targetName !== this.sourceName) return; if ( { K(this, r, Fn).call(this, x); return; } if (x.callback) { const p = x.callbackId, E = this.callbackCapabilities[p]; if (!E) throw new Error(`Cannot resolve callback ${p}`); if (delete this.callbackCapabilities[p], x.callback === s.DATA) E.resolve(; else if (x.callback === s.ERROR) E.reject(h(x.reason)); else throw new Error("Unexpected callback case"); return; } const y = this.actionHandler[x.action]; if (!y) throw new Error(`Unknown action from worker: ${x.action}`); if (x.callbackId) { const p = this.sourceName, E = x.sourceName; new Promise(function($) { $(y(; }).then(function($) { k.postMessage({ sourceName: p, targetName: E, callback: s.DATA, callbackId: x.callbackId, data: $ }); }, function($) { k.postMessage({ sourceName: p, targetName: E, callback: s.ERROR, callbackId: x.callbackId, reason: h($) }); }); return; } if (x.streamId) { K(this, c, Mn).call(this, x); return; } y(; }, k.addEventListener("message", this._onComObjOnMessage); } on(P, b) { const k = this.actionHandler; if (k[P]) throw new Error(`There is already an actionName called "${P}"`); k[P] = b; } send(P, b, k) { this.comObj.postMessage({ sourceName: this.sourceName, targetName: this.targetName, action: P, data: b }, k); } sendWithPromise(P, b, k) { const F = this.callbackId++, x = new n.PromiseCapability(); this.callbackCapabilities[F] = x; try { this.comObj.postMessage({ sourceName: this.sourceName, targetName: this.targetName, action: P, callbackId: F, data: b }, k); } catch (y) { x.reject(y); } return x.promise; } sendWithStream(P, b, k, F) { const x = this.streamId++, y = this.sourceName, p = this.targetName, E = this.comObj; return new ReadableStream({ start: ($) => { const M = new n.PromiseCapability(); return this.streamControllers[x] = { controller: $, startCall: M, pullCall: null, cancelCall: null, isClosed: !1 }, E.postMessage({ sourceName: y, targetName: p, action: P, streamId: x, data: b, desiredSize: $.desiredSize }, F), M.promise; }, pull: ($) => { const M = new n.PromiseCapability(); return this.streamControllers[x].pullCall = M, E.postMessage({ sourceName: y, targetName: p, stream: l.PULL, streamId: x, desiredSize: $.desiredSize }), M.promise; }, cancel: ($) => { (0, n.assert)($ instanceof Error, "cancel must have a valid reason"); const M = new n.PromiseCapability(); return this.streamControllers[x].cancelCall = M, this.streamControllers[x].isClosed = !0, E.postMessage({ sourceName: y, targetName: p, stream: l.CANCEL, streamId: x, reason: h($) }), M.promise; } }, k); } destroy() { this.comObj.removeEventListener("message", this._onComObjOnMessage); } } c = new WeakSet(), Mn = function(P) { const b = P.streamId, k = this.sourceName, F = P.sourceName, x = this.comObj, y = this, p = this.actionHandler[P.action], E = { enqueue($, M = 1, m) { if (this.isCancelled) return; const N = this.desiredSize; this.desiredSize -= M, N > 0 && this.desiredSize <= 0 && (this.sinkCapability = new n.PromiseCapability(), this.ready = this.sinkCapability.promise), x.postMessage({ sourceName: k, targetName: F, stream: l.ENQUEUE, streamId: b, chunk: $ }, m); }, close() { this.isCancelled || (this.isCancelled = !0, x.postMessage({ sourceName: k, targetName: F, stream: l.CLOSE, streamId: b }), delete y.streamSinks[b]); }, error($) { (0, n.assert)($ instanceof Error, "error must have a valid reason"), !this.isCancelled && (this.isCancelled = !0, x.postMessage({ sourceName: k, targetName: F, stream: l.ERROR, streamId: b, reason: h($) })); }, sinkCapability: new n.PromiseCapability(), onPull: null, onCancel: null, isCancelled: !1, desiredSize: P.desiredSize, ready: null }; E.sinkCapability.resolve(), E.ready = E.sinkCapability.promise, this.streamSinks[b] = E, new Promise(function($) { $(p(, E)); }).then(function() { x.postMessage({ sourceName: k, targetName: F, stream: l.START_COMPLETE, streamId: b, success: !0 }); }, function($) { x.postMessage({ sourceName: k, targetName: F, stream: l.START_COMPLETE, streamId: b, reason: h($) }); }); }, r = new WeakSet(), Fn = function(P) { const b = P.streamId, k = this.sourceName, F = P.sourceName, x = this.comObj, y = this.streamControllers[b], p = this.streamSinks[b]; switch ( { case l.START_COMPLETE: P.success ? y.startCall.resolve() : y.startCall.reject(h(P.reason)); break; case l.PULL_COMPLETE: P.success ? y.pullCall.resolve() : y.pullCall.reject(h(P.reason)); break; case l.PULL: if (!p) { x.postMessage({ sourceName: k, targetName: F, stream: l.PULL_COMPLETE, streamId: b, success: !0 }); break; } p.desiredSize <= 0 && P.desiredSize > 0 && p.sinkCapability.resolve(), p.desiredSize = P.desiredSize, new Promise(function(E) { var $; E(($ = p.onPull) == null ? void 0 : $.call(p)); }).then(function() { x.postMessage({ sourceName: k, targetName: F, stream: l.PULL_COMPLETE, streamId: b, success: !0 }); }, function(E) { x.postMessage({ sourceName: k, targetName: F, stream: l.PULL_COMPLETE, streamId: b, reason: h(E) }); }); break; case l.ENQUEUE: if ((0, n.assert)(y, "enqueue should have stream controller"), y.isClosed) break; y.controller.enqueue(P.chunk); break; case l.CLOSE: if ((0, n.assert)(y, "close should have stream controller"), y.isClosed) break; y.isClosed = !0, y.controller.close(), K(this, S, kt).call(this, y, b); break; case l.ERROR: (0, n.assert)(y, "error should have stream controller"), y.controller.error(h(P.reason)), K(this, S, kt).call(this, y, b); break; case l.CANCEL_COMPLETE: P.success ? y.cancelCall.resolve() : y.cancelCall.reject(h(P.reason)), K(this, S, kt).call(this, y, b); break; case l.CANCEL: if (!p) break; new Promise(function(E) { var $; E(($ = p.onCancel) == null ? void 0 : $.call(p, h(P.reason))); }).then(function() { x.postMessage({ sourceName: k, targetName: F, stream: l.CANCEL_COMPLETE, streamId: b, success: !0 }); }, function(E) { x.postMessage({ sourceName: k, targetName: F, stream: l.CANCEL_COMPLETE, streamId: b, reason: h(E) }); }), p.sinkCapability.reject(h(P.reason)), p.isCancelled = !0, delete this.streamSinks[b]; break; default: throw new Error("Unexpected stream case"); } }, S = new WeakSet(), kt = async function(P, b) { var k, F, x; await Promise.allSettled([(k = P.startCall) == null ? void 0 : k.promise, (F = P.pullCall) == null ? void 0 : F.promise, (x = P.cancelCall) == null ? void 0 : x.promise]), delete this.streamControllers[b]; }, e.MessageHandler = _; }, /* 16 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var l, h; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Metadata = void 0; var n = i(1); class s { constructor({ parsedData: c, rawData: o }) { W(this, l, void 0); W(this, h, void 0); oe(this, l, c), oe(this, h, o); } getRaw() { return a(this, h); } get(c) { return a(this, l).get(c) ?? null; } getAll() { return (0, n.objectFromMap)(a(this, l)); } has(c) { return a(this, l).has(c); } } l = new WeakMap(), h = new WeakMap(), e.Metadata = s; }, /* 17 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var c, o, r, T, S, w, tn; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.OptionalContentConfig = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(8); const l = Symbol("INTERNAL"); class h { constructor(b, k) { W(this, c, !0); = b, this.intent = k; } get visible() { return a(this, c); } _setVisible(b, k) { b !== l && (0, n.unreachable)("Internal method `_setVisible` called."), oe(this, c, k); } } c = new WeakMap(); class _ { constructor(b) { W(this, w); W(this, o, null); W(this, r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); W(this, T, null); W(this, S, null); if ( = null, this.creator = null, b !== null) { =, this.creator = b.creator, oe(this, S, b.order); for (const k of b.groups) a(this, r).set(, new h(, k.intent)); if (b.baseState === "OFF") for (const k of a(this, r).values()) k._setVisible(l, !1); for (const k of b.on) a(this, r).get(k)._setVisible(l, !0); for (const k of a(this, r).get(k)._setVisible(l, !1); oe(this, T, this.getHash()); } } isVisible(b) { if (a(this, r).size === 0) return !0; if (!b) return (0, n.warn)("Optional content group not defined."), !0; if (b.type === "OCG") return a(this, r).has( ? a(this, r).get( : ((0, n.warn)(`Optional content group not found: ${}`), !0); if (b.type === "OCMD") { if (b.expression) return K(this, w, tn).call(this, b.expression); if (!b.policy || b.policy === "AnyOn") { for (const k of b.ids) { if (!a(this, r).has(k)) return (0, n.warn)(`Optional content group not found: ${k}`), !0; if (a(this, r).get(k).visible) return !0; } return !1; } else if (b.policy === "AllOn") { for (const k of b.ids) { if (!a(this, r).has(k)) return (0, n.warn)(`Optional content group not found: ${k}`), !0; if (!a(this, r).get(k).visible) return !1; } return !0; } else if (b.policy === "AnyOff") { for (const k of b.ids) { if (!a(this, r).has(k)) return (0, n.warn)(`Optional content group not found: ${k}`), !0; if (!a(this, r).get(k).visible) return !0; } return !1; } else if (b.policy === "AllOff") { for (const k of b.ids) { if (!a(this, r).has(k)) return (0, n.warn)(`Optional content group not found: ${k}`), !0; if (a(this, r).get(k).visible) return !1; } return !0; } return (0, n.warn)(`Unknown optional content policy ${b.policy}.`), !0; } return (0, n.warn)(`Unknown group type ${b.type}.`), !0; } setVisibility(b, k = !0) { if (!a(this, r).has(b)) { (0, n.warn)(`Optional content group not found: ${b}`); return; } a(this, r).get(b)._setVisible(l, !!k), oe(this, o, null); } get hasInitialVisibility() { return a(this, T) === null || this.getHash() === a(this, T); } getOrder() { return a(this, r).size ? a(this, S) ? a(this, S).slice() : [...a(this, r).keys()] : null; } getGroups() { return a(this, r).size > 0 ? (0, n.objectFromMap)(a(this, r)) : null; } getGroup(b) { return a(this, r).get(b) || null; } getHash() { if (a(this, o) !== null) return a(this, o); const b = new s.MurmurHash3_64(); for (const [k, F] of a(this, r)) b.update(`${k}:${F.visible}`); return oe(this, o, b.hexdigest()); } } o = new WeakMap(), r = new WeakMap(), T = new WeakMap(), S = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakSet(), tn = function(b) { const k = b.length; if (k < 2) return !0; const F = b[0]; for (let x = 1; x < k; x++) { const y = b[x]; let p; if (Array.isArray(y)) p = K(this, w, tn).call(this, y); else if (a(this, r).has(y)) p = a(this, r).get(y).visible; else return (0, n.warn)(`Optional content group not found: ${y}`), !0; switch (F) { case "And": if (!p) return !1; break; case "Or": if (p) return !0; break; case "Not": return !p; default: return !0; } } return F === "And"; }, e.OptionalContentConfig = _; }, /* 18 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.PDFDataTransportStream = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(6); class l { constructor({ length: o, initialData: r, progressiveDone: T = !1, contentDispositionFilename: S = null, disableRange: w = !1, disableStream: C = !1 }, P) { if ((0, n.assert)(P, 'PDFDataTransportStream - missing required "pdfDataRangeTransport" argument.'), this._queuedChunks = [], this._progressiveDone = T, this._contentDispositionFilename = S, (r == null ? void 0 : r.length) > 0) { const b = r instanceof Uint8Array && r.byteLength === r.buffer.byteLength ? r.buffer : new Uint8Array(r).buffer; this._queuedChunks.push(b); } this._pdfDataRangeTransport = P, this._isStreamingSupported = !C, this._isRangeSupported = !w, this._contentLength = o, this._fullRequestReader = null, this._rangeReaders = [], this._pdfDataRangeTransport.addRangeListener((b, k) => { this._onReceiveData({ begin: b, chunk: k }); }), this._pdfDataRangeTransport.addProgressListener((b, k) => { this._onProgress({ loaded: b, total: k }); }), this._pdfDataRangeTransport.addProgressiveReadListener((b) => { this._onReceiveData({ chunk: b }); }), this._pdfDataRangeTransport.addProgressiveDoneListener(() => { this._onProgressiveDone(); }), this._pdfDataRangeTransport.transportReady(); } _onReceiveData({ begin: o, chunk: r }) { const T = r instanceof Uint8Array && r.byteLength === r.buffer.byteLength ? r.buffer : new Uint8Array(r).buffer; if (o === void 0) this._fullRequestReader ? this._fullRequestReader._enqueue(T) : this._queuedChunks.push(T); else { const S = this._rangeReaders.some(function(w) { return w._begin !== o ? !1 : (w._enqueue(T), !0); }); (0, n.assert)(S, "_onReceiveData - no `PDFDataTransportStreamRangeReader` instance found."); } } get _progressiveDataLength() { var o; return ((o = this._fullRequestReader) == null ? void 0 : o._loaded) ?? 0; } _onProgress(o) { var r, T, S, w; === void 0 ? (T = (r = this._rangeReaders[0]) == null ? void 0 : r.onProgress) == null ||, { loaded: o.loaded }) : (w = (S = this._fullRequestReader) == null ? void 0 : S.onProgress) == null ||, { loaded: o.loaded, total: }); } _onProgressiveDone() { var o; (o = this._fullRequestReader) == null || o.progressiveDone(), this._progressiveDone = !0; } _removeRangeReader(o) { const r = this._rangeReaders.indexOf(o); r >= 0 && this._rangeReaders.splice(r, 1); } getFullReader() { (0, n.assert)(!this._fullRequestReader, "PDFDataTransportStream.getFullReader can only be called once."); const o = this._queuedChunks; return this._queuedChunks = null, new h(this, o, this._progressiveDone, this._contentDispositionFilename); } getRangeReader(o, r) { if (r <= this._progressiveDataLength) return null; const T = new _(this, o, r); return this._pdfDataRangeTransport.requestDataRange(o, r), this._rangeReaders.push(T), T; } cancelAllRequests(o) { var r; (r = this._fullRequestReader) == null || r.cancel(o); for (const T of this._rangeReaders.slice(0)) T.cancel(o); this._pdfDataRangeTransport.abort(); } } e.PDFDataTransportStream = l; class h { constructor(o, r, T = !1, S = null) { this._stream = o, this._done = T || !1, this._filename = (0, s.isPdfFile)(S) ? S : null, this._queuedChunks = r || [], this._loaded = 0; for (const w of this._queuedChunks) this._loaded += w.byteLength; this._requests = [], this._headersReady = Promise.resolve(), o._fullRequestReader = this, this.onProgress = null; } _enqueue(o) { this._done || (this._requests.length > 0 ? this._requests.shift().resolve({ value: o, done: !1 }) : this._queuedChunks.push(o), this._loaded += o.byteLength); } get headersReady() { return this._headersReady; } get filename() { return this._filename; } get isRangeSupported() { return this._stream._isRangeSupported; } get isStreamingSupported() { return this._stream._isStreamingSupported; } get contentLength() { return this._stream._contentLength; } async read() { if (this._queuedChunks.length > 0) return { value: this._queuedChunks.shift(), done: !1 }; if (this._done) return { value: void 0, done: !0 }; const o = new n.PromiseCapability(); return this._requests.push(o), o.promise; } cancel(o) { this._done = !0; for (const r of this._requests) r.resolve({ value: void 0, done: !0 }); this._requests.length = 0; } progressiveDone() { this._done || (this._done = !0); } } class _ { constructor(o, r, T) { this._stream = o, this._begin = r, this._end = T, this._queuedChunk = null, this._requests = [], this._done = !1, this.onProgress = null; } _enqueue(o) { if (!this._done) { if (this._requests.length === 0) this._queuedChunk = o; else { this._requests.shift().resolve({ value: o, done: !1 }); for (const T of this._requests) T.resolve({ value: void 0, done: !0 }); this._requests.length = 0; } this._done = !0, this._stream._removeRangeReader(this); } } get isStreamingSupported() { return !1; } async read() { if (this._queuedChunk) { const r = this._queuedChunk; return this._queuedChunk = null, { value: r, done: !1 }; } if (this._done) return { value: void 0, done: !0 }; const o = new n.PromiseCapability(); return this._requests.push(o), o.promise; } cancel(o) { this._done = !0; for (const r of this._requests) r.resolve({ value: void 0, done: !0 }); this._requests.length = 0, this._stream._removeRangeReader(this); } } }, /* 19 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.PDFFetchStream = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(20); function l(T, S, w) { return { method: "GET", headers: T, signal: w.signal, mode: "cors", credentials: S ? "include" : "same-origin", redirect: "follow" }; } function h(T) { const S = new Headers(); for (const w in T) { const C = T[w]; C !== void 0 && S.append(w, C); } return S; } function _(T) { return T instanceof Uint8Array ? T.buffer : T instanceof ArrayBuffer ? T : ((0, n.warn)(`getArrayBuffer - unexpected data format: ${T}`), new Uint8Array(T).buffer); } class c { constructor(S) { this.source = S, this.isHttp = /^https?:/i.test(S.url), this.httpHeaders = this.isHttp && S.httpHeaders || {}, this._fullRequestReader = null, this._rangeRequestReaders = []; } get _progressiveDataLength() { var S; return ((S = this._fullRequestReader) == null ? void 0 : S._loaded) ?? 0; } getFullReader() { return (0, n.assert)(!this._fullRequestReader, "PDFFetchStream.getFullReader can only be called once."), this._fullRequestReader = new o(this), this._fullRequestReader; } getRangeReader(S, w) { if (w <= this._progressiveDataLength) return null; const C = new r(this, S, w); return this._rangeRequestReaders.push(C), C; } cancelAllRequests(S) { var w; (w = this._fullRequestReader) == null || w.cancel(S); for (const C of this._rangeRequestReaders.slice(0)) C.cancel(S); } } e.PDFFetchStream = c; class o { constructor(S) { this._stream = S, this._reader = null, this._loaded = 0, this._filename = null; const w = S.source; this._withCredentials = w.withCredentials || !1, this._contentLength = w.length, this._headersCapability = new n.PromiseCapability(), this._disableRange = w.disableRange || !1, this._rangeChunkSize = w.rangeChunkSize, !this._rangeChunkSize && !this._disableRange && (this._disableRange = !0), this._abortController = new AbortController(), this._isStreamingSupported = !w.disableStream, this._isRangeSupported = !w.disableRange, this._headers = h(this._stream.httpHeaders); const C = w.url; fetch(C, l(this._headers, this._withCredentials, this._abortController)).then((P) => { if (!(0, s.validateResponseStatus)(P.status)) throw (0, s.createResponseStatusError)(P.status, C); this._reader = P.body.getReader(), this._headersCapability.resolve(); const b = (x) => P.headers.get(x), { allowRangeRequests: k, suggestedLength: F } = (0, s.validateRangeRequestCapabilities)({ getResponseHeader: b, isHttp: this._stream.isHttp, rangeChunkSize: this._rangeChunkSize, disableRange: this._disableRange }); this._isRangeSupported = k, this._contentLength = F || this._contentLength, this._filename = (0, s.extractFilenameFromHeader)(b), !this._isStreamingSupported && this._isRangeSupported && this.cancel(new n.AbortException("Streaming is disabled.")); }).catch(this._headersCapability.reject), this.onProgress = null; } get headersReady() { return this._headersCapability.promise; } get filename() { return this._filename; } get contentLength() { return this._contentLength; } get isRangeSupported() { return this._isRangeSupported; } get isStreamingSupported() { return this._isStreamingSupported; } async read() { var C; await this._headersCapability.promise; const { value: S, done: w } = await; return w ? { value: S, done: w } : (this._loaded += S.byteLength, (C = this.onProgress) == null ||, { loaded: this._loaded, total: this._contentLength }), { value: _(S), done: !1 }); } cancel(S) { var w; (w = this._reader) == null || w.cancel(S), this._abortController.abort(); } } class r { constructor(S, w, C) { this._stream = S, this._reader = null, this._loaded = 0; const P = S.source; this._withCredentials = P.withCredentials || !1, this._readCapability = new n.PromiseCapability(), this._isStreamingSupported = !P.disableStream, this._abortController = new AbortController(), this._headers = h(this._stream.httpHeaders), this._headers.append("Range", `bytes=${w}-${C - 1}`); const b = P.url; fetch(b, l(this._headers, this._withCredentials, this._abortController)).then((k) => { if (!(0, s.validateResponseStatus)(k.status)) throw (0, s.createResponseStatusError)(k.status, b); this._readCapability.resolve(), this._reader = k.body.getReader(); }).catch(this._readCapability.reject), this.onProgress = null; } get isStreamingSupported() { return this._isStreamingSupported; } async read() { var C; await this._readCapability.promise; const { value: S, done: w } = await; return w ? { value: S, done: w } : (this._loaded += S.byteLength, (C = this.onProgress) == null ||, { loaded: this._loaded }), { value: _(S), done: !1 }); } cancel(S) { var w; (w = this._reader) == null || w.cancel(S), this._abortController.abort(); } } }, /* 20 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.createResponseStatusError = c, e.extractFilenameFromHeader = _, e.validateRangeRequestCapabilities = h, e.validateResponseStatus = o; var n = i(1), s = i(21), l = i(6); function h({ getResponseHeader: r, isHttp: T, rangeChunkSize: S, disableRange: w }) { const C = { allowRangeRequests: !1, suggestedLength: void 0 }, P = parseInt(r("Content-Length"), 10); return !Number.isInteger(P) || (C.suggestedLength = P, P <= 2 * S) || w || !T || r("Accept-Ranges") !== "bytes" || (r("Content-Encoding") || "identity") !== "identity" || (C.allowRangeRequests = !0), C; } function _(r) { const T = r("Content-Disposition"); if (T) { let S = (0, s.getFilenameFromContentDispositionHeader)(T); if (S.includes("%")) try { S = decodeURIComponent(S); } catch { } if ((0, l.isPdfFile)(S)) return S; } return null; } function c(r, T) { return r === 404 || r === 0 && T.startsWith("file:") ? new n.MissingPDFException('Missing PDF "' + T + '".') : new n.UnexpectedResponseException(`Unexpected server response (${r}) while retrieving PDF "${T}".`, r); } function o(r) { return r === 200 || r === 206; } }, /* 21 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.getFilenameFromContentDispositionHeader = s; var n = i(1); function s(l) { let h = !0, _ = c("filename\\*", "i").exec(l); if (_) { _ = _[1]; let P = S(_); return P = unescape(P), P = w(P), P = C(P), r(P); } if (_ = T(l), _) { const P = C(_); return r(P); } if (_ = c("filename", "i").exec(l), _) { _ = _[1]; let P = S(_); return P = C(P), r(P); } function c(P, b) { return new RegExp("(?:^|;)\\s*" + P + '\\s*=\\s*([^";\\s][^;\\s]*|"(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\"?)+"?)', b); } function o(P, b) { if (P) { if (!/^[\x00-\xFF]+$/.test(b)) return b; try { const k = new TextDecoder(P, { fatal: !0 }), F = (0, n.stringToBytes)(b); b = k.decode(F), h = !1; } catch { } } return b; } function r(P) { return h && /[\x80-\xff]/.test(P) && (P = o("utf-8", P), h && (P = o("iso-8859-1", P))), P; } function T(P) { const b = []; let k; const F = c("filename\\*((?!0\\d)\\d+)(\\*?)", "ig"); for (; (k = F.exec(P)) !== null; ) { let [, y, p, E] = k; if (y = parseInt(y, 10), y in b) { if (y === 0) break; continue; } b[y] = [p, E]; } const x = []; for (let y = 0; y < b.length && y in b; ++y) { let [p, E] = b[y]; E = S(E), p && (E = unescape(E), y === 0 && (E = w(E))), x.push(E); } return x.join(""); } function S(P) { if (P.startsWith('"')) { const b = P.slice(1).split('\\"'); for (let k = 0; k < b.length; ++k) { const F = b[k].indexOf('"'); F !== -1 && (b[k] = b[k].slice(0, F), b.length = k + 1), b[k] = b[k].replaceAll(/\\(.)/g, "$1"); } P = b.join('"'); } return P; } function w(P) { const b = P.indexOf("'"); if (b === -1) return P; const k = P.slice(0, b), x = P.slice(b + 1).replace(/^[^']*'/, ""); return o(k, x); } function C(P) { return !P.startsWith("=?") || /[\x00-\x19\x80-\xff]/.test(P) ? P : P.replaceAll(/=\?([\w-]*)\?([QqBb])\?((?:[^?]|\?(?!=))*)\?=/g, function(b, k, F, x) { if (F === "q" || F === "Q") return x = x.replaceAll("_", " "), x = x.replaceAll(/=([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, function(y, p) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(p, 16)); }), o(k, x); try { x = atob(x); } catch { } return o(k, x); }); } return ""; } }, /* 22 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.PDFNetworkStream = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(20); const l = 200, h = 206; function _(S) { const w = S.response; return typeof w != "string" ? w : (0, n.stringToBytes)(w).buffer; } class c { constructor(w, C = {}) { this.url = w, this.isHttp = /^https?:/i.test(w), this.httpHeaders = this.isHttp && C.httpHeaders || /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.withCredentials = C.withCredentials || !1, this.currXhrId = 0, this.pendingRequests = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } requestRange(w, C, P) { const b = { begin: w, end: C }; for (const k in P) b[k] = P[k]; return this.request(b); } requestFull(w) { return this.request(w); } request(w) { const C = new XMLHttpRequest(), P = this.currXhrId++, b = this.pendingRequests[P] = { xhr: C };"GET", this.url), C.withCredentials = this.withCredentials; for (const k in this.httpHeaders) { const F = this.httpHeaders[k]; F !