library(shiny) | |
library(shinyalert) | |
library(shinythemes) | |
library(shinycssloaders) | |
library(shinyjs) | |
library(httr) | |
library(bslib) | |
library(thematic) | |
library(gtrendsR) | |
library(plotly) | |
library(dplyr) | |
library(ggplot2) | |
options(spinner.color = "lightblue", | |
spinner.color.background = "#ffffff", | |
spinner.size = 2) | |
my_theme <- bs_theme( | |
bg = "#fdfefe", | |
fg = "blue", | |
primary = "red", | |
base_font = font_google("PT Sans Caption"), | |
"font-size-base" = "0.9rem", | |
version = 5, | |
"navbar-bg" = "blue" | |
) | |
thematic_shiny() | |
ui <- list(useShinyjs(),navbarPage(windowTitle = "TrendChecker", | |
title = strong("TrendChecker"),theme = my_theme, | |
tabPanel(title = strong("Trend Over Time"),icon = icon("chart-line"), | |
sidebarLayout( | |
sidebarPanel(width = 3,actionButton("info",strong("About TrendChecker",icon("info"))),hr(), | |
hidden(tags$div(id = "about",h5("TrendChecker is a web application that enables users to monitor the search popularity of any subject of interest over time, | |
and across different countries by calling the Google trend api. Search hit of 100 is the indicator of optimum popularity, while other hits are measured relative to the optimum."))),h4(strong("Controls")),hr(), | |
textInput("text",strong("Enter Search Term"),value = "Soccer"), | |
checkboxGroupInput("check",strong("Select Country(ies)"),choices = c("USA" = "US","UK" = "GB","Germany" = "DE","Netherlands" = "NL","Nigeria" = "NG","Japan" = "JP"),selected = "US"), | |
radioButtons("radio",strong("Choose Trend Source"),choices = c("Web","News","YouTube","Images"),selected = "News"), | |
radioButtons("time",strong("Select Time Frame"),choices = c("Last Hour","Last Four Hours","Last Day","Last Seven Days","Past 30 Days","Past 90 Days","Past 12 Months","Last Five Years"),selected = "Last Seven Days"), | |
actionButton("run",strong("Run Query"),icon("caret-right")) | |
), | |
mainPanel( | |
withSpinner(plotlyOutput("plot"),type = 8)) | |
)) | |
)) | |
# Define server logic required to run query | |
server <- function(input, output,session) { | |
## APP info button toggle activation | |
observeEvent(input$info,{ | |
toggle("about") | |
}) | |
## Create reactive input switch functionality | |
check_input <- reactive(input$check) | |
radio_input <- reactive(switch(input$radio, | |
"Web" = "web", | |
"News" = "news", | |
"YouTube" = "youtube", | |
"Images" = "images")) | |
radio_time <- reactive(switch(input$time, | |
"Last Hour" = "now 1-H", | |
"Last Four Hours" = "now 4-H", | |
"Last Day" = "now 1-d", | |
"Last Seven Days" = "now 7-d", | |
"Past 30 Days" = "today 1-m", | |
"Past 90 Days" = "today 3-m", | |
"Past 12 Months" = "today 12-m", | |
"Last Five Years" = "today+5-y")) | |
text_input <- reactive(input$text) | |
## Write the trend function | |
trend <- function(){ | |
gt <- gtrends(keyword = c(text_input()),geo = c(check_input()),gprop = radio_input(), | |
time = radio_time()) | |
p <- plot(gt) | |
gp <- ggplotly(p) | |
return(gp) | |
} | |
## Convert to reactive function | |
trend2 <- reactive(trend()) | |
## Create interactive plot | |
output$plot <- renderPlotly({ | |
withProgress(message = "Fetching data", | |
detail = "This may take a while...",value = 0,{ | |
for (i in 1:25){ | |
incProgress(1/25) | |
Sys.sleep(0.25) | |
} | |
}) | |
input$run | |
isolate(trend2()) | |
}) | |
} | |
# Run the application | |
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) | |