import evaluate
import datasets
import numpy as np

# TODO: Add BibTeX citation
_CITATION = """\
title = {A great new module},
authors={huggingface, Inc.},

# TODO: Add description of the module here
This metric is used for evaluating the quality of relation extraction output. By calculating the Micro and Macro F1 score of every relation extraction outputs to ensure the quality.

Calculates how good are predictions given some references, using Precision, Recall, F1 Score.
    predictions (list of list of dictionary): A list of predicted relations from the model.
    references (list of list of dictionary): A list of ground-truth or reference relations to compare the predictions against.
    **output** (`dictionary` of `dictionary`s) A dictionary mapping each entity type to its respective scoring metrics such as Precision, Recall, F1 Score.
- **entity type** (`dictionary`): score of selected relation type
  - **tp** : true positive count
  - **fp** : false positive count
  - **fn** : false negative count
  - **p** : precision
  - **r** : recall
  - **f1** : micro f1 score
  - **Macro_f1** : macro f1 score
  - **Macro_p** : macro precision
  - **Macro_r** : macro recall
    metric_path = "Ikala-allen/relation_extraction"
    module = evaluate.load(metric_path)
    references = [
        {"head": "phipigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"},
        {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"},
        {'head': 'A醛賦活緊緻精華', 'tail': 'Serum', 'head_type': 'product', 'tail_type': 'category', 'type': 'belongs_to'},
    predictions = [
        {"head": "phipigments", "head_type": "product", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"},
        {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"},
    evaluation_scores = module.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references, mode="strict", detailed_scores=False, relation_types=[])
    {'tp': 1, 'fp': 1, 'fn': 2, 'p': 50.0, 'r': 33.333333333333336, 'f1': 40.0, 'Macro_f1': 25.0, 'Macro_p': 25.0, 'Macro_r': 25.0}

def convert_format(data:list):
        data (list) : list of dictionaries with different entity elements
        {'head': ['phipigments', 'tinadaviespigments'...], 
        'head_type': ['product', 'brand'...], 
        'type': ['sell', 'sell'...], 
        'tail': ['國際認證之色乳', '國際認證之色乳'...], 
        'tail_type': ['product', 'product'...]}, 

        {'head': ['SABONTAIWAN', 'SNTAIWAN'...], 
        'head_type': ['brand', 'brand'...], 
        'type': ['sell', 'sell'...], 
        'tail': ['大馬士革玫瑰有機光燦系列', '大馬士革玫瑰有機光燦系列'...], 
        'tail_type': ['product', 'product'...]}
    predictions = []
    for item in data:
        prediction_group = []
        for i in range(len(item['head'])):
            prediction = {
                'head': item['head'][i],
                'head_type': item['head_type'][i],
                'type': item['type'][i],
                'tail': item['tail'][i],
                'tail_type': item['tail_type'][i],
    return predictions

@evaluate.utils.file_utils.add_start_docstrings(_DESCRIPTION, _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION)
class relation_extraction(evaluate.Metric):
    """evaluating the quality of relation extraction output"""

    def _info(self):
        # TODO: Specifies the evaluate.EvaluationModuleInfo object
        return evaluate.MetricInfo(
            # This is the description that will appear on the modules page.
            # This defines the format of each prediction and reference
                'predictions': datasets.Sequence({
                    "head": datasets.Value("string"),
                    "head_type": datasets.Value("string"),
                    "type": datasets.Value("string"),
                    "tail": datasets.Value("string"),
                    "tail_type": datasets.Value("string"),
                'references': datasets.Sequence({
                    "head": datasets.Value("string"),
                    "head_type": datasets.Value("string"),
                    "type": datasets.Value("string"),
                    "tail": datasets.Value("string"),
                    "tail_type": datasets.Value("string"),
            # Homepage of the module for documentation
            # Additional links to the codebase or references

    def _download_and_prepare(self, dl_manager):