== void 0 && C.setRequestHeader(k, F); } return this.isHttp && "begin" in w && "end" in w ? (C.setRequestHeader("Range", `bytes=${w.begin}-${w.end - 1}`), b.expectedStatus = h) : b.expectedStatus = l, C.responseType = "arraybuffer", w.onError && (C.onerror = function(k) { w.onError(C.status); }), C.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this, P), C.onprogress = this.onProgress.bind(this, P), b.onHeadersReceived = w.onHeadersReceived, b.onDone = w.onDone, b.onError = w.onError, b.onProgress = w.onProgress, C.send(null), P; } onProgress(w, C) { var b; const P = this.pendingRequests[w]; P && ((b = P.onProgress) == null ||, C)); } onStateChange(w, C) { var y, p, E; const P = this.pendingRequests[w]; if (!P) return; const b = P.xhr; if (b.readyState >= 2 && P.onHeadersReceived && (P.onHeadersReceived(), delete P.onHeadersReceived), b.readyState !== 4 || !(w in this.pendingRequests)) return; if (delete this.pendingRequests[w], b.status === 0 && this.isHttp) { (y = P.onError) == null ||, b.status); return; } const k = b.status || l; if (!(k === l && P.expectedStatus === h) && k !== P.expectedStatus) { (p = P.onError) == null ||, b.status); return; } const x = _(b); if (k === h) { const $ = b.getResponseHeader("Content-Range"), M = /bytes (\d+)-(\d+)\/(\d+)/.exec($); P.onDone({ begin: parseInt(M[1], 10), chunk: x }); } else x ? P.onDone({ begin: 0, chunk: x }) : (E = P.onError) == null ||, b.status); } getRequestXhr(w) { return this.pendingRequests[w].xhr; } isPendingRequest(w) { return w in this.pendingRequests; } abortRequest(w) { const C = this.pendingRequests[w].xhr; delete this.pendingRequests[w], C.abort(); } } class o { constructor(w) { this._source = w, this._manager = new c(w.url, { httpHeaders: w.httpHeaders, withCredentials: w.withCredentials }), this._rangeChunkSize = w.rangeChunkSize, this._fullRequestReader = null, this._rangeRequestReaders = []; } _onRangeRequestReaderClosed(w) { const C = this._rangeRequestReaders.indexOf(w); C >= 0 && this._rangeRequestReaders.splice(C, 1); } getFullReader() { return (0, n.assert)(!this._fullRequestReader, "PDFNetworkStream.getFullReader can only be called once."), this._fullRequestReader = new r(this._manager, this._source), this._fullRequestReader; } getRangeReader(w, C) { const P = new T(this._manager, w, C); return P.onClosed = this._onRangeRequestReaderClosed.bind(this), this._rangeRequestReaders.push(P), P; } cancelAllRequests(w) { var C; (C = this._fullRequestReader) == null || C.cancel(w); for (const P of this._rangeRequestReaders.slice(0)) P.cancel(w); } } e.PDFNetworkStream = o; class r { constructor(w, C) { this._manager = w; const P = { onHeadersReceived: this._onHeadersReceived.bind(this), onDone: this._onDone.bind(this), onError: this._onError.bind(this), onProgress: this._onProgress.bind(this) }; this._url = C.url, this._fullRequestId = w.requestFull(P), this._headersReceivedCapability = new n.PromiseCapability(), this._disableRange = C.disableRange || !1, this._contentLength = C.length, this._rangeChunkSize = C.rangeChunkSize, !this._rangeChunkSize && !this._disableRange && (this._disableRange = !0), this._isStreamingSupported = !1, this._isRangeSupported = !1, this._cachedChunks = [], this._requests = [], this._done = !1, this._storedError = void 0, this._filename = null, this.onProgress = null; } _onHeadersReceived() { const w = this._fullRequestId, C = this._manager.getRequestXhr(w), P = (F) => C.getResponseHeader(F), { allowRangeRequests: b, suggestedLength: k } = (0, s.validateRangeRequestCapabilities)({ getResponseHeader: P, isHttp: this._manager.isHttp, rangeChunkSize: this._rangeChunkSize, disableRange: this._disableRange }); b && (this._isRangeSupported = !0), this._contentLength = k || this._contentLength, this._filename = (0, s.extractFilenameFromHeader)(P), this._isRangeSupported && this._manager.abortRequest(w), this._headersReceivedCapability.resolve(); } _onDone(w) { if (w && (this._requests.length > 0 ? this._requests.shift().resolve({ value: w.chunk, done: !1 }) : this._cachedChunks.push(w.chunk)), this._done = !0, !(this._cachedChunks.length > 0)) { for (const C of this._requests) C.resolve({ value: void 0, done: !0 }); this._requests.length = 0; } } _onError(w) { this._storedError = (0, s.createResponseStatusError)(w, this._url), this._headersReceivedCapability.reject(this._storedError); for (const C of this._requests) C.reject(this._storedError); this._requests.length = 0, this._cachedChunks.length = 0; } _onProgress(w) { var C; (C = this.onProgress) == null ||, { loaded: w.loaded, total: w.lengthComputable ? : this._contentLength }); } get filename() { return this._filename; } get isRangeSupported() { return this._isRangeSupported; } get isStreamingSupported() { return this._isStreamingSupported; } get contentLength() { return this._contentLength; } get headersReady() { return this._headersReceivedCapability.promise; } async read() { if (this._storedError) throw this._storedError; if (this._cachedChunks.length > 0) return { value: this._cachedChunks.shift(), done: !1 }; if (this._done) return { value: void 0, done: !0 }; const w = new n.PromiseCapability(); return this._requests.push(w), w.promise; } cancel(w) { this._done = !0, this._headersReceivedCapability.reject(w); for (const C of this._requests) C.resolve({ value: void 0, done: !0 }); this._requests.length = 0, this._manager.isPendingRequest(this._fullRequestId) && this._manager.abortRequest(this._fullRequestId), this._fullRequestReader = null; } } class T { constructor(w, C, P) { this._manager = w; const b = { onDone: this._onDone.bind(this), onError: this._onError.bind(this), onProgress: this._onProgress.bind(this) }; this._url = w.url, this._requestId = w.requestRange(C, P, b), this._requests = [], this._queuedChunk = null, this._done = !1, this._storedError = void 0, this.onProgress = null, this.onClosed = null; } _close() { var w; (w = this.onClosed) == null ||, this); } _onDone(w) { const C = w.chunk; this._requests.length > 0 ? this._requests.shift().resolve({ value: C, done: !1 }) : this._queuedChunk = C, this._done = !0; for (const P of this._requests) P.resolve({ value: void 0, done: !0 }); this._requests.length = 0, this._close(); } _onError(w) { this._storedError = (0, s.createResponseStatusError)(w, this._url); for (const C of this._requests) C.reject(this._storedError); this._requests.length = 0, this._queuedChunk = null; } _onProgress(w) { var C; this.isStreamingSupported || (C = this.onProgress) == null ||, { loaded: w.loaded }); } get isStreamingSupported() { return !1; } async read() { if (this._storedError) throw this._storedError; if (this._queuedChunk !== null) { const C = this._queuedChunk; return this._queuedChunk = null, { value: C, done: !1 }; } if (this._done) return { value: void 0, done: !0 }; const w = new n.PromiseCapability(); return this._requests.push(w), w.promise; } cancel(w) { this._done = !0; for (const C of this._requests) C.resolve({ value: void 0, done: !0 }); this._requests.length = 0, this._manager.isPendingRequest(this._requestId) && this._manager.abortRequest(this._requestId), this._close(); } } }, /* 23 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.PDFNodeStream = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(20); const l = /^file:\/\/\/[a-zA-Z]:\//; function h(P) { const b = require$$5, k = b.parse(P); return k.protocol === "file:" || ? k : /^[a-z]:[/\\]/i.test(P) ? b.parse(`file:///${P}`) : ( || (k.protocol = "file:"), k); } class _ { constructor(b) { this.source = b, this.url = h(b.url), this.isHttp = this.url.protocol === "http:" || this.url.protocol === "https:", this.isFsUrl = this.url.protocol === "file:", this.httpHeaders = this.isHttp && b.httpHeaders || {}, this._fullRequestReader = null, this._rangeRequestReaders = []; } get _progressiveDataLength() { var b; return ((b = this._fullRequestReader) == null ? void 0 : b._loaded) ?? 0; } getFullReader() { return (0, n.assert)(!this._fullRequestReader, "PDFNodeStream.getFullReader can only be called once."), this._fullRequestReader = this.isFsUrl ? new w(this) : new T(this), this._fullRequestReader; } getRangeReader(b, k) { if (k <= this._progressiveDataLength) return null; const F = this.isFsUrl ? new C(this, b, k) : new S(this, b, k); return this._rangeRequestReaders.push(F), F; } cancelAllRequests(b) { var k; (k = this._fullRequestReader) == null || k.cancel(b); for (const F of this._rangeRequestReaders.slice(0)) F.cancel(b); } } e.PDFNodeStream = _; class c { constructor(b) { this._url = b.url, this._done = !1, this._storedError = null, this.onProgress = null; const k = b.source; this._contentLength = k.length, this._loaded = 0, this._filename = null, this._disableRange = k.disableRange || !1, this._rangeChunkSize = k.rangeChunkSize, !this._rangeChunkSize && !this._disableRange && (this._disableRange = !0), this._isStreamingSupported = !k.disableStream, this._isRangeSupported = !k.disableRange, this._readableStream = null, this._readCapability = new n.PromiseCapability(), this._headersCapability = new n.PromiseCapability(); } get headersReady() { return this._headersCapability.promise; } get filename() { return this._filename; } get contentLength() { return this._contentLength; } get isRangeSupported() { return this._isRangeSupported; } get isStreamingSupported() { return this._isStreamingSupported; } async read() { var F; if (await this._readCapability.promise, this._done) return { value: void 0, done: !0 }; if (this._storedError) throw this._storedError; const b =; return b === null ? (this._readCapability = new n.PromiseCapability(), : (this._loaded += b.length, (F = this.onProgress) == null ||, { loaded: this._loaded, total: this._contentLength }), { value: new Uint8Array(b).buffer, done: !1 }); } cancel(b) { if (!this._readableStream) { this._error(b); return; } this._readableStream.destroy(b); } _error(b) { this._storedError = b, this._readCapability.resolve(); } _setReadableStream(b) { this._readableStream = b, b.on("readable", () => { this._readCapability.resolve(); }), b.on("end", () => { b.destroy(), this._done = !0, this._readCapability.resolve(); }), b.on("error", (k) => { this._error(k); }), !this._isStreamingSupported && this._isRangeSupported && this._error(new n.AbortException("streaming is disabled")), this._storedError && this._readableStream.destroy(this._storedError); } } class o { constructor(b) { this._url = b.url, this._done = !1, this._storedError = null, this.onProgress = null, this._loaded = 0, this._readableStream = null, this._readCapability = new n.PromiseCapability(); const k = b.source; this._isStreamingSupported = !k.disableStream; } get isStreamingSupported() { return this._isStreamingSupported; } async read() { var F; if (await this._readCapability.promise, this._done) return { value: void 0, done: !0 }; if (this._storedError) throw this._storedError; const b =; return b === null ? (this._readCapability = new n.PromiseCapability(), : (this._loaded += b.length, (F = this.onProgress) == null ||, { loaded: this._loaded }), { value: new Uint8Array(b).buffer, done: !1 }); } cancel(b) { if (!this._readableStream) { this._error(b); return; } this._readableStream.destroy(b); } _error(b) { this._storedError = b, this._readCapability.resolve(); } _setReadableStream(b) { this._readableStream = b, b.on("readable", () => { this._readCapability.resolve(); }), b.on("end", () => { b.destroy(), this._done = !0, this._readCapability.resolve(); }), b.on("error", (k) => { this._error(k); }), this._storedError && this._readableStream.destroy(this._storedError); } } function r(P, b) { return { protocol: P.protocol, auth: P.auth, host: P.hostname, port: P.port, path: P.path, method: "GET", headers: b }; } class T extends c { constructor(b) { super(b); const k = (F) => { if (F.statusCode === 404) { const E = new n.MissingPDFException(`Missing PDF "${this._url}".`); this._storedError = E, this._headersCapability.reject(E); return; } this._headersCapability.resolve(), this._setReadableStream(F); const x = (E) => this._readableStream.headers[E.toLowerCase()], { allowRangeRequests: y, suggestedLength: p } = (0, s.validateRangeRequestCapabilities)({ getResponseHeader: x, isHttp: b.isHttp, rangeChunkSize: this._rangeChunkSize, disableRange: this._disableRange }); this._isRangeSupported = y, this._contentLength = p || this._contentLength, this._filename = (0, s.extractFilenameFromHeader)(x); }; if (this._request = null, this._url.protocol === "http:") { const F = require$$5; this._request = F.request(r(this._url, b.httpHeaders), k); } else { const F = require$$5; this._request = F.request(r(this._url, b.httpHeaders), k); } this._request.on("error", (F) => { this._storedError = F, this._headersCapability.reject(F); }), this._request.end(); } } class S extends o { constructor(b, k, F) { super(b), this._httpHeaders = {}; for (const y in b.httpHeaders) { const p = b.httpHeaders[y]; p !== void 0 && (this._httpHeaders[y] = p); } this._httpHeaders.Range = `bytes=${k}-${F - 1}`; const x = (y) => { if (y.statusCode === 404) { const p = new n.MissingPDFException(`Missing PDF "${this._url}".`); this._storedError = p; return; } this._setReadableStream(y); }; if (this._request = null, this._url.protocol === "http:") { const y = require$$5; this._request = y.request(r(this._url, this._httpHeaders), x); } else { const y = require$$5; this._request = y.request(r(this._url, this._httpHeaders), x); } this._request.on("error", (y) => { this._storedError = y; }), this._request.end(); } } class w extends c { constructor(b) { super(b); let k = decodeURIComponent(this._url.path); l.test(this._url.href) && (k = k.replace(/^\//, "")); const F = require$$5; F.lstat(k, (x, y) => { if (x) { x.code === "ENOENT" && (x = new n.MissingPDFException(`Missing PDF "${k}".`)), this._storedError = x, this._headersCapability.reject(x); return; } this._contentLength = y.size, this._setReadableStream(F.createReadStream(k)), this._headersCapability.resolve(); }); } } class C extends o { constructor(b, k, F) { super(b); let x = decodeURIComponent(this._url.path); l.test(this._url.href) && (x = x.replace(/^\//, "")); const y = require$$5; this._setReadableStream(y.createReadStream(x, { start: k, end: F - 1 })); } } }, /* 24 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.SVGGraphics = void 0; var n = i(6), s = i(1); const l = { fontStyle: "normal", fontWeight: "normal", fillColor: "#000000" }, h = "", _ = "", c = ["butt", "round", "square"], o = ["miter", "round", "bevel"], r = function(y, p = "", E = !1) { if (URL.createObjectURL && typeof Blob < "u" && !E) return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([y], { type: p })); const $ = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; let M = `data:${p};base64,`; for (let m = 0, N = y.length; m < N; m += 3) { const D = y[m] & 255, X = y[m + 1] & 255, G = y[m + 2] & 255, I = D >> 2, B = (D & 3) << 4 | X >> 4, ee = m + 1 < N ? (X & 15) << 2 | G >> 6 : 64, Y = m + 2 < N ? G & 63 : 64; M += $[I] + $[B] + $[ee] + $[Y]; } return M; }, T = function() { const y = new Uint8Array([137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10]), p = 12, E = new Int32Array(256); for (let G = 0; G < 256; G++) { let I = G; for (let B = 0; B < 8; B++) I = I & 1 ? 3988292384 ^ I >> 1 & 2147483647 : I >> 1 & 2147483647; E[G] = I; } function $(G, I, B) { let ee = -1; for (let Y = I; Y < B; Y++) { const q = (ee ^ G[Y]) & 255, le = E[q]; ee = ee >>> 8 ^ le; } return ee ^ -1; } function M(G, I, B, ee) { let Y = ee; const q = I.length; B[Y] = q >> 24 & 255, B[Y + 1] = q >> 16 & 255, B[Y + 2] = q >> 8 & 255, B[Y + 3] = q & 255, Y += 4, B[Y] = G.charCodeAt(0) & 255, B[Y + 1] = G.charCodeAt(1) & 255, B[Y + 2] = G.charCodeAt(2) & 255, B[Y + 3] = G.charCodeAt(3) & 255, Y += 4, B.set(I, Y), Y += I.length; const le = $(B, ee + 4, Y); B[Y] = le >> 24 & 255, B[Y + 1] = le >> 16 & 255, B[Y + 2] = le >> 8 & 255, B[Y + 3] = le & 255; } function m(G, I, B) { let ee = 1, Y = 0; for (let q = I; q < B; ++q) ee = (ee + (G[q] & 255)) % 65521, Y = (Y + ee) % 65521; return Y << 16 | ee; } function N(G) { if (!s.isNodeJS) return D(G); try { const I = parseInt(process.versions.node) >= 8 ? G : Buffer.from(G), B = require$$5.deflateSync(I, { level: 9 }); return B instanceof Uint8Array ? B : new Uint8Array(B); } catch (I) { (0, s.warn)("Not compressing PNG because zlib.deflateSync is unavailable: " + I); } return D(G); } function D(G) { let I = G.length; const B = 65535, ee = Math.ceil(I / B), Y = new Uint8Array(2 + I + ee * 5 + 4); let q = 0; Y[q++] = 120, Y[q++] = 156; let le = 0; for (; I > B; ) Y[q++] = 0, Y[q++] = 255, Y[q++] = 255, Y[q++] = 0, Y[q++] = 0, Y.set(G.subarray(le, le + B), q), q += B, le += B, I -= B; Y[q++] = 1, Y[q++] = I & 255, Y[q++] = I >> 8 & 255, Y[q++] = ~I & 65535 & 255, Y[q++] = (~I & 65535) >> 8 & 255, Y.set(G.subarray(le), q), q += G.length - le; const pe = m(G, 0, G.length); return Y[q++] = pe >> 24 & 255, Y[q++] = pe >> 16 & 255, Y[q++] = pe >> 8 & 255, Y[q++] = pe & 255, Y; } function X(G, I, B, ee) { const Y = G.width, q = G.height; let le, pe, we; const be =; switch (I) { case s.ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP: pe = 0, le = 1, we = Y + 7 >> 3; break; case s.ImageKind.RGB_24BPP: pe = 2, le = 8, we = Y * 3; break; case s.ImageKind.RGBA_32BPP: pe = 6, le = 8, we = Y * 4; break; default: throw new Error("invalid format"); } const R = new Uint8Array((1 + we) * q); let d = 0, g = 0; for (let z = 0; z < q; ++z) R[d++] = 0, R.set(be.subarray(g, g + we), d), g += we, d += we; if (I === s.ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP && ee) { d = 0; for (let z = 0; z < q; z++) { d++; for (let ae = 0; ae < we; ae++) R[d++] ^= 255; } } const f = new Uint8Array([Y >> 24 & 255, Y >> 16 & 255, Y >> 8 & 255, Y & 255, q >> 24 & 255, q >> 16 & 255, q >> 8 & 255, q & 255, le, pe, 0, 0, 0]), v = N(R), A = y.length + p * 3 + f.length + v.length, O = new Uint8Array(A); let H = 0; return O.set(y, H), H += y.length, M("IHDR", f, O, H), H += p + f.length, M("IDATA", v, O, H), H += p + v.length, M("IEND", new Uint8Array(0), O, H), r(O, "image/png", B); } return function(I, B, ee) { const Y = I.kind === void 0 ? s.ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP : I.kind; return X(I, Y, B, ee); }; }(); class S { constructor() { this.fontSizeScale = 1, this.fontWeight = l.fontWeight, this.fontSize = 0, this.textMatrix = s.IDENTITY_MATRIX, this.fontMatrix = s.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX, this.leading = 0, this.textRenderingMode = s.TextRenderingMode.FILL, this.textMatrixScale = 1, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.lineX = 0, this.lineY = 0, this.charSpacing = 0, this.wordSpacing = 0, this.textHScale = 1, this.textRise = 0, this.fillColor = l.fillColor, this.strokeColor = "#000000", this.fillAlpha = 1, this.strokeAlpha = 1, this.lineWidth = 1, this.lineJoin = "", this.lineCap = "", this.miterLimit = 0, this.dashArray = [], this.dashPhase = 0, this.dependencies = [], this.activeClipUrl = null, this.clipGroup = null, this.maskId = ""; } clone() { return Object.create(this); } setCurrentPoint(p, E) { this.x = p, this.y = E; } } function w(y) { let p = []; const E = []; for (const $ of y) { if ($.fn === "save") { p.push({ fnId: 92, fn: "group", items: [] }), E.push(p), p =; continue; } $.fn === "restore" ? p = E.pop() : p.push($); } return p; } function C(y) { if (Number.isInteger(y)) return y.toString(); const p = y.toFixed(10); let E = p.length - 1; if (p[E] !== "0") return p; do E--; while (p[E] === "0"); return p.substring(0, p[E] === "." ? E : E + 1); } function P(y) { if (y[4] === 0 && y[5] === 0) { if (y[1] === 0 && y[2] === 0) return y[0] === 1 && y[3] === 1 ? "" : `scale(${C(y[0])} ${C(y[3])})`; if (y[0] === y[3] && y[1] === -y[2]) { const p = Math.acos(y[0]) * 180 / Math.PI; return `rotate(${C(p)})`; } } else if (y[0] === 1 && y[1] === 0 && y[2] === 0 && y[3] === 1) return `translate(${C(y[4])} ${C(y[5])})`; return `matrix(${C(y[0])} ${C(y[1])} ${C(y[2])} ${C(y[3])} ${C(y[4])} ${C(y[5])})`; } let b = 0, k = 0, F = 0; class x { constructor(p, E, $ = !1) { (0, n.deprecated)("The SVG back-end is no longer maintained and *may* be removed in the future."), this.svgFactory = new n.DOMSVGFactory(), this.current = new S(), this.transformMatrix = s.IDENTITY_MATRIX, this.transformStack = [], this.extraStack = [], this.commonObjs = p, this.objs = E, this.pendingClip = null, this.pendingEOFill = !1, this.embedFonts = !1, this.embeddedFonts = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.cssStyle = null, this.forceDataSchema = !!$, this._operatorIdMapping = []; for (const M in s.OPS) this._operatorIdMapping[s.OPS[M]] = M; } getObject(p, E = null) { return typeof p == "string" ? p.startsWith("g_") ? this.commonObjs.get(p) : this.objs.get(p) : E; } save() { this.transformStack.push(this.transformMatrix); const p = this.current; this.extraStack.push(p), this.current = p.clone(); } restore() { this.transformMatrix = this.transformStack.pop(), this.current = this.extraStack.pop(), this.pendingClip = null, this.tgrp = null; } group(p) {, this.executeOpTree(p), this.restore(); } loadDependencies(p) { const E = p.fnArray, $ = p.argsArray; for (let M = 0, m = E.length; M < m; M++) if (E[M] === s.OPS.dependency) for (const N of $[M]) { const D = N.startsWith("g_") ? this.commonObjs : this.objs, X = new Promise((G) => { D.get(N, G); }); this.current.dependencies.push(X); } return Promise.all(this.current.dependencies); } transform(p, E, $, M, m, N) { const D = [p, E, $, M, m, N]; this.transformMatrix = s.Util.transform(this.transformMatrix, D), this.tgrp = null; } getSVG(p, E) { this.viewport = E; const $ = this._initialize(E); return this.loadDependencies(p).then(() => (this.transformMatrix = s.IDENTITY_MATRIX, this.executeOpTree(this.convertOpList(p)), $)); } convertOpList(p) { const E = this._operatorIdMapping, $ = p.argsArray, M = p.fnArray, m = []; for (let N = 0, D = M.length; N < D; N++) { const X = M[N]; m.push({ fnId: X, fn: E[X], args: $[N] }); } return w(m); } executeOpTree(p) { for (const E of p) { const $ = E.fn, M = E.fnId, m = E.args; switch (M | 0) { case s.OPS.beginText: this.beginText(); break; case s.OPS.dependency: break; case s.OPS.setLeading: this.setLeading(m); break; case s.OPS.setLeadingMoveText: this.setLeadingMoveText(m[0], m[1]); break; case s.OPS.setFont: this.setFont(m); break; case s.OPS.showText: this.showText(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.showSpacedText: this.showText(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.endText: this.endText(); break; case s.OPS.moveText: this.moveText(m[0], m[1]); break; case s.OPS.setCharSpacing: this.setCharSpacing(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setWordSpacing: this.setWordSpacing(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setHScale: this.setHScale(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setTextMatrix: this.setTextMatrix(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]); break; case s.OPS.setTextRise: this.setTextRise(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setTextRenderingMode: this.setTextRenderingMode(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setLineWidth: this.setLineWidth(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setLineJoin: this.setLineJoin(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setLineCap: this.setLineCap(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setMiterLimit: this.setMiterLimit(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setFillRGBColor: this.setFillRGBColor(m[0], m[1], m[2]); break; case s.OPS.setStrokeRGBColor: this.setStrokeRGBColor(m[0], m[1], m[2]); break; case s.OPS.setStrokeColorN: this.setStrokeColorN(m); break; case s.OPS.setFillColorN: this.setFillColorN(m); break; case s.OPS.shadingFill: this.shadingFill(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setDash: this.setDash(m[0], m[1]); break; case s.OPS.setRenderingIntent: this.setRenderingIntent(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setFlatness: this.setFlatness(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.setGState: this.setGState(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.fill: this.fill(); break; case s.OPS.eoFill: this.eoFill(); break; case s.OPS.stroke: this.stroke(); break; case s.OPS.fillStroke: this.fillStroke(); break; case s.OPS.eoFillStroke: this.eoFillStroke(); break; case s.OPS.clip: this.clip("nonzero"); break; case s.OPS.eoClip: this.clip("evenodd"); break; case s.OPS.paintSolidColorImageMask: this.paintSolidColorImageMask(); break; case s.OPS.paintImageXObject: this.paintImageXObject(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.paintInlineImageXObject: this.paintInlineImageXObject(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.paintImageMaskXObject: this.paintImageMaskXObject(m[0]); break; case s.OPS.paintFormXObjectBegin: this.paintFormXObjectBegin(m[0], m[1]); break; case s.OPS.paintFormXObjectEnd: this.paintFormXObjectEnd(); break; case s.OPS.closePath: this.closePath(); break; case s.OPS.closeStroke: this.closeStroke(); break; case s.OPS.closeFillStroke: this.closeFillStroke(); break; case s.OPS.closeEOFillStroke: this.closeEOFillStroke(); break; case s.OPS.nextLine: this.nextLine(); break; case s.OPS.transform: this.transform(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]); break; case s.OPS.constructPath: this.constructPath(m[0], m[1]); break; case s.OPS.endPath: this.endPath(); break; case 92:; break; default: (0, s.warn)(`Unimplemented operator ${$}`); break; } } } setWordSpacing(p) { this.current.wordSpacing = p; } setCharSpacing(p) { this.current.charSpacing = p; } nextLine() { this.moveText(0, this.current.leading); } setTextMatrix(p, E, $, M, m, N) { const D = this.current; D.textMatrix = D.lineMatrix = [p, E, $, M, m, N], D.textMatrixScale = Math.hypot(p, E), D.x = D.lineX = 0, D.y = D.lineY = 0, D.xcoords = [], D.ycoords = [], D.tspan = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:tspan"), D.