library(shiny) | |
library(shinycssloaders) | |
library(shinythemes) | |
library(shinyWidgets) | |
library(shinyalert) | |
library(spsComps) | |
library(bslib) | |
library(dplyr) | |
library(reactable) | |
library(reactablefmtr) | |
my_theme <- bs_theme( | |
bg = "#fdfefe", | |
fg = "black", | |
primary = "red", | |
base_font = font_google("Geologica"), | |
"font-size-base" = "1.2rem", | |
version = 5, | |
"navbar-bg" = "#9f0be4" | |
) | |
options( | |
shiny.browser = T, | |
spinner.color = "#9f0be4", | |
spinner.color.background = "#FFFFFF", | |
spinner.size = 2 | |
) | |
# options( | |
# shiny.error = function(){ | |
# shinyalert(text = "An error occurred!") | |
# } | |
# ) | |
# | |
# options(shiny.sanitize.errors = FALSE) | |
# import search engine function | |
#source("SearchEngine.R") | |
# Define UI for application that fetches data from Open Alex | |
ui <- list(navbarPage(title = strong("OpenAlex For Gephi"), | |
windowTitle = "OpenAlexForGephi", | |
theme = my_theme, | |
tabPanel(title = strong("Author To Publication"),icon = icon("bar-chart"), | |
includeCSS("style.css"),includeScript("code.js"), | |
sidebarLayout( | |
sidebarPanel = "", | |
mainPanel( | |
align = "center", | |
width = 12, | |
h3(strong("OpenAlex For Gephi"), style = "color:#670e94;text-align:center;"),br(), | |
fluidRow(column(6,actionButton("info",strong("Info"))), | |
column(6,a(h6("Maintainer",style = "color:#670e94;text-align:right;"), style = "text-decoration:none;", target = "_blank", href = ""))), | |
h6(strong("Select Publication Search Window",style = "color:#670e94;")), | |
dateInput("date","From"),dateInput("date2","To"), br(), | |
textInput("text",h6(strong("Keyword Search"),style = "color:#670e94"),placeholder = "Enter keyword(s) here",width = "25%"),br(), | |
actionButton("search",strong("Search"),icon = icon("search")), | |
withSpinner(reactableOutput("table",width = "80%",height = 400),type = 1), | |
fluidRow(column(6,downloadButton("down_nodes",strong("Nodes CSV"),icon = icon("download"))), | |
column(6,downloadButton("down_edges",strong("Edges CSV"),icon = icon("download")))), | |
spsGoTop("up", right = "2%", bottom= "8%", icon = icon("arrow-up"), color = "purple"), | |
))))) | |
# Define server logic for application that fetches data from Open Alex | |
server <- function(input, output, session) { | |
# import nodes function | |
source("OpenAlexNodes.R") | |
# import edges display function | |
source("OpenAlexEdgesDisp.R") | |
# import edges function | |
source("OpenAlexEdges.R") | |
# convert functions to a reactive objects | |
# searchEngine <- reactive({search_engine()}) | |
# convert date inputs to a reactive object | |
fromReactive <- reactive({input$date}) | |
toReactive <- reactive({input$date2}) | |
# convert text input to a reactive object | |
textReactive <- reactive({input$text}) | |
authorNodes <- reactive({authorPubNodes( | |
keywords = c(unlist(strsplit(textReactive(),split = ","))), | |
pub_start_date = fromReactive(), | |
pub_end_date = toReactive() | |
)}) | |
authorEdgesDisp <- reactive({authorPubEdgesDisp( | |
keywords = c(unlist(strsplit(textReactive(),split = ","))), | |
pub_start_date = fromReactive(), | |
pub_end_date = toReactive() | |
)}) | |
authorEdges <- reactive({authorPubEdges( | |
keywords = c(unlist(strsplit(textReactive(),split = ","))), | |
pub_start_date = fromReactive(), | |
pub_end_date = toReactive() | |
)}) | |
# # run the search engine | |
# searchReact <- eventReactive(input$search,{ | |
# searchEngine(keywords = textReactive(), | |
# pub_start_date = fromReactive(), | |
# pub_end_date = toReactive()) | |
# | |
# }) | |
# pass search output to nodes and edges | |
nodes_df <- eventReactive(input$search,{ | |
authorNodes() | |
}) | |
edges_df <- eventReactive(input$search,{ | |
authorEdges() | |
}) | |
edges_disp <- eventReactive(input$search,{ | |
authorEdgesDisp() | |
}) | |
# render data as a reactable output | |
output$table <- renderReactable({ | |
tryCatch( | |
{ | |
reactable(edges_disp(), | |
theme = reactableTheme(highlightColor = "#b615e7", | |
borderColor = "#670e94", | |
borderWidth = 3), | |
bordered = T, | |
compact = T, | |
striped = T, | |
highlight = T, | |
searchable = T, | |
filterable = T) | |
}, | |
error = function(e){ | |
message("An error occurred!") | |
print(e) | |
} | |
) | |
}) | |
# activate download buttons | |
output$down_nodes <- downloadHandler( | |
filename = function(){ | |
paste("Node",".csv",sep = "") | |
}, | |
content = function(file){ | |
write.csv(nodes_df(),file,row.names = F) | |
} | |
) | |
output$down_edges <- downloadHandler( | |
filename = function(){ | |
paste("Edge",".csv",sep = "") | |
}, | |
content = function(file){ | |
write.csv(edges_df(),file,row.names = F) | |
} | |
) | |
# create shiny alert | |
observeEvent(input$info,{ | |
shinyalert( | |
text = "Please note that the bigger the search window, | |
the more data is collected. The more data is collected, | |
the longer the runtime and the longer it takes to commence file download.", | |
title = "Info", | |
closeOnEsc = TRUE, | |
closeOnClickOutside = TRUE, | |
confirmButtonText = "OK", | |
confirmButtonCol = "#9f0be4", | |
timer = 30000, | |
showCancelButton = FALSE, | |
showConfirmButton = TRUE, | |
animation = "slide-from-top" | |
) | |
}) | |
} | |
# Run the application | |
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) | |