    def _compute(self, predictions, references, mode="strict", detailed_scores=False, relation_types=[]):
        This method computes and returns various scoring metrics for the prediction model based on the mode specified, including Precision, Recall, F1-Score and others. It evaluates the model's predictions against the provided reference data. 
            predictions: A list of predicted relations from the model.
            references: A list of ground-truth or reference relations to compare the predictions against.
            mode: Evaluation mode - 'strict' or 'boundaries'. 'strict' mode takes into account both entities type and their relationships
                  while 'boundaries' mode only considers the entity spans of the relationships.
            detailed_scores: Boolean value, if True it returns scores for each relation type specifically, 
                                      if False it returns the overall scores.
            relation_types: A list of relation types to consider while evaluating. If not provided, relation types will be constructed 
                            from the ground truth or reference data.
            A dictionary mapping each entity type to its respective scoring metrics such as Precision, Recall, F1 Score.
        predictions = convert_format(predictions)
        references = convert_format(references)
        assert mode in ["strict", "boundaries"]

        # construct relation_types from ground truth if not given
        if len(relation_types) == 0:
            for triplets in references:
                for triplet in triplets:
                    relation = triplet["type"]
                    if relation not in relation_types:
        scores = {rel: {"tp": 0, "fp": 0, "fn": 0} for rel in relation_types + ["ALL"]}
        # Count GT relations and Predicted relations
        n_sents = len(references)
        n_rels = sum([len([rel for rel in sent]) for sent in references])
        n_found = sum([len([rel for rel in sent]) for sent in predictions])

        # Count TP, FP and FN per type
        for pred_sent, gt_sent in zip(predictions, references):
            for rel_type in relation_types:
                # strict mode takes argument types into account
                if mode == "strict":
                    pred_rels = {(rel["head"], rel["head_type"], rel["tail"], rel["tail_type"]) for rel in pred_sent if
                                rel["type"] == rel_type}
                    gt_rels = {(rel["head"], rel["head_type"], rel["tail"], rel["tail_type"]) for rel in gt_sent if
                            rel["type"] == rel_type}

                # boundaries mode only takes argument spans into account
                elif mode == "boundaries":
                    pred_rels = {(rel["head"], rel["tail"]) for rel in pred_sent if rel["type"] == rel_type}
                    gt_rels = {(rel["head"], rel["tail"]) for rel in gt_sent if rel["type"] == rel_type}

                scores[rel_type]["tp"] += len(pred_rels & gt_rels)
                scores[rel_type]["fp"] += len(pred_rels - gt_rels)
                scores[rel_type]["fn"] += len(gt_rels - pred_rels)

        # Compute per entity Precision / Recall / F1
        for rel_type in scores.keys():
            if scores[rel_type]["tp"]:
                scores[rel_type]["p"] = 100 * scores[rel_type]["tp"] / (scores[rel_type]["fp"] + scores[rel_type]["tp"])
                scores[rel_type]["r"] = 100 * scores[rel_type]["tp"] / (scores[rel_type]["fn"] + scores[rel_type]["tp"])
                scores[rel_type]["p"], scores[rel_type]["r"] = 0, 0

            if not scores[rel_type]["p"] + scores[rel_type]["r"] == 0:
                scores[rel_type]["f1"] = 2 * scores[rel_type]["p"] * scores[rel_type]["r"] / (
                        scores[rel_type]["p"] + scores[rel_type]["r"])
                scores[rel_type]["f1"] = 0

        # Compute micro F1 Scores
        tp = sum([scores[rel_type]["tp"] for rel_type in relation_types])
        fp = sum([scores[rel_type]["fp"] for rel_type in relation_types])
        fn = sum([scores[rel_type]["fn"] for rel_type in relation_types])

        if tp:
            precision = 100 * tp / (tp + fp)
            recall = 100 * tp / (tp + fn)
            f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)

            precision, recall, f1 = 0, 0, 0

        scores["ALL"]["p"] = precision
        scores["ALL"]["r"] = recall
        scores["ALL"]["f1"] = f1
        scores["ALL"]["tp"] = tp
        scores["ALL"]["fp"] = fp
        scores["ALL"]["fn"] = fn

        # Compute Macro F1 Scores
        scores["ALL"]["Macro_f1"] = np.mean([scores[ent_type]["f1"] for ent_type in relation_types])
        scores["ALL"]["Macro_p"] = np.mean([scores[ent_type]["p"] for ent_type in relation_types])
        scores["ALL"]["Macro_r"] = np.mean([scores[ent_type]["r"] for ent_type in relation_types])

        if detailed_scores:
            return scores
        return scores["ALL"]