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "font-family", D.fontFamily), D.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "font-size", `${C(D.fontSize)}px`), D.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "y", C(-D.y)), D.txtElement = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:text"), D.txtElement.append(D.tspan); } beginText() { const p = this.current; p.x = p.lineX = 0, p.y = p.lineY = 0, p.textMatrix = s.IDENTITY_MATRIX, p.lineMatrix = s.IDENTITY_MATRIX, p.textMatrixScale = 1, p.tspan = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:tspan"), p.txtElement = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:text"), p.txtgrp = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:g"), p.xcoords = [], p.ycoords = []; } moveText(p, E) { const $ = this.current; $.x = $.lineX += p, $.y = $.lineY += E, $.xcoords = [], $.ycoords = [], $.tspan = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:tspan"), $.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "font-family", $.fontFamily), $.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "font-size", `${C($.fontSize)}px`), $.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "y", C(-$.y)); } showText(p) { const E = this.current, $ = E.font, M = E.fontSize; if (M === 0) return; const m = E.fontSizeScale, N = E.charSpacing, D = E.wordSpacing, X = E.fontDirection, G = E.textHScale * X, I = $.vertical, B = I ? 1 : -1, ee = $.defaultVMetrics, Y = M * E.fontMatrix[0]; let q = 0; for (const we of p) { if (we === null) { q += X * D; continue; } else if (typeof we == "number") { q += B * we * M / 1e3; continue; } const be = (we.isSpace ? D : 0) + N, R = we.fontChar; let d, g, f = we.width; if (I) { let A; const O = we.vmetric || ee; A = we.vmetric ? O[1] : f * 0.5, A = -A * Y; const H = O[2] * Y; f = O ? -O[0] : f, d = A / m, g = (q + H) / m; } else d = q / m, g = 0; (we.isInFont || $.missingFile) && (E.xcoords.push(E.x + d), I && E.ycoords.push(-E.y + g), E.tspan.textContent += R); const v = I ? f * Y - be * X : f * Y + be * X; q += v; } E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "x"," ")), I ? E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "y"," ")) : E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "y", C(-E.y)), I ? E.y -= q : E.x += q * G, E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "font-family", E.fontFamily), E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "font-size", `${C(E.fontSize)}px`), E.fontStyle !== l.fontStyle && E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "font-style", E.fontStyle), E.fontWeight !== l.fontWeight && E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "font-weight", E.fontWeight); const le = E.textRenderingMode & s.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE_MASK; if (le === s.TextRenderingMode.FILL || le === s.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE ? (E.fillColor !== l.fillColor && E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", E.fillColor), E.fillAlpha < 1 && E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "fill-opacity", E.fillAlpha)) : E.textRenderingMode === s.TextRenderingMode.ADD_TO_PATH ? E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "transparent") : E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "none"), le === s.TextRenderingMode.STROKE || le === s.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) { const we = 1 / (E.textMatrixScale || 1); this._setStrokeAttributes(E.tspan, we); } let pe = E.textMatrix; E.textRise !== 0 && (pe = pe.slice(), pe[5] += E.textRise), E.txtElement.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", `${P(pe)} scale(${C(G)}, -1)`), E.txtElement.setAttributeNS(h, "xml:space", "preserve"), E.txtElement.append(E.tspan), E.txtgrp.append(E.txtElement), this._ensureTransformGroup().append(E.txtElement); } setLeadingMoveText(p, E) { this.setLeading(-E), this.moveText(p, E); } addFontStyle(p) { if (! throw new Error('addFontStyle: No font data available, ensure that the "fontExtraProperties" API parameter is set.'); this.cssStyle || (this.cssStyle = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:style"), this.cssStyle.setAttributeNS(null, "type", "text/css"), this.defs.append(this.cssStyle)); const E = r(, p.mimetype, this.forceDataSchema); this.cssStyle.textContent += `@font-face { font-family: "${p.loadedName}"; src: url(${E}); } `; } setFont(p) { const E = this.current, $ = this.commonObjs.get(p[0]); let M = p[1]; E.font = $, this.embedFonts && !$.missingFile && !this.embeddedFonts[$.loadedName] && (this.addFontStyle($), this.embeddedFonts[$.loadedName] = $), E.fontMatrix = $.fontMatrix || s.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX; let m = "normal"; $.black ? m = "900" : $.bold && (m = "bold"); const N = $.italic ? "italic" : "normal"; M < 0 ? (M = -M, E.fontDirection = -1) : E.fontDirection = 1, E.fontSize = M, E.fontFamily = $.loadedName, E.fontWeight = m, E.fontStyle = N, E.tspan = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:tspan"), E.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "y", C(-E.y)), E.xcoords = [], E.ycoords = []; } endText() { var E; const p = this.current; p.textRenderingMode & s.TextRenderingMode.ADD_TO_PATH_FLAG && ((E = p.txtElement) != null && E.hasChildNodes()) && (p.element = p.txtElement, this.clip("nonzero"), this.endPath()); } setLineWidth(p) { p > 0 && (this.current.lineWidth = p); } setLineCap(p) { this.current.lineCap = c[p]; } setLineJoin(p) { this.current.lineJoin = o[p]; } setMiterLimit(p) { this.current.miterLimit = p; } setStrokeAlpha(p) { this.current.strokeAlpha = p; } setStrokeRGBColor(p, E, $) { this.current.strokeColor = s.Util.makeHexColor(p, E, $); } setFillAlpha(p) { this.current.fillAlpha = p; } setFillRGBColor(p, E, $) { this.current.fillColor = s.Util.makeHexColor(p, E, $), this.current.tspan = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:tspan"), this.current.xcoords = [], this.current.ycoords = []; } setStrokeColorN(p) { this.current.strokeColor = this._makeColorN_Pattern(p); } setFillColorN(p) { this.current.fillColor = this._makeColorN_Pattern(p); } shadingFill(p) { const { width: E, height: $ } = this.viewport, M = s.Util.inverseTransform(this.transformMatrix), [m, N, D, X] = s.Util.getAxialAlignedBoundingBox([0, 0, E, $], M), G = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:rect"); G.setAttributeNS(null, "x", m), G.setAttributeNS(null, "y", N), G.setAttributeNS(null, "width", D - m), G.setAttributeNS(null, "height", X - N), G.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", this._makeShadingPattern(p)), this.current.fillAlpha < 1 && G.setAttributeNS(null, "fill-opacity", this.current.fillAlpha), this._ensureTransformGroup().append(G); } _makeColorN_Pattern(p) { return p[0] === "TilingPattern" ? this._makeTilingPattern(p) : this._makeShadingPattern(p); } _makeTilingPattern(p) { const E = p[1], $ = p[2], M = p[3] || s.IDENTITY_MATRIX, [m, N, D, X] = p[4], G = p[5], I = p[6], B = p[7], ee = `shading${F++}`, [Y, q, le, pe] = s.Util.normalizeRect([...s.Util.applyTransform([m, N], M), ...s.Util.applyTransform([D, X], M)]), [we, be] = s.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(M), R = G * we, d = I * be, g = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:pattern"); g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", ee), g.setAttributeNS(null, "patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"), g.setAttributeNS(null, "width", R), g.setAttributeNS(null, "height", d), g.setAttributeNS(null, "x", `${Y}`), g.setAttributeNS(null, "y", `${q}`); const f = this.svg, v = this.transformMatrix, A = this.current.fillColor, O = this.current.strokeColor, H = this.svgFactory.create(le - Y, pe - q); if (this.svg = H, this.transformMatrix = M, B === 2) { const z = s.Util.makeHexColor(...E); this.current.fillColor = z, this.current.strokeColor = z; } return this.executeOpTree(this.convertOpList($)), this.svg = f, this.transformMatrix = v, this.current.fillColor = A, this.current.strokeColor = O, g.append(H.childNodes[0]), this.defs.append(g), `url(#${ee})`; } _makeShadingPattern(p) { switch (typeof p == "string" && (p = this.objs.get(p)), p[0]) { case "RadialAxial": const E = `shading${F++}`, $ = p[3]; let M; switch (p[1]) { case "axial": const m = p[4], N = p[5]; M = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:linearGradient"), M.setAttributeNS(null, "id", E), M.setAttributeNS(null, "gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"), M.setAttributeNS(null, "x1", m[0]), M.setAttributeNS(null, "y1", m[1]), M.setAttributeNS(null, "x2", N[0]), M.setAttributeNS(null, "y2", N[1]); break; case "radial": const D = p[4], X = p[5], G = p[6], I = p[7]; M = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:radialGradient"), M.setAttributeNS(null, "id", E), M.setAttributeNS(null, "gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"), M.setAttributeNS(null, "cx", X[0]), M.setAttributeNS(null, "cy", X[1]), M.setAttributeNS(null, "r", I), M.setAttributeNS(null, "fx", D[0]), M.setAttributeNS(null, "fy", D[1]), M.setAttributeNS(null, "fr", G); break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown RadialAxial type: ${p[1]}`); } for (const m of $) { const N = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:stop"); N.setAttributeNS(null, "offset", m[0]), N.setAttributeNS(null, "stop-color", m[1]), M.append(N); } return this.defs.append(M), `url(#${E})`; case "Mesh": return (0, s.warn)("Unimplemented pattern Mesh"), null; case "Dummy": return "hotpink"; default: throw new Error(`Unknown IR type: ${p[0]}`); } } setDash(p, E) { this.current.dashArray = p, this.current.dashPhase = E; } constructPath(p, E) { const $ = this.current; let M = $.x, m = $.y, N = [], D = 0; for (const X of p) switch (X | 0) { case s.OPS.rectangle: M = E[D++], m = E[D++]; const G = E[D++], I = E[D++], B = M + G, ee = m + I; N.push("M", C(M), C(m), "L", C(B), C(m), "L", C(B), C(ee), "L", C(M), C(ee), "Z"); break; case s.OPS.moveTo: M = E[D++], m = E[D++], N.push("M", C(M), C(m)); break; case s.OPS.lineTo: M = E[D++], m = E[D++], N.push("L", C(M), C(m)); break; case s.OPS.curveTo: M = E[D + 4], m = E[D + 5], N.push("C", C(E[D]), C(E[D + 1]), C(E[D + 2]), C(E[D + 3]), C(M), C(m)), D += 6; break; case s.OPS.curveTo2: N.push("C", C(M), C(m), C(E[D]), C(E[D + 1]), C(E[D + 2]), C(E[D + 3])), M = E[D + 2], m = E[D + 3], D += 4; break; case s.OPS.curveTo3: M = E[D + 2], m = E[D + 3], N.push("C", C(E[D]), C(E[D + 1]), C(M), C(m), C(M), C(m)), D += 4; break; case s.OPS.closePath: N.push("Z"); break; } N = N.join(" "), $.path && p.length > 0 && p[0] !== s.OPS.rectangle && p[0] !== s.OPS.moveTo ? N = $.path.getAttributeNS(null, "d") + N : ($.path = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:path"), this._ensureTransformGroup().append($.path)), $.path.setAttributeNS(null, "d", N), $.path.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "none"), $.element = $.path, $.setCurrentPoint(M, m); } endPath() { const p = this.current; if (p.path = null, !this.pendingClip) return; if (!p.element) { this.pendingClip = null; return; } const E = `clippath${b++}`, $ = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:clipPath"); $.setAttributeNS(null, "id", E), $.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", P(this.transformMatrix)); const M = p.element.cloneNode(!0); if (this.pendingClip === "evenodd" ? M.setAttributeNS(null, "clip-rule", "evenodd") : M.setAttributeNS(null, "clip-rule", "nonzero"), this.pendingClip = null, $.append(M), this.defs.append($), p.activeClipUrl) { p.clipGroup = null; for (const m of this.extraStack) m.clipGroup = null; $.setAttributeNS(null, "clip-path", p.activeClipUrl); } p.activeClipUrl = `url(#${E})`, this.tgrp = null; } clip(p) { this.pendingClip = p; } closePath() { const p = this.current; if (p.path) { const E = `${p.path.getAttributeNS(null, "d")}Z`; p.path.setAttributeNS(null, "d", E); } } setLeading(p) { this.current.leading = -p; } setTextRise(p) { this.current.textRise = p; } setTextRenderingMode(p) { this.current.textRenderingMode = p; } setHScale(p) { this.current.textHScale = p / 100; } setRenderingIntent(p) { } setFlatness(p) { } setGState(p) { for (const [E, $] of p) switch (E) { case "LW": this.setLineWidth($); break; case "LC": this.setLineCap($); break; case "LJ": this.setLineJoin($); break; case "ML": this.setMiterLimit($); break; case "D": this.setDash($[0], $[1]); break; case "RI": this.setRenderingIntent($); break; case "FL": this.setFlatness($); break; case "Font": this.setFont($); break; case "CA": this.setStrokeAlpha($); break; case "ca": this.setFillAlpha($); break; default: (0, s.warn)(`Unimplemented graphic state operator ${E}`); break; } } fill() { const p = this.current; p.element && (p.element.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", p.fillColor), p.element.setAttributeNS(null, "fill-opacity", p.fillAlpha), this.endPath()); } stroke() { const p = this.current; p.element && (this._setStrokeAttributes(p.element), p.element.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "none"), this.endPath()); } _setStrokeAttributes(p, E = 1) { const $ = this.current; let M = $.dashArray; E !== 1 && M.length > 0 && (M = { return E * m; })), p.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke", $.strokeColor), p.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-opacity", $.strokeAlpha), p.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-miterlimit", C($.miterLimit)), p.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-linecap", $.lineCap), p.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-linejoin", $.lineJoin), p.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-width", C(E * $.lineWidth) + "px"), p.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-dasharray"," ")), p.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-dashoffset", C(E * $.dashPhase) + "px"); } eoFill() { var p; (p = this.current.element) == null || p.setAttributeNS(null, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), this.fill(); } fillStroke() { this.stroke(), this.fill(); } eoFillStroke() { var p; (p = this.current.element) == null || p.setAttributeNS(null, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), this.fillStroke(); } closeStroke() { this.closePath(), this.stroke(); } closeFillStroke() { this.closePath(), this.fillStroke(); } closeEOFillStroke() { this.closePath(), this.eoFillStroke(); } paintSolidColorImageMask() { const p = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:rect"); p.setAttributeNS(null, "x", "0"), p.setAttributeNS(null, "y", "0"), p.setAttributeNS(null, "width", "1px"), p.setAttributeNS(null, "height", "1px"), p.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", this.current.fillColor), this._ensureTransformGroup().append(p); } paintImageXObject(p) { const E = this.getObject(p); if (!E) { (0, s.warn)(`Dependent image with object ID ${p} is not ready yet`); return; } this.paintInlineImageXObject(E); } paintInlineImageXObject(p, E) { const $ = p.width, M = p.height, m = T(p, this.forceDataSchema, !!E), N = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:rect"); N.setAttributeNS(null, "x", "0"), N.setAttributeNS(null, "y", "0"), N.setAttributeNS(null, "width", C($)), N.setAttributeNS(null, "height", C(M)), this.current.element = N, this.clip("nonzero"); const D = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:image"); D.setAttributeNS(_, "xlink:href", m), D.setAttributeNS(null, "x", "0"), D.setAttributeNS(null, "y", C(-M)), D.setAttributeNS(null, "width", C($) + "px"), D.setAttributeNS(null, "height", C(M) + "px"), D.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", `scale(${C(1 / $)} ${C(-1 / M)})`), E ? E.append(D) : this._ensureTransformGroup().append(D); } paintImageMaskXObject(p) { const E = this.getObject(, p); if (E.bitmap) { (0, s.warn)("paintImageMaskXObject: ImageBitmap support is not implemented, ensure that the `isOffscreenCanvasSupported` API parameter is disabled."); return; } const $ = this.current, M = E.width, m = E.height, N = $.fillColor; $.maskId = `mask${k++}`; const D = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:mask"); D.setAttributeNS(null, "id", $.maskId); const X = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:rect"); X.setAttributeNS(null, "x", "0"), X.setAttributeNS(null, "y", "0"), X.setAttributeNS(null, "width", C(M)), X.setAttributeNS(null, "height", C(m)), X.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", N), X.setAttributeNS(null, "mask", `url(#${$.maskId})`), this.defs.append(D), this._ensureTransformGroup().append(X), this.paintInlineImageXObject(E, D); } paintFormXObjectBegin(p, E) { if (Array.isArray(p) && p.length === 6 && this.transform(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]), E) { const $ = E[2] - E[0], M = E[3] - E[1], m = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:rect"); m.setAttributeNS(null, "x", E[0]), m.setAttributeNS(null, "y", E[1]), m.setAttributeNS(null, "width", C($)), m.setAttributeNS(null, "height", C(M)), this.current.element = m, this.clip("nonzero"), this.endPath(); } } paintFormXObjectEnd() { } _initialize(p) { const E = this.svgFactory.create(p.width, p.height), $ = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:defs"); E.append($), this.defs = $; const M = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:g"); return M.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", P(p.transform)), E.append(M), this.svg = M, E; } _ensureClipGroup() { if (!this.current.clipGroup) { const p = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:g"); p.setAttributeNS(null, "clip-path", this.current.activeClipUrl), this.svg.append(p), this.current.clipGroup = p; } return this.current.clipGroup; } _ensureTransformGroup() { return this.tgrp || (this.tgrp = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:g"), this.tgrp.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", P(this.transformMatrix)), this.current.activeClipUrl ? this._ensureClipGroup().append(this.tgrp) : this.svg.append(this.tgrp)), this.tgrp; } } e.SVGGraphics = x; }, /* 25 */ /***/ (t, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.XfaText = void 0; class i { static textContent(s) { const l = [], h = { items: l, styles: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) }; function _(c) { var T; if (!c) return; let o = null; const r =; if (r === "#text") o = c.value; else if (i.shouldBuildText(r)) (T = c == null ? void 0 : c.attributes) != null && T.textContent ? o = c.attributes.textContent : c.value && (o = c.value); else return; if (o !== null && l.push({ str: o }), !!c.children) for (const S of c.children) _(S); } return _(s), h; } static shouldBuildText(s) { return !(s === "textarea" || s === "input" || s === "option" || s === "select"); } } e.XfaText = i; }, /* 26 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.TextLayerRenderTask = void 0, e.renderTextLayer = P, e.updateTextLayer = b; var n = i(1), s = i(6); const l = 1e5, h = 30, _ = 0.8, c = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function o(k, F) { let x; if (F && n.FeatureTest.isOffscreenCanvasSupported) x = new OffscreenCanvas(k, k).getContext("2d", { alpha: !1 }); else { const y = document.createElement("canvas"); y.width = y.height = k, x = y.getContext("2d", { alpha: !1 }); } return x; } function r(k, F) { const x = c.get(k); if (x) return x; const y = o(h, F); y.font = `${h}px ${k}`; const p = y.measureText(""); let E = p.fontBoundingBoxAscent, $ = Math.abs(p.fontBoundingBoxDescent); if (E) { const m = E / (E + $); return c.set(k, m), y.canvas.width = y.canvas.height = 0, m; } y.strokeStyle = "red", y.clearRect(0, 0, h, h), y.strokeText("g", 0, 0); let M = y.getImageData(0, 0, h, h).data; $ = 0; for (let m = M.length - 1 - 3; m >= 0; m -= 4) if (M[m] > 0) { $ = Math.ceil(m / 4 / h); break; } y.clearRect(0, 0, h, h), y.strokeText("A", 0, h), M = y.getImageData(0, 0, h, h).data, E = 0; for (let m = 0, N = M.length; m < N; m += 4) if (M[m] > 0) { E = h - Math.floor(m / 4 / h); break; } if (y.canvas.width = y.canvas.height = 0, E) { const m = E / (E + $); return c.set(k, m), m; } return c.set(k, _), _; } function T(k, F, x) { const y = document.createElement("span"), p = { angle: 0, canvasWidth: 0, hasText: F.str !== "", hasEOL: F.hasEOL, fontSize: 0 }; k._textDivs.push(y); const E = n.Util.transform(k._transform, F.transform); let $ = Math.atan2(E[1], E[0]); const M = x[F.fontName]; M.vertical && ($ += Math.PI / 2); const m = Math.hypot(E[2], E[3]), N = m * r(M.fontFamily, k._isOffscreenCanvasSupported); let D, X; $ === 0 ? (D = E[4], X = E[5] - N) : (D = E[4] + N * Math.sin($), X = E[5] - N * Math.cos($)); const G = "calc(var(--scale-factor)*", I =; k._container === k._rootContainer ? (I.left = `${(100 * D / k._pageWidth).toFixed(2)}%`, = `${(100 * X / k._pageHeight).toFixed(2)}%`) : (I.left = `${G}${D.toFixed(2)}px)`, = `${G}${X.toFixed(2)}px)`), I.fontSize = `${G}${m.toFixed(2)}px)`, I.fontFamily = M.fontFamily, p.fontSize = m, y.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), y.textContent = F.str, y.dir = F.dir, k._fontInspectorEnabled && (y.dataset.fontName = F.fontName), $ !== 0 && (p.angle = $ * (180 / Math.PI)); let B = !1; if (F.str.length > 1) B = !0; else if (F.str !== " " && F.transform[0] !== F.transform[3]) { const ee = Math.abs(F.transform[0]), Y = Math.abs(F.transform[3]); ee !== Y && Math.max(ee, Y) / Math.min(ee, Y) > 1.5 && (B = !0); } B && (p.canvasWidth = M.vertical ? F.height : F.width), k._textDivProperties.set(y, p), k._isReadableStream && k._layoutText(y); } function S(k) { const { div: F, scale: x, properties: y, ctx: p, prevFontSize: E, prevFontFamily: $ } = k, { style: M } = F; let m = ""; if (y.canvasWidth !== 0 && y.hasText) { const { fontFamily: N } = M, { canvasWidth: D, fontSize: X } = y; (E !== X || $ !== N) && (p.font = `${X * x}px ${N}`, k.prevFontSize = X, k.prevFontFamily = N); const { width: G } = p.measureText(F.textContent); G > 0 && (m = `scaleX(${D * x / G})`); } y.angle !== 0 && (m = `rotate(${y.angle}deg) ${m}`), m.length > 0 && (M.transform = m); } function w(k) { if (k._canceled) return; const F = k._textDivs, x = k._capability; if (F.length > l) { x.resolve(); return; } if (!k._isReadableStream) for (const p of F) k._layoutText(p); x.resolve(); } class C { constructor({ textContentSource: F, container: x, viewport: y, textDivs: p, textDivProperties: E, textContentItemsStr: $, isOffscreenCanvasSupported: M }) { var G; this._textContentSource = F, this._isReadableStream = F instanceof ReadableStream, this._container = this._rootContainer = x, this._textDivs = p || [], this._textContentItemsStr = $ || [], this._isOffscreenCanvasSupported = M, this._fontInspectorEnabled = !!((G = globalThis.FontInspector) != null && G.enabled), this._reader = null, this._textDivProperties = E || /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), this._canceled = !1, this._capability = new n.PromiseCapability(), this._layoutTextParams = { prevFontSize: null, prevFontFamily: null, div: null, scale: y.scale * (globalThis.devicePixelRatio || 1), properties: null, ctx: o(0, M) }; const { pageWidth: m, pageHeight: N, pageX: D, pageY: X } = y.rawDims; this._transform = [1, 0, 0, -1, -D, X + N], this._pageWidth = m, this._pageHeight = N, (0, s.setLayerDimensions)(x, y), this._capability.promise.finally(() => { this._layoutTextParams = null; }).catch(() => { }); } get promise() { return this._capability.promise; } cancel() { this._canceled = !0, this._reader && (this._reader.cancel(new n.AbortException("TextLayer task cancelled.")).catch(() => { }), this._reader = null), this._capability.reject(new n.AbortException("TextLayer task cancelled.")); } _processItems(F, x) { for (const y of F) { if (y.str === void 0) { if (y.type === "beginMarkedContentProps" || y.type === "beginMarkedContent") { const p = this._container; this._container = document.createElement("span"), this._container.classList.add("markedContent"), !== null && this._container.setAttribute("id", `${}`), p.append(this._container); } else y.type === "endMarkedContent" && (this._container = this._container.parentNode); continue; } this._textContentItemsStr.push(y.str), T(this, y, x); } } _layoutText(F) { const x = = this._textDivProperties.get(F); if (this._layoutTextParams.div = F, S(this._layoutTextParams), x.hasText && this._container.append(F), x.hasEOL) { const y = document.createElement("br"); y.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), this._container.append(y); } } _render() { const F = new n.PromiseCapability(); let x = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); if (this._isReadableStream) { const y = () => {{ value: p, done: E }) => { if (E) { F.resolve(); return; } Object.assign(x, p.styles), this._processItems(p.items, x), y(); }, F.reject); }; this._reader = this._textContentSource.getReader(), y(); } else if (this._textContentSource) { const { items: y, styles: p } = this._textContentSource; this._processItems(y, p), F.resolve(); } else throw new Error('No "textContentSource" parameter specified.'); F.promise.then(() => { x = null, w(this); }, this._capability.reject); } } e.TextLayerRenderTask = C; function P(k) { !k.textContentSource && (k.textContent || k.textContentStream) && ((0, s.deprecated)("The TextLayerRender `textContent`/`textContentStream` parameters will be removed in the future, please use `textContentSource` instead."), k.textContentSource = k.textContent || k.textContentStream); const { container: F, viewport: x } = k, y = getComputedStyle(F), p = y.getPropertyValue("visibility"), E = parseFloat(y.getPropertyValue("--scale-factor")); p === "visible" && (!E || Math.abs(E - x.scale) > 1e-5) && console.error("The `--scale-factor` CSS-variable must be set, to the same value as `viewport.scale`, either on the `container`-element itself or higher up in the DOM."); const $ = new C(k); return $._render(), $; } function b({ container: k, viewport: F, textDivs: x, textDivProperties: y, isOffscreenCanvasSupported: p, mustRotate: E = !0, mustRescale: $ = !0 }) { if (E && (0, s.setLayerDimensions)(k, { rotation: F.rotation }), $) { const M = o(0, p), N = { prevFontSize: null, prevFontFamily: null, div: null, scale: F.scale * (globalThis.devicePixelRatio || 1), properties: null, ctx: M }; for (const D of x) = y.get(D), N.div = D, S(N); } } }, /* 27 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var r, T, S, w, C, P, b, k, F, x, y, nn, E, Rt, M, sn, N, rn; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.AnnotationEditorLayer = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(4), l = i(28), h = i(33), _ = i(6), c = i(34); const X = class X { constructor({ uiManager: I, pageIndex: B, div: ee, accessibilityManager: Y, annotationLayer: q, viewport: le, l10n: pe }) { W(this, y); W(this, E); W(this, M); W(this, N); W(this, r, void 0); W(this, T, !1); W(this, S, null); W(this, w, this.pointerup.bind(this)); W(this, C, this.pointerdown.bind(this)); W(this, P, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); W(this, b, !1); W(this, k, !1); W(this, F, !1); W(this, x, void 0); const we = [l.FreeTextEditor, h.InkEditor, c.StampEditor]; if (!X._initialized) { X._initialized = !0; for (const be of we) be.initialize(pe); } I.registerEditorTypes(we), oe(this, x, I), this.pageIndex = B, this.div = ee, oe(this, r, Y), oe(this, S, q), this.viewport = le, a(this, x).addLayer(this); } get isEmpty() { return a(this, P).size === 0; } updateToolbar(I) { a(this, x).updateToolbar(I); } updateMode(I = a(this, x).getMode()) { K(this, N, rn).call(this), I === n.AnnotationEditorType.INK ? (this.addInkEditorIfNeeded(!1), this.disableClick()) : this.enableClick(), I !== n.AnnotationEditorType.NONE && (this.div.classList.toggle("freeTextEditing", I === n.AnnotationEditorType.FREETEXT), this.div.classList.toggle("inkEditing", I === n.AnnotationEditorType.INK), this.div.classList.toggle("stampEditing", I === n.AnnotationEditorType.STAMP), this.div.hidden = !1); } addInkEditorIfNeeded(I) { if (!I && a(this, x).getMode() !== n.AnnotationEditorType.INK) return; if (!I) { for (const ee of a(this, P).values()) if (ee.isEmpty()) { ee.setInBackground(); return; } } K(this, E, Rt).call(this, { offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }, !1).setInBackground(); } setEditingState(I) { a(this, x).setEditingState(I); } addCommands(I) { a(this, x).addCommands(I); } enable() { = "auto"; const I = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const ee of a(this, P).values()) ee.enableEditing(), ee.annotationElementId && I.add(ee.annotationElementId); if (!a(this, S)) return; const B = a(this, S).getEditableAnnotations(); for (const ee of B) { if (ee.hide(), a(this, x).isDeletedAnnotationElement( || I.has( continue; const Y = this.deserialize(ee); Y && (this.addOrRebuild(Y), Y.enableEditing()); } } disable() { var B; oe(this, F, !0), = "none"; const I = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const ee of a(this, P).values()) { if (ee.disableEditing(), !ee.annotationElementId || ee.serialize() !== null) { I.add(ee.annotationElementId); continue; } (B = this.getEditableAnnotation(ee.annotationElementId)) == null ||, ee.remove(); } if (a(this, S)) { const ee = a(this, S).getEditableAnnotations(); for (const Y of ee) { const { id: q } =; I.has(q) || a(this, x).isDeletedAnnotationElement(q) ||; } } K(this, N, rn).call(this), this.isEmpty && (this.div.hidden = !0), oe(this, F, !1); } getEditableAnnotation(I) { var B; return ((B = a(this, S)) == null ? void 0 : B.getEditableAnnotation(I)) || null; } setActiveEditor(I) { a(this, x).getActive() !== I && a(this, x).setActiveEditor(I); } enableClick() { this.div.addEventListener("pointerdown", a(this, C)), this.div.addEventListener("pointerup", a(this, w)); } disableClick() { this.div.removeEventListener("pointerdown", a(this, C)), this.div.removeEventListener("pointerup", a(this, w)); } attach(I) { a(this, P).set(, I); const { annotationElementId: B } = I; B && a(this, x).isDeletedAnnotationElement(B) && a(this, x).removeDeletedAnnotationElement(I); } detach(I) { var B; a(this, P).delete(, (B = a(this, r)) == null || B.removePointerInTextLayer(I.contentDiv), !a(this, F) && I.annotationElementId && a(this, x).addDeletedAnnotationElement(I); } remove(I) { this.detach(I), a(this, x).removeEditor(I), I.div.contains(document.activeElement) && setTimeout(() => { a(this, x).focusMainContainer(); }, 0), I.div.remove(), I.isAttachedToDOM = !1, a(this, k) || this.addInkEditorIfNeeded(!1); } changeParent(I) { var B; I.parent !== this && (I.annotationElementId && (a(this, x).addDeletedAnnotationElement(I.annotationElementId), s.AnnotationEditor.deleteAnnotationElement(I), I.annotationElementId = null), this.attach(I), (B = I.parent) == null || B.detach(I), I.setParent(this), I.div && I.isAttachedToDOM && (I.div.remove(), this.div.append(I.div))); } add(I) { if (this.changeParent(I), a(this, x).addEditor(I), this.attach(I), !I.isAttachedToDOM) { const B = I.render(); this.div.append(B), I.isAttachedToDOM = !0; } I.fixAndSetPosition(), I.onceAdded(), a(this, x).addToAnnotationStorage(I); } moveEditorInDOM(I) { var ee; if (!I.isAttachedToDOM) return; const { activeElement: B } = document; I.div.contains(B) && (I._focusEventsAllowed = !1, setTimeout(() => { I.div.contains(document.activeElement) ? I._focusEventsAllowed = !0 : (I.div.addEventListener("focusin", () => { I._focusEventsAllowed = !0; }, { once: !0 }), B.focus()); }, 0)), I._structTreeParentId = (ee = a(this, r)) == null ? void 0 : ee.moveElementInDOM(this.div, I.div, I.contentDiv, !0); } addOrRebuild(I) { I.needsToBeRebuilt() ? I.rebuild() : this.add(I); } addUndoableEditor(I) { const B = () => I._uiManager.rebuild(I), ee = () => { I.remove(); }; this.addCommands({ cmd: B, undo: ee, mustExec: !1 }); } getNextId() { return a(this, x).getId(); } pasteEditor(I, B) { a(this, x).updateToolbar(I), a(this, x).updateMode(I); const { offsetX: ee, offsetY: Y } = K(this, M, sn).call(this), q = this.getNextId(), le = K(this, y, nn).call(this, { parent: this, id: q, x: ee, y: Y, uiManager: a(this, x), isCentered: !0, ...B }); le && this.add(le); } deserialize(I) { switch (I.annotationType ?? I.annotationEditorType) { case n.AnnotationEditorType.FREETEXT: return l.FreeTextEditor.deserialize(I, this, a(this, x)); case n.AnnotationEditorType.INK: return h.InkEditor.deserialize(I, this, a(this, x)); case n.AnnotationEditorType.STAMP: return c.StampEditor.deserialize(I, this, a(this, x)); } return null; } addNewEditor() { K(this, E, Rt).call(this, K(this, M, sn).call(this), !0); } setSelected(I) { a(this, x).setSelected(I); } toggleSelected(I) { a(this, x).toggleSelected(I); } isSelected(I) { return a(this, x).isSelected(I); } unselect(I) { a(this, x).unselect(I); } pointerup(I) { const { isMac: B } = n.FeatureTest.platform; if (!(I.button !== 0 || I.ctrlKey && B) && === this.div && a(this, b)) { if (oe(this, b, !1), !a(this, T)) { oe(this, T, !0); return; } if (a(this, x).getMode() === n.AnnotationEditorType.STAMP) { a(this, x).unselectAll(); return; } K(this, E, Rt).call(this, I, !1); } } pointerdown(I) { if (a(this, b)) { oe(this, b, !1); return; } const { isMac: B } = n.FeatureTest.platform; if (I.button !== 0 || I.ctrlKey && B || !== this.div) return; oe(this, b, !0); const ee = a(this, x).getActive(); oe(this, T, !ee || ee.isEmpty()); } findNewParent(I, B, ee) { const Y = a(this, x).findParent(B, ee); return Y === null || Y === this ? !1 : (Y.changeParent(I), !0); } destroy() { var I, B; ((I = a(this, x).getActive()) == null ? void 0 : I.parent) === this && (a(this, x).commitOrRemove(), a(this, x).setActiveEditor(null)); for (const ee of a(this, P).values()) (B = a(this, r)) == null || B.removePointerInTextLayer(ee.contentDiv), ee.setParent(null), ee.isAttachedToDOM = !1, ee.div.remove(); this.div = null, a(this, P).clear(), a(this, x).removeLayer(this); } render({ viewport: I }) { this.viewport = I, (0, _.setLayerDimensions)(this.div, I); for (const B of a(this, x).getEditors(this.pageIndex)) this.add(B); this.updateMode(); } update({ viewport: I }) { a(this, x).commitOrRemove(), this.viewport = I, (0, _.setLayerDimensions)(this.div, { rotation: I.rotation }), this.updateMode(); } get pageDimensions() { const { pageWidth: I, pageHeight: B } = this.viewport.rawDims; return [I, B]; } }; r = new WeakMap(), T = new WeakMap(), S = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakMap(), C = new WeakMap(), P = new WeakMap(), b = new WeakMap(), k = new WeakMap(), F = new WeakMap(), x = new WeakMap(), y = new WeakSet(), nn = function(I) { switch (a(this, x).getMode()) { case n.AnnotationEditorType.FREETEXT: return new l.FreeTextEditor(I); case n.AnnotationEditorType.INK: return new h.InkEditor(I); case n.AnnotationEditorType.STAMP: return new c.StampEditor(I); } return null; }, E = new WeakSet(), Rt = function(I, B) { const ee = this.getNextId(), Y = K(this, y, nn).call(this, { parent: this, id: ee, x: I.offsetX, y: I.offsetY, uiManager: a(this, x), isCentered: B }); return Y && this.add(Y), Y; }, M = new WeakSet(), sn = function() { const { x: I, y: B, width: ee, height: Y } = this.div.getBoundingClientRect(), q = Math.max(0, I), le = Math.max(0, B), pe = Math.min(window.innerWidth, I + ee), we = Math.min(window.innerHeight, B + Y), be = (q + pe) / 2 - I, R = (le + we) / 2 - B, [d, g] = this.viewport.rotation % 180 === 0 ? [be, R] : [R, be]; return { offsetX: d, offsetY: g }; }, N = new WeakSet(), rn = function() { oe(this, k, !0); for (const I of a(this, P).values()) I.isEmpty() && I.remove(); oe(this, k, !1); }, nt(X, "_initialized", !1); let o = X; e.AnnotationEditorLayer = o; }, /* 28 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var c, o, r, T, S, w, C, P, b, k, In, x, Ln, p, Dn, $, At, m, an, D, On, G, on; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.FreeTextEditor = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(5), l = i(4), h = i(29); const B = class B extends l.AnnotationEditor { constructor(q) { super({ ...q, name: "freeTextEditor" }); W(this, k); W(this, x); W(this, p); W(this, $); W(this, m); W(this, D); W(this, G); W(this, c, this.editorDivBlur.bind(this)); W(this, o, this.editorDivFocus.bind(this)); W(this, r, this.editorDivInput.bind(this)); W(this, T, this.editorDivKeydown.bind(this)); W(this, S, void 0); W(this, w, ""); W(this, C, `${}-editor`); W(this, P, void 0); W(this, b, null); oe(this, S, q.color || B._defaultColor || l.AnnotationEditor._defaultLineColor), oe(this, P, q.fontSize || B._defaultFontSize); } static get _keyboardManager() { const q = B.prototype, le = (be) => be.isEmpty(), pe = s.AnnotationEditorUIManager.TRANSLATE_SMALL, we = s.AnnotationEditorUIManager.TRANSLATE_BIG; return (0, n.shadow)(this, "_keyboardManager", new s.KeyboardManager([[["ctrl+s", "mac+meta+s", "ctrl+p", "mac+meta+p"], q.commitOrRemove, { bubbles: !0 }], [["ctrl+Enter", "mac+meta+Enter", "Escape", "mac+Escape"], q.commitOrRemove], [["ArrowLeft", "mac+ArrowLeft"], q._translateEmpty, { args: [-pe, 0], checker: le }], [["ctrl+ArrowLeft", "mac+shift+ArrowLeft"], q._translateEmpty, { args: [-we, 0], checker: le }], [["ArrowRight", "mac+ArrowRight"], q._translateEmpty, { args: [pe, 0], checker: le }], [["ctrl+ArrowRight", "mac+shift+ArrowRight"], q._translateEmpty, { args: [we, 0], checker: le }], [["ArrowUp", "mac+ArrowUp"], q._translateEmpty, { args: [0, -pe], checker: le }], [["ctrl+ArrowUp", "mac+shift+ArrowUp"], q._translateEmpty, { args: [0, -we], checker: le }], [["ArrowDown", "mac+ArrowDown"], q._translateEmpty, { args: [0, pe], checker: le }], [["ctrl+ArrowDown", "mac+shift+ArrowDown"], q._translateEmpty, { args: [0, we], checker: le }]])); } static initialize(q) { l.AnnotationEditor.initialize(q, { strings: ["free_text2_default_content", "editor_free_text2_aria_label"] }); const le = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement); this._internalPadding = parseFloat(le.getPropertyValue("--freetext-padding")); } static updateDefaultParams(q, le) { switch (q) { case n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_SIZE: B._defaultFontSize = le; break; case n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_COLOR: B._defaultColor = le; break; } } updateParams(q, le) { switch (q) { case n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_SIZE: K(this, k, In).call(this, le); break; case n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_COLOR: K(this, x, Ln).call(this, le); break; } } static get defaultPropertiesToUpdate() { return [[n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_SIZE, B._defaultFontSize], [n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_COLOR, B._defaultColor || l.AnnotationEditor._defaultLineColor]]; } get propertiesToUpdate() { return [[n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_SIZE, a(this, P)], [n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_COLOR, a(this, S)]]; } _translateEmpty(q, le) { this._uiManager.translateSelectedEditors(q, le, !0); } getInitialTranslation() { const q = this.parentScale; return [-B._internalPadding * q, -(B._internalPadding + a(this, P)) * q]; } rebuild() { this.parent && (super.rebuild(), this.div !== null && (this.isAttachedToDOM || this.parent.add(this))); } enableEditMode() { this.isInEditMode() || (this.parent.setEditingState(!1), this.parent.updateToolbar(n.AnnotationEditorType.FREETEXT), super.enableEditMode(), this.overlayDiv.classList.remove("enabled"), this.editorDiv.contentEditable = !0, this._isDraggable = !1, this.div.removeAttribute("aria-activedescendant"), this.editorDiv.addEventListener("keydown", a(this, T)), this.editorDiv.addEventListener("focus", a(this, o)), this.editorDiv.addEventListener("blur", a(this, c)), this.editorDiv.addEventListener("input", a(this, r))); } disableEditMode() { this.isInEditMode() && (this.parent.setEditingState(!0), super.disableEditMode(), this.overlayDiv.classList.add("enabled"), this.editorDiv.contentEditable = !1, this.div.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", a(this, C)), this._isDraggable = !0, this.editorDiv.removeEventListener("keydown", a(this, T)), this.editorDiv.removeEventListener("focus", a(this, o)), this.editorDiv.removeEventListener("blur", a(this, c)), this.editorDiv.removeEventListener("input", a(this, r)), this.div.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), this.isEditing = !1, this.parent.div.classList.add("freeTextEditing")); } focusin(q) { this._focusEventsAllowed && (super.focusin(q), !== this.editorDiv && this.editorDiv.focus()); } onceAdded() { var q; if (this.width) { K(this, G, on).call(this); return; } this.enableEditMode(), this.editorDiv.focus(), (q = this._initialOptions) != null && q.isCentered &&, this._initialOptions = null; } isEmpty() { return !this.editorDiv || this.editorDiv.innerText.trim() === ""; } remove() { this.isEditing = !1, this.parent && (this.parent.setEditingState(!0), this.parent.div.classList.add("freeTextEditing")), super.remove(); } commit() { if (!this.isInEditMode()) return; super.commit(), this.disableEditMode(); const q = a(this, w), le = oe(this, w, K(this, p, Dn).call(this).trimEnd()); if (q === le) return; const pe = (we) => { if (oe(this, w, we), !we) { this.remove(); return; } K(this, m, an).call(this), this._uiManager.rebuild(this), K(this, $, At).call(this); }; this.addCommands({ cmd: () => { pe(le); }, undo: () => { pe(q); }, mustExec: !1 }), K(this, $, At).call(this); } shouldGetKeyboardEvents() { return this.isInEditMode(); } enterInEditMode() { this.enableEditMode(), this.editorDiv.focus(); } dblclick(q) { this.enterInEditMode(); } keydown(q) { === this.div && q.key === "Enter" && (this.enterInEditMode(), q.preventDefault()); } editorDivKeydown(q) { B._keyboardManager.exec(this, q); } editorDivFocus(q) { this.isEditing = !0; } editorDivBlur(q) { this.isEditing = !1; } editorDivInput(q) { this.parent.div.classList.toggle("freeTextEditing", this.isEmpty()); } disableEditing() { this.editorDiv.setAttribute("role", "comment"), this.editorDiv.removeAttribute("aria-multiline"); } enableEditing() { this.editorDiv.setAttribute("role", "textbox"), this.editorDiv.setAttribute("aria-multiline", !0); } render() { if (this.div) return this.div; let q, le; this.width && (q = this.x, le = this.y), super.render(), this.editorDiv = document.createElement("div"), this.editorDiv.className = "internal", this.editorDiv.setAttribute("id", a(this, C)), this.enableEditing(), l.AnnotationEditor._l10nPromise.get("editor_free_text2_aria_label").then((we) => { var be; return (be = this.editorDiv) == null ? void 0 : be.setAttribute("aria-label", we); }), l.AnnotationEditor._l10nPromise.get("free_text2_default_content").then((we) => { var be; return (be = this.editorDiv) == null ? void 0 : be.setAttribute("default-content", we); }), this.editorDiv.contentEditable = !0; const { style: pe } = this.editorDiv; if (pe.fontSize = `calc(${a(this, P)}px * var(--scale-factor))`, pe.color = a(this, S), this.div.append(this.editorDiv), this.overlayDiv = document.createElement("div"), this.overlayDiv.classList.add("overlay", "enabled"), this.div.append(this.overlayDiv), (0, s.bindEvents)(this, this.div, ["dblclick", "keydown"]), this.width) { const [we, be] = this.parentDimensions; if (this.annotationElementId) { const { position: R } = a(this, b); let [d, g] = this.getInitialTranslation(); [d, g] = this.pageTranslationToScreen(d, g); const [f, v] = this.pageDimensions, [A, O] = this.pageTranslation; let H, z; switch (this.rotation) { case 0: H = q + (R[0] - A) / f, z = le + this.height - (R[1] - O) / v; break; case 90: H = q + (R[0] - A) / f, z = le - (R[1] - O) / v, [d, g] = [g, -d]; break; case 180: H = q - this.width + (R[0] - A) / f, z = le - (R[1] - O) / v, [d, g] = [-d, -g]; break; case 270: H = q + (R[0] - A - this.height * v) / f, z = le + (R[1] - O - this.width * f) / v, [d, g] = [-g, d]; break; } this.setAt(H * we, z * be, d, g); } else this.setAt(q * we, le * be, this.width * we, this.height * be); K(this, m, an).call(this), this._isDraggable = !0, this.editorDiv.contentEditable = !1; } else this._isDraggable = !1, this.editorDiv.contentEditable = !0; return this.div; } get contentDiv() { return this.editorDiv; } static deserialize(q, le, pe) { let we = null; if (q instanceof h.FreeTextAnnotationElement) { const { data: { defaultAppearanceData: { fontSize: R, fontColor: d }, rect: g, rotation: f, id: v }, textContent: A, textPosition: O, parent: { page: { pageNumber: H } } } = q; if (!A || A.length === 0) return null; we = q = { annotationType: n.AnnotationEditorType.FREETEXT, color: Array.from(d), fontSize: R, value: A.join(` `), position: O, pageIndex: H - 1, rect: g, rotation: f, id: v, deleted: !1 }; } const be = super.deserialize(q, le, pe); return oe(be, P, q.fontSize), oe(be, S, n.Util.makeHexColor(...q.color)), oe(be, w, q.value), be.annotationElementId = || null, oe(be, b, we), be; } serialize(q = !1) { if (this.isEmpty()) return null; if (this.deleted) return { pageIndex: this.pageIndex, id: this.annotationElementId, deleted: !0 }; const le = B._internalPadding * this.parentScale, pe = this.getRect(le, le), we = l.AnnotationEditor._colorManager.convert(this.isAttachedToDOM ? getComputedStyle(this.editorDiv).color : a(this, S)), be = { annotationType: n.AnnotationEditorType.FREETEXT, color: we, fontSize: a(this, P), value: a(this, w), pageIndex: this.pageIndex, rect: pe, rotation: this.rotation, structTreeParentId: this._structTreeParentId }; return q ? be : this.annotationElementId && !K(this, D, On).call(this, be) ? null : ( = this.annotationElementId, be); } }; c = new WeakMap(), o = new WeakMap(), r = new WeakMap(), T = new WeakMap(), S = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakMap(), C = new WeakMap(), P = new WeakMap(), b = new WeakMap(), k = new WeakSet(), In = function(q) { const le = (we) => { = `calc(${we}px * var(--scale-factor))`, this.translate(0, -(we - a(this, P)) * this.parentScale), oe(this, P, we), K(this, $, At).call(this); }, pe = a(this, P); this.addCommands({ cmd: () => { le(q); }, undo: () => { le(pe); }, mustExec: !0, type: n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_SIZE, overwriteIfSameType: !0, keepUndo: !0 }); }, x = new WeakSet(), Ln = function(q) { const le = a(this, S); this.addCommands({ cmd: () => { oe(this, S, = q); }, undo: () => { oe(this, S, = le); }, mustExec: !0, type: n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_COLOR, overwriteIfSameType: !0, keepUndo: !0 }); }, p = new WeakSet(), Dn = function() { const q = this.editorDiv.getElementsByTagName("div"); if (q.length === 0) return this.editorDiv.innerText; const le = []; for (const pe of q) le.push(pe.innerText.replace(/\r\n?|\n/, "")); return le.join(` `); }, $ = new WeakSet(), At = function() { const [q, le] = this.parentDimensions; let pe; if (this.isAttachedToDOM) pe = this.div.getBoundingClientRect(); else { const { currentLayer: we, div: be } = this, R =; = "hidden", we.div.append(this.div), pe = be.getBoundingClientRect(), be.remove(), = R; } this.rotation % 180 === this.parentRotation % 180 ? (this.width = pe.width / q, this.height = pe.height / le) : (this.width = pe.height / q, this.height = pe.width / le), this.fixAndSetPosition(); }, m = new WeakSet(), an = function() { if (this.editorDiv.replaceChildren(), !!a(this, w)) for (const q of a(this, w).split(` `)) { const le = document.createElement("div"); le.append(q ? document.createTextNode(q) : document.createElement("br")), this.editorDiv.append(le); } }, D = new WeakSet(), On = function(q) { const { value: le, fontSize: pe, color: we, rect: be, pageIndex: R } = a(this, b); return q.value !== le || q.fontSize !== pe || q.rect.some((d, g) => Math.abs(d - be[g]) >= 1) || q.color.some((d, g) => d !== we[g]) || q.pageIndex !== R; }, G = new WeakSet(), on = function(q = !1) { if (!this.annotationElementId) return; if (K(this, $, At).call(this), !q && (this.width === 0 || this.height === 0)) { setTimeout(() => K(this, G, on).call(this, !0), 0); return; } const le = B._internalPadding * this.parentScale; a(this, b).rect = this.getRect(le, le); }, nt(B, "_freeTextDefaultContent", ""), nt(B, "_internalPadding", 0), nt(B, "_defaultColor", null), nt(B, "_defaultFontSize", 10), nt(B, "_type", "freetext"); let _ = B; e.FreeTextEditor = _; }, /* 29 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var g, v, ht, O, Nn, z, ae, Q, ce, ue, me, fe, Pe, Fe, Ee, De, _e, ie, se, ge, Ce, xe, Ue, $n, je, Mt, Xe, ln, Ye, cn, ne, J, ve, Se, tt, et, te, hn, Ne, ke, $e, Be, Bn, Ae, un; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.StampAnnotationElement = e.InkAnnotationElement = e.FreeTextAnnotationElement = e.AnnotationLayer = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(6), l = i(3), h = i(30), _ = i(31), c = i(32); const o = 1e3, r = 9, T = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(); function S(Oe) { return { width: Oe[2] - Oe[0], height: Oe[3] - Oe[1] }; } class w { static create(U) { switch ( { case n.AnnotationType.LINK: return new P(U); case n.AnnotationType.TEXT: return new b(U); case n.AnnotationType.WIDGET: switch ( { case "Tx": return new F(U); case "Btn": return ? new p(U) : ? new y(U) : new E(U); case "Ch": return new $(U); case "Sig": return new x(U); } return new k(U); case n.AnnotationType.POPUP: return new M(U); case n.AnnotationType.FREETEXT: return new N(U); case n.AnnotationType.LINE: return new D(U); case n.AnnotationType.SQUARE: return new X(U); case n.AnnotationType.CIRCLE: return new G(U); case n.AnnotationType.POLYLINE: return new I(U); case n.AnnotationType.CARET: return new ee(U); case n.AnnotationType.INK: return new Y(U); case n.AnnotationType.POLYGON: return new B(U); case n.AnnotationType.HIGHLIGHT: return new q(U); case n.AnnotationType.UNDERLINE: return new le(U); case n.AnnotationType.SQUIGGLY: return new pe(U); case n.AnnotationType.STRIKEOUT: return new we(U); case n.AnnotationType.STAMP: return new be(U); case n.AnnotationType.FILEATTACHMENT: return new R(U); default: return new C(U); } } } const f = class f { constructor(U, { isRenderable: u = !1, ignoreBorder: L = !1, createQuadrilaterals: j = !1 } = {}) { W(this, g, !1); this.isRenderable = u, =, this.layer = U.layer, this.linkService = U.linkService, this.downloadManager = U.downloadManager, this.imageResourcesPath = U.imageResourcesPath, this.renderForms = U.renderForms, this.svgFactory = U.svgFactory, this.annotationStorage = U.annotationStorage, this.enableScripting = U.enableScripting, this.hasJSActions = U.hasJSActions, this._fieldObjects = U.fieldObjects, this.parent = U.parent, u && (this.container = this._createContainer(L)), j && this._createQuadrilaterals(); } static _hasPopupData({ titleObj: U, contentsObj: u, richText: L }) { return !!(U != null && U.str || u != null && u.str || L != null && L.str); } get hasPopupData() { return f._hasPopupData(; } _createContainer(U) { const { data: u, parent: { page: L, viewport: j } } = this, V = document.createElement("section"); V.setAttribute("data-annotation-id",, this instanceof k || (V.tabIndex = o), = this.parent.zIndex++, && V.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "dialog"), u.noRotate && V.classList.add("norotate"); const { pageWidth: Z, pageHeight: he, pageX: ye, pageY: Me } = j.rawDims; if (!u.rect || this instanceof M) { const { rotation: He } = u; return !u.hasOwnCanvas && He !== 0 && this.setRotation(He, V), V; } const { width: Re, height: qe } = S(u.rect), Ie = n.Util.normalizeRect([u.rect[0], L.view[3] - u.rect[1] + L.view[1], u.rect[2], L.view[3] - u.rect[3] + L.view[1]]); if (!U && u.borderStyle.width > 0) { = `${u.borderStyle.width}px`; const He = u.borderStyle.horizontalCornerRadius, Ve = u.borderStyle.verticalCornerRadius; if (He > 0 || Ve > 0) { const Ze = `calc(${He}px * var(--scale-factor)) / calc(${Ve}px * var(--scale-factor))`; = Ze; } else if (this instanceof p) { const Ze = `calc(${Re}px * var(--scale-factor)) / calc(${qe}px * var(--scale-factor))`; = Ze; } switch ( { case n.AnnotationBorderStyleType.SOLID: = "solid"; break; case n.AnnotationBorderStyleType.DASHED: = "dashed"; break; case n.AnnotationBorderStyleType.BEVELED: (0, n.warn)("Unimplemented border style: beveled"); break; case n.AnnotationBorderStyleType.INSET: (0, n.warn)("Unimplemented border style: inset"); break; case n.AnnotationBorderStyleType.UNDERLINE: = "solid"; break; } const Je = u.borderColor || null; Je ? (oe(this, g, !0), = n.Util.makeHexColor(Je[0] | 0, Je[1] | 0, Je[2] | 0)) : = 0; } = `${100 * (Ie[0] - ye) / Z}%`, = `${100 * (Ie[1] - Me) / he}%`; const { rotation: Le } = u; return u.hasOwnCanvas || Le === 0 ? ( = `${100 * Re / Z}%`, = `${100 * qe / he}%`) : this.setRotation(Le, V), V; } setRotation(U, u = this.container) { if (! return; const { pageWidth: L, pageHeight: j } = this.parent.viewport.rawDims, { width: V, height: Z } = S(; let he, ye; U % 180 === 0 ? (he = 100 * V / L, ye = 100 * Z / j) : (he = 100 * Z / L, ye = 100 * V / j), = `${he}%`, = `${ye}%`, u.setAttribute("data-main-rotation", (360 - U) % 360); } get _commonActions() { const U = (u, L, j) => { const V = j.detail[u], Z = V[0], he = V.slice(1);[L] = h.ColorConverters[`${Z}_HTML`](he), this.annotationStorage.setValue(, { [L]: h.ColorConverters[`${Z}_rgb`](he) }); }; return (0, n.shadow)(this, "_commonActions", { display: (u) => { const { display: L } = u.detail, j = L % 2 === 1; = j ? "hidden" : "visible", this.annotationStorage.setValue(, { noView: j, noPrint: L === 1 || L === 2 }); }, print: (u) => { this.annotationStorage.setValue(, { noPrint: !u.detail.print }); }, hidden: (u) => { const { hidden: L } = u.detail; = L ? "hidden" : "visible", this.annotationStorage.setValue(, { noPrint: L, noView: L }); }, focus: (u) => { setTimeout(() =>{ preventScroll: !1 }), 0); }, userName: (u) => { = u.detail.userName; }, readonly: (u) => { = u.detail.readonly; }, required: (u) => { this._setRequired(, u.detail.required); }, bgColor: (u) => { U("bgColor", "backgroundColor", u); }, fillColor: (u) => { U("fillColor", "backgroundColor", u); }, fgColor: (u) => { U("fgColor", "color", u); }, textColor: (u) => { U("textColor", "color", u); }, borderColor: (u) => { U("borderColor", "borderColor", u); }, strokeColor: (u) => { U("strokeColor", "borderColor", u); }, rotation: (u) => { const L = u.detail.rotation; this.setRotation(L), this.annotationStorage.setValue(, { rotation: L }); } }); } _dispatchEventFromSandbox(U, u) { const L = this._commonActions; for (const j of Object.keys(u.detail)) { const V = U[j] || L[j]; V == null || V(u); } } _setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(U) { if (!this.enableScripting) return; const u = this.annotationStorage.getRawValue(; if (!u) return; const L = this._commonActions; for (const [j, V] of Object.entries(u)) { const Z = L[j]; if (Z) { const he = { detail: { [j]: V }, target: U }; Z(he), delete u[j]; } } } _createQuadrilaterals() { if (!this.container) return; const { quadPoints: U } =; if (!U) return; const [u, L, j, V] =; if (U.length === 1) { const [, { x: Ve, y: Je }, { x: Ze, y: st }] = U[0]; if (j === Ve && V === Je && u === Ze && L === st) return; } const { style: Z } = this.container; let he; if (a(this, g)) { const { borderColor: Ve, borderWidth: Je } = Z; Z.borderWidth = 0, he = ["url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,", '', ``], this.container.classList.add("hasBorder"); } const ye = j - u, Me = V - L, { svgFactory: Re } = this, qe = Re.createElement("svg"); qe.classList.add("quadrilateralsContainer"), qe.setAttribute("width", 0), qe.setAttribute("height", 0); const Ie = Re.createElement("defs"); qe.append(Ie); const Le = Re.createElement("clipPath"), He = `clippath_${}`; Le.setAttribute("id", He), Le.setAttribute("clipPathUnits", "objectBoundingBox"), Ie.append(Le); for (const [, { x: Ve, y: Je }, { x: Ze, y: st }] of U) { const it = Re.createElement("rect"), rt = (Ze - u) / ye, lt = (V - Je) / Me, ct = (Ve - Ze) / ye, An = (Je - st) / Me; it.setAttribute("x", rt), it.setAttribute("y", lt), it.setAttribute("width", ct), it.setAttribute("height", An), Le.append(it), he == null || he.push(``); } a(this, g) && (he.push("')"), Z.backgroundImage = he.join("")), this.container.append(qe), = `url(#${He})`; } _createPopup() { const { container: U, data: u } = this; U.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "dialog"); const L = new M({ data: { color: u.color, titleObj: u.titleObj, modificationDate: u.modificationDate, contentsObj: u.contentsObj, richText: u.richText, parentRect: u.rect, borderStyle: 0, id: `popup_${}`, rotation: u.rotation }, parent: this.parent, elements: [this] }); this.parent.div.append(L.render()); } render() { (0, n.unreachable)("Abstract method `AnnotationElement.render` called"); } _getElementsByName(U, u = null) { const L = []; if (this._fieldObjects) { const j = this._fieldObjects[U]; if (j) for (const { page: V, id: Z, exportValues: he } of j) { if (V === -1 || Z === u) continue; const ye = typeof he == "string" ? he : null, Me = document.querySelector(`[data-element-id="${Z}"]`); if (Me && !T.has(Me)) { (0, n.warn)(`_getElementsByName - element not allowed: ${Z}`); continue; } L.push({ id: Z, exportValue: ye, domElement: Me }); } return L; } for (const j of document.getElementsByName(U)) { const { exportValue: V } = j, Z = j.getAttribute("data-element-id"); Z !== u && T.has(j) && L.push({ id: Z, exportValue: V, domElement: j }); } return L; } show() { var U; this.container && (this.container.hidden = !1), (U = this.popup) == null || U.maybeShow(); } hide() { var U; this.container && (this.container.hidden = !0), (U = this.popup) == null || U.forceHide(); } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return this.container; } addHighlightArea() { const U = this.getElementsToTriggerPopup(); if (Array.isArray(U)) for (const u of U) u.classList.add("highlightArea"); else U.classList.add("highlightArea"); } _editOnDoubleClick() { const { annotationEditorType: U, data: { id: u } } = this; this.container.addEventListener("dblclick", () => { var L; (L = this.linkService.eventBus) == null || L.dispatch("switchannotationeditormode", { source: this, mode: U, editId: u }); }); } }; g = new WeakMap(); let C = f; class P extends C { constructor(u, L = null) { super(u, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !!(L != null && L.ignoreBorder), createQuadrilaterals: !0 }); W(this, v); W(this, O); this.isTooltipOnly =; } render() { const { data: u, linkService: L } = this, j = document.createElement("a"); j.setAttribute("data-element-id",; let V = !1; return u.url ? (L.addLinkAttributes(j, u.url, u.newWindow), V = !0) : u.action ? (this._bindNamedAction(j, u.action), V = !0) : u.attachment ? (this._bindAttachment(j, u.attachment), V = !0) : u.setOCGState ? (K(this, O, Nn).call(this, j, u.setOCGState), V = !0) : u.dest ? (this._bindLink(j, u.dest), V = !0) : (u.actions && (u.actions.Action || u.actions["Mouse Up"] || u.actions["Mouse Down"]) && this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions && (this._bindJSAction(j, u), V = !0), u.resetForm ? (this._bindResetFormAction(j, u.resetForm), V = !0) : this.isTooltipOnly && !V && (this._bindLink(j, ""), V = !0)), this.container.classList.add("linkAnnotation"), V && this.container.append(j), this.container; } _bindLink(u, L) { u.href = this.linkService.getDestinationHash(L), u.onclick = () => (L && this.linkService.goToDestination(L), !1), (L || L === "") && K(this, v, ht).call(this); } _bindNamedAction(u, L) { u.href = this.linkService.getAnchorUrl(""), u.onclick = () => (this.linkService.executeNamedAction(L), !1), K(this, v, ht).call(this); } _bindAttachment(u, L) { u.href = this.linkService.getAnchorUrl(""), u.onclick = () => { var j; return (j = this.downloadManager) == null || j.openOrDownloadData(this.container, L.content, L.filename), !1; }, K(this, v, ht).call(this); } _bindJSAction(u, L) { u.href = this.linkService.getAnchorUrl(""); const j = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([["Action", "onclick"], ["Mouse Up", "onmouseup"], ["Mouse Down", "onmousedown"]]); for (const V of Object.keys(L.actions)) { const Z = j.get(V); Z && (u[Z] = () => { var he; return (he = this.linkService.eventBus) == null || he.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id:, name: V } }), !1; }); } u.onclick || (u.onclick = () => !1), K(this, v, ht).call(this); } _bindResetFormAction(u, L) { const j = u.onclick; if (j || (u.href = this.linkService.getAnchorUrl("")), K(this, v, ht).call(this), !this._fieldObjects) { (0, n.warn)('_bindResetFormAction - "resetForm" action not supported, ensure that the `fieldObjects` parameter is provided.'), j || (u.onclick = () => !1); return; } u.onclick = () => { var qe; j == null || j(); const { fields: V, refs: Z, include: he } = L, ye = []; if (V.length !== 0 || Z.length !== 0) { const Ie = new Set(Z); for (const Le of V) { const He = this._fieldObjects[Le] || []; for (const { id: Ve } of He) Ie.add(Ve); } for (const Le of Object.values(this._fieldObjects)) for (const He of Le) Ie.has( === he && ye.push(He); } else for (const Ie of Object.values(this._fieldObjects)) ye.push(...Ie); const Me = this.annotationStorage, Re = []; for (const Ie of ye) { const { id: Le } = Ie; switch (Re.push(Le), Ie.type) { case "text": { const Ve = Ie.defaultValue || ""; Me.setValue(Le, { value: Ve }); break; } case "checkbox": case "radiobutton": { const Ve = Ie.defaultValue === Ie.exportValues; Me.setValue(Le, { value: Ve }); break; } case "combobox": case "listbox": { const Ve = Ie.defaultValue || ""; Me.setValue(Le, { value: Ve }); break; } default: continue; } const He = document.querySelector(`[data-element-id="${Le}"]`); if (He) { if (!T.has(He)) { (0, n.warn)(`_bindResetFormAction - element not allowed: ${Le}`); continue; } } else continue; He.dispatchEvent(new Event("resetform")); } return this.enableScripting && ((qe = this.linkService.eventBus) == null || qe.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id: "app", ids: Re, name: "ResetForm" } })), !1; }; } } v = new WeakSet(), ht = function() { this.container.setAttribute("data-internal-link", ""); }, O = new WeakSet(), Nn = function(u, L) { u.href = this.linkService.getAnchorUrl(""), u.onclick = () => (this.linkService.executeSetOCGState(L), !1), K(this, v, ht).call(this); }; class b extends C { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: !0 }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("textAnnotation"); const U = document.createElement("img"); return U.src = this.imageResourcesPath + "annotation-" + + ".svg", U.alt = "[{{type}} Annotation]", U.dataset.l10nId = "text_annotation_type", U.dataset.l10nArgs = JSON.stringify({ type: }), ! && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this.container.append(U), this.container; } } class k extends C { render() { return && (this.container.title =, this.container; } showElementAndHideCanvas(U) { var u; && (((u = U.previousSibling) == null ? void 0 : u.nodeName) === "CANVAS" && (U.previousSibling.hidden = !0), U.hidden = !1); } _getKeyModifier(U) { const { isWin: u, isMac: L } = n.FeatureTest.platform; return u && U.ctrlKey || L && U.metaKey; } _setEventListener(U, u, L, j, V) { L.includes("mouse") ? U.addEventListener(L, (Z) => { var he; (he = this.linkService.eventBus) == null || he.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id:, name: j, value: V(Z), shift: Z.shiftKey, modifier: this._getKeyModifier(Z) } }); }) : U.addEventListener(L, (Z) => { var he; if (L === "blur") { if (!u.focused || !Z.relatedTarget) return; u.focused = !1; } else if (L === "focus") { if (u.focused) return; u.focused = !0; } V && ((he = this.linkService.eventBus) == null || he.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id:, name: j, value: V(Z) } })); }); } _setEventListeners(U, u, L, j) { var V, Z, he; for (const [ye, Me] of L) (Me === "Action" || (V = != null && V[Me]) && ((Me === "Focus" || Me === "Blur") && (u || (u = { focused: !1 })), this._setEventListener(U, u, ye, Me, j), Me === "Focus" && !((Z = != null && Z.Blur) ? this._setEventListener(U, u, "blur", "Blur", null) : Me === "Blur" && !((he = != null && he.Focus) && this._setEventListener(U, u, "focus", "Focus", null)); } _setBackgroundColor(U) { const u = || null; = u === null ? "transparent" : n.Util.makeHexColor(u[0], u[1], u[2]); } _setTextStyle(U) { const u = ["left", "center", "right"], { fontColor: L } =, j = || r, V =; let Z; const he = 2, ye = (Me) => Math.round(10 * Me) / 10; if ( { const Me = Math.abs([3] -[1] - he), Re = Math.round(Me / (n.LINE_FACTOR * j)) || 1, qe = Me / Re; Z = Math.min(j, ye(qe / n.LINE_FACTOR)); } else { const Me = Math.abs([3] -[1] - he); Z = Math.min(j, ye(Me / n.LINE_FACTOR)); } V.fontSize = `calc(${Z}px * var(--scale-factor))`, V.color = n.Util.makeHexColor(L[0], L[1], L[2]), !== null && (V.textAlign = u[]); } _setRequired(U, u) { u ? U.setAttribute("required", !0) : U.removeAttribute("required"), U.setAttribute("aria-required", u); } } class F extends k { constructor(U) { const u = U.renderForms || ! && !!; super(U, { isRenderable: u }); } setPropertyOnSiblings(U, u, L, j) { const V = this.annotationStorage; for (const Z of this._getElementsByName(, Z.domElement && (Z.domElement[u] = L), V.setValue(, { [j]: L }); } render() { var j, V; const U = this.annotationStorage, u =; this.container.classList.add("textWidgetAnnotation"); let L = null; if (this.renderForms) { const Z = U.getValue(u, { value: }); let he = Z.value || ""; const ye = U.getValue(u, { charLimit: }).charLimit; ye && he.length > ye && (he = he.slice(0, ye)); let Me = Z.formattedValue || ((j = == null ? void 0 : j.join(` `)) || null; Me && && (Me = Me.replaceAll(/\s+/g, "")); const Re = { userValue: he, formattedValue: Me, lastCommittedValue: null, commitKey: 1, focused: !1 }; ? (L = document.createElement("textarea"), L.textContent = Me ?? he, && ( = "hidden")) : (L = document.createElement("input"), L.type = "text", L.setAttribute("value", Me ?? he), && ( = "hidden")), && (L.hidden = !0), T.add(L), L.setAttribute("data-element-id", u), L.disabled =, =, L.tabIndex = o, this._setRequired(L,, ye && (L.maxLength = ye), L.addEventListener("input", (Ie) => { U.setValue(u, { value: }), this.setPropertyOnSiblings(L, "value",, "value"), Re.formattedValue = null; }), L.addEventListener("resetform", (Ie) => { const Le = ?? ""; L.value = Re.userValue = Le, Re.formattedValue = null; }); let qe = (Ie) => { const { formattedValue: Le } = Re; Le != null && ( = Le), = 0; }; if (this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions) { L.addEventListener("focus", (Le) => { if (Re.focused) return; const { target: He } = Le; Re.userValue && (He.value = Re.userValue), Re.lastCommittedValue = He.value, Re.commitKey = 1, Re.focused = !0; }), L.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", (Le) => { this.showElementAndHideCanvas(; const He = { value(Ve) { Re.userValue = Ve.detail.value ?? "", U.setValue(u, { value: Re.userValue.toString() }), = Re.userValue; }, formattedValue(Ve) { const { formattedValue: Je } = Ve.detail; Re.formattedValue = Je, Je != null && !== document.activeElement && ( = Je), U.setValue(u, { formattedValue: Je }); }, selRange(Ve) {; }, charLimit: (Ve) => { var it; const { charLimit: Je } = Ve.detail, { target: Ze } = Ve; if (Je === 0) { Ze.removeAttribute("maxLength"); return; } Ze.setAttribute("maxLength", Je); let st = Re.userValue; !st || st.length <= Je || (st = st.slice(0, Je), Ze.value = Re.userValue = st, U.setValue(u, { value: st }), (it = this.linkService.eventBus) == null || it.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id: u, name: "Keystroke", value: st, willCommit: !0, commitKey: 1, selStart: Ze.selectionStart, selEnd: Ze.selectionEnd } })); } }; this._dispatchEventFromSandbox(He, Le); }), L.addEventListener("keydown", (Le) => { var Je; Re.commitKey = 1; let He = -1; if (Le.key === "Escape" ? He = 0 : Le.key === "Enter" && ! ? He = 2 : Le.key === "Tab" && (Re.commitKey = 3), He === -1) return; const { value: Ve } =; Re.lastCommittedValue !== Ve && (Re.lastCommittedValue = Ve, Re.userValue = Ve, (Je = this.linkService.eventBus) == null || Je.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id: u, name: "Keystroke", value: Ve, willCommit: !0, commitKey: He, selStart:, selEnd: } })); }); const Ie = qe; qe = null, L.addEventListener("blur", (Le) => { var Ve; if (!Re.focused || !Le.relatedTarget) return; Re.focused = !1; const { value: He } =; Re.userValue = He, Re.lastCommittedValue !== He && ((Ve = this.linkService.eventBus) == null || Ve.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id: u, name: "Keystroke", value: He, willCommit: !0, commitKey: Re.commitKey, selStart:, selEnd: } })), Ie(Le); }), (V = != null && V.Keystroke && L.addEventListener("beforeinput", (Le) => { var lt; Re.lastCommittedValue = null; const { data: He, target: Ve } = Le, { value: Je, selectionStart: Ze, selectionEnd: st } = Ve; let it = Ze, rt = st; switch (Le.inputType) { case "deleteWordBackward": { const ct = Je.substring(0, Ze).match(/\w*[^\w]*$/); ct && (it -= ct[0].length); break; } case "deleteWordForward": { const ct = Je.substring(Ze).match(/^[^\w]*\w*/); ct && (rt += ct[0].length); break; } case "deleteContentBackward": Ze === st && (it -= 1); break; case "deleteContentForward": Ze === st && (rt += 1); break; } Le.preventDefault(), (lt = this.linkService.eventBus) == null || lt.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id: u, name: "Keystroke", value: Je, change: He || "", willCommit: !1, selStart: it, selEnd: rt } }); }), this._setEventListeners(L, Re, [["focus", "Focus"], ["blur", "Blur"], ["mousedown", "Mouse Down"], ["mouseenter", "Mouse Enter"], ["mouseleave", "Mouse Exit"], ["mouseup", "Mouse Up"]], (Le) =>; } if (qe && L.addEventListener("blur", qe), { const Le = ([2] -[0]) / ye; L.classList.add("comb"), = `calc(${Le}px * var(--scale-factor) - 1ch)`; } } else L = document.createElement("div"), L.textContent =, = "middle", = "table-cell"; return this._setTextStyle(L), this._setBackgroundColor(L), this._setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(L), this.container.append(L), this.container; } } class x extends k { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: !! }); } } class y extends k { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: U.renderForms }); } render() { const U = this.annotationStorage, u =, L =; let j = U.getValue(L, { value: u.exportValue === u.fieldValue }).value; typeof j == "string" && (j = j !== "Off", U.setValue(L, { value: j })), this.container.classList.add("buttonWidgetAnnotation", "checkBox"); const V = document.createElement("input"); return T.add(V), V.setAttribute("data-element-id", L), V.disabled = u.readOnly, this._setRequired(V,, V.type = "checkbox", = u.fieldName, j && V.setAttribute("checked", !0), V.setAttribute("exportValue", u.exportValue), V.tabIndex = o, V.addEventListener("change", (Z) => { const { name: he, checked: ye } =; for (const Me of this._getElementsByName(he, L)) { const Re = ye && Me.exportValue === u.exportValue; Me.domElement && (Me.domElement.checked = Re), U.setValue(, { value: Re }); } U.setValue(L, { value: ye }); }), V.addEventListener("resetform", (Z) => { const he = u.defaultFieldValue || "Off"; = he === u.exportValue; }), this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions && (V.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", (Z) => { const he = { value(ye) { = ye.detail.value !== "Off", U.setValue(L, { value: }); } }; this._dispatchEventFromSandbox(he, Z); }), this._setEventListeners(V, null, [["change", "Validate"], ["change", "Action"], ["focus", "Focus"], ["blur", "Blur"], ["mousedown", "Mouse Down"], ["mouseenter", "Mouse Enter"], ["mouseleave", "Mouse Exit"], ["mouseup", "Mouse Up"]], (Z) =>, this._setBackgroundColor(V), this._setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(V), this.container.append(V), this.container; } } class p extends k { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: U.renderForms }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("buttonWidgetAnnotation", "radioButton"); const U = this.annotationStorage, u =, L =; let j = U.getValue(L, { value: u.fieldValue === u.buttonValue }).value; typeof j == "string" && (j = j !== u.buttonValue, U.setValue(L, { value: j })); const V = document.createElement("input"); if (T.add(V), V.setAttribute("data-element-id", L), V.disabled = u.readOnly, this._setRequired(V,, V.type = "radio", = u.fieldName, j && V.setAttribute("checked", !0), V.tabIndex = o, V.addEventListener("change", (Z) => { const { name: he, checked: ye } =; for (const Me of this._getElementsByName(he, L)) U.setValue(, { value: !1 }); U.setValue(L, { value: ye }); }), V.addEventListener("resetform", (Z) => { const he = u.defaultFieldValue; = he != null && he === u.buttonValue; }), this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions) { const Z = u.buttonValue; V.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", (he) => { const ye = { value: (Me) => { const Re = Z === Me.detail.value; for (const qe of this._getElementsByName( { const Ie = Re && === L; qe.domElement && (qe.domElement.checked = Ie), U.setValue(, { value: Ie }); } } }; this._dispatchEventFromSandbox(ye, he); }), this._setEventListeners(V, null, [["change", "Validate"], ["change", "Action"], ["focus", "Focus"], ["blur", "Blur"], ["mousedown", "Mouse Down"], ["mouseenter", "Mouse Enter"], ["mouseleave", "Mouse Exit"], ["mouseup", "Mouse Up"]], (he) =>; } return this._setBackgroundColor(V), this._setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(V), this.container.append(V), this.container; } } class E extends P { constructor(U) { super(U, { ignoreBorder: }); } render() { const U = super.render(); U.classList.add("buttonWidgetAnnotation", "pushButton"), && (U.title =; const u = U.lastChild; return this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions && u && (this._setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(u), u.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", (L) => { this._dispatchEventFromSandbox({}, L); })), U; } } class $ extends k { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: U.renderForms }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("choiceWidgetAnnotation"); const U = this.annotationStorage, u =, L = U.getValue(u, { value: }), j = document.createElement("select"); T.add(j), j.setAttribute("data-element-id", u), j.disabled =, this._setRequired(j,, =, j.tabIndex = o; let V = && > 0; || (j.size =, && (j.multiple = !0)), j.addEventListener("resetform", (Re) => { const qe =; for (const Ie of j.options) Ie.selected = Ie.value === qe; }); for (const Re of { const qe = document.createElement("option"); qe.textContent = Re.displayValue, qe.value = Re.exportValue, L.value.includes(Re.exportValue) && (qe.setAttribute("selected", !0), V = !1), j.append(qe); } let Z = null; if (V) { const Re = document.createElement("option"); Re.value = " ", Re.setAttribute("hidden", !0), Re.setAttribute("selected", !0), j.prepend(Re), Z = () => { Re.remove(), j.removeEventListener("input", Z), Z = null; }, j.addEventListener("input", Z); } const he = (Re) => { const qe = Re ? "value" : "textContent", { options: Ie, multiple: Le } = j; return Le ?, (He) => He.selected).map((He) => He[qe]) : Ie.selectedIndex === -1 ? null : Ie[Ie.selectedIndex][qe]; }; let ye = he(!1); const Me = (Re) => { const qe =; return, (Ie) => ({ displayValue: Ie.textContent, exportValue: Ie.value })); }; return this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions ? (j.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", (Re) => { const qe = { value(Ie) { Z == null || Z(); const Le = Ie.detail.value, He = new Set(Array.isArray(Le) ? Le : [Le]); for (const Ve of j.options) Ve.selected = He.has(Ve.value); U.setValue(u, { value: he(!0) }), ye = he(!1); }, multipleSelection(Ie) { j.multiple = !0; }, remove(Ie) { const Le = j.options, He = Ie.detail.remove; Le[He].selected = !1, j.remove(He), Le.length > 0 &&, (Je) => Je.selected) === -1 && (Le[0].selected = !0), U.setValue(u, { value: he(!0), items: Me(Ie) }), ye = he(!1); }, clear(Ie) { for (; j.length !== 0; ) j.remove(0); U.setValue(u, { value: null, items: [] }), ye = he(!1); }, insert(Ie) { const { index: Le, displayValue: He, exportValue: Ve } = Ie.detail.insert, Je = j.children[Le], Ze = document.createElement("option"); Ze.textContent = He, Ze.value = Ve, Je ? Je.before(Ze) : j.append(Ze), U.setValue(u, { value: he(!0), items: Me(Ie) }), ye = he(!1); }, items(Ie) { const { items: Le } = Ie.detail; for (; j.length !== 0; ) j.remove(0); for (const He of Le) { const { displayValue: Ve, exportValue: Je } = He, Ze = document.createElement("option"); Ze.textContent = Ve, Ze.value = Je, j.append(Ze); } j.options.length > 0 && (j.options[0].selected = !0), U.setValue(u, { value: he(!0), items: Me(Ie) }), ye = he(!1); }, indices(Ie) { const Le = new Set(Ie.detail.indices); for (const He of He.selected = Le.has(He.index); U.setValue(u, { value: he(!0) }), ye = he(!1); }, editable(Ie) { = !Ie.detail.editable; } }; this._dispatchEventFromSandbox(qe, Re); }), j.addEventListener("input", (Re) => { var Ie; const qe = he(!0); U.setValue(u, { value: qe }), Re.preventDefault(), (Ie = this.linkService.eventBus) == null || Ie.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id: u, name: "Keystroke", value: ye, changeEx: qe, willCommit: !1, commitKey: 1, keyDown: !1 } }); }), this._setEventListeners(j, null, [["focus", "Focus"], ["blur", "Blur"], ["mousedown", "Mouse Down"], ["mouseenter", "Mouse Enter"], ["mouseleave", "Mouse Exit"], ["mouseup", "Mouse Up"], ["input", "Action"], ["input", "Validate"]], (Re) => : j.addEventListener("input", function(Re) { U.setValue(u, { value: he(!0) }); }), && this._setTextStyle(j), this._setBackgroundColor(j), this._setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(j), this.container.append(j), this.container; } } class M extends C { constructor(U) { const { data: u, elements: L } = U; super(U, { isRenderable: C._hasPopupData(u) }), this.elements = L; } render() { this.container.classList.add("popupAnnotation"); const U = new m({ container: this.container, color:, titleObj:, modificationDate:, contentsObj:, richText:, rect:, parentRect: || null, parent: this.parent, elements: this.elements, open: }), u = []; for (const L of this.elements) L.popup = U, u.push(, L.addHighlightArea(); return this.container.setAttribute("aria-controls", => `${n.AnnotationPrefix}${L}`).join(",")), this.container; } } class m { constructor({ container: U, color: u, elements: L, titleObj: j, modificationDate: V, contentsObj: Z, richText: he, parent: ye, rect: Me, parentRect: Re, open: qe }) { W(this, Ue); W(this, je); W(this, Xe); W(this, Ye); W(this, z, null); W(this, ae, K(this, Ue, $n).bind(this)); W(this, Q, K(this, Ye, cn).bind(this)); W(this, ce, K(this, Xe, ln).bind(this)); W(this, ue, K(this, je, Mt).bind(this)); W(this, me, null); W(this, fe, null); W(this, Pe, null); W(this, Fe, null); W(this, Ee, null); W(this, De, null); W(this, _e, !1); W(this, ie, null); W(this, se, null); W(this, ge, null); W(this, Ce, null); W(this, xe, !1); var Le; oe(this, fe, U), oe(this, Ce, j), oe(this, Pe, Z), oe(this, ge, he), oe(this, Ee, ye), oe(this, me, u), oe(this, se, Me), oe(this, De, Re), oe(this, Fe, L); const Ie = s.PDFDateString.toDateObject(V); Ie && oe(this, z, ye.l10n.get("annotation_date_string", { date: Ie.toLocaleDateString(), time: Ie.toLocaleTimeString() })), this.trigger = L.flatMap((He) => He.getElementsToTriggerPopup()); for (const He of this.trigger) He.addEventListener("click", a(this, ue)), He.addEventListener("mouseenter", a(this, ce)), He.addEventListener("mouseleave", a(this, Q)), He.classList.add("popupTriggerArea"); for (const He of L) (Le = He.container) == null || Le.addEventListener("keydown", a(this, ae)); a(this, fe).hidden = !0, qe && K(this, je, Mt).call(this); } render() { if (a(this, ie)) return; const { page: { view: U }, viewport: { rawDims: { pageWidth: u, pageHeight: L, pageX: j, pageY: V } } } = a(this, Ee), Z = oe(this, ie, document.createElement("div")); if (Z.className = "popup", a(this, me)) { const it = = n.Util.makeHexColor(...a(this, me)); CSS.supports("background-color", "color-mix(in srgb, red 30%, white)") ? = `color-mix(in srgb, ${it} 30%, white)` : = n.Util.makeHexColor(...a(this, me).map((lt) => Math.floor(0.7 * (255 - lt) + lt))); } const he = document.createElement("span"); he.className = "header"; const ye = document.createElement("h1"); if (he.append(ye), { dir: ye.dir, str: ye.textContent } = a(this, Ce), Z.append(he), a(this, z)) { const it = document.createElement("span"); it.classList.add("popupDate"), a(this, z).then((rt) => { it.textContent = rt; }), he.append(it); } const Me = a(this, Pe), Re = a(this, ge); if (Re != null && Re.str && (!(Me != null && Me.str) || Me.str === Re.str)) c.XfaLayer.render({ xfaHtml: Re.html, intent: "richText", div: Z }), Z.lastChild.classList.add("richText", "popupContent"); else { const it = this._formatContents(Me); Z.append(it); } let qe = !!a(this, De), Ie = qe ? a(this, De) : a(this, se); for (const it of a(this, Fe)) if (!Ie || n.Util.intersect(, Ie) !== null) { Ie =, qe = !0; break; } const Le = n.Util.normalizeRect([Ie[0], U[3] - Ie[1] + U[1], Ie[2], U[3] - Ie[3] + U[1]]), He = 5, Ve = qe ? Ie[2] - Ie[0] + He : 0, Je = Le[0] + Ve, Ze = Le[1], { style: st } = a(this, fe); st.left = `${100 * (Je - j) / u}%`, = `${100 * (Ze - V) / L}%`, a(this, fe).append(Z); } _formatContents({ str: U, dir: u }) { const L = document.createElement("p"); L.classList.add("popupContent"), L.dir = u; const j = U.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/); for (let V = 0, Z = j.length; V < Z; ++V) { const he = j[V]; L.append(document.createTextNode(he)), V < Z - 1 && L.append(document.createElement("br")); } return L; } forceHide() { oe(this, xe, this.isVisible), a(this, xe) && (a(this, fe).hidden = !0); } maybeShow() { a(this, xe) && (oe(this, xe, !1), a(this, fe).hidden = !1); } get isVisible() { return a(this, fe).hidden === !1; } } z = new WeakMap(), ae = new WeakMap(), Q = new WeakMap(), ce = new WeakMap(), ue = new WeakMap(), me = new WeakMap(), fe = new WeakMap(), Pe = new WeakMap(), Fe = new WeakMap(), Ee = new WeakMap(), De = new WeakMap(), _e = new WeakMap(), ie = new WeakMap(), se = new WeakMap(), ge = new WeakMap(), Ce = new WeakMap(), xe = new WeakMap(), Ue = new WeakSet(), $n = function(U) { U.altKey || U.shiftKey || U.ctrlKey || U.metaKey || (U.key === "Enter" || U.key === "Escape" && a(this, _e)) && K(this, je, Mt).call(this); }, je = new WeakSet(), Mt = function() { oe(this, _e, !a(this, _e)), a(this, _e) ? (K(this, Xe, ln).call(this), a(this, fe).addEventListener("click", a(this, ue)), a(this, fe).addEventListener("keydown", a(this, ae))) : (K(this, Ye, cn).call(this), a(this, fe).removeEventListener("click", a(this, ue)), a(this, fe).removeEventListener("keydown", a(this, ae))); }, Xe = new WeakSet(), ln = function() { a(this, ie) || this.render(), this.isVisible ? a(this, _e) && a(this, fe).classList.add("focused") : (a(this, fe).hidden = !1, a(this, fe).style.zIndex = parseInt(a(this, fe).style.zIndex) + 1e3); }, Ye = new WeakSet(), cn = function() { a(this, fe).classList.remove("focused"), !(a(this, _e) || !this.isVisible) && (a(this, fe).hidden = !0, a(this, fe).style.zIndex = parseInt(a(this, fe).style.zIndex) - 1e3); }; class N extends C { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0 }), this.textContent =, this.textPosition =, this.annotationEditorType = n.AnnotationEditorType.FREETEXT; } render() { if (this.container.classList.add("freeTextAnnotation"), this.textContent) { const U = document.createElement("div"); U.classList.add("annotationTextContent"), U.setAttribute("role", "comment"); for (const u of this.textContent) { const L = document.createElement("span"); L.textContent = u, U.append(L); } this.container.append(U); } return ! && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this._editOnDoubleClick(), this.container; } } e.FreeTextAnnotationElement = N; class D extends C { constructor(u) { super(u, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0 }); W(this, ne, null); } render() { this.container.classList.add("lineAnnotation"); const u =, { width: L, height: j } = S(u.rect), V = this.svgFactory.create(L, j, !0), Z = oe(this, ne, this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:line")); return Z.setAttribute("x1", u.rect[2] - u.lineCoordinates[0]), Z.setAttribute("y1", u.rect[3] - u.lineCoordinates[1]), Z.setAttribute("x2", u.rect[2] - u.lineCoordinates[2]), Z.setAttribute("y2", u.rect[3] - u.lineCoordinates[3]), Z.setAttribute("stroke-width", u.borderStyle.width || 1), Z.setAttribute("stroke", "transparent"), Z.setAttribute("fill", "transparent"), V.append(Z), this.container.append(V), !u.popupRef && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this.container; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return a(this, ne); } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } ne = new WeakMap(); class X extends C { constructor(u) { super(u, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0 }); W(this, J, null); } render() { this.container.classList.add("squareAnnotation"); const u =, { width: L, height: j } = S(u.rect), V = this.svgFactory.create(L, j, !0), Z = u.borderStyle.width, he = oe(this, J, this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:rect")); return he.setAttribute("x", Z / 2), he.setAttribute("y", Z / 2), he.setAttribute("width", L - Z), he.setAttribute("height", j - Z), he.setAttribute("stroke-width", Z || 1), he.setAttribute("stroke", "transparent"), he.setAttribute("fill", "transparent"), V.append(he), this.container.append(V), !u.popupRef && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this.container; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return a(this, J); } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } J = new WeakMap(); class G extends C { constructor(u) { super(u, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0 }); W(this, ve, null); } render() { this.container.classList.add("circleAnnotation"); const u =, { width: L, height: j } = S(u.rect), V = this.svgFactory.create(L, j, !0), Z = u.borderStyle.width, he = oe(this, ve, this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:ellipse")); return he.setAttribute("cx", L / 2), he.setAttribute("cy", j / 2), he.setAttribute("rx", L / 2 - Z / 2), he.setAttribute("ry", j / 2 - Z / 2), he.setAttribute("stroke-width", Z || 1), he.setAttribute("stroke", "transparent"), he.setAttribute("fill", "transparent"), V.append(he), this.container.append(V), !u.popupRef && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this.container; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return a(this, ve); } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } ve = new WeakMap(); class I extends C { constructor(u) { super(u, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0 }); W(this, Se, null); this.containerClassName = "polylineAnnotation", this.svgElementName = "svg:polyline"; } render() { this.container.classList.add(this.containerClassName); const u =, { width: L, height: j } = S(u.rect), V = this.svgFactory.create(L, j, !0); let Z = []; for (const ye of u.vertices) { const Me = ye.x - u.rect[0], Re = u.rect[3] - ye.y; Z.push(Me + "," + Re); } Z = Z.join(" "); const he = oe(this, Se, this.svgFactory.createElement(this.svgElementName)); return he.setAttribute("points", Z), he.setAttribute("stroke-width", u.borderStyle.width || 1), he.setAttribute("stroke", "transparent"), he.setAttribute("fill", "transparent"), V.append(he), this.container.append(V), !u.popupRef && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this.container; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return a(this, Se); } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } Se = new WeakMap(); class B extends I { constructor(U) { super(U), this.containerClassName = "polygonAnnotation", this.svgElementName = "svg:polygon"; } } class ee extends C { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0 }); } render() { return this.container.classList.add("caretAnnotation"), ! && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this.container; } } class Y extends C { constructor(u) { super(u, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0 }); W(this, tt, []); this.containerClassName = "inkAnnotation", this.svgElementName = "svg:polyline", this.annotationEditorType = n.AnnotationEditorType.INK; } render() { this.container.classList.add(this.containerClassName); const u =, { width: L, height: j } = S(u.rect), V = this.svgFactory.create(L, j, !0); for (const Z of u.inkLists) { let he = []; for (const Me of Z) { const Re = Me.x - u.rect[0], qe = u.rect[3] - Me.y; he.push(`${Re},${qe}`); } he = he.join(" "); const ye = this.svgFactory.createElement(this.svgElementName); a(this, tt).push(ye), ye.setAttribute("points", he), ye.setAttribute("stroke-width", u.borderStyle.width || 1), ye.setAttribute("stroke", "transparent"), ye.setAttribute("fill", "transparent"), !u.popupRef && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), V.append(ye); } return this.container.append(V), this.container; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return a(this, tt); } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } tt = new WeakMap(), e.InkAnnotationElement = Y; class q extends C { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0, createQuadrilaterals: !0 }); } render() { return ! && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this.container.classList.add("highlightAnnotation"), this.container; } } class le extends C { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0, createQuadrilaterals: !0 }); } render() { return ! && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this.container.classList.add("underlineAnnotation"), this.container; } } class pe extends C { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0, createQuadrilaterals: !0 }); } render() { return ! && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this.container.classList.add("squigglyAnnotation"), this.container; } } class we extends C { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0, createQuadrilaterals: !0 }); } render() { return ! && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this.container.classList.add("strikeoutAnnotation"), this.container; } } class be extends C { constructor(U) { super(U, { isRenderable: !0, ignoreBorder: !0 }); } render() { return this.container.classList.add("stampAnnotation"), ! && this.hasPopupData && this._createPopup(), this.container; } } e.StampAnnotationElement = be; class R extends C { constructor(u) { var V; super(u, { isRenderable: !0 }); W(this, te); W(this, et, null); const { filename: L, content: j } =; this.filename = (0, s.getFilenameFromUrl)(L, !0), this.content = j, (V = this.linkService.eventBus) == null || V.dispatch("fileattachmentannotation", { source: this, filename: L, content: j }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("fileAttachmentAnnotation"); const { container: u, data: L } = this; let j; L.hasAppearance || L.fillAlpha === 0 ? j = document.createElement("div") : (j = document.createElement("img"), j.src = `${this.imageResourcesPath}annotation-${/paperclip/i.test( ? "paperclip" : "pushpin"}.svg`, L.fillAlpha && L.fillAlpha < 1 && ( = `filter: opacity(${Math.round(L.fillAlpha * 100)}%);`)), j.addEventListener("dblclick", K(this, te, hn).bind(this)), oe(this, et, j); const { isMac: V } = n.FeatureTest.platform; return u.addEventListener("keydown", (Z) => { Z.key === "Enter" && (V ? Z.metaKey : Z.ctrlKey) && K(this, te, hn).call(this); }), !L.popupRef && this.hasPopupData ? this._createPopup() : j.classList.add("popupTriggerArea"), u.append(j), u; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return a(this, et); } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } et = new WeakMap(), te = new WeakSet(), hn = function() { var u; (u = this.downloadManager) == null || u.openOrDownloadData(this.container, this.content, this.filename); }; class d { constructor({ div: U, accessibilityManager: u, annotationCanvasMap: L, l10n: j, page: V, viewport: Z }) { W(this, Be); W(this, Ae); W(this, Ne, null); W(this, ke, null); W(this, $e, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); this.div = U, oe(this, Ne, u), oe(this, ke, L), this.l10n = j, = V, this.viewport = Z, this.zIndex = 0, this.l10n || (this.l10n = _.NullL10n); } async render(U) { const { annotations: u } = U, L = this.div; (0, s.setLayerDimensions)(L, this.viewport); const j = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), V = { data: null, layer: L, linkService: U.linkService, downloadManager: U.downloadManager, imageResourcesPath: U.imageResourcesPath || "", renderForms: U.renderForms !== !1, svgFactory: new s.DOMSVGFactory(), annotationStorage: U.annotationStorage || new l.AnnotationStorage(), enableScripting: U.enableScripting === !0, hasJSActions: U.hasJSActions, fieldObjects: U.fieldObjects, parent: this, elements: null }; for (const Z of u) { if (Z.noHTML) continue; const he = Z.annotationType === n.AnnotationType.POPUP; if (he) { const Re = j.get(; if (!Re) continue; V.elements = Re; } else { const { width: Re, height: qe } = S(Z.rect); if (Re <= 0 || qe <= 0) continue; } = Z; const ye = w.create(V); if (!ye.isRenderable) continue; if (!he && Z.popupRef) { const Re = j.get(Z.popupRef); Re ? Re.push(ye) : j.set(Z.popupRef, [ye]); } ye.annotationEditorType > 0 && a(this, $e).set(, ye); const Me = ye.render(); Z.hidden && ( = "hidden"), K(this, Be, Bn).call(this, Me,; } K(this, Ae, un).call(this), await this.l10n.translate(L); } update({ viewport: U }) { const u = this.div; this.viewport = U, (0, s.setLayerDimensions)(u, { rotation: U.rotation }), K(this, Ae, un).call(this), u.hidden = !1; } getEditableAnnotations() { return Array.from(a(this, $e).values()); } getEditableAnnotation(U) { return a(this, $e).get(U); } } Ne = new WeakMap(), ke = new WeakMap(), $e = new WeakMap(), Be = new WeakSet(), Bn = function(U, u) { var j; const L = U.firstChild || U; = `${n.AnnotationPrefix}${u}`, this.div.append(U), (j = a(this, Ne)) == null || j.moveElementInDOM(this.div, U, L, !1); }, Ae = new WeakSet(), un = function() { if (!a(this, ke)) return; const U = this.div; for (const [u, L] of a(this, ke)) { const j = U.querySelector(`[data-annotation-id="${u}"]`); if (!j) continue; const { firstChild: V } = j; V ? V.nodeName === "CANVAS" ? V.replaceWith(L) : V.before(L) : j.append(L); } a(this, ke).clear(); }, e.AnnotationLayer = d; }, /* 30 */ /***/ (t, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.ColorConverters = void 0; function i(l) { return Math.floor(Math.max(0, Math.min(1, l)) * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); } function n(l) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(255, 255 * l)); } class s { static CMYK_G([h, _, c, o]) { return ["G", 1 - Math.min(1, 0.3 * h + 0.59 * c + 0.11 * _ + o)]; } static G_CMYK([h]) { return ["CMYK", 0, 0, 0, 1 - h]; } static G_RGB([h]) { return ["RGB", h, h, h]; } static G_rgb([h]) { return h = n(h), [h, h, h]; } static G_HTML([h]) { const _ = i(h); return `#${_}${_}${_}`; } static RGB_G([h, _, c]) { return ["G", 0.3 * h + 0.59 * _ + 0.11 * c]; } static RGB_rgb(h) { return; } static RGB_HTML(h) { return `#${"")}`; } static T_HTML() { return "#00000000"; } static T_rgb() { return [null]; } static CMYK_RGB([h, _, c, o]) { return ["RGB", 1 - Math.min(1, h + o), 1 - Math.min(1, c + o), 1 - Math.min(1, _ + o)]; } static CMYK_rgb([h, _, c, o]) { return [n(1 - Math.min(1, h + o)), n(1 - Math.min(1, c + o)), n(1 - Math.min(1, _ + o))]; } static CMYK_HTML(h) { const _ = this.CMYK_RGB(h).slice(1); return this.RGB_HTML(_); } static RGB_CMYK([h, _, c]) { const o = 1 - h, r = 1 - _, T = 1 - c, S = Math.min(o, r, T); return ["CMYK", o, r, T, S]; } } e.ColorConverters = s; }, /* 31 */ /***/ (t, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.NullL10n = void 0, e.getL10nFallback = n; const i = { of_pages: "of {{pagesCount}}", page_of_pages: "({{pageNumber}} of {{pagesCount}})", document_properties_kb: "{{size_kb}} KB ({{size_b}} bytes)", document_properties_mb: "{{size_mb}} MB ({{size_b}} bytes)", document_properties_date_string: "{{date}}, {{time}}", document_properties_page_size_unit_inches: "in", document_properties_page_size_unit_millimeters: "mm", document_properties_page_size_orientation_portrait: "portrait", document_properties_page_size_orientation_landscape: "landscape", document_properties_page_size_name_a3: "A3", document_properties_page_size_name_a4: "A4", document_properties_page_size_name_letter: "Letter", document_properties_page_size_name_legal: "Legal", document_properties_page_size_dimension_string: "{{width}} × {{height}} {{unit}} ({{orientation}})", document_properties_page_size_dimension_name_string: "{{width}} × {{height}} {{unit}} ({{name}}, {{orientation}})", document_properties_linearized_yes: "Yes", document_properties_linearized_no: "No", additional_layers: "Additional Layers", page_landmark: "Page {{page}}", thumb_page_title: "Page {{page}}", thumb_page_canvas: "Thumbnail of Page {{page}}", find_reached_top: "Reached top of document, continued from bottom", find_reached_bottom: "Reached end of document, continued from top", "find_match_count[one]": "{{current}} of {{total}} match", "find_match_count[other]": "{{current}} of {{total}} matches", "find_match_count_limit[one]": "More than {{limit}} match", "find_match_count_limit[other]": "More than {{limit}} matches", find_not_found: "Phrase not found", page_scale_width: "Page Width", page_scale_fit: "Page Fit", page_scale_auto: "Automatic Zoom", page_scale_actual: "Actual Size", page_scale_percent: "{{scale}}%", loading_error: "An error occurred while loading the PDF.", invalid_file_error: "Invalid or corrupted PDF file.", missing_file_error: "Missing PDF file.", unexpected_response_error: "Unexpected server response.", rendering_error: "An error occurred while rendering the page.", annotation_date_string: "{{date}}, {{time}}", printing_not_supported: "Warning: Printing is not fully supported by this browser.", printing_not_ready: "Warning: The PDF is not fully loaded for printing.", web_fonts_disabled: "Web fonts are disabled: unable to use embedded PDF fonts.", free_text2_default_content: "Start typing…", editor_free_text2_aria_label: "Text Editor", editor_ink2_aria_label: "Draw Editor", editor_ink_canvas_aria_label: "User-created image", editor_alt_text_button_label: "Alt text", editor_alt_text_edit_button_label: "Edit alt text", editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip: "Marked as decorative" }; i.print_progress_percent = "{{progress}}%"; function n(h, _) { switch (h) { case "find_match_count": h = `find_match_count[${ === 1 ? "one" : "other"}]`; break; case "find_match_count_limit": h = `find_match_count_limit[${_.limit === 1 ? "one" : "other"}]`; break; } return i[h] || ""; } function s(h, _) { return _ ? h.replaceAll(/\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/g, (c, o) => o in _ ? _[o] : "{{" + o + "}}") : h; } const l = { async getLanguage() { return "en-us"; }, async getDirection() { return "ltr"; }, async get(h, _ = null, c = n(h, _)) { return s(c, _); }, async translate(h) { } }; e.NullL10n = l; }, /* 32 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.XfaLayer = void 0; var n = i(25); class s { static setupStorage(h, _, c, o, r) { const T = o.getValue(_, { value: null }); switch ( { case "textarea": if (T.value !== null && (h.textContent = T.value), r === "print") break; h.addEventListener("input", (S) => { o.setValue(_, { value: }); }); break; case "input": if (c.attributes.type === "radio" || c.attributes.type === "checkbox") { if (T.value === c.attributes.xfaOn ? h.setAttribute("checked", !0) : T.value === c.attributes.xfaOff && h.removeAttribute("checked"), r === "print") break; h.addEventListener("change", (S) => { o.setValue(_, { value: ?"xfaOn") :"xfaOff") }); }); } else { if (T.value !== null && h.setAttribute("value", T.value), r === "print") break; h.addEventListener("input", (S) => { o.setValue(_, { value: }); }); } break; case "select": if (T.value !== null) { h.setAttribute("value", T.value); for (const S of c.children) S.attributes.value === T.value ? S.attributes.selected = !0 : S.attributes.hasOwnProperty("selected") && delete S.attributes.selected; } h.addEventListener("input", (S) => { const w =, C = w.selectedIndex === -1 ? "" : w[w.selectedIndex].value; o.setValue(_, { value: C }); }); break; } } static setAttributes({ html: h, element: _, storage: c = null, intent: o, linkService: r }) { const { attributes: T } = _, S = h instanceof HTMLAnchorElement; T.type === "radio" && ( = `${}-${o}`); for (const [w, C] of Object.entries(T)) if (C != null) switch (w) { case "class": C.length && h.setAttribute(w, C.join(" ")); break; case "dataId": break; case "id": h.setAttribute("data-element-id", C); break; case "style": Object.assign(, C); break; case "textContent": h.textContent = C; break; default: (!S || w !== "href" && w !== "newWindow") && h.setAttribute(w, C); } S && r.addLinkAttributes(h, T.href, T.newWindow), c && T.dataId && this.setupStorage(h, T.dataId, _, c); } static render(h) { var P; const _ = h.annotationStorage, c = h.linkService, o = h.xfaHtml, r = h.intent || "display", T = document.createElement(; o.attributes && this.setAttributes({ html: T, element: o, intent: r, linkService: c }); const S = [[o, -1, T]], w = h.div; if (w.append(T), h.viewport) { const b = `matrix(${h.viewport.transform.join(",")})`; = b; } r !== "richText" && w.setAttribute("class", "xfaLayer xfaFont"); const C = []; for (; S.length > 0; ) { const [b, k, F] =; if (k + 1 === b.children.length) { S.pop(); continue; } const x = b.children[[1]]; if (x === null) continue; const { name: y } = x; if (y === "#text") { const E = document.createTextNode(x.value); C.push(E), F.append(E); continue; } const p = (P = x == null ? void 0 : x.attributes) != null && P.xmlns ? document.createElementNS(x.attributes.xmlns, y) : document.createElement(y); if (F.append(p), x.attributes && this.setAttributes({ html: p, element: x, storage: _, intent: r, linkService: c }), x.children && x.children.length > 0) S.push([x, -1, p]); else if (x.value) { const E = document.createTextNode(x.value); n.XfaText.shouldBuildText(y) && C.push(E), p.append(E); } } for (const b of w.querySelectorAll(".xfaNonInteractive input, .xfaNonInteractive textarea")) b.setAttribute("readOnly", !0); return { textDivs: C }; } static update(h) { const _ = `matrix(${h.viewport.transform.join(",")})`; = _, h.div.hidden = !1; } } e.XfaLayer = s; }, /* 33 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var o, r, T, S, w, C, P, b, k, F, x, y, p, E, $, Hn, m, Un, D, jn, G, Gn, B, dn, Y, Wn, le, pn, we, qn, R, zn, g, Xn, v, Vn, O, Yn, z, ot, Q, gn, ue, Ft, fe, It, Fe, pt, De, _n, ie, Lt, ge, Kn, xe, mn, We, Jn, ze, Qn, Ge, bn, de, Dt, J, gt; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.InkEditor = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(4), l = i(29), h = i(6), _ = i(5); const Se = class Se extends s.AnnotationEditor { constructor(te) { super({ ...te, name: "inkEditor" }); W(this, $); W(this, m); W(this, D); W(this, G); W(this, B); W(this, Y); W(this, le); W(this, we); W(this, R); W(this, g); W(this, v); W(this, O); W(this, z); W(this, Q); W(this, ue); W(this, fe); W(this, Fe); W(this, De); W(this, ie); W(this, ze); W(this, Ge); W(this, de); W(this, J); W(this, o, 0); W(this, r, 0); W(this, T, this.canvasPointermove.bind(this)); W(this, S, this.canvasPointerleave.bind(this)); W(this, w, this.canvasPointerup.bind(this)); W(this, C, this.canvasPointerdown.bind(this)); W(this, P, new Path2D()); W(this, b, !1); W(this, k, !1); W(this, F, !1); W(this, x, null); W(this, y, 0); W(this, p, 0); W(this, E, null); this.color = te.color || null, this.thickness = te.thickness || null, this.opacity = te.opacity || null, this.paths = [], this.bezierPath2D = [], this.allRawPaths = [], this.currentPath = [], this.scaleFactor = 1, this.translationX = this.translationY = 0, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this._willKeepAspectRatio = !0; } static initialize(te) { s.AnnotationEditor.initialize(te, { strings: ["editor_ink_canvas_aria_label", "editor_ink2_aria_label"] }); } static updateDefaultParams(te, Te) { switch (te) { case n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_THICKNESS: Se._defaultThickness = Te; break; case n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_COLOR: Se._defaultColor = Te; break; case n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_OPACITY: Se._defaultOpacity = Te / 100; break; } } updateParams(te, Te) { switch (te) { case n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_THICKNESS: K(this, $, Hn).call(this, Te); break; case n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_COLOR: K(this, m, Un).call(this, Te); break; case n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_OPACITY: K(this, D, jn).call(this, Te); break; } } static get defaultPropertiesToUpdate() { return [[n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_THICKNESS, Se._defaultThickness], [n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_COLOR, Se._defaultColor || s.AnnotationEditor._defaultLineColor], [n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_OPACITY, Math.round(Se._defaultOpacity * 100)]]; } get propertiesToUpdate() { return [[n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_THICKNESS, this.thickness || Se._defaultThickness], [n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_COLOR, this.color || Se._defaultColor || s.AnnotationEditor._defaultLineColor], [n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_OPACITY, Math.round(100 * (this.opacity ?? Se._defaultOpacity))]]; } rebuild() { this.parent && (super.rebuild(), this.div !== null && (this.canvas || (K(this, ue, Ft).call(this), K(this, fe, It).call(this)), this.isAttachedToDOM || (this.parent.add(this), K(this, Fe, pt).call(this)), K(this, J, gt).call(this))); } remove() { this.canvas !== null && (this.isEmpty() || this.commit(), this.canvas.width = this.canvas.height = 0, this.canvas.remove(), this.canvas = null, a(this, x).disconnect(), oe(this, x, null), super.remove()); } setParent(te) { !this.parent && te ? this._uiManager.removeShouldRescale(this) : this.parent && te === null && this._uiManager.addShouldRescale(this), super.setParent(te); } onScaleChanging() { const [te, Te] = this.parentDimensions, Ne = this.width * te, ke = this.height * Te; this.setDimensions(Ne, ke); } enableEditMode() { a(this, b) || this.canvas === null || (super.enableEditMode(), this._isDraggable = !1, this.canvas.addEventListener("pointerdown", a(this, C))); } disableEditMode() { !this.isInEditMode() || this.canvas === null || (super.disableEditMode(), this._isDraggable = !this.isEmpty(), this.div.classList.remove("editing"), this.canvas.removeEventListener("pointerdown", a(this, C))); } onceAdded() { this._isDraggable = !this.isEmpty(); } isEmpty() { return this.paths.length === 0 || this.paths.length === 1 && this.paths[0].length === 0; } commit() { a(this, b) || (super.commit(), this.isEditing = !1, this.disableEditMode(), this.setInForeground(), oe(this, b, !0), this.div.classList.add("disabled"), K(this, J, gt).call(this, !0), this.makeResizable(), this.parent.addInkEditorIfNeeded(!0), this.moveInDOM(), this.div.focus({ preventScroll: !0 })); } focusin(te) { this._focusEventsAllowed && (super.focusin(te), this.enableEditMode()); } canvasPointerdown(te) { te.button !== 0 || !this.isInEditMode() || a(this, b) || (this.setInForeground(), te.preventDefault(), te.type !== "mouse" && this.div.focus(), K(this, Y, Wn).call(this, te.offsetX, te.offsetY)); } canvasPointermove(te) { te.preventDefault(), K(this, le, pn).call(this, te.offsetX, te.offsetY); } canvasPointerup(te) { te.preventDefault(), K(this, Q, gn).call(this, te); } canvasPointerleave(te) { K(this, Q, gn).call(this, te); } get isResizable() { return !this.isEmpty() && a(this, b); } render() { if (this.div) return this.div; let te, Te; this.width && (te = this.x, Te = this.y), super.render(), s.AnnotationEditor._l10nPromise.get("editor_ink2_aria_label").then((Qe) => { var Ae; return (Ae = this.div) == null ? void 0 : Ae.setAttribute("aria-label", Qe); }); const [Ne, ke, $e, Be] = K(this, G, Gn).call(this); if (this.setAt(Ne, ke, 0, 0), this.setDims($e, Be), K(this, ue, Ft).call(this), this.width) { const [Qe, Ae] = this.parentDimensions; this.setAspectRatio(this.width * Qe, this.height * Ae), this.setAt(te * Qe, Te * Ae, this.width * Qe, this.height * Ae), oe(this, F, !0), K(this, Fe, pt).call(this), this.setDims(this.width * Qe, this.height * Ae), K(this, z, ot).call(this), this.div.classList.add("disabled"); } else this.div.classList.add("editing"), this.enableEditMode(); return K(this, fe, It).call(this), this.div; } setDimensions(te, Te) { const Ne = Math.round(te), ke = Math.round(Te); if (a(this, y) === Ne && a(this, p) === ke) return; oe(this, y, Ne), oe(this, p, ke), = "hidden"; const [$e, Be] = this.parentDimensions; this.width = te / $e, this.height = Te / Be, this.fixAndSetPosition(), a(this, b) && K(this, De, _n).call(this, te, Te), K(this, Fe, pt).call(this), K(this, z, ot).call(this), = "visible", this.fixDims(); } static deserialize(te, Te, Ne) { var V, Z, he; if (te instanceof l.InkAnnotationElement) return null; const ke = super.deserialize(te, Te, Ne); ke.thickness = te.thickness, ke.color = n.Util.makeHexColor(...te.color), ke.opacity = te.opacity; const [$e, Be] = ke.pageDimensions, Qe = ke.width * $e, Ae = ke.height * Be, Ke = ke.parentScale, Oe = te.thickness / 2; oe(ke, b, !0), oe(ke, y, Math.round(Qe)), oe(ke, p, Math.round(Ae)); const { paths: U, rect: u, rotation: L } = te; for (let { bezier: ye } of U) { ye = K(V = Se, We, Jn).call(V, ye, u, L); const Me = []; ke.paths.push(Me); let Re = Ke * (ye[0] - Oe), qe = Ke * (ye[1] - Oe); for (let Le = 2, He = ye.length; Le < He; Le += 6) { const Ve = Ke * (ye[Le] - Oe), Je = Ke * (ye[Le + 1] - Oe), Ze = Ke * (ye[Le + 2] - Oe), st = Ke * (ye[Le + 3] - Oe), it = Ke * (ye[Le + 4] - Oe), rt = Ke * (ye[Le + 5] - Oe); Me.push([[Re, qe], [Ve, Je], [Ze, st], [it, rt]]), Re = it, qe = rt; } const Ie = K(this, ge, Kn).call(this, Me); ke.bezierPath2D.push(Ie); } const j = K(Z = ke, Ge, bn).call(Z); return oe(ke, r, Math.max(s.AnnotationEditor.MIN_SIZE, j[2] - j[0])), oe(ke, o, Math.max(s.AnnotationEditor.MIN_SIZE, j[3] - j[1])), K(he = ke, De, _n).call(he, Qe, Ae), ke; } serialize() { if (this.isEmpty()) return null; const te = this.getRect(0, 0), Te = s.AnnotationEditor._colorManager.convert(this.ctx.strokeStyle); return { annotationType: n.AnnotationEditorType.INK, color: Te, thickness: this.thickness, opacity: this.opacity, paths: K(this, ze, Qn).call(this, this.scaleFactor / this.parentScale, this.translationX, this.translationY, te), pageIndex: this.pageIndex, rect: te, rotation: this.rotation, structTreeParentId: this._structTreeParentId }; } }; o = new WeakMap(), r = new WeakMap(), T = new WeakMap(), S = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakMap(), C = new WeakMap(), P = new WeakMap(), b = new WeakMap(), k = new WeakMap(), F = new WeakMap(), x = new WeakMap(), y = new WeakMap(), p = new WeakMap(), E = new WeakMap(), $ = new WeakSet(), Hn = function(te) { const Te = this.thickness; this.addCommands({ cmd: () => { this.thickness = te, K(this, J, gt).call(this); }, undo: () => { this.thickness = Te, K(this, J, gt).call(this); }, mustExec: !0, type: n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_THICKNESS, overwriteIfSameType: !0, keepUndo: !0 }); }, m = new WeakSet(), Un = function(te) { const Te = this.color; this.addCommands({ cmd: () => { this.color = te, K(this, z, ot).call(this); }, undo: () => { this.color = Te, K(this, z, ot).call(this); }, mustExec: !0, type: n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_COLOR, overwriteIfSameType: !0, keepUndo: !0 }); }, D = new WeakSet(), jn = function(te) { te /= 100; const Te = this.opacity; this.addCommands({ cmd: () => { this.opacity = te, K(this, z, ot).call(this); }, undo: () => { this.opacity = Te, K(this, z, ot).call(this); }, mustExec: !0, type: n.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_OPACITY, overwriteIfSameType: !0, keepUndo: !0 }); }, G = new WeakSet(), Gn = function() { const { parentRotation: te, parentDimensions: [Te, Ne] } = this; switch (te) { case 90: return [0, Ne, Ne, Te]; case 180: return [Te, Ne, Te, Ne]; case 270: return [Te, 0, Ne, Te]; default: return [0, 0, Te, Ne]; } }, B = new WeakSet(), dn = function() { const { ctx: te, color: Te, opacity: Ne, thickness: ke, parentScale: $e, scaleFactor: Be } = this; te.lineWidth = ke * $e / Be, te.lineCap = "round", te.lineJoin = "round", te.miterLimit = 10, te.strokeStyle = `${Te}${(0, _.opacityToHex)(Ne)}`; }, Y = new WeakSet(), Wn = function(te, Te) { this.canvas.addEventListener("contextmenu", h.noContextMenu), this.canvas.addEventListener("pointerleave", a(this, S)), this.canvas.addEventListener("pointermove", a(this, T)), this.canvas.addEventListener("pointerup", a(this, w)), this.canvas.removeEventListener("pointerdown", a(this, C)), this.isEditing = !0, a(this, F) || (oe(this, F, !0), K(this, Fe, pt).call(this), this.thickness || (this.thickness = Se._defaultThickness), this.color || (this.color = Se._defaultColor || s.AnnotationEditor._defaultLineColor), this.opacity ?? (this.opacity = Se._defaultOpacity)), this.currentPath.push([te, Te]), oe(this, k, !1), K(this, B, dn).call(this), oe(this, E, () => { K(this, g, Xn).call(this), a(this, E) && window.requestAnimationFrame(a(this, E)); }), window.requestAnimationFrame(a(this, E)); }, le = new WeakSet(), pn = function(te, Te) { const [Ne, ke] =; if (this.currentPath.length > 1 && te === Ne && Te === ke) return; const $e = this.currentPath; let Be = a(this, P); if ($e.push([te, Te]), oe(this, k, !0), $e.length <= 2) { Be.moveTo(...$e[0]), Be.lineTo(te, Te); return; } $e.length === 3 && (oe(this, P, Be = new Path2D()), Be.moveTo(...$e[0])), K(this, v, Vn).call(this, Be, ...$, ...$, te, Te); }, we = new WeakSet(), qn = function() { if (this.currentPath.length === 0) return; const te =; a(this, P).lineTo(...te); }, R = new WeakSet(), zn = function(te, Te) { oe(this, E, null), te = Math.min(Math.max(te, 0), this.canvas.width), Te = Math.min(Math.max(Te, 0), this.canvas.height), K(this, le, pn).call(this, te, Te), K(this, we, qn).call(this); let Ne; if (this.currentPath.length !== 1) Ne = K(this, O, Yn).call(this); else { const Ae = [te, Te]; Ne = [[Ae, Ae.slice(), Ae.slice(), Ae]]; } const ke = a(this, P), $e = this.currentPath; this.currentPath = [], oe(this, P, new Path2D()); const Be = () => { this.allRawPaths.push($e), this.paths.push(Ne), this.bezierPath2D.push(ke), this.rebuild(); }, Qe = () => { this.allRawPaths.pop(), this.paths.pop(), this.bezierPath2D.pop(), this.paths.length === 0 ? this.remove() : (this.canvas || (K(this, ue, Ft).call(this), K(this, fe, It).call(this)), K(this, J, gt).call(this)); }; this.addCommands({ cmd: Be, undo: Qe, mustExec: !0 }); }, g = new WeakSet(), Xn = function() { if (!a(this, k)) return; oe(this, k, !1); const te = Math.ceil(this.thickness * this.parentScale), Te = this.currentPath.slice(-3), Ne = => Be[0]), ke = => Be[1]); Math.min(...Ne) - te, Math.max(...Ne) + te, Math.min( - te, Math.max( + te; const { ctx: $e } = this; $, $e.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); for (const Be of this.bezierPath2D) $e.stroke(Be); $e.stroke(a(this, P)), $e.restore(); }, v = new WeakSet(), Vn = function(te, Te, Ne, ke, $e, Be, Qe) { const Ae = (Te + ke) / 2, Ke = (Ne + $e) / 2, Oe = (ke + Be) / 2, U = ($e + Qe) / 2; te.bezierCurveTo(Ae + 2 * (ke - Ae) / 3, Ke + 2 * ($e - Ke) / 3, Oe + 2 * (ke - Oe) / 3, U + 2 * ($e - U) / 3, Oe, U); }, O = new WeakSet(), Yn = function() { const te = this.currentPath; if (te.length <= 2) return [[te[0], te[0],,]]; const Te = []; let Ne, [ke, $e] = te[0]; for (Ne = 1; Ne < te.length - 2; Ne++) { const [u, L] = te[Ne], [j, V] = te[Ne + 1], Z = (u + j) / 2, he = (L + V) / 2, ye = [ke + 2 * (u - ke) / 3, $e + 2 * (L - $e) / 3], Me = [Z + 2 * (u - Z) / 3, he + 2 * (L - he) / 3]; Te.push([[ke, $e], ye, Me, [Z, he]]), [ke, $e] = [Z, he]; } const [Be, Qe] = te[Ne], [Ae, Ke] = te[Ne + 1], Oe = [ke + 2 * (Be - ke) / 3, $e + 2 * (Qe - $e) / 3], U = [Ae + 2 * (Be - Ae) / 3, Ke + 2 * (Qe - Ke) / 3]; return Te.push([[ke, $e], Oe, U, [Ae, Ke]]), Te; }, z = new WeakSet(), ot = function() { if (this.isEmpty()) { K(this, ie, Lt).call(this); return; } K(this, B, dn).call(this); const { canvas: te, ctx: Te } = this; Te.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), Te.clearRect(0, 0, te.width, te.height), K(this, ie, Lt).call(this); for (const Ne of this.bezierPath2D) Te.stroke(Ne); }, Q = new WeakSet(), gn = function(te) { this.canvas.removeEventListener("pointerleave", a(this, S)), this.canvas.removeEventListener("pointermove", a(this, T)), this.canvas.removeEventListener("pointerup", a(this, w)), this.canvas.addEventListener("pointerdown", a(this, C)), setTimeout(() => { this.canvas.removeEventListener("contextmenu", h.noContextMenu); }, 10), K(this, R, zn).call(this, te.offsetX, te.offsetY), this.addToAnnotationStorage(), this.setInBackground(); }, ue = new WeakSet(), Ft = function() { this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), this.canvas.width = this.canvas.height = 0, this.canvas.className = "inkEditorCanvas", s.AnnotationEditor._l10nPromise.get("editor_ink_canvas_aria_label").then((te) => { var Te; return (Te = this.canvas) == null ? void 0 : Te.setAttribute("aria-label", te); }), this.div.append(this.canvas), this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); }, fe = new WeakSet(), It = function() { oe(this, x, new ResizeObserver((te) => { const Te = te[0].contentRect; Te.width && Te.height && this.setDimensions(Te.width, Te.height); })), a(this, x).observe(this.div); }, Fe = new WeakSet(), pt = function() { if (!a(this, F)) return; const [te, Te] = this.parentDimensions; this.canvas.width = Math.ceil(this.width * te), this.canvas.height = Math.ceil(this.height * Te), K(this, ie, Lt).call(this); }, De = new WeakSet(), _n = function(te, Te) { const Ne = K(this, de, Dt).call(this), ke = (te - Ne) / a(this, r), $e = (Te - Ne) / a(this, o); this.scaleFactor = Math.min(ke, $e); }, ie = new WeakSet(), Lt = function() { const te = K(this, de, Dt).call(this) / 2; this.ctx.setTransform(this.scaleFactor, 0, 0, this.scaleFactor, this.translationX * this.scaleFactor + te, this.translationY * this.scaleFactor + te); }, ge = new WeakSet(), Kn = function(te) { const Te = new Path2D(); for (let Ne = 0, ke = te.length; Ne < ke; Ne++) { const [$e, Be, Qe, Ae] = te[Ne]; Ne === 0 && Te.moveTo(...$e), Te.bezierCurveTo(Be[0], Be[1], Qe[0], Qe[1], Ae[0], Ae[1]); } return Te; }, xe = new WeakSet(), mn = function(te, Te, Ne) { const [ke, $e, Be, Qe] = Te; switch (Ne) { case 0: for (let Ae = 0, Ke = te.length; Ae < Ke; Ae += 2) te[Ae] += ke, te[Ae + 1] = Qe - te[Ae + 1]; break; case 90: for (let Ae = 0, Ke = te.length; Ae < Ke; Ae += 2) { const Oe = te[Ae]; te[Ae] = te[Ae + 1] + ke, te[Ae + 1] = Oe + $e; } break; case 180: for (let Ae = 0, Ke = te.length; Ae < Ke; Ae += 2) te[Ae] = Be - te[Ae], te[Ae + 1] += $e; break; case 270: for (let Ae = 0, Ke = te.length; Ae < Ke; Ae += 2) { const Oe = te[Ae]; te[Ae] = Be - te[Ae + 1], te[Ae + 1] = Qe - Oe; } break; default: throw new Error("Invalid rotation"); } return te; }, We = new WeakSet(), Jn = function(te, Te, Ne) { const [ke, $e, Be, Qe] = Te; switch (Ne) { case 0: for (let Ae = 0, Ke = te.length; Ae < Ke; Ae += 2) te[Ae] -= ke, te[Ae + 1] = Qe - te[Ae + 1]; break; case 90: for (let Ae = 0, Ke = te.length; Ae < Ke; Ae += 2) { const Oe = te[Ae]; te[Ae] = te[Ae + 1] - $e, te[Ae + 1] = Oe - ke; } break; case 180: for (let Ae = 0, Ke = te.length; Ae < Ke; Ae += 2) te[Ae] = Be - te[Ae], te[Ae + 1] -= $e; break; case 270: for (let Ae = 0, Ke = te.length; Ae < Ke; Ae += 2) { const Oe = te[Ae]; te[Ae] = Qe - te[Ae + 1], te[Ae + 1] = Be - Oe; } break; default: throw new Error("Invalid rotation"); } return te; }, ze = new WeakSet(), Qn = function(te, Te, Ne, ke) { var Ke, Oe; const $e = [], Be = this.thickness / 2, Qe = te * Te + Be, Ae = te * Ne + Be; for (const U of this.paths) { const u = [], L = []; for (let j = 0, V = U.length; j < V; j++) { const [Z, he, ye, Me] = U[j], Re = te * Z[0] + Qe, qe = te * Z[1] + Ae, Ie = te * he[0] + Qe, Le = te * he[1] + Ae, He = te * ye[0] + Qe, Ve = te * ye[1] + Ae, Je = te * Me[0] + Qe, Ze = te * Me[1] + Ae; j === 0 && (u.push(Re, qe), L.push(Re, qe)), u.push(Ie, Le, He, Ve, Je, Ze), L.push(Ie, Le), j === V - 1 && L.push(Je, Ze); } $e.push({ bezier: K(Ke = Se, xe, mn).call(Ke, u, ke, this.rotation), points: K(Oe = Se, xe, mn).call(Oe, L, ke, this.rotation) }); } return $e; }, Ge = new WeakSet(), bn = function() { let te = 1 / 0, Te = -1 / 0, Ne = 1 / 0, ke = -1 / 0; for (const $e of this.paths) for (const [Be, Qe, Ae, Ke] of $e) { const Oe = n.Util.bezierBoundingBox(...Be, ...Qe, ...Ae, ...Ke); te = Math.min(te, Oe[0]), Ne = Math.min(Ne, Oe[1]), Te = Math.max(Te, Oe[2]), ke = Math.max(ke, Oe[3]); } return [te, Ne, Te, ke]; }, de = new WeakSet(), Dt = function() { return a(this, b) ? Math.ceil(this.thickness * this.parentScale) : 0; }, J = new WeakSet(), gt = function(te = !1) { if (this.isEmpty()) return; if (!a(this, b)) { K(this, z, ot).call(this); return; } const Te = K(this, Ge, bn).call(this), Ne = K(this, de, Dt).call(this); oe(this, r, Math.max(s.AnnotationEditor.MIN_SIZE, Te[2] - Te[0])), oe(this, o, Math.max(s.AnnotationEditor.MIN_SIZE, Te[3] - Te[1])); const ke = Math.ceil(Ne + a(this, r) * this.scaleFactor), $e = Math.ceil(Ne + a(this, o) * this.scaleFactor), [Be, Qe] = this.parentDimensions; this.width = ke / Be, this.height = $e / Qe, this.setAspectRatio(ke, $e); const Ae = this.translationX, Ke = this.translationY; this.translationX = -Te[0], this.translationY = -Te[1], K(this, Fe, pt).call(this), K(this, z, ot).call(this), oe(this, y, ke), oe(this, p, $e), this.setDims(ke, $e); const Oe = te ? Ne / this.scaleFactor / 2 : 0; this.translate(Ae - this.translationX - Oe, Ke - this.translationY - Oe); }, W(Se, ge), W(Se, xe), W(Se, We), nt(Se, "_defaultColor", null), nt(Se, "_defaultOpacity", 1), nt(Se, "_defaultThickness", 1), nt(Se, "_type", "ink"); let c = Se; e.InkEditor = c; }, /* 34 */ /***/ (t, e, i) => { var c, o, r, T, S, w, C, P, b, k, F, Et, y, St, E, Ot, M, yn, N, Zn, X, ei, I, vn, ee, Nt, q, ti; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.StampEditor = void 0; var n = i(1), s = i(4), l = i(6), h = i(29); const pe = class pe extends s.AnnotationEditor { constructor(R) { super({ ...R, name: "stampEditor" }); W(this, F); W(this, y); W(this, E); W(this, M); W(this, N); W(this, X); W(this, I); W(this, ee); W(this, q); W(this, c, null); W(this, o, null); W(this, r, null); W(this, T, null); W(this, S, null); W(this, w, null); W(this, C, null); W(this, P, null); W(this, b, !1); W(this, k, !1); oe(this, T, R.bitmapUrl), oe(this, S, R.bitmapFile); } static initialize(R) { s.AnnotationEditor.initialize(R); } static get supportedTypes() { const R = ["apng", "avif", "bmp", "gif", "jpeg", "png", "svg+xml", "webp", "x-icon"]; return (0, n.shadow)(this, "supportedTypes", => `image/${d}`)); } static get supportedTypesStr() { return (0, n.shadow)(this, "supportedTypesStr", this.supportedTypes.join(",")); } static isHandlingMimeForPasting(R) { return this.supportedTypes.includes(R); } static paste(R, d) { d.pasteEditor(n.AnnotationEditorType.STAMP, { bitmapFile: R.getAsFile() }); } remove() { var R, d; a(this, o) && (oe(this, c, null), this._uiManager.imageManager.deleteId(a(this, o)), (R = a(this, w)) == null || R.remove(), oe(this, w, null), (d = a(this, C)) == null || d.disconnect(), oe(this, C, null)), super.remove(); } rebuild() { if (!this.parent) { a(this, o) && K(this, E, Ot).call(this); return; } super.rebuild(), this.div !== null && (a(this, o) && K(this, E, Ot).call(this), this.isAttachedToDOM || this.parent.add(this)); } onceAdded() { this._isDraggable = !0, this.div.focus(); } isEmpty() { return !(a(this, r) || a(this, c) || a(this, T) || a(this, S)); } get isResizable() { return !0; } render() { if (this.div) return this.div; let R, d; if (this.width && (R = this.x, d = this.y), super.render(), this.div.hidden = !0, a(this, c) ? K(this, M, yn).call(this) : K(this, E, Ot).call(this), this.width) { const [g, f] = this.parentDimensions; this.setAt(R * g, d * f, this.width * g, this.height * f); } return this.div; } static deserialize(R, d, g) { if (R instanceof h.StampAnnotationElement) return null; const f = super.deserialize(R, d, g), { rect: v, bitmapUrl: A, bitmapId: O, isSvg: H, accessibilityData: z } = R; O && g.imageManager.isValidId(O) ? oe(f, o, O) : oe(f, T, A), oe(f, b, H); const [ae, Q] = f.pageDimensions; return f.width = (v[2] - v[0]) / ae, f.height = (v[3] - v[1]) / Q, z && (f.altTextData = z), f; } serialize(R = !1, d = null) { if (this.isEmpty()) return null; const g = { annotationType: n.AnnotationEditorType.STAMP, bitmapId: a(this, o), pageIndex: this.pageIndex, rect: this.getRect(0, 0), rotation: this.rotation, isSvg: a(this, b), structTreeParentId: this._structTreeParentId }; if (R) return g.bitmapUrl = K(this, ee, Nt).call(this, !0), g.accessibilityData = this.altTextData, g; const { decorative: f, altText: v } = this.altTextData; if (!f && v && (g.accessibilityData = { type: "Figure", alt: v }), d === null) return g; d.stamps || (d.stamps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); const A = a(this, b) ? (g.rect[2] - g.rect[0]) * (g.rect[3] - g.rect[1]) : null; if (!d.stamps.has(a(this, o))) d.stamps.set(a(this, o), { area: A, serialized: g }), g.bitmap = K(this, ee, Nt).call(this, !1); else if (a(this, b)) { const O = d.stamps.get(a(this, o)); A > O.area && (O.area = A, O.serialized.bitmap.close(), O.serialized.bitmap = K(this, ee, Nt).call(this, !1)); } return g; } }; c = new WeakMap(), o = new WeakMap(), r = new WeakMap(), T = new WeakMap(), S = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakMap(), C = new WeakMap(), P = new WeakMap(), b = new WeakMap(), k = new WeakMap(), F = new WeakSet(), Et = function(R, d = !1) { if (!R) { this.remove(); return; } oe(this, c, R.bitmap), d || (oe(this, o,, oe(this, b, R.isSvg)), K(this, M, yn).call(this); }, y = new WeakSet(), St = function() { oe(this, r, null), this._uiManager.enableWaiting(!1), a(this, w) && this.div.focus(); }, E = new WeakSet(), Ot = function() { if (a(this, o)) { this._uiManager.enableWaiting(!0), this._uiManager.imageManager.getFromId(a(this, o)).then((d) => K(this, F, Et).call(this, d, !0)).finally(() => K(this, y, St).call(this)); return; } if (a(this, T)) { const d = a(this, T); oe(this, T, null), this._uiManager.enableWaiting(!0), oe(this, r, this._uiManager.imageManager.getFromUrl(d).then((g) => K(this, F, Et).call(this, g)).finally(() => K(this, y, St).call(this))); return; } if (a(this, S)) { const d = a(this, S); oe(this, S, null), this._uiManager.enableWaiting(!0), oe(this, r, this._uiManager.imageManager.getFromFile(d).then((g) => K(this, F, Et).call(this, g)).finally(() => K(this, y, St).call(this))); return; } const R = document.createElement("input"); R.type = "file", R.accept = pe.supportedTypesStr, oe(this, r, new Promise((d) => { R.addEventListener("change", async () => { if (!R.files || R.files.length === 0) this.remove(); else { this._uiManager.enableWaiting(!0); const g = await this._uiManager.imageManager.getFromFile(R.files[0]); K(this, F, Et).call(this, g); } d(); }), R.addEventListener("cancel", () => { this.remove(), d(); }); }).finally(() => K(this, y, St).call(this))),; }, M = new WeakSet(), yn = function() { const { div: R } = this; let { width: d, height: g } = a(this, c); const [f, v] = this.pageDimensions, A = 0.75; if (this.width) d = this.width * f, g = this.height * v; else if (d > A * f || g > A * v) { const ae = Math.min(A * f / d, A * v / g); d *= ae, g *= ae; } const [O, H] = this.parentDimensions; this.setDims(d * O / f, g * H / v), this._uiManager.enableWaiting(!1); const z = oe(this, w, document.createElement("canvas")); R.append(z), R.hidden = !1, K(this, I, vn).call(this, d, g), K(this, q, ti).call(this), a(this, k) || (this.parent.addUndoableEditor(this), oe(this, k, !0)), this._uiManager._eventBus.dispatch("reporttelemetry", { source: this, details: { type: "editing", subtype: this.editorType, data: { action: "inserted_image" } } }), this.addAltTextButton(); }, N = new WeakSet(), Zn = function(R, d) { var A; const [g, f] = this.parentDimensions; this.width = R / g, this.height = d / f, this.setDims(R, d), (A = this._initialOptions) != null && A.isCentered ? : this.fixAndSetPosition(), this._initialOptions = null, a(this, P) !== null && clearTimeout(a(this, P)), oe(this, P, setTimeout(() => { oe(this, P, null), K(this, I, vn).call(this, R, d); }, 200)); }, X = new WeakSet(), ei = function(R, d) { const { width: g, height: f } = a(this, c); let v = g, A = f, O = a(this, c); for (; v > 2 * R || A > 2 * d; ) { const H = v, z = A; v > 2 * R && (v = v >= 16384 ? Math.floor(v / 2) - 1 : Math.ceil(v / 2)), A > 2 * d && (A = A >= 16384 ? Math.floor(A / 2) - 1 : Math.ceil(A / 2)); const ae = new OffscreenCanvas(v, A); ae.getContext("2d").drawImage(O, 0, 0, H, z, 0, 0, v, A), O = ae.transferToImageBitmap(); } return O; }, I = new WeakSet(), vn = function(R, d) { R = Math.ceil(R), d = Math.ceil(d); const g = a(this, w); if (!g || g.width === R && g.height === d) return; g.width = R, g.height = d; const f = a(this, b) ? a(this, c) : K(this, X, ei).call(this, R, d), v = g.getContext("2d"); v.filter = this._uiManager.hcmFilter, v.drawImage(f, 0, 0, f.width, f.height, 0, 0, R, d); }, ee = new WeakSet(), Nt = function(R) { if (R) { if (a(this, b)) { const f = this._uiManager.imageManager.getSvgUrl(a(this, o)); if (f) return f; } const d = document.createElement("canvas"); return { width: d.width, height: d.height } = a(this, c), d.getContext("2d").drawImage(a(this, c), 0, 0), d.toDataURL(); } if (a(this, b)) { const [d, g] = this.pageDimensions, f = Math.round(this.width * d * l.PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS), v = Math.round(this.height * g * l.PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS), A = new OffscreenCanvas(f, v); return A.getContext("2d").drawImage(a(this, c), 0, 0, a(this, c).width, a(this, c).height, 0, 0, f, v), A.transferToImageBitmap(); } return structuredClone(a(this, c)); }, q = new WeakSet(), ti = function() { oe(this, C, new ResizeObserver((R) => { const d = R[0].contentRect; d.width && d.height && K(this, N, Zn).call(this, d.width, d.height); })), a(this, C).observe(this.div); }, nt(pe, "_type", "stamp"); let _ = pe; e.StampEditor = _; } /******/ ], __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; function __w_pdfjs_require__(t) { var e = __webpack_module_cache__[t]; if (e !== void 0) return e.exports; var i = __webpack_module_cache__[t] = { /******/ // no needed /******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; return __webpack_modules__[t](i, i.exports, __w_pdfjs_require__), i.exports; } var __webpack_exports__ = {}; return (() => { var t = __webpack_exports__; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t, "AbortException", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.AbortException; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "AnnotationEditorLayer", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return l.AnnotationEditorLayer; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "AnnotationEditorParamsType", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.AnnotationEditorParamsType; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "AnnotationEditorType", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.AnnotationEditorType; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "AnnotationEditorUIManager", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return h.AnnotationEditorUIManager; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "AnnotationLayer", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return _.AnnotationLayer; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "AnnotationMode", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.AnnotationMode; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "CMapCompressionType", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.CMapCompressionType; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "DOMSVGFactory", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.DOMSVGFactory; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "FeatureTest", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.FeatureTest; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "GlobalWorkerOptions", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return c.GlobalWorkerOptions; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "ImageKind", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.ImageKind; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "InvalidPDFException", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.InvalidPDFException; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "MissingPDFException", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.MissingPDFException; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "OPS", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.OPS; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "PDFDataRangeTransport", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return i.PDFDataRangeTransport; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "PDFDateString", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.PDFDateString; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "PDFWorker", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return i.PDFWorker; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "PasswordResponses", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.PasswordResponses; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "PermissionFlag", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.PermissionFlag; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "PixelsPerInch", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.PixelsPerInch; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "PromiseCapability", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.PromiseCapability; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "RenderingCancelledException", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.RenderingCancelledException; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "SVGGraphics", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return i.SVGGraphics; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "UnexpectedResponseException", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.UnexpectedResponseException; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "Util", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.Util; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "VerbosityLevel", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.VerbosityLevel; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "XfaLayer", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return o.XfaLayer; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "build", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "createValidAbsoluteUrl", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.createValidAbsoluteUrl; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "getDocument", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return i.getDocument; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "getFilenameFromUrl", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.getFilenameFromUrl; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "getPdfFilenameFromUrl", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.getPdfFilenameFromUrl; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "getXfaPageViewport", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.getXfaPageViewport; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "isDataScheme", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.isDataScheme; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "isPdfFile", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.isPdfFile; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "loadScript", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.loadScript; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "noContextMenu", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.noContextMenu; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "normalizeUnicode", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.normalizeUnicode; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "renderTextLayer", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return s.renderTextLayer; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "setLayerDimensions", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n.setLayerDimensions; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "shadow", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return e.shadow; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "updateTextLayer", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return s.updateTextLayer; } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "version", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return i.version; } }); var e = __w_pdfjs_require__(1), i = __w_pdfjs_require__(2), n = __w_pdfjs_require__(6), s = __w_pdfjs_require__(26), l = __w_pdfjs_require__(27), h = __w_pdfjs_require__(5), _ = __w_pdfjs_require__(29), c = __w_pdfjs_require__(14), o = __w_pdfjs_require__(32); })(), __webpack_exports__; })() )); })(pdf); var pdfExports = pdf.exports; const pdfjsLib = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(pdfExports), Index_svelte_svelte_type_style_lang = "", { SvelteComponent, append, assign, attr, binding_callbacks, check_outros, create_component, destroy_component, detach, element, empty, get_spread_object, get_spread_update, group_outros, init, insert, mount_component, safe_not_equal, set_data, set_style, space, text, transition_in, transition_out } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { tick } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function create_if_block_1(t) { let e, i; const n = [ { autoscroll: ( /*gradio*/ t[11].autoscroll ) }, { i18n: ( /*gradio*/ t[11].i18n ) }, /*loading_status*/ t[10] ]; let s = {}; for (let l = 0; l < n.length; l += 1) s = assign(s, n[l]); return e = new Static({ props: s }), { c() { create_component(e.$$.fragment); }, m(l, h) { mount_component(e, l, h), i = !0; }, p(l, h) { const _ = h & /*gradio, loading_status*/ 3072 ? get_spread_update(n, [ h & /*gradio*/ 2048 && { autoscroll: ( /*gradio*/ l[11].autoscroll ) }, h & /*gradio*/ 2048 && { i18n: ( /*gradio*/ l[11].i18n ) }, h & /*loading_status*/ 1024 && get_spread_object( /*loading_status*/ l[10] ) ]) : {}; e.$set(_); }, i(l) { i || (transition_in(e.$$.fragment, l), i = !0); }, o(l) { transition_out(e.$$.fragment, l), i = !1; }, d(l) { destroy_component(e, l); } }; } function create_else_block(t) { let e, i; return e = new Upload({ props: { filetype: "application/pdf", file_count: "single", root: ( /*root*/ t[7] ), $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot_3] }, $$scope: { ctx: t } } }), e.$on( "load", /*handle_upload*/ t[17] ), { c() { create_component(e.$$.fragment); }, m(n, s) { mount_component(e, n, s), i = !0; }, p(n, s) { const l = {}; s & /*root*/ 128 && (l.root = /*root*/ n[7]), s & /*$$scope*/ 134217728 && (l.$$scope = { dirty: s, ctx: n }), e.$set(l); }, i(n) { i || (transition_in(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !0); }, o(n) { transition_out(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !1; }, d(n) { destroy_component(e, n); } }; } function create_if_block(t) { let e, i, n, s, l, h, _, c, o, r, T, S, w, C, P; return e = new ModifyUpload({ props: { i18n: ( /*gradio*/ t[11].i18n ), absolute: !0 } }), e.$on( "clear", /*handle_clear*/ t[16] ), _ = new Button({ props: { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot_2] }, $$scope: { ctx: t } } }), _.$on( "click", /*prev_page*/ t[19] ), C = new Button({ props: { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot_1] }, $$scope: { ctx: t } } }), C.$on( "click", /*next_page*/ t[18] ), { c() { create_component(e.$$.fragment), i = space(), n = element("div"), s = element("canvas"), l = space(), h = element("div"), create_component(_.$$.fragment), c = space(), o = element("span"), r = text( /*currentPage*/ t[14] ), T = text(" / "), S = text( /*numPages*/ t[13] ), w = space(), create_component(C.$$.fragment), attr(n, "class", "pdf-canvas svelte-qxsbof"), set_style( n, "height", /*height*/ t[1] + "px" ), attr(o, "class", "page-count svelte-qxsbof"), attr(h, "class", "button-row svelte-qxsbof"); }, m(b, k) { mount_component(e, b, k), insert(b, i, k), insert(b, n, k), append(n, s), t[22](s), insert(b, l, k), insert(b, h, k), mount_component(_, h, null), append(h, c), append(h, o), append(o, r), append(o, T), append(o, S), append(h, w), mount_component(C, h, null), P = !0; }, p(b, k) { const F = {}; k & /*gradio*/ 2048 && (F.i18n = /*gradio*/ b[11].i18n), e.$set(F), (!P || k & /*height*/ 2) && set_style( n, "height", /*height*/ b[1] + "px" ); const x = {}; k & /*$$scope*/ 134217728 && (x.$$scope = { dirty: k, ctx: b }), _.$set(x), (!P || k & /*currentPage*/ 16384) && set_data( r, /*currentPage*/ b[14] ), (!P || k & /*numPages*/ 8192) && set_data( S, /*numPages*/ b[13] ); const y = {}; k & /*$$scope*/ 134217728 && (y.$$scope = { dirty: k, ctx: b }), C.$set(y); }, i(b) { P || (transition_in(e.$$.fragment, b), transition_in(_.$$.fragment, b), transition_in(C.$$.fragment, b), P = !0); }, o(b) { transition_out(e.$$.fragment, b), transition_out(_.$$.fragment, b), transition_out(C.$$.fragment, b), P = !1; }, d(b) { b && (detach(i), detach(n), detach(l), detach(h)), destroy_component(e, b), t[22](null), destroy_component(_), destroy_component(C); } }; } function create_default_slot_3(t) { let e, i; return e = new PdfUploadText({}), { c() { create_component(e.$$.fragment); }, m(n, s) { mount_component(e, n, s), i = !0; }, i(n) { i || (transition_in(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !0); }, o(n) { transition_out(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !1; }, d(n) { destroy_component(e, n); } }; } function create_default_slot_2(t) { let e; return { c() { e = text("⬅️"); }, m(i, n) { insert(i, e, n); }, d(i) { i && detach(e); } }; } function create_default_slot_1(t) { let e; return { c() { e = text("➡️"); }, m(i, n) { insert(i, e, n); }, d(i) { i && detach(e); } }; } function create_default_slot(t) { let e, i, n, s, l, h, _, c = ( /*loading_status*/ t[10] && create_if_block_1(t) ); i = new BlockLabel({ props: { show_label: ( /*label*/ t[8] !== null ), Icon: File$1, float: ( /*value*/ t[0] === null ), label: ( /*label*/ t[8] || "File" ) } }); const o = [create_if_block, create_else_block], r = []; function T(S, w) { return ( /*_value*/ S[12] ? 0 : 1 ); } return s = T(t), l = r[s] = o[s](t), { c() { c && c.c(), e = space(), create_component(i.$$.fragment), n = space(), l.c(), h = empty(); }, m(S, w) { c && c.m(S, w), insert(S, e, w), mount_component(i, S, w), insert(S, n, w), r[s].m(S, w), insert(S, h, w), _ = !0; }, p(S, w) { /*loading_status*/ S[10] ? c ? (c.p(S, w), w & /*loading_status*/ 1024 && transition_in(c, 1)) : (c = create_if_block_1(S), c.c(), transition_in(c, 1), c.m(e.parentNode, e)) : c && (group_outros(), transition_out(c, 1, 1, () => { c = null; }), check_outros()); const C = {}; w & /*label*/ 256 && (C.show_label = /*label*/ S[8] !== null), w & /*value*/ 1 && (C.float = /*value*/ S[0] === null), w & /*label*/ 256 && (C.label = /*label*/ S[8] || "File"), i.$set(C); let P = s; s = T(S), s === P ? r[s].p(S, w) : (group_outros(), transition_out(r[P], 1, 1, () => { r[P] = null; }), check_outros(), l = r[s], l ? l.p(S, w) : (l = r[s] = o[s](S), l.c()), transition_in(l, 1), l.m(h.parentNode, h)); }, i(S) { _ || (transition_in(c), transition_in(i.$$.fragment, S), transition_in(l), _ = !0); }, o(S) { transition_out(c), transition_out(i.$$.fragment, S), transition_out(l), _ = !1; }, d(S) { S && (detach(e), detach(n), detach(h)), c && c.d(S), destroy_component(i, S), r[s].d(S); } }; } function create_fragment(t) { let e, i; return e = new Block({ props: { visible: ( /*visible*/ t[4] ), elem_id: ( /*elem_id*/ t[2] ), elem_classes: ( /*elem_classes*/ t[3] ), container: ( /*container*/ t[5] ), scale: ( /*scale*/ t[6] ), min_width: ( /*min_width*/ t[9] ), $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot] }, $$scope: { ctx: t } } }), { c() { create_component(e.$$.fragment); }, m(n, s) { mount_component(e, n, s), i = !0; }, p(n, [s]) { const l = {}; s & /*visible*/ 16 && (l.visible = /*visible*/ n[4]), s & /*elem_id*/ 4 && (l.elem_id = /*elem_id*/ n[2]), s & /*elem_classes*/ 8 && (l.elem_classes = /*elem_classes*/ n[3]), s & /*container*/ 32 && (l.container = /*container*/ n[5]), s & /*scale*/ 64 && (l.scale = /*scale*/ n[6]), s & /*min_width*/ 512 && (l.min_width = /*min_width*/ n[9]), s & /*$$scope, numPages, currentPage, height, canvasRef, gradio, _value, root, label, value, loading_status*/ 134282627 && (l.$$scope = { dirty: s, ctx: n }), e.$set(l); }, i(n) { i || (transition_in(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !0); }, o(n) { transition_out(e.$$.fragment, n), i = !1; }, d(n) { destroy_component(e, n); } }; } function instance(t, e, i) { let { elem_id: n = "" } = e, { elem_classes: s = [] } = e, { visible: l = !0 } = e, { value: h = null } = e, { container: _ = !0 } = e, { scale: c = null } = e, { root: o } = e, { height: r = 500 } = e, { label: T } = e, { proxy_url: S } = e, { min_width: w = void 0 } = e, { loading_status: C } = e, { gradio: P } = e; pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = ""; let b = h, k = b, F, x = 1, y = 1, p; async function E() { i(12, b = null), await tick(), P.dispatch("change"); } async function $({ detail: G }) { i(0, h = G), await tick(), P.dispatch("change"), P.dispatch("upload"); } async function M(G) { F = await pdfjsLib.getDocument(G.url).promise, i(13, x = F.numPages), m(); } function m() { F.getPage(y).then((G) => { const I = p.getContext("2d"); I.clearRect(0, 0, p.width, p.height); let B = G.getViewport({ scale: 1 }), ee = r / B.height; B = G.getViewport({ scale: ee }); const Y = { canvasContext: I, viewport: B }; i(15, p.width = B.width, p), i(15, p.height = B.height, p), G.render(Y); }); } function N() { y >= x || (i(14, y++, y), m()); } function D() { y != 1 && (i(14, y--, y), m()); } function X(G) { binding_callbacks[G ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { p = G, i(15, p); }); } return t.$$set = (G) => { "elem_id" in G && i(2, n = G.elem_id), "elem_classes" in G && i(3, s = G.elem_classes), "visible" in G && i(4, l = G.visible), "value" in G && i(0, h = G.value), "container" in G && i(5, _ = G.container), "scale" in G && i(6, c = G.scale), "root" in G && i(7, o = G.root), "height" in G && i(1, r = G.height), "label" in G && i(8, T = G.label), "proxy_url" in G && i(20, S = G.proxy_url), "min_width" in G && i(9, w = G.min_width), "loading_status" in G && i(10, C = G.loading_status), "gradio" in G && i(11, P = G.gradio); }, t.$$.update = () => { t.$$.dirty & /*height*/ 2 && i(1, r = r || 500), t.$$.dirty & /*value, root, proxy_url*/ 1048705 && i(12, b = normalise_file(h, o, S)), t.$$.dirty & /*old_value, _value, gradio*/ 2103296 && JSON.stringify(k) != JSON.stringify(b) && (b && M(b), i(21, k = b), P.dispatch("change")); }, [ h, r, n, s, l, _, c, o, T, w, C, P, b, x, y, p, E, $, N, D, S, k, X ]; } class Index extends SvelteComponent { constructor(e) { super(), init(this, e, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, { elem_id: 2, elem_classes: 3, visible: 4, value: 0, container: 5, scale: 6, root: 7, height: 1, label: 8, proxy_url: 20, min_width: 9, loading_status: 10, gradio: 11 }); } } export { Index as I, require$$5$1 as r };